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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Il riscatto agrario tra diritto sostanziale e processo / IL RISCATTO AGRARIO TRA DIRITTO SOSTANZIALE E PROCESSO

MARTINOLI, RICCARDO 14 May 2021 (has links)
L’elaborato ha inteso analizzare agli aspetti processuali del riscatto agrario. La tesi affronta in prima istanza la questione attinente all’inquadramento dogmatico del riscatto, quale figura generalmente ricondotta alla categoria dei diritti potestativi, ovvero fra i meri poteri, secondo la tradizionale distinzione cara tanto agli studiosi del processo civile, quanto a quelli del diritto civile sostanziale. Identificato il riscatto quale potere, la riflessione si è concentrata sulla natura sostanziale o processuale del proprio esercizio (in parallelo con lo studio della doppia qualificazione dei diritti potestativi ad esercizio giudiziale o stragiudiziale) ed ha portato ad avvallare la prima ipotesi, sulla base di una precisa scelta discrezionale del legislatore che ha inteso tutelare in maniera peculiare il soggetto coltivatore, senza imporgli la necessità di istaurare un giudizio costitutivo al fine di ottenere la realizzazione dell’effetto traslativo del diritto di proprietà, bensì ritenendo allo scopo sufficiente la mera dichiarazione unilaterale e recettizia. La conclusione della trattazione è dedicata agli aspetti operativi del riscatto agrario, con particolare attenzione alla prassi e ai problemi applicativi che la disciplina speciale della materia pone all’interprete, specialmente riguardo alle modalità per il pagamento del prezzo c.d. di riscatto. / The paper intended to analyze the procedural aspects of agrarian rent. The thesis addresses in the first instance the question relating to the dogmatic framework of redemption, as a figure generally traced back to the category of potestative rights, or among mere powers, according to the traditional distinction dear to both civil law and civil law scholars substantial. Having identified redemption as a power, the reflection focused on the substantive or procedural nature of its exercise (in parallel with the study of the dual qualification of potestative rights for judicial or extrajudicial exercise) and led to endorse the first hypothesis, on the basis of a precise discretionary choice of the legislator who intended to protect the farmer in a particular way, without imposing on him the need to establish a constitutive judgment in order to obtain the translation effect of the property right, but considering the mere unilateral declaration. The conclusion of the discussion is dedicated to the operational aspects of agrarian rent, with particular attention to the special discipline of the subject poses to the interpreter, especially with regard to the methods for paying the so-called price of ransom.

'A Europe without dividing lines': the normative framework of the European neighbourhood policy - emergent jus gentium or consolidation of jus civile?

Fee, Emma January 2005 (has links)
No description available.


PEDRO TEIXEIRA GUEIROS 05 June 2023 (has links)
[pt] É possível falar em uma autogestão plena sobre os próprios dados na internet? Esta pergunta, norteadora da presente dissertação, orienta o propósito deste estudo, que tem por objetivo verificar se, em termos práticos, os titulares de dados detêm efetivo controle quanto ao uso de suas informações pessoais no ciberespaço. Sob a análise de diferentes arranjos entre relações on-line e dos respectivos meios de ingerência disponibilizados ao titular, busca-se traçar parâmetros condizentes ao autogoverno sobre os dados, em atenção aos pressupostos do direito à autodeterminação informativa, basilar à sistemática de proteção de dados pessoais. De modo a identificar essas circunstâncias fáticas, a pesquisa traz como enfoque a contextualização do consentimento, enquanto possível hipótese legal capaz de autorizar o tratamento de dados. Acredita-se que uma maior compreensão quanto a formas devidas de controle informacional exercido pelos titulares será determinante à construção de relações de tratamento mais íntegras e confiáveis na internet. / [en] Is it possible to say that there is a full self-management of one s own data on the internet? This question, which guides this present dissertation, guides the purpose of this study, which aims to verify whether, in practical terms, data subjects have effective control over the use of their personal information in cyberspace. Under the analysis of different arrangements between online relations and their respective means of interference made available to the data subject, an attempt is made to outline parameters consistent with self-government over data, considering the assumptions of the right to informational self-determination, basic to the personal data protection system. In order to identify these factual circumstances, the research focuses on the contextualization of consent, as a possible legal hypothesis capable of authorizing data processing. It is believed that a greater understanding of the proper forms of informational control exercised by data subjects will be crucial to the construction of a more complete and reliable processing relations on the internet.

The History of Inequality in Education and the Question of Equality Versus Adequacy

Dominguez, Diana Carol 01 January 2016 (has links)
Although the U.S. Constitution espouses equality, it clearly is not practiced in all aspects of life with education being a significant outlier. In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote about inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These two theories are related to education through educational adequacy and equality. Sufficientarianism, or educational adequacy, says that what is important is that everyone has “good enough” educational opportunities, but not the same ones. Egalitarianism, or educational equality, says that there is an intrinsic value in having the same educational opportunities and only having good enough opportunities misses something important, which causes problems for those who have not had the same opportunities. I will argue that the latter theory of egalitarianism, or educational equality is a better approach to the education system in America than sufficientarianism because every child deserves an excellent education and equal access to opportunities regardless of irrelevant factors.

How Defendant Characteristics Affect Sentencing and Conviction in the US

Kuenzli, Payton 01 January 2018 (has links)
This research study analyzes whether or not there is any relationship between sentencing and conviction and certain defendant characteristics in the US legal system. In the midst of a time where the nation is strongly divided politically, the topic is often the center of research projects and discussions in academic journals. Specifically, this research explores the 3 characteristics- race, gender, and socioeconomic status. Within this article, multiple case studies from other journals are cited in which research and experiments have suggested that these factors do have influence on both whether or not a defendant gets convicted or for how long the defendant is sentenced. With these cases in mind, we try to test the theory for ourselves in a survey experiment amongst college students. The survey tests cases with instances of academic dishonesty in university with the defendant characteristics being manipulated for race, gender, and socioeconomic status. However, the results were inconclusive of any sort of link between those characteristics and the "sentencing" in the study.

La réception du contrat de crédit-bail par le droit positif irakien. Étude à partir des droits français et américain / The receipt of the contract of finance lease in Iraqi positive law. Study from the French and U.S. law

Al-bsherawy, Ammar 25 January 2014 (has links)
La réception du contrat de crédit-bail par le droit positif irakien n’a pas besoin d’une acculturation qui prendrait la forme de la soumission ou de l’assimilation aux règles juridiques ayant été élaborées dans un environnement juridique différent. Afin d’être accueilli par le droit positif irakien, le contrat de crédit-bail doit passer par la réception des modèles français, américain, islamique dans le système juridique irakien pour y former un droit mixte d’application spéciale. Pour fournir une explication bien satisfaisante pour la réception d’un modèle du contrat de crédit-bail dans l’ordre juridique irakien, il est indispensable de chercher des propositions plus spécifiques s’agissant la sélection des normes juridiques ; l’ajustement entre les normes empruntées et le système juridique dans lequel ils doivent être reçus ; et les relations entre les deux cultures juridiques. Le législateur irakien ne peut se limiter à une simple copie, car il doit veiller à établir des lois qui sont le reflet de la mentalité et de la culture juridique irakienne. Il est donc indispensable d’explorer plus à fond les forces qui motivent la réception du contrat de crédit-bail par le droit positif irakien : la recherche d’un système juridique, culture juridique, et culture fiscale adéquate. Cette analyse ouvre des perspectives nouvelles et soulève toute une série de questions, étudiées à la lumière des droits français, américain et irakien. Les points soulevés par la première partie de notre thèse montrent bien les stratégies, les démarches et les principaux obstacles de la transplantation indirecte des normes juridiques ayant été élaborées dans un environnement non islamique. C’est donc à l’analyse de la réception indirecte des normes juridiques applicables au contrat de crédit-bail que la première partie de la thèse est consacrée. À côté de la réception indirecte des normes juridiques applicables du contrat de crédit-bail, une transplantation directe des normes comptables et fiscales est indispensable pour la réception du contrat de crédit-bail par le droit positif irakien. L’enjeu de la réception d’un point de vue comptable et fiscal sera dès lors multiple : d’une part, un rapprochement entre le droit comptable, fiscal français et le droit fiscal, comptable irakien est souhaitable et recherché. D’autre part, un rapprochement entre le droit comptable, fiscal américain, ayant été inspiré par les normes comptables et fiscales internationales, et le droit fiscal, comptable irakien est faisable. C’est la compatibilité et l’harmonisation qui sont recherchées. C’est donc à l’analyse de la réception directe des normes comptables et fiscales applicables au contrat de crédit-bail que la deuxième partie de la thèse est consacrée. / The receipt of the contract of finance lease in Iraqi positive law does not need an acculturation which would take the shape of submission or the assimilation to the legal rules having been elaborate in a different legal environment. To be integrated into Iraqi substantive law, the contract of finance lease must pass through the transplantation of French, American and Islamic models in the Iraqi legal system to form mixed law of special enforcement. To provide a satisfactory explanation for the adoption of a model of the contract of finance lease in the Iraqi legal system, it is essential to go beyond the often articulated approaches to legal changes. Seeking more specific proposals regarding the selection of legal innovation sources; the fit between the rules borrowed and the system in which they must be received, and the relationships between sectors of the two legal systems. The Iraqi legislator can not be limited a simple copy, because it must be sure to establish laws that are a reflection of the mentality and the Iraqi legal culture. It is therefore essential to further explore the forces that motivate the receipt of finance lease and defines its scope: the search for a legal system, legal culture, tax culture that is perceived as authentic or adequate. This analysis opens up new perspectives and raises a series of questions examined in the light of French, American and Iraqi rights. The points raised by the first part of this thesis show of strategies, approaches and the main obstacles of indirect legal transplantation of rules that have been developed in a non-Islamic environment. So the analysis of indirect receipt legal standards applicable to the contract of finance lease that the first part of the thesis is devoted. Next to the indirect receipt legal rules applicable of the contract of finance lease, a direct transplantation of accounting and tax standards is essential to receipt of contract finance lease the Iraqi positive law. The issue of receipt of an accounting and tax perspective will therefore be multiplied: One hand, reconciliation between the French accounting law, French tax law and, Iraqi accounting law, Iraqi tax law is desirable and sought after. In addition, reconciliation between the U. S. accounting law, U.S. tax law, having been inspired by the international accounting, and tax standards and Iraqi accounting law, Iraqi tax law is feasible. It is then compatibility and harmonization are sought. So the analysis of the direct receipt of accounting and tax rules applicable to the contract of finance lease that the second part of the thesis is devoted.

La diffamation sur Internet : actualiser la responsabilité en droit civil et en common law au Canada

Fortier-Landry, Florence 11 1900 (has links)
En cette ère que plusieurs surnomment le « Web 2.0 », les usagers se sont emparés avec enthousiasme des fonctions liées aux communications et au partage sur Internet, ce médium devenant ainsi une nouvelle plate-forme pour les enjeux liés à la vie privée et à la réputation. La diffamation constitue justement un des problèmes prédominants constatés en lien avec ce contenu électronique, plus particulièrement lorsqu’il est question de contenu généré par les utilisateurs. Face à cet outil permettant une diffusion et une intéractivité sans précédent, comment devons-nous aborder Internet au regard des règles de droit applicables au Canada en matière de diffamation? L’analyse juridique traditionnelle sied-elle aux nouvelles réalités introduites par ce médium? Le bijuridisme canadien nous impose d’étudier parallèlement les régimes de droit civil et de common law et ce, dans une optique comparative afin de comprendre les concepts et le fonctionnement propres à chacune des approches juridiques cohabitant au pays. Cette analyse nous permettra de mettre en lumière les particularités du médium électronique qui se révèlent pertinentes lorsqu’il est question de diffamation et qui font la spécificité des situations et des acteurs en ligne, distinguant ainsi Internet des modes de communications traditionnels que le droit connaît. Cette approche comparative permet de poser un regard critique sur chacun des régimes de droit en vigueur au Canada, considérant la réalité propre à Internet et au contenu généré par les utilisateurs, mais surtout, vise à promouvoir le développement de méthodes d’analyse véritablement ancrées dans le fonctionnement du médium en cause et susceptibles d’évoluer avec celui-ci. / In this era often called « Web 2.0 », users have jumped with enthousiasm on the functions of communications and sharing on the Internet, this medium becoming a new platform for issues relating to privacy and reputation. Defamation is one of the main concerns about electronic content, more specificially regarding user generated content (UGC). Dealing with this tool which enables an unprecedented dissemination and interactivity in communications, how should we treat Internet with regards to the legal rules applicable in matters of defamation in Canada? Does the traditionnal legal analysis fit the new reality introduced by this medium? Because of Canada’s bijuralism, we will study separately the civil law and common law regimes with a comparative method in order to understand the concepts and the functionning specific to each of the legal approaches cohabiting in Canada. It will allow us to identify the special features of the electronic media which stand out when confronted with matters of defamation and which caracterize the specificity of the online context and users, therefore distinguishing it from the traditionnal means of communication known by the law. This comparative analysis aims to take a citical look at each of the law regimes in effect in Canada, considering the reality of Internet and its user generated content. Mainly, this study aims to foster the development of analytical methods truly entrenched in the functionning of the medium concerned and likely to evolve therewith.

La responsabilité civile de l'industrie pharmaceutique : le risque de développement : étude comparative des droits brésilien et québécois

Imparato, Paula Barcelos 07 1900 (has links)
D’une part, le développement scientifique dans le domaine pharmaceutique fournit des bénéfices substantiels à la santé des personnes, améliorant par conséquent leur qualité de vie. Toutefois, créer et mettre en marché une nouvelle substance thérapeutique n’est pas une tâche facile. Les laboratoires investissent du temps et de l’argent en recherche et développement pour y parvenir. D’autre part, malgré les bienfaits de la science et les efforts des chercheurs, les médicaments sont des produits potentiellement dangereux. Ils présentent des risques inhérents à leur nature, capables de causer des préjudices graves et irréversibles. D’ailleurs, la nature dangereuse de ces produits a incité l’instauration de normes qui imposent des critères stricts aux fabricants de médicaments dans le but de protéger le public. En suivant cette tendance mondiale, les législateurs brésilien et canadien ont instauré des régimes statutaires qui édictent des règles rigoureuses de conception, de fabrication et de commercialisation des médicaments. Néanmoins, à cause de la nature pénale et administrative de ces normes, elles ne sont pas efficaces lorsqu’il s’agit de dédommager le consommateur ou le tiers qui est victime du fait du médicament. Dans une telle situation, il faut recourir au droit civil dans le cas du Brésil et du Québec, ou à la common law dans les autres provinces canadiennes. Dans une étude comparée sur le sujet, nous avons appris que les droits civils brésilien et québécois ainsi que la common law canadienne ont des ressemblances très importantes, cependant en ce qui concerne l’exclusion de la responsabilité fondée sur le risque de développement scientifique, différentes solutions s’appliquent. / On the one hand, the scientific development in the pharmaceutical sector provides substantial benefits to human health, thus improving his quality of life. However, developing a new therapeutic substance is a hard task. The laboratories have been investing time and money in research and development to get there. On the other hand, despite the benefits of science and the efforts of researchers, drugs are potentially dangerous. They pose risks inherent in their nature, can cause serious and irreversible damage. Moreover, the hazardous nature of these products has prompted the creation of standards that impose strict criteria for drug manufacturers in order to protect the public. By following this global trend, the Brazilian and Canadian legislators have introduced statutory regulations that lay down strict rules of design, manufacture and marketing of drugs. However, as a result of criminal and administrative standards, they are not effective when it comes to compensate the victim of the drug. In this situation, we must resort to civil law, in the case of Brazil and Quebec, or the common law in respect of other Canadian provinces. In a comparative study, we find out that civil law in Brazil and Quebec and Canadian common law have significant similarities, however, regarding the exclusion of liability based on the risk of scientific development, different solutions apply.

Adaptation et immutabilité en droit musulman : illustrées par l'expérience marocaine

Poupart, André January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

The Influence of ICC Arbitral Decisions on Canadian Law: Comparative Study between Civil Law and Common Law Jurisdictions

Hedaraly, Saleha 05 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de cette recherche est de démontrer que les décisions arbitrales de la Chambre de commerce internationale peuvent être considérées comme une source potentielle de droit au Canada. Il existe actuellement une incertitude quant au droit matériel utilisé en arbitrage international pour résoudre les différends commerciaux. Bien que l’utilisation de la lex mercatoria pour résoudre un litige soit une option, elle se heurte à de nombreuses incertitudes terminologiques et conceptuelles. L’utilisation d’une approche méthodologique de la lex mercatoria permettrait une classification de ses sources en deux branches: (1) le droit statutaire international et (2) le stare decisis des tribunaux d’arbitrage commercial international. Une telle approche méthodologique conférerait plus de certitude quant à l’application d’un droit uniforme. De plus, elle faciliterait l’étude de l’interlégalité entre les règles de la lex mercatoria et le droit matériel interne. Plus particulièrement, elle permet de comparer les similitudes et les différences des règles du droit matériel entre les décisions arbitrales internationales, le droit statutaire international et les juridictions canadiennes de common law et de droit civil. Cette comparaison rend possible une évaluation de l’influence potentielle des décisions arbitrales de la Chambre de commerce internationale sur le droit matériel canadien et si cette influence est plus importante en droit civil ou en common law. / This paper’s objective is to demonstrate that the International Chamber of Commerce’s arbitral awards may be considered as a potential source of law in Canada. There currently exists an uncertainty as to the substantive law used in international commercial arbitration. While the use of lex mercatoria to solve commercial disputes is often referred to, several terminological and conceptual uncertainties undermine its credibility. The use of a methodological approach to lex mercatoria allows for a twofold classification of its sources through: (1) international legislation and (2) stare decisis from international arbitral tribunals. This methodological approach provides a greater certainty for the application of a uniform law which, in turn, allows for the study of interlegality between rules of lex mercatoria and substantive domestic law. Furthermore, this methodological approach facilitates the demonstration of the similarities and differences between international arbitral decisions, international legislation as well as Canadian common law and civil law jurisdictions. This comparative analysis will allow the study of the potential influence of the arbitral decisions of the International Chamber of Commerce on substantive Canadian law and whether this influence is more important in civil law or common law.

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