Spelling suggestions: "subject:"competition"" "subject:"coopetition""
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第三方支付與跨境支付管理業務的發展及因應策略-以台灣金融業為例 / The Development and Strategies to Cope with Third-Party Payment and Cross-border Payment Managing Services:A Case Study of Financial Industry of Taiwan吳俊德 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,為提升金融業之競爭力,建議應強化電子商務技術能力,善用目前據點優勢,重視客戶反饋及增加創新服務,並積極爭取具有綜效之異業結盟,以爭取賽局有利條件。另建議主管機關為進一步保障消費者,短期宜修改《電子支付機構管理條例》相關子法,中長期宜研擬修改《信託法》。為解決跨境交易監理及課稅問題,則可利用跨境支付管理業務。 / As technology advances, payment systems grow diversity. Third-party payment has matured in China and USA. Facing the rise of third-party payment platform, and opening lead by the authority, what stategies should Taiwan's financial industry choose? The research has analyzed and compared Trust with Escrow in third-party payment, and found that Trust is a better way. As far as legal system is concerned, Taiwan values most on consumer protection. Since banks bear the risk of third-party payment company bankruptcy, they can also choose to develop their own third-party payment services.
Due to fierce competition in the domestic online market, online shopping companies dedicate to attract Internet users in China. The research has illustrated the development of cross-border payment managing service, and taken E. Sun Bank as an example. The research explored that financial institution and third-party payment company should cooperate rather than competite in the international market. Combined with high-quality manufacturers, Taiwan's financial institutions and the third-party payment companies could get more profit.
In addition, third-party payment industry is a highly competitive market, resulting in a competitive relationship with the financial industry . In particular, financial managing and loan services provided by third-party payment are very attractive. However, financial institutions and the third-party payment companies are forced to cooperate because of regulatory requirements and the value added by complement. Financial institutions should evalute carefully. According to the result of present study, it is co-opetition in this relationship.
To enhance the competitiveness, the research suggests that financial institutions strengthen the ability of e-commerce technology, make good use of the advantages of the branches, pay attention to customer feedback, establish innovative services, and actively seek alliance which makes synergy. On the other hand, the research recommend authority amend law. In order to supervise cross-border transactions and taxation, authority could use cross-border payments managing service.
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從競合策略對”雙反”議題之研究 –兩岸太陽能光伏產業為例 / Co-opetition Strategy Study for Photovoltaic Industries of Cross-Strait In the case of Anti-Dumping Duty and Counter Vailing Duty魯永強, Lu, Yung Chiang Unknown Date (has links)
2015年3 月,IHS市場調查公司預估由於太陽能光伏企業繼續整合併購有利於市場擴大佔有的連動關係,使得大者恆大,而且平均售價快速下降,驅動市場需求更加高速增長,2020年全球太陽能光伏電站累計安裝量將達到500GW,比較2005年的5.3GW有如天壤之別,同時說明往後五年每年平均安裝64GW,也代表全球投資在太陽能光伏產業的資金每年高達1500億美元,依次中、美、日三國為領先主要投資在新能源建設。再查看平均售價(太陽板光伏模組)2005年價格約為3.5USD/W,隨著市場逐漸增大,預估價格也在2014年降至0.6USD/W。2015-2019年全球總產值將達到5120億美金(以太陽能光伏電站為基礎,系統價格160萬USD/1MW)。
雖然兩岸太陽能光伏產業共同面對一個極具規模及潛力的全球市場,但由於2010-2012年間供需失衡,產能過剩,急速下降的市場平均售價,歐美許多公司工廠因此關廠倒閉,進而對兩岸進行兩次所謂“雙反”–反傾銷Anti Dumping Duty及反補貼Counter Vailing Duty調查,最後判定對矽晶太陽能光伏產品加以處罰性進口關稅。依照WTO世界貿易組織規定會員國在面臨外國進口產品進行不公平競爭,並損害其國內產業時,可以採取救濟措施保護其國內產業,“雙反”就是措施手段之一。2014年大陸也針對美國多晶矽料實施53-57% Anti-Dumping Duty作為反制,目前中美雙方仍處在對峙中,但可預見隨著市場條件改變,將可能達成某種雙方可接受的妥協。
本研究把兩岸太陽能光伏產業競合策略放在上面兩個最大的標題之間及緊迫的時間軸上面,針對兩岸各自產業都已掉入虧損情況(第四章大陸與台灣個案研究),期待從競合策略的積極面(合作是為了創造新生價值,找出潛藏利益,甚至創新價值、價值整合,再爭取自己所創造的價值),加上絲毫不能忽視國家政府在文化、歷史、民族的角度及ECFA大框架協議的前提進行分析得到結論,並且做出建議。當兩岸太陽能光伏產業共同面對普遍存在的“雙反”又同時面向全球市場,台灣在思考競合策略的時候,必須認清在經濟層面上與韓國進行幾乎全面各產業競爭。特別關於時間緊迫,本研究認為無論從面板產業、IC設計產業,都已經說明台灣的技術優勢在快速流失,而大陸方面正傾全國之力加速超前,形成自主(紅色)供應鏈。換句話說,時間完全不在台灣這一邊,如果再對比韓國可以配合大陸的合作條件,台灣更沒有猶豫片刻,佇足不前的理由和本錢了!在非經濟層面上又擁有最好的文化、歷史、民族背景跟大陸進行合作,另外在更高的政治層面的考慮,如臺灣之小,大陸之大,夾存在中日美三個強國之間,臺灣的選擇應該是非常清晰可分辨,並且在極度的時間壓力下應該積極運用國家政府有效作為,盡快在ECFA大框架協議下推進各項服貿、投保、金融協議、導引兩岸太陽能光伏從企業、產業到國家組合全面互利互惠合作達到面向全球市場雙贏局面。 / 2015 March, IHS market survey company forecasts Average Selling Price (ASP) will decrease rapidly and drive much higher demand growth rate, due to the Photovoltaic industries continue merger and acquisition. The forecast also indicates global accumulated installation capacity will reach 500GW in 2020, compared with 5.3GW in the year of 2005 which displays promising growth, meanwhile averages yearly installation capacity of 64GW in next five years and yearly investment of 150B USD globally. When looking into price details that PV module selling price of 3.5USD/W in 2005 has dropped to 0.6USD/W of 2014 which translates gross product value of 512B USD, with price reference of 1.6M USD/1MW solar power system.
Both sides of the Taiwan Straits are facing a huge potential but challenging global market of Photovoltaic industries. The period of 2010-2012 not only generated the peak of demand, also induced problematic over-supply and selling price free-fall. Factories in Europe and North America are forced to become insolvent, then claimed for the restricting of import with Anti Dumping Duty (ADD) and Counter Vailing Duty (CVD) against mainland China and Taiwan, according to WTO regulations. In the year of 2014, mainland China also initiated a reactive measures of ADD against polysilicon imported from USA. Currently mainland China and USA are still struggling the head-on situation, but are believed to reach a compromise solutions under the Photovoltaic market development.
We study the issue of Anti Dumping Duty (ADD) and Counter Vailing Duty (CVD) for the example of Photovoltaic industries, covering both sides of Cross-Strait. We focus Co-opetition in terms of time pressure, each side reporting business loss and propose a very constructive and active strategy as the essence from Co-opetition (Creating Value that You Can Capture is the Central Theme in Co-opetition). Of course, we should never ignore government playing a critically influential role based on culture, history, Chinese nation and forward-moving ECFA positive impact. When generally evaluating Co-opetition strategy, we clearly see the competition every corner between Taiwan and Korea. Specifically about time pressue we realized the reversal happened in the industries LCD flat panel and IC design which mainland China assures to catch up and surmount Taiwan in short future. Taiwan can not afford any hesitation and miss the narrow window of creating and capturing our own value in Co-opetition with mainland China. We worry as well Taiwan’s dilemma situation between USA, Japan and mainland China and strongly believe that the best strategy, in addition to the essence of Co-opetition is to harmonize the relationship with mainland China in all the possible areas. So that when facing global market, a win-win result can be expected, through Co-opetition central theme.
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廠商創新研發競合與知識互動之研究–以台灣中部地區工具機暨零組件產業為例 / R&D and innovation co-opetition and knowledge interaction among industrial firms : the case of machine tool industry in Mid-Taiwan吳健鑫, Wu, Chien-Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
整體而言,本研究將「競中帶合」與「合中帶競」做清楚的定義,進一步地以知識作為廠商進行創新研發競合的根本要素,並提出第三方單位的重要性。在實務上,提供知識互動的影響因素作為廠商進行競合與知識互動時的參考依據。 / Management strategy has gradually transformed from “pure competition” to the coexistence of competition and cooperation, also known as co-opetition, where “co-opetition strategy” has become a popular research focus for scholars who study management. Scholars, upon observing such trend where “peace” and “warfare”- or “yin” and “yang”- exists either at the same time or occurs alternatively, begin to add the “cooperative” element (yang) into the traditional concept of “competition” (yin). Although immense theories and researches on the concept of co-opetition exist, researches that attempt to reveal the co-opetition relationship in the realm of R&D and Innovation among firms from the standpoint of knowledge have been scarce. Regional Innovation Systems is a field full of cooperation and competition, yet past research mostly focused on cooperation and innovation instead of discussing the competition among firms in the region. That is, few researches focused on discussing the cooperation and competition coexisting at the same time in the realm of R&D and Innovation among firms. Moreover, researches that particularly discuss the situation of knowledge sharing and knowledge protection among firms from two R&D and Innovation co-opetition types of “Competition-dominated cooperation” and “Cooperation-dominated competition” relegate said situations to the category of things unknown. Therefore, this research aims to fill the gap in such literature by conducting deep explorations into knowledge interaction among firms in one region, particularly from two R&D and Innovation co-opetition types.
This research adopts a multi-case study method while the main field of research focuses on one of the most renowned global Regional Innovation Systems: the machinery cluster in central Taiwan. During the process of the research, a two-stage, in-depth interview was conducted to understand the co-opetition relationship among the machine tool and component firms in the central Taiwan, and has identified two special case studies of R&D and Innovation co-operation. Furthermore, this research focus on the R&D and Innovation co-opetition relationship among firms and their practices of knowledge interaction in these two cases, and conducts in-depth comparisons and analysis.
By conducting two-stage in-depth interviews, this study summarizes the research propositions and further obtains the following conclusions:
1.Third party plays an important role in R&D and innovation co-opetition knowledge interaction among firms in the same region, including the roles of intermediary coordination, taking the initiative to spawn and manage projects, and transferring, testing and verification of technology.
2.In different “co-opetition” types, the types of knowledge sharing and exchange channels among firms are different according to how similar they are in operational scope. In the case of high similarity in operational scope, basic and theoretical knowledge is shared, and formal meetings are the main channel of knowledge exchange. In the case of low similarity in operational scope, technical and applied knowledge is shared, and the channels of knowledge exchange do not only have formal meetings, but also communicate informally.
3.In different “R&D and innovation co-opetition” types, firms will take different approaches in sharing knowledge (either being selective, not willing, or actively sharing) due to future competition possibilities and trade secrets.
4.Firms differ in their reasons for knowledge protection in different “R&D and innovation co-opetition” types, but will mostly rely on confidential agreements within their contracts as the main measure for knowledge protection.
While past academic research mostly explores "co-opetition relationship" from the perspective of "market" or "resource", this research explores R&D and innovation co-opetition with the most essential element, “knowledge”. Not only is it understood that third-party units are important promoters of competitive firms in forming R&D alliances, "the influencing factors of knowledge interaction" from the perspective of their knowledge interaction under different co-opetition types is concluded. Therefore, this research aims to produce the following contributions in the academic field:
1.Past co-opetition researches mostly focus on generic and strategical fields, this research focuses particularly on bahviors of “co-opetition in R&D and innovation” among firms.
2.Past co-opetition theories’ definitions on markets and resources are insufficient and imprecise, for they describe markets and resources as different factors that affect competition and cooperation. This research offers a finer exploration from the aspect of “knowledge”. This research finds that “knowledge” has an immense impact on co-opetition behaviors. In addition, the knowledge-level viewpoint further blurs the boundary between markets and resources.
3.Past co-opetition theories offered the generic concept of simultaneous competition and cooperation This research further provides empirical research results of two scenarios: "competition-dominated cooperation" and "cooperation-dominated competition".
4.Past researches seldom discuss the role that third parties play in co-opetition. This research states the importance of third parties in the firms’ “co-opetition relationships” through empirical evidence when it comes to R&D and innovation in the region.
5.Past researches of regional innovation systems or clusters primarily focus on cooperation between firms, this research adds the factor of “competition” as a research basis for understanding firms’ co-opetition relationships in and R&D and innovation.
Overall, this research clearly defines "competition-dominated cooperation" and "cooperation-dominated competition", and views “knowledge” as a fundamental element of R&D and innovation co-opetition, putting forward the importance of third-party units. In practice, provide the influential factors of knowledge interaction as a reference for firms to conduct co-opetition and knowledge interaction.
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以策略矩陣分析法探討競合中的動態競爭:自行車產業兩領導廠商為例 / The Strategic Matrix Analysis of Competitive Dynamics in Co-opetition: The Case of Two Leaders in the Bicycle Industry林明翰, Lin, Ming Han Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結合動態競爭的對偶層次分析及策略矩陣分析法,以策略點為分析基礎,更細緻地展開處於合作情境下的兩家競爭廠商,如何在歐洲自行車市場佈局競爭性行動。根據結構內容分析兩家廠商2006至2016 年間的新聞事件後發現,在合作的前提下,兩家廠商分別在競爭性行動的時間軸、地理涵蓋範圍、價值單元以及策略點皆進行具差異性的佈局,呈現多樣化的競爭內涵。
本研究除擴展競合情境下的動態競爭研究外,亦藉由策略矩陣分析法豐富化廠商間可分析的競爭行為,並探討資源條件不同的廠商間,其競爭行為如何佈局的實質細節。本研究對於廠商如何在競合關係中發起競爭性行動,提供了實務性的指引與參考。 / To present a united front against the stress of price-cutting competition from Mainland China, Taiwan’s two leaders in the bicycle industry, Giant and Merida, established an inter-firm cooperation system between competitors in order to achieve the common goal of delivering high-valued product. However, under the premise of cooperation agreement between two competing leaders, what is the dynamicity in co-opetition and the inter-firm competitive action under the real scenario? And, how can we apply the strategic matrix analysis to inter-firm rivalry on competitive behvior involved in co-opetition relationship?
This study combines dyadic analysis from competitive dynamics with strategic matrix analysis to investigate the two research questions addressed above. By using the “strategic point” as the analytical basis, this study examines two competing leaders under cooperation agreement and extracts their competitive actions in European bicycle market with structured content analysis. Building on the results from the analysis of the news between 2006 and 2016, two competing leaders separately differentiate and conduct their competitive action deployments on four dimensions, which are time-axis, geographical coverage, value unit, and strategic point. Therefore, this study reveals the various
contents of two competing leaders in the cooperation-competition.
More than contributing to the research field of competitive dynamics in co-opetition, this study enriches the analyzability of inter-firm competitive behaviors by
conducting strategic matrix analysis. It provides the details about how the firms compete with each other with different resource endowments. This study broadens our view of the competitive dynamics in co-opetition and introduces
practical guidelines on initiating competitive action to the firms in co-opetition relationship.
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Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) Governance Mechanisms and Configurations applied in Swedish companiesPerez Sanchez, Alberto, Trebicka, Zofia January 2022 (has links)
Background: There are several strategies that focal companies can opt for to manage their supplychain. Different combinations of configurations and governance mechanisms are argued to havedifferent sustainability outcomes. First, main firms need to decide if they manage the relationshipwith suppliers themselves or if they hire a third party. Second, the buying companies could leadthe relationship with providers by incorporating collaboration or relying on industry certificates.Besides, Swedish companies, as well as Swedish citizens, are claimed to be highly sustainable.Purpose: The goal of this project is to discover the strategies top Swedish companies implementin their supply chains regarding sustainability, and their influence on the position of the companyin the Sustainable Brand Index. As a result, this project will help to determine which specificactions are most likely to lead to increased supply chain sustainability.Method: To fulfil the research purpose, a qualitative study has been conducted. Seven case studies,consisting of five semi-structured interviews with employees from Swedish companies, and twoperipherical secondary-data based ones, were coded and analysed using the grounded analysisfollowing an abductive approach.Conclusion: The results show that the configuration framework available in the literature is notas accurate as it could be, therefore, a new one is proposed. The combination that appeared to havethe best sustainability outcomes entailed a partially closed configuration i.e., extending monitoringto lower tiers, and a spectrum in the governance mechanisms gathering focal company owninitiatives and certifications.
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Horizontale Einkaufs- und Entwicklungskooperationen in der deutschen Automobilindustrie / Horizontal Purchasing and Development Cooperation's in the German Automotive IndustryReindl, Johannes Michael 22 January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Vertikale Kooperationen gelten seit Anfang der 90er Jahre als zentraler Erfolgsfaktor in der Automobilindustrie. Die Gestaltung der Arbeitsteilung nimmt infolge wiederkehrender Diskussionen über Einkaufs- und Entwicklungskooperationen zwischen einzelnen konkurrierenden Automobilherstellern und der damit verbundenen Ausweitung der unternehmensübergreifenden Zusammenarbeit auf horizontale Kooperationen eine weitere Dimension an.
Johannes Reindl geht in einem komplexen Beschaffungsumfeld der Frage nach, wie die Beziehungen in horizontalen Kooperationen ausgestaltet werden sollten. Ausgerichtet an den Unternehmenszielen des Abnehmers wird hierzu mit einem starken Objektbezug auf die interdisziplinären Bereiche Entwicklung, Qualität, Einkauf und Logistik eingegangen.
Das Buch enthält eine detaillierte und differenzierte Betrachtung relevanter Problemstellungen aus theoretischer und praktischer Perspektive. Damit ist es für Wissenschaftler und Praktiker im strategischen Beschaffungsmanagement von Interesse. Trotz der starken Affinität zur Automobilindustrie bietet sich diese Arbeit auch für andere Industriezweige (z.B. Maschinenbau oder Elektroindustrie) an. / Since the beginning of the 90s vertical cooperations have become a key factor for leading automotive OEMs in order to be successful. Of particular interest is that some competing automotive manufacturers begin to cooperate when it comes to development and purchasing, i.e. horizontal collaborations.
Johannes Reindl focuses on how vertical relationships ought to be extended, to the respective manufacturers, into horizontal cooperations. The business objectives of an individual OEM take centre. He therefore concentrates on the multidisciplinarity of development, quality, purchasing/procurement and logistics.
The present thesis gives a very detailed and differentiated way of looking at different issues from a theoretical as well as practical point of view. Hence it is of relevance for both, academics and senior managers working in strategic procurement. Despite its focus on the automotive industry its content is also relevant within respectively for other industries, e.g. mechanical engineering or electrical industry, just to name a few.
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兩岸太陽能光電廠商競合策略研究 / A case study for cross-strait photovoltaic interfirm co-opetition strategy王羚卉 Unknown Date (has links)
根據統計,太陽能光電產業產品製造重心在2008年金融風暴後,快速往亞洲地區移動,產量增加最快的地區為中國和臺灣,兩岸因各自不同的地理環境、發展條件、政府政策等因素,促使相關產品在全球市場佔有率持續增加。2009 年全球太陽能電池產量為9.34GW,其中,中國與台灣佔全球總產量的49%(中國38%、台灣11%),可見兩岸同時共享全球太陽能光電市場,亦共同競爭全球再生能源產業版圖。
本研究由廠商角度出發,針對兩岸太陽能光電產業競爭與合作策略進行多面向分析研究。首先透過Porter (1980, 1990)五力分析與鑽石模型,對兩岸太陽能光電產業進行探討,並以廠商層次之資源基礎與交易成本等理論,瞭解個案廠商的交易成本與交易價值,同時探討國家和產業因素是否在廠商合作或不合作決策間形成調節效果。本研究發現,面對中國廠商,不同價值鏈階段的台灣廠商需選擇不同的競爭或合作策略,垂直整合並非台灣太陽能光電廠商首選之發展策略。同時,基於資源與能力的互補性可發現,兩岸同價值鏈階段廠商呈相互競爭狀態,廠商合作動機低,而兩岸不同價值鏈階段廠商的合作動機則高。在合作方式方面,則因台灣廠商的目的性差異,主要分作長短期契約和合資兩種方式。此外,本研究亦發現國家條件,如生產要素互補性與政府政策,以及產業發展現況將帶動兩岸廠商建立合作關係的可能性。 / Due to increasingly environmental issues such as pollution or energy crisis, people begin to regard environmental sustainability as an important topic in recent years. There are several kinds of potential substitute energy, including solar, wind, geothermal, water power, biomass energy, etc. Solar energy is one of important substitute energies because of its pollution-free characteristics, stability and decreasing cost trend. Therefore, the governments are committed to develop and promote the solar photovoltaic industry.
According to statistics, the production area of photovoltaic products has been moved quickly from Europe to Asia after the financial crisis in 2008. The two of the fastest growing areas are China and Taiwan. Due to geographical environment, development conditions, government policies and other industrial factors, photovoltaic products from China and Taiwan continue to increase in the global market share. For instance, China and Taiwan accounted for 49% (or 93.4GW) of the worldwide solar cell production (38% in China, 11% in Taiwan) in 2009. It is obvious that China and Taiwan are competing the global photovoltaic market share.
Based on five forces model, diamond model, transaction cost theory and resource-based view, this study provides a multi-strategic analysis of co-opetition in the cross-strait photovoltaic industry. By collecting secondary data and conducing case study, I complete a serious of systematic analysis and results with the grounded theory approach.
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Horizontale Einkaufs- und Entwicklungskooperationen in der deutschen AutomobilindustrieReindl, Johannes Michael 12 July 2012 (has links)
Vertikale Kooperationen gelten seit Anfang der 90er Jahre als zentraler Erfolgsfaktor in der Automobilindustrie. Die Gestaltung der Arbeitsteilung nimmt infolge wiederkehrender Diskussionen über Einkaufs- und Entwicklungskooperationen zwischen einzelnen konkurrierenden Automobilherstellern und der damit verbundenen Ausweitung der unternehmensübergreifenden Zusammenarbeit auf horizontale Kooperationen eine weitere Dimension an.
Johannes Reindl geht in einem komplexen Beschaffungsumfeld der Frage nach, wie die Beziehungen in horizontalen Kooperationen ausgestaltet werden sollten. Ausgerichtet an den Unternehmenszielen des Abnehmers wird hierzu mit einem starken Objektbezug auf die interdisziplinären Bereiche Entwicklung, Qualität, Einkauf und Logistik eingegangen.
Das Buch enthält eine detaillierte und differenzierte Betrachtung relevanter Problemstellungen aus theoretischer und praktischer Perspektive. Damit ist es für Wissenschaftler und Praktiker im strategischen Beschaffungsmanagement von Interesse. Trotz der starken Affinität zur Automobilindustrie bietet sich diese Arbeit auch für andere Industriezweige (z.B. Maschinenbau oder Elektroindustrie) an. / Since the beginning of the 90s vertical cooperations have become a key factor for leading automotive OEMs in order to be successful. Of particular interest is that some competing automotive manufacturers begin to cooperate when it comes to development and purchasing, i.e. horizontal collaborations.
Johannes Reindl focuses on how vertical relationships ought to be extended, to the respective manufacturers, into horizontal cooperations. The business objectives of an individual OEM take centre. He therefore concentrates on the multidisciplinarity of development, quality, purchasing/procurement and logistics.
The present thesis gives a very detailed and differentiated way of looking at different issues from a theoretical as well as practical point of view. Hence it is of relevance for both, academics and senior managers working in strategic procurement. Despite its focus on the automotive industry its content is also relevant within respectively for other industries, e.g. mechanical engineering or electrical industry, just to name a few.
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Assessing partnerships to reach customers in water-stressed regionsMonroy García, Ángela Cristina, Schwarz, Skrollan Madita January 2019 (has links)
Water has been classified as an increasingly stress resource, according to the last World Water Development Report. Concerns about clean drinking water and water sanitation are also focal points of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Moreover, small and medium-sized enterprises (SME), as well as start-ups, are interested in water management innovation and reaching countries with difficult access. This project is motivated by a desire to identify and classify the challenges of reaching water-stressed regions or people living at the bottom of the pyramid (BOP) that are facing water scarcity as well as the aim to recognize approaches of how partnerships - strategic alliances, joint ventures, co-opetition, and buyer-supplier relationship - address some of those challenges. The importance of partnerships, their specific motives, and the assets and activities interchanged in each experience, have been examined through different interviews. By focusing attention on the relation between challenges, partnerships, and business model levels, this paper suggests that partnerships are essential to reach emerging markets, but not all of them are valuable at the earlier stages of a start-up. In addition, according to the challenges that are expected to address, a particular type of partnership should be established, which implies different adaptations in the business model. Therefore, the contribution of this study is to provide orientation to small companies on how to use partnerships based on the challenges to overcome reaching regions with water scarcity. / Vatten har klassificerats som en resurs som allt mer drabbas av vattenstress enligt senaste rapporten från World Water Development. Bekymmer om rent dricksvatten och vattenrening hamnar i fokus i de Globala målen för hållbar utveckling (SDG). Dessutom fokuserar små till medelstora företag och startups är intresserade av innovation inom vatten management och att nå länder där tillgång till vatten är svår. Detta projekt motiveras av en vilja att identifiera och klassificera utmaningarna av att nå vattenstressade regioner och människorna som lever i botten av pyramiden (BOP) som drabbas av vattenbrist och att hitta de metoder som med samarbetspartners, strategiska samarbeten, samriskföretag och leverantörssamarbeten kan hjälpa med dessa utmaningar. Betydelsen av samarbeten, deras specifika mål och tillgångar och aktiviteter som spridits i form av utbyte för varje händelse har examinerats genom olika intervjuer. Genom att fokusera på sammanhanget mellan utmaningarna, samarbeten och olika nivåer av affärsmodeller föreslår denna studie att samarbeten är grundläggande för att kunna nå utvecklingsområden, men inte alla är viktiga i de tidigare skeden i en startup. Dessutom enligt de utmaningar som uppkommer, en speciell typ av samarbete ska etableras som innebär olika anpassningar av affärsmodellen. Därför bidrar denna studie till att ge små företag riktlinjer på hur man använder sammarbetspartnerskap baserat på utmaningarna för att nå de regioner som har vattenbrist.
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