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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Enhancing biogas production by anaerobic codigestion of water hyacinth and pig manure

Tran, Sy Nam, Le, Ngoc Dieu Hong, Huynh, Van Thao, Nguyen, Huu Chiem, Le, Hoang Viet, Ingvorsen, Kjeld, Nguyen, Vo Chau Ngan 07 January 2019 (has links)
The characteristics of anaerobic batch co-digestion of water hyacinth (WH) with pig manure (PM) under seven mixing ratio 100%WH; 80%WH : 20%PM; 60%WH : 40%PM; 50%WH : 50%PM; 40%WH : 60%PM; 20%WH : 80%PM and 100%PM were investigated, each treatment was conducted in five replications with daily loading rate at 1 gVS.L-1.day-1. During the anaerobic digestion process of 60 days, maximum biogas production occurred in two periods, the first stage from 12- 22 days and second stage from 30 - 35 days. The maximum daily biogas productions from each stage were 17.2 L.day-1 and 15.1 L.day-1, respectively. The cumulative biogas production varied between 60 L (100%PM) and 360 L (60%WH : 40%PM). The results showed that the biogas yields of co-digestion 40- 80%WH were higher from 34.6 to 56.1% in comparison with 100%PM and from 109 to 143% in comparison with 100%WH. When mixing with WH, treatments were received more methane and the methane contents were higher than 45% (v/v) that good for energy using purposes. / Nghiên cứu được thực hiện nhằm khảo sát khả năng gia tăng lượng khí sinh học khi tiến hành đồng phân hủy yếm khí lục bình (WH) và phân heo (PM) ở các tỉ lệ phối trộn khác nhau gồm 100%WH; 80%WH : 20%PM; 60%WH : 40%PM; 50%WH : 50%PM; 40%WH : 60%PM; 20%WH : 80%PM và 100%PM. Các nghiệm thức được nạp lượng nguyên liệu là 1 gVS.L-1.ngày-1 và bố trí lặp lại 5 lần. Theo dõi quá trình phân hủy của các nghiệm thức trong 60 ngày ghi nhận có 2 khoảng thời gian lượng khí sản sinh nhiều nhất - giai đoạn 1 từ ngày 12 đến 22, giai đoạn 2 từ ngày 30 đến 35. Lượng khí sản sinh cao nhất tương ứng trong mỗi giai đoạn là 17.2 L.ngày-1 và 15.1 L.ngày-1. Lượng khí tích lũy trong suốt thời gian thí nghiệm ghi nhận thấp nhất ở nghiệm thức 100%PM đạt 60 L, và cao nhất ở nghiệm thức 60%WH : 40%PM đạt 360 L. Năng suất khí sinh ra của các nghiệm thức phối trộn lục bình từ 40 đến 80% cao hơn từ 34,6 đến 56,1% so với nghiệm thức 100%PM và cao hơn từ 109% đến 143% so với nghiệm thức 100%WH. Hàm lượng mê-tan sinh ra từ các nghiệm thức có phối trộn lục bình ổn định trong khoảng > 45% đảm bảo nhiệt lượng cho nhu cầu sử dụng năng lượng.


MICHEL ANGELO O W DE CARVALHO 29 April 2024 (has links)
[pt] O biogás é uma energia renovável com grande potencial de produção a partir de resíduos, incluindo resíduos alimentares. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de três modelos distintos usando Redes Neurais Artificiais (RNAs), com a capacidade de prever o volume acumulado de biogás, de metano e a concentração de CH4, respectivamente. Foi construído um banco de dados da literatura com variáveis do processo de biodigestão anaeróbia: tipo de biomassa, tipo de reator/alimentação, teor de sólido volátil, pH, taxa de carga orgânica, tempo de retenção hidráulica, temperatura e volume do reator. Para cada conjunto de modelos, foram desenvolvidas e testadas 24 RNAs utilizando a ferramenta computacional MATLAB. As RNAs foram avaliadas pela sua capacidade de estimação através do coeficiente de determinação (R2 ) e também através da soma do erro quadrático (SSE) obtidos. Após as etapas iniciais, as redes neurais foram usadas para criar superfícies de resposta, buscando regiões ideais para produção de biogás e metano. Contudo, um único modelo não atingiu a representatividade desejada, levando à segmentação dos dados por tipo de biomassa. As RNAs desenvolvidas demonstraram eficácia na estimação dos grupos usados para treinamento, teste e validação. A melhor rede alcançou R2 de 0,9969 para biogás, 0,9963 para metano e 0,9386 para a porcentagem de metano, com SSE de 0,1808, 0,1089 e 11,45, respectivamente. A estratégia de combinar variáveis do processo em superfícies de resposta revelou-se útil para identificar pontos ótimos no processo produtivo. / [en] Biogas is a renewable energy source with significant production potential from various waste materials, including food waste. In this context, this study presents the development of three distinct models using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), capable of predicting the cumulative volume of biogas, methane, and CH4 concentration, respectively. A literature-based database was constructed, including variables from anaerobic digestion processes: biomass type, reactor/feed type, volatile solid content, pH, organic loading rate, hydraulic retention time, temperature, and reactor volume. For each set of models, 24 ANNs were developed and tested using the MATLAB computational tool. The ANNs estimation capability was assessed using the coefficient of determination (R2) and the sum of squared errors (SSE). Following initial stages, neural networks were employed to create response surfaces, aiming to identify optimal regions for biogas and methane production. However, a single model failed to achieve the desired representativeness, leading to data segmentation based on biomass type. The developed ANNs demonstrated effectiveness in estimating the groups used for training, testing, and validation. The best network achieved R2 values of 0.9969 for biogas, 0.9963 for methane, and 0.9386 for methane percentage, with SSE values of 0.1808, 0.1089, and 11.45, respectively. The strategy of combining process variables in response surfaces proved valuable in identifying optimal points in the production process.

Estudo da aclimatação de lodos anaeróbios como estratégia de inoculação para partida de biometanizadores alimentados com fração orgânica dos resíduos sólidos urbanos / Study of the acclimation of anaerobic sludge as an inoculation strategy for star-up biomethanizers fed with organic fraction of the municipal solid waste

Simões, André Luis Gomes 21 August 2017 (has links)
A Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos, instituída pela Lei Federal 12.305 em agosto de 2010 e regulamentada pelo Decreto 7.404, em 23 de dezembro de 2010, estabeleceu um novo paradigma na gestão e gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos no Brasil. Entre as mudanças apresentadas, uma das mais relevantes é a que prioriza o não aterramento da fração orgânica e a recuperação energética dos resíduos. Por esse motivo, a busca por novas tecnologias para o tratamento desses resíduos tem sido intensificada nos últimos anos. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho busca avaliar o potencial de se realizar estratégias para aclimatação de lodos anaeróbios em possíveis inoculações de biometanizadores alimentados com fração orgânica dos resíduos sólidos urbanos (FORSU). Foram analisados dois diferentes lodos, esses em função da decomposição e estabilização da FORSU por meio de ensaios de biodegradabilidade anaeróbia. O primeiro, lodo ETE (LE), foi coletado de um reator UASB, utilizado para tratamento de esgoto sanitário doméstico, já o segundo, lodo Aterro (LA), foi coletado de uma lagoa de acúmulo de lixiviados em um aterro sanitário desativado. Para os ensaios, utilizaram-se frascos Duran® de 250 mL, incubados a 35°C, considerando-se a co-digestão nas seguintes relações resíduo/inóculo (R0/I0): 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 e 1/1 gSTVresíduo.gSTVinóculo-1. As estratégias de aclimatação consistiram em manter o inóculo para as próximas bateladas, bem como, dobrar as relações (R0/I0) com sucessivas alimentações realizadas em três bateladas sequenciais. Para que fossem possíveis o controle e a verificação do processo ao longo das bateladas, foram realizadas análises físico-químicas, microbiológicas, cinéticas e de atividade metanogênica específica (AME). Os inóculos adaptaram-se de imediato à FORSU, tendo sido verificada produção crescente de metano já nos primeiros dias dos testes. Os melhores resultados do potencial bioquímico de metano foram obtidos pelas menores relações (R0/I0) para ambos os inóculos. As maiores relações (R0/I0) influenciaram negativamente o desempenho do processo de biometanização para o inóculo LE, verificada pelas menores taxas máximas de rendimento de metano e maiores fase lag. Para o inóculo LA, ao final do processo de aclimatação foi verificado maior índice de diversidade para o Domínio Archaea, corroborando com os resultados obtidos pela quantidade de micro-organismos metanogênicos. Essas verificações se deram por meio de análises de microscopia óptica e pelos maiores valores obtidos nos testes de AME. Destarte, conclui-se que a estratégia de aclimatação se utilizando das menores relações (R0/I0): 1/16, 1/8 e 1/4 para o inóculo LA, possui o maior potencial, sendo esse na inoculação em maiores relações (R0/I0) na partida de biometanizadores alimentados com fração orgânica dos resíduos sólidos urbanos, logo, garantindo-se efetividade no processo. / The National Policy on Solid Waste, instituted by Federal Law 12,305 in august 2010 and regulated by Decree 7404, on december 23, 2010, established a new paradigm in the management of solid waste in Brazil. Among the changes presented, one of the most relevant is the one that prioritizes the non-grounding of the organic fraction and the energy recovery of the waste. For this reason, the search for new technologies for the treatment of this waste has been intensified in recent years. In this context, the objective of this work is to evaluate the potential of strategies for acclimatization of anaerobic sludge in possible inoculations of biomethanizers fed with organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW). Two different sludges were analyzed, as a function of the decomposition and stabilization of OFMSW by anaerobic biodegradability tests. The first, ETE sludge (LE), was collected from a UASB reactor, used to treat domestic sanitary sewage, while the second, Aterro sludge (LA) was collected from a pond of leachate accumulation in a deactivated landfill. For the tests, 250 ml Duran® flasks incubated at 35°C were used, considering co-digestion in the following residue/inoculum ratios (R0/I0): 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 and 1/1 gSTVresidue.gSTVinoculum-1. The acclimation strategies consisted in maintaining the inoculum for the next batch, as well as doubling the ratios (R0/I0) with successive feedings performed in three sequential batches. In order to control and verify the process throughout the batch, physical-chemical, microbiological, kinetic and specific methanogenic activity (SMA) analyzes were performed. The inocula immediately adapted to OFMSW, and there was a growing production of methane already in the first days of the tests. The best results of the biochemical potential of methane were obtained by the lower ratios (R0/I0) for both inoculum. The higher ratios (R0/I0) negatively influenced the performance of the biomethanization process for the LE inoculum, verified by the lower maximum methane yield rates and higher lag phase. For the inoculum LA, at the end of the acclimation process, a higher diversity index was verified for the Archaea Domain, corroborating with the results obtained by a number of methanogenic microorganisms. These tests were carried out by means of optical microscopy and the highest values obtained in the SMA tests. Therefore, it is concluded that the acclimation strategy using the lowest ratios (R0/I0): 1/16, 1/8 and 1/4 for the inoculum LA, has the highest potential, being inoculated at higher rates (R0/I0) at the start of biomethanizers fed with organic fraction of municipal solid waste, thus, ensuring effectiveness in the process.

Ecological guild of microbes that drive production of biogas from multiple feedstock

Mukhuba, Mashudu 08 1900 (has links)
Anaerobic digestion (AD) is becoming a widely adopted technology for conversion of organic waste and nutrient-rich fertiliser production due to its cost-effectiveness and sustainability. In this study, a batch experiment was conducted using five different types of food waste and cow dung (CD). No significant difference was observed among the four substrates that produced the highest methane (P<0.05). Based on the batch experiment results, two substrates were selected for semi-continuous digestion and the highest methane yield (67%) was obtained from co-digestion (CO). PCR-DGGE results revealed higher bacterial and archaeal diversity indices in CO as compared to mono-digestion of CD and mixed food waste. The high-throughput sequence analyses revealed that the Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) belonging to the phyla Bacteroidetes, followed by Firmicutes, Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria, were dominant in all treatments. The enhanced methane production in CO could be attributed to the neutral pH and partial shift of archaea from Methanosaeta to Methanosarcina. The digestate and fresh CD were screened for plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB), nutrient and heavy metal content. The dung contained higher concentrations of heavy metals (P<0.05) and potential pathogens in comparison to the digestate. The use of digestate may, therefore, enhance soil fertility with minimal negative environmental effects. / School of Agriculture and Life Sciences / M. Sc. (Life Sciences)

Estudo da aclimatação de lodos anaeróbios como estratégia de inoculação para partida de biometanizadores alimentados com fração orgânica dos resíduos sólidos urbanos / Study of the acclimation of anaerobic sludge as an inoculation strategy for star-up biomethanizers fed with organic fraction of the municipal solid waste

André Luis Gomes Simões 21 August 2017 (has links)
A Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos, instituída pela Lei Federal 12.305 em agosto de 2010 e regulamentada pelo Decreto 7.404, em 23 de dezembro de 2010, estabeleceu um novo paradigma na gestão e gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos no Brasil. Entre as mudanças apresentadas, uma das mais relevantes é a que prioriza o não aterramento da fração orgânica e a recuperação energética dos resíduos. Por esse motivo, a busca por novas tecnologias para o tratamento desses resíduos tem sido intensificada nos últimos anos. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho busca avaliar o potencial de se realizar estratégias para aclimatação de lodos anaeróbios em possíveis inoculações de biometanizadores alimentados com fração orgânica dos resíduos sólidos urbanos (FORSU). Foram analisados dois diferentes lodos, esses em função da decomposição e estabilização da FORSU por meio de ensaios de biodegradabilidade anaeróbia. O primeiro, lodo ETE (LE), foi coletado de um reator UASB, utilizado para tratamento de esgoto sanitário doméstico, já o segundo, lodo Aterro (LA), foi coletado de uma lagoa de acúmulo de lixiviados em um aterro sanitário desativado. Para os ensaios, utilizaram-se frascos Duran® de 250 mL, incubados a 35°C, considerando-se a co-digestão nas seguintes relações resíduo/inóculo (R0/I0): 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 e 1/1 gSTVresíduo.gSTVinóculo-1. As estratégias de aclimatação consistiram em manter o inóculo para as próximas bateladas, bem como, dobrar as relações (R0/I0) com sucessivas alimentações realizadas em três bateladas sequenciais. Para que fossem possíveis o controle e a verificação do processo ao longo das bateladas, foram realizadas análises físico-químicas, microbiológicas, cinéticas e de atividade metanogênica específica (AME). Os inóculos adaptaram-se de imediato à FORSU, tendo sido verificada produção crescente de metano já nos primeiros dias dos testes. Os melhores resultados do potencial bioquímico de metano foram obtidos pelas menores relações (R0/I0) para ambos os inóculos. As maiores relações (R0/I0) influenciaram negativamente o desempenho do processo de biometanização para o inóculo LE, verificada pelas menores taxas máximas de rendimento de metano e maiores fase lag. Para o inóculo LA, ao final do processo de aclimatação foi verificado maior índice de diversidade para o Domínio Archaea, corroborando com os resultados obtidos pela quantidade de micro-organismos metanogênicos. Essas verificações se deram por meio de análises de microscopia óptica e pelos maiores valores obtidos nos testes de AME. Destarte, conclui-se que a estratégia de aclimatação se utilizando das menores relações (R0/I0): 1/16, 1/8 e 1/4 para o inóculo LA, possui o maior potencial, sendo esse na inoculação em maiores relações (R0/I0) na partida de biometanizadores alimentados com fração orgânica dos resíduos sólidos urbanos, logo, garantindo-se efetividade no processo. / The National Policy on Solid Waste, instituted by Federal Law 12,305 in august 2010 and regulated by Decree 7404, on december 23, 2010, established a new paradigm in the management of solid waste in Brazil. Among the changes presented, one of the most relevant is the one that prioritizes the non-grounding of the organic fraction and the energy recovery of the waste. For this reason, the search for new technologies for the treatment of this waste has been intensified in recent years. In this context, the objective of this work is to evaluate the potential of strategies for acclimatization of anaerobic sludge in possible inoculations of biomethanizers fed with organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW). Two different sludges were analyzed, as a function of the decomposition and stabilization of OFMSW by anaerobic biodegradability tests. The first, ETE sludge (LE), was collected from a UASB reactor, used to treat domestic sanitary sewage, while the second, Aterro sludge (LA) was collected from a pond of leachate accumulation in a deactivated landfill. For the tests, 250 ml Duran® flasks incubated at 35°C were used, considering co-digestion in the following residue/inoculum ratios (R0/I0): 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 and 1/1 gSTVresidue.gSTVinoculum-1. The acclimation strategies consisted in maintaining the inoculum for the next batch, as well as doubling the ratios (R0/I0) with successive feedings performed in three sequential batches. In order to control and verify the process throughout the batch, physical-chemical, microbiological, kinetic and specific methanogenic activity (SMA) analyzes were performed. The inocula immediately adapted to OFMSW, and there was a growing production of methane already in the first days of the tests. The best results of the biochemical potential of methane were obtained by the lower ratios (R0/I0) for both inoculum. The higher ratios (R0/I0) negatively influenced the performance of the biomethanization process for the LE inoculum, verified by the lower maximum methane yield rates and higher lag phase. For the inoculum LA, at the end of the acclimation process, a higher diversity index was verified for the Archaea Domain, corroborating with the results obtained by a number of methanogenic microorganisms. These tests were carried out by means of optical microscopy and the highest values obtained in the SMA tests. Therefore, it is concluded that the acclimation strategy using the lowest ratios (R0/I0): 1/16, 1/8 and 1/4 for the inoculum LA, has the highest potential, being inoculated at higher rates (R0/I0) at the start of biomethanizers fed with organic fraction of municipal solid waste, thus, ensuring effectiveness in the process.

Co-méthanisation des déchets fermiers et alimentaires : expérimentation et modélisation / Anaerobic co-digestion of farm and food washes : modeling and experimentation

Rakotoniaina, Volana Astérie 17 August 2012 (has links)
Les deux principaux objectifs de cette thèse sont de développer les aspects théoriques et expérimentaux sur la co-méthanisation des déchets fermiers et alimentaires. Les objectifs de nos études portent sur l'élimination du maximum de déchets mis en ISDND, la réduction des pollutions des milieux naturels (eau, sol, air) par les effluents d'élevage, les boues de STEP et sur la mise en disposition d'une source énergétique renouvelable via le biogaz obtenu. Premièrement, nous avons effectué des expérimentations sur la co-méthanisation des effluents liquides, lisier de porc, boues de STEP, et de la vinasse et le mélange de ces effluents d'élevage avec les déjections solides des animaux (fumier, fientes) et des biodéchets (restes de repas). Ces expérimentations avaient pour but de suivre l'évolution du milieu réactionnel en fonction du composant du mélange ainsi co-digéré. Deuxièmement des tests des potentiels méthane et biogaz issus de mélange associant plusieurs types de déchets organiques sous différents états physiques (liquide, semi liquide, pâteux, solide) ont été effectués. La problématique qui se posait étant de savoir parmi les déchets à mélanger, quelle proportion de chaque mono-substrat donnera le meilleur potentiel méthanogène et s'il était possible de mettre en avant des effets synergétiques entre déchets. Nous avons fait appel à un outil statistique, le plan de mélange pour définir les mélanges à tester. Pour un mélange à 3 composants (fumier de vache, lisier de porc, restes de repas), le nombre d'expériences optimum à réaliser a été de 13. La réalisation du plan de mélange, c'est à dire la campagne expérimentale sur les co-méthanisations des 13 mélanges proposés nous a permis d'observer que le potentiel méthane d'un mélange dépend tout premièrement de sa texture (état physique) à l'entrée du processus. Un mélange contenant un maximum en proportion en co-produits liquides (lisier de porc) associé avec le maximum de déchets riches en substrats solubles (restes de repas) nous a donné les meilleurs potentiels méthane et biogaz. Cette observation a été confirmée par le taux de conversion de la matière sèche (MS) en matière volatile (MV) du mélange. Compte tenu du taux de MS, MV et le ratio MV/MS d'un mélange, ainsi que les interactions entre les composants du mélange, une loi permettant de prédire le potentiel biogaz d'un mélange doit considérer ces facteurs. Cette loi doit tenir compte de l'effet positif (synergisme) et l'effet négatif (antagonisme) entre les composants du mélange. Cette loi a été définie dans le but de prédire le potentiel méthane des mélanges constitués de fumier de vache, lisier de porc et restes de repas et se situant à l'intérieur du domaine expérimental défini par les limites sur les proportions minimale et maximale de chaque composant du mélange. Toutefois, cette loi définie n'est applicable qu'aux mélanges d'association de fumier de vache, de lisier de porc et des restes de repas. Cette loi a été définie pour estimer le BMP des mélanges, et ne permet pas de suivre le procédé de la méthanisation. Aussi, pour prédire le volume de biogaz (méthane) journalier ou cumulé de la cométhanisation. / The two main objectives of this thesis are to develop theoretical and experimental aspects of the anaerobic co-digestion of farm wastes associated with food. Our general studies have for objectives the elimination as much as possible the maximum of organic waste into non-hazardous landfills, reduce pollution of natural environments (water, soil, air) by the effluent livestock, sewage sludge, and dispose of energy via the produced biogas.Firstly, we carried out experiments on the anaerobic co-digestion of the liquid effluents association (pig slurry, sewage sludge, vinasse effluents) and the mixture of animal slurries, manures, and food waste. The aim of these experiments was to follow the evolution of the reactor behavior according to the component of the co-digested mixture.Secondly, BMP tests of mixture of association several types of organic waste under different physical condition (liquid, semi liquid, pasty, solid) were carried out. We have been tried to know, which proportion of each mono-substrate will give the best BMP among waste to mix? We used a statistical tool, the mixture design to define the mixtures to be tested. For a mixture with 3 components (cow dung, pig slurry, food waste), the optimum number of experiments to realize was 13.The realization of the mixture design, i.e. the experiment series on the anaerobic co-digestion of the 13 proposed mixtures enabled us to observe that the BMP of a mixture firstly depends on its texture (physical state) at the entry of the process. A mixture containing a maximum in proportion in liquid substrate (pig slurry) associated with food waste gave us the best biogas and methane potential. This observation was confirmed by the conversion rate of dry matter to volatile solid (VS) of the mixture. These results were proven by the activity (synergism, antagonism) of mixtures components influencing to BMP tests.The empiric law defined to predict the BMP of a mixture must to account the rate of VS/DM of a mixture, and the interactions between components of the mixture. This law must also include the positive effect (synergism) and negative (antagonism) between components of the mixture. This law has been defined in order to predict the potential methane mixtures of cow dung, pig slurry and food wastes and being within the experimental domain defined by the limits on minimum and maximum proportions of each component of the mixture. However, this definite law is applicable only to the mixtures of cow dung, pig slurry and food waste. The definite law is limited for prediction of mixtures BMP. However, this empiric law can not be used to follow reactor process. Model with three stages (hydrolysis of soluble substrate, acidogenic production stage and methanogenic stage) was used to predict daily and cumulative of biogas and methane production of anaerobic digestion of farm waste associated with vegetable waste. This model must be adapted with substrate type used and experimentations conditions (batch and mesophilic conditions). An adjustment of the model equations describing hydrolysis polymers stage was necessary in order to take into account of the concentration of polymers in particulate forms contained in complex substrates such as manure, slurry, and vegetable food waste. This adapted model was called model of Coupling. Indeed, a calibration of the most influential parameters of the model of Coupling, on the output must be carried out in order to validate the model.Daily and cumulative predictions of biogas and methane production of anaerobic digestion of farm waste associated with food waste were obtained by using adapted dynamical model. Model parameters values depend on the substrate type using in experimentation processes. Moreover, parameters values must be verified, needing further work.

Biogaspotential hos våtmarksgräs / Biogas potential in Grasses from Wetlands

Martins, Marvin January 2009 (has links)
<h2>BIOGAS POTENTIAL IN GRASSES FROM WETLANDS</h2><p><em>Marvin Martins</em></p><p>The purpose of this study has been to survey wetlands that are suitable for mowing and to analyze the biogas potential in the harvested grasses. A preformed investigation showed that there are suitable wetlands, which can be harvestable, namely those mowed formerly in traditional haymaking. The practice of traditional haymaking is dying out in Sweden today but there are several good reasons why it should to be reconsidered. Nature- and cultural values are obvious, also the unutilized energy in the grass.</p><p>The suitable types of wetland that were specifically studied were the productive wetlands; meadow marshes and wet meadows. These wetlands are represented in the Swedish meadow- and pasture inventory database; (TUVA) and the Swedish national wetland inventory (VMI). Going through the databases showed that they largely complement each other. A geographical mapping was also carried out of wetlands in relation to areas of interest for the future establishment of biogas plants, so called “hotspots”. The geographical survey shows that there is ample amount of grass from wetlands within a 30-kilometer radius that can supplement the plants main substrate, manure. The map layer Swedish Ground Cover Data (SMD) together with GIS software was used to analyze the extent of overgrowth for the older VMI objects in Uppsala County, with the result that half of the VMI objects are no longer of interest. They have become either woodland and bogs, or reed beds.</p><p>There is very little information on wetland-grasses and methane production. Instead, a theory was evaluated regarding the possibility of transforming nutritional values for grass and sedges into biogas potentials. It was shown that this method does not capture the total biogas potential, but offers a minimum value that can be considered rather reliable. The energy transformation showed that late harvested grasses from wetlands has a biogas potential about 0, 21Nm<sup>3 </sup>methane/ (kg, DM) which is about 60 % of the biogas potential for grass-legume forages. The gas yield after 20 days is also relatively low. It could though be favorable to try grasses from wetlands in methane production, because co-digestion with these grasses and other suitable materials could produce a higher net gas yield for the plant, than using the materials solely by themselves. The derived biogas potential showed that there is at least 4, 4 GWh biogas energy in grasses from wetlands in Uppsala county at a low estimate. Harvesting costs were however shown to be too high in the present to achieve a plus result.</p> / <h2>BIOGASPOTENTIAL HOS VÅTMARKSGRÄS</h2><p><em>Marvin Martins</em></p><p>Syftet med detta arbete har varit att kartlägga våtmarker i Biogas Östs region lämpliga att skörda samt att undersöka biogaspotentialen i detta våtmarksgräs. Undersökningen visar att det finns lämpliga våtmarker, så kallade slåtterängar, i den undersökta regionen. Traditionell slåtter är en utdöende företeelse i Sverige men det finns flera goda argument till varför den borde återupptas. Natur- och kulturvärden är givna sådana men även den outnyttjade energin i gräset.<em></em></p><p>Våtmarkstyper som specifikt har studerats är de produktiva våta slåtterängarna; fuktängar, strandängar och mader. Dessa våtmarker finns representerade i Ängs- och betesmarksinventeringens databas; TUVA och våtmarksinventeringens VMI. En genomgång av databaserna visade att de i stor utsträckning kompletterar varandra. En geografisk kartläggning har även utförts på slåttermarker i förhållande till intressanta områden för framtida biogasanläggningar, så kallade ”hotspots”. Kartläggningen visar att det finns gott om våtmarksgräs inom en tremilsradie som kan komplettera anläggningarnas huvudsubstrat, gödsel. Kartskiktet Svenska Marktäckedata (SMD) tillsammans med GIS-programvara har använts för att analysera hur mycket de äldre VMI-objekten i Uppsala län har växt igen, med resultatet att hälften av VMI-våtmarkerna är inaktuella i dagsläget. De har antingen växt igen med mossor och träd eller blivit vassbälten.</p><p>Det finns ytterst begränsat med information kring rötdata på våtmarksgräs. Istället utvärderades en teori, om fodervärden för ett par gräs- och starrarter kan omvandlas till biogaspotentialer. Det visade sig att denna metod inte ger den maximala biogaspotentialen men ett minimivärde erhålls som kan betraktas som ganska tillförlitligt. Energiomvandlingen visar att sent slåttat våtmarksgräs har en biogaspotential runt 0,21 Nm<sup>3</sup> metan/(kg, TS) vilket är omkring 60 % av den odlade åkervallens biogaspotential. Gasutbytet efter 20 dagars rötning är också relativt lågt. Trots detta kan det vara fördelaktigt att röta våtmarksgräs, eftersom samrötning mellan detta och annat lämpligt material kan ge ett högre nettogasutbyte för anläggningen än rötning av de enskilda materialen var för sig. Den framtagna biogaspotentialen visar att det finns minst 4,4 GWh biogasenergi i våtmarksgräs från till exempel Uppsala län, lågt räknat. Slåtterkostnaderna har dock visat sig vara för höga för att få det att gå ihop ekonomiskt i dagsläget.</p>

Biogaspotential hos våtmarksgräs / Biogas potential in Grasses from Wetlands

Martins, Marvin January 2009 (has links)
BIOGAS POTENTIAL IN GRASSES FROM WETLANDS Marvin Martins The purpose of this study has been to survey wetlands that are suitable for mowing and to analyze the biogas potential in the harvested grasses. A preformed investigation showed that there are suitable wetlands, which can be harvestable, namely those mowed formerly in traditional haymaking. The practice of traditional haymaking is dying out in Sweden today but there are several good reasons why it should to be reconsidered. Nature- and cultural values are obvious, also the unutilized energy in the grass. The suitable types of wetland that were specifically studied were the productive wetlands; meadow marshes and wet meadows. These wetlands are represented in the Swedish meadow- and pasture inventory database; (TUVA) and the Swedish national wetland inventory (VMI). Going through the databases showed that they largely complement each other. A geographical mapping was also carried out of wetlands in relation to areas of interest for the future establishment of biogas plants, so called “hotspots”. The geographical survey shows that there is ample amount of grass from wetlands within a 30-kilometer radius that can supplement the plants main substrate, manure. The map layer Swedish Ground Cover Data (SMD) together with GIS software was used to analyze the extent of overgrowth for the older VMI objects in Uppsala County, with the result that half of the VMI objects are no longer of interest. They have become either woodland and bogs, or reed beds. There is very little information on wetland-grasses and methane production. Instead, a theory was evaluated regarding the possibility of transforming nutritional values for grass and sedges into biogas potentials. It was shown that this method does not capture the total biogas potential, but offers a minimum value that can be considered rather reliable. The energy transformation showed that late harvested grasses from wetlands has a biogas potential about 0, 21Nm3 methane/ (kg, DM) which is about 60 % of the biogas potential for grass-legume forages. The gas yield after 20 days is also relatively low. It could though be favorable to try grasses from wetlands in methane production, because co-digestion with these grasses and other suitable materials could produce a higher net gas yield for the plant, than using the materials solely by themselves. The derived biogas potential showed that there is at least 4, 4 GWh biogas energy in grasses from wetlands in Uppsala county at a low estimate. Harvesting costs were however shown to be too high in the present to achieve a plus result. / BIOGASPOTENTIAL HOS VÅTMARKSGRÄS Marvin Martins Syftet med detta arbete har varit att kartlägga våtmarker i Biogas Östs region lämpliga att skörda samt att undersöka biogaspotentialen i detta våtmarksgräs. Undersökningen visar att det finns lämpliga våtmarker, så kallade slåtterängar, i den undersökta regionen. Traditionell slåtter är en utdöende företeelse i Sverige men det finns flera goda argument till varför den borde återupptas. Natur- och kulturvärden är givna sådana men även den outnyttjade energin i gräset. Våtmarkstyper som specifikt har studerats är de produktiva våta slåtterängarna; fuktängar, strandängar och mader. Dessa våtmarker finns representerade i Ängs- och betesmarksinventeringens databas; TUVA och våtmarksinventeringens VMI. En genomgång av databaserna visade att de i stor utsträckning kompletterar varandra. En geografisk kartläggning har även utförts på slåttermarker i förhållande till intressanta områden för framtida biogasanläggningar, så kallade ”hotspots”. Kartläggningen visar att det finns gott om våtmarksgräs inom en tremilsradie som kan komplettera anläggningarnas huvudsubstrat, gödsel. Kartskiktet Svenska Marktäckedata (SMD) tillsammans med GIS-programvara har använts för att analysera hur mycket de äldre VMI-objekten i Uppsala län har växt igen, med resultatet att hälften av VMI-våtmarkerna är inaktuella i dagsläget. De har antingen växt igen med mossor och träd eller blivit vassbälten. Det finns ytterst begränsat med information kring rötdata på våtmarksgräs. Istället utvärderades en teori, om fodervärden för ett par gräs- och starrarter kan omvandlas till biogaspotentialer. Det visade sig att denna metod inte ger den maximala biogaspotentialen men ett minimivärde erhålls som kan betraktas som ganska tillförlitligt. Energiomvandlingen visar att sent slåttat våtmarksgräs har en biogaspotential runt 0,21 Nm3 metan/(kg, TS) vilket är omkring 60 % av den odlade åkervallens biogaspotential. Gasutbytet efter 20 dagars rötning är också relativt lågt. Trots detta kan det vara fördelaktigt att röta våtmarksgräs, eftersom samrötning mellan detta och annat lämpligt material kan ge ett högre nettogasutbyte för anläggningen än rötning av de enskilda materialen var för sig. Den framtagna biogaspotentialen visar att det finns minst 4,4 GWh biogasenergi i våtmarksgräs från till exempel Uppsala län, lågt räknat. Slåtterkostnaderna har dock visat sig vara för höga för att få det att gå ihop ekonomiskt i dagsläget.

Valorising Organic Waste using the Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens), in Ghana

Joly, Gabrielle January 2018 (has links)
Ghana as a rapidly growing and urbanizing middle-income country is facing a number of challenges, including (1) implementing a sanitary, environmental-friendly, and economically-sound waste management system; (2) increasing its agricultural productivity in a sustainable way to meet the growing domestic food demand; and (3) providing livelihood opportunities in both rural and urban areas. Using the black soldier fly (BSF), a particularly beneficial insect, to locally and cost-effectively valorise abundant, high-impacting, and nutrient rich organic waste streams, such as food waste (FW) and faecal sludge (FS), into affordable and sustainable farming inputs like organic fertilizer and animal feed products, could tackle all these challenges at the same time. Therefore, this study aimed at (1) providing a comprehensive overview of BSF technology; (2) investigating the technical feasibility of valorising food waste and faecal sludge using a low-tech BSF bioconversion system; and (3) assessing the economic viability of such system in the Ghanaian context. First, through an extensive literature review and field visits of BSF units, the different dimensions of the BSF technology were discussed, BSF waste treatment method was compared to other options for organic waste valorisation, case studies of implementation were documented, the status of the research was highlighted, and research gaps were identified. In a second step, a 10-week field work consisting of establishing a BSF colony and recording rearing performance in the one hand, and running two waste treatment trials using a low-tech BSF system on the other hand, enabled demonstrating the technical feasibility of co-digesting FW and FS with the BSF, as well as artificially rearing the BSF in Ghana using a low-tech system. However, further research is needed to characterize the bioconversion products, determine the optimal FW/FS ratio, and optimize the rearing performance of the system. Finally, a costbenefit analysis was conducted to compare three scenarios: (1) co-composting FW and FS into fertilizer; (2) co-digesting FW and FS with BSF into only animal feed; and (3) co-digesting FW and FS with BSF into both animal feed and fertilizer. By building financial models for each scenario and performing a sensitivity analysis, it was established that, in the Ghanaian context, scenario (3) was the most likely to be viable, as well as the most profitable, followed by scenario (1).  On the other hand, scenario (2) was associated with a much lower likelihood to be viable. Eventually, the choice of the optimal valorisation option for FW and FS should consider the local context and priorities. / Ghana, ett snabbväxande medelinkomstland med kraftig urbanisering, står inför ett antal utmaningar, bland annat att (1) införa ett sanitärt, miljövänligt och ekonomiskt avfallshanteringssystem; (2) öka sin jordbruksproduktivitet för att möta den växande inhemska efterfrågan på livsmedel på ett hållbart sätt, och (3) erbjuda möjligheter till försörjning både på landsbygden och i städerna. Genom att använda den svarta soldatflugan (SSF), en särskilt fördelaktig insekt, för att lokalt omvandla rikligt förekommande och näringsrika organiska avfallsströmmar, såsom matavfall (MA) och fekalslam (FS) till prisvärda och hållbara jordbruksinsatsvaror, såsom organiskt gödselmedel och djurfoder, skulle man på ett kostnadseffektivt sätt kunna ta itu med alla dessa utmaningar samtidigt. Därför syftade denna studie till (1) att ge en övergripande översikt över SSF-teknik; (2) undersöka den tekniska möjligheten att skapa värdefulla produkter av matavfall och fekalslam med hjälp av ett biotekniskt system med lågteknologisk SSF i Ghana; och (3) bedöma det ekonomiska systemets bärkraft. Först, baserat på en omfattande litteraturstudie och fältbesök, diskuterades SSF-teknikens olika dimensioner, jämfördes SSF-avfallshanteringsmetoden med andra alternativ för organiska avfallsvalorisationer, dokumenterades fallstudier, redovisades forskningsläget och identifierades kunskapsluckor. I ett andra steg genomfördes ett 10 veckors fältarbete som bestod dels av att etablera en SSF-koloni och dokumentera uppfödningsprestanda, dels att göra två avfallsbehandlingsförsök med hjälp av ett SSF-system med lågteknologi. Därigenom visades att det är tekniskt möjligt att sambehandla MA och FS med SSF, liksom att föda upp SSF i Ghana med hjälp av ett lågteknologiskt system. Det behövs dock ytterligare forskning för att karakterisera slutprodukterna, bestämma det optimala MA/FS-förhållandet och optimera systemets uppfödningsprestanda. Slutligen genomfördes en kostnadsnyttoanalys för att jämföra tre scenarier: (1) kompostering av MA och FS till gödselmedel; (2) sambehandling av MA och FS med SSF till endast djurfoder; och (3) sambehandling av MA och FS med SSF till både djurfoder och gödningsmedel. Genom att bygga modeller för varje scenario och genomföra en känslighetsanalys fastställdes att för Ghana var scenario (3) mest sannolikt livskraftigt, liksom det mest lönsamma, följt av scenario (1). Scenario (2) förknippat med en mycket lägre sannolikhet att vara genomförbart. Till sist bör valet av det optimala behandlingsalternativet för MA och FS ta hänsyn till lokala förhållanden. / Le Ghana, pays en voie de développement connaissant une forte croissance et urbanisation, est confronté à un certain nombre de défis, parmi lesquels (1) la mise en place d’un système de gestion des déchets performant du point de vue sanitaire, environnemental, et économique ; (2) l’augmentation durable de sa productivité agricole afin de répondre à la demande alimentaire croissante dans le pays ; et (3) la création d’opportunités économiques pour ses populations rurales et urbaines. Utiliser la mouche soldat noire (MSN), un insecte particulièrement bénéfique, pour valoriser localement et à moindre coût des déchets organiques abondants, riches en nutriments, et responsables d’importants dommages sanitaires et environnementaux, tels que les déchets alimentaires (DA) et boues de vidange (BV), en intrants agricoles écologiques et bon marché, comme des produits alimentaires pour animaux ou de l’engrais organique, contribuerait à relever tous ces défis à la fois. Ainsi, cette étude visait à (1) réaliser un état de l’art de la technologie liée à la MSN ; (2) étudier la faisabilité technique de valoriser les DA et BV à l’aide d’un system à faible technologie reposant sur la MSN ; (2) analyser la viabilité économique d’un tel system dans le contexte Ghanéen.  Dans un premier temps, un examen approfondi de la littérature scientifique et des visites d’unités de recyclage utilisant la MSN ont permis d’analyser les différentes dimensions de cette technologie, de la comparer à d’autres options de valorisation pour les déchets organiques, de présenter des études de cas, de donner un aperçu de l’état actuel de la recherche, ainsi que de d’identifier les principales lacunes et besoins en matière de recherche. Dans un second temps, dans le cadre d’une étude de terrain réalisée sur une période de dix semaines, un système d’élevage en captivité de MSN a été mis en place et son efficacité analysée, tandis qu’en parallèle deux séries d’expériences de traitement des déchets ont été réalisées. Ces différentes activités ont permis de démontrer que le co-traitement des DA et BA, ainsi que l’élevage en captivité de la MSN à l’aide d’un system low-tech est techniquement réalisable dans le contexte Ghanéen. Toutefois, des recherches supplémentaires sont nécessaires afin d’analyses les propriétés des produits de valorisation, d’établir le ratio DA/BV optimal, et d’optimiser les performances d’élevage. Enfin, une analyse coûts-bénéfices a été réalisée afin de comparer trois scenarios : (1) co-compostage des DA et BV afin de produire de l’engrais ; (2) co-traitement des DA et BV à l’aide de la MSN débouchant sur la production d’aliments pour animaux ; et (3) co-traitement des DA et BV à l’aide de la MSN pour produire à la fois des aliments pour animaux et de l’engrais. La construction de modèles financiers et la réalisation d’une analyse de sensibilité ont permis de démontrer que dans le contexte Ghanéen, le scenario (3) présentait la plus grande probabilité d’être viable et était le plus rentable, suivi par le scenario (1). En revanche, la probabilité que le scenario (2) soit viable s’est révélée beaucoup plus faible. Ultimement, la sélection de la meilleure méthode de valorisation devrait tenir compte du contexte et des priorités locaux.

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