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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utveckling eller förveckling? : En interaktiv studie om en förändringsprocess på en gymnasieskola

Carlén, Anne-Sofie, Alexandersson, Marina January 2008 (has links)
Intresset för studien väcktes ur gemensamma diskussioner kring lärares vardagsarbete i relation till skolans organisation och ledning. Vi fann därför ett förändringsarbete från traditionell till temabaserade undervisning på gymnasieskola intressant att studera. Studiens syfte var att undersöka och söka förståelse för hur förändringsprocessen upplevs och påverkar lärarna samt att vara en del i utvärderingen av lärarnas nybildade tematiska arbetslag. Vi valde att använda aktionsforskning som metod med en hermeneutisk ansats som innebär tolkning och reflektion. När vi studerade tidigare forskning uppmärksammade vi att Blossing (2000) i sin studie konstaterar att bland annat skolkulturen och skolledaren har betydelse för förändringarbetets utveckling. Vi använde oss av reflexiva intervjuer eftersom de erbjuder flexibilitet vid intervjutillfällena och vi relekterade över olika aspekter som framkom. Analysarbetet innebar att vi rörde oss mellan delar och helheter i en ständigt pågående process. Resultatet visar på flera olika aspekter som påverkar lärarna och vi valde att presentera dessa med innehållet i fokus framför individen av hänsyn till lärarnas integritet. Vi fann att personliga erfarenheter och egenskaper påverkade inställningen till förändringsarbetet och dess innehåll. Andra faktorer som synliggjordes var vikten av struktur för arbetet och möjligheter för reflektion. Planeringstidens betydelse och hur den organiseras och disponeras framkom och vi konstaterar att skolledningen har en viktigt roll i förändringsarbetet genom att leda och skapa struktur samt vara lyhörd för arbetslagets signaler. / Our interest for the study was an outcome from our mutual discussions about teachers every day work related to schools leadership and organisations. Therefore we found a developing project from traditional teaching to theme based team work teaching in an upper secondary school interesting for our study. The main purpose of our study was to examine and understand teachers experiances of the change from traditional teaching to theme based teaching. The purpose is also to be a part in the teachers’ team work evaluation. The empirical approach was hermeneutic and the chosen method was action research. As method to collect the empirical material we used reflective interviews that gave us the opportunity to be flexible during the interviews. During the process we reflected over different parts that appeared and how they interact as a totality. When we looked for former research we found that Blossing (2000) establishes that school culture and head of schools are of great importance for the outcome of developing work. From the result we can understand that there are several different factors that affect the teachers in a developing work. Their individual personalities and experiences affect their attitude towards the process of change and the containment of the same. The teachers need time for reflection and they find that they have not got enough time for planning the teaching in the theme based team work. Our conclusion is that the head of school has an important role in leading, creating structure and being attentive to the teachers needs.

Hinder och möjligheter : En jämförande studie kring lärares och förskollärares tankar av vad som uppfattas vara betydelsefullt för samarbete i arbetslag

Lindblad, Emelie, Olsson, Elin January 2008 (has links)
Lärare i dagens skola förväntas att vilja arbeta tillsammans med andra lärare i arbetslag, men har dock en lång tradition bakom sig att individuellt planera och leda arbetet i klassummet. Förskollärare å sin sida har en längre tradition bakom sig att tillsammans planera och leda arbetet bland barnen. Men vad är viktigt för samarbete i arbetslag? Syftet med studien är att bidra till kunskap om variationer i förskollärares och lärares tankar kring arbetslag i förskola och skola med fokus på det som uppfattas vara betydelsefullt för samarbete, för att sedan jämföra dessa båda yrkesgruppers uppfattningar. Med hjälp av en kvalitativ metod har tre lärare samt tre förskollärare intervjuats för att hitta olika sätt att förstå vad som är betydelsefullt för samarbete i arbetslag. Utsagorna tolkades för att hitta variationer samt likheter och skillnader i förskollärarnas respektive lärarnas uppfattningar. I resultatet presenteras ett antal variationer av uppfattningar genom likvärdiga kategorier, som anses betydelsefulla för samarbete i arbetslag. Resultatet visade på likheter i lärares och förskollärares sätt att uppfatta vad som är viktigt för samarbete, men även skillnader. Tid till att planera och diskutera i arbetslaget, tillåtande klimat, arbetslagets sammansättning och utbildning är exempel på vad som uppfattades vara betydelsefullt. Resultatet sätts sedan i ett sammanhang där vi diskuterar vårt resultat i förhållande till tidigare forskning och vilka konsekvenser detta medför i dagens förskola och skola. / In today’s education system, teachers are expected to work together with other teachers as a team; however teachers have a long history of individually planning and leading work in the classroom. On the other hand, pre-school teachers have an even longer tradition of collaboratively planning for and leading the classroom among their colleagues. Given these two differing approaches, what contributes to cooperation in a work team? This study will further the knowledge of variations in preschool teachers and teachers’ thoughts about working together as a team and what´s important for collaboration for to compare and contrast these approaches. Through qualitative research three teachers and three pre-school teachers have been interviewed in order to uncover what contributes to cooperation in teacher teams. The teachers and pre-school teachers’ statements were interpreted to find similarities and differences among their understandings. Although some differences were found among the two groups, the results display similarities in the teachers and pre-school teachers’ understanding of what is important for cooperation. Time to plan and discuss, the group climate, and the composition of members and education were all provided as examples of what is important for cooperation among teaching teams. The results are put in context as we discuss their relationship to earlier research and the consequences that this will have in today’s pre-schools and schools.

Svensk invandrar- och integrationspolitik : en fråga om jämlikhet, demokrati och mänskliga rättigheter / Swedish immigrant and integration policy : a question of equality, democracy and human rights

Södergran, Lena January 2000 (has links)
This thesis consists of three studies that discuss and analyse Sweden's immigrant and integration policy from different perspectives. The main aim is to provide an understanding of and try to explain why the goal to develop an equal status and situation for immigrants and refugees in Sweden not has been realized. The first study, which also is a licentiate thesis, investigates national and local immigrant policy. It focuses on the political application in Umeå, a community in the north of Sweden. The second study extends the analysis by investigating interests and values that have dominated in the process which led to the Swedish integration policy of 1997. The third study extends the discussion about shifts in interests and values in Swedish immigrant policy. Its focus is on the recent increase in interest for questions about integration and repatriation respectively. The three studies are also discussed in introductory and summarizing discussions. The integration problems are here discussed from an extensive theoretical and analytical perspective with focus on questions about integration, citizenship and human rights. One main conclusion is that fundamental organisational, social, economical and political problems must be solved before the goals of Swedish immigrant policy can be reached. In addition it shows that Swedish immigrant and integration policy has developed parallel to, and been influenced by similar developments in other European immigration countries. In addition, international agreements on 'immigrants' and 'refugees' legal position have been of great importance in this development process as well. Accordingly a conclusion is that Swedish immigrant and integration policy not can be seen as an isolated Swedish phenomenon, but must be studied in relation to the development in both Sweden and to its international context. The results of the study of Swedish integration policy show that the moral foundation for this 'new' policy is both well informed and ambitious. It deals with the burning need to abandon the former immigrant policy that stigmatized and often segregated the people it was supposed to support. Yet these ambitions have been restricted by world events, Sweden's financial problems and disagreements among politicians, local workers and affected actors about political practice. The study shows that pragmatic economical considerations largely determine the development of this political field. It also shows that the contemporary debate about Sweden's integration policy consists of tensions between different perspectives, values, interests, ideologies and the like. These kinds of tension are revealed in the study of Swedish integration and repatriation policy as well. I show that both arguments for integration and repatriation political efforts can be built upon apparently humanitarian motives. An argument put forward is that two parallel and often conflicting approaches to what is meant by 'humanitarian efforts' for immigrants and refugees have developed. One approach means that fundamental structural problems in society must be solved before conditions for immigrants and refugees can be more similar to those of the majority. The other approach means that Swedish society only can offer them a life with social, economical and political marginalisation and that the best solution is to set them free from this fate. This later approach is discussed and criticized for being ambiguous and for involving moral political dilemmas. An argument put forward is that it is doubtful whether a repatriation policy can be justifed from a moral and human perspective. In the introductory and summarizing discussions I argue in favour of expanded citizenship and expanded human rights as means to promote participation in a multiethnic and multicultural democracy. / digitalisering@umu

Nationell handlingsfrihet : en begreppsanalys / National freedom of action : a conceptual analysis

Malm, Anders January 2009 (has links)
Försvarsmaktens slutrapport från perspektivplaneringen 2007 innehåller ett avsnitt vilket avhandlar strategiskt samarbete med andra stater. Flera områden, vilka berör Försvarsmaktens operativa förmåga, identifieras som lämpliga för samarbete med de nordiska länderna. I detta sammanhang uttrycker Försvarsmakten ett bibehållande av nationell strategisk handlingsfrihet trots att uppbyggnaden av den operativa förmågan föreslås delas mellan olika länder. Uppsatsens problem och syfte tar sitt avstamp i ovan beskrivna sammanhang. Detta sker genom att undersöka vad begreppet handlingsfrihet kan sägas betyda när det uttrycks i sammanhang av mellanstatligt samarbete. Resultatet av begreppsanalysen visar att handlingsfrihet i den aktuella kontexten innefattar en för aktören inre kamp kring mål och medel samt en kamp mot de begränsningar traditioner och lagar ger. Vidare innehåller begreppet en yttre kamp syftande till att optimera åtgärder för att undersöka motståndarens intention / The Armed Forces’ final report from the perspective planning in 2007 contains a section which deals with strategic cooperation with other states. Several areas, which affect the Armed Forces operational capability, are identified as suitable for collaboration with the Nordic countries. In this context, the Armed Forces express maintenance of national strategic freedom of action, while building the operational capacity would be allocated between different countries. The essay’s problem and objective takes its starting point in the context described above. This is done by examining what freedom of action can be said to mean when it is expressed in the context of intergovernmental cooperation. The result of the conceptual analysis shows that freedom of action in the current context includes an internal struggle about means and ends, and a struggle against the limitations provided by traditions and laws. The result also makes the notion of an external struggle that is aimed at optimizing measures to investigate the opponent's intentions.

Assessment in Evidence-Based Practice : Psychometric Properties, Clinical Utility and Professional Co-operation from Different Perspectives of the Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment in Sweden

Glad, Johan January 2013 (has links)
The overall aim of the present thesis was to explore and compare professional co-operation in child welfare investigations, explore the psychometric properties, and describe the clinical utility from different perspectives of a translated Swedish version of the standardized assessment instrument the Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment (the HOME Inventory). Social workers in Sweden, Denmark, Britain, Germany, and Texas (USA) co-operated with different professionals around a fictitious child welfare case. Differences were found between and within country-based samples, indicating an unsystematic work procedure in the social work agencies studied. The psychometric properties of the translated Early Childhood version (EC-HOME) and Middle Childhood version (MC-HOME) of the HOME Inventory were explored in terms of inter-observer reliability and by Rasch analysis. The samples were authentic Swedish child welfare cases recruited from a field setting. Inter-observer reliability was satisfactory. Results were ambiguous regarding measurement construction of the two versions studied. Because of the differentiating ability of the EC-HOME and MC-HOME, total scores could provide an indication of inadequate home environments. Experiences of social work practitioners of the clinical utility of the HOME Inventory suggested that they considered the instrument to be comprehensive and have explicit potential benefits, i.e. to be clinically useful. Correspondingly, caregivers’ overall perceptions of the HOME Inventory were positive, determining the content relevant and the format acceptable. However, certain flaws have to be rectified before the HOME Inventory is to be implemented and used successfully. Further, education and the possibility to practice administering the instrument seemed to be essential conditions for future use according to social workers. When social workers and teachers’ apprehensions about support and stimulation provided by caregivers to children in their home environments were compared, preschool teachers’ apprehensions correlated poorly with the social workers’ assessment. These results suggest that the HOME Inventory is promising but cultural adaptation and further studies of psychometric properties are necessary. Different forms of support to practitioners and agencies for successful implementation are required. Awareness of the type of information provided by different sources is important when co-operating in child welfare.

SAMVERKAN OCH SAMARBETE : Socialtjänsten och Barn- och Ungdomspsykiatrins gemensamma arbete

Westphal, Marie, Jarl, Johanna January 2008 (has links)
Author: Johanna Jarl and Marie Westphal Title: Co-operation and Collaboration The Social services and Child- and adolescence psychiatry joined action [Translated title] Supervisor: Mikael Sandgren Examiner: Torbjörn Hjort Children and adolescences that have both psychological and social problems is an increasing number of the society. It used to be a demand that Social workers and personnel at Child and adolescence psychiatry had interdisciplinary collaboration, today it is more then a demand it is a requirement. The aim of this study was to understand how the personnel at the Social services and Child and adolescence psychiatry look at the cooperation between the two organizations in Sweden. To be able to accomplish this study we have interviewed four persons employed at the Social services and three persons employed at Child- and adolescencepsychiatry all of them were interviewed individually. To be able to analyze our material from the interviews we have used new institutional organization theory and Goffmans dramaturgic perspective at teams. The interviews showed that there is collaboration between the organizations on all levels, but that the organizations have different priorities. A example of this is that the Social services have an increase in demand of prevention labor which Child- and Adolescence psychiatry will no longer perform due to changes in the organization. We also learned that many factors influence the co-operation and collaboration between the two organizations. The factors we found were belonging to different organizations, professional skills, experience, view, communication, responsibility, rolls and changes in the organization. / Syftet med vår studie var att förstå hur personalen ser på det gemensamma arbetet mellan Socialtjänst och Barn- och Ungdomspsykiatrin i en mellanstor kommun i södra Sverige. Våra frågeställningar var: Hur ser representanterna i respektive organisation på samverkan? Vad innebär samarbetet för de olika representanterna? Hur menar representanterna att samarbetet påverkar samverkan? Hur menar representanterna att samverkan påverkar samarbetet? För att besvara våra frågeställningar använde vi oss av kvalitativa intervjuer som metod. Resultatet analyserades med Nyinstitutionell organisationsteori och Goffmans dramaturgiska perspektiv på team. Vi fick veta att det förekommer ett gemensamt arbete mellan Socialtjänsten och Barn- och Ungdomspsykiatrin men att det finns lite olika syn på hur väl detta arbete fungerar. Barn och ungdomar med psykosocial problematik är i behov av insatser från båda huvudmännen. Men de olika organisationerna har olika syn på vilken form av gemensamt arbete det finns behov av. Något vi fann i vår studie är att Socialtjänsten efterlyser mer förebyggande arbete, något som Barn- och Ungdomspsykiatrin prioriterar bort på grund av nedskärningar. Vårt resultat visar att det finns många andra faktorer som påverkar det gemensamma arbetet som tillhörigheten till olika organisationer, yrkeskompetens, erfarenhet, synsätt, språk, ansvar och roller.

Cross-border Co-operation As A Tool To Enhance Regional Development: The Case Of Hopa-batumi Region

Dursun, Defne 01 June 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this thesis is to examine the effectiveness of cross-border cooperation as a tool for local/regional development of underdeveloped border regions, and whether it is appropriate for Turkey&rsquo / s border regions. The basic statement is that the trajectories of intense economic relations do not always let cross-border co-operation / it can develop through supportive policies fed by the active participation of cross-border actors. The scope of this study is, - to examine changing theoretical ideas about borders and border relations, - to review some of the important changes affecting the cross-border cooperations / and the implications of transformations in the global mechanisms through new network relations determined within the multi-level governance approach, - to develop a framework for analysing the success of cross-border cooperation, - to discuss the cross-border co-operation trajectories through the world experiences and Turkish case, - to search for a new model This study will focus on a set of theoretical tools involving independent dimensions such as governance, economy and social structure. Along these theoretical perspectives, the importance of a cross-border co-operation for local/regional development will be emphasised through the case of Hopa-Batumi border region. Handling of this case will be an attempt to put forward the opportunities and barriers of a cross-border co-operation for Turkish border regions. This study is developed by the examination of theoretical literature, generating comparative analysis of world experiences with reference to available literature, and Turkish border regions executed with the newspapers archives and legal arrangements, and case study through in-depth interviews.

Hinder och möjligheter : En jämförande studie kring lärares och förskollärares tankar av vad som uppfattas vara betydelsefullt för samarbete i arbetslag

Lindblad, Emelie, Olsson, Elin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Lärare i dagens skola förväntas att vilja arbeta tillsammans med andra lärare i arbetslag, men har dock en lång tradition bakom sig att individuellt planera och leda arbetet i klassummet. Förskollärare å sin sida har en längre tradition bakom sig att tillsammans planera och leda arbetet bland barnen. Men vad är viktigt för samarbete i arbetslag? Syftet med studien är att bidra till kunskap om variationer i förskollärares och lärares tankar kring arbetslag i förskola och skola med fokus på det som uppfattas vara betydelsefullt för samarbete, för att sedan jämföra dessa båda yrkesgruppers uppfattningar. Med hjälp av en kvalitativ metod har tre lärare samt tre förskollärare intervjuats för att hitta olika sätt att förstå vad som är betydelsefullt för samarbete i arbetslag. Utsagorna tolkades för att hitta variationer samt likheter och skillnader i förskollärarnas respektive lärarnas uppfattningar. I resultatet presenteras ett antal variationer av uppfattningar genom likvärdiga kategorier, som anses betydelsefulla för samarbete i arbetslag. Resultatet visade på likheter i lärares och förskollärares sätt att uppfatta vad som är viktigt för samarbete, men även skillnader. Tid till att planera och diskutera i arbetslaget, tillåtande klimat, arbetslagets sammansättning och utbildning är exempel på vad som uppfattades vara betydelsefullt. Resultatet sätts sedan i ett sammanhang där vi diskuterar vårt resultat i förhållande till tidigare forskning och vilka konsekvenser detta medför i dagens förskola och skola.</p> / <p>In today’s education system, teachers are expected to work together with other teachers as a team; however teachers have a long history of individually planning and leading work in the classroom. On the other hand, pre-school teachers have an even longer tradition of collaboratively planning for and leading the classroom among their colleagues. Given these two differing approaches, what contributes to cooperation in a work team? This study will further the knowledge of variations in preschool teachers and teachers’ thoughts about working together as a team and what´s important for collaboration for to compare and contrast these approaches. Through qualitative research three teachers and three pre-school teachers have been interviewed in order to uncover what contributes to cooperation in teacher teams. The teachers and pre-school teachers’ statements were interpreted to find similarities and differences among their understandings. Although some differences were found among the two groups, the results display similarities in the teachers and pre-school teachers’ understanding of what is important for cooperation. Time to plan and discuss, the group climate, and the composition of members and education were all provided as examples of what is important for cooperation among teaching teams. The results are put in context as we discuss their relationship to earlier research and the consequences that this will have in today’s pre-schools and schools.</p>

Utveckling eller förveckling? : En interaktiv studie om en förändringsprocess på en gymnasieskola

Carlén, Anne-Sofie, Alexandersson, Marina January 2008 (has links)
<p>Intresset för studien väcktes ur gemensamma diskussioner kring lärares vardagsarbete i relation till skolans organisation och ledning. Vi fann därför ett förändringsarbete från traditionell till temabaserade undervisning på gymnasieskola intressant att studera. Studiens syfte var att undersöka och söka förståelse för hur förändringsprocessen upplevs och påverkar lärarna samt att vara en del i utvärderingen av lärarnas nybildade tematiska arbetslag.</p><p>Vi valde att använda aktionsforskning som metod med en hermeneutisk ansats som innebär tolkning och reflektion. När vi studerade tidigare forskning uppmärksammade vi att Blossing (2000) i sin studie konstaterar att bland annat skolkulturen och skolledaren har betydelse för förändringarbetets utveckling. Vi använde oss av reflexiva intervjuer eftersom de erbjuder flexibilitet vid intervjutillfällena och vi relekterade över olika aspekter som framkom. Analysarbetet innebar att vi rörde oss mellan delar och helheter i en ständigt pågående process.</p><p>Resultatet visar på flera olika aspekter som påverkar lärarna och vi valde att presentera dessa med innehållet i fokus framför individen av hänsyn till lärarnas integritet. Vi fann att personliga erfarenheter och egenskaper påverkade inställningen till förändringsarbetet och dess innehåll. Andra faktorer som synliggjordes var vikten av struktur för arbetet och möjligheter för reflektion. Planeringstidens betydelse och hur den organiseras och disponeras framkom och vi konstaterar att skolledningen har en viktigt roll i förändringsarbetet genom att leda och skapa struktur samt vara lyhörd för arbetslagets signaler.</p> / <p>Our interest for the study was an outcome from our mutual discussions about teachers every day work related to schools leadership and organisations. Therefore we found a developing project from traditional teaching to theme based team work teaching in an upper secondary school interesting for our study. The main purpose of our study was to examine and understand teachers experiances of the change from traditional teaching to theme based teaching. The purpose is also to be a part in the teachers’ team work evaluation.</p><p>The empirical approach was hermeneutic and the chosen method was action research. As method to collect the empirical material we used reflective interviews that gave us the opportunity to be flexible during the interviews. During the process we reflected over different parts that appeared and how they interact as a totality. When we looked for former research we found that Blossing (2000) establishes that school culture and head of schools are of great importance for the outcome of developing work.</p><p>From the result we can understand that there are several different factors that affect the teachers in a developing work. Their individual personalities and experiences affect their attitude towards the process of change and the containment of the same. The teachers need time for reflection and they find that they have not got enough time for planning the teaching in the theme based team work. Our conclusion is that the head of school has an important role in leading, creating structure and being attentive to the teachers needs.</p>

SAMVERKAN OCH SAMARBETE : Socialtjänsten och Barn- och Ungdomspsykiatrins gemensamma arbete

Westphal, Marie, Jarl, Johanna January 2008 (has links)
<p>Author: Johanna Jarl and Marie Westphal</p><p>Title: Co-operation and Collaboration The Social services and Child- and adolescence psychiatry joined action [Translated title]</p><p>Supervisor: Mikael Sandgren</p><p>Examiner: Torbjörn Hjort</p><p>Children and adolescences that have both psychological and social problems is an increasing number of the society. It used to be a demand that Social workers and personnel at Child and adolescence psychiatry had interdisciplinary collaboration, today it is more then a demand it is a requirement. The aim of this study was to understand how the personnel at the Social services and Child and adolescence psychiatry look at the cooperation between the two organizations in Sweden.</p><p>To be able to accomplish this study we have interviewed four persons employed at the Social services and three persons employed at Child- and adolescencepsychiatry all of them were interviewed individually. To be able to analyze our material from the interviews we have used new institutional organization theory and Goffmans dramaturgic perspective at teams. The interviews showed that there is collaboration between the organizations on all levels, but that the organizations have different priorities. A example of this is that the Social services have an increase in demand of prevention labor which Child- and Adolescence psychiatry will no longer perform due to changes in the organization. We also learned that many factors influence the co-operation and collaboration between the two organizations. The factors we found were belonging to different organizations, professional skills, experience, view, communication, responsibility, rolls and changes in the organization.</p> / <p>Syftet med vår studie var att förstå hur personalen ser på det gemensamma arbetet mellan Socialtjänst och Barn- och Ungdomspsykiatrin i en mellanstor kommun i södra Sverige. Våra frågeställningar var: Hur ser representanterna i respektive organisation på samverkan? Vad innebär samarbetet för de olika representanterna? Hur menar representanterna att samarbetet påverkar samverkan? Hur menar representanterna att samverkan påverkar samarbetet? För att besvara våra frågeställningar använde vi oss av kvalitativa intervjuer som metod. Resultatet analyserades med Nyinstitutionell organisationsteori och Goffmans dramaturgiska perspektiv på team. Vi fick veta att det förekommer ett gemensamt arbete mellan Socialtjänsten och Barn- och Ungdomspsykiatrin men att det finns lite olika syn på hur väl detta arbete fungerar. Barn och ungdomar med psykosocial problematik är i behov av insatser från båda huvudmännen. Men de olika organisationerna har olika syn på vilken form av gemensamt arbete det finns behov av. Något vi fann i vår studie är att Socialtjänsten efterlyser mer förebyggande arbete, något som Barn- och Ungdomspsykiatrin prioriterar bort på grund av nedskärningar. Vårt resultat visar att det finns många andra faktorer som påverkar det gemensamma arbetet som tillhörigheten till olika organisationer, yrkeskompetens, erfarenhet, synsätt, språk, ansvar och roller.</p>

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