Spelling suggestions: "subject:"coherence"" "subject:"koherence""
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Pedagogiska verktyg i arbetet för elevens motivation : En studie inom särskolanMartini Calmen, David January 2012 (has links)
This study was conducted at a special school for children with autism and developmental disabilities. The study consists of three interviews where pedagogues have different experiences of working with children in need of special support. The aim is to get an idea of how teachers think about working with children autism, but above all to find out what methods and educational tools that are used, and why they are used to best motivate students to a rewarding education. Sense of coherence (SOC) is a central concept and a theoretical basis of the study relating to the student to create comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness in life. All of these three are essential for the student to find a predictable environment. From the result shows how schools and teachers use different methods and different tools, but both have a focus to help the student find motivation in the learning process. Pedagogues mentions three pedagogical tools where two of them get a little more space in the paper. The pedagogues tell how they think about the various tools and intention of these in the process of helping the student in the quest to find the motivation and meaningfulness in school and life. It is important to highlight the need for special education for children with special needs where special school is an institution that offers expertise in this. Something that makes a big impression is the discussion of how education and training should be tailored along each student's abilities and needs. The pedagogue dialogue is easy to attach to the policy in their operations, curriculum for special school (2011). One pedagogue also expresses this to be a living document which will also serve as support staff in the business.
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Off-Axis Elektronenholographie elastisch und unelastisch gestreuter Elektronen / Off-axis electron holography of elastically and inelastically scattered electronsRöder, Falk 02 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Die Off-Axis-Elektronenholographie ist eine interferometrische Methode zur experimentellen Bestimmung von relativen Phasenschiebungen einer Elektronenwelle. Der Zugang zu diesen Phasenschiebungen ermöglicht z.B. die Bestimmung von intrinsischen elektrischen und magnetischen Feldern eines Objektes im Nanometerbereich. Für eine quantitative Interpretation der Resultate ist die Kenntnis des Rauschens der holographisch rekonstruierten Größen von hoher Bedeutung. In dieser Arbeit wird ein allgemeiner Formalismus abgeleitet, der den Rauschtransfer vom detektierten Hologramm in die rekonstruierten Amplituden- und Phasenbilder beschreibt. Anhand zielgerichteter Experimente wird dieser Formalismus unter Berücksichtigung von gemessenen Rauscheigenschaften des Detektors verifiziert. Im Zuge dessen wird eine experimentelle Methode entwickelt, die es erlaubt, durch Serienaufnahmen und Mittelungsprozeduren das Signal-zu-Rauschverhältnis in den holographischen Resultaten bei gleichbleibender Ortsauflösung erheblich zu verbessern. Daran knüpft sich eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen an, welche in dieser Arbeit in Auszügen aufgeführt werden. Die Grundlage für all diese Experimente besteht in den Welleneigenschaften des Elektrons, welche in der Interferenzfähigkeit (Kohärenz) des Elektrons zum Ausdruck kommen. Elektronen, welche unelastisch an einem Objekt streuen, verlieren diese Eigenschaft und es stellt sich die Frage, ob aus diesem Verlust zusätzliche Informationen über den Streuprozess bzw. über das Objekt selbst gewonnen werden können. Eine Größe, die neben der Intensität auch die Kohärenz der Elektronen beschreibt, ist die reduzierte Dichtematrix. Das motiviert, die Methode der Off-Axis-Elektronenholographie in der Sprache der Dichtematrizen zu formulieren und eine allgemeine Übertragungstheorie für ein holographiefähiges Transmissionselektronenmikroskop abzuleiten. Diese Theorie umfasst alle bisher bekannten Phänomene im Rahmen der Elektronenholographie und bietet darüber hinaus neue instrumentelle Ansätze zur Optimierung des Signal-zu-Rausch-Verhältnisses und zur Überwindung auflösungsbegrenzender Aberrationen. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird weiterhin die Kohärenz von Elektronen mittels energiegefilterter Off-Axis-Elektronenholographie untersucht, welche unelastisch an Siliziumoberflächen streuen und charakteristische Oberflächenplasmonen anregen. Für die Interpretation der Resultate werden zwei Modelle für die Dekohärenz des Elektrons infolge der Wechselwirkung mit einer Objektoberfläche entwickelt und unter Berücksichtigung der Aberrationen des Energiefilters mit dem Experiment verglichen. / Off-axis electron holography provides access to the relative phase shift of an electron wave and allows the experimental determination of intrinsic electric and magnetic fields within an object at nanometre scale. A quantitative interpretation of the results requires the knowledge about the noise in the reconstructed data. In this work, a general formalism is derived describing the transfer of noise from an experimental hologram into reconstructed amplitude and phase images. Concerted experiments verify this formalism under consideration of measured noise properties of the detector. In this frame, a method based on series acquisition and averaging is developed to improve significantly the signal-to-noise ratio of the reconstructed amplitude and phase images at constant spatial resolution. The usefulnes of this method is demonstrated by selected experimental examples from the materials sciences. The capability to show interference, i.e. to be coherent, is a consequence of the electron's wave nature and provides the fundament for all applications of electron holography. By inelastic interaction with the object, the electron loses coherence and the question comes up, whether this loss mechanism contains additional information about the scattering process or even about the object itself. The reduced density matrix is introduced as a suitable quantity describing both intensity and coherence of scattered electrons. That motivates to formulate off-axis electron holography in the language of density matrices and to derive a general transfer theory for this quantity in a holography-dedicated transmission electron microscope. This theory reproduces all known phenomena related to off-axis electron holography and provides new instrumental approaches to improve the signal-to-noise ratio and to overcome resolution limiting aberrations. In this context, the coherence of electrons, which are inelastically scattered by silicon surfaces and have excited characteristic surface plasmons, is investigated by energy-filtered electron holography. For the interpretation of the experimental results, two models are developed for the decoherence of the electron by interaction with an object surface and are compared to the experiment under consideration of the aberrations of the energy-filter.
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Monte Carlo Study of the Magnetic Flux Lattice Fluctuations in High-<em>T<sub>c</sub></em> SuperconductorsBeny, Cedric January 2005 (has links)
By allowing to measure the magnetic field distribution inside a material, muon spin rotation experiments have the potential to provide valuable information about microscopic properties of high-temperature superconductors. Nevertheless, information about the intrinsic superconducting properties of the material is masked by random thermal and static fluctuations of the magnetic field which penetrates the material in the form of vortices of quantized magnetic flux. A good understanding of the fluctuations of those vortices is needed for the correct determination of intrinsic properties, notably the coherence length ξ, and the field penetration depth λ. We develop a simulation based on the Metropolis algorithm in order to understand the effect, on the magnetic field distribution, of disorder- and thermally-induced fluctuations of the vortex lattice inside a layered superconductor. <br /><br /> Our model correctly predicts the melting temperatures of the YBa<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3</sub>O<sub>6. 95</sub> (YBCO) superconductor but largely underestimates the observed entropy jump. Also we failed to simulate the high field disordered phase, possibly because of a finite size limitation. In addition, we found our model unable to describe the first-order transition observed in the highly anisotropic Bi<sub>2</sub>Sr<sub>2</sub>CaCu<sub>2</sub>O<sub>8+<em>y</em></sub>. <br /><br /> Our model predicts that for YBCO, the effect of thermal fluctuations on the field distribution is indistinguishable from a change in ξ. It also confirms the usual assumption that the effect of static fluctuations at low temperature can be efficiently modeled by convolution of the field distribution with a Gaussian function. However the extraction of ξ at low fields requires a very high resolution of the field distribution because of the low vortex density.
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Monte Carlo Study of the Magnetic Flux Lattice Fluctuations in High-<em>T<sub>c</sub></em> SuperconductorsBeny, Cedric January 2005 (has links)
By allowing to measure the magnetic field distribution inside a material, muon spin rotation experiments have the potential to provide valuable information about microscopic properties of high-temperature superconductors. Nevertheless, information about the intrinsic superconducting properties of the material is masked by random thermal and static fluctuations of the magnetic field which penetrates the material in the form of vortices of quantized magnetic flux. A good understanding of the fluctuations of those vortices is needed for the correct determination of intrinsic properties, notably the coherence length ξ, and the field penetration depth λ. We develop a simulation based on the Metropolis algorithm in order to understand the effect, on the magnetic field distribution, of disorder- and thermally-induced fluctuations of the vortex lattice inside a layered superconductor. <br /><br /> Our model correctly predicts the melting temperatures of the YBa<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3</sub>O<sub>6. 95</sub> (YBCO) superconductor but largely underestimates the observed entropy jump. Also we failed to simulate the high field disordered phase, possibly because of a finite size limitation. In addition, we found our model unable to describe the first-order transition observed in the highly anisotropic Bi<sub>2</sub>Sr<sub>2</sub>CaCu<sub>2</sub>O<sub>8+<em>y</em></sub>. <br /><br /> Our model predicts that for YBCO, the effect of thermal fluctuations on the field distribution is indistinguishable from a change in ξ. It also confirms the usual assumption that the effect of static fluctuations at low temperature can be efficiently modeled by convolution of the field distribution with a Gaussian function. However the extraction of ξ at low fields requires a very high resolution of the field distribution because of the low vortex density.
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En studie om elevinflytande och delaktighet hos elever i årskurs 9 / A study about adolescents´ influence and autonomy at school.Klingvall, Bodil, Lindevall, Inger January 2011 (has links)
Varje elev i den svenska skolan har rätt att få kunskap om och insikt i demokratiska principer. Detta är stadgat i den svenska Skollagen och i läroplanen sedan 1946. Skolverket gav 2004 alla svenska skolor i uppdrag att arbeta på ett hälsofrämjande sätt. Elevinflytande och delaktighet i skolan är positiva hälsofrämjande faktorer, genom att eleverna ges möjligheter att själva få påverka sin situation och därmed skapa tillhörighet, sammanhang och meningsfullhet med skolarbete. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur åtta grundskoleelever från åk 9 förklarade och upplevde elevinflytande och delaktighet. Kvalitativ undersökningsmetod användes i form av intervjuer och resultatet från intervjuerna analyserades och relaterades till två huvudområden; det demokratiska och det hälsofrämjande perspektivet. Resultatet av intervjufrågorna visade att informanterna till viss del kunde förklara begreppen elevinflytande och delaktighet, och även relatera till demokratiskt arbete i skolans kontext. Upplevelserna av detta arbete beskrevs som positiva, trygga och meningsfulla. Kopplingen mellan elevinflytande/delaktighet och hälsa blev dock inte tydligt i undersökningen, därtill krävs ytterligare studier. / Every child in Swedish schools should have the right to gain knowledge about and insight in democratic principles related to school matters. This is stated in the Swedish Education Act and in the national curricula since 1946. In 2004 all Swedish schools were commissioned by the National Agency of Education to work in a health promoting way. Democracy, as in influence and autonomy, help young people to protect their health and give opportunities for connectedness and sense of belonging to adolescents own school situation in a positive healthy way. The aim of this study was to investigate how eight pupils from a comprehensive school class (9th degree) perceived and expressed influence and autonomy at school. A qualitative methodology through interviewing was used. The results of the interviews was analyzed and related to two perspectives; the democratic and the health promoting perspective. The findings showed that the informants to a certain extent were able to explain the meaning of, and also relate to some situations connected to influence and autonomy. They described the experiences as being positive, confident and meaningful for them. However, it became difficult to find a distinct connection between the informant´s experienced democracy work and health. Further studies about this coherence are needed.
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Robusta Människor : En förutsättning för ett robust och uthålligt samhälle? / Robust individuals : Prerequisite of a robust and sustainable society?Larsson, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Samhället och världen vi lever i är föränderlig, kanske mer än någonsin. Det finns en strävan efter tålighet och snabb återhämtning för att på ett så bra sätt som möjligt hantera händelser och förändringar som vi inte kunnat förutse. Robusta samhällen kan anses framstå som önskvärda i en föränderlig värld. Då samhällen består av människor kan det antas att robusta människor skapar goda förutsättningar för robusta samhällen. Syftet med denna studie är att få mer kännedom om hur en robust människa upplevs och om det finns likheter i beskrivningarna av ett robust samhälle och en robust människa. Studien genomfördes i form av tre semistrukturerade intervjuer med tolkande fenomenologisk analys. Tre stycken professionella, som i sin profession mött totalt ca 3000 människor som varit med om större händelser och/eller kriser, intervjuades. Studiens resultat visar att upplevelsen av en robust människa är kärleksfull, ansvarsfull i nuet och känslomedveten: Kärleksfull till sig själv, andra och livet. Ansvarsfull och i nuet, oavsett konsekvenserna Medveten om, och känner, sina känslor och gränser. Studien berör även likheter och skillnader mellan begreppen robust, resiliens, resilient och Känsla Av SAMmanhang (KASAM). Vidare visas att det finns likheter mellan hur robusta samhällen och hur robusta människor beskrivs. Robust samhälle Robust människa Ekologisk robusthet Strävar efter god hälsa. Social robusthet Kan skilja på vad som är sina och andras känslor. Teknisk robusthet Är kvar i sig själv vid yttre störningar. Studien kommer fram till att robusta människor troligen är en förutsättning för robusta samhällen. / The society and the world we live are in constant change, maybe more now than ever. There is an aim to be robust and to recover fast to be able meet unpredictable events and changes. Robust societies seem desirable in a changing world. Societies consist of individuals and robust individuals can be assumed to create good conditions for a robust society. The purpose of this study is to gain more knowledge regarding how a robust individual is perceived and if there are similarities in the way a robust society and a robust individual are described. The study was conducted using three semi-structured interviews and interpretive phenomenological analysis. Three professionals, who had meet in total about 3000 individuals who had experienced large events and/or crisis, were interviewed. The result of the study demonstrates the experience of a robust individual being loving, responsible in the present and aware of feelings. Loving to himself/herself, others and life. Responsible and in the present, disregarding the consequences Aware of, and feels, his/hers feelings and boundaries. Similarities and differences between robust, resilience, resilient and Sense Of Coherence (SOC) are briefly covered in the study. There are similarities between how a robust society and a robust individual are described. Robust society Robust individual Ecological robustness Aims at good health. Social robustness Able to distinguish between his/her own feelings and others feelings. Technical robustness Stays as himself/herself when disturbed. The result of the study shows that robust individuals are probably a prerequisite for a robust society.
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Voluntary Motherhood? : a study on seven Lebanese SOS Children’s Village MothersSaab, Nadine January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this project is to study the women involved in the SOS Children’s Villages; the influence of the association on their views on life, as seen from a human-rights and a religious perspective. Questions such as why they chose to work with the association and what it gives them to do so are treated in this study. My goal has been to study and present different aspects of something so important, but yet so unfamiliar. The method used in this project is minor field studies, which means visiting the villages, living with the families and observing their daily lives. The means of acquiring the information necessary for this study is by qualitative interviews with the mothers. A theoretical framework has been used as a complement to the study, and it is also used to bring greater understanding to the SOS mothers and how they have shaped their lives. My ambition with this essay is to bring out their individual experiences on how they view their own lives at present and what meaning life has given them. I have used seven of the 14 interviews conducted. The outcome shows that several factors play important roles as to why the mothers decided to work with the association. Such factors were socioeconomic and sociopsyhologic factors. Other conclusions that were drawn after this field trip were that the women are very vulnerable to the social situation in Lebanon. They need someone to support them since the men are the primary providers. If the women do not find someone to marry they need to find another source for provision and the SOS children’s Association is one way to go. The sense of Coherence that these women had was indeed strong, they felt meaningfulness in what they did, they had comprehended the situations at hand and could manage the situations as predictable, and they have the confidence to know that everything will work out in the best way possible. / Uppsatsen har givits ut som bok 2009 med titeln: "Lebanese SOS Children's Villages: Stories of the village mothers" av VDM Verlag, Saarbrücken.
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"Det är en diagnos men det är en förmåga också" : Upplevelsen och betydelsen av att få en ADHD-diagnos hos unga kvinnor.Tjernqvist, Hanna January 2012 (has links)
Studiens syfte har varit att undersöka upplevelsen och betydelsen av att få en ADHD-diagnos hos unga kvinnor. Studien har haft en kvalitativ ansats och består av intervjuer med tre kvinnor i åldrarna 24 till 30 år som alla har fått sin diagnos efter tjugo års ålder. Utskrifterna från dessa intervjuer har meningskoncentrerats och har analyserats utifrån känsla av sammanhang, diagnossociologiska tankeströmningar och medikaliseringsbegreppet. De två forskningsfrågor som studien har ämnat besvara har varit dels hur de intervjuade kvinnorna har upplevt att få en ADHD-diagnos och dels vilken betydelse ADHD-diagnosen har haft för de intervjuade kvinnorna. Resultatet visar att kvinnorna i studien upplevde det som mestadels positivt att få en ADHD-diagnos och att diagnosen har ökat deras känsla av sammanhang avseende framför allt begriplighet och hanterbarhet men även avseende meningsfullhet. Att få en diagnos har enligt mina informanter inneburit att de förstår sig själva bättre och att de också har fått en större förståelse från andra. Diagnosen har också fungerat som en förklaringsmodell för ens eget beteende. Förutom att egna beteenden har omdefinierats till att förstås utifrån en medicinsk förklaringsmodell har diagnosen även inneburit att kvinnorna fått tillgång till hjälp och hjälpmedel som exempelvis receptbelagda läkemedel. Det har också underlättat utvecklingen av strategier för att klara av vardagen genom att antingen ”ADHD-säkra” eller använda diagnosen som en felsökningsmanual. Slutligen visar studien, som dess titel skvallrar om, på en alternativ bild av att ha en ADHD-diagnos än den som vanligtvis förmedlas i samhället, där kvinnorna ser på ADHD mer som en uppsättning personlighetsdrag som förvisso kan innebära vissa svårigheter i vardagen men som också för många goda saker med sig så som kreativitet, initiativrikedom och en förmåga att se möjligheter där andra ser problem. / The purpose of this study was to examine the experience and the meaning of being diagnosed with ADHD in young women. The study had a qualitative approach and consists of interviews with three women aged 24 to 30 whom all received their diagnosis after the age of 20. The transcripts from the interviews have been processed through meaning condensation and then content analysis, focusing on sense of coherence, sociology of diagnosis and medicalization. The study aims to answer two questions – how the interviewed women experienced being diagnosed with ADHD and what meaning the diagnosis had for the interviewed women. The results shows that the women in this study mainly had positive experiences of being diagnosed with ADHD and that the diagnosis increased their sense of coherence mainly in regards of comprehensibility and manageability but also regarding meaningfulness. Getting an ADHD-diagnosis has, according to the interviewed women, led to a greater understanding of themselves and also to a more understanding approach from others. The diagnosis has also been used as an explanation model for their own behavior. In addition to own behaviors being redefined to be understood in a medicinal explanation model, the diagnosis has also meant that the women has gained access to help and aids like, for instance, prescription drugs. It has also facilitated the development of strategies for managing everyday life through either “ADHD-securing” and using the diagnosis as a manual for troubleshooting. Finally, this study shows an alternative picture of having an ADHD-diagnosis that differs from the picture that is usually conveyed in society, where the women in this study perceive ADHD more as a set of personality traits that indeed may cause difficulties in their everyday life but also brings a lot of good things with it, such as creativity, an ability to take initiatives and an ability to see possibilities where others see problems.
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Analyzing the Conceptual Integrity of Computing Applications Through Ontological Excavation and AnalysisHsi, Idris 19 July 2005 (has links)
In the world of commercial computing, consumers are being inundated with baroque, bloated, and difficult-to-use computing applications, tools that use computational methods and technologies to perform tasks. Market forces demand that new versions of these applications implement more features, the user-accessible behaviors and services implemented by the application, than their predecessors or competitors. Ensuring that planned features required for market competitiveness enhance a computing application without these side effects first requires that we understand how these features contribute to the overall design and conceptual integrity of the application
While conceptual integrity affects all aspect of the application, we are primarily interested in how an applications user-accessible features have been designed and implemented. To this end, we have developed a research framework, methodologies, and artifacts for measuring the conceptual integrity of a computing artifact from its theory of the world or its ontology. We use conceptual coherence, which we define as the degree to which an applications concepts are tightly related, as a first approximation for conceptual integrity.
We claim the following: any computing application has a central or core set of concepts that are essential to that applications ontology and can be identified through analytical means; and concepts that are not essential to an applications ontology either exist to support core concepts or are peripheral to the ontology. Peripheral concepts reduce an applications conceptual coherence.
We have developed the method of ontological excavation to identify the concepts in a computing application and model them as an ontology expressed as a semantic network. To identify core and peripheral concepts and to measure an ontologys conceptual coherence, we developed methodologies for ontological analysis.
If usefulness depends on the conceptual integrity of an applications ontology such that it ensures high fitness to a problem domain, then we would expect that users solving problems in that domain will invoke the concepts integral to the solution more often than those concepts that do not. Thus, to validate our structural measures, we claim the following: the probable use of the application will invoke core concepts more frequently than peripheral concepts in the ontology.
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Chaotic optical communications using delayed feedback systemsLocquet, Alexandre Daniel 11 January 2006 (has links)
Chaotic dynamics produced by optical delay systems have interesting applications in telecommunications. Optical chaos can be used to transmit secretly, in real-time, a message between an emitter and a receiver. The noise-like appearance of chaos is used to conceal the message, and the synchronization of the receiver with the chaotic emitter is used to decode the message. This work focuses on the study of two crucial topics in the field of chaotic optical communications.
The first topic is the synchronization of chaotic external-cavity laser diodes, which are among the most promising chaotic emitters for secure communications. It is shown that, for edge-emitting lasers, two drastically different synchronization regimes are possible. The regimes differ in terms of the delay time in the synchronization and in terms of the robustness of the synchronization with respect to parameter mismatches between the emitter and the receiver. In vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers, the two linearly-polarized components of the electric field also exhibit isochronous and anticipating synchronization when the coupling between the lasers is isotropic. When the coupling is polarized, the linearly-polarized component that is parallel to the injected polarization tends to synchronize isochronously with the injected optical field, while the other component tends to be suppressed, but it can also be antisynchronized.
The second topic is the analysis of time series produced by optical chaotic emitters subjected to a delayed feedback. First, we verify with experimental data that chaos produced by optical delay systems is highly complex. This high complexity is demonstrated by estimating chaos dimension and entropy from experimental time series and from models of optical delay systems. Second, by analyzing chaotic time series, it is shown that the value of the delay of a single-delay system can always be identified, independently of the type of system used and of its complexity. Unfortunately, an eavesdropper can use this information on the delay value to break the cryptosystem. We propose a new cryptosystem with two delayed feedback loops that increases the difficulty of the delay identification problem.
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