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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Crowdsourcing och den kollaborativa ekonomin : En studie om individers upptagande och beslutsfattande kopplat till kollaborativa tjänsteinnovationer

Löfgren, Jesper, Bergman, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
Crowdsourcing och den kollaborativa ekonomin är modeller för öppen innovation som blir allt mer centrala i ett samhälle som står inför morgondagens utmaningar. För att ta itu med globala problem krävs det ett globalt samarbete och ett gemensamt ansvar, där delningsekonomin kan bli avgörande. I denna kvantitativa undersökning svarar vi på frågeställningen om hur upptagandet av och beslutsfattandet kring kollaborativa tjänsteinnovationer kan se ut när vi låter 50 studenter ta del av en kollaborativ tjänsteinnovation. Vi undersöker några befintliga kollaborativa tjänster, redogör för relevanta begrepp och visar på hur Diffusion of innovations kan användas för att förstå något så komplext som hur innovationer kan upptas och spridas i sociala system. Vidare visar vi hur ramverk för konceptualisering av crowdsourcing kan användas för att förstå hur miljöaspekten och viljan att samarbeta kan driva en stor grupp människor till att dela på kompetens, resurser och kunskap. Slutsatser och ett innovationsbidrag lyfts fram som kan hjälpa företag att förstå hur crowdsourcing kan användas och de villkor som spelar roll för individers upptagande. / Crowdsourcing and the sharing economy are essential models for open innovation when facing the challenges of tomorrow. Dealing with global problems require global cooperation and common responsibility, where the sharing economy may become crucial. In this quantitative study we examine how the adoption and decision-making process occurs when we let 50 students take part in a collaborative service innovation. We look at some already existing collaborative innovations, explain relevant concepts and show how Diffusion of innovations can be used to understand something as complex as adoption and diffusion of service innovations in social systems. Furthermore, we show how the framework for conceptualization of crowdsourcing can be used to understand how the environmental aspect and the willingness to cooperate can drive a crowd to share skills, resources and knowledge. Conclusions are presented and a contribution to help crowdsourcing ventures and collaborative networks is highlighted to understand individual adoption and the preconditions that affects their decision-making.

Ruta Ruff

Yong Iparraguirre, Cristian Alfredo, Palacios Pajar, Giovanna Leonidas, Peña Ríos, Magaly Paola, Baldeon Vellon, Juan Pablo 04 March 2020 (has links)
En el presente trabajo se detectó una problemática para los dueños de los canes que no tenían tiempo para pasear a sus mascotas y/o no tener con quien dejarlos cuando ellos salían por periodos largos de tiempo, para el cual presentamos esta solución un medio de intermediación digital Ruta Ruff. Este medio digital pone a disposición una cartera amplia de paseadores en donde podrán escoger al paseador que más se asemeja a sus necesidades. Las instalaciones se encontrarán en Calle Los Guacamayos 197 Of. 102 Urb. Limatambo Surquillo, Lima – Perú. Para iniciar las opresiones la empresa Ruta Ruff necesitara una inversión de S/. 60,201.00 para la implementación de los activos fijos y S/. 16,256 para la publicidad del primer mes, obteniendo utilidades a partir del octavo mes de haber iniciado sus operaciones y con una tasa de crecimiento de usuarios de 100% en el primer año, para lo cual contamos dentro de los miembros un equipo con experiencia en el campo de la administración, marketing y contabilidad. Este proyecto tiene mucho potencial debido al crecimiento de la población que cuenta con una mascota en casa, asimismo muchas de ellas cada vez más y con más frecuencias usan aplicativos móviles para adquirir productos y servicios, entonces esta propuesta de negocio encaja muy bien con el nuevo estilo de consumo del ciudadano de Lima Metropolitana. / In this work, a problem was detected for the owners of the dogs who did not have time to walk their pets and / or have no one to leave them with when they went out for long periods of time, for which we present this solution as a means of intermediation. Ruff Route digital. This digital medium offers a wide portfolio of walkers where they can choose the walker that most closely matches their needs. The facilities will be located at Calle Los Guacamayos 197 Of. 102 Urb. Limatambo Surquillo, Lima - Peru. To start the oppressions, the Ruta Ruff company will need an investment of S /. 60,201.00 for the implementation of fixed assets and S /. 16,256 for the advertising of the first month, obtaining profits from the eighth month of starting operations and with a growth rate of 100% users in the first year, for which we have within the team a team with experience in field of administration, marketing and accounting. This project has a lot of potential due to the growth of the population that has a pet at home, also many of them more and more and more frequently use mobile applications to acquire products and services, so this business proposal fits very well with the new consumption style of the citizen of Metropolitan Lima. / Trabajo de investigación

Une approche socio-anthropologique de la consommation collaborative : focus sur les nouveaux rapports à la propriété / A socio-anthropological perspective on collaborative consumption : New representations of ownership

Dabadie, Isabelle 04 December 2017 (has links)
La consommation collaborative désigne un ensemble de pratiques très variées – parmi lesquelles la location, le prêt, le don, le troc ou le partage entre consommateurs –, qui remettent en question la primauté accordée à la propriété individuelle. Ce phénomène en plein essor fait l’objet de nombreuses recherches tentant de définir, de cartographier ou d’expliquer le phénomène, en identifiant ses déterminants ou en évaluant ses impacts. Peu de travaux se sont penchés sur l’arrière-plan culturel de ce mouvement. C’est l’objet de ce travail, qui étudie la consommation collaborative dans une perspective anthropologique, autour de la question, centrale, du rapport à la propriété. Cette recherche, ancrée dans la Consumer Culture Theory (CCT), adopte une approche phénoménologique centrée sur le sens des expériences vécues par les consommateurs. Elle s’appuie au plan empirique sur une ethnographie menée sur trois terrains reflétant la diversité des pratiques collaboratives – l’habitat participatif, la plaisance collaborative et les bibliothèques de vêtements. Et elle a pour première assise théorique la mobilisation d’un cadre d’analyse original – l’infrastructure cosmologique –, inspiré des travaux de Stoczkowski (2008), qui permet de révéler les traits saillants d’une vision du monde. Les résultats mettent en lumière l’émergence, au sein d’un mouvement qui reste largement consumériste, d’une contre-culture, proche de la simplicité volontaire, caractérisée par un rapport nouveau à la propriété, dans laquelle celle-ci n’est pas simplement remplacée par l’usage mais se charge d’un sens différent. Nous l’avons nommée « cosmologie de l’alter-possession ». Cette recherche permet de mieux comprendre les comportements de consommateurs qui entretiennent un rapport ambivalent aux possessions, entre détachement et recherche de liens durables, et aspirent à des formes de propriété plus ouvertes et plus collectives en réponse aux enjeux sociaux et environnementaux d’un monde aux ressources finies. / Collaborative consumption refers to a highly varied range of practices – including rentals, loans, gifts, bartering and sharing between consumers – that challenge the primacy of individual ownership. This rapidly growing phenomenon has been the subject of many research studies that have attempted to define, map or explain it by identifying its determinants or evaluating its impact. Few researchers have focused on the cultural background to this movement. That is the focus of this study, which studies collaborative consumption from an anthropological perspective, looking at the central question of our relationship with ownership. This research, rooted in Consumer Culture Theory (CCT), adopts a phenomenological approach centred on the meaning of consumer experiences. In empirical terms, it uses an ethnographic study conducted in three different fields that reflect the diversity of collaborative practices: co-housing, collaborative pleasure boating and clothes libraries. Its main theoretical foundation is the use of an original analytical framework – cosmological infrastructure, inspired by the work of Stosczkowski (2008) – which highlights the salient traits of a particular worldview. The results reveal the emergence, within a movement that remains largely consumeristic, of a counterculture that is comparable to voluntary simplicity and characterised by a new relationship with ownership, which, for proponents of this counterculture, is not only replaced by the notion of usage but is also charged with different meaning. We call this the “cosmology of alter-possession”. This research provides a better understanding of the behaviour of consumers who maintain an ambivalent relationship with possessions, somewhere between detachment and the search for lasting links, and aspire to more open and collective forms of ownership in response to the social and environmental challenges in a world with finite resources.

La Economía Colaborativa y su incidencia en la Competitividad de las empresas que brindan servicio de alquiler de oficina en edificio en Lima Metropolitana en el año 2018 / The Collaborative Economy and its impact on the competitiveness of companies that provide office rental services in Metropolitan Lima during 2018

Bueno Guerra, Jean Franco, Velarde Arrisueño, Javier Rodrigo 07 June 2019 (has links)
Uno de los sectores inmobiliarios más dinámicos es el de alquiler de oficinas y dentro de él, un modelo de negocio innovador llamado Coworking que nace de una tendencia en crecimiento: la Economía Colaborativa. Dicho modelo resulta atractivo para inversionistas inmobiliarios, empresas en expansión e independientes porque ofrece mayor valor en cuanto a flexibilidad, comparada con la oferta tradicional. Por eso, este trabajo se centra en evidencia que valide la incidencia de esta tendencia, la economía colaborativa, sobre la competitividad de las empresas que brindan el servicio de alquiler de oficinas en Lima Metropolitana en el año 2018. La metodología se descompone en investigación cuantitativa y cualitativa. A través de una selección muestral, se realizaron encuestas a directivos o encargados de las empresas de Coworking. Por su lado, la investigación cualitativa consta de entrevistas en profundidad a expertos nacionales e internacionales respecto a la tendencia global de la economía colaborativa y el sector Coworking. Luego de la investigación realizada, se puede determinar que la Economía Colaborativa incide en la competitividad de las empresas que brindan servicio de alquiler de oficina en Lima Metropolitana en el año 2018. Asimismo, los factores: digital (hipótesis específica número 1, o, HE1), social (HE2), económico (HE3) tienen la misma incidencia. Sin embargo, el factor cultura medioambiental (HE4) no impactaría en la competitividad de dichas empresas ya que su alcance sería sólo en términos comunicacionales o publicitarios, el cual se sugiere investigar con mayor profundidad. Como aporte a la comunidad empresarial, se propone el Índice de Competitividad Colaborativa (ICC) que, de la investigación realizada, las empresas con mayor ICC demuestran una propuesta de valor más centrada en el usuario y una comunidad sólida. Se sugiere a las empresas de Coworking realizar un diagnóstico interno para identificar aspectos de la gestión interna asociados a la competitividad que pueden fortalecerse. / One of the most dynamic real estate sectors is office rental and within it, an innovative business model called Coworking born from a growing trend: the Collaborative Economy. This model is attractive to real estate investors, expanding and independent companies because it offers greater value in terms of flexibility compared to the traditional offer. Therefore, this work focuses on evidence that validates the incidence of this trend, the collaborative economy, on the competitiveness of companies that provide office rental services in Metropolitan Lima in 2018. The methodology is broken down into quantitative and qualitative research. Through a sample selection, surveys of executives or managers of Coworking companies were conducted. For instance, qualitative research consists of in-depth interviews to national and international experts about the global trend of the collaborative economy and the Coworking sector. After the investigation, it can be determined that the Collaborative Economy affects the competitiveness of companies that provide office rental service in Metropolitan Lima in 2018. Also, the factors: digital (specific hipothesis number 1, i.e. SH1), social (HE2), Economic (HE3) have the same incidence. However, the environmental culture factor (HE4) would not impact the competitiveness of these companies since its scope is only communicational or in advertising terms, which is further research could be conducted. As a contribution to the business community, the Collaborative Competitiveness Index (CCI) is a proposal derived from the research carried out. The companies with the highest CCI show a more user-centered value proposal and a solid community. Coworking companies are suggested to perform an internal diagnosis to identify aspects of internal management associated with competitiveness that can be strengthened. / Tesis

Les systèmes d'échanges locaux / Local Exchanges Systems

Bradburn, Suzie 11 December 2015 (has links)
Nés en France en 1994 dans les milieux ruraux en réponse à une conjoncture difficile, les systèmesd’échanges locaux s’inscrivent dans une logique en marge du modèle économique dominant, en permettant àleurs membres d’échanger des biens, des services et des savoir-faire au moyen d’une monnaie conventionnellebasée sur le temps, concurrente, mais licite, de la monnaie légale.La crainte de voir des personnes trouver dans le SEL le moyen de dissimuler une activité économiquerémunératrice est écartée dès lors que l’on distingue les sélistes-particuliers qui participent aux échanges demanière occasionnelle, de sorte qu’ils n’en tirent qu’un complément de revenu modeste, et les sélistesprofessionnelsexerçant une activité économique permanente et rémunératrice dans les conditions analogues àcelles d’un professionnel. Ces derniers doivent être soumis aux mêmes règlementations que celles applicablesaux professionnels, sous peine de sanctions.Le recours à une structure juridique permet d’organiser les échanges en leur apportant les moyens nécessaires àleur développement, spécialement par l’édition d’un catalogue des offres et des demandes et la mise en placed’un compte courant multilatéral. Même si la forme sociale est envisageable, l’association est la structure lamieux adaptée pour répondre aux besoins en organisation juridique des SEL. Elle correspond tant à leur but nonlucratif qu’à leur philosophie fondée sur des valeurs humaines et la solidarité. / Born in France in 1994 in the rural areas in reply to a difficult economic situation, Local ExchangesSystems became an alternative of the dominant economic model, which enables members to exchange goods,services and know-how thanks to a conventional currency based upon time, which is a competitive licit solutionof the existing legal currency.The fear of seeing people using the LES to hide a remunerative econonomical activity would be taken away assoon as a clear distinction is made between private-members, who take part in exchanges occasionally to add asmall additionnal income, and those who become professional by developping a permanent and lucrative activitywithin professional conditions. This category of members must abide by the same rule that applies toprofessionals, subject to sanctions.In order to organize the exchanges, the members can use a legal structure. This would give them the necessaryhelp for their development by providing a catalogue of offers and demands and the creation of a multilateralcurrent account. Even if a type of company structure is possible, an association is better adapted for the needs ofthe legal organization of the LES. It corresponds to their non lucrative and philosophical goals based uponhuman values and solidarity.

Mitigating Barriers of Sharing Economy with HCI Design Strategies / MDI Designstrategier som Verktyg för att Övervinna Barriärer mot Delandeekonomi

Stenseth, Viggo January 2016 (has links)
There is a growing economy of services that leverage networked solutions to enable peers to rent, re-sell, lend, trade or share assets among each other. We see a few widely successful examples of this, but there are many more that are not taking off. This thesis aims to identify barriers that hinder transactions from taking place in the sharing economy. The technological nature of these services allows HCI design to be a tool to mitigate these barriers. The literature review, a set of interviews and a workshop form data for the formation and analysis of the barriers. By categorizing the services as sharing, collaborative or on-demand economy services the barriers and the different motivations for using the services are explored. The associated values with the motivations for using the different service types are considered in a novel strategy to mitigate hard to reach barriers. The results from this thesis will be material for the proposed implementation of a local marketplace for sharing economy services. This implementation will be done in a proposed VINNOVA supported project in Stockholm, Sweden. The knowledge about the barriers and the strategies to mitigate them will hopefully be of value to other developments in the sharing economy. By designing with the barriers in mind the user experience will hopefully improve and lead to more transactions taking place. / Det finns en växande ekonomi av tjänster som utnyttjar nätverkslösningar som vill möjliggöra det för användare att hyra, återsälja, låna eller dela tillgångar mellan sig. Vi kan idag se ett fåtal väldigt framgångsrika exempel på detta, men det finns många fler som inte lyckas etablera sig. Denna avhandling fokuserar på att identifiera barriärer som hindrar transaktioner att ske inom delande-ekonomin. Den teknologiska kopplingen hos dessa tjänster tillåter MDI-design att vara ett viktigt verktyg för att motverka barriärerna. Litteraturstudien, ett antal intervjuer och en workshop ligger till grund för data till definierandet och analysen av dessa barriärer. Genom att kategorisera tjänster som delande-, kollaborativa- eller on-demand-ekonomitjänster kan motivation för användande och dess barriärer utforskas. Värden som kan associeras till motivationen för användandet av de olika tjänsterna används i en ny typ av strategi för att motverka de annars svårtillgängliga barriärerna. Resultatet från denna avhandling blir underlag för en implementation av en lokal marknadsplats för delande-ekonomitjänster. Denna implementation är en del i ett föreslaget projekt med stöd från VINNOVA i Stockholm, Sverige. Kunskap om barriärerna och strategier för att övervinna dom kan förhoppningsvis vara till värde för andra utvecklingsområden inom delande-ekonomi. Genom att designa med barriärerna i åtanke kan användarupplevelsen förbättras och leda till att fler transaktioner äger rum.

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