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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A escala de coma de Glasgow como indicador de mortalidade e qualidade de vida em vítimas de trauma cranioencefálico contuso / The Glasgow coma scale as an indicator of mortality and quality of Life in victims with blunt traumatic brain injury

Cristina Helena Costanti Settervall 30 June 2010 (has links)
As consequências do trauma cranioencefálico contuso incluem além da mortalidade, alterações físicas, cognitivas e comportamentais que alteram a qualidade de vida das vítimas pós-trauma. A Escala de Coma de Glasgow é reconhecida na literatura científica, como um indicador com potencial para estimar o prognóstico das vítimas de trauma cranioencefálico contuso e tem sido extensivamente estudada para prever resultados a curto e longo prazos. No entanto, por tratar-se de um índice fisiológico, sujeito a oscilações decorrentes de mudanças nas condições clínicas das vítimas, esta escala suscita divergências em relação ao valor que apresenta melhor desempenho para prognosticar desfechos de interesse clinico. Perante tais divergências, este estudo teve como objetivos: verificar o desempenho dos escores da escala observados nas primeiras 72 horas, após trauma para predizer o estado vital à saída hospitalar e a mudança percebida do estado de saúde; comparar o valor preditivo desses escores para prognosticar esses desfechos e verificar a associação dos escores da Escala de Coma de Glasgow e os domínios da qualidade de vida das vitimas, após um ano do evento traumático. Trata-se de um estudo longitudinal que analisou valores da Escala de Coma de Glasgow nas primeiras 72 horas, após trauma, durante a internação hospitalar e resultados da avaliação de qualidade de vida das vítimas de trauma cranioencefálico contuso, um ano após o evento traumático. Os valores da escala analisados foram os obtidos, após a reanimação inicial intra-hospitalar, além dos piores e melhores resultados da escala nas primeiras 72 horas pós-trauma. A capacidade preditiva dos valores da escala para estado vital à saída hospitalar e a mudança percebida do estado de saúde foi avaliada, utilizando-se a curva Reciever Operator Characteristic. A qualidade de vida das vítimas foi avaliada por meio do Medical Outcome Study 36-item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36), e os resultados da Escala de Coma de Glasgow foram confrontados com os valores dos domínios dessa escala. Foram estudadas 277 vítimas, com trauma cranioencefálico contuso de diferentes gravidades. O desempenho dos escores da Escala de Coma de Glasgow para Estado Vital à Saída hospitalar foi moderado, as áreas sob a curva variaram de 0,74 a 0,79. Para a mudança percebida do estado de saúde, um ano pós-trauma, os valores dessas áreas ficaram entre 0,63 e 0,71. Não houve diferença significativa entre as áreas sob a curva nos valores da Escala de Coma de Glasgow atribuídos pós-reanimação inicial, melhores e piores resultados nas primeiras 72 horas pós-trauma, tanto ao estado vital, como ao estado de saúde atual. Correlação significativa foi observada, porém foi fraca entre os três escores da Escala de Coma de Glasgow e os domínios da SF-36: Capacidade funcional, Aspectos físicos e Aspectos sociais. O pior resultado correlacionou-se com o maior número de domínios. No geral, os resultados indicaram que qualquer um dos três valores da Escala de Coma de Glasgow analisados podem ser aplicados na prática clínica para estimar o prognóstico das vitimas de trauma cranioencefálico contuso, considerando-se, no entanto seu moderado poder discriminatório. / The consequences of blunt traumatic brain injury go beyond high mortality to include, modifications in physical, cognitive and behavioral aspects, thus altering the Quality of Life of the victims. The Glasgow Coma Scale is scientifically recognized as a potential indicator to estimate prognosis and predict short and long term outcomes of blunt traumatic brain injury victims. Although it is a physiological index, and sensitive to changes of clinical variables, the Glasgow Coma Scale attempts to cause divergence in the relationship of values that can better predict clinical outcomes. The aims of this research are, to analyze the performance of three different scores of the Glasgow Coma Scale in the first 72 hours of in-hospital assistance in predicting Hospital Mortality and changes of the health status perception after trauma; to compare the predictive performance of these scores, and correlate them to quality of life subscales after one year of trauma. The Glasgow Coma Scale, chosen in this present study, include the score obtained after initial resuscitation; the highest value and the lowest value in the first 72 hours of in hospital assistance. The capacity of prognosis of the scores, were evaluated by the Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) curve. Quality of life was assessed by the Medical Outcome Study- a 36-item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36). All Glasgow Coma Scale scores were confronted with SF36 subscales. This study included 277 victims of different severity blunt traumatic brain injuries. The performance of the three scores, which were analyzed to predict Hospital Mortality, was moderate, with an area under the curve between 0.74 and 0.79. The area under the curve for change of the health status perception, after one year of trauma, ranged from 0.63 to 0.71. There were no significant differences between the Glasgow Coma Scale scores studied in both analyses. A significant, but weak correlation was observed between the Glasgow Coma scale scores and the subscales of SF-36 Physical Functioning, Physical Role and Social Functioning. The worst Glasgow Coma Scale score, obtained in the first 72 hours after trauma, correlated to the dominions of the SF-36 subscales. These findings suggest that any one of the 3 scores studied, can be applied in clinical practice to predict the outcome of victims with blunt traumatic brain injuries, taking into consideration its moderate discriminatory power.

Traumatismo cranioencefálico: correlação entre dados demográficos, escala de Glasgow e tomografia computadorizada de crânio com a mortalidade em curto prazo na cidade de Maceió, Alagoas / Traumatic head injury: correlation of demographic data, the Glasgow coma scale, and cranial computer tomography with short-term mortality in the city of Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil

Christiana Maia Nobre Rocha 05 February 2007 (has links)
O traumatismo cranioencefálico (TCE) constitui um dos principais problemas de saúde pública mundial e as suas características variam de acordo com a população envolvida, sendo de suma importância o conhecimento de dados demográficos da mesma para que sejam adotadas medidas de prevenção efetivas. Tivemos como objetivos a descrição de dados demográficos e tomográficos em pacientes vítimas de TCE e a correlação entre idade, sexo, escala de Glasgow e dados tomográficos com a mortalidade em curto prazo. Neste estudo transversal e prospectivo realizado em pacientes vítimas de TCE admitidos na Unidade de Emergência Dr. Armando Lages, Maceió, Alagoas, foram incluídos 623 pacientes para descrição dos dados demográficos e 451 pacientes, para a análise de correlação; realizada por meio da Análise de Correlação de Spearman e de análise multivariada através de regressão logística. Foi constatada uma razão masculino/feminino geral de 3,54: 1 e a faixa etária mais acometida foi a de 21 a 30 anos. Os principais mecanismos do trauma foram os acidentes relacionados com meio de transporte motorizado (35,15%), as quedas (32,59%) e as agressões com ou sem armas (22,79%). As alterações mais comuns no TCE leve foram o hematoma subgaleal e/ou palpebral (48,5%), as fraturas (28,3%) e as contusões cerebrais (12,2%). No TCE moderado, as alterações mais freqüentes foram o hematoma subgaleal/palpebral (68,9%), fraturas (43,2%), contusão cerebral (33,7%) e hemorragia subaracnóide (HSA) (28,4%). No TCE grave, as anormalidades mais comuns foram a a HSA (71,1%), o hematoma subgaleal e/ou palpebral (68,9%), as fraturas (64,4%), contusões cerebrais (53,3%) e edema difuso (53,3%). As variáveis relacionadas com a mortalidade, por meio da análise univariada, foram a pontuação 3 na escala de Glasgow, presença de anormalidades tomográficas, de hematoma subdural (HSD), de HSA, apagamento/assimetria de cisternas basais, desvio da linha média, edema difuso, hemorragia intraventricular (HIV), presença de projétil ou estilhaços de arma de fogo. As variáveis sexo, faixa etária e hematoma extradural não apresentaram correlação estatisticamente significante com mortalidade neste estudo. As variáveis preditoras de mortalidade, na análise multivariada, foram valores baixos na escala de Glasgow, presença de anormalidades tomográficas, desvio da linha média e edema difuso. Em conclusão, os pacientes vítimas de TCE apresentaram uma predominância do masculino, numa razão M/F média de 3,54: 1,da faixa etária entre 21 a 30 anos e as causas mais freqüentes de TCE foram a queda de altura, o atropelamento e a agressão física. As características tomográficas mais freqüentes nos grupos de TCE leve e moderado foram: o hematoma subgaleal e/ou palpebral, fratura óssea e contusão cerebral. No TCE grave as lesões mais freqüentes foram a HSA, o hematoma subgaleal e/ou palpebral, fratura óssea, contusão cerebral e edema difuso. Os fatores relacionados com maior mortalidade na análise univariada foram: baixa pontuação na escala de Glasgow, pontuação 3 na escala de Glasgow, presença de anormalidades tomográficas, presença de HSA, presença de HSD, apagamento/assimetria de cisternas basais, desvio linha média, edema difuso, HIV e presença de projétil ou estilhaços de arma de fogo. Na análise multivariada: baixa pontuação na escala de Glasgow, presença de anormalidades tomográficas, presença de desvio da linha média, presença de edema difuso. / The traumatic brain injury (THI) is a major public health concern worldwide. Preventive measures to tackle the problem can be taken after analyzing demographic data and the types of injury affecting the population at hand. Our aim was to outline the demographic and tomographic data from THI victims and determine how tomography findings, age, gender, and Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) are associated to short-term mortality. The THI patients in this cross-sectional and prospective study had been admitted to the Armando Lages Emergency Care Unit in Maceió, Alagoas. The study comprised 623 patients, who had been clinically diagnosed with THI. A total of 451 patients were included in the investigation into the correlation of computer tomography, age, gender, GCS, and mortality. Both the Spearman Correlation Analysis, and logistic regression multivariate analysis were used. The overall male:female ratio was 3.54, with 78.01% of the victims male and 21.99% female. Most patients fell within the 21 to 30 age bracket. Traffic accidents (35.15%) were the leading cause of head injury, followed by falls (32.59%), and physical assault (22.79%). Tomographic abnormalities were seen in 63.7% of victims of mild THI, the most common being subgaleal and eyelid hematoma (48.5%), skull fractures (28.3%), and cerebral contusion (12.2%). Moderate THI produced tomographic abnormalities in 83.4% of victims, the most frequent being subgaleal and eyelid hematoma (68.9%), fractures (43.2%), cerebral contusion (33.7%), and subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) (28.4%). Computer tomography of the skull showed alterations for all victims of severe THI, the most often being subgaleal and eyelid hematoma (68.9%), followed by SAH (71.1%), skull fractures (64.4%), cerebral contusion (53.3%), diffuse brain swelling (53.3%). Univariate analysis attested that a score 3 on the GCS, the presence of tomographic abnormalities, subdural hematoma (SDH), SAH, absent or compressed basal cisterns, midline shift, diffuse brain swelling, intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), and the presence of a projectile or shell splinters had an statistically significant correlation with short-term mortality. In this study, gender, age group, and large extradural hematoma had no statistical significance as predictive factors for mortality. In a multivariate analysis, the variables that accounted for mortality were low GCS scores, the presence of tomographic abnormalities, midline shift, and diffuse brain swelling. It can be concluded that males were the predominant victims in THI cases, with the M:F ratio at 3.54. Most affected were individuals aged 21 to 30, and the most common causes of THI were falls, being run over by a vehicle, and physical assault. The most frequent tomographic characteristics in the mild and moderate THI cases were subgaleal and/or eyelid hematoma, skull fracture and cerebral contusion. The most common injuries in severe THI patients were subgaleal and/or eyelid hematoma, SAH, skull fracture, cerebral contusion, and diffuse brain swelling. The factors most closely linked to higher mortality after univariate analysis were low GCS scoring, a score 3 on the GCS, the presence of tomographic abnormalities, the presence of SAH, the presence of SDH, absent or compressed basal cisterns, midline shift, diffuse brain swelling, IVH, and the presence of a projectile or shell splinters. After multivariate analysis: low scoring on the GCS and the presence of tomographic abnormalities, midline shift, and diffuse brain swelling.

Ocorrência de traumatismo raquidiano em doentes em coma decorrente de traumatismo cranioencefálico / Spine injuries in patents presenting coma due to head injury

Jefferson Rosi Junior 05 April 2012 (has links)
Foi realizado estudo prospectivo com o objetivo de se determinar a ocorrência de traumatismo raquidiano (TR) em 355 doentes em coma decorrente de traumatismo cranioencefálico (TCE) resultante de acidente de tráfego atendidos no Pronto Socorro de Neurocirurgia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (PSNCHCFMUSP) de 1° de setembro de 2003 a 31 de dezembro de 2009. Todos os doentes foram submetidos ao exame físico e neurológico e à tomografia computadorizada (TC) do corpo inteiro para diagnosticar-se e avaliar-se a gravidade das lesões traumáticas encefálicas, vertebrais ou de outras regiões no momento da admissão ao PSNCHCFMUSP. Em 69 (19,4%) doentes, foi(ram) diagnosticada(s) lesão(ões) na coluna vertebral com o exame de TC da coluna vertebral. As idades dos doentes variaram de 12 a 55 anos (média de 29,0 anos). Eram do sexo masculino 57 (82,6%) doentes. As causas do(s) traumatismo(s) foi(ram) acidente(s) envolvendo motocicleta em 28 (40,6%) casos, atropelamento em 21 (30,5%), colisão de automóvel, caminhão ou caminhonete, em 18 (26,1%) ou acidente com bicicleta em dois (2,9%). Hemorragia subaracnóidea traumática foi a anormalidade intracraniana traumática mais evidenciada no exame de TC do crânio; ocorreu em 57 (82,6%). O(s) processo(s) transverso(s) foi(ram) o(s) segmento(s) vertebral(is) mais acometido(s) pela(s) fratura(s). A sétima vértebra cervical foi a mais lesada; nela identificaram-se fraturas em 24 (34,8%) doentes. Evidenciou-se que a distribuição das fraturas foi similar ao longo das demais vértebras da coluna cervical, quatro primeiras vértebras torácicas e vértebras lombares. Em oito (11,6%) doentes a(s) lesão(ões) neurológica(s) foi(ram) classificada(s) como Frankel A, e nos demais 61(88,4%), como Frankel não-A. Houve necessidade de cirurgia espinal em 24 (34,8%) doentes e de neurocirurgia craniana em 18 (26,0%) doentes. A Escala de Recuperação de Glasgow foi aplicada para avaliar-se as condições neurológicas do doente no momento da alta hospitalar e revelou ocorrência de óbito em dois (2,9%) doentes. Concluiuse que é recomendada a avaliação clínica e também com métodos de imagem da coluna vertebral nos doentes em coma decorrente de TCE / The author presents a prospective study aiming the evaluation of coexistence of spinal injury (SI) in 355 patients presenting coma due to craniocerebral trauma assisted at the Emergency Room of the Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo Medical School, from September, 1st, 2003 to december, 31th,2009. All patients underwent physical and neurological examination and had computed tomography (CT) scanning of the entire body to diagnose and evaluate the severity of brain and spinal injury at the time of admission. Traumatic lesions of the spine were diagnosed in 69 (19.4%) patients. The ages of patients ranged from 12 to 55 years (mean = 29,0 years).The SI predominated in males, corresponding to 57 (82.6%) patients. The causes of the trauma were motorcycle accident in 28 (40.6%) cases, running over in 21(30.5%), car collision 18 (26.1%) cases and bicycle accident in two (2.9%). Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage was the most common traumatic intracranial abnormality in the CT images; it was identified in 57 (82.6%) patients. The transverse process was the most common vertebral part presenting fracture(s). The 7th cervical vertebra was individually the most commonly affected; traumatic lesion of this vertebra presented in 24 (34.8%) patients. The diagnosis of fracture(s) was similar in the other cervical vertebrae and occurred also in the first four thoracic and in the lumbar vertebrae. Severe neurological deficit secondary to spine fracture was diagnosed in eight (11.6%) patients, classified as Frankel A. The others 61(88.4%) patients did not present complete spinal cord or spinal roots neurological deficits were classified as Frankel non A. The Recovery Scale of Glasgow was used to evaluate the neurological status at discharge from hospital. Two (2.9%) patients died. Spinal surgery was necessary in 24 (34.8%) patients and cranial surgery in 18 (26.0%). It was concluded that in addition to clinical evaluation, the CT imaging of the spine is recommended in patients in coma due to mechanical traumatic head injury

Inhalationssedering på CIVA : en retrospektiv beskrivning / Sedation by inhalation at CIVA : a retrospective description

Åbergh, Camilla, Eriksson, Marie January 2010 (has links)
Bakgrund: Patienter som ventilatorvårdas på intensivvårdsavdelning behöver ofta någon form av lätt sömn (sedering) för att tolerera endotrachealtuben och ventilatorbehandling. De traditionella intravenösa läkemedel som ges har lång halveringstid och det är stor risk för kvardröjande effekter. Syfte: Denna pilotstudie syftar till att studera sederingsdjupet enligt MAAS hos de patienter som blivit sederade med inhalationsgas, kontrollera vakenhetsgraden enligt GCS hos dessa patienter efter avslutad sedering, samt beskriva vilka patientgrupperna är som fått inhalationssedering. Metod: Journalgranskning där resultatet har analyserats och kategoriserats, därefter har en sambandsanalys gjorts. Resultat: I resultatet identifierades 3 patientkategorier som fått isofluransedering: patienter med hotad luftväg som förväntats behöva kort sederingstid och snabb väckning, patienter som var svåra att sedera optimalt med intravenös metod samt patienter med organsvikt där risk för ackumulation och/ eller förlängd elimination av läkemedel förelåg. Något samband mellan MAAS 12 timmar före extubation och GCS- värde efter väckning hos de 14 patienter som ingick i studien har inte kunna styrkas. Konklusion: Inhalationssedering med isofluran förefaller vara en effektiv sederingsmetod när en lättstyrd sederingssituation med möjlighet till snabb väckning prioriteras, samt när man strävar efter att patienten ska uppnå 14-15 i GCS- värde så snart som möjligt efter väckning och extubation. / Background: Patients which are nursed by ventilator at the intensive care unit often need some form of sedative in order to tolerate an endotracheal tube and the ventilator treatment. The traditional intravenous drugs have a long half- life and potential risk for lingering effects. Aim: This pilot study aim to study the depth of sedation according to MAAS with the patients having been sedated with inhalation gas, check alertness according to GCS with these patients after completion of sedation, and describe which group of patients that have received inhalation treatment. Method: Journal Review where the result have been analysed and categorized then a link analysis has been made. Result: In the result three patient categories were identified which had received isoflurane sedation: patients with threatened airway and expected short time of sedation and fast wake- up, patients which were difficult to sedate optimally with intravenous method, and patients with organ failure where risk for accumulation and/ or  extended elimination of drugs were expected. Any relationship between MAAS 12 hour prior to extubation and GCS- score after awakening with the 14 patients included in the study have not been established. Conclusion: Sedation by isoflurane inhalation seems to be an effective sedation method when an easily controlled sedation situation with the possibility of a fast awakening are prioritized as well as when the strive is to achieve a GCS- score of 14-15 as soon as possible after awakening and extubation.

Quand la musique se fait l'écho du Soi ! : études des effets d’un contexte musical autobiographique sur l’activité cérébrale de patients en coma et éveil de coma et de sujets sains / Composing the self with music ! : effects of autobiographical musical context on cerebral functioning in patients with disorders of consciousness and healthy subjects

Castro, Maïté 10 December 2015 (has links)
Chez les patients présentant un trouble de la conscience l'évaluation de leurs fonctions cognitives résiduelles est un enjeu clinique majeur, limité par la faible sensibilité des tests. La musique en tant que stimulation émotionnelle en lien avec la mémoire autobiographique pourrait représenter une stimulation cognitive de choix chez cette population. De nombreuses études ont rapporté les effets bénéfiques d'une exposition à la musique sur le fonctionnement cognitif, à la fois normal et pathologique, mais aucune n'a permis de déterminer objectivement de tels effets chez les patients en état de conscience altérée. Ce travail de thèse s'articule en trois études principales : 1) la présentation d'extraits musicaux préférés chez des patients en éveil de coma est liée à une importante connectivité cérébrale au sein de structures corticales participant à la perception de la musique et à la récupération d'informations autobiographiques ; 2) la réponse cognitive au propre prénom P300 obtenue chez des patients en éveil de coma est évoquée plus souvent lorsque ce dernier est précédé d'un extrait musical préféré ; 3) un contexte musical personnel familier entraîne l'activation de multiples structures cérébrales notamment celles impliquées dans l'analyse de stimulations autobiographiques. L'ensemble de ces travaux témoigne du recrutement de nombreux réseaux cérébraux lors de l'écoute musicale que ce soit chez les sujets sains et les patients en éveil de coma et suggère l'existence d'un possible amorçage autobiographique par la musique. Ainsi, l'emploi de la musique permettrait de favoriser l'expression des capacités cognitives et conscientes des patients en coma et en éveil de coma / Evaluating the residual cognitive functions in patients with disorders of consciousness is a major clinical challenge, restricted by the poor sensitivity of clinical tests. Music as a highly familiar and emotional stimulus in close relationship with autobiographical memory may be constitute a relevant tool for cognitive stimulation. Numerous studies have demonstrated that music listening conveys beneficial effects on cognitive processes as well as both normal and pathologic cerebral functioning. Surprisingly, no quantitative study has evaluated the potential effects of music on cognition and consciousness in comatose and post-comatose patients. The present thesis revolves around three studies: 1) an increased functional connectivity during exposure of favourite music is shown in cortical structures linked to music perception and memory search processes for post-comatose patients; 2) the cerebral response to the first name, the P300 component, is more often observed in post-comatose patients when its presentation was preceded by a preferred musical excerpt; 3) listening to personally relevant music is associated to activations in many cerebral structures, particularly in regions linked to autobiographical memory retrieval and self-processing. The whole of this work reveals that listening music involves numerous cerebral networks whether it be in healthy subjects or post-comtaose patients. These results also suggest the presence of an autobiographical priming by music. Finally, the use of music in clinical context can be boost the cognition in comatose and post-comatose patients

Lithium in young open clusters and halo stars

Ford, Alison January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Le délirium aux soins intensifs : identification de facteurs de risque et de conséquences pour les patients

Ouimet, Sébastien January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Kinetic simulation of spherically symmetric collisionless plasma in the inner part of a cometary coma

Dogurevich, Pavel January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Unidades aritméticas en coma flotante para tiempo real

Mora Pascual, Jerónimo Manuel 27 November 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Gas Production in Distant Comets

Gunnarsson, Marcus January 2002 (has links)
<p>Molecular spectroscopy at radio wavelengths is a tool well suited for studying the composition and outgassing kinematics of cometary comae. This is particularly true for distant comets, i.e. comets at heliocentric distances greater than a few AU, where the excitation of molecules is inefficient other than for rotational energy levels. At these distances, water sublimation is inefficient, and cometary activity is dominated by outgassing of carbon monoxide.</p><p>An observing campaign is presented, where the millimeter-wave emission from CO in comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 has been studied in detail using the Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope (SEST). Coma models have been used to analyse the spectra. The production of CO is found to have two separate sources, one releasing CO gas on the nuclear dayside, and one extended source, where CO is produced from coma material, proposed to be icy dust grains.</p><p>Radio observations of many molecules in comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) have been carried out in a long-term international effort using several radio telescopes. An overview of the results is presented, describing the evolution of the gas production as the comet passed through the inner Solar system. Spectra recorded using the SEST, primarily of CO, for heliocentric distances from 3 to 11 AU are analysed in detail, also using coma models.</p><p>The concept of icy grains constituting the extended source discovered in comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 is examined by theoretical modelling of micrometre-sized ice/dust particles at 6 AU from the Sun. It is shown that that such grains can release their content of volatiles on timescales similar to that found for the extended source.</p>

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