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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'entrée en vigueur de la loi / Entry into force of Statutes

Raptopoulos, Themistoklis 06 December 2018 (has links)
L’objet de cette étude est de mettre en évidence les traits distinctifs de l’institution que désigne le terme « entrée en vigueur de la loi ». Il s’agit d’un ensemble de règles et de pratiques correspondantes qui permettent aux acteurs du système juridique de déterminer avec précision le moment à compter duquel devient obligatoire toute nouvelle loi. Pour qu’une telle détermination soit possible, le système juridique doit consacrer au moins une règle de droit commun, à savoir une règle qui permet de déterminer, à défaut de disposition contraire, la date d’entrée en vigueur de toute nouvelle loi. La consécration d’une telle règle présuppose l’existence d’un critère qui permet de déterminer avec précision le moment où la procédure d’édiction chaque nouvelle loi est achevée. En droit positif français, ce critère est la promulgation. Pour rendre compte de cette fonction de la promulgation, il importe de distinguer entre deux séries de conditions d’entrée en vigueur : les conditions particulières, dont dépend l’entrée en vigueur des lois d’après les règles du droit positif, et les conditions générales, dont la réunion est nécessaire pour qu’il soit en premier lieu possible de consacrer des règles d’entrée en vigueur. Concernant les conditions particulières, l’étude des règles de droit commun montre que, contrairement à une idée communément admise, la publication n’est pas une condition nécessaire de l’entrée en vigueur des lois. S’agissant des conditions générales, il s’avère que l’institution de l’entrée en vigueur présuppose une conception volontariste de la loi et un haut degré de formalisation de la procédure de son édiction. / This study aims at identifying the distinctive features of what is commonly referred to as “entry into force of statutes”. This term refers to a nexus of rules and practices that enable the agents of a legal system to determine in a precise manner the moment every statute becomes legally binding. For that to be possible, there must be at least one general rule that applies to any statute lacking a commencement clause. The existence of such a rule depends on the presence of a criterion that allows establishing the precise moment every bill becomes an enacted statute. In France, the relevant criterion is the formal act, known as promulgation, by which the Head of State signs a bill into law. In order to fully grasp the function thus performed by the act of promulgation, a distinction must be made between two kinds of conditions that can be said to be necessary for a statute’s entry into force. On the one hand, there are the specific conditions set out by the relevant rules of a legal system. On the other hand, there are some more fundamental conditions that a legal system must necessarily meet in order to provide for a general rule governing the entry into force of its statutes. As regards the conditions set out by the relevant rules of the French legal system, it turns out that, contrary to a commonly held idea, the rules in question do not make prior publication a necessary condition for the entry into force of statutes. As regards the aforementioned necessary conditions, it appears that the relevant rules and practices presuppose a voluntarist conception of law and, subsequently, a high level of formalism in the procedure followed for the enactment of statutes.

Droit de la consommation et regime de l'obligation : essai de construction d’un régime de l’obligation consumériste au travers de l’exemple de la prescription / Consumer Law and regime for obligations : contribution to a new statute of limitations for Consumer Law

Calcio Gaudino, Mathilde 30 November 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse aborde la question du régime de l’obligation consumériste au travers de l’exemple de la prescription. Elle s’intéresse à la réception par le droit de la consommation, droit par essence inégalitaire, de la prescription en tant que mécanisme du régime général de l’obligation. Le délai biennal de l'action en paiement du professionnel peut-il être interrompu ? Quels sont les effets des pourparlers sur le court délai de l'action en inexécution du consommateur ? Comment s'impute le paiement d'une dette prescrite en droit de la consommation ? Ce travail s'attache à démontrer l'inadéquation du recours au régime de droit commun dans les rapports consuméristes, mais aussi les conséquences dommageables des solutions actuelles apportées par le droit de la consommation. Il se propose d'étudier, par une analyse systématique et détaillée de la jurisprudence du fond et de la Cour de cassation, le traitement de la prescription dans les contrats de consommation classiques, et dans les contrats de consommation inversés. Il s’intéresse également à la prescription des actions en nullité et en répétition de l’indu. L'étude de la jurisprudence accessible et du précontentieux disponible révèle que le consommateur est pénalisé à deux égards :– l'application des mécanismes de droit commun (computation, interruption, suspension, interversion des délais et prescription présomptive de paiement) confère en réalité au professionnel la maîtrise des délais, que celui-ci agisse en qualité de créancier ou de débiteur ;– la coexistence de plusieurs délais de nature et de régime différents (prescription, prescription présomptive et forclusion) est source de confusion tant pour les parties que pour les juridictions. La comparaison des courants jurisprudentiels des cours d'appel dans le contentieux de masse met en relief des pratiques opposées qui, outre l'enjeu économique important pour le consommateur, privent celui-ci d'un accès égal à la justice.La démonstration des déséquilibres induits par le régime de la prescription s’accompagne de pistes de réflexions prospectives. Théorisant les pratiques actuelles, l'étude sert de base à la construction d'un modèle raisonné de prescription de l'obligation consumériste et de son régime, fondé sur le traitement différencié des parties / While Civil law is traditionally based on equality between contractors, Consumer protection Law was built around the notion of unbalanced contractual relationship, the consumer being the weaker party. This study revolves around limitation periods and foreclosure, known to be Civil law mechanisms, and their use and reception by Consumer Law. Is the two year period granted to the professional to seek specific performance likely to be interrupted ? Do negociations revolving around a purchased good’s hidden defects suspend the brief period granted to the consumer to claim for specific performance ? How does French Consumer Protection Law allocate late payment of debts that have been extinguished by the statute of limitations ? This study consists in systematic analyses of available litigations obtained through courts' Open data. It aims to highlight phenomena such as rules resumption, rules adjustment or rules creation through the problematic of unbalanced, B to C, contractual relationships.Three sights were fixed for this purpose : - demonstrating how inadequate Civil Law, Consumer Law and Commercial Law are considering the contractual unbalances inherent to B to C relationships, through some examples of mass litigations (nature of the statute of limitations, commencement date of the limitation period, causes for interruption and suspension of the limitation period, court’s function) ; - highlighting the lack of strong, unchanging jurisprudence on the subject, at the expense of legal safety and legal rules quality ; - offering a new, rational model of limitation period for Consumer Law, taking into account the very specific problematics of each parties. The result of the above study could provide the basis for a reflection on a new Consumer legislation

Y'all Go Out and Make Us Proud: The Commencement Address and the Southern Writer

Nichols, Dana J. 12 June 2006 (has links)
The college commencement address is traditionally regarded as the low point of an otherwise auspicious occasion. An ephemeral form of ceremonial oratory, the commencement speech is reviled for its conventional platitudes, its easy piety, and its abstractions on the well-lived life, the sunny future, and the ethics of adulthood. The South may differ, however, in its approach to the commencement speech genre, especially in the years between World War II and the millennium, when one of the South’s most significant assets became the southern writer. Throughout this dissertation, I have tried to situate eight commencement addresses given by such prominent and dissimilar writers as W.J. Cash, William Faulkner, Wendell Berry, Will D. Campbell, Lee Smith, Clyde Edgerton, Maya Angelou, and Fred Chappell, within the context of the times in which they were delivered and within the speakers' written works. Through my analysis of these graduation talks, I discovered that southern writers typically abandon those repetitious conventions that render the commencement address forgettable in favor of the innovative techniques that were already at work in their written works.

The nature of association and dissociation for common purpose liability

Makiwane, Paterson Nkosemntu 11 1900 (has links)
Since the pre-requisites for common-purpose liability where there was no prior agreement were laid down in S V Mgedezi 1989 (1) SA 687 (A), the appellate division has moved to resolve related controversial issues. These include the question whether a joiner-in is a perpetrator or accomplice, and whether he should be convicted of murder or attempted murder. It is the question of dissociation which has remained elusive. Courts accept that a person should only be criminally liable when his dissociation from a common purpose takes place after the commencement of execution stage is reached. My submission is that whether one dissociates himself should be a question of fact, to be determined according to the circumstances of each case. Such determination should pay close attention to the doctrine of proximity. Where a person played a minor role, or acted under the influence of a dominant partner, this should be reflected in the punishment imposed. / Criminal and Procedural Law / LL.M. (Criminal & Procedural Law)

Kommunala lantmäterimyndighetens insats för en effektivare detaljplane- och genomförandeprocess : En undersökande fallstudie av projektet BoStad2021 i Göteborgs Stad / The municipal land surveying authority’s effort for a more efficient planning and implementation process

Kahin, Mohammed, Olsson, Jonathan January 2023 (has links)
År 2014 beslutade Göteborgs Stad att öka byggtakten genom att effektivisera detaljplane- och genomförandeprocessen. Tidigare hade dessa processer utförts separat och kronologiskt efter varandra. För att möta samhällsbehoven och möjliggöra bostadsbyggandet i takt med befolkningstillväxten behövde effektiviseringen av dessa processer förbättras och samordnas.  Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka vad parallella processer innebär och hur de kan bidra till effektiviseringen av detaljplane- och genomförandeprocessen. Särskilt studerades kommunala lantmäterimyndighetens roll i planprocessen och deras bidrag som sakkunnig lantmätare. Studien fokuserade även på hur kommunala lantmäterimyndigheten agerar under samråds- och granskningsfasen samt de förändringar som skett i deras arbetssätt efter att parallella processer infördes.  En fallstudie genomfördes på Göteborgs Stad för att besvara studiens frågeställning. Projektet BoStad2021 etablerades för att effektivisera detaljplane- och genomförandeprocessen och målsättningen var att färdigställa 7000 bostäder år 2021. Göteborgs Stad var den första kommunen att använda sig av parallella processer, där olika förvaltningar samverkade tidigt och arbetade nära för att effektivisera hela detaljplane- och genomförandeprocessen. Data samlades in genom intervjuer med två enhetschefer och en förrättningslantmätare på Göteborgs Stad som varit involverade i etableringen av projektet BoStad2021. Dessutom studerades Chalmers följeforskning av BoStad2021 för att stödja kartläggningen av hur KLM:s arbetssätt har förändrats. Resultatet av studien visar att kommunala lantmäterimyndighetens arbetssätt har genomgått förändringar. KLM:s roll och arbetsmetoder har blivit mer proaktiva genom att ha en annorlunda kommunikationsstrategi. Genom att förvaltningarna arbetade parallellt har det medfört att kommunala lantmäterimyndigheten har kunnat initiera tidiga förrättningar samt förbereda beslutsunderlag för att kunna fatta beslut så snart detaljplanen vunnit laga kraft. Dessa förändringar i arbetssätt har bidragit till en effektivare lantmäteriprocess. / In 2014, the City of Gothenburg decided to increase the rate of construction by streamlining the detailed planning and implementation process. Previously these processes were dealt with separately and sequentially. To meet the society's needs and be able to build in line with population growth, the streamlining of these processes needed improvement and a new strategy. This bachelor thesis aim was to examine the implications of parallel processes and its contribution to the efficiency of the detailed planning process. The study specifically focused on the role of the municipal land surveying authority in the planning process and implementation process. A case study was conducted in the City of Gothenburg to address the research questions. BoStad2021 project was established to streamline the detailed planning and implementation process, with the goal of completing 7000 units by 2021. Gothenburg was the first municipality to implement parallel processes, wherein different departments collaborated early on and worked closely together to streamline the entire detailed planning and implementation process. Data was collected through three interviews with two-unit managers and one land surveyor involved in the establishment of BoStad2021 project in the City of Gothenburg. Furthermore, Chalmers University’s follow up research on BoStad2021 was studied to support the examination of changes in the municipal land surveying authority’s work method. The result of the study indicates that the municipal land surveying authority’s work method has undergone changes. Their role and work methods have become more proactive through the improved communication strategy. By working with parallel processes and a close cooperation with the other departments they have been able to initiate early land survey proceedings and prepare decision materials promptly after the detailed plan has gained legal force. These changes have contributed to a more efficient land surveying process.

La difficulté de définir le commencement dans la Logique de Hegel

Allard, Jeanne 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire est constitué d’une analyse du texte intitulé « Quel doit être le point de départ de la science ? » situé en ouverture de la Science de la logique. Partant de l’affirmation de Hegel selon laquelle le commencement de la Logique est inanalysable et indéfinissable, nous rapprochons la notion de définition de celle de spekulativer Satz et proposons d’étudier le concept de commencement en distinguant une perspective épistémologique d’une perspective ontologique. Cette distinction permettra de mettre en évidence la possibilité de définir le commencement d’une façon positive si l’on tient compte du choix (Entschluss) et de l’ordre qui émergent de l’abandon de la perspective épistémologique. Cette définition s’appuie sur la présence dans le texte d’un registre prescriptif et permet de rendre compte du fait que le commencement doit être à la fois absolu et unilatéral. Si la difficulté posée par cette définition demeure, c’est en raison de la nature même du commencement, où tout manque, même la stabilité d’une définition, sans pour autant que cette instabilité ne soit conforme au mouvement inhérent à la proposition spéculative. / In this thesis, we offer a reading of one of the Science of Logic’s opening sections, called “With what should the beginning of science be made?”, in which Hegel maintains that the beginning of the Logic cannot be analyzed nor defined. Hence, we connect the definition with the spekulativer Satz and propose to distinguish between epistemological and ontological perspectives on the notion of beginning to allow for its proper study. Taking into account the rejection of an epistemological perspective on the beginning, this will show that a positive definition of the beginning is acceptable if the notions of choice (Entschluss) and order that lay beneath the notions of criteria and presupposition are put forward. Such a definition grounds itself in the prescriptive dimension of Hegel’s text and explains why the beginning can be both absolute and one-sided. The difficulty of such a definition, however, remains, due to the very nature of the concept of beginning. Indeed, since the beginning lacks all properties, it also lacks the stability of a definition.

La réception de la théorie de l'évolution dans la théologie catholique du XXe siècle : positions du Magistère et contributions des théologiens Gustave Martelet, Jean-Michel Maldamé et Jacques Arnould / The reception of the theory of évolution by 20th century catholic theology : positions of the Magisterium and contributions by the theologians Gustave Martelet, Jean-Michel Maldamé and Jacques Arnould

Belambo Bedji, Don-Jean 20 September 2013 (has links)
Le Magistère catholique a accueilli la théorie de l’évolution et a reconnu sa valeur. L’encyclique Humani Generis en constitue le moment-clé. Mais le Magistère ne va pas loin. Il refuse de sacrifier les points forts de l’anthropologie chrétienne traditionnelle sur l’autel de l’évolution. Il insiste sur la création directe de l’âme humaine par Dieu. Quelques théologiens catholiques, comme G. Martelet, J.-M. Maldamé et J. Arnould, voient la nécessité d’articuler les discours théologiques et les acquis de la théorie de l’évolution, où la conceptualité de l’émergence est dominante ; une démarche qui repose sur l’idée que si Dieu est unique, la vérité de sa révélation ne saurait s’opposer à la vérité manifestée par le monde. Ce travail veut cerner les prises de position du Magistère, de Pie XII à Jean-Paul II. Il se propose aussi d’explorer les apports des trois théologiens dans le travail d’approfondissement de la théologie de la création, de montrer comment leurs réflexions contribuent à l’intelligence de la spécificité humaine et de l’action de Dieu dans la création. Les acquis scientifiques contribuent au progrès de notre connaissance de l’univers et de l’homme. Il en va de la compréhension de l’action de Dieu dans le monde. Celle-ci cesse de se penser à partir des schèmes mécaniques où le Créateur apparaît comme un ingénieur cosmique ; elle se dit en termes d’accompagnement des possibles inscrits dans l’intime de l’être. Le moins que nous puissions dire est que la Bible s’intéresse moins au passé de l’humain qu’à son origine. Selon la Bible, être humain, c’est répondre à l’appel de Dieu et appel de l’humanité en termes de responsabilité. C’est cela être à l’image de Dieu. / The Catholic Magisterium welcomed the theory of evolution and recognizes its value. The encyclical Humani Generis constitutes its key moment. However, the Magisterium went no further. It declined to sacrifice the cornerstone of traditional Christian anthropology on the altar of evolutionary theory. It insists on the direct creation of the human soul par God. A few theologians like G. Martelet, J.-M. Maldamé and J. Arnould, saw the need to articulate this theological discourse and the advances of evolutionary theory, where the conceptuality of emergence dominates ; an approach that is based on the idea that if God is unique then the truth of is revelation would by no means oppose to the truth showed by the world. The present study attempts to grasp the stance taken by the Magisterium, from Pius XII to John-Paul II. It explores the contribution of the three mentioned theologians to a deeper reflection on the theology of creation, on how their work has contributed to the understanding of the human identity and God’s action within creation. The scientific knowledge contributes to the improvement of our awareness of the Universe and mankind. Indeed, the understanding of God’s action in the world is at stake. It is not considered according to mechanical patterns where the Creator is described as a cosmic engineer. It is more represented in terms of support and arousing of the potential within the innermost being. The least we can say is that the Bible is not as interested about the past of mankind but rather about its origin. According to the Bible, answering the call of God and the one of mankind in terms of responsibility defines what being human is. That is what being in the image of God.

L'étonnement ou "l'éclat du visible" / The astonishment or the excess of the visible

Ohana, Sarah 07 November 2017 (has links)
L’étonnement a une place privilégiée dans la vie des idées, considéré comme l’émotion à l’origine de toutes formes de spéculations philosophiques, il est l’objet d’étude le plus adéquat pour analyser les problèmes communs du cinéma et de la philosophie : le mouvement (Thalès, Héraclite, Zénon d’Élée), la remise en question du réel (Descartes), l’accès au savoir par les sens (Platon). Par l’incarnation de « personnages conceptuels » (l’idiot, le sceptique, le jeune philosophe), le cinéma offre la possibilité d’accéder à des raisonnements philosophiques de manière empirique. Le cinéma sera ainsi considéré comme un outil pouvant mettre en scène le doute cartésien grâce à une déconstruction progressive du réel. Chaque film étudié matérialisera une étape de cette déconstruction : Three Days of the Condor de Sydney Pollack : la remise en question du réel ; Aguirre, la colère de Dieu de Werner Herzog et Bullitt de Peter Yates : le déni du réel, la filmographie de Buster Keaton (courts et longs-métrages) : la trahison des apparences, les œuvres abstraites de Stan Brakhage : la réduction du réel à un entrelacement de formes et de sensations. Cette thèse proposera une redéfinition des causes et des conditions du surgissement de l’étonnement. En effet, étant principalement lié au nouveau dans les différents traités sur l’émotion étudiés (Descartes, Darwin, Charles Le Brun, William James), le rapport entre étonnement et mémoire nécessitera un développement. Ainsi par l’intermédiaire d’une revalorisation de la mémoire affective dans la perception d’un objet étonnant, cette émotion pourra enfin être prise en compte en fonction du passé du sujet. Les différents types de reconnaissance engagés dans la vision d’un film seront analysés pour comprendre à quel moment ce phénomène passe d’un événement mineur à un événement majeur. Le cinéma pourra de cette manière être employé comme un laboratoire mémoriel. Grâce à une approche anthropologique de la première cause de l'étonnement au cinéma : "les feuilles qui bougent" c’est-à-dire le mouvement, le mythe des images vivantes sera étudié du point de vue de sa persistance à différents moments de l’histoire du cinéma du Napoléon d’Abel Gance à Young Sherlock Holmes de Barry Levinson. Ce premier principe étonnant du dispositif cinématographique donnera lieu à une inversion, 4 l’étonnement suscité par une autre vie des images cette fois insufflée par la suspension ou l’arrêt sur image. Enfin « le phénomène saturé » défini par Jean-Luc Marion comme un étonnement surplombant le champ de vision du spectateur sera divisé en une typologie des différents types de saturation au cinéma (le réel surpris, le montage cubiste, la plénitude du cadre etc.), dans le but de trouver un équivalent visuel de l'évidence (première obsession cartésienne). Le dessein de cette typologie inspirée par Descartes sera de réhabiliser les sens dans la construction du savoir / Astonishment has a privileged place in the history of philosophy, considered as the emotion behind all forms of philosophical speculation; it is the most appropriate object of study to analyze the common problems of cinema and Philosophy: movement (Thales, Heraclitus, Zeno of Elea), questioning reality (Descartes), access to knowledge through the senses (Plato). Cinema will thus be considered as a tool able to portray Cartesian doubt through a progressive deconstruction of reality. Each film studied materializes a stage of this deconstruction: Three Days of the Condor by Sydney Pollack: questioning reality Aguirre, the Wrath of God by Werner Herzog and Bullitt by Peter Yates: the denial of reality the filmography of Buster Keaton (short and feature films); the betrayal of appearances the abstract works of Stan Brakhage: the reduction of reality to an interweaving of forms and sensations. Thus, by the incarnation of « conceptual characters » (the idiot, the skeptic, the young philosopher), cinema allows us to empirically access to philosophical reasoning. This development will also involve the redefinition of the causes and conditions of astonishment. Indeed, the relationship between astonishment and memory will necessitate a further investigation into, since it is mainly linked to the new and the extraordinary in the different treatises on emotion studied (Descartes, Darwin, Charles Le Brun, William James). Thus, by means of a revaluation of the affective memory in the perception of an astonishing object, this emotion can finally be considered according to the past of the subject. The different types of recognition involved in filmic vision will be analyzed to understand when this phenomenon moves from being a minor event to a major event. In this way, cinema can be used as a memorial laboratory. Thanks to an anthropological approach to the primary cause of astonishment in the cinema: « the moving leaves » (i.e. movement), the myth of living images, will be studied through its persistence at different moments of cinema history from Abel Gance’s Napoleon to Young Sherlock Holmes by Barry Levinson. The first principle of cinematic astonishment leads us to consider its inversion, the astonishment aroused by another aspect of life of images, one dominated by the suspension or the halting of the image. Finally, the « Saturated Phenomena » (defined by Jean-Luc Marion as an astonishment overlooking the spectator's field of vision) will be divided into a typology of the different 6 types of saturation in the cinema (cubist montage, crowded frames, etc.) in order to find a visual equivalent of the evidence (the first Cartesian obsession) and to reassert the value of the senses in the construction of knowledge

Faculty Senate Minutes November 2, 2015

University of Arizona Faculty Senate 14 December 2015 (has links)
This item contains the agenda, minutes, and attachments for the Faculty Senate meeting on this date. There may be additional materials from the meeting available at the Faculty Center.


Cargnin, Elisane Scapin 24 February 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This paper aims to analyze the language used by professors to build representations of professors in eleven samples taken from commencement speakers speeches, which were analyzed as a textual genre, considering the situational context changes in which it is used and its Generic Structure Potential (GSP) according to Halliday and Hasan (1989). Such texts were produced by professors who acted as commencement speakers in Languages commencement ceremonies from two universities. After the description of the contextual configuration (CC), we identified the obligatory, optional and iterative elements compounding the GSP. In relation to the context, the Languages commencement speaker's speech consists of a thinking-advisory message. The social distance is maximum in relation to the authorities, but minimal in relation to the undergraduate students. Writing is the medium, and speaking is the channel. With respect to the GSP, the obligatory elements are protocol actions, such as greetings and farewells, reports on academic life, advice and congratulations. The optional elements are course or occupation description, reflection on the use of language and references to authors and texts. The advice and congratulations were also considered iterative since they appear in different places in the text. Besides them, acknowledgments were also considered as iterative elements. Sequentially, lexicogrammar and socio-semantic analyses were performed. For that purpose, presuppositions of the Systemic Functional Grammar of Halliday and Matthiessen (2004) were used, specifically on the transitivity system and the representation forms of social actors proposed by van Leeuwen (1997). Twelve representations for the professor were verified, which were performed through mental, relational, material and verbal processes, in the roles of Senser, Carrier, Actor and Sayer. From lexicogrammatical structures, the socio-semantic analysis showed that the professor is included in the commencement speaker's speech by activation and passivation, realized by participation, circumstantialization and possessivation. To organize the representations, we gathered them based on the three pedagogical dimensions according to Libâneo (1994). With respect to the human dimension, the professor is represented as: emotionally involved; pleased with teaching in the ceremony context; someone who faces challenges and is persistent; an example of ethics and respect to his/her cultural values; one who evaluates him/herself, opens room to criticism and learns from students. In regard to the technical dimension, the professor masters the language contents and knowledge and is capable of associating information from different areas; is continuously improving and updating his/her knowledge; is innovative. In relation to the social-political dimension, he/she transforms the reality by using language, but is not valued. / Este trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar a linguagem usada por professores para construir representações do professor em onze exemplares de discursos de paraninfo, que foram analisados como gênero textual, tendo em vista as variáveis do contexto de situação em que é usado e o seu Potencial de Estrutura Genológica (PEG), de acordo com Halliday e Hasan (1989). Esses textos foram produzidos por professores que atuaram como paraninfos de turmas do curso de Letras de duas universidades. Após a descrição da configuração contextual (CC), passamos à identificação dos elementos obrigatórios, opcionais e iterativos que constituem o PEG. Em relação ao contexto, o discurso de paraninfo de Letras consiste em uma mensagem de reflexão com conselhos. A distância social é máxima em relação às autoridades, mas mínima em relação aos formandos. O meio é escrito e o canal usado é oral. Com relação ao PEG, os elementos obrigatórios são as ações protocolares cumprimentos e despedidas, relatos sobre a vida acadêmica, conselhos e parabenizações. Os opcionais são descrição do curso ou da profissão, reflexão sobre o uso da linguagem e referências a autores e a textos. Os conselhos e parabenizações foram considerados também iterativos, porque aparecem em diferentes lugares do texto. Além desses, foram considerados iterativos os agradecimentos. Na sequência, foram feitas as análises léxico-gramatical e sociossemântica. Para isso, foram usados pressupostos da Gramática Sistêmico-Funcional de Halliday e Matthiessen (2004), especificamente sobre o sistema da transitividade e as formas de representação dos atores sociais propostas por van Leeuwen (1997). Constataram-se 11 representações para o professor, que se realizaram por orações mentais, relacionais, materiais e verbais, nas funções de Experienciador, Portador, Ator e Dizente. A partir das estruturas léxico-gramaticais, a análise sociossemântica demonstrou que o professor é incluído no discurso do paraninfo por ativação e passivação, realizadas por participação, circunstancialização e possessivação. Para organizar as representações, reunimo-las com base nas três dimensões pedagógicas de Libâneo (1994). Com relação à dimensão humana, o professor está representado como: envolvido emocionalmente; satisfeito com a docência no contexto de solenidade; quem enfrenta dificuldades e é persistente; exemplo de ética e respeito aos valores da sua cultura; quem se avalia, abre espaço para críticas e aprende com os alunos. Com relação à dimensão técnica, o professor domina os conteúdos e conhecimentos de língua e é capaz de relacionar informações de diferentes áreas; está em constante aprimoramento e atualização; é inovador. Com relação à dimensão político-social, transforma a realidade pelo uso da linguagem, mas não é valorizado.

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