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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Matematisk kommunikation : i förskolebarns bygglek / Mathematical communication : in pre-school childrens´ constructional play

Härlin, Elisabeth January 2010 (has links)
Jag har undersökt vilken matematisk kommunikation som förekommer i förskolebarnets bygglek. Jag valde metoden videoinspelning där jag observerade fem olika bygglekssituationer som jag sedan tolkade och analyserade. För att få en större förståelse kring byggmiljön ställde jag också några frågor till pedagoger som ansvarade för konstruktionsverkstaden. Resultatet visade att det konkreta materialet förstärkte översättningsledet från det barnet redan kan (första ordningens språk) till det barnet ännu inte förstår (andra ordningens språk). Pedagogerna kunde med materialets hjälp göra ett matematiskt begrepp konkretare. Barnen kom i kontakt med många olika matematiska begrepp, både jämförelseord, lägesord och ordningstal. Det visade sig att vissa barn inte alla gånger använde rätt terminologi, men barnen hade ändå en gemensam förståelse för varandra. Pedagogerna utmanade, förde dialog och såg till att byggmaterialet var inspirerande, tillgängligt och välsorterat. / I have examined what type of mathematical communication is used by children in their constructional play. I used video recording as a method, and observed five different situations that I later interpreted and analyzed. To get a better understanding of the environment of construction I raised some questions to the teachers responsible for the construction work shop. The result showed that the concrete material enforced the translational link from what the child already knows (language of the first order) to what the child not yet understands (language of the second order). The teachers could use the material to make mathematical concepts more concrete. The children where introduced to many different mathematical concepts, both comparative words, words of position, and ordinal numbers. It turned out that some children where not always using the right terminology, but the children still had a common understanding of each other. The teachers challenged, conducted dialogues, and made sure that the building material was inspiring, available, and well sorted.

Les réseaux lexicaux nominaux témoignant de la conceptualisation métaphorique en anatomie

Labelle, Mélanie January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Conceptualization - a necessity for effective learning of mathematics at school

du Toit, Gawie 15 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Pain assessment in a culturally diverse united Arab emirates context

Ramukumba, Mokholelana Margaret 30 June 2006 (has links)
The need for nurses to become culturally competent is well documented in transcultural nursing literature. The subjective multidimensional nature of pain makes it imperative for nurses to use assessment methods that are culturally congruent. This study set out to explore the differences and similarities in conceptualization, experience, expression and management of pain between nurses and clients in the United Arab Emirates. The purpose of the study was to develop guidelines in the cultural pain assessment in the UAE context. The findings confirmed that nurses rely on biomedical approaches in assessment and relief of pain; clients were found to rely on the family for emotional support and on nurses for pharmacological interventions. Clients used sensory descriptors, and analogy when describing pain, nurses relied on the technical background and experience. Religious factors had a significant impact on clients' pain behavior. This study offers nurses new insights into cultural assessment of pain. / Health Studies / M. A. (Health Studies)

The role of instructional media in tertiary students' conceptualization of intended learning outcomes in Botswana

Gweshe, Murombo Anold, 1967- 12 1900 (has links)
Instructional media is expensive yet it may be underutilized. This study explored the perceptions of tertiary educators in Botswana on the role of instructional media in tertiary students’ conceptualization of intended learning outcomes. Quantitative research was used to a greater extent and the qualitative to a lesser extent. The study is a survey in which a questionnaire with twenty-two (22) items was used as a data collection instrument. An initial total of 300 copies of the questionnaire were sent to a sample of 30 tertiary institutions in Botswana. A total of 183 questionnaires were returned, thus 61% return rate. A number of findings emanated from this study, and it was concluded that instructional media enhances tertiary students’ conceptualization of intended learning outcomes. There was a correlation between instructional media utilization and students’ conceptualization of intended learning outcomes. Respondents also reported that instructional media aroused interest in learning and enhanced effective teaching and learning during the teaching and learning process; and that instructional media improved learning, thereby improving academic achievement of the learners, up to estimated 50% or better than students who were taught using the traditional ways. It was also found out that computers and their accessories were frequently used as well as a combination of instructional media. Another finding was that the same media were frequently used because of lack of resources and that they were the only instructional media available in the institutions. The study further concluded that, the amount used to purchase and maintain instructional media at departmental, faculty and or institutional level was seen to be put to good use. The study recommends that: instructional media be one of the main components of teaching and learning process in tertiary institution; a policy to be formulated on financing; use and management of instructional media; training of tertiary educators on different types of instructional media to be made a priority; otherwise purchased instructional media may end up as white elephants in schools. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)

Modern English Legal Terminology : linguistic and cognitive aspects / Terminologie juridique moderne de la langue anglaise : aspects linguistiques et cognitifs

Kucheruk, Liliya 28 June 2013 (has links)
La présente étude intitulée «Terminologie juridique moderne de la langue anglaise: aspects linguistiques et cognitifs » aborde le langage juridique contemporain dans le cadre de la linguistique cognitive. Les objectifs de l'étude sont d'étudier les particularités de la terminologie juridique et de proposer des principes de systématisation, en se référant à la théorie cognitive de la métaphore. Il s’agit principalement : 1) de déterminer les concepts de base utilisés métaphoriquement dans la langue juridique ; 2) d'établir les correspondances principales entre domaines et les corrélations entre des éléments particuliers dans des domaines spécifiques. Pour répondre à cette question, un corpus d’anglais juridique a été constitué et soumis à une étude quantitative. Les expressions métaphoriques liées à la terminologie juridique ont été retirés et classés selon leur sens métaphorique. Il est ainsi apparu que les métaphores conceptuelles de la GUERRE, de la MEDECINE, du SPORT et de la CONSTRUCTION étaient les plus nombreuses et prégnantes en anglais juridique. Les projections et correspondances entre ces domaines sources et le domaine cible de la LOI ont été établies.Cette étude empirique repose sur 156 textes juridiques qui ont été rassemblés au sein d’un même corpus (COLE – Corpus of Legal English). Les sources renvoient à différentes catégories thématiques. Le corpus a été utilisé pour établir la réalité de certains phénomènes et interpréter les résultats quantitatifs dans le cadre de la théorie de la métaphore conceptuelle. / The present doctoral dissertation entitled “Modern English Legal Terminology: linguistic and cognitive aspects” investigates the contemporary legal idiom, from a cognitive linguistics perspective. The aim of this study is to map out the peculiarities of English legal terminology and develop principles of systematization, within the framework of conceptual metaphor theory. This means 1) determining the basic concepts used metaphorically in English legal language, and 2) establishing the main cross-domain mappings and correlations between separate items within concrete domains.The Corpus of Legal English (COLE) was set up and a quantitative analysis performed, in which metaphorical expressions related to legal terminology were searched for and classified on the basis of meanings, conceptual domains and mappings. Thus, the conceptual metaphors of WAR, MEDICINE, SPORT and CONSTRUCTION were found to be the most numerous and valuable in Legal English. The main cross-domain mappings between these source domains and the target domain of LAW were established.In order to carry out this data-driven study, 156 legal texts were selected and compiled into the Corpus of Legal English (COLE). The source-texts represent various thematic categories. The COLE was systematically used to interpret frequency counts from the point of view of conceptual metaphor theory. / Дисертаційне дослідження на тему «Сучасна англійська юридична термінологія: лінгвокогнитивний аспект» досліджує сучасну мову права з точки зору когнітивної лінгвістики. Головною метою дослідження було дослідження особливостей англійської юридичної термінології та принципів її систематизації з точки зору когнітивної теорії і власне теорії концептуальної метафори. В ході написання роботи були поставлені наступні цілі: 1) визначити головні концепти які використовуються у якості метафор в англійській мові права; 2) встановити головні концептуальні зв’язки між окремими елементами доменів.З метою вирішення цих питань і задач був проведений кількісний аналіз корпусу юридичної англійської мови. В ході цього аналізу біли виділені та класифіковані метафоричні вирази які пов’язані з юридичною термінологією згідно їх метафоричного значення. В результаті аналізу було виявлено що концептуальні метафори WAR, MEDICINE, SPORT та CONSTRUCTION займають домінуюче положення в мові права. Також були встановлені основні концептуальні зв’язки між сферою-джерелом та сферою-ціллю.В даному дослідженні було використано спеціально створений корпус, який включає в себе 156 правових текстів різноманітної сюжетної направленості, для проведення кількісного аналізу з точки зору концептуальної метафори.

Interprétation et traduction d’expressions figées du français vers le serbe dans un corpus littéraire contemporain / Interpretation and translation of phrasemes from French into Serbian in a corpus of contemporary literature

Ralić, Sara 24 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une analyse de l’expression figée en tant que signe linguistique complexe, stable, variable et dynamique et en tant que problème de traduction à partir d’un corpus composé d’œuvres littéraires contemporaines françaises et de leurs traductions serbes. Le discours met en évidence la distance entre la signification du modèle et le sens de l’expression figée sémantiquement accomplie imbriquée dans le texte, dont l’une des réalisations est le défigement qui, lui, ne consiste simplement pas à renverser les critères syntaxiques, mais à élaborer un nouveau signifié de synthèse au service des stratégies discursives de l’énonciateur. Ce travail identifie les mécanismes linguistiques propres à l’expression figée et incontournables dans l’acte de traduire, ainsi que les incompatibilités entre les problèmes de sa traduction et certaines propriétés qui lui sont attribuées. Les problèmes que pose la traduction de l’expression figée dans le texte littéraire, dont elle façonne la progression narrative, excèdent la dichotomie entre la solution éthique et la solution ethnologique. Ils relèvent de la façon dans le locuteur établit le lien entre la conceptualisation inhérente à l’expression figée, elle-même construite sur la base des concepts préexistants - d’où l’image mentale et la charge connotative -, et la réalité à laquelle il l’applique. Sa traduction, eu égard à sa complexité pragma-sémantique, exige forcément une approche sourcière dans la phase interprétative et une solution cibliste. / This thesis proposes an analysis of a phraseme as a complex, stable, variable and dynamic linguistic sign, and as a translation problem based on a corpus of contemporary French literature and its Serbian translations. The discourse highlights the distance between the meaning of a model and the meaning of a phraseme that is semantically accomplished and embedded in a text. One of its possible realizations is a pun that does not only consist in transgressing the syntactic criteria but in developing a new global signified, serving the speaker’s discursive strategies. This work identifies linguistic mechanisms specific to lexical frozenness that are inevitable in the act of translation, and incompatibilities between the problems of translation and properties of a given phraseme. Its translation problems in a literary text, whose narrative progression it shapes, exceed the dichotomy between a domesticated translation and a foreignized translation. Translation problems result from the way in which the speaker establishes the link between the conceptualization inherent to a phraseme, built itself on the basis of pre-existing concepts - hence the mental image and the connotative surplus value - and the reality to which the speaker applies it. Its translation, given its pragma-semantic complexity, necessarily requires a source-oriented approach in the interpretative phase and a target-oriented solution.

Kön, språk och kognition:semantiska och begreppsliga strukturer hos svenska femininavledningar och deras finska och tyska ekvivalenter

Harjuniemi, J. (Jenna) 29 October 2014 (has links)
Abstract The theme of this doctoral thesis is the relationship between gender, language, and cognition. The research object are Swedish suffix derived feminine nouns (feminine derivations) and their Finnish and German equivalents. The focus lies on their semantic and conceptual structures. The main material source constitutes of unilingual Swedish, Finnish, and German dictionaries. I this study the meaning descriptions of the feminine derivations are regarded as semantic structures which are called omskrivnings. An omskrivning expresses the meaning of a word by “re-writing” it with other words. The theoretical frame of reference is cognitive linguistics that is combined with gender studies. Linguistic structures reflect conceptual structures and symbolize a certain perspective to the phenomenon they refer to (here: gender). This is called conceptualization. The starting point of this study is that meanings (semantic structures) and concepts behind them (conceptual structures) constitute of components that stand in certain relationships to each other. The components in the conceptual structure are called schemes. Four different patterns of omskrivning can be found in unilingual dictionaries. These patterns represent four types of semantic and conceptual structures and thus four ways to conceptualize gender: as a primary, secondary, overlapping, or relational scheme. In this study the conceptualizations are also related to the external reality. The relationship between the conceptualizations and the external reality is studied in terms of how and if Swedish, Finnish and German feminine derivations are used in communication. The use of feminine derivation varies in different languages. Every one of the four semantic and conceptual types has its own characteristic conceptualization that implies whether feminine suffixation is facultative or obligatory – i.e. if it’s possible to choose between a feminine derivation and a corresponding masculine or gender neutral word. Alongside conceptualization the facultativity and obligation are also influenced by the external reality. The external reality constitutes of three factors concerning each language: language typology, strategy for equal language, and gender culture. They can possibly explain why there are differences and similarities in the use of feminine derivations between Swedish, Finnish, and German. / Tiivistelmä Tämän väitöskirjan aiheena on sukupuolen, kielen ja kognition välinen suhde. Tutkimuskohteena ovat ruotsalaiset suffiksijohdetut feminiiniset henkilönimikkeet (feminiinijohdokset) ja niiden suomalaiset ja saksalaiset ekvivalentit. Tarkoitus on tutkia sanojen semanttisia ja käsitteellisiä rakenteita. Tärkeimpänä lähdeaineistona ovat yksikieliset ruotsalaiset, suomalaiset ja saksalaiset sanakirjat. Tutkimuksessa feminiinijohdosten sanakirjamääritelmät katsotaan semanttisiksi rakenteiksi, joista käytetään nimitystä omskrivning. Omskrivning ilmaisee sanan merkityssisällön ”uudelleenkirjoittamalla” sen toisia sanoja käyttäen. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä on kognitiivinen kielitiede yhdistettynä sukupuolentutkimuksen näkökulmaan. Kielen rakenteet heijastavat käsitteellisiä rakenteita ja symboloivat tiettyä näkökulmaa siihen ilmiöön, johon ne viittaavat (tässä: sukupuoli). Tätä kutsutaan käsitteistykseksi. Tutkimuksen lähtökohtana on se, että sekä merkitykset (semanttiset rakenteet) että käsitteet niiden takana (käsitteelliset rakenteet) koostuvat komponenteista, joiden välillä on erilaisia suhteita. Käsitteellisen rakenteen komponentteja kutsutaan skeemoiksi. Yksikielisissä sanakirjoissa esiintyy neljä omskrivning-mallia. Omskrivning-mallit edustavat neljää semanttisen ja käsitteellisen rakenteen tyyppiä ja siten neljää erilaista tapaa käsitteistää sukupuoli: primäärinä, sekundäärisenä, limittäisenä tai suhteellisena skeemana. Tutkimuksessa käsitteistykset liitetään myös ulkoiseen todellisuuteen. Suhdetta käsitteistysten ja ulkoisen todellisuuden välillä tarkastellaan sen avulla, miten ruotsalaisia, suomalaisia ja saksalaisia feminiinijohdoksia käytetään kommunikaatiossa. Feminiinijohdosten käyttö vaihtelee eri kielissä. Jokaisella neljällä semanttisella ja käsitteellisellä tyypillä on oma tunnusomainen käsitteistyksensä, joka implikoi, onko feminiinisuffiksaatio valinnainen vai pakollinen, ts. onko mahdollista valita feminiinijohdoksen ja vastaavan maskuliinisen tai sukupuolineutraalin sanan välillä. Käsitteistyksen ohella valinnaisuuteen ja pakollisuuteen vaikuttaa myös ulkoinen todellisuus. Ulkoinen todellisuus koostuu kolmesta tekijästä jokaisen kielen kohdalla: kielityyppi, tasa-arvoisen kielenkäytön strategiat ja sukupuolikulttuuri. Näiden avulla voidaan selittää miksi feminiinijohdosten käytössä on eroja ja yhtäläisyyksiä ruotsin, suomen ja saksan välillä. / Abstrakt Temat i denna doktorsavhandling är förhållandet mellan kön, språk och kognition. Undersökningsobjektet är svenska suffixavledda feminina personbeteckningar (femininavledningar) och deras finska och tyska ekvivalenter. Syftet är att studera beteckningarnas semantiska och begreppsliga strukturer. De viktigaste materialkällorna utgörs av svenska, finska och tyska enspråkiga ordböcker. I denna undersökning tolkas femininavledningarnas betydelsebeskrivningar som semantiska strukturer vilka kallas omskrivningar. En omskrivning uttrycker ordets betydelseinnehåll genom att ”skriva om” det med andra ord. Den teoretiska referensramen utgörs av kognitiv lingvistik som kombineras med en genusvetenskaplig synvinkel. Språkets strukturer avspeglar begreppsliga strukturer och symboliserar ett visst perspektiv på den företeelse som de syftar på (här: kön). Detta kallas konceptualisering. Undersökningen utgår från att både betydelser (semantiska strukturer) och begrepp bakom dem (begreppsliga strukturer) består av komponenter och att komponenterna står i vissa förhållanden till varandra. Komponenterna i den begreppsliga strukturen kallas scheman. I enspråkiga ordböcker förekommer fyra olika omskrivningsmönster. Omskrivningsmönstren representerar fyra semantiska och begreppsliga strukturer och därmed fyra sätt att konceptualisera könet: som primärt, sekundärt, överlappande eller relationellt schema. I denna undersökning relateras konceptualiseringarna även till den utomstående verkligheten. Förhållandet mellan konceptualiseringarna och den utomstående verkligheten beaktas inom ramen för hur och om svenska, finska och tyska femininavledningar används i språkbruket. Användningen av femininavledningar varierar i olika språk. Var och en av de fyra semantiska och begreppsliga typerna har sin kännetecknande konceptualisering som implicerar huruvida femininsuffixeringen är fakultativ eller obligatorisk, d.v.s. huruvida man kan välja mellan en femininavledning och en motsvarande maskulin eller könsneutral beteckning. Vid sidan av konceptualiseringen påverkas fakultativiteten och obligatoriet också av den utomstående verkligheten som utgörs av tre faktorer för varje språks del: språktyp, strategi för jämställt språk och könskultur. Med hjälp av dem är det möjligt att förklara varför det finns skillnader och likheter i användningen av femininavledningar mellan svenska, finska och tyska.

Projevy metaforičnosti v onomastice u žáků a studentů / Metaphorical patterns in onomastics recognizable by pupils and students

Štěpánová, Pavla January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation thesis deals with metaphorical patterns in a specific language material - names for partner (pet names) as recognizabled by pupils of age 14 to 16 and students of age 18 to 20. Names for partner, i. e. ways of mutual calling between a two people making a couple, were selected due to its strong metaphorical character. Their ambiguous affiliation with proper names, or common name enabled critical evaluation of structural and functional definition of proper names as well. Furthemore they enable to present a cognitive view on proper names especially based on emphasizing the conotative part of meaning and metaphorical nature of humans' thinking. The research was based on questionnaire divided into two parts and group and individual interviews with girls. The sufficient lexicological material gained due to the first part of questionnaire became a matter of metaphorical conceptualizations' analysis dealing with conceptualizations of partner (love). Thanks to the individual interviews the communication and pragmatic analysis of names for partner was performed. Second part of questionnaire and group interviews with girls enabled the detailed analysis of connotations and metaphorical perception of thirteen names intended for ladies. KEYWORDS metaphor, cognitive linguistics, onomastics,...

Interference v genderové konceptualizaci neživých referentů u maďarských bilingvistů / Interferences in the gender conceptualization of inanimate referents in bilingual Hungarian speakers

Červenková, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
This work deals with possible interferences in gender conceptualization of inanimate objects in bilingual speakers of Hungarian and Slovakian language. It closely pursues the grammatical category of gender (which is present in one of the examined languages, in Slovakian, and absent in the other one - Hungarian). The aim of the performed experiment, in which two groups of speakers participated (one was the previously mentioned group of bilingual speakers of Hungarian and Slovakian, and the second one was a control group of Hungarian monolingual speakers) was to verify if the presence of grammatical gender in one of the two languages, spoken by the bilingual group of speakers, will affect their conceptualization of gender of the inanimate referents. Another aspiration was to find out if bilingual speakers, as well as the monolingual speakers of Hungarian had accordant responses to some of the inanimate objects, and also if there was a congruence in the responses between the two participating groups of speakers. A secondary aim of this experiment was to examine a phenomenon, which appeared in the previous conducted research (Červenková, 2017), which was the effort of the respondents to make the first phoneme of their response identical with the first phoneme of the name of particular object in...

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