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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bedömning och utveckling av elevers skolordförråd : ur speciallärares, lärares och elevers perspektiv / Assessment and development of students' school vocabulary : from the perspective of special needs teachers, primary School teachers and students

Friman Gustafsson, Kerstin, Nilsson, Maria January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrunden till studien är att ordförrådet och därmed skolordförrådet är av central betydelse för elevers skolframgång. Studiens syfte är att bidra med kunskap om hur några speciallärare och lärare beskriver att de bedömer, undervisar och utvecklar elevers begreppsbildning och skolordförråd. Syftet är också att beskriva hur några elever berättar att de lär sig nya ord.  Undersökningen utfördes med en kvalitativ ansats i form av enkätundersökningar med elva speciallärare, tio lärare samt fyrtionio elever. Resultaten analyserades med tematisk analys som därefter tolkades mot centrala begrepp inom den sociokulturella teorin, den proximala utvecklingszonen, stöd och scaffolding, mediering, vardagsspråk och skolspråk, innebörd och betydelse samt artefakter. Resultaten kategoriserades i följande teman ”bedömning av elevers skolordförråd”, ”undervisning för utveckling av skolordförråd”, ”elevers hinder och möjligheter” och ”forskning, kompetens och beprövad erfarenhet”. Resultaten pekar på svårigheter att bedöma elevers skolordförråd då det verkar saknas samsyn mellan olika professioner angående skolordförråd samt en brist på kartläggningsmaterial. En slutsats är att ett gemensamt fackspråk kring skolordförrådet skulle öka möjligheterna till samverkan om bedömning och utredning mellan olika yrkesprofessioner. I resultatet återfinns en mängd språkutvecklande metoder och arbetssätt men planerad elevinteraktion samt explicit ordförrådsundervisning verkar vara mindre vanligt förekommande. Slutsatsen är att åtgärder, exempelvis speciallärares handledning behövs för att implementera aktuella forskningsrön i skolan, så att ett vetenskapligt förhållningssätt blir en självklar grund för undervisningen. Resultaten visar att elever upplever okända skolord som svårast att förstå i lärares muntliga språk och enklast att förstå i lärobokens texter. Slutsatsen är att elever behöver ha insikt om vilka skolord de inte förstår och därefter ta reda på skolordens betydelser på eget initiativ genom att fråga läraren. Studiens slutsatser är relevanta för alla delar av speciallärarens uppdrag, undervisning, utveckling och utredning. / The background of this study is that vocabulary and especially school vocabulary play a central role in students' school success. The first aim of the study is to contribute knowledge about how special needs teachers and primary school teachers describe their assessment, teaching and development of students' conceptualisation and school vocabulary. The second aim is to describe the students' perspective of learning new school vocabulary. A survey was carried out with a qualitative approach in the form of surveys with eleven special needs teachers, ten primary school teachers and forty-nine students. Results were analysed with thematic analysis, which was then interpreted against key concepts of sociocultural theory. Concepts used are the proximal development zone, scaffolding, mediating, everyday language and school language, meaning and definition and finally artifacts. Results were categorised into the following themes, "assessment of students' school vocabulary", "teaching for development of school vocabulary", "obstacles and opportunities for students” and "research, qualification and proven experience". The results point to difficulties in assessing students' school vocabulary as there seems to be a lack of consensus between different professions regarding school vocabulary and a lack of mapping material. One conclusion drawn is that a common technical language for different aspects of school vocabulary would increase the possibilities for collaboration on assessment and investigation between different professions. The results include a variety of language development teaching methods, but planned student interaction and explicit school vocabulary teaching seem to be less common. Another conclusion is that measures such as special needs teachers' supervision are needed to implement current research findings in schools so that a scientific approach becomes an obvious basis for teaching. The result shows that students perceive unknown school words most difficult to understand in primary school teachers' oral language and easiest to understand in textbook texts. The third conclusion is that students need to have insight into which school words they do not understand and then find out the meanings of school words on their own initiative by asking the teacher. The conclusions of the study are relevant for all parts of the special needs teacher's assignments, teaching, development and assessment.

Conceptualization - a necessity for effective learning of mathematics at school

du Toit, Gawie 15 March 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Normal is a Cycle on a Washing Machine: The U.S. Army Asymmetric Warfare Group

Cook, Paul J. January 2021 (has links)
This dissertation presents the U.S. Army Asymmetric Warfare Group (AWG) as an example of that service implementing successful change in wartime. It argues that creating the AWG required senior leaders to adopt a vision differing from the Army’s self-conceptualization, change bureaucratic processes to permit that vision to produce an actual military unit, and then place the new unit in the hands of uniquely qualified leaders able to build and sustain it. In the process, the dissertation will consider forces that influence change within the Army, arguing that the two most significant are its self-conceptualization and institutional bureaucracy. Only determined senior leaders can overcome these barriers, and then only by deep personal engagement. Such engagement extends to manipulating the bureaucracy by placing like-minded subordinates in positions where they can sustain the tenets of change long after the visionaries retire. The dissertation also posits effective leadership as critical to building and sustaining organizations able to consistently meet their founders’ vision. To effectively tell the story, the dissertation explores three major subject areas that provide historical context. The first is the Army’s institutional history from the early 1950s through 2001. This period begins with the Army seeking to validate its place in America’s national security strategy and ends with the Army trying to chart a path into the post-Cold War future. That section includes the major bureaucratic changes brought about by Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara in the early 1960s as these changes created processes the service still uses. It also addresses the Army’s post-Vietnam War focus on re-establishing itself as a technologically sophisticated force optimized to defeat similar opponents. This dissertation also looks at several episodes further in the past. Prior to World War I, the Army’s history is largely one of asymmetric warfare. The dissertation thus examines several campaigns that offered lessons for subsequent wars. Some lessons the Army took to heart, others it ignored. Finally, the dissertation chronicles the AWG’s creation in 2006. The AWG was a direct outgrowth of the failures and frustrations that the Army experienced in Afghanistan and Iraq. The dissertation examines these campaigns and identifies the specific problems that led senior Army leaders to create the AWG. It also chronicles the organizations growth and re-assignment from the Army staff to a fully-fledged organization subordinate to the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command in 2011. This reassignment placed a now mature AWG in the Army’s standard force structure, a place it held until its 2021 deactivation. This deactivation did not result not from the unit’s failure to adapt to a post-insurgency Army focusing on technical modernization. Rather, it resulted from the Army’s inability to realize that while the AWG originated as a response to counterinsurgency, it provided a capability to support the Army during a period of great strategic and institutional uncertainty. / History

Multilingual Immersion in Education for a Multidimensional Conceptualization of Knowledge: A Case Study of Bilingual Montessori School of Lund

Longchamps, Philippe January 2015 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks hur Bilingual Montessori School of Lund (BMSL):sspråkbadsmetod kan ha en positiv påverkan på begreppsförståelse. Den fokuserar på detkomplexa sambandet mellan flerspråkig pedagogik och dess inverkan på begreppsförvärv.Genom att använda exempel från språkbadsmetoden, testar denna studie hypotesen attspråkbadspedagogik ger en icke försumbar effekt på kreativt tänkande, men viktigast av allt,på konceptualisering av ämnesmässiga innehåll. Genom en noggrann diskussion om vilkenmetod som används har en empirisk analys gjorts ur tre perspektiv: en teoretisk analys avlitteraturen i ämnet, en intervjustudie med fyra semi-strukturerade lärarintervjuer och enenkätstudie där fler än 80 elever mellan årskurs 7 och 9 fick i uppdrag att besvara en enkät för att testa några av de iakttagelser som gjorts av de intervjuade. Syftet med denna forskning är att ta fram en empirisk kvalitativ innehållsanalys baserad på exempel från de intervjuades påståenden och därigenom utveckla en djupare förståelse om begreppsförvärv och hur detta yttrar sig i en stimulerande flerspråkig undervisningsmiljö. Vidare är syftet med denna studie att fastställa om BMSL okonventionella språkbadspedagogiks påverkan på begreppsförvärv kan vara orsaken till skolans höga poäng i de svenska nationella proven i matematik, engelska, svenska, NO och SO i årskurs 9 under de senaste åren. Analysen har lett till slutsatsen att flerspråkiga pedagogiska metoder som BMSL:s språkbadsmetod kan ha en mycket positiv inverkan på elevernas förmåga att tillgodogöra sig begrepp. Analysen hardessutom genererat nya hypoteser som kan utgöra grund för ytterligare fördjupande forskning inom specifika ämnen såsom språkbadsmetodens inverkan på elevens kreativitet,demokratisering av klassrummet, interkulturell medvetenhet och kognitiv utveckling. Denbidrar också till ett nytt kompetensutvecklingsperspektiv och samarbetsperspektiv för enpositiv utveckling av svenska läroplanens pedagogiska lärandemål. / This research focuses on the complex relationship between multilingual immersionpedagogy and its impact on concept acquisition (begrepp). By using the example of BilingualMontessori School of Lund (BMSL)'s språkbad method, this study tests the hypothesis thatmultilingual immersion pedagogy produces a non-negligible impact on creative thinking, butmost importantly, on the conceptualization of topic-specific content. With a careful reflectionon the method used, an empirical analysis has been made from three perspectives: atheoretical analysis of the literature on the subject, an interview study with four semistructured interviews with teachers, and a survey-based study where more than 80 students in grades 7 to 9 were given the task of answering a questionnaire to test some of the observations made by the interviewees. The purpose of this research is to produce an empirical qualitative content analysis based on examples taken from the interviewees’testimonies to develop a deeper understanding about concept acquisition and the way itmanifests itself in a stimulating multilingual immersion teaching environment. Furthermore,the aim of this study is to establish if BMSL’s unconventional multilingual immersionpedagogy’s impact on concept acquisition can be the reason for the school’s outstandinglyhigh scores in the Swedish National Tests in Maths, English, Swedish, NO and SO in grade 9over the past few years. Nevertheless, the analysis led to the conclusion that multilingualimmersion methods like the BMSL språkbad method can have a very positive impact onstudents' ability to assimilate concepts, but also helped generate thesis-seeking rather thanthesis-supporting observations about its impact on the students’ creativity, classroomdemocratization, intercultural-awareness and cognitive development. It also highlights thepedagogical collaboration and competence development perspective promoted by theSwedish National Curriculum for Compulsory School Lgr 11.

The representation of character in Es'kia Mphahlele's writings : a comparison of the autobiography Down Second Avenue (1959) and the novel The Wanderers (1971) with his philosophy in The African Image (1974)

Sicwebu, Noel Zanoxolo 06 1900 (has links)
Literary representation of character in South Africa is not just problematic but also complicated by racial dynamics, which easily lead to prejudiced portrayal by most writers. Mphahlele's reaction to White writing's "distortion" of the image of Blacks, in his critical texts resulted in his being labelled a protest writer. Concerning his creative writing, he admits that he initially couldn't portray the character of a white person roundedly due to limited acquaintance with him. What he only knows about him and therefore depicts in his early writings is the White stereotype. His acquaintance with the White world through varied interaction gives a leverage that improves his portrayal of the White character. Consequently his later works reflect objective representation of characters from different races. The study therefore concludes that he falls outside the bracket of protest writers, as his literary works prove to transcend the limitations of stereotypical character representation. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / M.A. (Theory of Literature)

Barnets religionsfrihet – en villkorad rättighet? : En filosofisk undersökning utifrån FN:s barnkonvention

Klasson Sundin, Maria January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation uses philosophical tools to examine the child’s right to freedom of religion within the context of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and other international human rights instruments. Article 14 of the CRC establishes the right of the child to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. It also establishes the right of the child's parents to guide and support the child in its exercise of the right to freedom of religion, while adjusting this support according to the child's evolving capacities. The emphasis of the study is on how to understand the child as, on the one hand, agent and subject in the exercise of this right and, on the other, dependent on parental support and guidance. For this purpose, the theoretical underpinnings of the child’s right to freedom of religion are examined with a particular focus on the conceptualization of this right in relation to children. With the text of the CRC as a starting point, different theories on rights, autonomy and religion are analyzed in order to find those compatible with both aspects of Article 14: the child as agent and the child as dependent. Theories that demand fully developed cognitive abilities in order to be a moral agent and a rights holder are rejected, as are theories in which the parents are the sole decision-makers on the basis of their own view of what is in the child's interests. In the same way, conceptions of religion in purely cognitive terms, or not taking into account dimensions of practice and observance accessible to children, are rejected. The conclusion drawn from the analysis is that relational conceptualizations of rights and autonomy and multi-dimensional conceptualizations of religion are best served to include both aspects of the child's right to freedom of religion. In viewing all humans, adults and children alike, as both active agents and vulnerably dependent on others, these conceptualizations challenge traditional views on rights and autonomy, and modern views of religion. In the final chapter, aspects of these relational conceptions are put together into a relational, mutuality-oriented model of the child's right to freedom of religion.

Le dommage moral et le préjudice extrapatrimonial

Morin, Sophie 08 1900 (has links)
Notre recherche visait au départ l'analyse de la substance du dommage moral: retrouver les sentiments à l'intérieur des chefs de dommage moral. Une première lecture des jugements québécois publiés, rendus entre le 1er janvier 1950 et le 31 décembre 2008 et à l'intérieur desquels des dommages et intérêts ont été octroyés pour réparer un dommage moral en matière de responsabilité civile extracontractuelle, laisse une impression de confusion et de désordre, tant au plan terminologique qu'au plan conceptuel. Dommage moral, préjudice extrapatrimonial, dommage non pécuniaire, préjudice moral: autant de termes qui rendent impossible une synthèse des chefs de préjudice. C'est finalement à l'analyse des raisons de cette confusion, aux formes qu'elle prend, aux moyens déployés par les juristes pour, sinon la surmonter, du moins la contenir, que la présente thèse est consacrée. Malgré cette confusion et ce désordre, un constat général d'homogénéité et de stabilité des discours judiciaire et juridique sur le préjudice extrapatrimonial peut d'abord être tracé. Le dommage moral et le préjudice extrapatrimonial (les deux étant couramment assimilés) sont réputés difficilement réparables. Afin de contenir l'arbitraire et la subjectivité qui caractérisent le préjudice extrapatrimonial, un discours dominant rationnel et raisonnable s'est construit et une évaluation globale du préjudice est pratiquée par les juges. Il en résulte une stabilité des montants des dommages et intérêts octroyés à titre de réparation. Mais pourquoi autant de mots pour décrire une même réalité? Dommage et préjudice sont actuellement employés en droit québécois comme s'ils étaient terminologiquement et conceptuellement indistincts; il en résulte une sursimplification de la responsabilité civile. Nous proposons que le dommage (qu'il soit corporel, matériel ou moral) et le préjudice (qu'il soit extrapatrimonial ou patrimonial) sont distincts. Le dommage se qualifie au siège de l'atteinte (des corps, des choses, des sentiments et valeurs) et le préjudice se qualifie au regard de la nature des répercussions du dommage (répercussions patrimoniales ou extrapatrimoniales). Ainsi distingués, dommage et préjudice retrouvent un sens tout en faisant ressortir les deux temps composant la responsabilité civile: l'établissement d'une responsabilité à l'aide de la faute, du dommage et du lien de causalité les unissant (1er temps) et la réparation du préjudice accompagnant le dommage (2e temps). Par une telle distinction, la sursimplification de la responsabilité civile est dépassée et force est de constater que bien peu de choses sont dites dans les jugements sur la substance du dommage moral et même sur le dommage moral tout court. Le discours dominant porte essentiellement sur la difficile détermination de la quotité des dommages et intérêts pour réparer le préjudice extrapatrimonial. Si le dommage moral et le préjudice extrapatrimonial n'étaient pas confondus et employés par les juristes avec une apparente cohérence, une synthèse des chefs de préjudice extrapatrimonial, telle qu'envisagée au départ, aurait peut-être été possible… / Our research initially aimed at analysing the substance of dommage moral: discover feelings within the heads of dommage moral. At first, the reader, when looking at the published judgments made by the Quebec jurisdictions between January 1, 1950 and December 31, 2004 and which grant damages to compensate tortious préjudice extrapatrimonial, is under an impression of confusion and disorder, on a terminological as well as on a conceptual level. Dommage moral, préjudice extrapatrimonial, dommage non pécuniaire, préjudice moral: such terms make a synthesis of the heads of damage impossible. Finally, this thesis is dedicated to the analysis of the reasons for such confusion, to the forms it takes, to the means used by jurists in order to contain it, if not to surmount it. Despite such confusion and disorder, it may first be generally observed that the judicial and legal discourses on préjudice extrapatrimonial are homogeneous and stable. Dommage moral and préjudice extrapatrimonial (both being treated as similar) are said to be hard to compensate. In order to contain the arbitrary and subjectivity which characterise préjudice extrapatrimonial, a dominant rational and reasonable discourse has been built and a comprehensive estimate of the damage is carried out by judges. As a result, the amounts of the damages allotted as compensation are stable. But why are so many words used to describe the same reality? Dommage and préjudice are currently used in Quebec law as if they were indistinct on a terminological and conceptual point of view; the result is an over-simplification of civil liability. We propose that dommage (whether bodily, material or moral) and préjudice be distinct. Dommage qualifies at the siège de l'atteinte (bodies, goods, feelings and values) and préjudice qualifies with regards to the nature of the effects (whether patrimonial or extrapatrimonal) of the dommage. Being thus distinguished, dommage and préjudice gain sense while distinguishing the two steps composing civil liability: determination of liability based on fault, dommage and causal link between them (1st step), and compensation of the préjudice that accompanies the dommage (2nd step). By making such a distinction, the over-simplification of civil liability is passed and it must be noted that very few words are said in court judgements on the substance of dommage moral and even on dommage moral itself. The dominant discourse essentially bears on the difficult determination of the quota of damages to compensate préjudice extrapatrimonial. If dommage moral and préjudice extrapatrimonial were not confused and employed by jurists with apparent coherence, a synthesis of the heads of préjudice extrapatrimonial, as contemplated at the beginning, would perhaps be possible.

Konceptualizace života v českých populárních písních (Příspěvek ke studiu jazykového obrazu světa) / Conceptualization of Life in the Czech Popular Lyrics (Contribution to the Study of the Linguistic Picture of the World)

Janovská, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines the conceptualization of life in the lyrics of Czech popular songs of 1960s. The thesis derives theoretically and methodologically from cognitively and culturally-based approaches to language, especially from the theory of conceptual metaphor and metonymy (e. g. Lakoff and Johnson) and the concept of language as a picture of the world (school of Lublin). At first the thesis analyses the semantics of lexeme life. The analysis is based on the data from dictionaries and it reaches the basics of the linguistic picture of life as it is anchored in common language. Simultaneously the thesis works with the picture of life (in contrast with death) how it is served in the literature about Czech folk culture. The main part of this study consists of almost a hundred interpretations of lyrics from the examined period, which depict human life in its various stages and forms (through oppositions of life - death, youth - old age, etc.). The analysis follows relevant semantic elements which participate on its conceptualization. The thesis describes systematically and in detail particularly metaphors (structural, ontological and orientational), metonymy, and also the image schemes which are associated with life (scheme of JOURNEY, CYCLE). The attention is paid to their specific language...

Situation sociale de développement et interactions entre jeunes en difficulté et formateurs : vers une approche de didactique socio-professionnelle / Social situation of development and interactions between young people in great difficulty and trainers : towards an approach of socio-professional didactics

Heshema, Gladys 26 September 2014 (has links)
Nous menons une enquête longitudinale dans un dispositif de pré-formation auprès des formateurs et des jeunes peu qualifiés et ainsi en difficulté d’insertion sociale et professionnelle. Nous relevons les marqueurs d’apprentissage et de développement des jeunes par l’analyse des interactions verbales et des entretiens. Les résultats montrent l’importance de la socialisation du jeune novice par son interaction verbale avec le formateur expert des situations sociales. Dans le sens de Vygotsky, l’interaction est considérée comme une « Situation Sociale de Développement » qui vise à ce que le jeune apprenne les situations par leur ré-interprétation par le formateur. Ce travail mène à la transformation de ses activités cognitive et opératoire nécessaires à la maîtrise des situations et à l’adoption appropriée des règles qui régissent les espaces physiques, sociaux et culturels, avec des personnes étrangères à l’environnement social habituel du jeune. / We conduct a longitudinal survey in a scheme for pre-training for trainers and youth with poor skills and thus in great difficulty of social and professional integration. We identify markers for young people’s learning and development of the verbal interactions and interviews. The results show the importance of socialization of young novice through his verbal interaction with the trainer who is expert with social situations. As discussed by Vygotsky, interaction is considered "Social Situation of Development" who aims to ensure that young people learn the situations through their reinterpretation by the trainer. This work leads to the transformation of young people’s cognitive and operational activities necessary for controlling situations and to the appropriate adoption of rules that govern the physical, social and cultural spaces, with people outside the usual social environment of young people.

La variación conceptual de los términos en el discurso especializado

Kostina, Irina 19 February 2010 (has links)
Esta tesis describe la variación conceptual en terminología. Entendemos por variación conceptual el proceso cognitivo que conduce a cambios graduales en un concepto y se manifiesta lingüística y semánticamente en grados diferentes de equivalencia entre los sentidos de una unidad léxica o entre los sentidos de sus variantes léxico-semánticas. Este estudio se basa en los fundamentos de la Teoría Comunicativa de la Terminología (TCT) (Cabré, 1999), en la teoría del término (Averboukh, 2005) y en la teoría de variación léxico-semántica (Karcevski, 1926 en Zviagintsev (ed.), 1965; Kury³owicz, 1955; Vinogradov, 1944; Smirnitsky, 1954; Ajmanova, 1957/2004; Nikitin 1974; Shmelev 1973/2008; Ufimtseva: 1986/2002; Solntsev, 1984, 1998, entre otros). Es un trabajo teórico, descriptivo y cualitativo que combina los postulados de la lingüística estructural y cognitiva y dos perspectivas del análisis del léxico: la semasiológica y la onomasiológica. La parte empírica de este estudio se basa en el método de estudio de casos e incluye el análisis de tres tipos de casos. En el caso A se comprueba que la situación prototípica de una acción nombrada por una unidad léxica nominal deverbal se proyecta en otros tipos de situaciones, conservando el Esquema nuclear o concepto básico. En el caso B se constata que una unidad léxica potencialmente polisémica actualiza diferentes significados y sentidos en el discurso especializado con dos tipos de relación entre ellos: intersección (polisemia irregular interdominio o intradominio) e inclusión (polisemia regular intradominio o interdominio). Se demuestra también que el comportamiento sintáctico y semántico del término en el discurso puede revelar pistas de la variación conceptual del mismo. Y en el caso C se demuestra que los expertos conceptualizan y categorizan sus objetos de estudio de maneras diversas, usando diversas estrategias cognitivas en los discursos que construyen. / This thesis describes conceptual variation in Terminology. By conceptual variation we understand the cognitive process leading up to gradual changes in a concept and which can be observed in different degrees of equivalence among senses of a lexical unit or among senses of the related lexical-semantic variants in discourse.This study is based on the Communicative Theory of Terminology (Cabré, 1999), the Theory of the Term (Averboukh, 2005), and the Theory of Lexical-Semantic Variation (Karcevski, 1926 in Zviagintsev (ed.), 1965; Kury³owicz, 1955; Vinogradov, 1944; Smirnitsky, 1954; Ajmanova, 1957/2004; Nikitin 1974; Shmelev 1973/2008; Ufimtseva: 1986/2002; Solntsev, 1984, 1998, etc.). It is a theoretical, descriptive, and qualitative study, which combines principles of Structural and Cognitive Linguistics and the semasiological and onomasiological perspectives of lexical analysis. The empirical part of the research consists of three cases following the case study methodology.In Case A, we see that the prototypical situation of an action named by a deverbal noun is mapped onto different kinds of situations preserving the Nuclear Scheme or basic concept. In Case B, it is proven that a potentially polysemic lexical unit activates various meanings and senses in specialized discourse, thus establishing two types of relations between them: intersection (inter- and intradomain irregular polysemy) and inclusion (inter- and intradomain regular polysemy). It is also demonstrated that the syntactic and semantic behaviour of terminological units in discourse can provide clues about conceptual variation. In Case C, it is confirmed that experts conceptualize and categorize their objects of study in different ways and construe their discourse using different cognitive strategies.

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