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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metaforičnost partnerských pojmenování / Metaphors in Partners' Calling

Štěpánová, Pavla January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis Figurativeness of denominations in a partnership based on a questionnare survey deals with a discourse of figurative denominations in partnerhips. Firstly, the position of partnership denominations within the field of onomastics is defined and a general language characteristics of these denomations is presented. Further on, the main ideas from cognitive linguistics are presented, especially the conceptual metaphor theory which has been the basis for an analysis and interpretation of partnership denominations. These have been divided into several semantical groups in the context of which the partnership denominations are being analysed.

Expresiones de movimiento en español como segunda lengua y como lengua heredada : Conceptualización y entrega del Camino, la Manera y la Base / Motion expressions in Spanish as a second language and as a heritage language : Conceptualization and encoding of Path, Manner and Ground

Donoso, Alejandra January 2016 (has links)
The current thesis is based on four individual studies which aim to account for the expression of motion events (ME) in Spanish and Swedish as first languages (L1), in Swedish as a second language (L2), and in Spanish as a heritage language (SHL). The data, resulting from audio-recordings of different sorts of stimuli, have been analyzed with special focus on (1) the most common structures used for referring to various types of ME, (2) the types and amount of information provided by the participants, in particular as regards the semantic components Path, Manner and Ground, and (3) grammatical aspect and types of syntactic structures resorted to, including the correlation between the two latter factors and speakers’ discursive preferences.      Study 1 sets out to explore how Spanish and Swedish native speakers convey information about motion. The results show that the Swedish L1 speakers produced a wider range of descriptions concerning Manner and Path than the Spanish L1 speakers; furthermore, both groups delivered detailed Ground descriptions, although the Swedish native speakers expressed final destinations (endpoints) of ME to a greater extent.      Study 2 aims to investigate to what extent Swedish L1 patterns for motion encoding are still at play in the acquisition of Spanish L2 even at advanced stages of L2 acquisition. The results show that the learner group used a larger amount of Path particles and Ground adjuncts (in particular those referring to endpoints) than did the Spanish natives; this finding supports the claim that L2 learners rely on the lexicalization patterns of their L1 when describing ME in an L2. As for Manner, the L2 speakers were found to express this component mainly outside the verb, and to deliver more information about Manner than the Spanish natives.      Study 3 addresses the construal of ME in Swedish speakers of L2 Spanish, in particular concerning the encoding of motion endpoints and Manner of motion. The results show that the Swedish learners of Spanish exhibited the same, high frequencies of endpoint marking as did their monolingual Swedish peers, thus deviating from the Spanish native pattern. Moreover, the L2 speakers used the same amount of Manner verbs as did the Spanish natives but tended consistently to provide additional Manner information in periphrastic constructions.      Finally, Study 4 sets out to analyze the ways in which L1 Spanish/L2 Swedish early and late bilinguals express ME in SHL. The aim is to show in which ways and to what extent the typological patterns for motion encoding in the L2 may impact on motion encoding in the L1 with regard to three parameters: (1) age of onset (AO) of the acquisition of L2, (2) length of residence (LoR) in the L2 environment and (3) contact level with the L1 (CL). The focus data, consisting of oral re-tellings produced by the bilinguals, were compared to analogous data produced by two control groups (native speakers of Spanish and Swedish) in order to analyze conflation patterns regarding Manner, Path and Ground information. The analysis points to the conclusion that both the individuals’ AO of L2 acquisition and their LoR in the L2 environment have affected their L1 conceptualization patterns while their CL plays a subordinate role.      In summary, the findings lend support to the idea that the habitual conceptualization of events in the L1 influences L2 acquisition; conversely, the conceptual patterns of the L2 have an impact on L1 usage in bilinguals, especially in combination with an early AO and a long LoR. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: In press.</p>

Du bien-être psychologique au travail : fondements théoriques, conceptualisation et instrumentation du construit

Dagenais Desmarais, Véronique 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Du bien-être psychologique au travail : fondements théoriques, conceptualisation et instrumentation du construit

Dagenais-Desmarais, Véronique 03 1900 (has links)
Malgré la préoccupation croissante des chercheurs et praticiens pour la santé psychologique au travail, le concept de bien-être vécu au travail est encore mal compris de la communauté scientifique. En effet, peu d’efforts ont été consacrés à ce jour pour développer des connaissances sur le bien-être psychologique au travail arrimées à la réalité des employés. Cette thèse a donc pour objectif de développer une conceptualisation du bien-être psychologique au travail et une instrumentation psychométriquement fiable lui étant rattachée. Pour ce faire, deux études ont été réalisées. La première, de nature qualitative et exploratoire, fut menée auprès de 20 travailleurs canadiens francophones afin de répertorier, à partir d’incidents critiques vécus par ceux-ci, des manifestations de bien-être psychologique au travail. Celles-ci ont pu être classifiées selon un modèle en 2 axes, soit la sphère de référence dans laquelle le bien-être psychologique au travail se vit et la directionnalité selon laquelle il se développe. Ce modèle a ensuite été comparé aux conceptualisations génériques du bien-être psychologique existantes, et cette analyse a permis d’étayer la validité convergente et divergente du modèle. Dans un deuxième temps, l’Indice de bien-être psychologique au travail (IBEPT) a été créé sur la base des manifestations relevées lors de l’étude qualitative, afin d’en assurer la validité de contenu. Une version expérimentale de l’instrument a ensuite été soumise à une expérimentation auprès de 1080 travailleurs québécois. Les analyses factorielles exploratoires révèlent une structure interne en 25 items reflétant 5 dimensions, représentant elles-mêmes un construit de second ordre. La validité de construit de cette conceptualisation a ensuite été étudiée par l’analyse des intercorrélations avec une série de mesures du bien-être et de la détresse psychologique génériques. Les résultats appuient la validité convergente de l’instrument, et démontrent également sa validité divergente. Enfin, l’instrument affiche une cohérence interne satisfaisante. Au terme de cette recherche doctorale, les résultats des deux études sont interprétés en fonction de l’état actuel des connaissances sur le bien-être psychologique, les limites des études sont énoncées, et des pistes de recherche future sont avancées. / Despite growing concern by researchers and practitioners about psychological health at work, the concept of well-being in the workplace is still misunderstood in the scientific community. Indeed, little effort has been made to develop knowledge about psychological well-being at work that is tied to the reality of employees. This thesis aims at developing a conceptualization of psychological well-being at work and a related psychometrically reliable instrumentation. To do so, two studies were carried out. First, an exploratory qualitative study was conducted among 20 French-speaking Canadian workers to identify, using critical incidents they experienced, manifestations of psychological well-being. The manifestations were classified according to a 2-axis model, namely, the reference level at which psychological well-being at work is experienced and the directionality through which it emerges. This model was then compared to existing context-free conceptualizations of psychological well-being; this analysis offered support to the model's convergent and divergent validity. Second, the Index of Psychological Well-Being at Work (IPWBW) was created based on the manifestations identified in the qualitative study, in order to ensure the latter’s content validity. An experimental form of the questionnaire was administered to 1,080 Quebec workers. Exploratory factor analyses revealed an internal structure of 25 items and 5 dimensions, representing a second-order construct. The construct validity of the model was established by analyzing the intercorrelation pattern with various context-free measures of psychological well-being and distress. The results support the convergent validity of the instrument and demonstrate its divergent validity. Finally, the questionnaire shows satisfactory internal consistency. By way of conclusion, the results of the two studies are interpreted in the light of current knowledge on psychological well-being; the limits of the studies are outlined; and avenues for future research are proposed.

De la plausibilitat referencial del llenguatge poètic: Francis Ponge, o el cas d'una poètica referencialista

Capllonch, Begoña 04 February 2010 (has links)
L'objecte d'aquesta tesi ha estat el de defensar, a partir de l'exemple de l'obra de Francis Ponge, la plausibilitat referencial del llenguatge poètic, supòsit tot sovint rebatut a causa d'una radicalització del tòpic de l'autoreferencialitat poètica i per un planteig en suma restringit del concepte de la referencialitat. Però que un poema es constitueixi en tant que específica configuració significant no hauria d'implicar un menyscabament de la seva capacitat de representació, perquè si la poesia és creació mitjançant el llenguatge, tot allò que jutgem poètic no dimanaria sinó de la mateixa idiosincràsia de l'expressió verbal. Així doncs, hem argumentat, en primer lloc, l'efectivitat referencial del llenguatge ordinari per tal d'il·lustrar tot seguit la del poètic i, en particular, la que explicitaria el verb de Francis Ponge, atès que la poètica d'aquest autor es caracteritza, precisament, pel fet d'obstinar-se en una convençuda referencialitat: la que l'impel·lí a dirigir-se envers les coses; la que el dugué a submergir-se en les paraules. El objeto de esta tesis ha sido el de defender, a partir del ejemplo de la obra de Francis Ponge, la plausibilidad referencial del lenguaje poético, supuesto a menudo rebatido a causa de una radicalización del tópico de la autorreferencialidad poética y por un planteamiento en suma restringido del concepto de la referencialidad. Pero que un poema se constituya en tanto que particular configuración significante en modo alguno implicaría un menoscabo de su capacidad de representación, porque si la poesía es creación mediante el lenguaje, todo lo que juzgamos poético no dimanaría sino de la propia idiosincrasia de la expresión verbal. Así pues, hemos argumentado, en primer lugar, la efectividad referencial del lenguaje ordinario para ilustrar a continuación la del poético y, en particular, la que explicitaría el verbo de Francis Ponge, pues la poética de este autor se caracteriza, precisamente, por obstinarse en una convencida referencialidad: la que lo impulsó a dirigirse hacia las cosas; la que lo condujo a sumergirse en las palabras. / Starting from Francis Ponge's work, this PhD thesis argues for the referential plausibility of the poetic language. This assumption has often been contested partly because of the cliché of poetic self-referentiality and partly because the concept of referentiality has had an extremely restricted approach. This thesis suggests that, on the contrary, a poem's capability of becoming a particular and significant configuration does by no means imply a lessening of its representative force. Indeed: if poetry is creation by means of language, everything we judge as poetic stems solely from the idiosyncrasy of verbal expression. Thus, the thesis argues for the referential efficiency of ordinary language to then illustrate the referential efficiency of the poetic. It focuses in particular on the verbum as put forth by Francis Ponge. This author's poetics is best characterized by its persistence in a convinced referentiality, which leads Ponge to address things, and which takes him to sound the depths of words.

Terapeutiese waarde van visueel-perseptuele skoling en die invloed daarvan op skolastiese prestasie.

Schoeman, Olivier Johannes 01 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Text in Afrikaans / Die waarde van visueel-perseptuele skoling of terapie vir visueel-perseptueel gestremde leerlinge as 'n subgroep van leergestremdheid, is reeds vir dekades 'n omstrede aangeleentheid. Hierdie omstredenheid is ondersoek aan die hand van sewe internasionaal erkende psigometriese toetse. Die interne konsekwentheidskoeffisiente van hierdie toetse het vir die huidige studie van 0,62 tot 0,95 gestrek. 'n Faktorontleding van die toetsinterkorrelasies het 'n gemeenskaplike faktor blootgele. Ses toetse was primer visueel-perseptueel, en Goodenough <1926> se skaal is vir die bepaling van intelligensie gebruik. Bykomend hiertoe, is leerlinge se prestasies in hul eerste taal, wiskunde en skrif gebruik om die effek van terapie te bepaal. Proefpersone is as visueel-perseptueel gestremd gediagnoseer deur 'n opvoedkundige sielkundige en 'n visuele skolingsentrum in Pretoria, waar eksper imentele leerlinge terapie ontvang het. Hierdie diagnoses is deur die Test for Visual Analysis Skills wat beduidend tussen normale en visueelperseptueel gestremdes onderskei, bevestig. Die toets se geldigheid vir Suid-Afrikaanse omstandighede is in 'n voorstudie bepaal. Honderd en ses, ses- tot negejarige proefpersone (82 seuns en 24 dogters>, van normale intelligensie, gesigskerpte en gehoor, is betrek. Drie en vyftig het die eksperimentele groep gevorm wat onderverdeel is in 32 wat terapie voltooi het, en 21 wat nie het nie. Hierdie leerlinge is individueel afgepaar met kontroleleerlinge van dieselfde geslag, ouderdom, huistaal, sosio-ekonomiese status en skoolstanderd. Eksperimentele leerlinge het visuele terapie in n breer groepsverband vir een uur per week ontvang. Terapieperiodes het van 4 tot 15 maande gewissel. Die eksperimentele ontwerp was 'n voortoets-natoets-tweegroepontwerp. t-Toetse vir afhanklike (afgepaarde) groepe is uitgevoer op die verskille tussen voor- en natoetstellings, asook tussen die eksperimentele en kontrolegroepe. Geeneen van die primer visueel-oerseptuele meettegnieke het beduidende resultate opgelewer nie. Dit is aanduidend van die ondoeltreffendheid van visueel-perseptuele terapie om die tekorte waarop dit gemik is, reg te stel. Die waarde van visueel-perseptueie terapie is inteendeel beperk tot 'n oorhoofse verbetering in konseptualisering en intellektuele ryping by die groep wat terapie voltooi het. Skrif was die enigste vak wat by dieselfde groep beduidend verbeter het. Hierdie resultaat is egter twyfelagtig vanwee beoordelingstekorte. / The value of visual perceptual training or therapy, to visually perceptually impaired pupils as a subgroup of the learning disabled, has been a controversy far decades. This controversy was investigated by means of seven internationally recognised psychometric tests. The internal consistency coefficients of these tests for the present study ranged from 0,62 to 0,95. A factor analysis of test intercorrelations revealed a common factor. Six tests were primarily visual perceptual, whilst the Goodenough (1926) scale determined intelligence. Additionally, pupils' performance in their first language, mathematics and writing, was used to assess the therapeutic effect. Subjects were diagnosed as visually perceptually impaired by an educational psychologist and a visual training centre in Pretoria where experimental pupils received therapy. These diagnoses were confirmed by the Test for Visual Analysis Skills, which significantly differentiates between the normal and visually perceptually impaired. This test's validity for South African circumstances was determined in a prestudy. One hundred and six, six to nine year old subjects <82 boys and 24 girls>, of normal intelligence, visual acuity and hearing, were involved. Fifty three formed the experimental group which was subdivided in 32 who completed therapy, and 21 who did not. These pupils were individualiy matched with controls of similar sex, age, home language, socio economic status and school standard. Experimental pupils received visual therapy within a broader group context for one hour per week. Therapy periods fluctuated between 4 and 15 months. The experimental design was a pretest-posttest two group design. t-Tests for dependant <matched) groups were conducted on the differences between pre and oosttest scores, as well as between the experimental and control groups. None of the primarily visual perceptual tests revealed significant results. This signifies the inefficiency of visual perceptual therapy to rectify the deficits at which it is directed. The value of visual perceptual therapy is, on the contrary, restricted to an overall improvement in conceptualization and intellectual maturation within the group which completed therapy. Writing was the only subject which improved significantly within the same group. However, this result is dubious, due to evaluation deficits. / Psychology / D.Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)

Epistémologie et didactique de la gestion : Le cas du concept de décision / Epistemology and didactics of management : the case of the concept of decision

Keradec, Hervé 19 September 2012 (has links)
Deux questions sont à l’origine de cette recherche: 1) Quelles transformations affectent un savoir de gestion lorsqu’il sort du champ théorique pour devenir objet d’enseignement ? 2) Comment conserver, aux concepts enseignés en gestion, leur force initiale lorsqu’ils sont apparus dans le champ scientifique ? La problématique générale de l’articulation de l’épistémologie et de la didactique en gestion conduit à mettre en œuvre une méthodologie originale d’analyse d’un concept de gestion en cinq étapes : analyse du sens commun et des représentations du concept, étude du sens scientifique dans les traités et les œuvres de grands auteurs, repérage de la place du concept dans les programmes officiels, examen des manuels scolaires, identification des obstacles épistémologiques qui entravent la construction du concept par l’élève. Cette méthodologie est appliquée ici au concept de décision, concept nodal des sciences de gestion, qui est ici analysé en détail, et à sa didactisation dans la voie technologique tertiaire supérieure française. L’examen des programmes officiels et des manuels scolaires a montré que le savoir didactisé de la décision est une construction spécifique des auteurs de manuels, à mi chemin entre le sens commun et les sens scientifiques. Il est aussi apparu que la connaissance épistémologique des concepts en gestion ne suffit pas à en conserver la force initiale, mais que la culture épistémologique est nécessaire à la problématisation des concepts de gestion et à la didactique de leur conceptualisation. / This research stems from two questions: 1) What is the impact on scientific knowledge in management when it leaves the theoretical field of study to become an object of teaching? 2) Regarding the concepts taught in management how is it possible to preserve the initial strength they had when they were first introduced in the scientific field? The general issue of the articulation between epistemology and didactics in management leads to implement an original methodology for analysing a management concept in five steps: analyse the concept through a common sense approach and representations, study its scientific meaning from the treatises and works of great authors, identify the treatment of the concept in the national curriculum, study school textbooks, investigate the epistemological obstacles which hinder pupils from constructing the concept. This methodology applies here to the concept of decision, a central concept in management, which is precisely analysed in this research, and to the way it is apprehended didactically with a view to teaching students attending technological courses. Exploring the national curriculum and school textbooks has shown that the concept of decision adapted for teaching purposes is a specific construct which was created by textbook writers, half way between common sense and scientific sense. It has been made clear that the epistemological knowledge of management concepts is not enough to preserve their original strength. However the problematization of management concepts and the didactic study of their conceptualization require an epistemological culture.

Expresiones de movimiento en español como segunda lengua y como lengua heredada : Conceptualización y entrega del Camino, la Manera y la Base / Motion expressions in Spanish as a second language and as a heritage language : Conceptualization and encoding of Path, Manner and Ground

Donoso, Alejandra January 2016 (has links)
The current thesis is based on four individual studies which aim to account for the expression of motion events (ME) in Spanish and Swedish as first languages (L1), in Swedish as a second language (L2), and in Spanish as a heritage language (SHL). The data, resulting from audio-recordings of different sorts of stimuli, have been analyzed with special focus on (1) the most common structures used for referring to various types of ME, (2) the types and amount of information provided by the participants, in particular as regards the semantic components Path, Manner and Ground, and (3) grammatical aspect and types of syntactic structures resorted to, including the correlation between the two latter factors and speakers’ discursive preferences.      Study 1 sets out to explore how Spanish and Swedish native speakers convey information about motion. The results show that the Swedish L1 speakers produced a wider range of descriptions concerning Manner and Path than the Spanish L1 speakers; furthermore, both groups delivered detailed Ground descriptions, although the Swedish native speakers expressed final destinations (endpoints) of ME to a greater extent.      Study 2 aims to investigate to what extent Swedish L1 patterns for motion encoding are still at play in the acquisition of Spanish L2 even at advanced stages of L2 acquisition. The results show that the learner group used a larger amount of Path particles and Ground adjuncts (in particular those referring to endpoints) than did the Spanish natives; this finding supports the claim that L2 learners rely on the lexicalization patterns of their L1 when describing ME in an L2. As for Manner, the L2 speakers were found to express this component mainly outside the verb, and to deliver more information about Manner than the Spanish natives.      Study 3 addresses the construal of ME in Swedish speakers of L2 Spanish, in particular concerning the encoding of motion endpoints and Manner of motion. The results show that the Swedish learners of Spanish exhibited the same, high frequencies of endpoint marking as did their monolingual Swedish peers, thus deviating from the Spanish native pattern. Moreover, the L2 speakers used the same amount of Manner verbs as did the Spanish natives but tended consistently to provide additional Manner information in periphrastic constructions.      Finally, Study 4 sets out to analyze the ways in which L1 Spanish/L2 Swedish early and late bilinguals express ME in SHL. The aim is to show in which ways and to what extent the typological patterns for motion encoding in the L2 may impact on motion encoding in the L1 with regard to three parameters: (1) age of onset (AO) of the acquisition of L2, (2) length of residence (LoR) in the L2 environment and (3) contact level with the L1 (CL). The focus data, consisting of oral re-tellings produced by the bilinguals, were compared to analogous data produced by two control groups (native speakers of Spanish and Swedish) in order to analyze conflation patterns regarding Manner, Path and Ground information. The analysis points to the conclusion that both the individuals’ AO of L2 acquisition and their LoR in the L2 environment have affected their L1 conceptualization patterns while their CL plays a subordinate role.      In summary, the findings lend support to the idea that the habitual conceptualization of events in the L1 influences L2 acquisition; conversely, the conceptual patterns of the L2 have an impact on L1 usage in bilinguals, especially in combination with an early AO and a long LoR. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: In press.</p>

Metody a nástroje znalostního managementu / Methods and Tools of Knowledge Management

Černá, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The Master's Thesis is focused on methods and tools in knowledge management. The paper introduce knowledge management its history and present. Meanwhile history is presented as a list of important events present view is supported by current trends in field of knowledge management, business analysis of selected companies and evaluation of available publications on the topic of knowledge management. The main aim the paper is to present suitable methodology for the initial phase of Mitroff's model - conceptualization. The selected approach is then applied to the model situation. It is the decision of the city government for the construction and expansion of local factory. The last part is about Business Model Canvas which aims to outline the possible application of the methodology in practice.

MONEY ON (THE) LINE : A Quantitative Study on the Effects of Different Types of Digital Government Services on Petty Corruption

Hasslöf, Victor January 2024 (has links)
Previous research indicates that improving digital government services may contribute to the reduction of corruption. This study seeks to deepen the knowledge of this suggested causal link in several ways. Firstly, it adds nuance by examining the effects of two distinct sub-types of digital government services on specifically petty corruption. Secondly, it explores whether impacts vary by corruption systemicity level, which has previously been argued to to affect the effectiveness of certain anti-corruption measures. Using a theoretical framework built on economics of crime theory, I posit that the anti-petty corruption impact of digital government services varies between different service sub-types and between more and less systemically corrupt states. Analyzing hitherto unused global cross-country data for the year 2013, using mainly OLS-models, it is found that informational digital government services constitute effective anti-corruption measures in all settings. Transactional digital government services, on the other hand, are not found to have the same uniform reductive impact in all settings explored.

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