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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation of two indigenous South African sheep breeds as pelt producers

Campbell, Louisa Jacoba 19 July 2007 (has links)
Although the Afrikaner and Black-headed Persian were used in several previous studies for upgrading with Karakul rams, this study looked at how fast progress could be made to produce good quality marketable pelts as well as producing ewe material to increase Karakul ewe numbers. Market requirements have also changed in the past years. After three generations of upgrading it was found that, especially in colour inheritance, faster progress was made as in previous studies with just a small percentage of spotted animals (1.3 % in the F₃-generation). All economic important pelt traits (pattern, hair quality, texture, lustre and curl type) improved significantly from the F₁ to the F₃ generation and it compares well with the control group (pure bred black and white Karakul). The type of rams that gave the best results with upgrading, were the less developed type with good hair quality and good pattern forming characteristics (watered-silk and shallow watered-silk). Pelt types improved from the F₁ which were under average and of poor quality to higher quality pelts which received above average prices on auctions for the F₂ and F₃ generations. It appears that the Afrikaner and Black-headed Persian can both be used with success in an upgrading program, all depending on what colour breeding (black or white) there is a need for. / Dissertation (MSc (Agric) (Animal Science))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Animal and Wildlife Sciences / MSc (Agric) / Unrestricted

Éthique des populations : une étude des fondements axiologiques propres aux grandes familles utilitaristes

Arveiller, Octave 07 1900 (has links)
Dans le contexte utilitariste de l’éthique des populations, deux positions s’opposent naturellement à propos de ce qui a de la valeur et de ce que nous devons faire afin de bénéficier au plus grand nombre. Là où certaines intuitions nous invitent à chercher la maximisation totale du bien-être, d’autres soulignent l’importance de faire de notre mieux pour parvenir à la plus haute moyenne possible. Ce document a pour vocation de traiter le débat théorique qui oppose ces deux avenues. Il s’agira donc de décrire et de préciser le fonctionnement et les conséquences de ces positions, afin de tenter d’apporter des éléments de réponses sur la solidité et la robustesse de ces deux axiologies. Dans ce but, nous évaluerons et répondrons aux objections qui leurs sont présentées, et ferons la lumière sur leurs lacunes respectives. Plus précisément, ce document s’intéressera principalement aux problèmes de la Conclusion Répugnante et de la Conclusion Sadique, qui ont fait couler beaucoup d’encre, mais également à d’autres objections couramment discutées dans la littérature. Nous conclurons que contrairement à ce qu’ils peuvent laisser croire, ce ne sont pas des arguments décisifs à l’encontre de ces positions. Il s’agira de surcroît d’interroger et d’expliquer les intuitions qui fondent ces positions, les biais qui les menacent mais également les conséquences contre-intuitives qui en découlent. / In the utilitarian context of population ethics, two positions are naturally opposed about what has value and what we ought to do to benefit the greatest number. Where some intuitions invite us to seek total well-being, others stress the importance of doing our best to achieve the highest possible average. This paper aims to adress the theoretical debate between these two avenues. It will therefore be necessary to describe and clarify the functioning and consequences of these positions, in order to try to provide elements of answers about the solidity and robustness of these two axiologies. To this end, we will assess and respond to the objections presented to them, and shed light on their respective shortcomings. More precisely, this paper will focus on the problems of the Repugnant Conclusion and the Sadistic Conclusion, which have caused a lot of ink to flow, but also on other objections commonly discussed in the litterature. We will conclude that contrary to what they may suggest, these are not decisive arguments against these positions. In addition, the document will question and explain the intuitions that underlie these positions, the biases that threaten them but alo the counter-intuitive consequences thats follow.

Uzavření smlouvy na veřejnou zakázku / Concluding a procurement contract

Svoboda, David January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the issue of the concluding of public procurement contracts. The thesis provides both an analysis on the conclusion of public procurement contract by itself, so the comprehensive overview and analysis of the acts required to the conclusion of public procurement contract. The thesis is divided into chapters. The first chapter provides the general definition of the public contracts. Next chapters chronologically describe the different phases of procurement procedure as follows: the phase before start of procurement procedure, the phase of procurement procedure, the phase of conclusion of public contract in the strict sense and the phase after the conclusion of contract. Separate chapter concerns the means of defense against the conclusion of public contract in breach of the applicable law.

Uzavření smlouvy na veřejnou zakázku / Concluding a contract resulting from public tender

Pabišta, Karel January 2016 (has links)
This thesis aims to discuss the process of concluding contracts resulting from public tender, and its comparison with the draft law on procurement procedures approved by the Czech government. The thesis describes the current legislation on concluding contracts resulting from public tender and its subsequent amendments in three separate chapters. The first chapter briefly defines the basic terminology of the public procurement procedure, which is crucial for the whole process of concluding public procurement contracts. The second chapter deals with selected aspects of conclusion of public procurement contracts in open procedure. These aspects are commencing of tender procedure, boundness of the submission of tender, security, opening of envelopes with submissions, and the selection of the best submission and obligations of public authorities after conclusion of public procurement contract. Chapter three is the most detailed part of the thesis, which deals with changes in public procurement contracts. Chapter three first describes the development of the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, and then is followed by changes in the subject of public procurement contracts and changes in the contracting parties of public procurement contracts. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Úprava uzavírání obchodních smluv / Regulation of Entering into a Contract under the Commercial Code

Hož, Michal January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with legal regulation of entering into business contracts under the Czech private law. It contains explanation of contractual relationships, explanation of the term business contract and explanation of single examples of entering into contracts. The main legal regulation of contract settlement for business contracts is included in the Civil Code and the Commercial Code contains differences for business relations. The Civil Code regulates typical process of entering into contracts between two parties - offeror and offeree. The Commercial Code follows this legal regulation from the Civil Code and in addition it contains other possibilities of contracting in the form of public proposal and public tender. The Civil Code contains legal regulation of the contract on future contract. The Commercial Code contains this regulation as well, but it is more detailed. This could be the reason, why the draft of the new Commercial Code is in the matter of contract on the future contract inspired by the Commercial Code. Regarding the current situation in legislative process, the current Civil Code will be replaced with the new one, which, of course, will affect law of contracts according to the Commercial Code. The new Civil Code will displace duality of law of contracts, which was created by...

Státní dohled nad finanční činností / State supervision of financial activities

Vondráčková, Pavlína January 2015 (has links)
State supervision of financial activities The topic of this dissertation thesis is the state supervision of financial activities. The topic is really wide, so the author can take into account all of the financial relationships related to this area. This thesis focused on theoretical issues, on the legal relationships in this area, and specifically on the selected areas, in which was a drafted question later on in detail analyzed. In the theoretical area are considered terms such as regulation, supervision and control. The aim was to define these concepts theoretically, to chart their frequency and semantic nature in the area of financial activities. The aim of this thesis was also to investigate, whether it is possible to set out the terms that are used both in everyday and in professional life in an identical meaning, and define specifically for the area of financial law. It has been found that it is very difficult, if not impossible task, as any definition cannot cover the diversity, frequency and a steady increase in the financial legal relations. Higher attention is paid to external control exercised by the Supreme Audit Office. This issue is consider to be very important, but it is underappreciated and very sporadically also published, which is inconvenient and inadequate to the importance of...

\"Portanto, conclui-se que\": processos de conclusão em textos argumentativos / \"Portanto, conclui-se que\": conclusion processes in argumentative texts

Defendi, Cristina Lopomo 07 March 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo descrever as construções linguísticas usadas para marcar a conclusão de um texto dissertativo-argumentativo e analisar, pela perspectiva da Gramaticalização e da Cognição, a construção mais frequente. Para tanto, uso um corpus composto por 500 redações de vestibular da FUVEST (Fundação para o vestibular USP), produzidas nos anos de 2007 a 2011, consideradas as melhores pela banca corretora. Como material de controle, analiso redações da FUVEST, de mesmos anos, consideradas as piores, bem como redações escolares e textos jornalísticos argumentativos (editoriais e artigo de opinião). Fundamento teoricamente esta tese nos estudos sobre Cognição, a partir de Tomasello (2003) e Bybee (2010), sobre Gramaticalização, com Diewald (2006), Traugott e Dasher (2005), Traugott (2008), Lehmann (1985, 2002 e 2011) e sobre Texto, com Halliday (1973), Halliday e Hasan (1976) e Koch (2002). Todo o material analisado teve tratamento quantitativo e qualitativo e chegou-se à determinação de quatro formas básicas de conclusão textual com uso de uma marca gramatical ou lexical para esse fim: fecho de raciocínio lógico, retomada, finalização e sinalização de conclusão. A construção mais frequente utilizada para concluir o texto (o portanto, com 33,2% de frequência de uso nas melhores redações da FUVEST e 38,6% nas piores) foi estudada levando-se em conta etimologia, estatuto categorial nos dicionários e uma análise diacrônica para estabelecer padrões funcionais e valores semânticos. Foi possível, assim, constatar que o portanto encontra-se em vários níveis de gramaticalização, a depender da categoria analisada, sendo que o estágio mais avançado de gramaticalização é como marcador de conclusão textual. Também é possível afirmar que, cognitivamente, o uso do portanto revela intencionalidade e atenção conjunta do escrevente com seu leitor. / This research aims to describe the linguistic constructions used to mark the conclusion of a dissertative-argumentative text and from the perspective of Grammaticalization and Cognition analyzes the most frequent construction. To do so, it is used a corpus of 500 essays from FUVEST (Foundation for the exam - USP) vestibular, produced in the years 2007 to 2011, they are considered the best the examination board. As control material, it is analyzed the FUVEST essays from the same years, that are considered the worst as well as school essays and argumentative-journalistic texts (editorials and opinion article). This thesis is theoretically based in studies on Cognition from Tomasello (2003) and Bybee (2010), on Grammaticalization with Diewald (2006), Traugott and Dasher (2005), Traugott (2008), Lehmann (1985, 2002 and 2011 ) and on Text with Halliday (1973), Hasan and Halliday (1976) and Koch (2002). All analyzed material had quantitative and qualitative treatment and four basic forms of textual conclusion were determination with use of a grammatical or lexical feature for this purpose: closing of logical reasoning, resumption, termination and signaling conclusion. The most common construction used in dissertative texts to complete the text (portanto, with 33.2% of use frequency in the best FUVEST compositions and 38.6% in the worst ones); the construction was studied taking into account etymology, the categorical status in the dictionaries and a diachronic analysis to establish functional standards and semantic values. It was thus possible to observe that portanto lies on multiple levels of grammaticalization, depending on the category analyzed, and the most advanced stage of grammaticalization is the marker of textual conclusion. It is also possible to assume that, cognitively, the use of portanto reveals intentionality and the scribe joint attention his/her reader.

De la modélisation didactique à la simulation sur ordinateur des interactions langagières en classe de sciences.

Morge, Ludovic 10 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Les interactions maître-élèves en classe de sciences (plus précisément la gestion des productions d'élèves au cours de l'interaction), constituent l'objet principal de mes recherches. Cet objet a été progressivement modélisé et son domaine d'application a été délimité. Ce modèle a ensuite permis de produire un logiciel de simulation de gestion des séances. Ce logiciel est un prototype. Il a été utilisé pour explorer principalement deux directions de recherche. La première direction concerne l'activité cognitive des enseignants en situation d'enseignement. En enregistrant les discussions de deux enseignants utilisant le logiciel de simulation, il est possible d'accéder aux raisonnements et aux connaissances qu'ils utilisent pour préparer leur intervention. La deuxième direction de recherche consiste à évaluer l'intérêt d'un tel outil pour la formation des maîtres. Ce logiciel a été utilisé dans une formation portant sur les interactions. Une recherche a montré qu'un dispositif de formation utilisant le logiciel a un effet sur les pratiques effectives des enseignants ayant suivi cette formation, et sur les performances de leurs élèves. Ces recherches exploratoires ont montré le potentiel de ce logiciel en tant qu'outil de recherche et/ou de formation. Ces premiers résultats nous encouragent à développer de nouvelles recherches dans cette direction. Cette note de synthèse interroge les précédentes recherches de modélisation des interactions, modélisations qui ont servi de base à la construction de notre premier logiciel de simulation. La dernière partie de cette note de synthèse est consacrée à la planification de futures recherches portant sur la simulation de gestion de séances. Elle s'appuie en partie sur les travaux réalisés dans les domaines de la psychologie ergonomique et de la didactique professionnelle, portant sur la simulation d'activités professionnelles.

La visión del mundo árabe en la narrativa de Juan Goytisolo

El Sharkawy El Kahwagy, Fawzi Shafik 05 July 2001 (has links)
Goytisolo es una figura clave de la literatura española del siglo XX. Conoce bien a los árabes y su cultura. La imagen del árabe es vista desde occidente a través de una larga serie de esterotipos. Goytisolo defiende la ola de violencia que condujo al mundo árabe a sentarse en el banquillo de los acusados, como responsable de todos los males. Goytisolo ataca a los occidentales que ignoran que su historia no les da derecho a aconsejar a nadie. Y opina que la visión actual sobre el Islam cae en una serie de errores de perspectiva, debido al traslado mecánico de conceptos propios a un campo cultural ajeno. La sencillez del credo islámico aclara la unión del interior y la difusión constante a lo largo de catorce siglos. El gran Yihad para el creyente no es más que una lucha interna contra su propio egoismo. Es el deseo de cambiar el mundo. / Goytisolo is a key figure in 20th century spanish literature. He exhibits a sound knowledge of the Arabs and their culture. Arabs, whose lives seem to be less worthy than other peoples, are contemplated through a long series of stereotypes. Goytisolo defends the wave of violence which led the Arab world to be accused of all the evil. He reminds western countries of some of the cruellest episodes in human history. He goes on to suggest that some views on Islam are wrong, since they depart from ideas and values which are inherently western and cannot be easily translated anywhere else. The simple message of Islamic beliefs makes it easy to understand the strong bonds among Muslims and the spread of the cult thoughout fourteen centuries. The great "Yihad" means to Muslim believers an inner struggle against their own selfishness. It is a wish to change the world.


Coutat, Sylvia 24 October 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Cette recherche s'intéresse à l'apprentissage de la notion de propriété géométrique en début de collège en tant que relation de subordination entre les contraintes (données) et une conclusion. Les choix dans la structure de cet enseignement reposent sur un travail de distinction entre les données et la conclusion dans un énoncé. Cette distinction est nécessaire pour le réinvestissement des propriétés dans le raisonnement déductif. A partir des travaux de Vygotsky sur la médiation sémiotique et les travaux de Rabardel et Trouche sur l'instrumentation, nous avons conçu des situations didactiques intégrant un logiciel de géométrie dynamique, pour introduire la notion de propriété. L'outil déplacement du logiciel est utilisé pour réaliser les données d'une propriété. Les objets géométriques sur lesquels travaillent les élèves sont des constructions « molles », issues du déplacement, dans lesquelles les nouvelles caractéristiques des figures sont éphémères. Le processus de médiation sémiotique est amorcé au cours de la construction, par l'élève, de l'instrument Déplacement, il se poursuit au cours des échanges collectifs avec l'enseignant. La construction du lien entre les données et la conclusion s'appuie sur l'utilisation du dynamisme de l'environnement et sur l'interaction entre les registres visuels et discursifs. Nous avons étudié comment les élèves s'approprient la relation entre les données et la conclusion à travers l'étude de :<br />¬ la construction de l'instrument déplacement que nous visons lors des activités avec Cabri<br />¬ l'articulation entre les registres graphiques et discursifs en lien avec le processus de médiation sémiotique

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