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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relationen mellan hushållens ekonomiska situation och bostadspriser på den svenska bostadsmarknaden

Hansson, Sofia, Zackrisson, Rebecca January 2017 (has links)
Svenska bostadspriser har stigit allt mer under de senaste åren. Privatpersoners konsumtion gör att priset på bostäder stiger och belåning ökar i och med prisökningarna. Det huvudsakliga syftet med studien var att undersöka förhållandet mellan bostadspriser och hushållens ekonomiska situation på den svenska bostadsmarknaden under tidsperioden år 2005 till år 2013. Fokus ligger på bostadsrätt- och villapriser på den svenska bostadsmarknaden, sekundärdata är inhämtad från databaser som studien baseras på. Dessa undersöks månadsvis under den valda tidsperioden. Vi har valt att studera variablerna; bostadspriser för bostadsrätter samt villor som beroende variabler och hushållens ekonomiska situation som oberoende variabel. Hushållens ekonomiska situation mäts med hjälp av konfidensindex. Utlåningsränta och antal bostäder till försäljning var studiens kontrollvariabler.Utifrån studiens fastställda hypoteser visade studien ett resultat som bekräftar att hushållens ekonomiska situation har ett signifikant förhållande till priser för bostadsrätter respektive villor och att studiens kontrollvariabler är relaterade till detta samband. Resultatet i denna studie har stöd från tidigare forskning. / Swedish housing prices have been rising steadily in recent years, the consumption of private individuals are pushing housing prices to rise and this relationship between these variables increases the ratio that households are borrowing from banks. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between housing prices and households' financial situation in the Swedish housing market during the period from 2005 until 2013. The focus is on villa and condominiums prices in the Swedish housing market. Secondary data are obtained from databases on which the study is based. These are examined monthly during the selected time period. We have chosen to study 6 variables, housing prices for condominiums and villas as the dependent variable, households' financial situation as the independent variable. The household's financial situation is measured using confidence index. Lending rates and number of housing for sale were the control varibles of the study. Based on the established hypotheses, the study showed a result confirming that the household's current financial situation has a significant relationship to housing prices for condominiums and villas, and that the study's control variables are related to this relationship. The result of this study is supported by previous research. / <p>Betyg E, 170709</p>

Estudo da problemática da aplicação de coletores solares para aquecimento de água, no segmento residencial de alto padrão, com base em escalas de projeto arquitetônico e dimensões de planejamento. / Study of the problematic of solar thermal collectors for hot water in high standards houses based on architectonic and planning dimensions.

Bernadette Vechia de Mendonça 20 March 2009 (has links)
A presente Dissertação é um estudo a respeito da problemática da utilização dos Sistemas de Aquecimento Solar Térmico para Aquecimento de Água com Coletores Planos em Circuito Direto, no crítico contexto da construção civil paulista para o ponto de vista da Arquitetura e do Urbanismo. Apesar do potencial solar do país e do padrão construtivo dos condomínios horizontais fechados da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP), ainda não há regulamentação do uso do aquecimento solar térmico em alguns de seus municípios-sede. Atualmente tem havido a adesão espontânea ao sistema por parte de moradores das residências desses condomínios, decorrente da busca da redução dos gastos e da crescente conscientização ambiental e divulgação da tecnologia. Porém, ainda há necessidade de uma relação mais sistêmica dos coletores solares com a totalidade dos requisitos da edificação e do meio urbano, mesmo em se tratando da legislação específica. Buscando uma constribuição, aqui se propõe um modelo de estudo dos coletores baseado em escalas construtivas que, juntamente com a compreensão multidimensional do assunto, desafiam a atual dicotomia entre as ferramentas de qualidade e a sustentabilidade do ambiente construído. / The present work studies the problematic of using Solar Hot Water Systems by Direct Circuit, among the critics characteristics of civil construction in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. The point of view is of Architecture and Urban Planning. In spite of the high Brazilian levels of solar irradiation and the constructive pattern of horizontal closed condominiums of the metropolitan region of São Paulo (Brazil), which possess a large concentration of high incoming households, use of solar water heating is still not regulated in some of its comprising municipalities. Nowadays, the search for savings, diffusion of related technologies and raising environmental awareness have led to voluntary uptaking of such systems. Yet, regulation of solar collectors still lacks relating to certification of sustainable building practices, which does not relate to architectonic factors, in particular to main urbanistic features present in each given installation site. This work proposes an architectonic scale based model of studying it in order to pursuit the end of dichotomy between quality and sustainability.

Accepterat pris: -En studie om bakgrundentill införandet och om syftet uppnåtts ochhålls än idag? / Accepted price: -A study of background tothe introduction and the purpose achievedand if maintained today?

Karlsson, Zandra, Bergroth, Carl-Henrik January 2014 (has links)
Våren 2011 var det stora debattämnet i media, bland konsumenter och hos fastighetsmäklare lockpriser . Med lockpris avses att en bostad annonseras till ett väsentligt lägre pris än det bedömda marknadsvärdet på bostaden. Motivet var att locka till sig fler spekulanter till en eventuell budgivning. Innebörden av väsentligt är inte helt fastställt i lagen, vilket gör begreppet svårtolkat. I och med att utgångspriserna var satta så lågt jämfört med vad slutpriset blev så fick fastighetsmäklarna utstå mycket kritik. Mäklarbranschens anseende försämrades, och för att motverka detta bildades en arbetsgrupp av fastighetsmäklare från olika mäklarföretag i Stockholms innerstad. Detta mynnade ut i att istället för att använda sig av ett utgångspris så infördes begreppet accepterat pris. Ett accepterat pris innebär att det pris som annonseras ska vara på en sådan nivå att säljaren kan tänka sig att sälja bostaden till det priset. Dock med den kvarstående fria prövningsrätten som säljaren oavsett har, som innebär att tvång till försäljning inte råder, trots inkommit bud på annonserat pris. Som säljare har du rätt att sälja när du vill, till vem du vill och till vilket pris du vill. Syftet med uppsatsen är att redogöra för överenskommelsen av accepterat pris, vilka de bakomliggande faktorerna var vid införandet och vad målet var. Vidare vill vi klargöra om lockpriser är på väg tillbaka och utreda vilka andra bakomliggande faktorer som kan bidra till att ett pris uppfattas som lockpris. Resultatet av uppsatsen visar att en av tankarna bakom införandet av accepterat pris var att stärka mäklarbranschens anseende och öka transparensen till spekulanterna då dem skulle få en bättre uppfattning om bostadens slutpris redan vid annonseringen av objektet. Enligt de gjorda intervjuerna med mäklare så märks en viss tendens till att lockpriserna anses vara på väg tillbaka. Även den inhämtade statistiken visar att så skulle kunna vara fallet då skillnaden mellan accepterat pris/utgångspris och slutpris på senare tid har ökat. För att kunna dra någon mer definitiv slutsats är detta något man bör ta ställning till när mer data har insamlats över ett större tidsperspektiv framåt i tiden. / The great debate topic in media and among real estate agents in spring 2011 was specially reduced prices . Specially reduced prices means that a property is advertised at a considerably lower price than the evaluated current market value of the property. This is to attract more bidders in a potential bidding. It is in this case not completely established by law what is meant by considerably lower price, why this concept is difficult to interpret. Real estate agents got lot of criticism due to the output prices which were too low compared to the final prices. The real estate agents industry’s reputation became worse and to counter this, there was formed a taskforce of real estate agents in Stockholm. This resulted in that instead of making use of a starting price the concept of accepted price was introduced. The accepted price meant that the price that was advertised was going to be at such a level that the seller was willing to sell the property for that. With the free trial right the seller would not be compelled to sell anyhow. This study is about accounting for the emergence of accepted price and the factors behind the introduction and the concept. It also aims to clarify what the goal of accepted price was and to discuss if specially reduced prices are coming back. Finally to investigate if there can be some underlying factors that can contribute to that our perception increases as specially reduced prices. The results of the paper show that one of the ideas behind the introduction of the accepted price was to strengthen the real estate agent industry's reputation and increase transparency to bidders so they would get a further idea of the final price of the property already at the announcement. According to the interviews made with the real estate agents, it is noticed a certain tendency that specially reduced prices are considered to be on the way back. Although the collected statistics shows that such could be the case when the difference between starting- and final price has recently increased. To be able to make a more definite conclusion, this is something that could be considered when more data have been collected over a wider time frame in the future.

Proyecto Watch-E

Céspedes Beltrán, Alvaro Abdiel, Chicana Ramos, Wendy Vanessa, Medina Cavero, Ronald, Paricahua Santillan, Mercedes Giovanna, Luciani Hurtado, Giancarlo 17 January 2022 (has links)
El presente proyecto es de una aplicación móvil para residentes de condominio o bloque de apartamentos, validamos su ejecución en base a la investigación realizada en Lima Metropolitana a diferentes Sectores Socioeconómicos (“A”, “B” y “C”), que permitió detectar que los residentes de estos complejos mantienen diferentes medios de comunicación con los demás miembros de su condominio, dificultando un intercambio de información claro y directo. Así mismo, se identificó que muchos de los residentes tenían problemas a la hora de realizar los pagos de mantenimiento de sus domicilios siendo una de las razones falta de información, la cual se pierde en los grupos con los que cuentan por información desordenada. Por último, se encontró que muchos no conocían negocios o servicios que se encontraban cerca de ellos como servicios de reparación (pintores, gasfiteros) o venta de productos (servicio de venta de comida o de postres). Para desarrollar este proyecto se hizo un análisis de mercado, desde consumidores y proveedores hasta competidores y factores externos. Además, se desarrollaron las siguientes validaciones: Validación de la Solución y Validación del Modelo de Negocio; además, de los siguientes planes: Plan de Ejecución del Concierge y Fidelización y Plan Financiero. Los cuales contienen los medios y las estrategias necesarias para validar este proyecto. Como resultado, luego de una inversión inicial de s/149,806 se espera una utilidad neta de s/57,268 para el primer año, s/. 216,466 para el segundo año y s/ 515,009 para el tercero año. / This project is a mobile application for residents of a condominium or apartment block, we validate its execution based on the research carried out in Lima Metropolitan with different Socioeconomic Sectors ("A", "B" and "C"), which allowed to detect that the residents of these complexes maintain different ways of communication with other members of their condominium, having problems exchanging information. Likewise, it was identified that many of the residents had problems making the payments of their homes, telling us that one of the reasons are the messy and lack information, which is lost in the groups. Finally, we found that many were unaware that exist many kinds of businesses or services that were close to them, such as repair services (painters, plumbers) or product sales (food or dessert service). To develop this project, we carried out a market analysis, from consumers and suppliers to competitors and external factors. In addition, the following validations were developed: Validation of the Solution and Validation of the Business Model; in addition, the Following plans: Concierge and Loyalty Execution Plan and Financial Plan. Which contain the means and strategies necessary to validate this project. As a result, after an initial investment of s/. 149,806 we obtain a net profit of s/. 57,268 expected for the first year, s/. 216,466 for the second year and s/. 515,009 for the third year. / Trabajo de investigación

Measuring the Effects of Environmental Certification on Residential Property Values - Evidence from Green Condominiums in Portland, U.S.

Yang, Xi 24 July 2013 (has links)
Green building, as an environmentally responsible and resource-efficient product, has emerged in recent decades. Along with the growing interest in green building design and operating practices, a number of green building certification standards and rating systems have been developed by different organizations worldwide. Those rating systems allow government regulators, building professionals, and consumers to embrace green building with confidence. Many recent studies find that LEED and Energy Star certified commercial buildings gain significant rental and sales price premiums and have higher occupancy rates. However, little research has been conducted to measure the market value of certified multi-family residential buildings, for instance, green condominiums. This study investigates the price effects of LEED certification on condominium real estate assets in a local housing market, in this case Portland, Oregon. The overall dataset is developed by combining information from Metro's Regional Land Information System (RLIS) and LEED certifications by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). A hedonic pricing model is employed to measure the effects of certification levels on sales prices. The model results indicate that, compared to non-certified condominiums in Portland, green certified properties have a 5.8 percent sales price premium on average. The result of this study confirms that LEED condominiums exhibit higher sales prices controlling for location- and property-specific factors.

Accepterat pris: -En studie om bakgrunden till införandet och om syftet uppnåtts och hålls än idag? / Accepted price: -A study of background to the introduction and the purpose achieved and if maintained today?

Bergroth, Carl-Henrik, Karlsson, Zandra January 2014 (has links)
The great debate topic in media and among real estate agents in spring 2011 was specially reduced prices. Specially reduced prices means that a property is advertised at a considerably lower price than the evaluated current market value of the property. This is to attract more bidders in a potential bidding. It is in this case not completely established by law what is meant by considerably lower price, why this concept is difficult to interpret. Real estate agents got lot of criticism due to the output prices which were too low compared to the final prices. The real estate agents industry’s reputation became worse and to counter this, there was formed a taskforce of real estate agents in Stockholm. This resulted in that instead of making use of a starting price the concept of accepted price was introduced. The accepted price meant that the price that was advertised was going to be at such a level that the seller was willing to sell the property for that. With the free trial right the seller would not be compelled to sell anyhow. This study is about accounting for the emergence of accepted price and the factors behind the introduction and the concept. It also aims to clarify what the goal of accepted price was and to discuss if specially reduced prices are coming back. Finally to investigate if there can be some underlying factors that can contribute to that our perception increases as specially reduced prices. The results of the paper show that one of the ideas behind the introduction of the accepted price was to strengthen the real estate agent industry's reputation and increase transparency to bidders so they would get a further idea of the final price of the property already at the announcement. According to the interviews made with the real estate agents, it is noticed a certain tendency that specially reduced prices are considered to be on the way back. Although the collected statistics shows that such could be the case when the difference between starting- and final price has recently increased. To be able to make a more definite conclusion, this is something that could be considered when more data have been collected over a wider time frame in the future. / Våren 2011 var det stora debattämnet i media, bland konsumenter och hos fastighetsmäklare lockpriser. Med lockpris avses att en bostad annonseras till ett väsentligt lägre pris än det bedömda marknadsvärdet på bostaden. Motivet var att locka till sig fler spekulanter till en eventuell budgivning. Innebörden av väsentligt är inte helt fastställt i lagen, vilket gör begreppet svårtolkat. I och med att utgångspriserna var satta så lågt jämfört med vad slutpriset blev så fick fastighetsmäklarna utstå mycket kritik. Mäklarbranschens anseende försämrades, och för att motverka detta bildades en arbetsgrupp av fastighetsmäklare från olika mäklarföretag i Stockholms innerstad. Detta mynnade ut i att istället för att använda sig av ett utgångspris så infördes begreppet accepterat pris. Ett accepterat pris innebär att det pris som annonseras ska vara på en sådan nivå att säljaren kan tänka sig att sälja bostaden till det priset. Dock med den kvarstående fria prövningsrätten som säljaren oavsett har, som innebär att tvång till försäljning inte råder, trots inkommit bud på annonserat pris. Som säljare har du rätt att sälja när du vill, till vem du vill och till vilket pris du vill. Syftet med uppsatsen är att redogöra för överenskommelsen av accepterat pris, vilka de bakomliggande faktorerna var vid införandet och vad målet var. Vidare vill vi klargöra om lockpriser är på väg tillbaka och utreda vilka andra bakomliggande faktorer som kan bidra till att ett pris uppfattas som lockpris. Resultatet av uppsatsen visar att en av tankarna bakom införandet av accepterat pris var att stärka mäklarbranschens anseende och öka transparensen till spekulanterna då dem skulle få en bättre uppfattning om bostadens slutpris redan vid annonseringen av objektet. Enligt de gjorda intervjuerna med mäklare så märks en viss tendens till att lockpriserna anses vara på väg tillbaka. Även den inhämtade statistiken visar att så skulle kunna vara fallet då skillnaden mellan accepterat pris/utgångspris och slutpris på senare tid har ökat. För att kunna dra någon mer definitiv slutsats är detta något man bör ta ställning till när mer data har insamlats över ett större tidsperspektiv framåt i tiden.

Contributing factors to apartment pricing in Stockholm Vasastan: : An analysis using multilinear regression / Bidragande faktorer till lägenheters prissättning i Stockholm Vasastan: : En multipel regressionsanalys

Gierlowski Carling, Sebastian, Dalfi, Reza January 2020 (has links)
This thesis uses multilinear regression analysis to identify the variables and the magnitude of the variables affecting the housing market in Vasastan, a district of Stockholm, Sweden. We then make an attempt to generalize the results to the entire Stockholm area, and reason around why certain factors may be important drivers of price. The factors identified to affect the prices are the number of rooms, living area, floor number, fee and age of the building. Some results we find are intuitive while others are less so. Some of the factors in our regression model can be changed without a massive change in construction price, which means there is a real world application of our thesis to increase the value of newly built apartments. / Denna uppsats använder multipel regressionsanalys för att identifiera variablerna som påverkar bostadsmarknaden i Vasastan, ett område i Stockholm, Sverige, samt magnituden på dessa variabler. Därefter gör vi ett försök att generalisera resultaten för hela Stockholmsområdet, och resonerar kring varför somliga faktorer kan vara viktiga för att driva priser. Faktorerna som visas påverka priserna är antalet rum, boyta, våning, avgift och fastighetens ålder. Vissa av resultaten anser vi är intuitiva, medan andra inte bedöms vara det. Vissa av faktorerna i vår regressionsmodell kan ändras utan att drastiskt påverka byggpriset på fastigheten, vilket innebär att det finns en verklig applikation i vår uppsats för att öka värdet på nybyggda lägenheter.

Påverkande faktorer för värdering av bostadsrätter : En studie om påverkansfaktorer efter Covid – 19 pandemin / Influential Factors for the Valuation of Condominiums : A study on Impact Factors after the Covid – 19 Pandemic

Zava, Sebastian January 2022 (has links)
Sverige har under Covid-19 pandemin upplevt stora prisökning på bostadsrätter. Detta har skett till följd av förändring i vårt boende, då många har arbetat hemifrån och haft sina sociala liv förändrat av restriktionerna. därmed har folk spenderat mer tid hemma och samtidigt haft mer av sin budget att spendera på boende. Samt så har under denna period amorteringskravet slopats medans reporäntan varit vid noll.  Under dessa omständigheter har de faktorer som bestämmer värdet på våra bostäder förändrats. Denna studie menar att besvara dessa frågan om hur faktorerna för bostadspris har förändrats under pandemin, och vad det kan leda till i framtiden. Detta ska ske genom att intervjua mäklare om vad det har observerat och tror kommer hända framöver. I studien har intervjuerna analyserats och jämförts. Det kommer fram mixade åsikter och anmärkningar från mäklare. Efter att filtrerat bort det som kan vara lokala fenomen kan den troliga slutsatsen och prognosen för framtiden presenteras.  Arbetet kommer fram till att vi troligen kommer bevitta en avsäljning av bostadsrätter köpta under pandemin, då det var köpta med skenet av stora budgetar och låga avbetalningar. Dock kommer antagligen efterfrågan av större bostäder utanför Stockholms innerstad fortsätta att vara aktuellt för barnfamiljer. Då detta har varit mycket positivt i koppling till arbete på distans, som antagligen kommer fortsätta i större utsträckning i mixad form. Detta kan leda till bredare nyproduktion av större bostadsrätter i småstäder runt om Stockholms län. Samt kan även designen på lägenheterna komma att förändras då det blivit mer attraktivt med arbetsrum. / Sweden have during the Covid-19 pandemic experienced large increases in condominium prices. This has happened as a result of the change in our housing, as many have worked from home and had their social lives changed by the restrictions. Thus people have spent more time at home and at the same time had more of their budget to spend on living arrangements. During this period, the amortization requirement has been temporarily abolished while the repo rate has been around zero. During these circumstances, the factors that determine the value of our properties have changed. This study aims to answer the questions about how the factors of housing prices have changed during the pandemic, and what it may lead to in the future. This will be done by interviewing brokers about what they have observed and believe will happen in the future. In the study, the interviews were analyzed and compared. There are mixed opinions and remarks. After filtering out what may be local phenomena, a probable conclusion and forecast for the future can be presented. The work comes to the conclusion that we will probably witness a sale of condominiums bought during the pandemic, as it was bought with the temporarily larger budgets and low installments. However, the demand for larger homes outside Stockholm's inner city will probably continue to be relevant for families with children. As this has been very positive in connection with distance work, which will probably continue to a greater extent in mixed form. This can lead to broader new production of larger condominiums in small towns around Stockholm County. And the design of the apartments may also change as it becomes more attractive for workrooms.

Constitutionality of the rules governing sectional title schemes

van der Merwe, Zerlinda 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM (Public Law))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Various types of rules govern many areas of life in a sectional title scheme. The Sectional Titles Act 95 of 1986 prescribes model management and conduct rules in its regulations. Other non-prescribed rules are adopted by either the developers initially or later by the trustees of the body corporate. These rules provide for the control, management, administration, use and enjoyment of the sections and the common property in the scheme. Sectional owners and other occupiers have the entitlements of use and enjoyment of their individual sections and their share in the common property of the sectional title scheme, in proportion to their participation quota. These entitlements are restricted by the rules in operation within the scheme. Although these rules limit the entitlements of sectional owners and other occupiers in the interest of the sectional title community, they may not be unreasonable in their application and effect. In some instances, the application of the rules might exceed the bounds of reasonableness and result in unfair discrimination, arbitrary deprivation, unfair administrative action or restrictions on access to courts for dispute resolution. If certain rules are unreasonable in their application, based on one or more of the abovementioned grounds, the court must interpret the potentially impermissible rules and if the court cannot avoid a declaration of invalidity by implementing a constitutional remedy such as reading-up, reading-down, reading-in or severance, these impermissible rules will need to be substituted, amended or repealed and replaced because they are potentially unconstitutional and invalid. After a statutory and constitutional enquiry into the nature, scope, application, operation and effect of the rules governing sectional title schemes, it can be concluded that the various types of rules governing sectional title schemes restrict and limit sectional owners’ and occupiers’ entitlements of use and enjoyment of their individual sections and share in the common property. However, after being tested against section 25 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996 and other non-property rights entrenched in the Bill of Rights, to determine if the rules are reasonable in their application and constitutionally permissible, it can be seen that the application of the rules do not necessarily amount to arbitrary deprivations of property and that they can be justified in terms of the Constitution because there is sufficient reasons for the particular regulations and they are procedurally fair. The various different types of rules governing sectional title schemes serve as reasonable regulations in as far as they contribute to a harmonious relationship between the trustees of the body corporate and the sectional owners and occupiers as members of the body corporate as well as between the members of the body corporate inter se. The rules serve an important function in this regard. Therefore, they are considered reasonable and constitutionally valid in as far as they do not enforce excessive regulation and as long as they are equally applicable and do not unfairly differentiate in their application. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Verskeie tipes reëls reguleer alledaagse aangeleenthede in ‘n deeltitelskema. Die Wet op Deeltitels 95 van 1986 maak voorsiening vir voorgeskrewe bestuurs- en gedragsreëls in die regulasies. Die ontwikkelaars of die trustees van die regspersoon kan aanvanklik met die stigting van die skema of op ‘n latere stadium addisionele reëls byvoeg wat nie alreeds deur die Wet voorgeskryf is nie. Die reëls maak voorsiening vir die beheer, bestuur, administrasie, gebruik en genot van die eenheid en die gemeenskaplike eiendom in die skema. Die deeleienaars van deeltitelskemas en ander okkupeerders van die skema is geregtig om hulle individuele eenhede sowel as die gemeenskaplike eiendom, in ooreenstemming met hulle deelnemingskwota, te gebruik en geniet; en dit vorm deel van hul inhoudsbevoegdhede. Hierdie inhoudsbevoegdhede word beperk deur die skema se reëls. Afgesien daarvan dat die reëls die deeleienaar en ander okkupeerders se inhoudsbevoegdhede beperk in die belang van die deeltitelgemeenskap, mag die reëls nie onredelik wees in die toepassing daarvan nie. In sommige gevalle kan die toepassing van die reëls die perke van redelikheid oorskry en neerkom op ongeregverdigde diskriminasie, arbitrêre ontneming, ongeregverdigde administratiewe handeling of ‘n beperking plaas op toegang tot die howe met die oog op dispuutoplossing. Indien daar bevind word dat sekere reëls onredelik is in die toepassing daarvan op grond van een of meer van die voorafgemelde gronde, moet die hof artikel 39 van die Grondwet volg en die reël interpreteer om ‘n deklarasie van ongeldigheid te vermy. As die hof dit nie kan vermy deur middel van konstitutusionele remedies soos “op-lesing”, “af-lesing”, “afskeiding” of “in-lesing” nie, sal die reëls gewysig of geskrap en vervang moet word, anders sal die reël ongrondwetlik wees en ongeldig verklaar word. Na afloop van ‘n statutêre en konstitusionele ondersoek ten opsigte van die aard, omvang, toepassing, werking en effek van die reëls wat deeltitelskemas reguleer word daar bevind dat die verskeie tipes reëls wat ‘n deeltitelskema reguleer ‘n beperking plaas op die inhousdbevoegdhede van deeltiteleienaars en ander okkupeerders wat betref die reg om die eenheid sowel as die gemeenskaplike eiendom te gebruik en geniet. Ten einde te bepaal of die reëls redelik in die toepassing daarvan sowel as grondwetlik toelaatbaar is, word dit getoets in terme van artikel 25 van die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika 1996 en ander regte in die Handves van Regte. Daar word bevind dat die toepassing van die reëls nie noodwendig ‘n arbitrêre ontneming van eiendom is nie en dat dit geregverdig kan word in terme van die Grondwet omdat daar voldoende redes vir die spesifieke regulasies is en omdat dat hulle prosedureel billik is. Die verskeie tipes reëls wat ‘n deeltitelskema reguleer dien as redelike regulasies sover dit bydra tot ‘n harmonieuse verhouding tussen die trustees van die regspersoon, die deeltiteleienaars en die okkupeerders as lede van die regspersoon sowel as tussen die lede van die regspersoon inter se. Die reëls het ‘n belangrike funksie in hierdie verband. Die reëls word geag redelik en grondwetlik geldig te wees sover dit nie buitensporige regulasies afdwing nie, gelyk toegepas word en daar nie ongeregverdig gedifferensieer word in die toepassing daarvan nie.

Quando a cidade vira muro: os condom?nios residenciais fechados de Itatiba / When the city becomes walls: the house condominiums of Itatiba ? SP

Massaretto, Nadya 24 February 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:21:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Nadya Massaretto.pdf: 1843830 bytes, checksum: d35339d48412123e711595cc08a134ae (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02-24 / The focus is to analyze the formation process of the house condominiums in the city of Itatiba, in S?o Paulo state, which is explained by the metropolitanization phenomenon. This dynamic produces a spatial organization, territorially scattered of the low density urban tissue, which results in, among other consequences, the increase of the urbanization costs, a fragmented city, loss of cultural identity, related to the use of the city, etc. In this perspective has been observed, from the mid 1970 s, the proliferation of the house condominiums construction, as cause and effect of the contemporary urbanization, identified by the paulista metropolitanization. The factors that can explain this dynamic are related, at least, to: 1) land s value, relatively low if compared to other locations in similar context and near Itatiba; 2) advertising and marketing strategies which produce a urban violence scene, non-existent in cities in the mentioned proportions, and relating living in house condominiums to the idea of security; 3) proximity to great metropolitan centers, which generate commercial, industrial and especially services economic flow; 4) the offer of one of the most modern road systems of the country; and, 5) a scene that is predominantly rural and connected to the expectation of a healthy way of life. The analyzed case also reveals, in great manner, evidences of the support that the city s legislation guarantee to the approval and legalization of this sort of state enterprise. / O foco ? an?lise do processo de forma??o dos condom?nios residenciais fechados no munic?pio de Itatiba, estado de S?o Paulo, explicado por meio do fen?meno da metropoliza??o. Essa din?mica produz uma organiza??o espacial do tecido urbano de baixa densidade e territorialmente dispersa, que resulta, entre outras consequ?ncias, o aumento dos custos de urbaniza??o, uma cidade fragmentada, perda da identidade cultural relacionadas aos h?bitos de uso da cidade, etc. Nesta perspectiva ? que se observou, a partir de meados dos anos 1970, a prolifera??o da constru??o de condom?nios residenciais fechados, como causa e efeito do processo de urbaniza??o contempor?nea, identificado pela metropoliza??o paulista. Os fatores que podem explicar essa din?mica est?o relacionados, pelo menos, ao seguinte: 1) valor da terra, relativamente baixo se comparado a outras localidades em contextos semelhantes e pr?ximos a Itatiba; 2) estrat?gias de propaganda e markenting que produzem um quadro de viol?ncia urbana inexistente na cidade nas propor??es anunciadas e relacionando a moradia em condom?nios fechados a id?ia de seguran?a; 3) proximidade a grandes centros metropolitanos geradores de fluxos econ?micos comerciais, industriais e, especialmente, de servi?os; 4) oferta de um dos mais modernos sistemas vi?rios do pa?s; e, 5) paisagem predominantemente rural atrelada ?s expectativas de um modo de vida saud?vel. O caso analisado tamb?m revela de maneira exemplar evid?ncias do respaldo que a legisla??o municipal garante ? aprova??o e legaliza??o dessa forma de empreendimento imobili?rio.

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