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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

ADHD och narkotika : En litteraturstudie om användning och missbruk av narkotika relaterat till ADHD

Hagman, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
Missbruk av narkotika är idag ett växande samhällsproblem och människor med diagnosen ADHD verkar enligt forskning vara en särskild riskgrupp. Syftet för denna studie var att samla in tidigare  forskning på området för att redogöra för på vilka sätt användning och missbruk av narkotikaklassade substanser verkar korrelera med ADHD. Detta för att öka förståelsen och medvetenheten hos socialarbetare och andra professioner som jobbar inom missbruksvården. Genom en innehållsanalys som studiens resultat baseras på och genom en kombination av teoretiska perspektiv i form av radikal teori, psykodynamisk teori samt systemteori framkom olika fakta och perspektiv. Bland annat indikerar resultatet att en måttlig ökning av risk att börja missbruka narkotika verkar finnas hos personer med ADHD men att det finns skäl att utgå utifrån ett omfattande helhetsperspektiv. Både psykologiska faktorer som ofta grundas i barndomen samt sociala och miljömässiga aspekter verkar vara av betydelse. Skolan verkar ha en viss betydelse redan från grundskolan och ända upp på universitetsnivå. Dessutom verkar en kombination av flera diagnoser eller beteendestörningar utöver ADHD-diagnosen tendera att öka risken för missbruk hos en del individer. Insatser av preventiv typ verkar vara en fråga för framtiden så som att lättare kunna upptäcka människor som på olika sätt är i riskzonen. Mer forskning på området verkar behövas. / <p>2019-09-23</p>

Vergleich von Symptomen des hyperkinetischen Syndroms bei politoxikomanen Patienten in Suchtbehandlung und gesunden Kontrollprobanden

Brunklaus, Andreas 17 August 2006 (has links)
Zielsetzung: Sowohl das kindliche Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätssyndrom (ADHS) als auch kindliche Störungen des Sozialverhaltens gelten als Risikofaktoren für die Entwicklung einer späteren Drogenabhängigkeit. Ihr jeweiliger Einfluss auf das Ausmaß des Drogenkonsums und die Substanzwahl bleibt jedoch ungeklärt. Methoden: 49 politoxikomane Patienten in Suchtbehandlung und 40 Kontrollprobanden wurden untersucht im Hinblick auf die Prävalenzen von ADHS, Störungen des Sozialverhaltens und psychiatrischen Komorbiditäten. Darüber hinaus wurde der Einfluss von ADHS und Sozialverhaltensstörungen auf Substanzgebrauch, kognitive Leistungen und motorische Aktivität untersucht. Ergebnisse: Politoxikomane Patienten erfüllten sowohl die Kriterien eines kindlichen ADHS, als auch die Kriterien einer Störung des Sozialverhaltens in der Kindheit signifikant häufiger, als die Kontrollprobanden. Die objektiv gemessene motorische Aktivität korrelierte mit den in den Fragebögen gemachten Angaben zu gegenwärtiger motorischer Aktivität. Eine Störung des Sozialverhaltens stellte mit Abstand den größten Risikofaktor für eine spätere Drogenabhängigkeit dar und war überdies mit einem frühen Beginn des Nikotinkonsums assoziiert. Das gemeinsame Auftreten von hyperkinetischem und sozialgestörtem Verhalten ging sowohl mit einem früheren Drogeneinstieg als auch mit einer beschleunigten Drogenkarriere sowie einem vermehrten Substanzkonsum einher. Dies legt nahe, dass es sich bei Studienteilnehmern, die sowohl hyperkinetisches als auch sozialgestörtes Verhalten aufweisen, um eine "Hochrisikogruppe" handelt. / Objective: A diagnosis of both attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as well conduct disorder (CD) in childhood have been shown to be risk factors for later substance abuse. However their influence on onset as well as intensity of drug use and choice of substance remains controversial. Methods: 49 inpatient opioid addicts and 40 non-addict controls were assessed using standardised clinical interviews to examine prevalences of ADHD, CD and other psychiatric comorbidity. The relationship of ADHD and CD to substance use disorder, cognitive function and motor activity was analysed. Results: Opioid addicts fulfilled both the criteria for childhood ADHD, as well as the criteria for childhood CD significantly more often than controls. Motor activity monitoring accurately reflected the subjects self-report on current hyperactivity symptoms. CD emerged as significant risk factor for substance abuse in adult life. In addition to that it predisposed individuals to early onset of cigarette smoking. A combined history of both ADHD and CD was associated with increased overall drug intake but no specific preference in drug choice could be linked to neither childhood ADHD nor CD symptoms. Conclusion: Childhood ADHD and CD are significantly overrepresented among an inpatient group of adult opioid addicts. Most adverse outcome measures were attributable to the presence of CD or to a combined occurrence of both ADHD and CD. Emphasis should be placed on the need for early intervention programs for children at risk to improve future outcome.

Sunkumų turinčių paauglių ateities planavimo ypatumai / Peculiarities of future planning in problematic adolescents

Būdvytytė, Inga 23 June 2014 (has links)
Ateities lūkesčių, tikslų ir planavimo tyrimai yra labai svarbūs, ypač siekiant padėti paaugliams susidoroti su vis didėjančiais reikalavimais ir išbandymais bei siekiant sumažinti dėl jų kylančią įtampą ir įvairias problemas. Remiantis J.E. Nurmi (1991, 1993), tam tikri ateities planavimo sunkumai gali būti rimtas signalas apie kitas paauglių problemas, taigi akivaizdu, kad sėkmingas paauglio funkcionavimas yra susijęs su ateities planavimu ir tikslų kėlimu. Ateities orientacijos samprata šiame darbe apima ateities tikslus, lūkesčius ir su tuo susijusį nerimą, baimę, taip pat strategijas, būdus, padedančius siekti numatytų tikslų, bei patį ateities orientacijų procesą, kurį sudaro trys etapai – motyvacija, planavimas ir įvertinimas, o tam didelę įtaką daro kognityvinės strategijos, kurios lemia tai, kaip asmuo vertins savo galimybes pasiekti tikslų, kokiais būdais jų bus siekiama ir panašiai. Analizuojant ateities planavimą, svarbūs faktoriai yra ateities lūkesčių turinys bei planuojamo laiko perspektyva (Nurmi, 1991, 1993, 1995; Ruiz, Llinares, Zacares, 2003). Tyrime siekiama atskleisti, kokie ateities planavimo ypatumai būdingi sunkumų turintiems (depresija sergantiems, elgesio ir valgymo sutrikimų turintiems) paaugliams, išnagrinėti, kuo skiriasi sunkumų turinčių ir sveikų paauglių ateities planavimas bei kokie yra skirtumus lemiantys veiksniai. Tyrimo metu buvo naudojamas ,,Ateities vilčių ir baimių klausimynas“ (Nurmi, Poole, Seginer, 1992), kurio pagalba buvo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SUMMARY Research on how adolescents see their future and what goals and plans they set for the future are extremely important in order to help adolescents to cope with increasing demands and tension they inflict. According to J.E. Nurmi (1991, 1993), various difficulties in formulating future plans can be an important indicator of other problems adolescents face. It is obvious, that adolescents‘ future-oriented decisions crucially influence their lifes, furthermore it is normative age-specific task. That is why analysis of future expectations, specific to problematic adolescents, is so important. In this research future-orientation is described in terms of three psychological processes, motivation, planning and evaluation, which is highly influenced by cognitive strategies that moderate the process of evaluating one‘s abilities and setting strategies to achieve goals. The content and time perspective are also important factors of future-orientation (Nurmi, 1991, 1993, 1995; Ruiz, Llinares, Zacares, 2003). This research reveals future expectations specific to problematic (i.e. those who suffer from depression, conduct disorder and eating disorders) adolescents; how they differ from their healthy peers and what factors contribute to these differences. Measure instrument used to find out adolescents‘ goals was „Future Goals and Fears Questionnaire“ (Nurmi, Poole, Seginer, 1992). „The Strategy and Attribution Questionnaire“ was used in order to find out what cognitive strategies... [to full text]

Maternal Personality Characteristics, Affective State, And Psychopathology In Relation To Children

Evinc, Gulin S. 01 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This study aimed to examine the association between specific maternal characteristics (i.e., parents&rsquo / personality, depression, anxiety, affective state, and coping strategies) and childhood ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), and Conduct Disorder (CD) symptoms in children with and without the diagnosis of ADHD. Method: Data was obtained from 231 subjects including mothers of 77 children who were just diagnosed by Child Mental Health Departments of Hacettepe University or IMGE Child Mental Health Center and 154 children without any psychiatric diagnosis, who were receiving education from Nebahat Keskin Elementary School. Among 154 non-diagnosed subjects the ones who match best with the 77 ADHD group participants were chosen, considering ages of the children, income of the family, and education of the mother. Results and Discussion: (1) Psychometric Characteristics of the TBFI and CARSS were examined. The internal consistency coefficients of the TBFI varied from .51 (for Agreeableness) to .75 (for Neuroticism) and all subscales of CARSS had moderate to high degree of internal consistencies ranging from .65 (Conduct Disorder) to .92. (e.g., Attention Deficit). Additionally, concurrent validity of TBFI and criterion validity of CARSS were studied. Results revealed that TBFI had sufficient internal consistency and validity, and also revealed that CARSS was a highly reliable and valid measure, successfully differentiating the diagnosed group from the non-diagnosed group on each subscale. (2) Group differences on maternal characteristics were examined. Compared to non-diagnosed children, children with ADHD had mothers with higher Depression symptoms, higher Negative Affect, higher Neuroticism, lower Positive Affect. (3) Regression analyses, which were conducted separately for each group and the whole group, revealed that different maternal characteristics were associated with symptoms of diagnosed and non-diagnosed children. In general while symptom levels of children, who have ADHD diagnosis, was associated with higher maternal Negative and lower Positive Affect and higher Depression and Anxiety symptoms, and lower Extraversion scores / symptom level of Comparison children was associated more with Conscientiousness. These differences were explained by means of the fit between maternal characteristics and vulnerability, lower tolerance, lower adaptation, and compensation skills of children with ADHD (when compared to Comparison group). Results addressed the importance of maternal factors regarding its association with presence, and the severity of ADHD and comorbid symptoms of children.

ADOLESCENTES USUÁRIAS DE SUBSTÂNCIAS PSICOATIVAS / Female adolescents users of pychoactives substances.

Paiva, Elisabete Péres Queiroz de 05 April 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T16:34:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pagina de 51-75.pdf: 3575080 bytes, checksum: f18e9ae8677465857cf32d1610f57586 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-04-05 / Esta pesquisa estudou adolescentes internadas para tratamento de dependência de drogas no Centro de Recuperação Álcool e Drogas Desafio Jovem. Objetivou descrever as características psicossociais e a psicodinâmica dessas adolescentes, além de identificar comportamentos de riscos e de proteção à saúde das participantes. Para coleta de dados, foram utilizados o Questionário de Identificação Sócio-Demográfico e Consumo de Substâncias Psicoativas, o teste projetivo H.T.P. (House-Tree-Person) e o Inventário de Triagem do Uso de Drogas (DUSI) . Fizeram parte do estudo 14 adolescentes na faixa de 12 a 17 anos. A maioria das adolescentes (78,57%) são filhas de pais separados. A primeira substância usada, na faixa de idade de 9 a 14 anos, foi o cigarro (42,86%), a segunda foi a maconha (35,71%), a terceira, na faixa de 9 a 15 anos foi o álcool (21,43%) e a quarta substância, na faixa de 9 a 16 anos foi o crack (35,71%). A droga predileta das adolescentes é o crack (42,9%). A carência afetiva é vista como reflexo da própria história de vida, com o desamparo, com ausência de afeto, falta de confiança, isolamento, falta de contatos sociais seguros, descontentamento com o ambiente familiar que se apresenta restritivo, apresentando vulnerabilidade que se faz presente em relação às pressões vividas no ambiente familiar. O pai se constitui quase sempre ausente na elaboração das adolescentes. Situações, como negligência, violência e abandono paterno, bem como o envolvimento com drogas lícitas e ilícitas pelos pais e outros familiares, devem ser objeto de medidas de proteção de políticas públicas de promoção de saúde familiar e comunitária e de redução de danos relacionados ao uso de substâncias psicoativas.

Estudo de comorbidades psiquiátricas entre adolescentes com transtornos por uso de substâncias psicoativas atendidos em um hospital universitário / Study of psychiatric comorbidities among outpatients adolescents with substance use disorders assisted at an university-based hospital

Rogério Shigueo Morihisa 23 November 2006 (has links)
Muitos estudos demonstram a associação entre o abuso de drogas em adolescentes e sintomas de baixa auto-estima, depressão, comportamento anti-social, rebeldia, agressividade, criminalidade, delinqüência, evasão e baixo rendimento escolar. Em adolescentes, os transtornos por uso de substâncias psicoativas freqüentemente co-ocorrem com outros transtornos psiquiátricos, sendo o transtorno de conduta e os transtornos de conduta na vida - três ou mais sintomas de transtorno de conduta na vida - as comorbidades mais freqüentemente associadas ao transtorno por uso de substâncias em adolescentes. O objetivo deste estudo é descrever as características dos adolescentes usuários de drogas em tratamento quanto ao padrão de consumo de drogas, conseqüências do uso e comorbidades psiquiátricas presentes, bem como analisar o diagnóstico de transtorno de conduta na vida segundo gênero, idade de início do uso de drogas e tipos de drogas consumidas. Foram avaliados 187 adolescentes. As variáveis estudadas foram: idade de início do uso de drogas e da procura de tratamento, companhia do primeiro uso, tipos de drogas consumidas, envolvimento em atos ilícitos, problemas com a polícia, atraso escolar, comorbidades e transtorno de conduta na vida. O sexo masculino foi mais prevalente do que o feminino (76,5% e 23,5%, respectivamente). A idade média na admissão foi de 15,4 ± 1,4 anos e a idade de primeiro uso foi de 13,7 ± 1,7 anos. A primeira droga ilícita consumida foi a maconha. Aproximadamente 59% deles já haviam praticado algum tipo de roubo alguma vez na vida. Ainda mais, 38,6% dos adolescentes já haviam sido presos e 32,3% possuía história pregressa de tráfico de drogas, 39,0% apresentaram diagnóstico de transtorno por uso de múltiplas substâncias, 24,1% tinham comorbidade com depressão e 9,6% com transtorno de conduta. Quando se inclui os critérios diagnósticos para transtorno de conduta na vida, a prevalência do diagnóstico de transtorno de conduta na população estudada aumenta para 65,2% (intervalo de confiança de 58,4% - 72,0%, com coeficiente de confiança de 95%), sendo que os meninos apresentam uma prevalência maior que as meninas. As médias de idade de início de drogas entre estes adolescentes, bem como os tipos de drogas consumidas não diferem das idades médias da amostra total de todos os adolescentes. Em termos gerais, tabaco, álcool, maconha e cocaína são usados antes do primeiro roubo, do primeiro tráfico e da primeira prisão. Os dados sugerem a necessidade de realizar uma avaliação neuropsiquiátrica detalhada e abrangente antes de considerar o jovem como simplesmente portador de um transtorno de conduta, pois os sintomas deste transtorno podem estar presentes em muitas síndromes psiquiátricas. / Many studies demonstrate relationship among substance misuse in adolescents and symptoms of low self-esteem, depression, antisocial behavior, rebelliousness, aggressiveness, crime, delinquency, school evasion and low school income. In adolescents, substance use disorders frequently co-occur with other psychiatric disorders, with conduct disorders and inlifetimel, conduct disorders ? three or more lifetime symptoms of conduct disorders ? the most prevalent co morbidities associated with substance use disorders. The objective of this study to describe the characteristics of adolescents substance abusers in treatment considering the pattern of drug abuse, consequences of this use, prevalence of psychiatric co morbidities, as well as analyzing lifetime conduct disorder by gender, age at the first drug use, and types of drugs used. One hundred eight seven adolescents had been evaluated. The following variables were accessed: age at the first drug use and they looked for treatment, with whom they first used drugs, drugs ever consumed, illegal behaviors, court problems, scholar delay, co-morbidities and lifetime conduct disorder. Male were more prevalent than female (76.5% and 23.5%, respectively). The mean age at the admission to the program was 15,4 ± 1,4 the mean age at the first time they used illegal drug was 13,7 ± 1,7 years. The first illicit drug consumed was marijuana. Approximately 59% of them had a lifetime history of robbery, 38.6% of the adolescents had a lifetime history of detention and 32.3% had a lifetime prevalence of drug traffic. In addition, 39.0% was diagnosed with multiple substance use disorder, 24.1% had comorbidy depression and 9.6% had comorbidy conduct disorder. Considering the diagnoses of lifetime conduct disorder, the prevalence of conduct disorders increases for 65,2% (confidence interval: 58,4% - 72,0%, with confidence coefficient of 95%), with boys presenting upper tax than girls. The mean age of first drug use among adolescents, as well as the types drugs abused weren?t statistically different of the mean age of the total sample. In general, first tobacco, alcohol, marijuana and cocaine use preceded the first robbery episode, first drug traffic episode and the first detention. These data suggest the necessity of carefully neuropsychiatric evaluation before considering young with conduct disorder, therefore the symptoms of this disorder can be found in many psychiatric syndromes.

Conduct disorder among girls: violent behaviour, suicidality and comorbidity:a study of adolescent inpatients in Northern Finland

Ilomäki, E. (Essi) 02 October 2012 (has links)
Abstract Conduct disorder (CD) among girls is a common but seldom studied psychiatric disorder. The aim of this study was to examine risk factors for CD, the factor structure of CD symptoms, suicidal behaviour, comorbid disorders and nicotine dependence of adolescent girls with CD in an inpatient sample in Northern Finland. The study subjects were 508 12- to 17-year-old inpatients treated in an acute psychiatric ward, Unit 70, at Oulu University Hospital between April 2001 and March 2006. These adolescents were interviewed using the Schedule for Affective Disorder and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children Present and Lifetime (K-SADS-PL) to obtain psychiatric diagnoses according to the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). In addition, the European Addiction Severity Index (EuropASI) was used to obtain information on somatic health, family situation and delinquency. From the data collected, 63 girls and 92 boys fulfilled the criteria for current DSM-IV-diagnosed conduct disorder. It was observed that, although the number of symptoms and severity of CD was lower among girls compared to boys, the level of functioning was lowered to the same degree. Physical abuse increased the risk for violent CD, and living apart from at least one biological parent increased the risk for both violent and non-violent CD among girls. The results of this study also suggest a gender difference in the factor structure and developmental model of CD. Alcohol dependence increased the risk for suicide attempt and self-mutilation almost fourfold among girls with CD. Girls with CD had more comorbid affective and anxiety disorders than boys. Girls with CD also had more self-reported allergies. Finally, the number of CD symptoms was positively correlated with the level of nicotine dependence (ND) among both girls and boys, and a gender difference was found in the correlation between symptom subscales and the level of ND. The findings suggest that gender differences exist in conduct disorder. Special attention should be paid to the prevention, identification and treatment of CD among girls. It seems that, among girls with CD, the well-being of primary family is important in prevention. Alcohol dependence and depression in girls with CD should be treated with special care. DSM-IV might not always be sensitive enough to diagnose CD among girls, and this should be considered when behavioural symptoms are evaluated in girls. / Tiivistelmä Tyttöjen käytöshäiriö on vähän tutkittu mutta yleinen psykiatrinen häiriö. Tässä tutkimuksessa analysoitiin tyttöjen käytöshäiriön riskitekijöitä, oireiden faktorirakennetta, käytöshäiriöisten itsetuhoisuutta, samanaikaista psykiatrista ja somaattista sairastavuutta sekä nikotiiniriippuvuutta psykiatrisessa osastohoidossa olleiden alaikäisten nuorten keskuudessa. Tutkimusaineistoon kuului 508 12–17-vuotiasta nuorta, jotka olivat hoidossa psykiatrisella akuuttihoito-osastolla Oulun yliopistollisessa sairaalassa 1.4.2001–31.3.2006 välisenä aikana. Nuoret haasteteltiin käyttämällä puolistrukturoitua Schedule for Affective Disorder and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children Present and Lifetime (K-SADS-PL) -haastattelua, jonka avulla määritettiin nuorten psykiatriset diagnoosit Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV) -diagnoosiluokituksen mukaisesti. Lisäksi potilaat haastateltiin European Addiction Severity Index (EuropASI) -haastattelulla, josta saatiin tietoa fyysisestä terveydentilasta, perhetilanteesta ja rikollisuudesta. Aineiston nuorista 63 tyttöä ja 92 poikaa täyttivät käytöshäiriön kriteerit. Tämä tutkimus osoitti, että vaikka nykyisten DSM-IV-kriteerien perusteella tytöillä käytöshäiriön vaikeusaste oli aiempien tutkimusten tapaan poikia alhaisempi ja oireiden määrä vähäisempi, oli tyttöjen toimintakyky silti yhtä huono kuin poikien. Fyysinen perheväkivalta lisäsi tyttöjen riskiä väkivaltaiseen käytöshäiriöön ja asuminen erossa vähintään yhdestä biologisesta vanhemmasta lisäsi riskiä sekä väkivaltaiseen että ei-väkivaltaiseen käytöshäiriöön. Käytöshäiriöoireiden faktorianalyysi osoitti, että tytöillä ja pojilla oli eroa oireiden faktorirakenteessa eikä tyttöjen oireiden jako selkeästi noudattanut Loeberin esittämää polkumallia. Alkoholiriippuvuus lisäsi käytöshäiriöisillä tytöillä riskiä itsemurhan yrittämiseen ja itsensä vahingoittamiseen lähes 4-kertaiseksi. Käytöshäiriöisillä tytöillä oli poikia enemmän mieliala- ja ahdistushäiriöitä samanaikaisina psykiatrisina häiriöinä. Somaattisista häiriöistä käytöshäiriöiset tytöt raportoivat poikia enemmän allergioita. Käytöshäiriön oireiden määrä oli yhteydessä sekä tytöillä että pojilla nikotiiniriippuvuuden voimakkuuteen. Tyttöjen ja poikien välillä oli eroa nikotiiniriippuvuuteen korreloivissa oireryhmissä. Tämän tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella tyttöjen ja poikien käytöshäiriöllä on eroavaisuuksia. Tyttöjen käytöshäiriön ennaltaehkäisyyn, tunnistamiseen ja hoitoon tulee kiinnittää erityistä huomiota. Primaariperheen hyvinvointi näyttäisi olevan tärkeää ennaltaehkäisyssä. Käytöshäiriöisen tytön hoidossa tulee kiinnittää erityinen huomio alkoholin käyttöön sekä depression hoitoon itsetuhoisuuden ehkäisemiseksi. DSM-IV ei ehkä nykyisellään ole riittävän herkkä työkalu tyttöjen käytöshäiriön diagnosoimiseksi, ja tähän tulisi kiinnittää huomiota kun käyttäytymisellään oireilevia tyttöjä hoidetaan.

An assessment battery for the diagnosis and evaluation of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Hotz, Trevor Leon 06 1900 (has links)
Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

An assessment battery for the diagnosis and evaluation of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Hotz, Trevor Leon 06 1900 (has links)
Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Symptômes de l'hyperactivité-inattention dans l'enfance et conduites à risque au jeune âge adulte / Childhood hyperactivity-inattention symptoms and risk behaviors in young adulthood

Galéra, Cédric 07 December 2010 (has links)
Le Trouble Déficit de l'Attention/Hyperactivité (TDA/H) et le Trouble des Conduites (TC) sont associés à des Conduites à Risque (CAR) comme les consommations de substances psycho-actives, les comportements suicidaires et les comportements sexuels à risque. Cependant, la question des rôles respectifs du TDA/H et du TC dans l'émergence des CAR reste controversée : le TDA/H est-il un facteur de risque indépendant de la survenue ultérieure de CAR? Le TC est-il un facteur de confusion ou un modificateur de l'effet de la relation entre TDA/H et CAR? L'objectif de cette thèse était d'examiner le lien entre les symptômes de l'hyperactivité-inattention dans l'enfance et l'adolescence et la survenue de CAR à l'adolescence et au jeune âge adulte, en prenant en compte différents facteurs de risque potentiels dont les symptômes du trouble des conduites. Nous avons mené cinq analyses à partir des données de la cohorte GAZEL enfants issue de la population générale française. Les résultats suggèrent des effets différents des symptômes de l'hyperactivité-inattention selon le type de conduite à risque considéré et selon le genre. Ils montrent chez les garçons un effet des symptômes de l'hyperactivité-inattention sur la survenue de CAR plus sévères comme la consommation régulière de cannabis, l'expérimentation de drogues illégales et la survenue de comportements suicidaires. Chez les filles, on retrouve un effet des symptômes de l'hyperactivité-inattention sur la consommation ultérieure régulière de tabac. L'initiation de CAR pourrait être aggravée par la présence de hauts niveaux de symptômes de l'hyperactivité-inattention chez les jeunes présentant simultanément des hauts niveaux de symptômes du trouble des conduites. Ce travail renforce la connaissance de l'existence d'une association entre troubles du comportement perturbateur dans l'enfance et survenue ultérieure de conduites à risque. Il souligne la nécessité de reconnaitre l'existence de ces troubles, pour les identifier et mieux les prendre en charge afin d'en prévenir les possibles conséquences à long terme. / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Conduct Disorder (CD) are associated with Youth Risk Behaviors (YRB) such as substance-related problems, suicidal behaviors and sex risk behaviors. However, a main issue is the respective role of ADHD and CD regarding YRB : is ADHD an independent risk factor for YRB? Is CD a confounding factor or a moderator of the relationship between ADHD and YRB? The aim of this thesis was to assess the link between childhood hyperactivity-inattention symptoms and subsequent YRB, controlling for other risk factors among which conduct disorder symptoms. We have conducted five analyses from a French community-based sample belonging to the youth GAZEL cohort. Results suggest different effects of hyperactivity-inattention symptoms on YRB according to the the type of YRB and gender. In males, they show an effect of hyperactivity-inattention symptoms on more severe YRB such as regular cannabis use, illicit drug experimentation and suicidal behaviors. In females, they show an effect of hyperactivity-inattention symptoms on regular tobacco use. The risk of YRB initiation was increased in youths with high levels of conduct disorder symptoms, particularly in combination with simultaneously high levels of hyperactivity-inattention symptoms. This thesis enhances the knowledge of a link between disruptive behaviors in childhood and subsequent risk behaviors. It underscores the importance of a better acknowledgement of these disorders, in order to better identify and treat them to prevent negative long-term outcomes.

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