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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Christine Huan (13141479) 22 July 2022 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>This study investigates consumers’ moral-decision making process when they become aware of brands’ controversial actions. Specifically, this study aims to understand the effects of consumers’ cognitive and affective responses on their moral judgments after learning about the controversy of brands conducting animal testing, which in turn impacts their brand switching intention. The current study also considers consumers’ approach-avoidance conflicts in the moral-decision making process in which consumers confront moral dilemmas. The particular brands’ controversial action of interest for this study is personal care brands’ conducting animal testing on their products and selling animal-tested products because many believe that animal testing is only vital for biomedical research purposes but not for pursuing beauty purposes. This study builds a conceptual model depicting the consumer moral decision-making process based on Rest's (1994) and Schwartz’s (2015) ethical decision-making (EDM) theory and Sirgy’s (1986) self-congruence theory. To test the model, highly valid responses were collected from 454 U.S. nationwide consumers through Amazon’s Mechanical Turk and analyzed by structural equation modeling. The results indicated that: (1) consumers’ affective response (outward-focused emotion) and cognitive response (moral awareness) both provoked their moral incongruence and brand switching intention, (2) consumers’ cognitive response had a negative and significant impact on their moral disengagement, but moral disengagement had a marginal impact on brand switching intentions, (3) consumers’ affective response has a stronger impact on their moral judgment than cognitive, and their affective response can directly lead to brand switching intention, and lastly, (4) moral incongruence and moral disengagement mediated the effects of moral awareness and outward-focused emotion on brand switching intention. Finally, the research findings contribute to the consumer science literature in the area of consumers' moral decision-making process. For practical contributions, this study encourages companies to conduct practice that follows general consumers' moral beliefs and values to avoid losing their loyal customers. </p>

Sambandet mellan ESG och finansiell prestation : En kvantitativ studie av börsnoterade kontroversiella företag

Lundeberg, Oscar, Othérus, David January 2022 (has links)
Background: After the financial crisis in 2008/2009, ESG earned more attention. It was a consequence of the pressure from the general society about social responsibility and sustainability. Companies needed to change and the management strategies included more stakeholders. More questions regarding whether the work with ESG generated a higher financial performance were examined. Controversial companies within alcohol- tobacco-, and the gambling business have shown a negative impact on individuals. The nature of the companies does not align with social responsibility and sustainability. Purpose: The purpose of this paper was to analyze a sample of controversial listed companies between 2016-2021 to see if there was a relationship between ESG-grade andfinancial performance in terms of ROE, ROA and market value. Method: The study used a positivist deductive approach. Moreover, a quantitative research method was applied and processed secondary data. The data was examined by three linear regressions and set the dependent (ROA, ROE, market value) variables and the independent(ESG) variable in contrast to each other. Conclusions: The study concluded that there was no significant relationship between ESG and financial performance concerning controversial companies. This differed from previous research that examined the same relationship for companies that were not controversial. This implies that controversial companies should evaluate the work with ESG-rating differently based on its main objectives. However it is important to emphasize that two out of the three regressions presented no statistical significance. Therefore, more research is required uponthis topic to generalize credible conclusions. / Bakgrund: Efter den finansiella krisen 2008/2009 fick ESG mer inflytande. Detta var en konsekvens av samhällets påtryckningar om socialt ansvarstagande och hållbarhet. Företagen var tvungna att förändra sig och ledningsstrategierna inkluderade flera intressenter. Fler frågeställningar rådande om arbetet med ESG genererade en högre finansiell prestation undersöktes. Kontroversiella företags verksamheter inom alkohol- tobak- och spelbranschen har påvisat en negativ inverkan på samhällets individer. Verksamheternas karaktär går inte i linje med socialt ansvarstagande och hållbarhet. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att analysera ett urval av kontroversiella börsnoterade företag mellan 2016-2021 för att undersöka hur sambandet mellan ESG-betyg och finansiellprestation verkar i termerna ROE, ROA och marknadsvärde. Metod: Studien har använt sig av ett positivistiskt deduktivt synsätt. Undersökningen var kvantitativ och bearbetade sekundärdata. Syftet undersöktes genom tre linjära regressioner som ställde de beroende (ROA, ROE, marknadsvärde) variablerna och den oberoende (ESG) variabeln mot varandra. Slutsats: Studiens slutsats var att det existerade ett negativt samband mellan arbetet med ESG-betyg och finansiell prestation hos kontroversiella företag. Detta skiljde sig från tidigare forskning som undersökte samma relation för företag som inte var kontroversiella. Det implicerar att kontroversiella företag bör värdera arbetet med ESG-betyget annorlunda utifrån dess huvudmål. Det ska däremot understrykas att två av tre regressioner inte påvisade statistisk signifikans. Det krävs därmed vidare forskning på området för att kunna generalisera resultatet.

Borde det öppnas en gruva för sällsynta jordartmetaller i renbetesland? : En kvalitativ av elevers upplevelser av undervisning i en kontroversiell samhällsfråga / Should a mine for rare earth elements be opened in reindeer herding area? : A qualitative analysis of student’s experiences of education in a controversial social issue

Jannok Björnström, Laila January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to describe and problematize students' experiences and perspectives on teaching a locally rooted controversial social issue in social studies from a process perspective. A starting point for the study is that teaching controversial social issues can contribute to students' democratic education by allowing students to practice participating in political conversations, increasing their political self-confidence and learning perspective-taking. Students' perspectives on teaching is investigated by collecting log books in a class during a period of teaching about a locally rooted controversial social issue in a social studies course at the upper secondary school. The logbooks were collected on five occasions and consist of the students’ reflections of the lessons.  The result of the study can be related to the students' development of thoughts on the current question, the students' experiences of the teaching and their own reporting of what skills they have acquired. Firstly, the students developed their thoughts around the issue and showed evidence of perspective-taking. Particularly important for this is contextualization and the students' participation in a seminar where the issue was discussed. Secondly, the students felt that the teaching gave space to show feelings and opinions, but during the process also experienced obstacles to express feelings and opinions. These obstacles were linked to the relationships in the class, to the fact that the issue was perceived as complex and complicated and to a lack of knowledge on the issue to be able to take a stand. Factors that enabled the students to show feelings and opinions were, on the other hand, the seminar where the students shared the experience of being listened to and respected, that there were norms that enabled equal participation in the discussion and that they felt well prepared for the task. Finally, the results shows that the students' reflections on their knowledge went from being connected to the issue itself to being more connected to abilities such as arguing and speaking in front of others and perspective-taking. These abilities can also be said to have a strong connection to the school's democratic educational mission. / Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva och problematisera elevers upplevelser och perspektiv på undervisning i en lokalt förankrad kontroversiell samhällsfråga i samhällskunskap ur ett processperspektiv. En utgångspunkt för studien är att undervisning i kontroversiella samhällsfrågor kan bidra till elevers demokratiska fostran genom att eleverna får träna sig i att delta i politiska samtal, att de ökar sin politiska självtilltro samt lär sig perspektivtagande. Elevers perspektiv på undervisningen undersöks genom insamling av loggböcker i en klass under ett arbetsområde i kursen samhällskunskap 2 på gymnasiet. Loggböckerna samlades in under fem tillfällen och består av elevernas reflektioner från lektionerna. Resultatet av studien kan relateras till elevernas utveckling av tankar i den aktuella frågan, elevernas upplevelser av undervisningen och deras egen rapportering av vilka kunskaper de fått med sig. För det första utvecklade eleverna sina tankar kring frågan och visade prov på perspektivtagande. Särskilt betydelsefullt för detta var kontexutalisering och elevernas deltagande i ett seminarium där frågan diskuterades. För det andra upplevde eleverna att undervisningen gav utrymme för att visa känslor och åsikter men upplevde under processens gång också hinder för att uttrycka känslor och åsikter. Dessa hinder var kopplade till relationerna i klassen, till att frågan upplevdes som komplex och komplicerad och till avsaknad av kunskap i frågan för att kunna ta ställning. Faktorer som möjliggjorde för eleverna att visa känslor och åsikter var å andra sidan seminariet där eleverna delade upplevelsen av att bli lyssnade på och respekterad, att det fanns normer som möjliggjorde likvärdigt deltagande i diskussionen samt att de kände sig väl förberedda för uppgiften. Slutligen visade resultatet att elevernas reflektioner kring sina kunskaper gick från att vara kopplade till själva sakfrågan till att i högre grad vara kopplade till förmågor så som att argumentera och prata inför andra och perspektivtagande. Dessa förmågor kan också sägas ha en stark koppling till skolans demokratiska fostransuppdrag.

Litteratur som bits och sticks : Kontroversiella ämnen i läroböckers skönlitterära textutdrag / Literature Which Bites and Stings : Controversial topics in textbooks fiction excerpts

Andersson, Gustav January 2024 (has links)
Att implementera kontroversiella ämnen i gymnasieskolans litteraturundervisning är fruktbart, men innebär samtidigt ett orosmoln som får lärare att undvika sådan typ av undervisning. Givet de krav som ställs på läraren i undervisningssammanhang där stötande skönlitterära motiv behandlas, uppdagas ett behov av att samla mer kunskap kring ifrågavarande ämne. I lärarens arbete finns läroböcker som både designar lärandeaktiviteter och gör textval åt läraren. Föreliggande studie ämnar ge ett kunskapsbidrag om hur läroböcker arbetar med kontroversiella ämnen i skönlitteraturen, för att möjliggöra en diskussion gällande dessa ämnens didaktiska potential i skolans demokratiuppdrag. Ändamålet kräver att blicken riktas mot de tolkningskonventioner, även kallat läsarter, som uppmuntras i läroböckerna. Studien har därför formulerat en läsart, affektiv medvetenhet, som fungerar som ett teoretiskt analysverktyg för hur litteraturen främmandegör varseblivanden och försätter läsaren i en chockupplevelse som tvingar fram perspektivskiften. Via en teoridriven tematisk analys av fyra läroböcker ämnade för gymnasieskolans svenskämne kunde tre övergripande teman urskiljas. Dessa förklarar hur textutdragen möjliggör och utelämnar kontroversiella ämnen; samt hur kontroversiella uppslag används till andra ändamål. Resultatet visar att läroböckernas textutdrag i största utsträckning gestaltar neutrala motiv. Texterna kombineras allt som oftast med läsarter som syftar att utveckla narratologisk litteraturanalytisk kompetens. Få spår finns av kontroversiella ämnen och läsarten affektiv medvetenhet, vilket innebär att den didaktiska potentialen till etisk självreflektion som en del av demokratiuppdraget förbises. Studiens diskussion problematiserar huruvida projektet att kategorisera texter som kontroversiella eller inte är givande, eftersom gränsdragningen kring kontroversiella ämnen inte innebär vattentäta skott gentemot de nära angränsande begreppen komplexa narrativ och känslor i litteraturen. / Implementing controversial subjects in school literature reading is valuable but at the same time poses a concern that makes teachers avoid this type of teaching. Considering the challenges faced by teachers when dealing with offensive literary themes, there is therefore a need to gather more knowledge on this topic. Textbooks play a dual role in the teacher's work by both designing learning activities and selecting texts. This study aims to contribute to the understanding of how textbooks address controversial subjects in literature, to facilitate a discussion about the didactical potential of these topics in fulfilling the school's democratic mission. This purpose requires examining the interpretative conventions that are encountered in the textbook’s different readings. The study therefore introduces a reading approach called affective awareness, which serves as an analytical tool for how literature can disrupt perceptions and induce a state of shock that prompts shifts in perspective. Through a theory-driven thematic analysis of four Swedish textbooks, aimed at upper secondary school, three main themes were identified. These themes explain how text excerpts both enable and exclude controversial subjects, and how controversial topics are repurposed for other objectives. The results show that the excerpts in the textbooks predominantly portray neutral themes. The texts are often combined with readings aimed at developing narratological literary analytical skills. There is little evidence of controversial topics and the reading approach of affective awareness, which means that the didactic potential for ethical self-reflection as part of the democratic mission is overlooked. The study’s discussion questions whether categorizing texts as controversial or not is beneficial, as the boundary around controversial topics is not clearly defined in relation to the closely related concepts of complex narratives and emotions in literature.

The protreptic-paraenetic purpose of Augustine's Confessions and its Manichean audience

Kotze, Annemare 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DLitt)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this dissertation I attempt to open up new perspectives on the literary qualities and the unity of Augustine's Confessions by reading the work in the light of the context within which it first functioned. Part 1, Prolegomena, consists of a survey of secondary literature (in chapter 1) that focuses on research on the literary characteristics of the work, followed by a theoretical exploration of the two aspects that constitute the focus of this study, the genre and the audience of the Confessions. Chapter 2.1 examines how the literary practices and generic conventions of late Antiquity should inform our reading of the work. This is achieved through a discussion of the implications of genre analysis in general (2.1.1), followed by an examination of the conventions of the ancient protreptic genre (2.1.2), a look at the parallels between the Confessions and three of its literary antecedents and between the Confessions and Augustine's Contra Academicos (2.1.3), and an evaluation of the perspectives offered on the unity of the work by this procedure (2.1.4). Chapter 2.2 starts with a discussion of the concept of intended audience (2.2.1) and proceeds to provide the background needed to follow the arguments on the specific segment of Augustine's audience that I consider here, the Manicheans (2.2.2). Part 2 of the dissertation consists of the analyses of selected passages but attempts at the same time to give an accurate account of how genre and intended audience are embodied in the text as a whole. In chapter 3 I show that Augustine's meditation on Ps 4 in the central section of the Confessions (9.4.8-11) is a protreptic that targets a Manichean audience (3.1) through Augustine's identification with this audience (3.2) and the prevalent use of Manichean terminology and categories (3.3). In chapter 4 I analyse in a more systematic way the expression of protreptic purpose through various devices throughout the Confessions: foreshadowing in the opening paragraph (4.1), the use of a shifting persona (4.2), allusion to Matt 7:7 (4.3), and the theme of the protreptic power of reading and listening (4.5). I evaluate how pervasive the expression of protreptic intent is (4.4) and end with an examination of the protreptic-paraenetic purpose of the first section of the allegorical exposition of the creation story in book 13 (4.6). Chapter 5 examines the degree to which the Manicheans are targeted by the text as a whole as an important segment of its intended audience. I examine the use of the theme of friendship to evoke Augustine's erstwhile Manichean friendships and the history of failed communication with this group (5.1), the role Augustine intends curiositas to play in coaxing the Manicheans into reading yet another attempt to convert them (5.2), and once again how pervasive the concerns with a Manichean audience is (5.3). I conclude this chapter, like the previous one, with an analysis of the last section of the allegory in book 13, where I discern towards the end an intensification of indications that Augustine is preoccupied with his Manichean audience (5.4). / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie proefskrif probeer om nuwe perspektief te bied op die literêre eienskappe en die eenheid van Augustinus se Confessiones deur die werk te lees in die lig van die konteks waarbinne dit aanvanklik gefunksioneer het. Deel 1, Prolegomena, is In oorsig oor die sekondêre literatuur (in hoofstuk 1) wat fokus op studies van die literêre tegnieke in die werk, gevolg deur In teoretiese verkenning van die twee aspekte wat die fokuspunt van die studie vorm, naamlik die genre en die gehoor van die Confessiones. Hoofstuk 2 ondersoek hoe literêre praktyke en genre-verwante konvensies van die laat Antieke die lees van die werk behoort te beïnvloed. Dit word gedoen aan die hand van In bespreking van die implikasies van genre-analise in die algemeen (2.1.1), gevolg deur In oorsig oor die konvensies van die antieke protreptiese genre (2.1.2), In bespreking van die paraIIele tussen die Confessiones en drie literêre voorlopers daarvan asook tussen die Confessiones en Augustinus se Contra Academicos (2.1.3) en In evaluering van die perspektiewe wat hierdie werkwyse bied op die eenheid van die werk (2.1.4). Hoofstuk 2.2 behels In bespreking van die konsep teikengehoor (2.2.1), gevolg deur In opsomming van die agtergrondinligting wat nodig is om die argumente oor die spesifieke segment van Augustinus se gehoor wat hier oorweeg word (die Manicheërs), te volg (2.2.2). Deel 2 van die proefskrif bestaan uit die analises van geselekteerde passasies maar probeer terselfdertyd om In getroue weergawe te bied van hoe genre en gehoor in die teks as geheel beliggaam word. Hoofstuk 3 toon dat Augustinus se oordenking van Ps 4 in die sentrale gedeelte van die Confessiones (9.4.8-11) In protreptiese werk gerig op In Manichese gehoor is (3.1). Augustinus vereenslewig hom met sy teikengehoor (3.2) en gebruik deurgaans Manichese terminologie en kategorieë (3.3). Hoofstuk 4 ondersoek hoe die protreptiese doelwit in die Confessiones uitgedruk word deur die gebruik van verskeie tegnieke: voorafskaduing in die aanvangsparagraaf (4.1), die gebruik van In verskuiwende persona (4.2), verwysing na Matt 7:7 (4.3) en die tema van die protreptiese uitwerking van lees en luister (4.5). Ek evalueer hoe verteenwoordigend ten opsigte van die geheel die uitdrukking van die protreptiese doelwit is (4.4) en sluit met In analise van die protrepties-paranetiese funksie van die eerste deel van die allegoriese interpretasie van die skeppingsverhaal in boek 13 (4.6). Hoofstuk 5 ondersoek die mate waarin die teks as geheel die Manicheërs as die teikengehoor van die werk aandui. Dit toon hoe Augustinus die tema van vriendskap gebruik om sy vroeëre Manichese vriendskappe op te roep en verwys na die geskiedenis van onsuksesvolle kommunikasie met hierdie groep (5.1); dit toon hoe curiositas 'n rol speel om die Manicheërs oor te haalom nog 'n poging om hulle te bekeer te lees (5.2) asook hoe verteenwoordigend ten opsigte van die geheel die bemoeienis met 'n Manichese gehoor is (5.3). Die hoofstuk sluit af, soos die vorige een, met 'n analise (nou van die tweede deel) van die allegorie in boek 13, met klem op die sterker wordende aanduidings dat Augustinus hier 'n Manichese gehoor in die oog het (5.4).

Die representasie van omstrede kwessies in kontemporêre Afrikaanse jeugverhale / Margaretha Johanna Fritz

Fritz, Margaretha Johanna January 2007 (has links)
There are certain issues - such as violence, sexuality, politics and religion - which are problematic but have to be dealt with in society. In this dissertation types of controversial issues present in recent Afrikaans youth literature, the portrayal of those issues, and the ways in which solutions are offered for these issues are investigated. The argument follows from the assumption that the literature which the adolescent reads, has a directive value. Quite often the reader will choose to read material about a certain situation with which the reader is also faced in real life. It may be easy for the reader to identify with a character in similar circumstances or facing the same dilemma. Through the actions of the character, the reader can then explore certain avenues or possibilities which have the potential to be helpful in the solution of the problem or issue. For this dissertation research was done about certain controversial issues and related aspects in literature in general, which are then applied to three youth novels: Skilpoppe (1998) by Barrie Hough, Daar's vis in die punch (2002) by Jackie Nagtegaal and Nie vir kinders nie (2005) by Francois Bloemhof. These three texts were chosen because all three of them have generated public discussion, specifically in the media, about the presence of controversial issues. The results indicate the portrayal of the controversial issues to be unbiased and from a non-judgemental authoring perspective. The presence of the text internal corrective, which refers to the portrayal of a certain issue thereby giving it an outcome (positive or negative) or an alternative, is noticeable and is discussed in this dissertation. / Thesis (M.A. (Afrikaans and Dutch))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

Att hantera det otänkbara : en analys av samhällskunskapslärares hantering av kontroversiella frågor

Grote, Nils January 2017 (has links)
Discussing controversial issues in the classroom is important. Through discussing controversial issues students can both learn and develop a more democratic ethos. The teachers in Sweden have a clear task to defend and mediate democratic values to the students. This leads to a conflict in the duty of the teacher because the curriculum also dictates that teachers have to let the students develop a sense of critical thinking and this opens up for potential criticism of the concept of democracy when students discuss controversial issues. Another conflict in the curriculum that appears when discussing controversial issues is the fact that teachers both have to respect the student’s opinions but also have a duty to challenge these opinions. That is why the aim of this essay is to analyse how social science teachers handle controversial issues in the classroom. The study was conducted by interviewing four social sciences teachers at high school level.   The result shows that teachers see controversial issues as issues that relate to human beings and that the discussion of these issues can arouse emotions and make the participants emotional. Further the result shows that teachers have a very open mind towards controversial issues and are open to discussing anti-democratic issues. In ensuring that the discussion of controversial issues leads to learning teachers mostly use strategies that ensure that student feel comfortable to express their opinions. In handling the above mentioned curricular conflicts that appear in the discussion of controversial issues three of four teachers saw that such a conflict existed. The other three gave answers that suggested that they did not think the conflict was so problematic and that their strategies for handling it where effective.

Att arbeta med kontroversiella frågor i en mångkulturell kontext : En intervjustudie med högstadielärare i de samhällsorienterade ämnena / Working with controversial issues in a multicultural context : An interview study with secondary school teachers in social studies

Bengtzelius, Arthur January 2019 (has links)
Detta arbete syftar till att bidra med kunskap om undervisning i kontroversiella frågor på skolor med en hög andel elever med utländsk bakgrund. Mer precist syftar arbetet till att synliggöra hur och varför lärarna låter kontroversiella frågor utgöra en del av undervisningen samt hur lärarna beskriver sin roll i undervisningssituationen och varför de väljer att göra på så sätt. För att svara på detta görs intervjuer med sex högstadielärare i de samhällsorienterade ämnena. Två utgångspunkter för undersökningen är att olika frågor upplevs som kontroversiella baserat på individens kultur, tro och identitet samt att lärarnas didaktiska överväganden påverkas av elevgruppens bakgrund och situation. Två analysverktyg nyttjas i syfte att sortera in lärarnas svar i olika kategorier där deras didaktiska överväganden behandlas. Resultatet pekar resultatet på att det inte finns någon generell preferens bland lärarna på dessa skolor att anta ett särskilt förhållningssätt till undervisning i kontroversiella frågor men att samtliga lärare delvis utgår från elevernas bakgrund i deras didaktiska överväganden kring undervisning i kontroversiella frågor. / This paper aims to contribute with knowledge about teaching controversial issues in schools with students of foreign background. Concretely the aim is to showcase how and why teachers teach controversial issues aswell as how and why teachers teach in a specific way when they teach controversial issues in the classroom. To answer this six interviews with secondary school teachers in the subjects of social studies, religion, history and geography is carried out. The premiss in this paper is that different issues are considerd controversial by individuals of different age, culture, faith, and identity, and also that teachers make different considerations in their teaching based on the students background and situation. Two analytical tools are used to sort different answers in to categories where the teachers considerations are brought up. The result of the study shows that there are no clear preferences among the teachers as to how controversial issues should be handled. However, the reslut also shows that all teachers base many of their considerations on the students background and situation and there are some preferences as to why controversial issues should be handled.

Lagom kontroversiellt eller kränkande? : En kvantitativ studie om kontroversiell reklam och konsumenter

Andersson, Andrew, Nilsson, Kristoffer January 2019 (has links)
Detta arbete inspirerades av att ha observerat reklamkampanjer som fått väldigt stor spridning till följd av att de uppmärksammats pga. att konsumenter har ogillat eller gillat budskapet i kampanjen vilket gett upphov till diskussioner muntligen eller online. Denna undersökning syftar till att undersöka hur faktorer som kön och ålder kan påverka konsumenters intryck av kontroversiell reklam och hur kontroversiell reklam kan påverka konsumenternas attityd till varumärken som använt sig av kontroversiell reklam. Studien undersöker även sannolikheten att konsumenter sprider positiv eller negativ word of mouth/elektronisk word of mouth om ett varumärke som använt sig av kontroversiell reklam.   Undersökningen genomfördes med en enkät med standardiserade svar där den insamlade datan sedan analyserades med Chi2 test, bivariat korrelationsanalys samt multipel regressionsanalys. I undersökningen kunde respondenterna ta ställning till fem positiva och fem negativa adjektiv, kopplade till en reklambild. Analysen indikerade att kvinnor var både mer negativa och mindre positiva till kontroversiell reklam, åtminstone för de utföranden som testades i studien, därtill visade studien att äldre var mindre positiva till kontroversiell reklam. Slutligen indikerade studien att konsumenters attityd till ett varumärke påverkas i enlighet med dess intryck av reklamen, dvs. att om dess intryck var negativt kommer de sprida ett negativt omdöme. Detta samband gällde även för word of mouth. / This study was inspired from observing ads that stirredup controversy and thereby got a lot of attention from consumers.The purpose of this study was to investigate how factors like gender and age may affectconsumers impression of controversial advertisements, but also to investigate how controversial advertisements may affect consumers attitudes towards brands that have used advertisements that were deemed as controversial. Lastly,the study investigates the probability that consumers will spread word of mouth/electronicword of mouth about the brands. The study was conducted through a survey with standardized answers and the data was analyzed with a Chi2 test, bivariate correlation analysis,and multiple regression analysis. The analysis indicated that women were more negative and less positive towards controversial advertisement than men were, atleastwithin the categories that were tested in the study. Furthermore, the study indicated that consumers attitudes towards a brand will be affected in the same way as the consumers impression of the controversial ad. Finally, results indicated that the probability for WOM is also affected in the same way as the consumers impression of the controversial advertisement.

Análise crítica da prisão preventiva na Lei 12.403/2011: proposta à luz de modelos estrangeiros e da Convenção Americana de Direitos Humanos / A critical analysis of preventive detention in accordance with the law 12.403/2011: proposal in the light of foreign models and the American Convention on Human Rights

Mendonça, Andrey Borges de 26 March 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa os principais pontos controvertidos introduzidos pela Lei 12.403, de 4 de maio de 2011, no tocante à prisão preventiva, à luz dos modelos estrangeiros e do sistema interamericano de Direitos Humanos, sempre pautado pela busca de equilíbrio entre o garantismo e a eficiência. O principal objetivo do trabalho foi buscar subsídios para a interpretação das disposições internas controvertidas, pautando-se nos modelos e standards internacionais, com o intuito de se aprofundar o estudo do tema. Para se chegar ao contexto de edição da referida lei e melhor compreendê-la, analisam-se as influências que deram origem ao atual Código de Processo Penal e a sua fisionomia originária, que possuía, sobretudo no tema da prisão preventiva, contexto marcadamente autoritário. Após, são analisadas as diversas alterações pelas quais o Código sofreu em relação ao tema, sob o influxo de movimentos internacionais existentes no século XX, que culminaram com a edição da Lei 12.403. Em seguida, é analisada a Convenção Americana de Direitos Humanos, especialmente tendo em vista a jurisprudência da Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos, buscando verificar os standards internacionais relativos ao tema da prisão preventiva, de força vinculante e autoaplicáveis no direito interno. Também é analisado o direito comparado, buscando-se apoio em três países (Itália, Portugal e Chile), seja porque inspiraram diretamente a Lei 12.403, seja porque passaram por reformas semelhantes às introduzidas pela Lei 12.403. Com suporte na doutrina e jurisprudência destes países, clareiam-se diversos pontos controvertidos da nova Lei. Ao final, buscou-se apresentar algumas propostas para interpretação da prisão preventiva, sendo que, para tanto, foram propostos e analisados cinco modelos de prisão preventiva atualmente existentes no ordenamento nacional (prisão preventiva originária, derivada, esclarecedora, sancionatória e protetiva). / This work analyses the main controversial issues introduced by the Law 12.403, enacted on May 4th, 2011, regarding preventive detention in the light of foreign models and the Inter-American Human Rights System, always guided by the search for the balance between efficiency and the system of guarantees. The main objective was to seek grants for the interpretation of the controversial internal rules, always focusing on models and international standards, in order to deepen the study of the subject. To understand the context of the Law 12.403 and understand it better, we analyse the influences that gave rise to the current Criminal Procedure Code and its original physiognomy, which had, especially, on the issue of custody, a markedly authoritarian context. After, the text analyses the different changes the Code suffered, under the influence of international movements in the twentieth century, culminating in the enactment of the Law 12.403. Then, this work analyses the American Convention on Human Rights, especially in the view of the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, seeking to verify the international standards related to the subject of preventive detention, which is binding and self-applicable internally. It is also analysed the comparative law, seeking support in three countries (Italy, Portugal and Chile), either because they directly inspired the Law 12.403 or because they went through similar reforms as those introduced by the Law 12.403. Supported in the doctrine reforms and case law of these countries, many controversial aspects of the new law are lightened up. At the end, we present some proposals for the interpretation of the provisional detention, and, the five detention models currently existing in the national law (original, derived, clarifying, punitive and protective detention), are analysed.

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