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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sportjournalistens två ansikten : En kvalitativ studie om sportjournalistens objektivt och subjektivt skiftande roll

Andersson, Louise, Gustavsson, Anton January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med vår studie har varit att undersöka hur reportrar, krönikörer och chefer inom sportjournalistiken förhåller sig till objektivitetsidealet i deras dagliga arbete. Vårt intresse har varit att ta reda på om dessa sju sportjournalister titulerar sig som reportrar, krönikörer eller både och. I fall då dessa personer titulerar sig som både reporter och krönikör har vårt syfte varit att ta reda på om skiftet mellan dessa roller går hand i hand med det objektiva arbete, som förväntas av dem som reportrar.   I denna studie har vi samlat in vårt material med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer med personer som är aktiva inom sportjournalistiken. Under våra två veckors insamlingsarbete har vi talat med sju sportjournalister och tre sportchefer på tre nationella svenska tidningar och en nationell nyhetsbyrå. Eftersom objektivitet inom sportjournalistiken i synnerhet är något som inte har undersökts i större utsträckning har vi tagit hjälp av teorier om journalistik i allmänhet för att svara på våra frågeställningar. Teorierna fokuserar på objektivitet, opartiskhet, kommersialisering och subjektivitet och genom dem har vi som avsikt att förklara skiftande roller inom sportjournalistiken.   Resultatet från vår forskning visar att varje individuell journalists förhållande till objektivitet varierar utifrån deras titulerade arbetsroll och deras arbetsplats rutiner och riktlinjer. Dock har vi ur våra intervjusvar identifierat gemensamma teman i deras åsikter, som på grund av digitaliseringens och kommersialiseringens influenser påverkar deras objektiva arbetsförmåga. De tydligaste teman eller faktorer som i denna forskning visat sig kunna avgöra graden av objektivitet i sportjournalistiken är: tidsbrist, kontroversiell grad, hejarklacksjournalistik, sociala medier och rewrites från lokaltidningar. Hur stor utsträckning dessa påverkar utformningen av de fyra tidningarnas journalistik beror i sin tur på deras ekonomiska förutsättningar och förtroenderelationer. / The purpose of our study has been to investigate how sport reporters, columnists and managers handle the journalistic ideal and term objectivity in their everyday work. Our interest has been to pinpoint whether our selected sports journalists entitle themselves as reporters, columnists or perhaps both. In the circumstances in which these persons entitle themselves as both sports reporters and columnists, our purpose is to figure out if it is possible for them to maintain the same level of objectivity, that is expected in their work as reporters.   In this study we have collected our material through the use of semi structured interviews with people whom are active in the field we know as sports journalism. During the two week interlude in which the material has been collected we have spoken to seven sport reporters and three heads of sports from tree national, Swedish newspapers and one national news agency. Since objectivity within sports journalism as a subject matter has not been explored thoroughly we have chosen to use common theories regarding journalists approach to objectivity. The theories focus in on objectivity, impartiality, commercialization and subjectivity in order to explain the shift of roles within sports journalism.   The result of our research shows that each individual journalist´s approach to objectivity tend to vary depending on their role and on their employers work procedures. However, they all have some tendencies in common, that caused by the media's digitalisation and commercialisation tend to restrict their objective ability. The most common themes or factors that have shown to determine the level of objectivity in our research are: lack of time, controversial degree, cheering journalism, social media and rewrites of local newspapers. To what extent these factors affect the journalistic formation in these four newspapers depend on their economic prerequisites and relationships of trust.

The Logos, Trinity and Incarnation in early Greek apologetics

Paterson, Torquil January 1978 (has links)
From Preface: This study has a two-fold nature. In one sense the focus of attention is on the Apologists. The chapters on Clement and Athanasius attempt to follow through the basic questions raised by the Apologists. But in the other sense, what I have presented is four independent studies dealing with Justin, the other Apologists, Clement and Athanasius's Contra Gentes. Although much the same questions have been asked in all four sections, there has been no rigid attempt to systematize the answers. This may well be one of the strengths as well as one of the weaknesses of the work.

Obligatorisk hållbarhetsrapportering och dess påverkan på utgivandet av social och miljömässig hållbarhetsinformation : En undersökning av 23 svenska företag vars verksamhet associeras med negativ social eller miljömässig påverkan / Mandatory sustainability reporting and it´s effect on social and environmental disclosures

Fagrell, Wilma, Stolt, Julia January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: Rapporteringspliktens effekt på kontroversiella företags utgivande av hållbarhetsinformation inom den hållbarhetsdimension de anses agera negativt inom är i stort sett outforskad. Syftet med studien har därför varit att undersöka om det finns något samband mellan obligatorisk hållbarhetsrapportering och mängden social hållbarhetsinformation som ges ut av socialt kontroversiella företag. Syftet har också varit att undersöka om det finns något samband mellan obligatorisk hållbarhetsrapportering och mängden miljömässig hållbarhetsinformation som ges ut av miljömässigt kontroversiella företag.  Metod: Studien antar en positivistisk forskningsfilosofi med en deduktiv ansats och longitudinell design med data som omfattar fem år för 23 stycken svenska kontroversiella företag. Studien har genomförts med en kvantitativ metod där primärdata samlats in genom en innehållsanalys. Studien är också baserad på sekundärdata som inhämtats från databasen Retriever. Insamlad data har sedan analyserats i statistikprogrammet SPSS genom deskriptiv statistik, korrelationstest och regressionsanalyser för att testa studiens hypoteser.  Resultat och slutsats: Studiens resultat påvisar inget signifikant samband mellan obligatorisk hållbarhetsrapportering och mängden social hållbarhetsinformation som ges ut av socialt kontroversiella företag. Studiens resultat påvisade däremot att det fanns ett signifikant positivt samband mellan obligatorisk hållbarhetsrapportering och mängden miljömässig hållbarhetsinformation som ges ut av miljömässigt kontroversiella företag. Teoretisk och praktiskt resultat: Studiens teoretiska resultat bygger vidare på forskningen om eventuella samband mellan obligatorisk hållbarhetsrapportering och mängden rapportering inom två olika hållbarhetsdimensioner (miljö och social) för två olika grupper av kontroversiella företag (miljö och social). Genom ytterligare empirisk forskning inom området utökas litteraturen då studien funnit resultat som både motsäger och bekräftar tidigare forskning. Studiens praktiska resultat ger även en indikation på hur effektiv regleringen av hållbarhetsrapportering är för socialt och miljömässigt kontroversiella företag.  Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Studiens population består av svenska kontroversiella företag som omfattas av obligatorisk hållbarhetsrapportering. Ett bredare perspektiv skulle därför kunna antas där andra länder eller branscher inkluderas för att se om resultatet som denna studie framställer även gäller dem. Studien identifierar också tydliga skillnader mellan socialt och miljömässigt kontroversiella företag, något som vidare forskning kan undersöka. / Aim: The effect that mandatory sustainability reporting have on disclosures regarding the negative sustainability area for companies operating in controversial industry sectors are widely unexplored. The pupose of this study has therefore been to investigate whether there is a relationship between mandatory sustainability reporting and the amount of social sustainability information disclosed by socially controversial companies. The purpose has also been to investigate whether there is a relationship between mandatory sustainability reporting and the amount of environmental sustainability information disclosed by environmentally controversial companies.  Method: The study adopts a positivist research philosophy with a deductive approach and longitudinal design with data covering five years for 23 Swedish controversial companies. The study is carried out with a quantitative method where primary data has been collected through a content analysis. The study is also based on secondary data obtained from the Retriever database. The data was then analyzed in the statistical program SPSS, which carried out descriptive statistics, correlationstest and regressionanalysis to test the hypotheses of the study.  Result and conclusion: The results of the study showed no significant relationship between mandatory sustainability reporting and the amount of social sustainability information disclosed by socially controversial companies. On the contrary, the results showed a significant positive relationship between mandatory sustainability reporting and the amount of environmental sustainability information disclosed by environmentally controversial companies.  Theoretical and practical result: The theoretical results of the study are further based on research regarding possible connections between mandatory sustainability reporting and the amount of reporting within two different sustainability dimensions (environmental and social) for two different group of controversial companies (environmental and social). Through further empirical research in this area, the litterature is expanded as the study has found results that both contradict and confirm previous research. The practical results of the study also give an indication of how effective the regulation of sustainability reporting is for socially and environmentally controversial companies. Suggestion for future research: The population included in this study consist of Swedish controversial companies that are covered by mandatory sustainability reporting. Further reasearch could therefore adopt a broader perspective where other countries or industries are included to see if the results obtained in this study also holds for these countries or industries. The study also identifies differences between socially and environmentally controversial companies. What these differences are due to and whether they have any statistical significance is something that further research can investigate since it was not the pupose of this study to further investigate this.

Vnímání kontroverzních reklam v dnešní společnosti. Co kontroverzní reklama říká o společnosti? / Perception of controversial ads in today's society: What does controversial ad say about the society?

Vejborná, Hana January 2013 (has links)
Advertising is a reflection of society. At the same time, it has impacts on society. This diploma thesis looks at advertising as an important social phenomenon. Based on the examples of controversial commercials, it deals with relationship between advertising and society. The main objective of this work is to explore the relationship of controversial commercials and society. With the use of qualitative research methods the author examines how the contemporary society is reflected in the communication of controversial commercials and whether our society is affected by them. For clarification purposes, this diploma thesis first identifies relevant terminology and sets the difference between key concepts, ie., advertising and controversial commercials. Moreover, the theoretical part of the thesis deals with the mutual relationship between advertising and society. Based on the analysis of the Grounded Theory the author acknowledges that the controversial commercials are in fact a reflection of society. Controversial commercials are communicated to their target groups in a common manner that is easy to understand. Yet, their presence in society is not always considered as acceptable and appropriate. In conclusion, this diploma thesis is devoted to the elaboration of the mutual relationship between...

Espace(s) public(s) des débats télévisés au Cameroun : constitution, acteurs et économie(s) de production / Public sphere(s) of televised debates in Cameroon : constitution, actors and economy(s) of production

Ngono, Simon 18 October 2019 (has links)
Le présent travail porte sur l'hypothèse de la constitution d'un espace public avec le développement des débats télévisés au Cameroun. Il s’appuie sur un corpus de 227 émissions de Canal presse et Droit de réponse de 2012 à 2017 et sur des entretiens semi-directifs réalisés auprès des acteurs-invités et de présentateurs des débats télévisés. Les résultats obtenus révèlent que la constitution d’un espace public de débats télévisés camerounais est marquée par des logiques de « concurrence-coopérative » entre acteurs sociaux hétéroclites, et où la polémique émerge comme registre de prise de parole dominant qui gouverne les stratégies de mise en visibilité. Les résultats rendent également compte des dynamiques d'occupation de l’espace public des débats télévisés. Sur ce point, ce travail montre que les débats télévisés se formalisent autour d’un contrat de communication qui favorise l’accès majoritaire/prioritaire de certaines catégories d’acteurs, à l’instar des journalistes, des opérateurs politiques, des universitaires, des hommes de droit (avocats), des entrepreneurs de l’humanitaire et de la société civile. Enfin, les résultats de ce travail indiquent que les débats télévisés s’apparentent à des espaces de production de soi durant lesquels les stratégies de légitimation du discours, la recherche de légitimité et la captation du public s’enchâssent. L'originalité de ce travail réside dans le dépassement de la thèse habermassienne sur l'espace public. Ceci dans la mesure où l'espace public camerounais apparaît comme un enjeu pour la communication de l'État qui s'en sert pour y diffuser des informations gouvernementales, pour y dépêcher les médiateurs, pour normaliser les échanges dans une perspective de démocratisation et d'échange populaire. / The present work deals with the hypothesis of the constitution of a public sphere with the development of televised debates in Cameroon. It is based on a corpus of 227 issues of Canal Presse and Droit de réponse from 2012 to 2017 and on semi-structured interviews with invited actors and presenters of televised debates. The results obtained reveal that the constitution of a public sphere of Cameroonian televised debates is marked by "competitive-cooperative" logics between heterogeneous social actors, and where the controversy emerges as register of dominant speech which governs the strategies of visibilisation. The results also reflect the dynamics of the occupation of the public sphere of televised debates. On this point, this work shows that the televised debates are formalized around a communication contract which favors the majority/priority access of certain categories of actors, like the journalists, the political operators, the academics, the men of law (lawyers), humanitarian entrepreneurs and civil society. Finally, the results of this work indicate that televised debates are like self-production spaces during which the strategies of legitimation of discourse, the search for legitimacy and the capture of the public are embedded. The originality of this work lies in the surpassing of the Habermasian thesis on the public sphere. This insofar as the Cameroonian public sphere appears as an issue for the communication of the State that uses it to disseminate government information, to send mediators, to normalize the exchanges in a perspective of democratization and popular exchange.

"Vi ska göra dom till goda samhällsmedborgare, men vi ska också låta dom ha en egen åsikt och vi ska samtidigt inte vara åsiktspoliser" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om lärares definition och hantering av kontroversiella frågor i klassrummet / "We must make them good citizens of society, but we must also let them have their own opinion and at the same time we skould not be the thought police" : A qualitative interview study on teachers' definition and handling of controversial questions in the classroom

Axelsson, Joanna January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur gymnasielärare i samhällskunskap definierar och hanterar kontroversiella frågor i sin undervisning. Däri ingår både hur lärarna själva väljer att ta upp kontroversiella frågor samt hur de hanterar situationer där elever uttrycker sig på kontroversiella sätt. Sammanlagt intervjuades elva gymnasielärare i samhällskunskap och analysen ledde fram till två teman: Definition och Hantering. I korthet påvisade resultatet att både definition och hantering till stor del är beroende av den kontext som lärarna infinner sig i. Lärarna beskrev vidare att de hade olika strategier för att hantera kontroversiella frågor i sitt klassrum. Lärarna beskrev också att de hade olika metoder som de använde sig av för att undervisa om kontroversiella frågor, där diskussioner som med hjälp av tidigare forskning kunde kategoriseras i vissa fall som deliberativa. Vidare lyfte lärarna både positiva och negativa aspekter av att ta upp kontroversiella frågor i sin undervisning och de ansåg att det krävdes specifika förmågor och kunskaper av dem som lärare för att kunna hantera dessa frågor. Lärarexamen sågs av de flesta lärare som icke stödjande, medan kollegor främst var det som lärarna upplevde som mest givande att få stöttning av när de skulle hantera kontroversiella frågor. Resultatet i denna studie överensstämmer till stor del med den tidigare forskningen kring ämnet, med den enda stora olikheten att även yttre kontext påpekades av lärarna i denna studie som viktigt, vilket tidigare forskning inte lagt lika stort fokus på. / The aim of this study is to investigate how secondary social studies teachers define and deal with controversial questions in their teaching. This includes both how the teachers themselves choose to raise controversial issues and how they handle situations where students express themselves in controversial ways. In total, eleven high school social studies teachers were interviewed and the analysis led to two themes: Definition and Handling. In short, the results showed that both definition and handling are largely dependent on the context in which the teachers find themselves. The teachers further described that they had different strategies for handling controversial issues in their classroom. The teachers also described that they had different methods that they used to teach about controversial issues, where discussions that, with the help of previous research, could be categorized as deliberative in some cases. Furthermore, the teachers highlighted both positive and negative aspects of raising controversial issues in their teaching and they felt that specific abilities and knowledge were required of them as teachers to be able to deal with these issues. The education the teacher had received were seen by most teachers as not supportive, while colleagues were mainly what the teachers experienced as the most rewarding to get support from when dealing with controversial questions. The results in this study are largely consistent with the previous research on the subject, with the only major difference being that external context was also pointed out by the teachers in this study as important, which previous research did not focus on as much.

Reflektioner kring grupputveckling för kontroversiella samtal i samhällskunskapsundervisningen

Hussein, Shano January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to qualitatively investigate how social studies teachers in a high school, use group development strategies when approaching potentially controversial topics in the classroom. The study used five semi-structured interviews with social studies teachers. Bruce Tuckman's model of group development was used to organize and analyze the teachers' experiences in a way that could be linked to the phases described in the model. The results of the study have shown the importance of using group development as a method to prepare students to handle controversial conversations in a constructive way and promote their growth together. The teachers' overall goal with group development is for the students to learn to cooperate, develop their communication skills and show respect for each other's opinions. The teacher's democratic mission also appears as part of group development. Positive group development also contributes to a cohesive social environment that creates an inclusive conversation climate. The skills acquired through group development were considered applicable when students faced controversial discussions. For example, they were seen using communication skills to actively listen and strive to understand each other's perspectives instead of trying to dominate each other. Therefore, classes may need to go through different stages of development to manage controversial conversations effectively.

Anti-Mormon Pamphleteering in Great Britain, 1837-1860

Foster, Craig L. 01 January 1989 (has links) (PDF)
The introduction of Mormonism into Great Britain was met with both success and resistence. The major form of British resistence to the Latter-day Saints was through the press. From the introduction of the Church into Great Britain in 1837 to 1860, numerous anti-Mormon pamphlets were published to discourage people from associating with what was considered to be a strange American sect.The major themes of a number of these tracts have been analyzed in order to gain a better understanding of how the Mormons were perceived by the British. Some of the major themes included the evil character of Joseph Smith; the immorality of the Mormons; and, comparisons between the Mormons and the Muslims. The themes of anti-Mormon pamphlets reflected the attitudes and concerns of the Early Victorian middle class displayed a sense of concern for the vulnernability of social inferiors. Pamphlets published in the 1850s were partly sucessful in creating a negative public image of Mormonism that was disturbing to many practicing saints and impaired missionary work.

The Influence of Controversial Protest Actions by Activist Groups on the Online Climate Debate : A Case Study on the Climate Debate on Twitter in Germany Related to the German Activist Group the Last Generation in Comparison to Fridays for Future Germany

Huebscher, Christina January 2023 (has links)
In Germany, the Last Generation emerged as a new climate activist group at the end of 2021. The group is considered rather controversial due to their contested protest actions of for instance vandalizing artwork. This study examines the influence of their controversial protest actions on the online climate debate on Twitter, compared to actions of Fridays for Future Germany, which enjoy a less contested reputation. The three chosen activities per group were analyzed with the help of a case study approach using content and sentiment analysis. The analysis was then conducted based on the three following concepts: deliberation, on the one side, which fosters constructive debates, as well as communitarianism and liberal individualism, on the other side, which can foster polarization. The analysis revealed that polarization dominated the online climate debate generated by the posts of the two groups. As such, hostile attitudes, condescending language, as well as monologic statements fostered communitarianism and liberal individualism within the comment sections of the Twitter posts. Yet, also deliberation was visible, but to the greatest extend within the comment section of a non-controversial activity of Fridays for Future Germany. This, among others, led to the conclusion that the protest actions of activist groups do have an influence on the climate debate. As such, the controversial activities of both groups influenced the climate debate in so far as the debate shifted from the climate debate to the activity itself by for instance focusing on child protection instead of climate change/protection. This was supported by the use of negative sentiments expressed explicitly towards the action of the group(s).

Didaktiska förhållningssätt i kontroversiella frågor : En kvalitativ studie av lågstadielärares tankar om skolans värdegrund kopplat till religionsundervisningen / Didactic Approaches to Controversial Issues : A Qualitative study of Primary School Teachers ́ thoughts about the School ́sValue Base linked to Religious Education

Andersson, Marielle January 2024 (has links)
Studien undersöker hur lärare på lågstadiet bemöter kontroversiella frågor med koppling tillolika religiösa positioneringar och hur lärare hanterar situationer när elevernas kontroversiellaåsikter strider mot skolans värdegrund. Syftet är att lämna ett bidrag till den vetenskapligadiskussionen kring hur lärare på lågstadiet ser på arbetet med kontroversiella frågor. Källmaterialet som samlats in är kvalitativt. Sju semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes medverksamma lärare på fem skolor. För att sammanställa hur lärarna bemöter de kontroversiellafrågorna kopplades deras svar samman med olika strategier som lärare använder för attundervisa om eller undvika dessa frågor. Tidigare forskning visar att lärare ofta väljer att undvika kontroversiella frågor, specielltreligiösa. Den visar även att mycket av denna osäkerhet kan bero på lärarnas avsaknad avgrundläggande formell utbildning kring hur dessa frågor ska hanteras, vilket även återspeglas idenna studies resultat. I resultat och diskussion presenteras respondenternas svar och diskuteras sedan tillsammansmed tidigare forskning och uppsatsen teori om att undervisa eller undvika kontroversiella frågormed koppling till religion. Resultatet i uppsatsen visar att lärarna på lågstadiet lyfter vikten att eleverna får mötakontroversiella frågor, samtidigt som de hävdar att de elever som de undervisar är för unga föratt möta dessa frågor. Lärarna för även fram olika didaktiska förhållningssätt för att skapakonstruktiva samtal, vilka svårigheter de upplever och hur de bemöter situationer där elevernasåsikter går emot skolans värdegrund. Även om arbetets teori och den tidigare forskningen grundas på studier med elever som främstbefinner sig på gymnasiet, går det att utläsa att det finns tydliga likheter med hur lärare pågymnasiet och lågstadiet arbetar med kontroversiella frågor och vilka svårigheter som upplevs. / This study examines how primary school teachers address controversial issues related to variousreligious positions and how they handle situations when students' controversial opinionsconflict with the school's values. The purpose is to contribute to the scientific discussion onhow primary school teachers perceive working with controversial issues. The source material collected is qualitative. Seven semi-structured interviews conducted withpracticing teachers from five schools. Their responses were linked to various strategies teachersuse to teach or avoid these questions, to compile how teachers address the controversial issues. Previous research shows that teachers often choose to avoid controversial issues, especially ifthey are religious. It also shows that much of this uncertainty may be due to teachers' lackof basic formal education on how to handle these questions, which is also reflected in thisstudy's results. In the results and discussion, the respondents' answers are presented and discussed withprevious research and the thesis' theory on teaching or avoiding controversial issues related toreligion. The result of the essay shows that primary school teachers emphasize the importance of studentsencountering controversial issues. While also claiming that the students they teach are tooyoung to face these issues. The teachers also present various didactic approaches to createconstructive conversations, the difficulties they experience and how they handle situationswhere students' opinions contradict the school's values. Although the theory of the work and previous research is based on studies with studentsprimarily in high school, it can be inferred that there are clear similarities in how teachers inhigh school and primary school work with controversial issues and the difficulties experienced.

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