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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Providing services for culturally diverse students in academic libraries

Khoza, Thuli Francis 30 November 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of academic libraries in providing services to culturally diverse student populations. In this study the information needs and information-seeking behaviour of the culturally diverse students of the Technikon Witwatersrand were analysed. The study also tried to establish whether there are differences in information needs and information-seeking behaviour of various cultural groups. The empirical investigation was conducted by means of focus group interviews and a questionnaire survey on a sample of undergraduate students of the Technikon Witwatersrand. There were assumptions that African students have limited experience in using the academic library, have no computer and information handling skills and might have language difficulties. Therefore, the expectation was that African students might have problems in the use of the academic library. However, the results of the empirical study show that English and Afrikaans speaking students are experiencing more problems than African students. / Information Science / M.Inf.

Interkulturele bediening in die kultureel-diverse konteks van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag

Maasdorp, David Isak 07 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die hoofdoel van hierdie verhandeling is om 'n studie te maak van die interkulturele bediening in die kultureel-diverse konteks van die SuidAfrikaanse Nasionale Weermag. Die benadering wat in hierdie studie gevolg word, is om die historiese pad van politieke stryd van deelnemende magte in die SANW te volg tot en met die historiese integrasie proses wat sy aanvang in 1994 geneem het. Hierdie samestelling van weermagte wat bestaan uit die SAW (Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag), MK (Umkhonto we Sizwe), APLA (Azanian's People Liberation Army), TBVC state, het elkeen respektiewelik sy eie militere- politieke ideologiese pad geloop. Om die verskille verder te aksentueer bestaan hierdie magte uit verskillende kulturele-, etniese-, en godsdienstige agtergronde. Die grootste verskil setel daarin dat hierdie magte aardsvyande van mekaar was. Die verdere verloop van hierdie verhandeling is om 'n blik te werp op hierdie diversiteit en die samehangende vraagstukke en problematiek wat voortspruit uit die integrasie van magte waarin diepgewortelde verskille setel. Teneinde samehorigheid en 'n gees van vreedsame naasbestaan te ontketen,word daar 'n indringende soeke geloods om effektief oor kultuurgrense heen te kommunikeer. Hierdie soeke om sinvol en effektief te kommunikeer geskied ook langs die weg van refleksie vanuit die Skrif. In die lig daarvan dat hierdie verhandeling vanuit die Sendingwetenskap bedryf word, word vraagstukke vanuit die Skrif benader, met antler woorde, watter leiding vind ons vanuit die Woord van God op die problematiek in die SANW. W anneer daar 'n introspeksie gehou word, oor die vraagstukke en problematiek wat voortspruit uit die proses van transformasie in die SANW, dan word daar indringend besin oor die rol wat die kapelaansdiens in die kultureel-diverse konteks van die SANW vertolk, gegee die vraagstukke en problematiek waarin die organisasie gewikkel is. Hierdie navorsing het tot die een slotsom gekom, tewete, dat die kapelaan die rol as fasiliteerder van versoening moet vertolk. Hy doen dit langs die weg van identifisering met die uitdagings waarmee lede worstel en begelei hulle pastoral om die visie van'n verenigde weermag vir die Republiek van Suid-Afrika te intemaliseer. Sy pastoraat bereik sy diepste wese wanneer koninkryksbeginsels soos vrede, geregtigheig, naaste liefde, vergewingsgesindheid en versoening in die konteks van die SANW as uitkomste verkondig word. / The main objective of this thesis is to make a study of the intercultural ministry in the cultural-diverse context of the South African National Defence Force. The approach of this study was to follow the political struggle of participating forces in the SANDF, up to the point of integration in 1994. These forces consists out of the SADF (South African Defence Forces), MK (Umkhonto we Sizwe), APLA (Azanian People's Liberation Army), TBVC States, who travelled their own military, politically and ideological routes. They also differ culturally, ethnically and religiously in their make-up. The thesis focuses on the problems and challenges which were caused by the integration of forces in which deep-seated differences are entrenched. In order to maintain a peaceful co-existence an urgent search was lodged to find ways of effective intercultural communication. Being a missiological study, the focus was on Scripture to find guidance that can overcome problems and challenges in the SANDF. This brings the role of the Chaplain in sharp focus in his ministry to the SANDF. The research came to one conclusion that the Chaplain must fulfill the role of facilitator of reconciliation. He is doing it by way of identification with the challenges with which the members struggle and guide them pastorally to internalize the vision of a United Defence Force for the Republic of South Africa. His pastorate reaches its depths when Kingdom principles, such as peace, righteousness, neighbourly love, forgiveness and reconciliation are proclaimed as outcomes within the context of the SANDF. / Theology / D.Th. (Theology)

Onomastiese studie van skoolname by Afrikaansmediumskole

Marx, Isabella Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie verhandeling word skoolname as onderafdeling van die Onomastiek behandel. Die gee van skoolname is 'n amptelike aangeleentheid en daarom is die beleid onderliggend aan die handeling onder die loep geneem. Beleid bepaal die ortografiese aard van skoolname en die manifestasie daarvan is sosiolinguisties van belang. Skoolname, wat onder eiename ressorteer, is hoofsaaklik oor 'n semantiese en sosiolinguistiese boeg gegooi, daarom word terme soos verwysing, konvensie en agtergrondbeskrywing aan die hand van veral die teoriee van Devitt, Strawson en Kripke beskryf. Van Langendonck le veral klem op die pragmatiese aard van die eienaam en daarom vorm sy teorie, die hetekenisparadoks van die eienaam, 'n belangrike uitgangspunt by die konsepsuele en pragmatiese aard van skoolname. Die gee van name is In suiwer menslike handeling wat selde ooit ongemotiveer geskied. Die ontstaansmotiewe wat skoolnaamgewing ten grondslag le, word bespreek aan die hand van die verskillende kategoriee. Botsende sosiale faktore soos veral teweeggebring deur kulturele diversiteit beinvloed naamgewing en daarom verander name. Die faktore onderliggend aan naamsverandering word uitgelig en bespreek. Die moontlikheid om ten spyte van 'n multikulturele en multilinguistiese samelewing tog 'n nasionale identiteit te vertoon, word ten slotte ondersoek en bespreek. / In this dissertation, names of schools as a subdivision of Onomastics are dealt with. School names are researched mainly under the cloak of Semantics and Socio-linguistics. Therefore, terms like reference, convention and a backing of descriptions are referred to according to the theories of Devitt, Strawson and Kripke. Van Langendonck specifically emphasises the pragmatic nature of proper nouns in his theory the paradox of the meaning of proper nouns which is an important point of departure in the conceptual and pragmatic nature of the names of schools. The underlying motives in respect of school naming are categorized and discussed according to the motives of origin. Conflicting social factors play an important role in the naming of schools and therefore names also change. These changes are accentuated and discussed. The possibility for a country to reflect a national identity in spite of a multicultural and multilingual society, is explored and discussed. / Afrikaans & Theory of Literature / M.A. (Afrikaans)

The role of cultural diversity on social wellness in a primary school in Gauteng

Nkomo, Annah Ndlovu 04 1900 (has links)
This study investigates the role of cultural diversity on social wellness in a diverse school setting. It explores the views of learners and teachers on issues pertaining to cultural diversity and social wellness in the school. An integrative lens encompassing Hettler’s (1970) wellness theory and Letseka’s (2000) Ubuntu principle were used as the framework to guide the study. The interpretivist paradigm was used because the research method for this study is qualitative in nature. Purposive sampling was used in this study where fifteen participants were selected. The approach used is a case study, with the case being a multicultural primary school in Gauteng Province, South Africa. Ethical clearance was obtained from the Unisa’s Ethics Committee. Furthermore, permission was granted by the Department of Basic Education and the school’s principal. All participants signed consent and assent letters before data were collected. Learner participants gave their assent to take part in the study after consent had been obtained from their parents and guardians prior to the commencement of data collection. Data collected reflected the participants’ understanding of the need and means to promote social wellness within a culturally diverse school setting. It also suggests that it is possible to make diversity work for, instead of against us as is advocated for by Sheets (2005). The themes that emerged from collected data were: knowing one another as well as each other’s cultures, respect for equality and human dignity, loving kindness and compassion towards everyone, practicing good manners and discipline towards everyone, positive social interaction/desired attitude and also leading by example. These themes form guidelines that can be used in promoting social wellness in the school. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

La production indépendante de la musique traditionnelle, communiquer pour garantir la diversité culturelle : études de cas autour de la musique traditionnelle en Colombie dans les régions Andine et Caraïbe / Independent production of traditional music, communicate to ensure culturl diversity : Case studies around the traditional music in Colombia in the Andean and Caribbean régions / La producción independiente de música tradicional, comunicar para garantizar la diversidad cultural : estudios de caso sobre la música tradicional en Colombia en las regiones andina y caribe

Velasquez, Sandra 05 July 2013 (has links)
L’Exception Culturelle marque le point de départ des questions soulevées à propos de la singularité de l’industrie culturelle sur fond de traités commerciaux de libre-échange, débats qui aboutiront à une réponse de la part de la communauté internationale avec la Convention en faveur de la Protection et de la Promotion de la Diversité des Expressions Culturelles approuvée par l’Unesco en 2005. D’autre part, la réforme constitutionnelle de 1991 entreprise en Colombie affirme le caractère multiethnique et pluriculturel du pays, reconnaissant du même coup de façon officielle la diversité des expressions culturelles au sein de la nation. Enfin, les ressources technologiques dont peuvent disposer les musiciens à partir des années 1990 sont le troisième facteur fondamental au cœur de notre thèse. La convergence de ces faits nous ont conduits à nous interroger sur la réalité de la production indépendante de musiques traditionnelles en Colombie, dans les régions andine et caribéenne en particulier. La Théorie Critique, l’Economie Politique, les Cultural Studies ainsi que les apports d’auteurs latino-américains portant sur la relation existante entre Communication et Culture ont borné le cadre théorique de nos recherches. Nous avons choisi les récits de vie comme outil méthodologique pour mieux appréhender les expériences vécues par les producteurs indépendants de musiques traditionnelles. Cette thèse met en lumière les formes et pratiques de différents types de production qui vont de l’autoproduction jusqu’aux productions des maisons indépendantes. En outre, nous exposons les tensions existantes entre les indépendants et la grande industrie, les médias et le phénomène de la piraterie. Notre travail soumet et propose un concept nouveau: La Production en Confrérie, pour mieux caractériser les liens qui se tissent entre musiciens, producteurs, fans et institutions qui tendent à faciliter la production indépendante de musiques traditionnelles. / The debate about the singularity of the cultural industry in the times of free trade has been happening since the Cultural Exception. The international community has been contributing to this debate through the Convention for the Promotion and Protection of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, endorsed by the UNESCO in 2005. In parallel, the 1991 amendment to the Colombian constitution acknowledges a multiethnic and multicultural country, that is, it recognizes diversity in the nation´s cultural expressions. The third factor that influences this thesis are the technologic resources shared by music producers from the 90s. These facts made us wonder about the current situation of independent traditional music production in Colombia, the Andean Region and in the Caribbean. The theoretical framework was guided by the Critical Theory, the Political Economy, the Cultural Studies and the inputs from Latin-American authors on the relationship between Communication and Culture. The methodology used life stories in order to get to know the experience of traditional music independent producers. This thesis shows the production methods, from self-production to independent music producers. Besides, it shows the tension between independent producers and big companies, mass media and piracy. This research introduces the concept of Brotherhood Production in order to explain the relationships among musicians, producers, fans and institutions. These relationships make possible the production of independent traditional music. / El debate sobre la singularidad de la industria cultural en tiempos de libre comercio viene dándose desde la Excepción Cultural y tiene una respuesta de la comunidad internacional con la Convención por la Protección y Promoción de la Diversidad de Expresiones Culturales aprobada en la UNESCO en el 2005. De otro lado, en Colombia, la reforma constitucional de 1991 afirma el carácter multiétnico y multicultural del país, es decir reconoce la diversidad de expresiones culturales de la nación. El tercer hecho que marca esta tesis son los recursos tecnológicos que tienen los productores de música a partir de los 90´s. Estos hechos nos llevaron a preguntarnos por la realidad de la producción independiente de músicas tradicionales en Colombia, en la Región Andina y en la Región Caribe. La Teoría Crítica, la Economía Política, los Cultural Studies y los aportes de los autores latinoamericanos sobre la relación entre Comunicación y Cultura orientaron el marco conceptual. Las historias de vida fueron la metodología seleccionada para conocer la experiencia de los productores independientes de música tradicional. Esta tesis evidencia las formas de producción desde la autoproducción hasta las productoras de música independiente. Además, muestra las tensiones de los independientes con la gran industria, los medios de comunicación y la piratería. Esta investigación propone el concepto Produccion de Cofradía para explicar las relaciones que se tejen entre músicos, productores, fans e instituciones para posibilitar la producción independiente de música tradicional.

Multikulturalita firem v EU / Multiculturality (multiculturalism) of the companies in the EU

Zadražilová, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
The topic of the thesis is Multiculturalism of the companies in the European Union as one of the approach of managing cultural diversity. The aim of the thesis is to provide an overview on different approaches to this topic based on different materials already published as well as on good practices used in the companies. The main question of the thesis is: DO the companies on the EU market go toward the model of multicultural organization? The thesis contains of four parts. The first one explains most important terms which are multiculturalism, diversity and diversity management. It also summarizes the brief history of diversity management as well as the importance of managing diversity. It explains also the factors creating the interest of cultural diversity and its management. The second part explains the perspective of the EU. It elaborates recent demographic changes as one of the external factors influencing the attitude toward managing diversity. It explains also the Immigration Policy of the EU in more details. EU legislation focusing on discrimination and equal opportunities is also part of this chapter. The third chapter focuses on diversity from the organizations point of view. It explains the Cox model as one of the theories of dividing companies based on their approach to cultural diversity. It also describes the main techniques used for the transition to multicultural company. The part of this chapter focuses also on multicultural teams and their performance. The last chapter of the thesis describes good practices in managing cultural diversity of the companies on the EU market and the particular tips created by EU to help small and medium enterprises to manager diversity.

La sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel en droit international / The Safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in international law

Alsalmo, Abdallah 13 April 2011 (has links)
Le patrimoine culturel ne s’arrête pas aux monuments et aux collections d’objets. Il comprend également les traditions ou les expressions vivantes héritées de nos ancêtres et transmises à nos descendants ; ce qu’on appelle le patrimoine culturel immatériel. L’importance de ce patrimoine ne réside pas tant dans la manifestation culturelle elle-même que dans la richesse des connaissances et du savoir-faire qu’il transmet d’une génération à une autre. Cette transmission du savoir a une valeur sociale, économique, culturelle et juridique pertinente pour les groupes minoritaires et majoritaires et pour le monde entier. Le choix des techniques de protection internationale est directement lié aux objectifs poursuivis par l’UNESCO. Au-delà du texte de la Convention de 2003 et d’autres instruments internationaux adoptés par l’UNESCO, il peut être utile d’aborder plus largement les solutions juridiques de sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel. L'objet de notre étude consiste à analyser l’action normative en matière de patrimoine culturel immatériel en mettant la lumière sur sa définition, les normes internationales relatives à sa protection, ainsi que sur la question de l’effectivité et de l’efficacité internationale de la sauvegarde de ce patrimoine. Pour conclure, les résultats de l’action normative et d’effectivité n’échappent pas à notre analyse. Il s’agit d’évoquer enfin la possibilité de mettre en place une feuille de route pour une meilleure protection à l’avenir. / Cultural heritage doesn't only include monuments and the collection of objects. /cultural heritage is about more than monuments or the collection of objects. It, also, includes the traditions or the modern inherited expressions from our ancestors and transmitted to our descendants, what we call the intangible cultural heritage. The importance of this heritage doesn't reside so much in the cultural demonstration itself, but in the richness of knowledge, and the know-hows that are transmitted from one generation to another. This transmission of knowledge has social value, economical, cultural and legal relevance for minority groups, as well as for the main social groups, and is also, important for the world. The choice of the techniques used for international protection is linked directly to the objectives pursued by the UNESCO. Beyond the text of the 2003 convention and other international agreements adopted by the UNESCO, it can perhaps be useful to tackle more widely the legal solutions of the intangible cultural heritage. The aim of our study consists of analysing the normative action concerning the intangible cultural heritage in placing the light on the definition of the intangible cultural heritage as well as the international standards important to its protection and also in tackling the question of effectivity and efficiency of the international protection of this heritage. In conclusion, the results for the normative action and effectivity do not escape our analysis. It is, in the end about the possibility of putting in place a plan for the protection of a better future.

Pegar e fazer: a dinâmica da produção e dos usos de artefatos artesanais na região da Barra do Rio Mamanguape - PB e reflexões sobre design e produção do mundo artificial / Pegar e fazer: an investigation of traditional artifacts production and usage at Barra do Rio Mamanguape - PB and a discussion about design and the production of the artificial world

Riul, Marília 03 July 2015 (has links)
Uma série de transformações ambientais, territoriais, sociais e econômicas têm influenciado os modos de vida das culturas tradicionais estabelecidas nas diversas regiões do Brasil e do mundo. Um dos aspectos que é tocado por essas mudanças é a prática da produção artesanal dos artefatos que auxiliam as atividades domésticas e produtivas dessas populações. Esta pesquisa analisou a atual produção de artefatos artesanais em povoados historicamente fixados na região da Barra do Rio Mamanguape, Paraíba, e também investigou as características presentes do uso de tais artefatos no cotidiano de uma das vilas locais. Essa prática tradicional é fundamentalmente associada às atividades de subsistência desenvolvidas pelas populações da região, como a agricultura, a pesca artesanal e o extrativismo, e tem sido delineada por diferentes fatores de dimensão local e global. Algumas implicações dessa dinâmica são o rareamento da presença da figura do artesão naqueles povoados, bem como o desaparecimento de algumas de suas expressões tradicionais. Foram verificadas variações nas características de alguns artefatos de origem indígena milenar, associados à cultura Potiguara. Também foi constatado o surgimento de outras expressões materiais que decorrem das interações das populações locais com o contexto urbano e industrial, em hibridismo com os elementos culturais tradicionais constituídos a partir da sua histórica relação com os ecossistemas circundantes e a biodiversidade nela existente. Práticas e sentidos embutidos na maneira de produzir o mundo artificial analisada neste contexto foram elencados como aspectos pertinentes ao processo de reconfiguração da atividade do design. Tal reconfiguração é discutida no âmbito de suas práticas e valores, como atividade urbana e industrial responsável pela concepção de grande parte da nossa cultura material, e diante da nossa conjuntura socioambiental. / Traditional cultures of many regions of Brazil have been influenced by many sociocultural, economical, environmental and territorial changes. One of the aspects of their culture that has been changed is the artisanal production of artifacts that are used in everyday domestic and professional activities. This research analyzed the current production of this kind of artifacts in traditional communities situated at Barra do Rio Mamanguape region, Paraíba, and also investigated usage characteristics of artisanal objects in one of the local villages. These traditional practices are associated to subsistence activities developed by the local population, like agriculture, artisanal fishery, gathering, and has been influenced by a number of local and global changes. We have observed that the declining number of artisans and the extinction of some expressions of the traditional material culture are outcomes of these changes. We also verified variations in the characteristics of some artifacts that are linked to the ancient culture of Potiguaras indigenous people. We have observed the emergence of new material expressions determined by interactions between local population and the urban and industrial contexts, involving the traditional elements and maintaining their relationships with local ecosystems and biodiversity. Practices and meanings embedded in the local production of artifacts, as part of the construction of artificial world, were listed as relevant aspects to be considered in the reconfiguration process of values and practices of design, as urban and industrial activity responsible for conceiving our material culture.

Tecnologias e cuidado em saúde: a Estratégia Saúde da Família(ESF) e o caso do imigrante boliviano e coreano no bairro do Bom Retiro - SP / Technologies and Health Care: The Family Health Strategy (FHS) and the case of Bolivian and Korean immigrants in neighborhood of Bom Retiro - São Paulo

Aguiar, Marcia Ernani de 05 September 2013 (has links)
O Programa Saúde da Família, proposto em 1994 pelo Ministério da Saúde, definiu-se como uma estratégia de reorganização da Atenção Primária à Saúde no Brasil. Gradualmente, ele foi sendo implantado também em grandes centros urbanos, até que, em 2001, ocorreu a municipalização da saúde na cidade de São Paulo, com a implantação desse modelo no bairro do Bom Retiro, região central da capital paulista. Esse bairro constitui uma paisagem única, marcado, desde sua origem, no final do século XIX, pela presença de diversas etnias, constituindo um microcosmo social, tendo recebido, ao longo de sua história, grandes contingentes de imigrantes com características culturais bastante particulares. Atualmente, entre a população que o frequenta e habita, os coreanos e os bolivianos passaram a constituir os dois grupos de imigrantes com presença marcante no bairro, ambos inseridos na base material da indústria de confecção, uma vez que a produção têxtil é um dos eixos econômicos estruturantes do Bom Retiro. A inserção de uma Unidade de Saúde da Família nesse bairro provocou a reflexão sobre as potencialidades e as dificuldades do Programa Saúde da Família em grandes centros urbanos; trouxe para discussão questões relativas à presença desses imigrantes; e exigiu análises diversas, em torno da interação entre profissionais dos serviços de saúde e seus usuários. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a interação entre o Programa Saúde da Família e os imigrantes coreanos e bolivianos localizados no bairro do Bom Retiro na cidade de São Paulo, redundando em uma experiência particular. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de referencial qualitativo, que utilizou a técnica de entrevistas semiestruturadas com três coreanos, três bolivianos e seis trabalhadores da saúde da Unidade de Saúde da Família do Bom Retiro. Para a análise das entrevistas, utilizou-se a técnica de análise temática de conteúdo, considerando as conjunturas, as razões e as lógicas, bem como as ações e as inter-relações estabelecidas com o coletivo e as instituições. Os resultados exibem as particularidades da inserção desses dois grupos de imigrantes no bairro do Bom Retiro e flagram, particularmente, dimensões do mundo do trabalho e de moradia e grande mobilidade espacial imigratória, exigindo a flexibilização da lógica cartográfica do Programa Saúde da Família, com a ampliação do conceito de família, e as diversas estratégias comunicativas de que a equipe de Saúde da Família lançou mão para implementar a comunicação com os imigrantes coreanos e bolivianos / The Family Health Program, proposed in 1994 by the Ministry of Health, was defined as a strategy for reorganizing Primary Health Care in Brazil. It was gradually implemented in major urban areas. In 2001, health care services in the city of São Paulo were municipalized, with the implementation of this model in Bom Retiro, in the downtown area of the city of São Paulo. Such neighborhood has a unique landscape, marked since its beginnings, at the end of the 19th century, by the presence of several ethnic groups. It is a social microcosm, which received large groups of immigrants throughout its history, bringing their own unique cultural characteristics to the area. Nowadays, Koreans and Bolivians have become the two most significant immigrant groups among the population living and working in the area. Both groups are integrated into the material base of clothing industry, since textile manufacture is one of the economic structural axes of Bom Retiro. The establishment of a Family Health Unit in Bom Retiro, besides evoking a reflection on the potential and difficulties for the Family Health Program in large urban areas, also brings issues related to the presence of these immigrants to the discussion, requiring various analyses on the theme of interaction between health care professionals and users. Thus, the purpose of this work is to analyze the interaction between the Family Health Program and Korean and Bolivian immigrants located in the neighborhood of Bom Retiro, in the city of São Paulo, which results in a unique experience. This is a qualitative research, which used the technique of semi-structured interviews with three Koreans, three Bolivians and six health care workers from the Bom Retiro Family Health Unit. With regard to the analysis of the interviews, the technique of thematic content analysis was used, considering the conjunctures, reasons and logic, as well as actions and interrelations established between the collective and the institutions. The results show the particularities of the insertion of these two immigrant groups in Bom Retiro, and highlight in particular the dimensions of the world of work, housing and the large spatial mobility of immigrants, requiring Family Health Program\'s map-based logic to become more flexible, with the enlargement of the concept of family and several communication strategies used by the Family Health team to establish communication with the Korean and Bolivian immigrants

Interkulturelles Lernen als organisationale Fähigkeit international tätiger Unternehmen / ein ressourcenorientierter Ansatz

Bergmann, Rainer 18 December 2000 (has links) (PDF)
International tätige Unternehmen werden durch ihre grenzüberschreitenden Tätigkeiten mit zunächst fremden Kulturen konfrontiert. Die Diskussion über die Konzentration der Unternehmen auf ihre Kernkompetenzen führt zu der grundsätzlichen strategischen Überlegung, ob nicht auch die Kulturelle Diversität eine Quelle für die Generierung von Wettbewerbsvorteilen sein kann, und zu der Frage, in welchen Organisationsstrukturen sie proaktiv genutzt werden kann. Es wird ein Organisationsansatz für die wettbewerbsrelevante organisationale Fähigkeit Interkulturelles Lernen entwickelt. Der ressourcenorientierte Ansatz des strategischen Managements dient hierbei als Bezugsrahmen. Die Prozesse organisationalen Lernens bilden die dynamische Komponente, um von der Ebene der Ressourcen zu organisationalen Fähigkeiten zu gelangen. Die Kollektivierung organisationaler Lernprozesse bedarf dabei der Mechanismen von Reflexion und Sozialisation grundlegender Normen und Werte sowie Basisannahmen. Damit überhaupt Interkulturelles Lernen (i.S. von Lernfähigkeit) entstehen kann, werden Gestaltungselemente entwickelt, welche Kulturelle Diversität nicht unterdrücken, sondern explizit in der Organisationsstruktur berücksichtigen. Die organisationstheoretischen Basis hierfür bildet der systemorientierte Ansatz des entwicklungsorientierten Managements. Vor dem Hintergrund einer transnationalen Strategie werden die folgenden Gestaltungselemente entwickelt und kritisch diskutiert: - der Abbau von Lernbarrieren, - interkulturelle Personalentwicklungsmaßnahmen, um die individuelle Lernfähigkeit - als Voraussetzung organisationaler Lernfähigkeit - zu erhöhen, - kulturell gemischte überlappende Arbeitsgruppen, - die heterarchische Konfiguration als integriertes Netzwerk, um Interaktionsräume zwischen Organisationseinheiten aus unterschiedlichen Kulturen zu schaffen, - synergetische Unternehmenskultur, da mit einer hohen Differenzierung der erforderliche Grad an Integration steigt, und um die vielfältigen landeskulturellen Orientierungen zu einer Ganzheit zu integieren, - Organizational Slack, um dysfunktionale Effekte interkultureller Interaktion im langfristigen Gestaltungsprozeß zu überbrücken. Abschließend erfolgt die Diskussion der Kulturabhängigkeit und der Probleme im Anwendungszusammenhang von Interkulturellem Lernen.

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