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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação in vitro da atividade antifúngica e citotóxica de cumarinas naturais e sintéticas / In vitro antifungal and cytotoxic activities of natural and synthetic coumarins

Vianna, Damiana da Rocha January 2011 (has links)
Cumarinas são estruturas promissoras e diversas atividades biológicas têm sido atribuídas a esses metabólitos secundários vegetais. Estudos sugerem que o mecanismo antifúngico desses compostos esteja correlacionado com a atividade antioxidante. A reação da tirosinase, que produz radicais livres, está envolvida no processo de melanização do fungo Sporothrix schenckii, o causador de micose subcutânea de maior incidência no sul do Brasil. A inibição dessa enzima foi recentemente reportada para extrato de Pterocaulon (Asteraceae), planta rica em cumarinas e usada na medicina tradicional do Brasil para tratamento tópico de micoses e na medicina popular da Argentina como anticâncer. O objetivo desse trabalho foi investigar in vitro a atividade antifúngica, correlacionando-a com atividade antioxidante, de extratos de espécies de Pterocaulon e de 6,7-metilenodioxicumarinas isoladas e também de 4-metilcumarinas obtidas por síntese, bem como a investigação da atividade citotóxica de algumas destas moléculas. As 6,7-metilenodioxicumarinas foram isoladas de P. balansae e P. lorentzii, enquanto que as 4-metilcumarinas foram sintetizadas via Pechmann por micro-ondas. A atividade antifúngica contra Sporotrix schenckii foi realizada conforme manual do Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. O estudo das propriedades eletroquímicas foi obtido por voltametria cíclica e a capacidade antioxidante pelo método espectofotométrico DPPH (1,1-difenil-2-picrilhidrazil) e pelo método fluorimétrico ACAP contra radicais peroxil. A análise dessa atividade mostrou que os extratos metanólicos de espécies de Pterocaulon (P. polystachyum, P. balansae, P. lorentzii, P. lanatum e P. cordobense) foram ativos frente às cepas do fungo S. schenckii, sendo o extrato de P. polystachyum o mais ativo, apresentando Concentração Inibitória Mínima (CIM) compreendida entre 156 e 312 μg/mL. O fracionamento dos extratos lipofílicos de P. balansae e P. lorentzii levou ao isolamento de três metilenodioxicumarinas. Dados cristalográficos da 5-metóxi-6,7-metilenodioxicumarina, inéditos, foram depositados no Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre 779123. As cumarinas sintéticas foram obtidas em rendimentos satisfatórios (98-30%) e em reduzido tempo de reação (5-20 min). O screening destas cumarinas frente às cepas do fungo S. schenckii revelou que 5-carboxi-6,7-diidroxi-4-metilcumarina, com CIM de 66 μM e Concentração Fungicida Mínima de 246 μM, foi o composto mais ativo. Essa cumarina apresentou sinergismo com a Anfotericina B, sendo sua CIM reduzida para 15 μM. A atividade antifúngica desses compostos pode estar correlacionada com a atividade antioxidante. O composto 5-carboxi-6,7-diidroxi-4-metilcumarina foi o mais ativo mostrando elevada capacidade antioxidante frente aos radicais DPPH com valores de IC50 de 17,49 μM e elevada atividade frente ao radical peroxil. Além disso, apresentou um potencial de oxidação de 0,4 V sugerindo atividade antioxidante. Baseado nos ensaios antioxidante e antifúngico foi possível observar que a presença de grupamentos hidroxilas no C-7 e C-8 do anel cumarínico, assim como a adição de grupamento polar no C-5 favoreceu ambas as atividades antifúngica e antioxidante. Na segunda etapa desse trabalho foi avaliada a citotoxicidade das cumarinas isoladas e algumas cumarinas simples, disponíveis comercialmente, pelo método Metil Tiazol Tetrazólio (MTT) usando linhagens de glioma humano (U138-MG) e de ratos (C6). Foi observado que as 6,7-metilenodioxicumarinas causaram uma significativa redução na viabilidade celular, sugerindo uma influência positiva do grupamento metilenodioxi sobre essa atividade. O composto 5-metóxi-6,7-metilenodioxicumarina foi o mais promissor (IC50= 34,6 μM e IC50= 31,6 μM para C6 e U-138 MG, respectivamente). Como desfecho desse trabalho, pode-se concluir que as cumarinas apresentaram uma atividade inibitória frente ao crescimento celular de linhagens de glioma e um efeito fungicida sobre S. schenckii, resultados estes que corroboram com o uso popular dessas plantas. / Coumarins are promising structures and diverse biological activities have been attributed to these secondary plant metabolites. Studies suggest that the mechanism of antifungal compounds is correlated with antioxidant activity. The reaction of tyrosinase, which produces free radicals, is involved in the process of melanization of the fungus Sporothrix schenckii, the agent of subcutaneous mycosis with the highest incidence in southern Brazil. The inhibition of this enzyme has recently been reported to extract Pterocaulon (Asteraceae) This plant is rich in coumarins and used in traditional medicine in Brazil for topical treatment of fungal infections and in folk medicine of Argentina as anticancer. The aim of this study was to investigate the in vitro antifungal activity and correlation with its antioxidant properties and cytotoxic activities of extracts of some species of Pterocaulon, as well as the isolated coumarins, and 4-methylcoumarin analogs obtained by synthesis. The 6.7-methylenedioxycoumarins were isolated from P. balansae and P. lorentzii, while the 4-methylcoumarins were synthesized via Pechmann reaction using microwave. The antifungal activity against Sporothrix schenckii was performed as indicated in the Manual of Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. A study of the electrochemical properties of coumarins was performed by cyclic voltammetry, by the method of 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) and against peroxyl radicals (ACAP) by fluorometric method. The analysis showed that the antifungal activity of the methanol extracts of Pterocaulon species (P. polystachyum, P. balansae, P. lorentzii, P. lanatum and P. cordobense) were active against the strains of the fungus S. schenckii, being the extract of P. polystachyum the most active, presenting Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) compressed between 156 and 312 μg/mL. The fractionation of lipophilic extracts of P. balansae and P. lorentzii led to the isolation of three methylenedioxycoumarins. The crystallographic data of 5-methoxy-6,7-methylenedioxycoumarin were deposited at the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center 779123. The synthetic coumarins were obtained in satisfactory yields (98-30%) and reduced reaction time (5-20 min). The screening of these coumarins against strains of the fungus S. schenckii revealed that the 5-carboxy-6,7-dihydroxy-4-methylcoumarin was the most active compound, presenting MIC of 66 μM and Minimum Fungicidal Concentration of 246 μM. This coumarin showed synergism with Amphotericin B, and its MIC was reduced to 15 μM. The antifungal activity of phenolic compounds could be related to its antioxidant activities. The compound 5-carboxy-6,7-dihydroxy-4-methylcoumarin was again the most active with IC50 value of 17.49 μM, showing the highest capacity to deplete the radicals DPPH and ACAP, moreover present a oxidation potential of 0.4 V suggesting antioxidant activity. Based on the antioxidant and antifungal tests it was observed that the presence of hydroxyl groups at C-7 and C-8 of the coumarin ring and the addition of polar grouping at C-5 favored both antifungal and antioxidant activities.In the second part of this work, it was evaluated the cytotoxicity of the Pterocaulon compounds and some commercially available coumarins, with simple structure. The cytotoxic potential was determined by Methyl Thiazole Tetrazolium (MTT) test using strains of human glioma (U138-MG) and rat (C6). It was observed that the 6,7-methylenedioxycoumarins caused a significant reduction in cell viability, suggesting a positive influence of the methylenedioxy group in this activity. The compound 5-methoxy-6,7-methylenedioxycoumarin was the most promising (IC50 = 34.6 μM and IC50 = 31.6 μM for C6 and U-138 MG, respectively). In conclusion, this work it was demonstrated that some coumarins showed an inhibitory activity against the growth of glioma cell lines and a fungicidal effect on the S. schenckii. These results corroborate the popular use of these plants.

Bioactive alkaloids and phenolic Hippeastrum solandriflorum (Lindl.) - Amaryllidaceae / AlcalÃides bioativos e fenÃlicos de Hippeastrum solandriflorum (Lindl.) - Amaryllidaceae

Kaline Rodrigues Carvalho 31 October 2014 (has links)
This work describes the phytochemical study of Hippeastrum solandriflorum(Amaryllidaceae)aiming the isolation and structural elucidation of new bioactive compounds, as well as its pharmacological investigation. The chemical investigation realized with the EtOH extract from bulbs, through chromatographic methods, including HPLC (reverse phase), resulting inthe isolation of ten compounds: a furan derivative: 5-(hydroxymethyl)furan-2-carbaldehyde(HS-1), two phenolic derivatives: piscidic acid (HS-2), eucomic acid (HS-3), and seven isoquinoline alkaloids: narciclasin ( HS-4), 2α-hydroxypseudolycorin (HS-5), 10α-hydroxy homolycorin (HS-6), galantamin (HS-7), sanguinin (HS-8),N-oxid galantamin (HS-9) andnarcissidin (HS10). The alkaloids (HS-5) and (HS-6) are being reported for the first time inthe literature, while the other ones have been isolated for the first time in the investigated species. The structures of all isolated compounds were determined based on spectrometricmethods (IR, HRMS, NMR 1H and13Câ1D and 2D), besides comparison with published data. The cytotoxic potential of all alkaloids were evaluated against several tumor cell lines:colon (HCT-116), leukemia (HL-60), ovary (OVCAR-8) and brain (SF-295) showing IC50ranging from 0.01 to 35.7 μM. / Este trabalho descreve o estudo fitoquÃmico de Hippeastrum solandriflorum (Amaryllidaceae) visando o isolamento e elucidaÃÃo estrutural de novos constituintes quÃmicos bioativos, bem como o estudo farmacolÃgico dos compostos obtidos. A investigaÃÃo quÃmica realizada com o extrato etanÃlico dos bulbos, atravÃs de mÃtodos cromatogrÃficos, incluindo CLAE (fase reversa), resultou no isolamento e identificaÃÃo de dez substÃncias, sendo um derivado do furano: 5-(hidroximetil)furan-2-carbaldeido (HS-1), dois derivados fenÃlicos: acido piscidico(HS-2), acido eucÃmico (HS-3) e sete alcaloides isoquinolÃnicos: Narciclasina (HS-4), 2α-hidroxipseudolicorina (HS-5), 10αhidroxi-homolicorina (HS-6), Galantamina (HS-7), Sanguinina (HS-8),N-oxido galantamina (HS-9), Narcissidina (HS-10). Os alcaloides (HS-5)e (HS-6) esta sendo relatado pela primeira vez na literatura e os demais como sendo inÃditos na espÃcie estudada. As substÃncias isoladas tiveram suas estruturas elucidadas por mÃtodos espectromÃtricos (IV, IES-EM e RMN de1H e13C 1D e 2D), alÃm de comparaÃÃo com dados da literatura. O potencial citotÃxicodos alcaloides isolados foi avaliado frente Ãs linhagens decÃlulas tumorais humanas: cÃlon (HCT-116), leucemia (HL-60), ovÃrio (OVCAR-8) e cÃrebro (SF-295) mostrando valores IC50 variando 0,01â35,7 μM.

Avaliação in vitro da atividade antifúngica e citotóxica de cumarinas naturais e sintéticas / In vitro antifungal and cytotoxic activities of natural and synthetic coumarins

Flôres, Damiana da Rocha Vianna January 2011 (has links)
Cumarinas são estruturas promissoras e diversas atividades biológicas têm sido atribuídas a esses metabólitos secundários vegetais. Estudos sugerem que o mecanismo antifúngico desses compostos esteja correlacionado com a atividade antioxidante. A reação da tirosinase, que produz radicais livres, está envolvida no processo de melanização do fungo Sporothrix schenckii, o causador de micose subcutânea de maior incidência no sul do Brasil. A inibição dessa enzima foi recentemente reportada para extrato de Pterocaulon (Asteraceae), planta rica em cumarinas e usada na medicina tradicional do Brasil para tratamento tópico de micoses e na medicina popular da Argentina como anticâncer. O objetivo desse trabalho foi investigar in vitro a atividade antifúngica, correlacionando-a com atividade antioxidante, de extratos de espécies de Pterocaulon e de 6,7-metilenodioxicumarinas isoladas e também de 4-metilcumarinas obtidas por síntese, bem como a investigação da atividade citotóxica de algumas destas moléculas. As 6,7-metilenodioxicumarinas foram isoladas de P. balansae e P. lorentzii, enquanto que as 4-metilcumarinas foram sintetizadas via Pechmann por micro-ondas. A atividade antifúngica contra Sporotrix schenckii foi realizada conforme manual do Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. O estudo das propriedades eletroquímicas foi obtido por voltametria cíclica e a capacidade antioxidante pelo método espectofotométrico DPPH (1,1-difenil-2-picrilhidrazil) e pelo método fluorimétrico ACAP contra radicais peroxil. A análise dessa atividade mostrou que os extratos metanólicos de espécies de Pterocaulon (P. polystachyum, P. balansae, P. lorentzii, P. lanatum e P. cordobense) foram ativos frente às cepas do fungo S. schenckii, sendo o extrato de P. polystachyum o mais ativo, apresentando Concentração Inibitória Mínima (CIM) compreendida entre 156 e 312 μg/mL. O fracionamento dos extratos lipofílicos de P. balansae e P. lorentzii levou ao isolamento de três metilenodioxicumarinas. Dados cristalográficos da 5-metóxi-6,7-metilenodioxicumarina, inéditos, foram depositados no Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre 779123. As cumarinas sintéticas foram obtidas em rendimentos satisfatórios (98-30%) e em reduzido tempo de reação (5-20 min). O screening destas cumarinas frente às cepas do fungo S. schenckii revelou que 5-carboxi-6,7-diidroxi-4-metilcumarina, com CIM de 66 μM e Concentração Fungicida Mínima de 246 μM, foi o composto mais ativo. Essa cumarina apresentou sinergismo com a Anfotericina B, sendo sua CIM reduzida para 15 μM. A atividade antifúngica desses compostos pode estar correlacionada com a atividade antioxidante. O composto 5-carboxi-6,7-diidroxi-4-metilcumarina foi o mais ativo mostrando elevada capacidade antioxidante frente aos radicais DPPH com valores de IC50 de 17,49 μM e elevada atividade frente ao radical peroxil. Além disso, apresentou um potencial de oxidação de 0,4 V sugerindo atividade antioxidante. Baseado nos ensaios antioxidante e antifúngico foi possível observar que a presença de grupamentos hidroxilas no C-7 e C-8 do anel cumarínico, assim como a adição de grupamento polar no C-5 favoreceu ambas as atividades antifúngica e antioxidante. Na segunda etapa desse trabalho foi avaliada a citotoxicidade das cumarinas isoladas e algumas cumarinas simples, disponíveis comercialmente, pelo método Metil Tiazol Tetrazólio (MTT) usando linhagens de glioma humano (U138-MG) e de ratos (C6). Foi observado que as 6,7-metilenodioxicumarinas causaram uma significativa redução na viabilidade celular, sugerindo uma influência positiva do grupamento metilenodioxi sobre essa atividade. O composto 5-metóxi-6,7-metilenodioxicumarina foi o mais promissor (IC50= 34,6 μM e IC50= 31,6 μM para C6 e U-138 MG, respectivamente). Como desfecho desse trabalho, pode-se concluir que as cumarinas apresentaram uma atividade inibitória frente ao crescimento celular de linhagens de glioma e um efeito fungicida sobre S. schenckii, resultados estes que corroboram com o uso popular dessas plantas. / Coumarins are promising structures and diverse biological activities have been attributed to these secondary plant metabolites. Studies suggest that the mechanism of antifungal compounds is correlated with antioxidant activity. The reaction of tyrosinase, which produces free radicals, is involved in the process of melanization of the fungus Sporothrix schenckii, the agent of subcutaneous mycosis with the highest incidence in southern Brazil. The inhibition of this enzyme has recently been reported to extract Pterocaulon (Asteraceae) This plant is rich in coumarins and used in traditional medicine in Brazil for topical treatment of fungal infections and in folk medicine of Argentina as anticancer. The aim of this study was to investigate the in vitro antifungal activity and correlation with its antioxidant properties and cytotoxic activities of extracts of some species of Pterocaulon, as well as the isolated coumarins, and 4-methylcoumarin analogs obtained by synthesis. The 6.7-methylenedioxycoumarins were isolated from P. balansae and P. lorentzii, while the 4-methylcoumarins were synthesized via Pechmann reaction using microwave. The antifungal activity against Sporothrix schenckii was performed as indicated in the Manual of Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. A study of the electrochemical properties of coumarins was performed by cyclic voltammetry, by the method of 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) and against peroxyl radicals (ACAP) by fluorometric method. The analysis showed that the antifungal activity of the methanol extracts of Pterocaulon species (P. polystachyum, P. balansae, P. lorentzii, P. lanatum and P. cordobense) were active against the strains of the fungus S. schenckii, being the extract of P. polystachyum the most active, presenting Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) compressed between 156 and 312 μg/mL. The fractionation of lipophilic extracts of P. balansae and P. lorentzii led to the isolation of three methylenedioxycoumarins. The crystallographic data of 5-methoxy-6,7-methylenedioxycoumarin were deposited at the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center 779123. The synthetic coumarins were obtained in satisfactory yields (98-30%) and reduced reaction time (5-20 min). The screening of these coumarins against strains of the fungus S. schenckii revealed that the 5-carboxy-6,7-dihydroxy-4-methylcoumarin was the most active compound, presenting MIC of 66 μM and Minimum Fungicidal Concentration of 246 μM. This coumarin showed synergism with Amphotericin B, and its MIC was reduced to 15 μM. The antifungal activity of phenolic compounds could be related to its antioxidant activities. The compound 5-carboxy-6,7-dihydroxy-4-methylcoumarin was again the most active with IC50 value of 17.49 μM, showing the highest capacity to deplete the radicals DPPH and ACAP, moreover present a oxidation potential of 0.4 V suggesting antioxidant activity. Based on the antioxidant and antifungal tests it was observed that the presence of hydroxyl groups at C-7 and C-8 of the coumarin ring and the addition of polar grouping at C-5 favored both antifungal and antioxidant activities.In the second part of this work, it was evaluated the cytotoxicity of the Pterocaulon compounds and some commercially available coumarins, with simple structure. The cytotoxic potential was determined by Methyl Thiazole Tetrazolium (MTT) test using strains of human glioma (U138-MG) and rat (C6). It was observed that the 6,7-methylenedioxycoumarins caused a significant reduction in cell viability, suggesting a positive influence of the methylenedioxy group in this activity. The compound 5-methoxy-6,7-methylenedioxycoumarin was the most promising (IC50 = 34.6 μM and IC50 = 31.6 μM for C6 and U-138 MG, respectively). In conclusion, this work it was demonstrated that some coumarins showed an inhibitory activity against the growth of glioma cell lines and a fungicidal effect on the S. schenckii. These results corroborate the popular use of these plants.

Perfil alcaloídico de Anonáceas do campus da UFAM e estudo fitoquímico e biológico de Ephedranthus amazonicus R. E. Fries (Annonaceae)

Alencar, Danielle Cardoso de 09 December 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Alisson Mota (alisson.davidbeckam@gmail.com) on 2015-07-17T20:18:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Danielle Cardoso de Alencar.pdf: 4414519 bytes, checksum: 63828fc402ffad2e9f1fd8bc7b49b74c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2015-07-20T13:46:55Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Danielle Cardoso de Alencar.pdf: 4414519 bytes, checksum: 63828fc402ffad2e9f1fd8bc7b49b74c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2015-07-20T13:51:32Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Danielle Cardoso de Alencar.pdf: 4414519 bytes, checksum: 63828fc402ffad2e9f1fd8bc7b49b74c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-20T13:51:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Danielle Cardoso de Alencar.pdf: 4414519 bytes, checksum: 63828fc402ffad2e9f1fd8bc7b49b74c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-09 / CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This paper presents the results of studies of the profile alkaloids in thin layer chromatography (TLC), the species Xylopia aromatica, X. excellens, X. benthamii, Annona sericea, A. ambotay, Anaxagorea brevipes, rollinia exsucca, Duguetia ulei and Ephedranthus amazonicus (Annonaceae), found in the vicinity of the Campus of the Amazon and the phytochemical and biological species Ephedranthus amazonicus R. E. Fries, Annonaceae plant belonging to the family that is distributed throughout the Amazon region is known as “envira-dura”. For the chromatographic profile of the alkaloid fractions of the species studied can be observed the presence of oxoaporphine alkaloids liriodenine and O-metylmoschatoline, regarded as one of the markers of the family Annonaceae. Preliminar analysis by FIA-ESI-IT-MS of alkaloid fractions from leaves and twigs of E. anazonicus indicated the presence of alkaloids O-metilmoschatoline and annamontine leaves, liriodenine and lisicamine in twigs, isomoschatoline and 9-metoxy-isomoschatoline in both parts of the plant, in agree with the TLC data. Other MS/MS and LC/MS analyses are necessaries for the validation of these results. Phytochemical study of methanolic extract of leaves and twigs of Ephedranthus amazonicus led to the isolation of oxoaporphine alkaloids O-metylmoschatoline, liriodenine and isomoschatoline. The identification of isolated compounds was performed by means of spectroscopic analysis (1H and 13C 1D and 2D) and comparison with literature data. The extracts and fractions of E. amazonicus tests were done to evaluate its biological activity. In cytotoxicity test on Artemia salina all extracts and fractions showed themselves active. The methanol extacts, the alkaloid fractions and isolated compounds showed antioxidant active by testing ORACFL. / Neste trabalho são apresentados os resultados dos estudos do perfil alcalóidico, em cromatografia de camada delgada (CCD), das espécies Xylopia aromatica, X. excellens, X. benthamii, Annona sericea, A. ambotay, Anaxagorea brevipes, Rollinia exsucca, Duguetia ulei e Ephedrantus amazonicus (Annonaceae), encontradas nos arredores do Campus da Universidade Federal do Amazonas e o estudo fitoquímico e biológico da espécie Ephedrantus amazonicus R. E. Fries, planta pertencente à família Annonaceae que se encontra distribuída em toda Região Amazônica sendo conhecida popularmente como “envira-dura”. Pelo perfil cromatográfico das frações alcaloídicas das espécies analisadas pode-se observar a presença dos alcalóides oxoaporfínicos liriodenina e O-metilmoschatolina, considerados como uns dos marcadores da família Annonaceae. Análises preliminares por FIA-ESI-IT-MS das frações alcaloídicas das folhas e galhos finos de E. amazonicus indicou a presença dos alcalóides O-metilmoschatolina nas folhas, liriodenina, lisicamina nos galhos finos, isomoschatolina e 9-metoxi-isomoschatolina em ambas partes da planta, em acordo com os dados das análises em CCD. Outras análises de EM/EM e CL/EM são necessários para validação destes resultados. O estudo fitoquímico do extrato metanólico das folhas e galhos finos de Ephedranthus amazonicus conduziu ao isolamento dos alcalóides oxoaporfínicos O-metilmoschatolina, liriodenina e isomoschatolina. A identificação das substâncias isoladas foi realizada por meio de análises espectroscópicas (RMN 1H e de 13C 1D e 2D) e por comparação com dados da literatura. Os extratos e frações de E. amazonicus foram submetidos a ensaios para avaliar sua atividade biológica. Em teste de citotoxicidade frente à Artemia salina todos os extratos e frações apresentaram-se ativos. Os extratos metanólicos, as frações alcaloídicas e os compostos isolados apresentaram capacidade antioxidante pelo ensaio ORACFL.

Isolamento e caracterização bioquímica e funcional de L-aminoácido oxidase do veneno de \'Bothrops atrox\' / Isolation and characterization of an L-amino acid oxidase from Bothrops atrox snake venom

Raquel de Melo Alves 16 March 2007 (has links)
Os venenos de serpentes são ricos em proteínas, enzimas e peptídeos biologicamente ativos. Diversas enzimas tais como fosfolipases A2 (PLA2s), metaloproteases (MP), L-aminoácido oxidases (LAAOs) são responsáveis pelo quadro clínico do envenenamento ofídico. Atualmente, o isolamento e a caracterização funcional e estrutural destas enzimas têm auxiliado na compreensão do mecanismo de ação destas toxinas e nas formas alternativas de tratamento. Além disso, estas enzimas se tornaram valiosas ferramentas de aplicação biotecnológica, na busca de novos fármacos de interesse na clínica médica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi isolar e caracterizar bioquímica e funcionalmente a L-aminoácido oxidase do veneno de Bothrops atrox. O isolamento da LAAO de B. atrox (LAAOBatrox) envolveu três etapas cromatográficas: a exclusão molecular em Sephadex G-75, troca iônica em ES-502N utilizando CLAE e, por último, a cromatografia de afinidade com uso da Lentil-Lectina, conferindo um alto grau de pureza à proteína confirmado por SDS-PAGE. Após a caracterização bioquímica, a LAAOBatrox demonstrou ser uma glicoproteína com 12% de açúcar, massa molecular relativa de 67.000 e pI de 4,4 confirmando seu caráter ácido pela composição em aminoácidos, predominando Asx (Ácido aspártico ou asparagina) e Glx (Ácido glutâmico ou glutamina). LAAOBatrox apresentou especificidade de substrato para L-Met e L-Leu. Com o seqüenciamento dos peptídeos trípticos internos e em comparação com as LAAOs de outros venenos, a LAAOBatrox apresentou homologia de 100% com LAAOs isoladas de B. moojeni e B. jararacussu e apresentou sequenciamento N-terminal de ADDN-NPLEE-NIRRDD que é homólogo ao das LAAOs já descritas. A LAAOBatrox apresentou atividade edematogênica moderada quando comparada ao veneno bruto, atividade coagulante baixa sobre o plasma humano citratado, atividade de agregação plaquetária sendo que 25µg/mL foi capaz de agregar aproximadamente 100% de plaquetas, onde o efeito obtido pela proteína pode ser devido à liberação de H2O2, sendo que a catalase foi adicionada ao meio tratado com LAAOBatrox e o efeito de agregação plaquetária obtido foi próximo à 0%. LAAOBatrox apresentou efeito citotóxico sobre diferentes linhagens tumorais: B16F10 onde as células apresentaram 70% de morte por apoptose e PC12 que apresentaram uma viabilidade celular de 20% após o tratamento com a enzima. LAAOBatrox não apresentou efeito citotóxico significativo sobre células normais. Portanto, a LAAOBatrox consiste de uma enzima multifuncional que poderá servir como ferramenta para investigação dos processos celulares que estão envolvidos no envenenamento. / Snake venoms are rich in proteins, enzymes and biological active peptides. Many enzymes, like phospholipases A2, metalloproteinases, L-amino acid oxidases are responsible by clinical aspects of ophidian poisoning. Nowadays, isolation and the functional and structural characterizations of these enzymes have been useful to elucidate their mechanisms of action. Besides, these enzymes have great value for biotechnology on searching of new molecules for medicine development. The aim of this work was isolate Lamino acid oxidase from B. atrox venom (LAAOBatrox) and characterize biochemical and functionally LAAOBatrox. The isolation consisted of 3 chromatographic steps: molecular exclusion using a G-75 Sephadex column, ion exchange using ES-502N column in HPLC and affinity chromatography with Lentil-Lectin column. Afterward, LAAOBatrox was analyzed by SDS-PAGE to confirm an expected high purity level. Biochemical characterization showed LAAOBatrox is a glycoprotein of 12% sugar-containing with relative molecular weight of 67000, pI estimated in 4,4 pointing to acid character due to its amino acids composition, rich for Asx and Glx residues. LAAOBatrox displays high specificity to hydrophobic L-amino acids (best substrates: L-Met and L-Leu). The Nterminal amino acid sequence (ADDN-NPLEE-NIRRDD) and the internal peptide sequences showed close structural homology to other snake venom L-amino acid oxidades, presenting 100% homology to LAAO from B. moojeni and B. jararacussu. This enzyme induces moderate edema compared to crude venom, low coagulating activity in human plasma and 100% of in vitro platelet aggregation induction with 25 g/mL, but this can be due to H2O2 production by LAAOs once added catalase has inhibited aggregation induced by LAAOBatrox and the effect was close to 0%. LAAOBatrox presents citotoxicity effect for tumor cell lines: 70% of death by apoptosis in B16F10 and 20% cellular viability for PC12, after LAAOBatrox treatment. LAAOBatrox did not display citotoxicity effect in normal cells (peripheral blood mononuclear cells). Thus, LAAOBatrox is a multifunctional enzyme of huge potential for investigation of cellular processes involved on poisoning and also for developing new medicines.

Atividades antibacteriana e citotóxica de um complexo de Au(III) contendo ligante pirrolil-imina / Antibacterial and cytotoxic activities of a Au(III) complex with pyrrolyl-imine ligand

Profirio, Daniel de Moraes, 1989- 25 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: André Luiz Barboza Formiga / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Química / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T06:44:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Profirio_DanieldeMoraes_M.pdf: 7198649 bytes, checksum: 018efc71d59b6427976118e0cc5f772a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Neste trabalho realizou-se a síntese de três ligantes contendo a unidade pirrolil-imina e de um complexo de Au(III). Os ligantes foram sintetizados partindo-se do pirrol-2-carboxaldeído e etilenodiamina ou orto-fenilenodiamina, obtendo-se assim o N,N'-bis(pirrol-2-il-metileno) etano-1,2-diamina (pyren), o N,N'-bis(pirrol-2-il-metileno)benzeno-1,2-diamina (bis-pyrophen), o N-(pirrol-2-il-metileno)benzeno-1,2-diamina (monopyrophen) e o complexo [Au(pyren)]PF6 como produtos. Os compostos foram caracterizados por análise elementar, MS, espectroscopia no IV e UV-Visível, RMN de H, C e HMBC H-N, cálculos teóricos por DFT e TD-DFT. Foram realizados também ensaios antibacterianos e citotóxicos com o complexo [Au(pyren)] e com o ligante pyren, sendo que o complexo apresentou maior atividade em ambos os ensaios comparado ao ligante. Com isso um mecanismo de ação via interação com o DNA foi investigado por estudos de fluorescência, ensaios de competição com brometo de etídio e espectroscopia de dicroísmo circular, revelando que o DNA é um possível alvo biológico do complexo / Abstract: In this work the syntheses of three ligands containing the pyrrolyl-imine unit and a Au(III) complex were performed. The ligands were synthesized starting from pyrrole-2-carboxaldehyde and ethylenediamine or ortho-phenylenediamine, to obtain N,N¿-bis (pyrrol-2-yl-methylene)ethane- 1,2-diamine (pyren), N,N¿-bis(pyrrol-2-yl-methylene)benzene-1,2-diamine (bis-pyrophen), N-(pyrrol-2-yl-methylene)benzene-1,2-diamine (mono-pyrophen) and the complex [Au(pyren)]PF6 as products. The compounds were characterized by elemental analysis, MS, IR, UV-Visible, H, C and (H-N) HMBC NMR spectroscopies and theoretical calculations by DFT and TD-DFT. Cytotoxic and antibacterial assays with [Au(pyren)] and the free ligand pyren were performed, and the complex showed a higher activity in both cases in comparison to the ligand. A mechanism of action via interaction with DNA was investigated by fluorescence techniques, competition studies with ethidium bromide and circular dichroism spectroscopy, showing that DNA is a potential biological target for the complex / Mestrado / Quimica Inorganica / Mestre em Química

Buddlejol, a new alpha-chymotrypsin inhibitor from Buddleja asiatica

Khan, F.A., Khan, N.M., Khan, H.U., Khan, S., Ali, N., Ahmad, S., Maitland, Derek J. January 2015 (has links)
No / Buddlejol (1), a new sterol, has been isolated from the ethyl acetate soluble fraction of the antispasmodic plant Buddleja asiatica along with stigmasterol (2), lignoceric acid (3), taraxerol (4) and alpha-amyrin (5), respectively. The structure of Buddlejol (1) was established as (24S)-stigmast-5,22-diene-7 beta-ethoxy-3 beta-ol by spectral analysis and comparison with closely related structures. Buddlejol revealed to be a competitive inhibitor of chymotrypsin with the Ki value of 10.60 A mu M as indicated by Lineweaver-Burk and Dixon plots and their re-plots against its chymotrypsin inhibition assay, while the other compounds showed less inhibitory potential. The bioassay-guided isolation was stimulated by the preliminary cytotoxic screening of various fractions of B. asiatica.

Targeting strategies using B-subunit of Shiga toxin : innovative drug-delivery systems / Stratégies de vectorisation par la sous-unité B de la toxine de Shiga : systèmes de libération d’agents cytotoxiques innovants

Batisse, Cornélie 28 January 2015 (has links)
Les stratégies thérapeutiques mises en place contre le cancer ont de nos jours besoin de nouveaux médicaments, à la fois plus actifs que ceux déjà existants et induisant moins d’effets secondaires. Ces nouvelles stratégies visent à cibler spécifiquement les cellules cancéreuses. Parmi ces stratégies, ces travaux de thèse concernent la vectorisation active, à l’aide d’un vecteur protéique dérivé de la toxine de Shiga, STxB. STxB reconnait spécifiquement son récepteur biologique Gb3, surexprimé à la surface des cellules cancéreuses humaines. Ce projet de recherche porte sur la conception et la synthèse de conjugués, combinant STxB et un agent cytotoxique. Le linker chimique, qui relie ces deux espèces, a été soigneusement conçu pour respecter les deux critères suivants : être suffisamment stable et néanmoins pouvoir être clivé pour libérer l’agent cytotoxique une fois les cellules cancéreuses atteintes. Un premier linker a été construit autour du motif mercaptoethanol, lié au vecteur STxB par une liaison disulfure. La libération de l’agent cytotoxique peut donc être initiée par un réducteur biologique comme le glutathion, puis par une étape d’auto-immolation. Ce linker a été appliqué à deux composés cytotoxiques très puissants, dérivés de l’auristatine, et a conduit à des résultats prometteurs in vitro. La labilité de la liaison ester à pH acide a également été mise à profit dans l’élaboration de deux linkers, conçus autour de motifs glutamate et thréoninate. L’utilisation d’un agent cytotoxique modérément puissant a été l’occasion de développer une stratégie de multivalence, consistant à augmenter la charge d’agents cytotoxiques sur STxB. Une autre option a été de considérer les nano-batônnets d’or comme une plate-forme nanométrique multimodale, capable de lier plusieurs milliers d’agents cytotoxiques et STxB. Enfin l’incorporation d’une séquence peptidique, connue pour être substrat d’une protéase, a donné lieu à une troisième étude, reposant sur un linker clivable plus sélectivement. Plusieurs linkers ont été étudiées, selon qu’ils libèrent l’agent cytotoxique sous sa forme native ou non. / We need new therapeutic strategies to treat cancerous patients by the discovery of new drugs that would be more active than those existing and especially assigning fewer side effects. These new therapies aim to specifically target cancer cells. Among the strategies for cancer targeting, we investigated drug-targeted strategies using a proteic carrier, STxB, derived from Shiga toxin. This protein recognizes specifically its biological receptor Gb3, which is over-expressed on human cancer cells. This work consisted in the design and synthesis of conjugates combining STxB and a cytotoxic drug. The chemical linker binding these two moieties was carefully designed in order to fit requirements of both stability and ability to trigger a drug-delivery. A first linker was designed around a mercaptoethanol core, able to be conjugated to STxB by a disulfide bond. This constitutes a drug-delivery trigger, activated by a biological reducing agent such as glutathion, and followed by a self-immolative step. Two highly potent conjugates of auristatin derivatives were obtained and showed promising results in vitro. The ester bonds lability in acidic pH was exploited for the design of two amino acid based linker. With the aim of increasing the ratio of drug on STxB, we investigated several multivalent linkers. Another option was to consider gold nanorods as a nanometric platform, able to carry thousands of drugs and STxB. The incorporation of a protease substrate to produce an enzyme-cleavable linker was investigated. Several spacers, which induced release of the drug under native form or under prodrug form, were designed and tested.

Etude chimiotaxonomique et activité biologique des métabolites secondaires des plantes du genre Eryngium / Chemotaxonomic study and biological activity of secondary metabolites of Eryngium species

Landoulsi, Ameni 20 December 2016 (has links)
Le genre Eryngium L. (Apiaceae, Saniculoideae) comprend plus de 250 espèces utilisées en médecine traditionnelle à travers le monde. En Tunisie il existe seulement huit espèces : E. barrelieri Boiss., E. campestre L., E. dichotomum Desf., E. glomeratum Lamk., E. ilicifolium Lamk., E. maritimum L., E. tricuspidatum L. et E. triquetrum Vahl. ; ces espèces sont en majorité peu étudiées du point de vue phytochimique. La présente étude a été effectuée sur la totalité des Eryngium qui poussent en Tunisie dans le but d’évaluer leurs activités biologiques, essentiellement antimicrobienne contre des microorganismes multirésistants et producteurs de béta-lactamases à spectres étendus (BLSE), mais aussi phototoxique et cytotoxique ainsi que la variabilité chimique par analyse par GC-FID et GC-MS des extraits les plus actifs.Toutes les espèces étudiées étaient dotées d’un pouvoir antimicrobien (1,25 à 0,07 mg/mL) et cytotoxique (24,4 à 0,32 µg/mL) considérable. Le criblage de l’activité phototoxique a permis de mettre en évidence la richesse de ces plantes en composés photoréactifs antimicrobiens potentiellement intéressants pour leur efficacité d’action et l’élargissement du spectre d’activité antimicrobienne.L’analyse des extraits actifs apolaires a permis d’étudier la variabilité chimique entre les différentes espèces et la mise en évidence de la présence majoritaire de composés antimicrobiens notamment des sesquiterpènes oxygénés tels que le spathulénol, le lédol, l’α-bisabolol et le cubénol, et des sesquiterpènes hydrocarbonés comme le β-bisabolène et le copaène ; et cytotoxiques tel que le falcarinol.Une étude phytochimique approfondie a été réalisée sur les racines d’E. triquetrum afin d’extraire, isoler par des essais bio-guidés et identifier les composés actifs. Le fractionnement a été optimisé par des chromatographies sur colonnes, CPC et CLHP. Parmi les composés identifiés deux polyacétylènes, le panaxydiol et le falcarinol, ont montré un fort pouvoir antimicrobien et une spécificité d’action notamment contre les souches de Pseudomonas aeruginosa BLSE et multirésistantes, avec des CMI allant jusqu’à 0,25 ng/mL et une activité en majorité bactéricide. / The genus Eryngium L., (Apiaceae, Saniculoideae) comprises more than 250 flowering plant species, which are commonly used as medicinal plants in different countries. Only eight species are growing in Tunisia: E. barrelieri Boiss., E. campestre L., E. dichotomum Desf., E. glomeratum Lamk., E. ilicifolium Lamk., E. maritimum L., E. tricuspidatum L. et E. triquetrum Vahl. These species are used in traditional medicine and there are relatively few papers on the phytochemical investigations of most of them. This study was performed on all Eryngium species growing in Tunisia in order to evaluate their chemical variability using GC-FID and GC-MS analyses and their biological activities, mainly antimicrobial against multiresistant microorganisms and extended spectrum beta-lactamase producing bacteria (ESBL), and also phototoxic and cytotoxic effects.All investigated species showed considerable antimicrobial effect with MIC value ranging between 1,25 and 0,07 mg/mL and important cytotoxic activity against J774 tumoral cells with IC50 from 24,4 to 0,32 µg/mL. Phototoxic investigation demonstrated a significant photoactive inhibitory effects against tested pathogenic microorganisms.GC–MS analysis of the most active crude extracts (petroleum ether extracts) revealed their high content of antimicrobial agents particularly oxygenated sesquiterpenes such as spathulenol, ledol, α-bisabolol and cubenol, and hydrocarbon sesquiterpenes such as β-bisabolene and copaene; and cytotoxic components such as falcarinol.The chemical investigation and bio-guided isolation of active compounds of the selected crude extract of E. triquetrum roots were performed using column chromatography, centrifugal partition chromatography (CPC) and preparative high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). among purified components, two bioactive polyacetylenes, panaxydiol and falcarinol, showed a great antimicrobial activity mainly against multiresistant and ESBL producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa with MIC value up to 0,25 ng/ml and a mostly bactericidal effect.

Exploration fonctionnelle de l'activité cytotoxique de lymphocytes T humains en contexte de pathologie et de thérapie / Functional exploration of the cytotoxic activity of human T lymphocytes in the context of pathology and therapy

Guipouy, Delphine 18 December 2017 (has links)
Plusieurs populations de cellules immunitaires possèdent une activité cytotoxique permettant l'élimination de cellules altérées. Cette fonction cellulaire est ainsi déterminante dans le contrôle des infections, des processus tumoraux, ou encore des maladies inflammatoires chroniques. Mon projet de thèse se concentre sur des aspects fondamentaux de l'activité lytique de deux populations de lymphocytes T cytotoxiques : les lymphocytes T CD8+ et les lymphocytes T CD4+ régulateurs de type 1. Pour cela, l'exploration des mécanismes de cette activité a été conduite au travers de deux modèles, pathologique et thérapeutique, à différentes échelles biologiques : au niveau de la population ou de la cellule individuelle, mais aussi différentes échelles d'organisations moléculaires : cellulaire et nanoscopique. Nous avons pu démontrer que l'activité de lyse de lymphocytes T CD8+ cytotoxiques face à un excès de cellules cibles est efficace sur des temps prolongés, reposant sur une capacité individuelle fortement hétérogène à effectuer une lyse multiple. L'importance de cette activité de lyse soutenue a été renforcée par l'identification d'un défaut lytique particulièrement prononcé sur le long- terme chez des lymphocytes T CD8+ issus de patients atteints du syndrome de Wiskott-Aldrich. Ce défaut est lié à une activation réduite de l'intégrine LFA-1 et un délai dans la délivrance du coup létal. De plus, la protéine WASP permet de restreindre LFA-1 de haute-affinité en nanoclusters denses ainsi que de permettre l'organisation en un ring de LFA-1 et la localisation des granules lytiques à l'intérieur de celui-ci. Par ailleurs, les lymphocytes T CD4+ régulateurs de type 1 développés dans le cadre d'une thérapie cellulaire (Ovasave(r)) démontrent une capacité de lyse envers les cellules myéloïdes, en complément d'une activité immunosuppressive sur les lymphocytes T conventionnels. Cette activité est mise en place sur du long-terme, jusqu'à atteindre une efficacité optimale, lié à un délai dans la délivrance du coup létal. De manière surprenante, malgré une spécificité pour l'ovalbumine, l'activité cytotoxique semble être indépendante de l'activation du TCR. En outre, la lyse est granzyme-dépendante mais perforine-indépendante. Ainsi ces lymphocytes T thérapeutiques manifestent une activité cytotoxique alternative. Pour conclure, mon projet de thèse a permis de caractériser une activité de lyse soutenue basée sur une capacité individuelle hétérogène. Cette habilité à soutenir une lyse sur du long-terme implique une stabilité de la synapse, où WASP joue notamment un rôle clé pour l'activation et l'organisation de LFA-1. Les lymphocytes T régulateurs thérapeutiques démontrent aussi une activité de lyse soutenue, cependant les acteurs moléculaires sont non conventionnels. De manière générale, une activité de lyse soutenue permettrait de calibrer une réponse cytotoxique prolongée en rapport à la taille de la population cible, ainsi que le partage avec d'autres fonctions cellulaires comme la sécrétion de cytokines. / During different pathological conditions such as infections, tumoral processes or chronic inflammation diseases, altered cells are eliminated through a cytotoxic activity mediated by several immune cell populations. This cellular function is therefore crucial for carrying out the action of the immune system. My thesis project focuses on fundamental aspects of the lytic activity of two cytotoxic lymphocyte populations: CD8+ T cells and type-1 CD4+ regulatory T cells. To explore the mechanisms of this activity, this study has been driven on two cases, pathological and therapeutic models, at the population and single-cell levels and also at the cellular and nanoscopic scales of the molecular organisation. We have been able to demonstrate that the CD8+ T cell lysis activity against an excess of target cells is effective over prolonged periods, relying on a highly heterogeneous individual capacity to perform multiple lysis. The importance of this sustained cytotoxic activity was reinforced by the identification of a lytic defect, particularly pronounced on a long time period, of CD8+ T cells from Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome patients. This defect is related to a reduced activation of the LFA-1 integrin and delay in the lethal hit delivery. In addition, the WASP protein allows to restrict high affinity LFA-1 to dense nanoclusters as well as the assembly of LFA- 1 ring and the localization of the lytic granules inside this ring. Moreover, type-1 CD4+ regulatory T cells from a cellular therapy (Ovasave(r)) demonstrated a cytotoxic activity toward myeloid cells, additionally to an immunosuppressive activity on conventional T cells. This activity is implemented over long time periods, until reaching optimal efficiency, and is related to a delay in the lethal hit delivery. Surprisingly, despite a specificity for ovalbumin, the cytotoxic activity measured in absence of the antigen suggests a TCR independence. In addition, lysis is not mediated by perforin but is exclusively granzyme-dependent. Thus, these therapeutic T cells exhibit an alternative cytotoxic activity. To conclude, my thesis project permits to characterize a sustained lysis activity relying on a heterogeneous individual capacity. This ability to sustain a lytic activity involves stability of the synapse, where WASP plays a key role towards the activation and organization of LFA-1. The therapeutic regulatory T lymphocytes also demonstrated a sustained cytotoxic activity, however the molecular actors are unconventional. On the whole, sustained lytic activity would be key to the calibration of cytotoxic responses in relation to the size of the target population, as well as sharing with other cellular functions such as cytokine secretion.

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