Spelling suggestions: "subject:"biowin"" "subject:"corwin""
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Darwinismo estendido : em busca de uma teoria de genes e de formasSilva, Mariane Tavares da January 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Charles Morphy D. Santos / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino, História, Filosofia das Ciências e Matemática, 2014. / Desde a publicação da obra máxima de Charles Darwin, On the origin of species, em meados do século XIX, a teoria da evolução tem passado por inúmeras reinterpretações e refinamentos. O objetivo principal do presente trabalho foi o de estabelecer os fundamentos conceituais para um Darwinismo Estendido, a partir de elementos da Síntese Estendida da Evolução, e definir os limites para uma extensão / ressignificação da teoria evolutiva. São também discutidas as bases para uma teoria da evolução que relacione o darwinismo tradicional com alguns dos seus importantes desdobramentos dos últimos cinquenta anos, tais como a biologia evolutiva do desenvolvimento, herança epigenética, a plasticidade fenotípica e a auto-organização de sistemas complexos. Partindo de uma análise geral dos requisitos conceituais de um Darwinismo Estendido, foi realizada uma análise histórica do conceito de evolução, discutindo a necessidade de uma nova teoria evolutiva estendida. Além disso, o conceito central do darwinismo ortodoxo, a seleção natural, foi rediscutido à luz dos desenvolvimentos recentes da teoria evolutiva. Em um Darwinismo Estendido, o mecanismo da seleção natural perde o seu potencial criativo, como era considerado na Síntese Moderna dos anos 1930-1940, e passa a atuar apenas a partir da variação determinada tanto pelo acaso (por mutações e recombinações cromossômicas), quanto por fatores como auto-organização e módulos dinâmicos. O controverso conceito de espécie também foi discutido aqui em um contexto que procura levar em conta a natureza contínua do processo evolutivo. Por fim, foram apresentadas algumas possíveis repercussões de um Darwinismo Estendido para o quadro conceitual epistemológico da teoria evolutiva. / Since the publication of Charles Darwin's masterpiece, On the origin of species, in the mid nineteenth century, the theory of evolution has gone through numerous reinterpretations and refinements. The main objective of the present work was to establish the conceptual foundations for an Extended Darwinism, based on elements from the Extended Synthesis of Evolution, and to define the limits toward an extension / reframing of the evolutionary theory. It was also discussed the basis for a theory of evolution which relates the traditional Darwinism with some of their important developments of the last fifty years, such as evolutionary developmental biology, epigenetic inheritance, phenotypic plasticity and self-organization of complex systems. Starting with an overview of the conceptual requirements of an Extended Darwinism, a historical analysis of the concept of evolution was performed, discussing the need for a new extended evolutionary theory. Moreover, the central concept of the orthodox Darwinism, natural selection, was revisited in light of recent developments in evolutionary theory. In an Extended Darwinism, the mechanism of natural selection loses its creative potential, as was considered Modern Synthesis during the 1930-1940s, and begins to act only from variation determined by chance (mutations and chromosomal recombinations), as well as by factors such as self-organization and dynamic modules. The controversial species concept was also discussed here in a context that seeks to take into account the continuous nature of the evolutionary process. Finally, some of the possible repercussions of an Extended Darwinism to the epistemological conceptual framework of the evolutionary theory were presented.
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Wassily kandinsky y la evolución de la forma: fundamentos teóricos para presenciar el espacio y el tiempoMaltas i Mercader, Antoni 09 November 2009 (has links)
¿Es posible abordar cuestiones pictóricas en Kandinsky en función del tiempo más bien que del espacio?, ¿cómo puede el tiempo ser la medida de un trabajo de Kandinsky cuando lo pictórico se manifiesta básicamente por una extensión sobre un soporte material?En Cours du Bauhaus, una recopilación de anotaciones de Kandinsky, aparecen términos como origen, transformación, adaptación, movimiento, evolución, etc. Son conceptos extraídos de estudios y experimentos vinculados con las ciencias de la naturaleza. Kandinsky traslada los resultados de la experimentación sobre las transformaciones que se dan en los organismos vivos al trabajo pictórico. Manuscritos de Kandinsky publicados recientemente confirman su interés por las teorías evolucionistas. Kandinsky conocía los principios postulados por Darwin. Si bien parece que acepta la idea darwiniana de un antepasado común, en un texto de Punkt und Linie afirmará que las leyes que rigen las semejanzas formales en los seres vivos no son directamente aplicables al trabajo artístico.En una anotación de Cours du Bauhaus destaca la importancia del vitalismo, una doctrina que sostiene que los fenómenos vitales poseen un carácter singular y específico que les aleja de toda concepción que los reduce a fenómenos mecánicos o físico-químicos. La referencia bibliográfica de este apunte es Die Kultur der Gegenwart, la misma publicación de la que extrae algunos de los esquemas que aparecen en Punkt und Linie. Es la única vez que aparece el nombre de Henri Bergson en un texto de Kandinsky.Kandinsky elabora un sistema de representación a partir de unos escritos teóricos que ven en el cambio la realidad más profunda de las cosas, una gramática formal en la que la evolución de la forma sustituya a cada una de las formas realizadas una a continuación de otra, y en la que en el movimiento haya más que en las sucesivas posiciones de un móvil. La teoría darwiniana de la selección natural intentaba explicar la adaptación de las especies al medio. Kandinsky definirá unas leyes que regulen la adaptación de los elementos formales entre sí. Una forma es el resultado de una mutua adaptación entre lo material y lo psicológico. Kandinsky introduce en algunos de sus trabajos un artificio que suscita movimiento: el péndulo, un aparato que se adapta perfectamente a los mecanismos que nuestro intelecto usa para reproducir el movimiento. El péndulo se adecua al yo interior del observador, lugar donde se da el tiempo verdadero, nunca fuera de éste. El péndulo es, en el sistema kandinskyano, el elemento formal paradigmático del movimiento.La gramática kandinskyana no se basa en unas leyes que requieran un conocimiento previo. Los contornos de los elementos formales son lo suficientemente permeables para que nuestro yo inserte su acción y los modifique según sus necesidades. Kandinsky no pretende mostrarnos unos acontecimientos, sino que asistamos a ellos; no debemos observar algo que acontece delante nuestro, porque lo que acontece ante nosotros somos nosotros mismos. Presenciamos un balanceo entre dos extremos aparentemente opuestos; a continuación presenciamos el cambio, nos instalamos en el movimiento. Es el momento de la adaptación recíproca entre nuestro tiempo y el de la composición. El lenguaje kandinskyano, basado en la acción, se conjuga en presente.Concluiremos que dibujo de Kandinsky no es la representación de algo estable, sino una sucesión de vistas: el resultado de un esfuerzo para situarse en el devenir. Aunque estamos sobre un soporte material, las formas todavía no han perdido su contacto con el movimiento. Los elementos formales que percibimos se dan en el devenir. Son dibujos que se hunden más en una dimensión temporal que espacial: duran porque los hacemos durar en nuestra duración. Concluiremos, también, que Essai sur les données immédiates de la conscience, "Introduction à la métaphysique" y L'Évolution créatrice, escritos de Bergson, son fuentes primarias que configuran el trabajo de Kandinsky. / It is possible to raise pictorial questions in Kandinsky depending on the time rather than the space? How can time be the measure of a Kandinsky work when the pictorial becomes basically apparent by an extension on a material support?In Cours du Bauhaus, a compilation of Kandinsky notes, appear terms such origin, transformation, adaptation, movement, evolution, etc. There are concepts extracted from studies and experiments linked with natural sciences. Kandisnky transfers the results of the experimentation about transformations that arise in alive organisms in pictorial work. Kandinsky manuscripts recently published, confirm his interest about evolutionist theories. Kandinsky knew the principles proposed by Darwin. Although seems that he accepts the Darwinian idea of a common ancestor, in a text of Punkt und Linie will assert that laws that govern the formal similarities between living beings, are not directly applicable in artistic work. In a Cours du Bauhaus note emphasizes the importance of the vitalism, a doctrine that supports that vital phenomenons have a singular and specific character that moves away every conception that reduces to mechanical or physic-chemical phenomenons. The bibliographic reference of this note is Die Kultur der Gegenwart, the same publication of which he extracts some of the outlines that appear in Punkt und Linie. It is the only time that appears the name of Herni Bergson in a Kandinsky text.Kandinsky develops a representation system from a theoretical writings that see in the change the deeper reality of things, a formal grammar in which evolution form will substitute each forms made one following the other, and in which the movement has more than in the successive positions of a mobile. Darwinian natural selection theory, tried to explain species adaptation to environment. Kandisnky will define laws which will regulate adaptation between formal elements. One shape is the result of a mutual adaptation between the material and the psychological. Kandinsky introduces in some of his works a device that causes movement: the pendulum, a device that fits perfectly to the mechanisms that our intellect uses to reproduce movement. The pendulum is adapted to the observer's interior self, a place where the given time is true, never outside this one. The pendulum is in the Kandinskyan system, the paradigmatic formal element of the movement.Kandinskyan grammar is not based in laws that require a previous knowledge. The outlines of the formal elements are enough permeable to make one self insert its action and modify it according to his needs. Kandinsky does not pretend to show us some events but to attend them; we do not have to observe something that happens in front of us, because what happens in front of us is ourselves. We witness a swing between two ends apparently opposites, then we witness the change, we are in the movement. Is the moment of the reciprocal adaptation between our and the composition time. Kandinskyan language, based on the action, combines in present.We will conclude saying that a Kandinsky drawing is not a representation of something steady but a views succession: the result of an effort placed in the future. Although we are on a material support, the shapes had not lost their contact with movement yet. The formal elements we perceive are given in the future. Are drawings that sink in a temporal dimension rather than a space dimension: they last because we make them last in our duration. We will end also saying: Essai sur les données immédiates de la conscience, "Introduction à la métaphysisque" and L'Évolution créatice, Bergson documents, are primary sources that configure Kandinsky work.
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Astrophysical studies of extrasolar planetary systems using infrared interferometric techniquesAbsil, Olivier 17 March 2006 (has links) (PDF)
L'étude des systèmes planétaires extrasolaires a considérablement fleuri durant les vingt dernières années, stimulée par la découverte de poussières circumstellaires et de planètes extrasolaires autour d'étoiles de la séquence principale. Cependant, l'imagerie directe de ces systèmes planétaires n'a été jusqu'à présent possible que dans certains cas particuliers à cause de l'important contraste et de la faible distance angulaire entre les étoiles et leur environnement. Même dans ces cas favorables, les régions internes où les planètes rocheuses sont censées se former et où la vie pourrait se développer n'ont pu être étudiées jusqu'ici de par l'absence d'outils appropriés. L'interférométrie infrarouge est une technique très prometteuse dans ce contexte, car elle fournit la résolution angulaire nécessaire pour séparer le rayonnement des étoiles et de leur voisinage immédiat.<br />Le présent travail vise à développer les capacités d'imagerie à haute dynamique des techniques interférométriques pour la caractérisation des systèmes planétaires. Dans un premier temps, nous démontrons que les facilités interférométriques actuelles ont le potentiel de détecter la présence de poussières dans les premières unités astronomiques des disques de débris massifs autour d'étoiles proches. Nos observations de Véga avec le recombinateur infrarouge proche FLUOR installé sur l'interféromètre CHARA révèlent la présence de poussières chaudes responsables d'une émission représentant seulement 1/78ème du rayonnement stellaire en bande K. Dans le but d'étendre l'imagerie des systèmes planétaires à des disques plus ténus et aux planètes extrasolaires, nous étudions ensuite les performances au sol de futurs interféromètres en mode destructif en tenant compte de façon réaliste des effets de l'atmosphère. Nos simulations montrent qu'un instrument installé à l'interféromètre du Very Large Telescope de l'ESO et fonctionnant en mode destructif pourrait détecter des structures circumstellaires aussi faibles que quelques 10^-4 fois le flux stellaire. Finalement, la troisième partie de ce travail se concentre sur l'implémentation de l'interférométrie en mode destructif sur des futures missions spatiales, dans le but de caractériser des planètes extrasolaires aussi petites que la Terre.
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The Embodied Imagination: British Romantic Cognitive ScienceRobertson, Lisa Ann Unknown Date
No description available.
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Secret life of wounded spaces: traumascapes in the contemporary AustraliaTumarkin, Maria M. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
The title of this thesis borrows the notion of ‘wounded space’ from anthropologist and historian Deborah Bird Rose. The work’s central aspiration is to initiate a conversation about the power and fate of physical settings of traumatic events, and, in particular, about the cultural work such places can be seen to perform in the contemporary Western world. My focus is on ‘traumascapes’ places that are traditionally described and understood as haunted. I use the notion of traumascapes as a means of historicising haunting and haunted places and of recognising them as an integral part of our landscapes and lived sociality. (For complete abstract open document)
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Calcareous nannofossil and foraminiferal analysis of the middle to upper cretaceous Bathurst Island Group, Northern Bonaparte Basin and Darwin Shelf, Northern AustraliaCampbell, Robert John January 2003 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] The Northern Bonaparte Basin and adjacent Darwin Shelf form part of a major petroleum province on the northwestern margin of Australia. The middle to Late Cretaceous Bathurst Island Group consists of siliciclastic and pelagic carbonate strata that form the regional seal to underlying Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous reservoir sandstones. The Bathurst Island Group has previously been subdivided into four stratigraphic sequences or ‘play intervals’ bound by regional disconformities in the Valanginian (KV horizon), Lower Aptian (KA horizon), upper Lower Cenomanian (KC horizon), Middle Campanian (KSC horizon), and at the CretaceousPaleocene boundary (T horizon). Correlation of these sedimentary packages and stratigraphic surfaces requires high-resolution calcareous microfossil biostratigraphy, while palaeobathymetric determinations based on benthonic foraminiferal assemblages are important for determining the subsidence history of the area and relative sea-level changes. This study presents the first detailed stratigraphic distributions, taxonomic lists and illustrations of foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils from the Bathurst Island Group of the Northern Bonaparte Basin and Darwin Shelf. A biostratigraphic framework has been constructed for the study area incorporating ‘standard’ (Tethyan) Cretaceous planktonic foraminiferal and calcareous nannofossil events where applicable, and integrating locally defined events where necessary. This framework allows Cretaceous strata to be correlated regionally across the study area and to the global chronostratigraphic scale. Correlation of the Northern Bonaparte Basin and Darwin Shelf strata to the Cretaceous Stages and international time scale is based on recent ties of nannofossil and foraminiferal events to macrofossil zones and palaeomagnetic polarity chrons at ratified and proposed Global Stratotype Sections and Points (GSSPs). Calcareous nannofossil events recorded in the study area that are critical for defining stage boundaries include the lowest occurrences of Prediscosphaera columnata, Micula decussata, Lithastrinus grillii, and Aspidolithus parcus parcus, and the highest occurrences of Helenea chiastia, Lithastrinus moratus, Aspidolithus parcus constrictus, and Eiffellithus eximius. Important planktonic foraminiferal events for correlation include the lowest occurrences of Rotalipora gr. globotruncanoides, and Dicarinella asymetrica, and the highest occurrences of Planomalina buxtorfi, Rotalipora cushmani, and Dicarinella asymetrica. During the middle to Late Cretaceous the Northern Bonaparte Basin and Darwin Shelf occupied mid-high palaeolatitudes between 35ºS to 45ºS. These palaeolatitudes are reflected in the transitional character of the planktonic microfossil assemblages, which combine elements of the low-latitude, warm-water Tethyan Province to the north and the cool-water high-latitude Austral Province to the south. ‘Standard’ Tethyan zonations are most applicable for uppermost AlbianMiddle Campanian strata because equator-to-pole temperature gradients were weakly developed, and global climate was warm and equable during this interval. These conditions resulted in broad latitudinal distributions for Tethyan marker species, and consequently most UC calcareous nannofossil zones and European-Mediterranean planktonic foraminiferal zones are recognised. In contrast, the EarlyLate Albian and the late Middle CampanianMaastrichtian were intervals of greater bioprovinciality and stronger palaeotemperature gradients. In these intervals application of the Tethyan zonations is more difficult, and a number of the Tethyan biostratigraphic markers are absent from the study area (e.g. Ticinella species in the Albian and Radotruncana calcarata in the Late Campanian). Cretaceous palaeobathymetric reconstruction of the study area is based on comparison of the foraminiferal assemblages with those of previous Cretaceous palaeobathymetric studies. Marginal marine assemblages consist solely of low diversity siliceous agglutinated foraminifera (e.g. Trochammina). Inner and middle neritic water depths (0-100 m) contain rare to common planktonic foraminifera (mainly globigerine forms), robertinids (e.g. Epistomina), siliceous agglutinates, lagenids, buliminids (e.g. Neobulimina), and rotaliids. The outer neritic zone (100-200 m water depth) contains abundant planktonic foraminifera (keeled and globigerine), calcareous agglutinates (e.g. Dorothia), and diverse lagenids, buliminids, and rotaliids. Upper-middle bathyal water depths (200-1000 m) are characterised by abundant planktonic foraminifera, common siliceous agglutinated taxa (e.g. Glomospira), rare to common Osangularia, and globular species of Gyroidinoides, Pullenia, and Paralabamina.
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The origin of science fiction in the monsters of botany : Carolus Linnaeus, Erasmus Darwin, Mary Shelley /Seligo, Carlos. January 1996 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 1996. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves [269]-287).
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Ultradarwinismo em K. R. Popper e B. F. Skinner / Ultra-darwinism in K. R. Popper and B. F. SkinnerMello, Érik Luca de 30 August 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-08-30 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / The theory of natural selection as one of the causal processes of Darwin s theory of evolution has impacted on fields of knowledge far beyond natural sciences. This extension the employment of the logic of selection in psychology and philosophy, as can be found in Popper and Skinner is usually defined as ultra-Darwinism. Darwin s ideas and their impact following the publication of The Origin of Species were approached through Ernst Mayr interpretation. The objectives of this study were: (1) to show Darwin s influence on the works of Popper and Skinner; and (2) to present a brief comparison between Popper and Skinner s points of view concerning with the fate of societies. The method employed was an aporetic one. The main results were: (1) The logic of selection makes it possible to find common epistemological features in the works of Popper and Skinner; (2) both authors hold that scientific knowledge is a means for the investigation of culture and cultural planning; (3) both authors agree that essentialistic theoretical beliefs are an obstacle for technological advances and cause of delay in the development of civilization; (4) they are contemporary with events of worldwide impact brought about by mankind throughout the twentieth century that had a great impact on their works. / A teoria da seleção natural como um dos processos causais da teoria da evolução de Darwin atingiu áreas de conhecimento bem além das ciências naturais. Essa expansão o emprego da lógica selecionista na psicologia e na filosofia, que encontramos em autores como Popper e Skinner é o que usualmente se define como ultradarwinismo. As idéias de Darwin, assim como seus efeitos após a publicação de A Origem das Espécies, foram abordadas a partir da interpretação fornecida por Ernst Mayr. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos: (1) Demonstrar a influência do autor inglês nos textos de Popper e Skinner, e (2) Apresentar breves comparações do que produziu Popper com a visão de Skinner como autores preocupados com o destino das sociedades. O método utilizado foi o aporético. Os principais resultados encontrados foram: (1) a lógica selecionista permite evidenciar elementos epistemológicos comuns nos trabalhos de Popper e de Skinner; (2) ambos os autores apontam o conhecimento científico como via de investigação e planejamento cultural; (3) ambos entendem que posições teóricas essencialistas funcionam como obstáculo para o avanço tecnológico e como causa de atraso no desenvolvimento das civilizações; (4) eles são contemporâneos de eventos de impacto mundial promovidos pelo homem no séc. XX, os quais influenciaram as teorias produzidas por ambos.
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O evolucionismo no ensino de Biologia: investigação das teorias de Lamarck e Darwin expostas nos livros didáticos de Biologia do Plano Nacional do Livro Didático do ensino médio - PNLEMMottola, Nicolau [UNESP] 02 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
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mottola_n_me_rcla.pdf: 359757 bytes, checksum: 647c20048f335ae16df7f299898b7f99 (MD5) / Analisou-se aqui o modo como o conceito de evolução, elaborado por Lamarck e Darwin, é apresentado nos livros didáticos de Biologia, selecionados pelo Programa Nacional do Livro Didático para o Ensino Médio (PNLEM), distribuídos em 2007 para todas as escolas da rede pública do Brasil. Para essa análise, foram consideradas as cinco teorias de Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882), presente em sua obra A Origem das Espécies, a saber: a evolução propriamente dita, a ancestralidade comum, o gradualismo, a multiplicação das espécies e a seleção natural. E, também, as quatro leis da transformação dos animais, de Jean Baptiste Antoine de Monet de Lamarck (1744-1829). Utilizamos os procedimentos de coleta e análise de dados com base em abordagens de natureza qualitativa. Como principais resultados encontramos uma visão reducionista da teoria transformista de Lamarck, limitada a duas leis não centrais em sua obra nem de sua autoria, bem como a presença, em algumas obras, de um antagonismo entre o lamarckismo e fundamentação científica. Com relação à obra darwiniana, constatou-se que na maioria dos livros didáticos está ausente uma referência às idéias relativas à ancestralidade comum, ao gradualismo e à multiplicação das espécies. Também foi possível observar que, em alguns manuais didáticos, há uma visão a - histórica da ciência, a falta de uma contextualização sociocultural e uma carência em relação à história e à filosofia da biologia. Nesse sentido, há um prejuízo na compreensão das idéias contidas nas obras de Lamarck e Darwin, acarretando uma limitação no entendimento do conceito de evolução / We analyzed here how the concept of evolution, developed by Lamarck and Darwin, is presented in textbooks of Biology, selected by the National Textbook Program for high school (PNLEM), selected in 2007 for all public schools in the Brazil. For this analysis, we considered the five theories of Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882), present in his work The Origin of Species, namely: the actual evolution, the common descent, the gradualism, the multiplication of species and the natural selection. Also, the four laws of transformation of animals, Jean Baptiste Antoine de Monet de Lamarck (1744-1829). We use the data collection and analysis of data based on qualitative approaches. The main results, we find a reductionist view of Lamarck's theory transvestite, limited to two laws do not even central in his work of his own, as well as the presence, in some works, an antagonism between Lamarckism and scientific reasoning. With reference to the work Darwinian, it was found that in most textbooks is missing a reference to the ideas on common ancestry, the gradualism, and the multiplication of species. Was also observed that in some textbooks, there is a vision – of historical science, the lack of a socio-cultural context and a lack in relation to history and philosophy of biology. In this sense, there is a loss to understand the ideas embodied in works of Lamarck and Darwin, leading to a limitation in understanding of the concept of evolution
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Intelligent Design in Theological PerspectiveShanks, Niall, Green, Keith 01 January 2011 (has links)
While "scientism" is typically regarded as a position about the exclusive epistemic authority of science held by a certain class of "cultured despisers" of "religion", we show that only on the assumption of this sort of view do purportedly "scientific" claims made by proponents of "intelligent design" appear to lend epistemic or apologetic support to claims affirmed about God and God's action in "creation" by Christians in confessing their "faith". On the other hand, the hermeneutical strategy that better describes the practice and method of Christian theologians, from the inception of theological reflection in the Christian tradition, acknowledges the epistemic authority of the best available tests for truth in areas of human inquiry such as science and history. But this strategy does not assume that such tests, whose authority must be regarded as provisional, provides authority for the warrant of affirming claims constituting the confessed "faith". By attributing theological import to claims advanced by appeal to the best available tests for truth in the practice of science, supporters of ID not only confuse the epistemic authority of these tests with the normative authority of a faith community's confessional identity, but impute to scientific tests for truth a sort of authority that even goes beyond the "methodological naturalism" against which they counterpose their claims.
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