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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inequality, education and the social sciences / the historical reproduction of inequalities through secondary education in India and Germany

Kinville, Michael Robert 17 January 2017 (has links)
Die konzeptionelle Verbindung zwischen Bildung und Gesellschaft, die im 19. Jahrhundert deutlich gemacht und wissenschaftlich begründet wurde, wird oft als selbstverständlich betrachtet. Diese veraltete Verbindung bildete aber die Basis für Bildungsreformen im Sekundärbereich in Deutschland und Indien in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Diese Arbeit unternimmt den Versuch, zum Verständnis dieser Verzögerung zwischen den Ideen und den Reformen, die sie einrahmten, beizutragen, indem sie eine geeignete Theorie der Verbindung zwischen Bildung und einer komplexen Gesellschaft aufstellt. Grundsätzliche Annäherungen an Gesellschaft und Bildung treten in Dialog mit post-kolonialen und kritischen Theorien. Universalistische Annahmen werden problematisiert, und eine offene Lösung für die Vorstellung zukünftiger Reformen wird präsentiert. Nationale Bildungsreformen in Indien und Deutschland nach ihren „Critical Junctures“ von 1947/1945 werden eingehend und chronologisch verglichen, um einen spezifischen Charakter historisch- und bildungs-bedingter Reproduktion beider Länder herauszuarbeiten sowie einen gemeinsamen Lernprozess zu ermöglichen. Abschließend wird eine Lösung des Problems in der Form offener Bildung präsentiert. Bildung als öffentliches Gut muss nicht zwangsläufig nur auf soziale Probleme reagieren, stattdessen kann sie verändert werden, um sozialen Wandel voran zu treiben. / The conceptual link between education and society, forged in the 19th Century, is often taken for granted. This seemingly outdated connection, however, has guided reforms in secondary education in India and Germany throughout the second half of the 20th Century. This study attempts to understand this lag between underlying ideas and the reforms they framed by synthesizing a viable theory for imagining the connection between education and a complex society. Foundational approaches to society and education are brought into dialogue with post-colonial and critical theories. Universalistic assumptions are problematized, and an open-ended solution for theorizing new connections is presented. National educational reforms in India and Germany subsequent to their critical junctures of 1947/1945 are exhaustively and chronologically compared in order to conceptualize a generic character of historical-educational reproduction for each country and to facilitate a process of mutual learning. Finally, a solution to the problems associated with educational reproduction is presented. Education as a public good does not need to simply be reactive to social problems. Instead, it can be reconfigured so as to drive social change.

Gandhi and Nai Talim / rural craft education for a new village-minded social order

Holzwarth, Simone 14 November 2016 (has links)
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Ikone der indischen Unabhängigkeitsbewegung, war überzeugt davon, dass eine neue soziale Ordnung für ein Indien frei von kolonialer Unterdrückung und basierend auf seinen Ideen von sarvodaya (Wohlstand für alle), swaraj (Selbstbestimmung) und wirtschaftlicher Unabhängigkeit nur mit einem radikalen Wandel im Bildungsbereich Realität werden konnte. Er kritisierte, dass Bildung vornehmlich auf die Bedürfnisse der städtischen Eliten, der Kolonialverwaltung und -wirtschaft ausgerichtet war und hatte die Vision einer ‚neuen‘ Bildung, später auch bekannt als Basic Education oder Nai Talim, basierend auf ruralem Handwerk und Landwirtschaft und damit fokussiert auf die ländliche Bevölkerung. Die vorliegende Dissertation rekonstruiert die Herausbildung von Gandhis Bildungsideen und verschiedene Versuche zu deren Institutionalisierung. Dabei kontextualisiert sie seine Sichtweisen vor dem Hintergrund der Debatten um diverse Vorstellungen einer neuen sozialen Ordnung in der indischen Unabhängigkeitsbewegung, zeigt auf, wie seine Bildungsideen eng verknüpft waren mit seiner Kritik an der Kolonialherrschaft und nimmt seine Ideen vom Zusammenhang zwischen Bildung und sozialer Transformation in den Blick. Besonderes Augenmerk gilt dabei Gandhis Vorstellungen von manueller Arbeit und welche Rolle er ihr im Bildungsprozess zudachte. Bei der Analyse seiner Ideen und Metaphern und seiner Vision von Nai Talim nimmt die Arbeit auch die diversen damit verbundenen Inspirationsquellen in den Blick und fokussiert auf die von ihm konstruierten symbolischen Bedeutungswelten und visuellen Elemente, die ein wichtiger Teil seiner Selbstrepräsentation und Massenmobilisierung waren und später auch ihren Niederschlag in Bildungsrealitäten fanden. Nicht zuletzt analysiert die Arbeit Institutionalisierungsprozesse, ihre Widersprüche, die Kritik an Gandhi’s Ideen und den Wandel von Gandhis ‚Pädagogik der manuellen Arbeit‘ hin zu einer ‚Pädagogisierung der manuellen Arbeit‘. / Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the icon of the Indian independence movement, was convinced that a new social order for an India free from colonial subjugation and based on his ideas on sarvodaya (the welfare of all), swaraj (self-rule) and economic self-sufficiency could only become reality with a radical shift in education. He criticized the fact that, hitherto, education had been primarily targeted at the urban elites and the needs of the colonial government and economy and envisioned a ‘new’ education, later also known as Basic Education or Nai Talim, centred on rural crafts and agriculture and targeted especially at village populations. This dissertation traces the historical development of Gandhi’s educational ideas. It reconstructs his vision of Nai Talim primarily based on his own writings and reflections, contextualises it in ongoing debates in the independence movement on the future of India’s social order and analyses how his vision was embedded in his critique of British colonial rule and in the connection he made between education and social reconstruction. A focus thereby is also his understanding of manual labour in society and its relationship with the education process. Analysing key ideas and metaphors in his educational thought, the dissertation refers to his sources of inspiration, his use of symbolism and the visual in his self-presentation and mass mobilization and how elements of these symbolic worlds of meaning also became part of education programmes. Finally, it also deals with the diverse institutional developments based on Gandhi’s education ideas, their inherent contradictions, the criticism they generated and the shift from his ‘pedagogy of manual work’ to a ‘pedagogization of manual work’.

Estudio de la técnica del reciclado con asfalto espumado en las carreteras La Oroya – Chicrín – Huánuco – Tingo María – Dv. Tocache y Conococha – Yanacancha

Espinoza Juro, Paola K., Vildoso Flores, Julio E. January 2014 (has links)
In our country the state of the roads has changed for the better in the last 10 years, and is becoming aware that it is best to adequately maintain their appropriate maintenance road, to repair a collapsed road but still not running action enough to say that we are well on roads, as there are still many miles to try. According to the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) of the 86.965 kilometers of roads that owns the country, 80 % are unpaved roads (69.549 kilometers), 16% paved (13,683 kilometers), while 4 % are roads gauge (3,734 miles). In this research work have the opportunity to evaluate and compare two projects in our country with this technology, beginning with the La Oroya - Chicrín - Huánuco – Tingo María - Dv.Tocache que corresponds to the central road of Peru , which connects the city of Lima with the central jungle of the country , to major urban centers such as Oroya, Cerro de Pasco, Chicrín , Huanuco , Tingo Maria and Pucallpa , so that has a significant heavy traffic , which is constant for all seasons and road Conococha - Yanacancha belonging to the National Road Network (Route 3N ) was found in the provinces of Ancash Bolognesi and Huari over 4000 m which was built between 1999 - 2000 from Lake Conococha to the turnoff to the town of Huallanca . After several studies evidenced that the road to La Oroya - Chicrín - Huánuco – Tingo María - Dv. Tocache was an advanced state of deterioration, which was not effected routine maintenance, long time, so it was urgent intervention to it, since it caused constant discomfort of carriers. Similarly launched in 2007 to process the call notice No.PR- 007032, for the preparation of the Final Study for Periodic Maintenance of Road Conococha - Yanacancha as it was suitable to perform maintenance failures that had not affect traffic.

Power GaN FET Testing

Faruque, Shams Omar January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Protection of HVDC Grids Against Blackouts (Simulation)

Al-Ammari, Amal, Atchan, Dinah January 2021 (has links)
In the search for green energy to combat climatechange, a shift from conventional energy sources such as coal,oil, and nuclear towards Renewable Energy Sources (RES) isneeded. This shift poses a threat to the stability of the powergrids as RES do not contribute with rotating mass in the system.A lack of rotating mass, or in other words inertia, jeopardizesthe ability of power systems to counteract large disturbances.Frequency Containment Reserves (FCR) units are responsiblefor controlling the frequency in power systems by regulatingthe balance between the generated and consumed power. If thefrequency deviates outside of the defined range from the nominalvalue, it can lead to system separation, blackouts, and systemequipment damage. The frequency deviations are faster in lowinertia systems, making it more difficult for FCR to keep thefrequency within accepted ranges. Hydro turbines are often usedas FCR units, but additional means of support could be neededfor low inertia systems. Viable support could be battery systems.This project investigates the change towards low inertia and thepossible implementation of a battery system as fast step-wisepower support with a frequency trigger. The investigation is donethrough case studies of simulated system models in Matlab andSimulink. / I jakten på grön energi för att bekämpa klimatförändringarna behövs en övergång från konventionella energikällor som kol, olja och kärnkraft mot förnyelsebara energikällor. Denna övergång utgör ett hot mot kraftnätens stabilitet då förnyelsebara energikällor inte bidrar med roterande massa. Brist på roterande massa eller med andra ord tröghet äventyrar kraftsystemens förmåga att motverka stora störningar. Frequency Containment Reserves (FCR) är system som aktivt arbetar med att styra frekvensen i kraftsystemet genom att reglera balansen mellan den producerade och konsumerade effekten. Om detta misslyckas och frekvensen avviker för mycket från den nominella frekvensen kan detta leda till systemseparation, strömavbrott eller skada hos systemkomponenter. I ett system med låg tröghet blir frekvensavvikelserna snabbare. Detta gör det svårare att använda sig av FCR för att hålla frekvensen inom accepterade intervall. Vattenkraftverk används ofta som FCR enheter, men för system med låg tröghet kan ytterliggare stöd behövas. Ett möjligt effektstöd kan vara batterisystem. Detta projekt undersöker förändringen till lägre tröghet i ett kraftsystem och möjlig implementering av ett batterisystem med ett snabbt stegsvar för effektstöd, vilket aktiveras vid en förbestämd frekvens. Undersökningen görs genom studier av specifika fall med en linjäriserad modell av ett kraftsystemet, lerade i Matlab och Simulink. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2021, KTH, Stockholm

Education, daily routine, and prospects of primary school teachers in Haiti / delay, drudgery, and dreams

Thiel, Gertrud 07 January 2009 (has links)
Ausgehend von narrativen Interviews, Beobachtungen und gemeinsamen Erfahrungen während eines interkulturellen Lehrerfortbildungsprojekts im ländlichen Haiti wird in dieser Arbeit ein detailliertes Bild der Lebenswelt ausgewählter haitianischer Grundschullehrer/-innen gezeichnet. Insbesondere wird den Fragen nachgegangen, welchen Hindernissen diese Lehrer/-innen in ihrer eigenen Ausbildung begegneten, welche professionellen und sozialen Herausforderungen ihre alltägliche Berufsausübung mit sich bringt und wie ein genaues Verstehen ihres Hintergrunds und ihres Alltags dazu beitragen kann, sowohl die Qualität ihres Unterrichts als auch ihre sozio-ökonomischen Aussichten zu verbessern. Verspätete und unzureichende Ausbildung, ein geringer Verdienst und herausfordernde Arbeitsbedingungen, sowie weitgehende Vernachlässigung durch den Staat kennzeichnen die Realität dieser Lehrer/-innen. Dennoch zeigen sie Elan und vertrauen auf eine bessere Zukunft. In dieser Studie kommen die haitianischen Lehrer/-innen selber zu Wort. Darüber hinaus wird der Prozess der interkulturellen Kommunikation und Reflexion, der mit einem solchen Projekt und einer derartigen Recherche einhergeht dokumentiert. / This study offers a detailed description of selected Haitian primary school teachers’ living and working conditions based on narrative interviews, observations, and common experiences during a cross-cultural in-service teacher training program in rural Haiti. The research is focused on the following questions: What type of obstacles did primary school teachers in rural Haiti encounter in their own education, what professional and social challenges are faced in the daily routines of these teachers, and how can a thorough knowledge of both their backgrounds and the conditions of their current lives help to improve the quality of their teaching as well as their prospects for socio-economic advancement? The reality of these teachers is characterized by a delayed and limited education, low remuneration and challenging working conditions, as well as a more or less complete lack of state support. Nevertheless, they demonstrate vitality and trust in a better future. Central to this study are the Haitian teachers’ viewpoints, but the process of cross-cultural communication and reflection going on during such a program and research is documented as well.

Subsystems of Social Innovation in Brazil: The Society of São Paulo as a New Actor in the Education System and Innovation

Maldonado-Mariscal, Martha Karina 24 November 2017 (has links)
Neue Verfahren, neue Organisationen oder neue Formen des Denkens sind alles Arten der Innovation. Trotz einer beschleunigten Verstärkung des Aufwands für Bildung in Brasilien startend in 2005 sind soziale Innovationen nur in Form von Bildungsinitiativen von kommunitären und Nichtregierungs-Organisationen (NGO) weit über das Land verteilt. In dieser Arbeit wird untersucht, inwieweit Bildungsinnovationen in Brasilien auf diese Vernachlässigung durch den Staat reagieren und welche Akteure Innovationen auf lokaler Ebene unterstützen. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wird dabei der Rolle der Lehrer in Sozialinnovationen gewidmet. Durch einen historischem Ansatz wird in dieser Arbeit die Beziehung von Sozialinnovationen und großen radikalen Umbrüchen, Sozialbewegungen und Reformen in Brasilien beobachtet. Durch Nutzung von Interviews und Fokusgruppen werden zwei Fallstudien in São Paulo analysiert: eine an einer Schule am Stadtrand und eine in einer NGO im Stadtzentrum. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass durch Innovationen neue Regeln und Verfahren eingeführt werden, die ein Subystem erzeugen, das die lokalen Machtverhältnisse verändert. Die NGO hat neue Verbindungen zwischen Schulen, privaten Akteuren, NGOs und der Kommunalverwaltung hergestellt und mit sozialen Netzwerken basierend auf Bildung und Kunst gearbeitet. die Schule hat ein neues Modell eingeführt bei dem Schule und Gemeinschaft zusammen die gemeinsamen Probleme von Unsicherheit und Bildung lösen. Sozialinnovationen umfassen die dringendsten Probleme in einer Gemeinschaft, die nicht auf ein Feld beschränkt sein müssen. Diese Forschung trägt zum besseren Verständnis von Sozialinnovationen, mit Fokus auf Brasilien, in den Sozialwissenschaften und in der Politikwissenschaft bei. / New methods, new organizations or new forms of thinking are all forms of innovation. Despite the increased spending on education in Brazil from 2005 onwards, social innovations have only spread in the country in the form of community participation and non-governmental organization’s initiatives for education. This study investigates to what extent innovations in education in Brazil respond to omissions on the part of the state and the drivers that foster innovation at a local level. Particular attention is devoted to the role of teachers in social innovation. Through a historical approach this study observes the relationship between social innovation and major radical changes, social movements and reforms in Brazil. Drawing on semi-structured interviews and focus groups, two case studies in São Paulo were analysed: one in a school in the urban periphery of the city and an NGO in the city centre. The findings suggest that innovations introduce new rules and practices, creating a subsystem which modifies local relations of power. The NGO established new relations between schools, private actors, NGOs and local government and worked with social networks through education and art. The school implemented a new model that brought the school and community together to solve common problems of insecurity and education. Social innovations embrace the most urgent needs in a community, which are not limited to one field. This research contributes to sociology and political science for a better understanding of social innovations and community participation, specifically in the Brazilian context.

Educación socialista, ayuda y cooperación internacional en el Tercer Mundo. Las becas oficiales de la Isla de la Juventud cubana (1977-2012)

Murguia Mendez, Dayana 11 March 2024 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertation ist ein historiografischer Beitrag über ein internationales offizielles Stipendienprogramm sui generis in Form von Entwicklungshilfe im Bildungsbereich, das zwischen 1977 und 2012 auf der zweitgrößten Insel des kubanischen Karibikarchipels, der Isla de la Juventud, umgesetzt wurde. Auf der Grundlage von Archivquellen und Teilnehmerberichten wird die Motivation Kubas für die Organisation dieser Bildungshilfe diskutiert. Es wird gezeigt, dass Kuba seine Bildungshilfe auf die Bedürfnisse und Interessen der beteiligten Staaten und Personen ausgerichtet und dementsprechend strukturiert hat. Es wird nachgewiesen, dass neben der Bereitstellung von Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten massiv angelegte Stipendien für die Sekundarstufe I im Mittelpunkt des Programms standen und herausgearbeitet, dass diese Maßnahme angesichts der niedrigen Einschulungsraten in der Dritten Welt den entscheidenden Beitrag des Programms darstellte. Unter Berücksichtigung der wichtigsten Debatten über Entwicklungshilfe im Bildungsbereich stützt sich die Arbeit auf Studien über die Süd-Süd-Zusammenarbeit und die Geschichte der internationalen Stipendien, um zu argumentieren, dass Kuba sich sowohl in seiner ursprünglichen Motivation als auch in der Form der in der Umsetzung des Programms aufgebauten Beziehungen sowie in den Endergebnissen desselben am Prinzip der Solidarität orientierte. Die vorliegende Arbeit kommt zu dem Schluss, dass die kubanische Politik der Entwicklungshilfe im Bildungsbereich die “nationale Entpersönlichung” der Geförderten überwinden konnte. Mit anderen Worten, die Teilnehmer des Programms auf der Insel der Jugend kehrten mit einem Gefühl der Zugehörigkeit zu ihrer Nation in ihre Heimatländer zurück und brachten dabei die in den ʽoffenen Lehrplänenʼ erworbenen Fähigkeiten und die in den ʽungeschriebenen Lehrplänenʼ vermittelten Einstellungen mit, welche in verschiedenen Arbeitskontexten relevant sind. / This dissertation is a historiographical contribution on a sui generis international scholarship program in the form of educational development aid that was implemented between 1977 and 2012 on the second largest island of the Cuban Caribbean archipelago, the Isla de la Juventud. Based on archival sources and reports of participants, Cuba’s motivation for organizing this educational aid is discussed. It is shown that Cuba structured its educational assistance according to the needs and interests of the countries and people involved. It is evidenced that, in addition to the offer of specialties, the program focused on the massive granting of scholarships for lower secondary education and that this measure represented the decisive contribution of the program in view of the low schooling rates in the Third World. Taking into account the main debates on development aid in education, the paper draws on studies of South-South cooperation and the history of official international scholarships to argue that Cuba was guided by the principle of solidarity both in its initial motivation and in the form of the relationships established in the implementation of the program, as well as in the final results of the program. This study concludes that the Cuban development aid policy in the field of education managed to circumvent the “national depersonalization” of the beneficiaries. In other words, participants in the Isla de la Juventud program returned to their countries of origin with a sense of belonging to their nation, taking with them the skills acquired in the ʽopen curriculaʼ and the attitudes conveyed in the ʽnon-written curriculaʼ, which are relevant in different work contexts.

Analise do desempenho do sistema 3G 1xEV-DV no enlace direto / 1xEV-DV 3G systems forward link performance analysis

Bassi, Tania Aida Garcia 21 February 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Shusaburo Motoyama / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-06T08:13:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bassi_TaniaAidaGarcia_M.pdf: 1045495 bytes, checksum: a7f5a1d48c5810466fa34b39df1b4d0b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: Neste estudo, o desempenho do enlace direto do sistema I xEV -DV é analisado através de simulações e o tempo médio de atraso dos pacotes. a vazão de dados e a utilização de enlace são avaliados em função do carregamento de tráfego do sistema. Para a realização das simulações foi desenvolvido. na ferramenta de software /v/atlab, um modelo que representa o processamento e escalonamento da estação rádIo base do sistema IxEV-DV. antes da transmissão na interface aérea. bem como os modelos baseados em tráfego real de dados WAP, HTTP e FTP. O enlace direto do sistema I xEV -DV é analisado em cenários que consideram o escalonamento FIFO e o escalonamento baseado em prioridade de taxas, mostrando a redução do tempo médio de atraso dos pacotes no sistema com prioridade. Além disto. é possível verificar e quantificar a eficiência da 1111plementação da multiplexação por divisão em código (COM) além da multiplexação por divisão no tempo (TOM) no enlace direto. Os resultados do sistema 1 xEV -DV com tráfego W AP, HTTP e FTP são também comparados aos resultados obtidos com tráfego poissoniano, mostrando as diferenças e a importância da utilização de modelos de tráfego de dados reais / Abstract: In this study, the forward link performance 01' the I xEV -DV system is analyzed through simulations. and the average packet delay, the data throughput and the link utilization are evaluated in function of the system traffic load. For the simulations, it was developed in Matlab software tool, a model that represents the I xEV -DV radio base station processing and scheduling, before the aerial interfaee transmission. and the mode1s based in real data traffic WAP, HTTP and FTP. The forward link 01' the I xEV -DV system is analyzed in scenarios that consider FIFO scheduling and data rate priority scheduling, showing the average packet delay reduction in the system with priority. Besides, it is possible to verify and quantify the efficiency of the code division multiplexing (CDM) implementation besides the time division muItiplexing (TDM) in the forward link. The results of IxEV-OV system with WAP, HTTP and FTP traffic are also compared with the results obtained with Poisson traffic, showing the differences and the importance of the real data traffic models utilization / Mestrado / Telecomunicações e Telemática / Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica

Implementation of Machine Learning and Internal Temperature Sensors in Nail Penetration Testing of Lithium-ion Batteries

Casey M Jones (9607445) 13 June 2023 (has links)
<p>This work focuses on the collection and analysis of Lithium-ion battery operational and temperature data during nail penetration testing through two different experimental approaches. Raman spectroscopy, machine learning, and internal temperature sensors are used to collect and analyze data to further investigate the effects on cell operation during and after nail penetrations, and the feasibility of using this data to predict future performance.</p> <p><br></p> <p>The first section of this work analyzes the effects on continued operation of a small Lithium-ion prismatic cell after nail penetration. Raman spectroscopy is used to examine the effects on the anode and cathode materials of cells that are cycled for different amounts of time after a nail puncture. Incremental capacity analysis is then used to corroborate the findings from the Raman analysis. The study finds that the operational capacity and lifetime of cells is greatly reduced due to the accelerated degradation caused by loss of material, uneven current distribution, and exposure to atmosphere. This leads into the study of using the magnitude and corresponding voltage of incremental capacity peaks after nail puncture to forecast the operation of damaged cells. A Gaussian process regression is used to predict discharge capacity of different cells that experience the same type of nail puncture. The results from this study show that the method is capable of making accurate predictions of cell discharge capacity even with the higher rate of variance in operation after nail puncture, showing the method of prediction has the potential to be implemented in devices such as battery management systems.</p> <p><br></p> <p>The second section of this work proposes a method of inserting temperature sensors into commercially-available cylindrical cells to directly obtain internal temperature readings. Characterization tests are used to determine the effect on the operability of the modified cells after the sensors are inserted, and lifetime cycle testing is implemented to determine the long-term effects on cell performance. The results show the sensor insertion causes a small reduction in operational performance, and lifetime cycle testing shows the cells can operate near their optimal output for approximately 100-150 cycles. Modified cells are then used to monitor internal temperatures during nail penetration tests and how the amount of aging affects the temperature response. The results show that more aging in a cell causes higher temperatures during nail puncture, as well as a larger difference between internal and external temperatures, due mostly to the larger contribution of Joule heating caused by increased internal resistance.</p>

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