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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


EVELYN CONCEICAO SANTOS BATISTA 30 January 2024 (has links)
[pt] Em ambientes aquáticos, o uso tradicional de mergulhadores ou veiculos subaquáticos tripulados foi substituído por veículos subaquáticos não tripulados (como ROVs ou AUVs). Com vantagens em termos de redução de riscos de segurança, como exposição à pressão, temperatura ou falta de ar. Além disso, conseguem acessar áreas de extrema profundidade que até então não eram possiveis para o ser humano. Esses veiculos não tripulados são amplamente utilizados para inspeções como as necessárias para o descomissionamento de plataformas de petróleo Neste tipo de fiscalização é necessário analisar as condições do solo, da tu- bulação e, principalmente, se foi criado um ecossistema próximo à tubulação. Grande parte dos trabalhos realizados para a automação desses veículos utilizam diferentes tipos de sensores e GPS para realizar a percepção do ambiente. Devido à complexidade do ambiente de navegação, diferentes algoritmos de controle e automação têm sido testados nesta área, O interesse deste trabalho é fazer com que o autômato tome decisões através da análise de eventos visuais. Este método de pesquisa traz a vantagem de redução de custos para o projeto, visto que as câmeras possuem um preço inferior em relação aos sensores ou dispositivos GPS. A tarefa de inspeção autônoma tem vários desafios: detectar os eventos, processar as imagens e tomar a decisão de alterar a rota em tempo real. É uma tarefa altamente complexa e precisa de vários algoritmos trabalhando juntos para ter um bom desempenho. A inteligência artificial apresenta diversos algoritmos para automatizar, como os baseados em aprendizagem por reforço entre outros na área de detecção e classificação de imagens Esta tese de doutorado consiste em um estudo para criação de um sistema avançado de inspeção autônoma. Este sistema é capaz de realizar inspeções apenas analisando imagens da câmera AUV, usando aprendizagem de reforço profundo profundo para otimizar o planejamento do ponto de vista e técnicas de detecção de novidades. Contudo, este quadro pode ser adaptado a muitas outras tarefas de inspecção. Neste estudo foram utilizados ambientes realistas complexos, nos quais o agente tem o desafio de chegar da melhor forma possível ao objeto de interesse para que possa classificar o objeto. Vale ressaltar, entretanto, que os ambientes de simulação utilizados neste contexto apresentam certo grau de simplicidade carecendo de recursos como correntes marítimas on dinâmica de colisão em seus cenários simulados Ao final deste projeto, o Visual Inspection of Pipelines (VIP) framework foi desenvolvido e testado, apresentando excelentes resultados e ilustrando a viabilidade de redução do tempo de inspeção através da otimização do planejamento do ponto de vista. Esse tipo de abordagem, além de agregar conhecimento ao robô autônomo, faz com que as inspeções subaquáticas exijam pouca presença de ser humano (human-in-the-loop), justificando o uso das técnicas empregadas. / [en] In aquatic environments, the traditional use of divers or manned underwater vehicles has been replaced by unmanned underwater vehicles (such as ROVs or AUVs). With advantages in terms of reducing safety risks, such as exposure to pressure, temperature or shortness of breath. In addition, they are able to access areas of extreme depth that were not possible for humans until then. These unmanned vehicles are widely used for inspections, such as those required for the decommissioning of oil platforms. In this type of inspection, it is necessary to analyze the conditions of the soil, the pipeline and, especially, if an ecosystem was created close to the pipeline. Most of the works carried out for the automation of these vehicles use different types of sensors and GPS to perform the perception of the environment. Due to the complexity of the navigation environment, different control and automation algorithms have been tested in this area. The interest of this work is to make the automaton take decisions through the analysis of visual events. This research method provides the advantage of cost reduction for the project, given that cameras have a lower price compared to sensors or GPS devices. The autonomous inspection task has several challenges: detecting the events, processing the images and making the decision to change the route in real time. It is a highly complex task and needs multiple algorithms working together to perform well. Artificial intelligence presents many algorithms to automate, such as those based on reinforcement learning, among others in the area of image detection and classification. This doctoral thesis consists of a study to create an advanced autonomous inspection system. This system is capable of performing inspections only by analyzing images from the AUV camera, using deep reinforcement learning, and novelty detection techniques. However, this framework can be adapted to many other inspection tasks. In this study, complex realistic environments were used, in which the agent has the challenge of reaching the object of interest in the best possible way so that it can classify the object. It is noteworthy, however, that the simulation environments utilized in this context exhibit a certain degree of simplicity, lacking features like marine currents or collision dynamics in their simulated scenarios. At the conclusion of this project, a Visual Inspection of Pipelines (VIP) framework was developed and tested, showcasing excellent results and illustrating the feasibility of reducing inspection time through the optimization of viewpoint planning. This type of approach, in addition to adding knowledge to the autonomous robot, means that underwater inspections require little pres- ence of a human being (human-in-the-loop), justifying the use of the techniques employed.

Generation and Detection of Adversarial Attacks for Reinforcement Learning Policies

Drotz, Axel, Hector, Markus January 2021 (has links)
In this project we investigate the susceptibility ofreinforcement rearning (RL) algorithms to adversarial attacks.Adversarial attacks have been proven to be very effective atreducing performance of deep learning classifiers, and recently,have also been shown to reduce performance of RL agents.The goal of this project is to evaluate adversarial attacks onagents trained using deep reinforcement learning (DRL), aswell as to investigate how to detect these types of attacks. Wefirst use DRL to solve two environments from OpenAI’s gymmodule, namely Cartpole and Lunarlander, by using DQN andDDPG (DRL techniques). We then evaluate the performanceof attacks and finally we also train neural networks to detectattacks. The attacks was successful at reducing performancein the LunarLander environment and CartPole environment.The attack detector was very successful at detecting attacks onthe CartPole environment, but performed not quiet as well onLunarLander.We hypothesize that continuous action space environmentsmay pose a greater difficulty for attack detectors to identifypotential adversarial attacks. / I detta projekt undersöker vikänsligheten hos förstärknings lärda (RL) algotritmerför attacker mot förstärknings lärda agenter. Attackermot förstärknings lärda agenter har visat sig varamycket effektiva för att minska prestandan hos djuptförsärknings lärda klassifierare och har nyligen visat sigockså minska prestandan hos förstärknings lärda agenter.Målet med detta projekt är att utvärdera attacker motdjupt förstärknings lärda agenter och försöka utföraoch upptäcka attacker. Vi använder först RL för attlösa två miljöer från OpenAIs gym module CartPole-v0och ContiniousLunarLander-v0 med DQN och DDPG.Vi utvärderar sedan utförandet av attacker och avslutarslutligen med ett möjligt sätt att upptäcka attacker.Attackerna var mycket framgångsrika i att minskaprestandan i både CartPole-miljön och LunarLandermiljön. Attackdetektorn var mycket framgångsrik medatt upptäcka attacker i CartPole-miljön men presteradeinte lika bra i LunarLander-miljön.Vi hypotiserar att miljöer med kontinuerligahandlingsrum kan innebära en större svårighet fören attack identifierare att upptäcka attacker mot djuptförstärknings lärda agenter. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2021, KTH, Stockholm

Towards Novelty-Resilient AI: Learning in the Open World

Trevor A Bonjour (18423153) 22 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Current artificial intelligence (AI) systems are proficient at tasks in a closed-world setting where the rules are often rigid. However, in real-world applications, the environment is usually open and dynamic. In this work, we investigate the effects of such dynamic environments on AI systems and develop ways to mitigate those effects. Central to our exploration is the concept of \textit{novelties}. Novelties encompass structural changes, unanticipated events, and environmental shifts that can confound traditional AI systems. We categorize novelties based on their representation, anticipation, and impact on agents, laying the groundwork for systematic detection and adaptation strategies. We explore novelties in the context of stochastic games. Decision-making in stochastic games exercises many aspects of the same reasoning capabilities needed by AI agents acting in the real world. A multi-agent stochastic game allows for infinitely many ways to introduce novelty. We propose an extension of the deep reinforcement learning (DRL) paradigm to develop agents that can detect and adapt to novelties in these environments. To address the sample efficiency challenge in DRL, we introduce a hybrid approach that combines fixed-policy methods with traditional DRL techniques, offering enhanced performance in complex decision-making tasks. We present a novel method for detecting anticipated novelties in multi-agent games, leveraging information theory to discern patterns indicative of collusion among players. Finally, we introduce DABLER, a pioneering deep reinforcement learning architecture that dynamically adapts to changing environmental conditions through broad learning approaches and environment recognition. Our findings underscore the importance of developing AI systems equipped to navigate the uncertainties of the open world, offering promising pathways for advancing AI research and application in real-world settings.</p>

Optimizing the Fronthaul in C-RAN by Deep Reinforcement Learning : Latency Constrained Fronthaul optimization with Deep Reinforment Learning / Optimering av Fronthaul i C-RAN med Djup Förstärknings Inlärning : Latens begränsad Fronthaul Optimering med Djup Förstärknings Inlärning

Grönland, Axel January 2023 (has links)
Centralized Radio Access Networks or C-RAN for short is a type of network that aims to centralize perform some of it's computation at centralized locations. Since a lot of functionality is centralized we can show from multiplexing that the centralization leads to lower operating costs. The drawback with C-RAN are the huge bandwidth requirements over the fronthaul. We know that scenarios where all cells experience high load is a very low probability scenario. Since functions are centralized this also allows more adaptability, we can choose to change the communication standard for each cell depending on the load scenario. In this thesis we set out to create such a controller with the use of Deep Reinforcement Learning. The problem overall is difficult due to the complexity of modelling the problem, but also since C-RAN is a relatively new concept in the telecom world. We solved this problem with two traditional reinforcement learning algorithms, DQN and SAC. We define a constraint optimization problem and phrase it in such a way that the problem can be solved with a deep reinforcement learning algorithm. We found that the learning worked pretty well and we can show that our trained policies satisfy the constraint. With these results one could show that resource allocations problems can be solved pretty well by a deep reinforcement learning controller. / Centralized Radio Access Networks eller C-RAN som förkortning är en kommunications nätverk som siktar på att centralisera vissa funktioner i centrala platser. Eftersom mmånga funktioner är centraliserade så kan vi visa från statistisk multiplexing att hög trafik scenarion över många celler är av låg sannolikhet vilket leder till lägre service kostnader. Nackdelen med C-RAN är den höga bandbredds kravet över fronthaulen. Trafik scenarion där alla celler utsäts för hög last är väldigt låg sannolikhet så kan vi dimensionera fronthaulen för att klara mindre än det värsta trafik scenariot. Eftersom funktioner är centralizerade så tillåter det även att vi kan adaptivt anpassa resurser för trafiken. I denna uppsats så kommer vi att skapa en sådan kontroller med djup reinforcement learning. Problemet är komplext att modellera och C-RAN är ett relativt nytt concept i telecom världen. Vi löser detta problem med två traditionella algoritmer, deep Q networks(DQN) och soft actor critic(SAC). Vi definierar ett vilkorligt optimerings problem och visar hur det kan formuleras som ett inlärnings problem. Vi visar att denna metod funkar rätt bra som en lösning till problemet och att den uppfyller bivilkoren. Våra resultat visar att resurs allokerings problem kan lösas nära optimalitet med reinforcement learning.

Beyond the status quo in deep reinforcement learning

Agarwal, Rishabh 05 1900 (has links)
L’apprentissage par renforcement profond (RL) a connu d’énormes progrès ces dernières années, mais il est encore difficile d’appliquer le RL aux problèmes de prise de décision du monde réel. Cette thèse identifie trois défis clés avec la façon dont nous faisons la recherche RL elle-même qui entravent les progrès de la recherche RL. — Évaluation et comparaison peu fiables des algorithmes RL ; les méthodes d’évaluation actuelles conduisent souvent à des résultats peu fiables. — Manque d’informations préalables dans la recherche RL ; Les algorithmes RL sont souvent formés à partir de zéro, ce qui peut nécessiter de grandes quantités de données ou de ressources informatiques. — Manque de compréhension de la façon dont les réseaux de neurones profonds interagissent avec RL, ce qui rend difficile le développement de méthodes évolutives de RL. Pour relever ces défis susmentionnés, cette thèse apporte les contributions suivantes : — Une méthodologie plus rigoureuse pour évaluer les algorithmes RL. — Un flux de travail de recherche alternatif qui se concentre sur la réutilisation des progrès existants sur une tâche. — Identification d’un phénomène de perte de capacité implicite avec un entraînement RL hors ligne prolongé. Dans l’ensemble, cette thèse remet en question le statu quo dans le RL profond et montre comment cela peut conduire à des algorithmes de RL plus efficaces, fiables et mieux applicables dans le monde réel. / Deep reinforcement learning (RL) has seen tremendous progress in recent years, but it is still difficult to apply RL to real-world decision-making problems. This thesis identifies three key challenges with how we do RL research itself that hinder the progress of RL research. — Unreliable evaluation and comparison of RL algorithms; current evaluation methods often lead to unreliable results. — Lack of prior information in RL research; RL algorithms are often trained from scratch, which can require large amounts of data or computational resources. — Lack of understanding of how deep neural networks interact with RL, making it hard to develop scalable RL methods. To tackle these aforementioned challenges, this thesis makes the following contributions: — A more rigorous methodology for evaluating RL algorithms. — An alternative research workflow that focuses on reusing existing progress on a task. — Identifying an implicit capacity loss phenomenon with prolonged offline RL training. Overall, this thesis challenges the status quo in deep reinforcement learning and shows that doing so can make RL more efficient, reliable and improve its real-world applicability


EVELYN CONCEICAO SANTOS BATISTA 05 August 2020 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação de mestrado consiste em um estudo avançado sobre aprendizado profundo por reforço visual para robôs autônomos através de técnicas de transferência de aprendizado. Os ambientes de simulação testados neste estudo são ambientes realistas complexos onde o robô tinha como desafio aprender e transferir conhecimento em diferentes contextos para aproveitar a experiência de ambientes anteriores em ambientes futuros. Este tipo de abordagem, além de agregar conhecimento ao robô autônomo, diminui o número de épocas de treinamento do algoritmo, mesmo em ambientes complexos, justificando o uso de técnicas de transferência de aprendizado. / [en] This master s thesis consists of an advanced study on deep learning by visual reinforcement for autonomous robots through transfer learning techniques. The simulation environments tested in this study are highly realistic environments where the challenge of the robot was to learn and tranfer knowledge in different contexts to take advantage of the experiencia of previous environments in future environments. This type of approach besides adding knowledge to the autonomous robot reduces the number of training epochs the algorithm, even in complex environments, justifying the use of transfer learning techniques.

On two sequential problems : the load planning and sequencing problem and the non-normal recurrent neural network

Goyette, Kyle 07 1900 (has links)
The work in this thesis is separated into two parts. The first part deals with the load planning and sequencing problem for double-stack intermodal railcars, an operational problem found at many rail container terminals. In this problem, containers must be assigned to a platform on which the container will be loaded, and the loading order must be determined. These decisions are made with the objective of minimizing the costs associated with handling the containers, as well as minimizing the cost of containers left behind. The deterministic version of the problem can be cast as a shortest path problem on an ordered graph. This problem is challenging to solve because of the large size of the graph. We propose a two-stage heuristic based on the Iterative Deepening A* algorithm to compute solutions to the load planning and sequencing problem within a five-minute time budget. Next, we also illustrate how a Deep Q-learning algorithm can be used to heuristically solve the same problem.The second part of this thesis considers sequential models in deep learning. A recent strategy to circumvent the exploding and vanishing gradient problem in recurrent neural networks (RNNs) is to enforce recurrent weight matrices to be orthogonal or unitary. While this ensures stable dynamics during training, it comes at the cost of reduced expressivity due to the limited variety of orthogonal transformations. We propose a parameterization of RNNs, based on the Schur decomposition, that mitigates the exploding and vanishing gradient problem, while allowing for non-orthogonal recurrent weight matrices in the model. / Le travail de cette thèse est divisé en deux parties. La première partie traite du problème de planification et de séquencement des chargements de conteneurs sur des wagons, un problème opérationnel rencontré dans de nombreux terminaux ferroviaires intermodaux. Dans ce problème, les conteneurs doivent être affectés à une plate-forme sur laquelle un ou deux conteneurs seront chargés et l'ordre de chargement doit être déterminé. Ces décisions sont prises dans le but de minimiser les coûts associés à la manutention des conteneurs, ainsi que de minimiser le coût des conteneurs non chargés. La version déterministe du problème peut être formulé comme un problème de plus court chemin sur un graphe ordonné. Ce problème est difficile à résoudre en raison de la grande taille du graphe. Nous proposons une heuristique en deux étapes basée sur l'algorithme Iterative Deepening A* pour calculer des solutions au problème de planification et de séquencement de la charge dans un budget de cinq minutes. Ensuite, nous illustrons également comment un algorithme d'apprentissage Deep Q peut être utilisé pour résoudre heuristiquement le même problème. La deuxième partie de cette thèse examine les modèles séquentiels en apprentissage profond. Une stratégie récente pour contourner le problème de gradient qui explose et disparaît dans les réseaux de neurones récurrents (RNN) consiste à imposer des matrices de poids récurrentes orthogonales ou unitaires. Bien que cela assure une dynamique stable pendant l'entraînement, cela se fait au prix d'une expressivité réduite en raison de la variété limitée des transformations orthogonales. Nous proposons une paramétrisation des RNN, basée sur la décomposition de Schur, qui atténue les problèmes de gradient, tout en permettant des matrices de poids récurrentes non orthogonales dans le modèle.


Salar Safarkhani (9165011) 24 July 2020 (has links)
<div><div><div><p>The process of acquiring the large-scale complex systems is usually characterized with cost and schedule overruns. To investigate the causes of this problem, we may view the acquisition of a complex system in several different time scales. At finer time scales, one may study different stages of the acquisition process from the intricate details of the entire systems engineering process to communication between design teams to how individual designers solve problems. At the largest time scale one may consider the acquisition process as series of actions which are, request for bids, bidding and auctioning, contracting, and finally building and deploying the system, without resolving the fine details that occur within each step. In this work, we study the acquisition processes in multiple scales. First, we develop a game-theoretic model for engineering of the systems in the building and deploying stage. We model the interactions among the systems and subsystem engineers as a principal-agent problem. We develop a one-shot shallow systems engineering process and obtain the optimum transfer functions that best incentivize the subsystem engineers to maximize the expected system-level utility. The core of the principal-agent model is the quality function which maps the effort of the agent to the performance (quality) of the system. Therefore, we build the stochastic quality function by modeling the design process as a sequential decision-making problem. Second, we develop and evaluate a model of the acquisition process that accounts for the strategic behavior of different parties. We cast our model in terms of government-funded projects and assume the following steps. First, the government publishes a request for bids. Then, private firms offer their proposals in a bidding process and the winner bidder enters in a con- tract with the government. The contract describes the system requirements and the corresponding monetary transfers for meeting them. The winner firm devotes effort to deliver a system that fulfills the requirements. This can be assumed as a game that the government plays with the bidder firms. We study how different parameters in the acquisition procedure affect the bidders’ behaviors and therefore, the utility of the government. Using reinforcement learning, we seek to learn the optimal policies of involved actors in this game. In particular, we study how the requirements, contract types such as cost-plus and incentive-based contracts, number of bidders, problem complexity, etc., affect the acquisition procedure. Furthermore, we study the bidding strategy of the private firms and how the contract types affect their strategic behavior.</p></div></div></div>


30 December 2021 (has links)
[pt] A indústria 4.0 impulsionou o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias para atender as demandas atuais do mercado. Uma dessas novas tecnologias foi a incorporação de técnicas de inteligência computacional no cotidiano da indústria química. Neste âmbito, este trabalho avaliou o desempenho de controladores baseados em aprendizado por reforço em processos químicos industriais. A estratégia de controle interfere diretamente na segurança e no custo do processo. Quanto melhor for o desempenho dessa estrategia, menor será a produção de efluentes e o consumo de insumos e energia. Os algoritmos de aprendizado por reforço apresentaram excelentes resultados para o primeiro estudo de caso, o reator CSTR com a cinética de Van de Vusse. Entretanto, para implementação destes algoritmos na planta química do Tennessee Eastman Process mostrou-se que mais estudos são necessários. A fraca ou inexistente propriedade Markov, a alta dimensionalidade e as peculiaridades da planta foram fatores dificultadores para os controladores desenvolvidos obterem resultados satisfatórios. Foram avaliados para o estudo de caso 1, os algoritmos Q-Learning, Actor Critic TD, DQL, DDPG, SAC e TD3, e para o estudo de caso 2 foram avaliados os algoritmos CMA-ES, TRPO, PPO, DDPG, SAC e TD3. / [en] Industry 4.0 boosted the development of new technologies to meet current market demands. One of these new technologies was the incorporation of computational intelligence techniques into the daily life of the chemical industry. In this context, this present work evaluated the performance of controllers based on reinforcement learning in industrial chemical processes. The control strategy directly affects the safety and cost of the process. The better the performance of this strategy, the lower will be the production of effluents and the consumption of input and energy. The reinforcement learning algorithms showed excellent results for the first case study, the Van de Vusse s reactor. However, to implement these algorithms in the Tennessee Eastman Process chemical plant it was shown that more studies are needed. The weak Markov property, the high dimensionality and peculiarities of the plant were factors that made it difficult for the developed controllers to obtain satisfactory results. For case study 1, the algorithms Q-Learning, Actor Critic TD, DQL, DDPG, SAC and TD3 were evaluated, and for case study 2 the algorithms CMA-ES, TRPO, PPO, DDPG, SAC and TD3 were evaluated.


Reeve David Lambert (13113279) 19 July 2022 (has links)
<p>This thesis presents solutions to some of the problems facing Autonomous Surface Vehicle (ASV) deployments in inland waterways through the development of navigational and control systems. Fluvial systems are one of the hardest inland waterways to navigate and are thus used as a use-case for system development. The systems are built to reduce the reliance on a-prioris during ASV operation. This is crucial for exceptionally dynamic environments such as fluvial bodies of water that have poorly defined routes and edges, can change course in short time spans, carry away and deposit obstacles, and expose or cover shoals and man-made structures as their water level changes. While navigation of fluvial systems is exceptionally difficult potential autonomous data collection can aid in important scientific missions in under studied environments.</p> <p><br></p> <p>The work has four contributions targeting solutions to four fundamental problems present in fluvial system navigation and control. To sense the course of fluvial systems for navigable path determination a fluvial segmentation study is done and a novel dataset detailed. To enable rapid path computations and augmentations in a fast moving environment a Dubins path generator and augmentation algorithm is presented ans is used in conjunction with an Integral Line-Of-Sight (ILOS) path following method. To rapidly avoid unseen/undetected obstacles present in fluvial environments a Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) agent is built and tested across domains to create dynamic local paths that can be rapidly affixed to for collision avoidance. Finally, a custom low-cost and deployable ASV, BREAM (Boat for Robotic Engineering and Applied Machine-Learning), capable of operating in fluvial environments is presented along with an autonomy package used in providing base level sensing and autonomy processing capability to varying platforms.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Each of these contributions form a part of a larger documented Fluvial Navigation Control Architecture (FNCA) that is proposed as a way to aid in a-priori free navigation of fluvial waterways. The architecture relates the navigational structures into high, mid, and low-level controller Guidance and Navigational Control (GNC) layers that are designed to increase cross vehicle and domain deployments. Each component of the architecture is documented, tested, and its application to the control architecture as a whole is reported.</p>

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