Spelling suggestions: "subject:"delegation"" "subject:"relegation""
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L'influence du droit de l'Union européenne sur l'évolution de la gestion déléguée des services publics / The influence of European Union law on the evolution of the delegated management of public services / La influencia del derecho de la Unión Europea sobre la evolución de la contratación de la gestión de los servicios públicosGherzouli, Sonia 01 June 2012 (has links)
Depuis le début des années 2000, la Commission européenne suivie par la Cour de Justice de l'Union européenne (CJUE), ont déterminé les exigences du droit de l'Union dans de nombreux domaines concernant l'organisation et le fonctionnement de l'action administrative en matière de services publics. L'interprétation des règles dictées par le Traité sur le fonctionnement de l'Union européenne, fixe les modalités de la gestion publique, qu'il s'agisse de la création des services d'utilité publique ; de leurs formes de gestion quelles soient structurelles ou conventionnelles ; des droits particuliers accompagnant leur bon fonctionnement ; ou encore de l'encadrement des aides publiques nécessaires à leur financement. Ces progressions qui devraient être normalisées par l'adoption d'une future directive, ont largement influencé la manière de concevoir, en France, la gestion des services publics autant que la participation publique dans l'économie. La recherche de l'optimisation du fonctionnement des services et de l'efficacité économique de l'opération, motive désormais le recours au procédé de la gestion déléguée. Source d'inspiration, le droit de l'Union et particulièrement le travail de la CJUE, contribuent à la réflexion sur l'enrichissement des mécanismes de gestion des services publics, qui disposent en outre, d'un cadre privilégié à l'échelon local. Pour autant, cette influence est réciproque. Renouvelée au travers du concept de « partenariat public- privé », la concession est envisagée comme un outil clef pour la relance économique de l'Europe, et demeure une référence en matière de montages contractuels complexes. / Since the beginning of 2000, The European Commission and the European Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), have determined the requirements of European Union Law in various areas relating to the organization and the functioning of the administrative action on public services matters. The interpretation of rules dictated by the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union is setting out the terms of the public management whether the creation of public utility, their forms of management , structural or contractual, special rights accompanying their proper functioning, or even the framework of public aid to finance it. These progressions which should be normalized by the adoption of a future directive have greatly influenced the way to perceive in France, the management of public services as much as the participation in the economy. The search for optimizing the functioning of the services and the economic efficiency of the operation is urging from now on to use the delegated management process. The European Union Law, source of inspiration, and more particularly the work of the CJEU, are contributing to a reflection on the enrichment of the mechanisms of the management of public services, which have furthermore a privileged frame locally. However, this influence is reciprocal. Renewed through the concept of “public-private partnership”, the concession is envisaged as a key tool for the recovery of the European Economy, and remains a reference on complex contractual arrangements.
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Dilemmes familiaux de la prise en charge de la maladie d’Alzheimer : principes, relations et émotions / Family dilemma about taking care of Alzheimer's disease : principles, relationships and emotionsMiceli, Pamela 08 April 2013 (has links)
À partir d'un modèle d’analyse alliant les apports théoriques des sociologies de l'aide familiale et des émotions, nous analysons l'expérience de la prise en charge familiale de la maladie d’Alzheimer à travers trois dilemmes : l’exercice de la toilette du malade, le recours aux structures d'accueil et d’hébergement et l’intervention dans sa vie privée. Ces dilemmes sont appréhendés au prisme de trois registres d'interprétation, d'action et de justification : un registre principiel, un registre relationnel et un registre émotionnel. Nos analyses éclairent ainsi la singularité plurielle des expériences et des implications des proches familiaux des malades. / From an analytical model, combining the theoretical contributions of the sociology of family support and the sociology of emotions, we analyze the experience of family care of Alzheimer’s disease through three dilemmas: the exercise of the patient’s toilet, the use of reception and housing structures by families and intervention in the patient’s private life. Theses dilemmas are understood through the prism of three registers of interpretation, action and justification: a register of principles, a relational register and an emotional register. Our analysis light up the plural singularity of experiences and implications of relatives of Alzheimer’s patients. / A partir de un modelo analítico que combina las contribuciones teóricas de las sociologías del apoyo familiar y de las emociones, se analiza la experiencia de la atención familiar de la enfermedad de Alzheimer a través de tres dilemas: el ejercicio del baño del enfermo, el uso de centros de día y residencias, y la intervención en su vida privada. Estos dilemas se entienden bajo el prisma de tres registros de interpretación, acción y justificación: un registro de principios, un registro relacional y un registro emocional. Nuestros análisis aclaran la singularidad plural de las experiencias e implicaciones de los familiares de los enfermos.
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Krizový plán jako pomoc učiteli při řešení situací spjatých s rizikovým chováním žáků / Crisis plan to assist teachers in dealing with situations related to the risk behavior of studentsExnerová, Markéta January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the school crisis plan as one of the methods to help teachers with solving situations in consequence of risk behavior of pupils. School crisis plan is a set of procedures solving risk situations which may occur in the school environment as a result of risk behaviour of pupils. The thesis is composed of five basic parts. The first four parts are theoretical. They deal with the general concept of the school crisis plan and its integration into the system of preventive action within the school risk behavior. An important part is also a description of the roles of teachers with regard to crisis situations in school and the possibility of their cooperation, which I see as one of the most crucial points of effective implementation of the crisis plan of the school. Another equally crucial point in the effective implementation of the school crisis plan are competence of teachers, which are also listed in this section of my thesis. The fifth part of the thesis deals with the practical use of school crisis plan. There are several approaches to solving specific situations that may appear in school within the risk behaviors. These procedures are shown graphically for easy orientation.
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Srovnání povinnosti péče řádného hospodáře člena statutárního orgánu v České republice a odpovídající povinnosti člena statutárního orgánu v Irsku / A comparison of due managerial care of a member of governing body in the Czech Republic and a comparable duty of a member of governing body in IrelandPečinka, Martin January 2017 (has links)
This paper deals with a comparison between the Czech duty of due managerial care of a member of governing body of limited company and the Irish non-fiduciary duty to exercise care, skill and diligence of a director of limited company (hereinafter also referred as "duty of care"). The paper aims to find out a possible way to improve legislation of the duty of due managerial care on the basis of comparison with the duty of care. The duty of care sets the ground for the comparison, therefore the paper deals first with the Irish legal status of the duty of care, which has been recently changed by the Companies Act 2014. Despite of the codification of the directors' duties, the core of interpretation and application of the duty of care still rests in judicial decisions. Nevertheless, the change of source and statutory wording of the duty means that the substance of Re City Equitable [1925] does not represent a good law anymore. The standard of care of Re City Equitable [1925] has been replaced by the minimal objective standard based on the British judgment Re D'Jan of London [1994]. The content of the duty of care is determined on the case by case basis, but in any event it consists of conclusions of the British judgment Re Barings [1999], which has been accepted by the Irish courts in restriction...
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Essai sur l'effectivité du droit de la représentation collective dans l'entreprise / Essay on the effectiveness of employee representation rules in the companySebe, François 10 December 2013 (has links)
La question des sanctions est centrale lorsqu’est ouvert le débat relatif à l’effectivité du droit de la représentation collective des salariés dans l’entreprise. Chargée de protéger les valeurs essentielles de la société, la voie pénale doit être réservée aux atteintes portées aux prérogatives des instances de représentation du personnel lesquelles présentent un caractère fondamental. Pour le surplus, il est des sanctions, d’ordre administratif ou civil, plus efficaces. Reste que la seule restriction du champ pénal ne suffit pas à garantir l’effectivité du droit de la représentation collective. Des réponses substantielles et « organisationnelles » tenant notamment à la définition d’une politique pénale d’envergure, à la révision de la ligne de partage des responsabilités dans l’entreprise et à la recherche de sanctions pénales renouvelées s’imposent. Au-delà de la voie répressive, d’autres méritent d’être explorées. L’application des règles du droit de la représentation collective doit être garantie au moyen d’outils non plus répressifs mais préventifs en dehors de toute participation d’une quelconque autorité judiciaire. La voie extra-pénale fait une large place à la fonction préventive de l’inspection du travail laquelle doit accompagner les entreprises en recourant à de nouvelles méthodes d’accompagnement et d’évaluation. La définition d’une politique sociale d’entreprise, moyennant la conclusion d’un accord unique sur la représentation du personnel, est légalement de nature à garantir l’effectivité de la norme en tenant compte des spécificités propres à chaque entreprise. / The issue of sanctions is critical when is opened the debate on the effectiveness of employee representation rules in the company. Aiming at protecting the core values of society, criminal law should be reserved for infringements of the prerogatives of employee representation bodies which are fundamental. For the rest, there are sanctions , administrative or civil, more effective. Still, the only restriction of the criminal field is not sufficient to guarantee the effectiveness of employee representation rules. Some substantial and “organizational” answers relating in particular to the definition of a major criminal policy, the revision of the division of responsibilities in the company and the search for renewed criminal sanctions seem necessary. Beyond the repressive way, others deserve to be explored. The application of employee representation rules must be guaranteed by tools rather preventive than repressive and without any involvement of any judicial authority. The extra-criminal policy leaves a large place to the preventive function of labor inspection which should help companies by using new methods of support and assessment. The definition of a corporate social policy, through the conclusion of a single agreement on staff representation, is legally adequate to ensure the effectiveness of the rule by taking into account the specificities of each company.
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Le concept d'entreprise en droit du travail / The concept of firm in labor and employment lawDuchange, Grégoire 12 April 2014 (has links)
L’entreprise naît en Droit d'un alliage complexe de notions juridiques (le contrat de travail, la personnalité morale, la représentation collective des travailleurs, etc...). L'ordonnancement systématique de celles-ci s'impose pour percevoir la cohérence de l'organisation juridique de celle-là. Des lignes de force se dégagent. Le contrat de travail oppose deux parties aux intérêts antagonistes. Mais la libération de la force de travail du salarié, partie de sa personne, et la pérennisation du lien contractuel les obligent à coopérer. Ce mouvement est renforcé par certains mécanismes étrangers à la nature du contrat de travail. Sont organisés le partage du contrôle de l’entreprise (lequel suppose d’assurer la représentation collective des travailleurs) et celui de ses utilités. Les salariés deviennent alors des quasi-associés. L'organisation juridique de l'entreprise n'est toutefois pas figée par le dogme. Des idéologies concurrentes en façonnent les contours. Certaines s'attachent aux fins. L'entreprise est alternativement mise au service de l'emploi et de l'activité d'entreprendre. D'autres s'intéressent aux moyens. Juristes et économistes prétendent à l'organisation scientifique de l'entreprise. / In Law, the firm is the result of a complex amalgam of legal concepts (employment contract, legal personality, collective representation of workers, etc.). The systematic ordering of these ones is needed to perceive the coherence of the legal organization of that one. Guidelines emerge. Employment contract is the meeting of two parties whose interests are antagonists. But the release of the labor force of the employee, part of his person , and the sustainability of the contract require them to cooperate. This trend is reinforced by some mechanisms non implied by the nature of the employment contract. Are shared the control of the company (which involves the collective representation of workers) and of its benefits. Employees then become nearly considered as the stockholders are. The legal structure of the firm , however, is not fixed by dogma. Competing ideologies are shaping it. Some focus on purposes. The company is alternately used as a means for employment and for the will of the enterpreneur. Others focus on methods. Lawyers and economists try to organize the firm scientifically.
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A capacidade normativa de conjuntura no direito econômico: o déficit democrático da regulação financeira / The rule-making powers of Brazilian Central Bank and of the National Monetary Council: the democratic deficit of financial regulationRocha, Jean Paul Cabral Veiga da 12 November 2004 (has links)
A regulação financeira, especialmente a regulação bancária, tem um papel central na organização da vida social. As modernas técnicas regulatórias, altamente sofisticadas, são o resultado de décadas de evolução. Elas exigem técnicos especializados, orçamentos específicos e uma estrutura institucional complexa. Mais que isso: para promover as regulações sistêmica e prudencial, os reguladores necessitam de amplos poderes normativos uma capacidade normativa de conjuntura. A atribuição de tais competências a órgãos que não contam com a legitimidade das urnas é considerada por alguns autores uma espécie de anomalia no direito constitucional. Para outros, ao contrário, ela é um elemento necessário do desenho institucional do Estado Regulador contemporâneo. É nesse ponto que se cruzam os debates sobre o processo de burocratização da vida social e sobre o desenvolvimento dos cânones do direito ocidental, especialmente a doutrina da separação dos poderes. A juridificação das esferas sociais suscita o tema do déficit democrático da formulação de políticas pela burocracia. A presente tese desenvolve, a partir do modelo de democracia deliberativa de Jürgen Habermas, a premissa normativa segundo a qual o controle judicial é necessário para garantir a legitimidade democrática do processo administrativo normativo. Como o cidadão comum não dispõe nem do conhecimento técnico nem dos meios materiais necessários para acompanhar o processo de tomada de decisões, o controle judicial deveria funcionar como um mecanismo de controle democrático da regulação financeira. A tese analisa esse déficit democrático a partir da jurisprudência constitucional do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) relativa à separação dos poderes e às disputas doutrinárias sobre delegação legislativa e poder regulamentar. Os estudos de caso, focados no sistema financeiro, buscam investigar se a atuação do STF tem garantido de forma adequada um equilíbrio entre a racionalidade tecnocrática e as exigências normativas de uma democracia deliberativa. / Financial regulation, specially banking regulation, plays a central role in the organization of social life. The current regulatory techniques, highly sophisticated, are the result of decades of evolution. They require well-trained public officials, specific budgets and a complex institutional framework. Moreover, in order to carry on the systemic and prudential regulations, regulators need broad rule-making powers. The assignment of such authority to non-majoritarian bodies is considered by some authors as a sort of anomaly in Constitutional Law. To others, it is seen as a necessary element of the institutional design of the contemporary Regulatory State. This is the stage where the debate about the process of bureaucratization of social life meets the intellectual concern about the current developments of western public law, namely the issue of the separation of powers. The juridification of the social spheres brings the issue of the democratic deficit of bureaucratic policymaking. Since ordinary citizens lack the expertise as well as the material and financial resources which are necessary to monitor the decision-making process, this dissertation develops the normative assumption that judicial review is necessary to ensure the democratic legitimacy of the administrative process. The dissertation analyses that democratic deficit from the viewpoint of the constitutional jurisprudence of the Brazilian Supreme Court (Supremo Tribunal Federal STF) regarding separation of powers, the rule-making authority of Brazilian non-majoritarian bodies and the doctrinal disputes about legislative delegation. The case studies show that the judicial review by STF has in practice rejected the Brazilian public law non-delegation doctrine, but has done it in a way that does not strike a balance between technocratic rationality and the normative claims of deliberative democracy.
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L'établissement distinct en droit du travail. / The separate establishment in labor lawClément, Emmanuelle 09 December 2016 (has links)
L’établissement distinct est devenu un concept incontournable dans la vie des entreprises et une notion récurrente dans les textes légaux et la jurisprudence. Dans l’hypothèse la plus simple, l’entreprise n’est dotée que d’une seule unité de travail, constituée d’activités et de personnels réunis en un même lieu. L’entreprise et l’établissement unique se confondent alors. Mais dès lors qu’elle développe un effectif important et que sa structure complexe impose la mise en place d’une organisation adaptée, elle se démembre et se divise en établissements. L’établissement distinct devient alors un centre d’activité de l’entreprise géographiquement ou matériellement isolé. Le droit du travail tente de saisir l’établissement distinct dans de multiples dimensions et n’adopte pas la même approche selon l’utilité que sa reconnaissance peut apporter dans l’entreprise. L’objet de cette recherche est de saisir la multiplicité des réalités que recouvre l’établissement distinct et d’éclaircir la manière dont le législateur et les tribunaux tendent à l’optimiser en fonction du rôle qui lui est assigné. Concomitamment, il est question de vérifier l’opportunité d’opérer un recentrage des rapports du droit du travail au niveau de l’établissement plutôt qu’au niveau de l’entreprise et les conséquences qui en résultent. / The separate establishment has become an unavoidable concept in the life of the companies and a recurring notion in the legal texts and the jurisprudence. In the simplest case, the company has only one work unit, consisting of activities and personnel in one place. The enterprise and the single establishment are then merged. But since it develops a large workforce and its complex structure requires the establishment of a suitable organization, it is dismembered and divided into establishments. The separate establishment then becomes a center of activity of the company geographically or materially isolated. Labor law attempts to seize the distinct establishment in multiple dimensions and does not adopt the same approach depending on the utility that its recognition can bring to the company. The purpose of this research is to grasp the multiplicity of realities encompassed by the distinct institution and to clarify how the legislature and the courts tend to optimize it according to the role assigned to it. Concomitantly, it is a question of verifying the desirability of refocusing the relations of labor law at the level of the establishment rather than at the level of the enterprise and the resulting consequences.
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賦能策略應用於機關組織之研究 / The Research of Empowerment Strategy Applied in Organization林秀聰, Lin, Hsiou-Tsung Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論…………………………………………………… 1
第一節 研究動機與目的…………………………………… 1
第二節 研究方法與限制…………………………………… 5
第三節 研究範圍與章節安排及研究架構……………… 6
第二章 賦能策略之文獻探討……………………………… 10
第一節 賦能之涵義………………………………………… 10
壹 有關賦能的研究文獻…………………………… 10
貳 賦能的意義………………………………………… 17
第二節 賦能之作用……………………………………… 23
第三節 賦能與授權之區別……………………………… 28
第四節 賦能概念之發展…………………………………… 32
壹 管理思潮及管理方式之轉變…………………….. 32
貳 組織採行多樣化管理之趨勢…………………… 40
參 全面品質管理(TQM)對賦能觀念之啟發………… 44
肆 多樣化管理與全面品質管理之關係……………… 51
第五節 賦能模式之探討…………………………………… 54
第三章 賦能策略的實際作法之探討……………………… 71
第一節 從組織文化的層面而言………………………… 71
第二節 從工作團隊的層面而言………………………… 78
第三節 從組織結構的層面而言………………………… 98
第四節 從組織目標建立的層面而言…………………… 100
第五節 組織施行賦能策略的問題與解決之道………… 109
第四章 賦能策略在組織中應用之探討…………………… 120
第一節 組織施行賦能策略之理由………………………. 120
第二節 應用組織發展中之干預技術施行賦能………….. 135
第三節 組織施行賦能策略之程序………………………. 140
第四節 賦能策略與領導…………………………………… 147
壹 領導的意義………………………………………… 147
貳 領導效能…………………………………………… 149
參 領導的研究途徑…………………………………… 150
肆 賦能與權變領導的關係…………………………… 162
伍 領導者的賦能行為之六項條件…………………… 165
陸 有效領導的賦能策略…………………………… 171
第五章 結論與建議…………………………………………… 178
第一節 論文回顧與發現…………………………………… 178
第二節 實務應用與後續研究建議……………………… 193
參考書目………………………………………………………… 198
圖1-1 本文研究架構…………………………………………… 8
圖2-1 賦予活力型的管理模式……………………………… 44
圖2-2 賦能過程的五個階段………………………………… 58
圖2-3 賦能的階段及其重要作法…………………………… 61
圖2-4 領導者在四個階段中所扮演的角色………………… 63
圖2-5 賦能之層級水準………………………………………… 65
圖2-6 賦能的過程模式………………………………………… 67
圖3-1 賦能的程度……………………………………………… 80
圖3-2 目標層級………………………………………………… 108
圖4-1 新任務的成果與結果………………………………… 124
圖4-2 組織性無力感的模式………………………………… 125
圖4-3 領導效能研究的四種途徑…………………………… 151
圖4-4 費德勒的權變領導理論………………………………… 155
圖4-5 費氏權變論中的因果關係圖…………………………… 156
圖4-6 郝賽與布蘭查的情境領導論關係圖………………… 157
圖4-7 領導的途徑-目標論中之因果關係………………… 158
圖4-8 途徑目標理論的詳細模型圖………………………… 159
圖4-9 賦能的六項條件………………………………………… 167
表2-1 組織的類型……………………………………………… 26
表2-2 高績效組織特性之研究成果彙整表………………… 28
表2-3 賦能與授權之區別……………………………………… 31
表2-4 管理方法的改變………………………………………… 33
表2-5 組織中之涉入與賦能之關係………………………… 38
表2-6 傳統組織與被賦能組織的重要不同點……………… 40
表3-1 透過四個階段整合組織文化的過程………………… 77
表3-2 文化整合的每一個階段中個體的行為及思考的差異性………………………………………………………. 77
表4-1 賦能表過程中的領導策略與成員行為反應………… 172 / Empowerment is generally defined as enabling employees in the organizations to have more capability,vitality,and creativity,rather than given them necessary authority.It is also a process of transforming individuals(that is,employees in organization) full of sense of powerlessness into persons who have much more power of self-control and sense of task ownship.This ownship derives from employees' being able to take more responsibility for doing planning and making decisions after they are properly directed and motivated (that is,empowered) .Beside,empowerment is also a key to success in the process of reinventing government.The reason is that the nations' competiveness,in large part,hinges on government employees' potential,vitality,and creativity.This three important abilities,in turn,can be enhanced by effecting the empowerment strategy.
There are many distinctions between empowerment and delegation.The most significant ones follows are:1.in the case of empowerment authority comes from employee's self;increase in authority are through learning;the power relationship in organizations are non-zero-sum;empowerment adds to employee's abilities and creativity;empowerment is intrinsic which means releasing power originally belonging to individuals which is undeprivable and can not be offered added onto from outside;empowerment enables employees to take on new tasks,expand knowledge and responsibility.2.in the case of delegation authority is vested in positions;increase in authority are through scalar chain;thus the power relationship is zero-sum;delegation add to employee's span of controll;delegation is extrinsic,which means power is rendered from outside.
According the author some principles or guidelines should be followed when empowerment strategies are to be implemented in organizations they are:1.Power through responsibility.2.Power through authority.3.Power through standards of excellence.4.Power through trainning and development.5.Power through knowledge and information.6.Power through feedback.7.Power through recognition.8.Power through Trust.9.Power through permission to fail.10.Power through respect.
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民營化對象與執行策略選擇關係之研究--以台北市政府為例 / The Research of Relationship between Privatization Objects and Executive Strategies -The Case Study of Taipei Municipal Government莊美珠, Chuang, Mei-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
目 錄
壹、 台北市政府市有財產委託經營之法令依據
貳、 台北市政府市有財產委託經營之概況
參、 台北市政府市有財產委託經營之方式
壹、 台北市立萬芳醫院
貳、 台北市立兒童交通博物館
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