Spelling suggestions: "subject:"democratic mission"" "subject:"semocratic mission""
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Hur gör de? : En kvalitativ studie av hur fyra samhällskunskapslärare tolkar och anser sig använda det demokratiska uppdraget och värdegrunden. / How do they do it? : A qualitative study of how four social studies teachers interpret and consider themselves to use the democratic mission and core values.Johansson, Robin January 2012 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of my study was to examine how four social studies teachers in upper secondary school interprets the democratic educational mission and core values, and if they believe that the same values are tools to influence the students' democratic approach and if they think it is possible. It is also the study's minor purpose to make an analysis of my findings and previous research in the area to explain any similarities or differences in the social studies teacher's interpretation and practice of the democratic educational mission and core values. I used qualitative semi-structured interviews as a method in which the interview questions were based on my research questions. The two criteria I had for my sample of respondents was that there would be social studies teacher at a upper secondary school and that I wanted to have two of each sex. Their interpretation and how they think they practice the democratic educational mission and core values are similar. They highlight the importance of students who dare to say what they think, everyone should be treated equally and that they should prepare students for life in a democratic society. They also thought that they could influence students democratic approach but that there were other factors that weighed heavily, for example, the home environment. The answers from my study is similar to previous research. This I explained with the help of Dewey that the social studies teachers are democrats in one way or the other, because of that they possess a willingness to keep democracy and know how it works. Therefore, they convey similar democratic values and knowledge to students so that democracy can continue to exist while the students are given tools to change society within the democratic rules. Keywords: Social study teacher, the democratic mission, core values, education.
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Demokratiuppdraget i Lgy70, Lpf94 och Lgy11 -Från nation och gemenskap till demokratiska rättigheter och skyldigheterLundkvist, Marcus January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to study how the Swedish school’s democratic mission is expressed within three different curriculas from the Swedish upper secondary school aswell as what expectations the democratic mission put on the teachers. The study’s central purpose is centered around the following questions: "How is the school’s democratic mission expressed in Lgy70, Lpf94 and Lgy11?", "What kind of similarities and differences are there in the democratic mission between Lgy70, Lpf94 and Lgy11?" and "What expectations are put on the teacher from the democratic mission in Lgy70, Lpf94 and Lgy11?". The essay uses qualitative text analysis as it’s method and curriculum theory and the traditional didactic questions as theories to answer the study’s purpose and questions. In conclusion the study identifies a change in the curriculas content, from a focus on the nation and communities to democratic rights and obligations, it also presents the complexity of the democratic mission.
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Förskolan - En plats där barn har rätt till inflytande : En kvalitativ studie om förskollärares uppfattningar om rörelseaktiviteter och de yngsta barnens inflytande / Preschool – A place where children have the right to influence : A qualitative study of preschool teachers’ perception on physical activities and the youngest children´s possibility for influenceGillstedt, Victoria January 2022 (has links)
Förskolan är en plats där barn har rätt till inflytande, en plats de ska kunna påverka sin vardag. Förskolan är en plats barnen ska inkluderas i planeringen och påverkar vilka rörelseaktiviteter som sker i förskolan. Syftet med studien är att belysa variationen av rörelseaktiviteter och i vilken mån de yngsta barn ges inflytande. Studiens metod består av intervjuer med förskollärare för att kunna göra deras uppfattningar av barns inflytande i rörelseaktiviteter synliga. Det framkommer i studiens resultat att det inte alltid är lätt att ge de yngsta barnen inflytande, eftersom de yngsta barnen inte alltid kan uttrycka sig med det verbala språket. Det är förskollärares roll att skapa förutsättningar för att de yngsta barnen ska kunna kommunicera deras intressen och önskningar. Det sker många varierade rörelseaktiviteter i förskolan både planerade och spontana. Barnens inflytande är olika i planerade och spontana rörelseaktiviteter men att de över lag har minimalt med inflytande. Barnen får möjlighet att utveckla motoriken, dansens byggstenar och så mycket mer. Slutsatsen gör det tydligt att barnens möjlighet att kunna kommunicera sina intressen och önskningar behöver utvecklas. / Preschool is a place where children have the right to influence, a place to be able to make a difference. Preschool is a place where children should be included in planning and be able to affect the movement activities. The aim of the study is to highlight the variation of movement activities and to what extent the youngest children can influence. The study method consists of interviews with preschool teacher, to enable them to express their perception of children’s influence in movement activities. The outcome shows that it is not always easy to give the youngest children influence, since the youngest children cannot express themselves through the verbal language. The preschool teachers have a role to create conditions for the youngest children to be able to communicate their interests and will. There are many varied movement activities in preschool, both planned and spontaneous. The children’s influence is different in planned and spontaneous movement activities, but they generally have minimal influence. The children get opportunity to develop motor skills, the building blocks of dance and so much more. The conclusion makes it clear that children’s ability to communicate their interests and will needs to be developed.
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Skönlitteraturens möjligheter : En systematisk litteraturstudie om skönlitteraturens potential i den svenska grundskolan / The possibilities of fiction : A systematic literature study about the potential of fiction in Swedish compulsory schoolMarkus, Frank, Davidsson, Adam January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie är att undersöka vad tidigare forskning har kommit fram till gällande användning av skönlitteratur i undervisningssammanhang, samt hur en mer omfattande användning av skönlitteratur i skolan skulle kunna påverka skolans dubbla uppdrag. Studiens resultat bygger på 14 publikationer som tagits fram genom databassökning. Resultaten talar för att arbete med skönlitteratur i huvudsak är positivt, men att det krävs mer än att bara läsa för att kunna nyttja skönlitteraturens fulla potential. Forskning visar på att det finns stora möjligheter till bildning genom att läsa, diskutera och analysera skönlitteratur. Samtidigt tyder undersökningar på att dagens elever läser mindre än vad de gjorde för tio år sedan. Resultatet visar även på att elevers medievanor förändrats och att de medier som skolan använder sig av behöver följa med i utvecklingen och föreslår serieromaner som ett möjligt alternativ till traditionell textuell litteratur. Sammanfattningsvis finns mycket att vinna genom arbete med skönlitteratur i skolan så länge som det medföljande arbetet kring litteraturen är välplanerad och eleverna upplever litteraturen som meningsgivande.
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Att fostra demokratiska medborgare : Hur lärare möjliggör demokratifostran i ämnet samhällskunskap för årskrurs 4-6 / To educate democratic citizens : How teachers enable democracy education in social studies in grade 4-6Westberg, Ida January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to investigate teachers’ perceptions regarding the task of raising pupils into democratic citizens. Therefore, I will investigate how teachers apply this task in teaching. Research shows that Swedish adolescents to a very small extent engage in democtatic processes, compared to other countries. At the same time, the amount of studies performed in Sweden is very limited regarding how teachers integrate the assignment of democracy in primary school, specifically in year 4-6. Thus, it sparked an interest in how teachers apply and include the civics subject. The study was conducted by a qualitative in terms of semi-structured interviews. Six teachers participated and everyone are currently teaching civics in grade 4-6. The theoretical approach has been based on John Dewey and pragmatism. The theory has been used in combination with previous research to analyze the statements of the respondents. Firstly, the results show that teachers experience their role of educating democratic citizens as unique and important. They believe that there are great opportunities in affecting students' roles as democratic citizens. However, the teachers also describe certain difficulties while teaching about the democratic processes, since the subject is very complex. A large part in the complexity is that school accommodates many different individuals with various sociocultural backgrounds, perceptions and opinions about the world, which constantly needs to be addressed. Additionally, the teachers also experience that using assignments where students actively practice democratic participation should be given a larger share in school. The most effective way to practice this, according to the teachers, is by using communicative methods, e.g., conversations. Finally, the studies conclude that there is a need for developing the communicative parts in the education materials, especially concerning the democracy education. / Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur verksamma lärare ser på uppdraget att fostra demokratiska medborgare. Därför kommer jag att undersöka hur lärare applicerar detta uppdrag i undervisningen. Forskning visar att svenska ungdomar i mycket liten utsträckning engagerar sig i demokratiska frågor jämfört med andra länder. Samtidigt finns det en mycket begränsad forskning vad gäller hur lärare applicerar demokratiuppdraget i grundskolans årskurs 4-6. Det skapade ett intresse för hur lärare tillämpar och inkluderar demokratiuppdraget i ämnet samhällskunskap. Undersökningen genomfördes med en kvalitativ metod genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Det deltog sex lärare, samtliga verksamma i ämnet samhällskunskap för grundskolans mellanår, årskurs 4-6. Den teoretiska ansatsen utgår från John Dewey och pragmatismen. Teorin har sedan tillsammans med tidigare forskning använts för att analysera och diskutera respondenternas utsagor. Resultatet visar att lärare upplever sig ha en mycket viktig och unik roll i att fostra demokratiska medborgare. De anser att det finns stora möjligheter att påverka eleverna i deras medborgarskap. Lärare ser också vissa svårigheter i fostrandet då det stundtals är mycket komplext. En stor del i komplexiteten uppges vara att skolan rymmer många individer med olika sociokulturella bakgrunder, uppfattningar och åsikter om världen som alltid måste bemötas. Lärare uttrycker också att övningar där elever praktiskt tränar på det demokratiska deltagandet bör få en större plats i skolan. I resultatet framgår även att lärare ser kommunikativa metoder i form av samtal som den mest effektiva metoden. Resultatet visar på ett behov av att utveckla de kommunikativa delarna i läromedlen som riktar sig mot demokratiundervisningen.
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Reflektioner kring grupputveckling för kontroversiella samtal i samhällskunskapsundervisningenHussein, Shano January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to qualitatively investigate how social studies teachers in a high school, use group development strategies when approaching potentially controversial topics in the classroom. The study used five semi-structured interviews with social studies teachers. Bruce Tuckman's model of group development was used to organize and analyze the teachers' experiences in a way that could be linked to the phases described in the model. The results of the study have shown the importance of using group development as a method to prepare students to handle controversial conversations in a constructive way and promote their growth together. The teachers' overall goal with group development is for the students to learn to cooperate, develop their communication skills and show respect for each other's opinions. The teacher's democratic mission also appears as part of group development. Positive group development also contributes to a cohesive social environment that creates an inclusive conversation climate. The skills acquired through group development were considered applicable when students faced controversial discussions. For example, they were seen using communication skills to actively listen and strive to understand each other's perspectives instead of trying to dominate each other. Therefore, classes may need to go through different stages of development to manage controversial conversations effectively.
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DUBBLA ARBETET OCH STRATEGIER : Studie om samhällskunskapslärarens dubbla arbete och hantering av utmanande beteende / DOUBLE THE WORK AND STRATEGIESMakdesi-Elias, Sami January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to analyze and describe perceptions and strategies of social studies teachers regarding students' norm-breaking behaviors during the teacher's teaching. The study's basic approach was based on a qualitative method with semi-structured questions that were designed according to the survey's theoretical framework, deviant behaviors and value pedagogy. The interviews were conducted by six teachers who teach the subject of social studies, both at primary- and high school, where they had the opportunity to contribute with their life experience, thoughts and experiences within school operations.All respondents in the study feel that they have at least once come across students who exhibit norm-breaking behavior in their working time as teachers. In addition, all participants feel that they have a greater obligation, because they are trained teachers with the subject of social studies, to educate and nurture students according to the mission of democracy. This in turn leads to the teacher reflecting on her/his role as leader and role model, which is based on ethics and morality, what is right and wrong, how one should behave and act.The school's values and mission are highlighted in the curriculum, where it is stated that all education must be based on democratic working methods and preparation for students to develop personal responsibility. According to the respondents, there are different types of norm-breaking behavior among students, which in this study are finally characterized as physical and verbal norm violations. All teachers relate to basic value issues continuously, through hidden or direct teaching methods. It can be anything from deliberately provoking students by highlighting the importance of democracy, to using different tools such as signs of various kinds. Respondents felt that the majority of students' attitudes were temporary and others could be long-lasting. The result was that teachers considered that these provocative norm-breaking behavior of the students need varying efforts more individually, than collectively ie. in a whole group of students, from teachers and the school activities part. Which, among other things, can be effectively counteracted by the teacher self-reflectively analyzing her-/himself and her/his role as a leader, in order to then reflect her/his behavior and actions on the students.
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Folkbibliotekariers syn på och relation till folkbibliotekens arbete med digitala tjänster gentemot personer med synnedsättning : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om begreppet digitala tjänster i en bibliotekskontext / Public librarians' views on and relation to public libraries' work with digital services towards people with visual impairments. : A qualitative interview study on the concept of digital services in a library contextBengtsson, Jenny January 2023 (has links)
For a person who has been diagnosed with a disability at some point in their life, their ability to be an active democratic citizen in our information society changes. This thesis examines what kind of challenges the Swedish public libraries and librarians faces in their day-to-day work connected to the specific group of users with vision-related disabilities and discusses and analyze public librarians' perception of what digital skills means to them. In the combination of people with visual impairments and their digital needs and competence development and on the actual conditions and challenges existing at the Swedish public libraries regarding digital services for people with visual impairments, the study identifies several challenges for both parties. The study results present an insecurity among librarians regarding the expectations to adjust and help with digital guidance, when they still are feeling insecure about what kind of digital competence expects of them. During the qualitative interviews, a shared experience of anxiety, uncertainty, and an uneven level among the library staff regarding basic digital competences and where the "boundary" is revealed. The uneven level of digital competence is highlighted as problematic, as the patrons are assumed to be treated differently on repeated visits to the public library. The study identifies several challenges that would further encourage both the individual, the profession, the institution as well as society and research to study further. New knowledge in a library context has been identified and needs to be studied in a broader and more comprehensive research study.
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