Spelling suggestions: "subject:"depå"" "subject:"sepå""
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Process and information mapping for a combined container depot and terminal / Process- och informationskartläggning för containerdepå och -terminalStrömberg, Oskar January 2016 (has links)
Oxelösunds hamn har identifierat den kombinerade depån och terminalen de driver i Stålhamnen, Oxelösund, som en trång sektor. Depån och terminalen undersöktes med hänseende på hur den fysiska hanteringen påverkar uppfattningen om att de bidrar till att ytan de bedrivs på ses som en trång sektor. Även informationsflödet kartlades för att dels undersöka hur containrar fraktas till och från depån samt hur frakten initieras och hur det påverkar trångheten. Undersökningen tog sin ståndpunkt i ett systemsynsätt genom intervjuer och deltagande i verksamheten som Oxelösunds hamn bedriver på ytan. Genom intervjuer och deltagande i verksamheten har både dokumenterade och odokumenterade aktiviteter identifierats gällande både den fysisk hanteringen och informationsflödet. Under arbetets gång blev det även tydligt att alla personer som kommer i kontakt med antingen den fysiska hanteringen eller informationsflödet inte nödvändigtvis har samma syn på systemet. Ibland saknas en helhetssyn över systemet och man känner endast till sina närmsta parter i kedjan. I dagsläget är det osäkert hur avsaknaden av helhetssyn påverkar den fysiska hanteringen och informationsflödet på och kring ytan. Det är dock ingen fråga om huruvida det påverkar eller ej, för på något vis medför avsaknaden av kännedom om systemet problem i det. Resultatet pekar på att det finns förbättringspotential i både den fysiska hanteringen såväl som informationsflödet mellan de tre företagen som gör att depån och terminalen fungerar som den ska. Resultatet pekar även på att ytan som depån och terminalen idag bedrivs på inte är den trånga sektor Oxelösunds hamn antagit den varit. Depån och terminalen är inte en trång sektor då ytan idag ska ha en överkapacitet gentemot de verksamheter som de servar i antal containrar per år som kan passera.
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Bortom Bygden : En studie av jämtländska svärd i fjällen under yngre järnålder och en diskussion kring dess tolkning / Beyond the vicinity : A study of swords in the mountain region of Jämtland County during the Late Iron Age and a discussion of their interpretationOlofsson, Emelie January 2018 (has links)
Beyond the vicinity A study of swords in the mountain region of Jämtland County during the LateIron Age and a discussion of their interpretation. This bachelor thesis discusses the function of swords found in the mountain region of Jämtland County during the Late Iron Age. It focuses on the discussion whether the swords found in the mountain region can reflect on resource utilization in the mountain region during the Late Iron Age from a socioeconomical perspective. The thesis also brings up difficulties in the intrepretations whether or not the swords in the mountain region should be defined as a grave, because of the lack of human remains in some of the sites in the mountain region containing swords. The data used in the thesis is mainly processed in GISand Microsoft Excel and is discussed on a critical basis. The results are presented as maps showing spatial relations between the collected data. The presence of swords in the mountain region can be seen as evidence of more widespread resource utilization of the mountain region in Jämtland County.
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Lokalproducerad förnybar energi på tågunderhållsdepåer i befintligt bestånd / Locally produced renewable energy at existing maintenance depot for trainsPettersson, Rikard January 2013 (has links)
Jernhusen AB är ett fastighetsbolag inom transportbranschen och är framförallt inriktade mot järnvägen. Jernhusen har ett uttalat mål att bidra till ett hållbart samhälle. Som ett steg i detta vill Jernhusen undersöka möjligheterna med att investera i lokalproducerad förnybar energi på deras tågunderhållsdepåer.Denna rapport utreder förutsättningarna och möjligheterna med detta. Det finns idag flera olika förnybara energikällor som kan användas lokalt på depåerna. De bäst lämpade teknikerna för Jernhusens tågunderhållsdepåer är att använda solenergi och geoenergi. Solenergin kan användas för att producera elkraft med solceller och värme med solfångare. Det finns flera olika typer av solceller med den mest kommersiellt använda typen är polykristallina kiselsolceller. Underhållsdepåerna har stora effektbehov, både för el och för värme. Effektbehovet är som störst under vintermånaderna när tågen behöver avisas. Depåerna har stora öppna tak och bangårdar som lämpar sig till att använda både solceller, solfångare och geoenergi. De flesta depåerna är gamla och fastigheterna innehåller markföroreningar, vilka behöver beaktas om ett geoenergisystem ska installeras på fastigheten. Det finns goda förutsättningar för Jernhusen att installera olika system som utnyttjar förnybara energikällor. Om ett solcellssystem skulle installeras på Hagalund enligt Tabell 6-1 är återbetalningstiden för investeringen 15 år. Detta får anses som en god investering då ett solcellssystem kan ha en livslängd på 40 år. Hade en geoenergisystem installerats på Raus enligt Tabell 6-3 blir återbetalningstiden 17 år. Ett solfångarsystem har låg lönsamhet oavsett vilket depå det installeras på. Dock blir både geoenergi och solfångare betydligt mer lönsamma om byggnaden är uppvärmd av direktverkande el eller vid nybyggnationer. / Jernhusen AB is a real estate company within the transportation industry and their business is focused towards the railway. Jernhusen has a stated goal that the company should contribute to a sustainable society. As a step in this goal the company explores the possibilities of investing in locally produced renewable energy systems at their maintenance depots. This report investigates the potential in that kind of investment. There are currently several different renewable energy sources that can be used for locally producing renewable energy at the depots. The most appropriate techniques for Jernhusen to use are solar energy and geothermal energy. Solar energy can be used to produce electric power with solar cells and to produce heat with solar panels. There are several different types of solar cells but the most commonly used are polycrystalline silicon based solar cells.The maintenance depots have large power requirements for both electricity and heat. The power demand is greatest during the winter months when the train needs de-icing. The maintenance depots have large open roofs and rail yards suitable for solar cells, solar panels and geothermal systems. Most of the depots are old constructions and the properties contains a lot of soil pollution that need to be considered if a geothermal energy solution is up for investigation. There are good prospects for Jernhusen to install various systems using renewable energy sources. If a solar cell system were installed at Hagalund according to Table 6-1 the payback period for the investment is 15.1 years. This must be seen as a good investment when the solar cells have a lifespan of 40 years. If a geothermal system were installed at Raus according to Table 6-3 the payback period is 17.2 years. A solar panel system has a low profitability regardless of which depot the system is installed at. However, both the geothermal system and the solar panel system are far more profitable if the building is heated by electricity.
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Järn i jorden : Spadformiga ämnesjärn i Mellannorrland / Iron in the ground : Spade-shaped currency bars in central NorrlandLindeberg, Marta January 2009 (has links)
This thesis explores how the spade-shaped currency bars of central Norrland were used in different contexts and what significance they held. Spade-shaped currency bars give us a glimpse of a world-view different than our own where the intermediary form the bars represented bestowed upon them a much fuller significance than did their place in the production process. Spade-shaped bars do not work especially well as a general intermediary form in the iron production process. They are time-consuming to produce and their shape is clearly unsuitable for forging most objects, apart from cauldrons. It is likely that the shape of the bars was chosen from social, rather than technological considerations. It is suggested that the bars got their shape from the socketed axe because of its practical as well as symbolic importance. The spade-shaped bars thus became associated with ideas about the origins of society; opening up the landscape, clearing forest for farming and iron production. The bars symbolic meaning was so broad as to appeal to people in totally different parts of Norrland. It was possible, through the lens of the currency bar, to conciliate these different ways of life to a single narrative of origins and identity. Most spade-shaped bars are found in hoards on the periphery of the settled areas, in the forest. The placement of the hoards suggest that the burial of bars is most likely part of ritualized activities intended to promote fertility in the fields and in the forests. The hoards are found on boundaries in the landscape, often in the places where the boundary could be crossed.
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Odödliga monument : Återanvändning av megalitgravar / Immortal monuments : Reuse of megalithic tombsAdamsson, Marcus January 2017 (has links)
Megalithic tombs that originally date back to the early to mid-neolithic are the oldest preserved monument that can be found in Scandinavia. The act of raising big stone structures for the dead shows that the monuments where build to last through time. Prehistoric people from different time periods have reused these monuments on different locations all over Europe. This paper focuses on the monuments in Sweden and it shows that the reuse of megalithic monuments appears in all regions where these monuments can be found. The different reasons to why people wanted to reuse these monuments are also discussed. The paper proposes that the reasons are religious and political. Political the monuments can give inheritance rights which granted land rights among other things.
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Optimering av spårplan i depå Hagalund / Optimising the Track Allocation Problem at the Hagalund Train DepotHammarstedt, Lovisa, Stefan, Åberg January 2018 (has links)
SJ AB is the leading railway operating company in Sweden and is owned by the Swedish government. In Hagalund train depot (HGL) SJ AB, as well as some of SJ AB:s competitors, run their operational maintenance. The HGL property is owned by Jernhusen but some of the infrastructure is owned by Trafikverket; the Swedish transport administration. The number of depot tracks available for SJ AB have been reduced over time, as competition is increasing. SJ AB constructs their own track plans, i.e. decide the arrival and departure track for each train turnaround in the depot. These track plans are currently made by a so called production planner in the planning system RPS. In RPS the planners base their decisions on common sence, as there is no optimising function in the system. The mathematical problem associated with this task is called the Track Assignment Problem (TAP), which is a well-known problem within railway related research. This report presents an optimisation program - TAP Solver (TAPS) - that takes information from RPS and then generates an optimised solution visualised as a track plan. The user is given the opportunity to direct the solution through parameters in a weight matrix in Excel. TAPS is created to make the process of constructing a track plan both faster and easier. Our results show that TAPS is able to find the optimal 24 hour track plan within a few minutes.
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Utmarksyxorna : Studie av en bronsåldersdepå i Botkyrka socken / Axes of Outlying Lands : A study of a Bronze-Age deposit in Botkyrka parishIsaksson, Emma January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this BA thesis is to understand the Bronze Age deposit in Tumba, Botkyrka Parish, Sweden, and its unusual placement in the landscape: on land and not in water. In order to achieve this, the deposit is analysed with different points of view: 1) the deposit objects: two socketed axes from Montelius period V–VI and a chisel, are examined for traces of usage; 2) the deposit is seen in relation to two other deposits in its vicinity; 3) the spatial distribution of other Bronze Age remains and monuments are analysed; 4) the deposit is viewed as a part of a natural and cultural landscape. The results demonstrate that, in southern Botkyrka, used axes were deposited in an area free from other Bronze Age monuments. They appear also to have been placed outside the inhabited areas, i.e. where activities like grazing or hunting occurred. This can be understood by viewing the woodland as something with agency, and people in a relationship with the environment.
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Bronssvärd på Gotland : en typologi och genusdiskussion / Bronze swords on Gotland : a typologi and gender discussionSommar, Fanny January 2010 (has links)
<p>On the island of Gotland in the Baltic sea there have been 18 archaeological find of bronze swords and five finds of bronze miniature swords and they have been dated to the bronze age periods II-VI. They have been found as ritual hoard offerings, as treasure hoards and in graves. These finds will be put in relation to each other and the bronze age landscape they have been found in. The purpose of this is to see if there is a pattern to be seen, if a specific sword-type can be found in a grave or hoard or if there’s a pattern to be seen in there placement in the landscape relating to other bronze age sites. The question of who used the sword during the bronze age will also be asked, followed by a discussion of gender, gender roles and power on Gotland during the bronze age.</p>
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Bronssvärd på Gotland : en typologi och genusdiskussion / Bronze swords on Gotland : a typologi and gender discussionSommar, Fanny January 2010 (has links)
On the island of Gotland in the Baltic sea there have been 18 archaeological find of bronze swords and five finds of bronze miniature swords and they have been dated to the bronze age periods II-VI. They have been found as ritual hoard offerings, as treasure hoards and in graves. These finds will be put in relation to each other and the bronze age landscape they have been found in. The purpose of this is to see if there is a pattern to be seen, if a specific sword-type can be found in a grave or hoard or if there’s a pattern to be seen in there placement in the landscape relating to other bronze age sites. The question of who used the sword during the bronze age will also be asked, followed by a discussion of gender, gender roles and power on Gotland during the bronze age.
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Var god dröj : En kvalitativ studie av hur offentliga arkivinstitutioner arbetar med externa arkivdepåer för pappersarkiv / Please hold : A qualitative study of how Swedish public archival institutions use off-site storage for paper archivesLundblad, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine the use of off-site storage in the archival sector and how it impacts the public institutions’ work towards making the archives accessible for their users. Despite the ever-present technological advances and presumed digital future of archives the dependence on analogue records is still strong, leading to a recurring problem regarding lack of space in the archival depositories. To solve the problem archival institutions often turn to off-site storage solutions, where the terms and conditions vary, and often demands creative solutions to everyday archival problems. To answer the purpose of this study two types of off-site storage have been examined, where in one the archives use a staffed location and one where they use an unmanned location. By conducting interviews with archivists employed in organizations using these solutions the study aims to answer questions about 1) the challenges faced, 2) the solutions to said challenges, and 3) if there are any similarities or differences between the two aforementioned types of off-site storage. Employing the archival reference knowledge model developed by Duff, Yakel and Tibbo as a theoretical framework the study takes special aim at what abilities the archivists need and use to face the challenges presented by using off-site storage and to satisfy the needs of their users. The results conclude that although the main consequences of using off-site storage are loss of efficiency and time delays due to separated archives and unsatisfactory resources the archivists manage to keep their service levels moderate. They use the same tactics for acquiring collection knowledge in all aspects of the organization, and otherwise use each other’s’ knowledge to bridge the gaps. They make do with the given resources while balancing political and organizational objectives and juridical demands. This is a two years master’s thesis in Archival Science.
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