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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Alla ska få känna tillhörighet" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om fritidsgårdens arbete med barn i fattigdom

van Bruggen, Malin, Cajback, Anna January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the study is to investigate various aspects of child poverty related to the work at youth centers. The purpose of the study is also to investigate experiences of the area in which the youth center is located. In order to investigate the purpose and questions of the study, six individual interviews have been conducted with the staff at a youth center located in a suburb in Stockholm city. The empirical material has been analyzed based on theories of class and consumer society. The study answers three questions with the first one describing the staff’s view of the area in which the youth center is located, as well as what effects these descriptions may have on their clientele. The remaining issues deals with the social consequences of child poverty which the staff identify and work counteracting. The study's conclusions show that the relative child poverty can adversely affect the social life of youths. It can cause difficulties in the maintaining of social relationships with peers and create feelings such as shame, fear and exclusion. This is explained by the demands placed on individuals to achieve a desirable class and consumer level. The study also showsthat the area’s character has an impact on the clientele. Furthermore, the study concludes that the youth center is working actively against the social consequences via inclusion, health and care. / Syftet med studien är att undersöka olika aspekter av barnfattigdom kopplat till fritidsgårdars arbete. Syftet är även att undersöka upplevelser av det område som verksamheten ligger i. För att undersöka studiens syfte och frågeställningar har sex stycken enskilda intervjuer genomförts med personal på en fritidsgård belägen i en närförort till Stockholms stad. Empirin har sedan analyserats utifrån teorier om klass och konsumtionssamhället. Studien svarar på tre frågeställningar och den första beskriver personalens uppfattning av området som fritidsgården är belägen i, samt vad dessa kan ha för betydelse för deras klientel. Resterande frågeställningar behandlar de sociala konsekvenser av barnfattigdom som personalen på fritidsgården identifierar och arbetar mot. Studiens slutsatser visar på att den relativa barnfattigdomen kan påverka ungdomars sociala liv negativt. Det kan därmed medföra svårigheter att upprätthålla sociala relationer till jämnåriga samt känslor av skam, rädsla och utanförskap. Detta förklarat utifrån de krav som ställs på individer att uppnå en eftersträvad klass och konsumtionsnivå. Studien kommer även fram till att områdets karaktär påverkar vilka ungdomar som väljer att besöka fritidsgården. Till sist drar studien slutsatser om att fritidsgården aktivt arbetar mot de sociala konsekvenserna genom inkludering, hälsa och omsorg.

Vers une redéfinition de la protest song ? Réflexions sur la chanson contestataire aux États-Unis : le cas de Bruce Springsteen et la reflective song. / Towards a Redefinition of the Protest Song? Reflections on the Protest Song in the USA : the Case of Bruce Springsteen and the Reflective Song.

Chouana, Khaled 12 July 2018 (has links)
Ce travail constitue une réflexion sur la chanson contestataire contemporaine aux États-Unis à travers les chansons et l’engagement politique et social de Bruce Springsteen. Nous défendons la thèse que Springsteen renouvelle le genre de la protest song en s’adaptant à l’époque contemporaine. Pour ce faire, le chanteur adopte quatre stratégies artistiques. Elles consistent à chanter sur les gens ordinaires et leur quotidien, aborder le désenchantement et le désespoir des plus exclus, composer des chansons qui remplissent une fonction cathartique en ayant recours à l’imitation et enfin à militer dans la sphère politique et sociale en soutenant des candidats lors des élections présidentielles américaines tout en offrant des dons aux organisations caritatives qui aident les plus démunis. La thèse démontre que Springsteen arrive à se hisser au sommet du classement des meilleures ventes aux États-Unis et à travers le monde grâce à ces stratégies. Elles lui ont permis de mobiliser un public et d’avoir des millions de fans. Nous proposons d’appeler les chansons engagées de Springsteen des chansons méditatives (reflective songs). La chanson méditative de Springsteen est, sans doute, l’outil culturel de contestation le plus adapté à l’époque contemporaine où il est difficile pour un artiste engagé de protester efficacement du fait de la marchandisation de l’acte même de sa contestation. Il se peut que la reflective song de Bruce Springsteen ne change pas le monde, mais elle peut en revanche permettre aux gens de croire en un monde meilleur et donc de les dissuader de se révolter. / This work is a study of contemporary protest song in the USA through the songs and social and political activism of Bruce Springsteen. It contends that Springsteen has been able to reexamine American protest songs and frame a new genre under the umbrella of rock music by adapting his music to the social and political context of contemporary America. The thesis that I defend shows that the reason behind the commercial success of Springsteen can be explained by the fact that he has adopted several artistic strategies which have brought him an audience composed of dedicated fans who admire him. I argue that Springsteen adopts four main strategies: firstly, singing about ordinary people and reporting their daily hardships; secondly, composing somber songs that deal with the despair of blue collars and marginalized Americans; thirdly, adopting mimesis (imitation) which has a cathartic effect on Springsteen’s audience; and finally, getting involved in social and political activism. The thesis contends that Springsteen is among the top selling rock singers in the USA and several other countries thanks to these four strategies. Springsteen has reinvented protest song as a genre and has become a reference in a world where everything is co-opted including the very act of rebellion. I, therefore, suggest a new term, reflective songs, to describe the songs of Bruce Springsteen when they reflect on the condition of the socially excluded instead of protesting pointlessly. Springsteen’s reflective song is undoubtedly the most relevant artistic medium to shed light on the most deprived people of contemporary America. Perhaps, the reflective song of Bruce Springsteen will not change the world, but at least it gives people a reason to hope for a better future.

Alimentação, prisão e pena: a manutenção de vidas à custa da própria substância do indivíduo / Food, prison and punishment: the maintenance of lives at the expense of individuals’ own substance

Dunck, José Augusto Magni 24 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Franciele Moreira (francielemoreyra@gmail.com) on 2018-10-15T14:08:17Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - José Augusto Magni Dunck - 2018.pdf: 7531863 bytes, checksum: 0f9bb48c65b7396626206e0e8638ae78 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-10-15T14:50:21Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - José Augusto Magni Dunck - 2018.pdf: 7531863 bytes, checksum: 0f9bb48c65b7396626206e0e8638ae78 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-15T14:50:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - José Augusto Magni Dunck - 2018.pdf: 7531863 bytes, checksum: 0f9bb48c65b7396626206e0e8638ae78 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-09-24 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás - FAPEG / The assumption is that Agrarian Law encompasses the relation of human beings to one another and to the environment in which they survive. Not only is the relationship between human beings and the environment covered by Agrarian Law, but also the relation of social groups to one another and the environment, culture, political organization, history, economics, geography and ethnicity groups. It is not possible to think about Agrarian Law without thinking about the existence of human, economic and environmental diversity, about the different ways of understanding life. Therefore, it is intended to analyze the systematic denial of the realization of the right to adequate food for people in a state of deprivation of liberty based on this assumption. Despite the high productivity of foodstuffs and the large amount of water in Brazil, several factors hamper universal access to food and water, a situation that worsens within the prison system. The state of inadequate nutrition in the prison system is diagnosed based on the conclusions of reports of inspections of the Brazilian prison units carried out by members of the Executive, Judiciary and Legislative Branch. It discusses the real function of imprisonment in the country, from colonization to contemporaneity, and the role of racial practices in the prison system that legitimize the systematic denial of adequate food, which constitutes the punishment inherent in prison- sentence. Finally, field research is carried out with prisoners and persons deprived of their liberty in prison, in order to assess the experience of these individuals with food in the prison units in the Prison Complex in Aparecida de Goiânia - Goiás and to understand the world of food in the prison, in the insofar as it is subjectively lived by these people. / Parte-se do pressuposto que o Direito Agrário abrange a relação dos seres humanos, entre si, e destes com o ambiente em que sobrevivem. Não somente a relação entre ser humano e meio ambiente é abrangida pelo Direito Agrário, mas também a relação de grupos sociais, entre si, e o meio ambiente, a cultura, a organização política, a história, a economia, a geografia, a etnicidade, etc. Não é possível pensar o Direito Agrário sem pensar sobre a existência da diversidade humana, econômica e ambiental, sobre os diversos modos de compreender a vida. Portanto, pretende-se analisar a sistemática negação da concretização do direito à alimentação adequada às pessoas em estado de privação de liberdade a partir deste pressuposto. Apesar da alta produtividade de gêneros alimentos e da grande quantidade de água no território brasileiro, vários fatores obstam o acesso universal à alimentação e a água, situação que se agrava no âmbito do sistema prisional. O estado da alimentação inadequada no sistema prisional é diagnosticado a partir das conclusões de relatórios de inspeções das unidades prisionais brasileiras realizados por membros do Poder Executivo, Judiciário e Legislativo. Discute-se a real função da prisão-pena no País, desde a colonização até a contemporaneidade, e o papel das práticas raciais no sistema prisional que legitimam a sistemática negação de alimentação adequada, que se constitui como castigo inerente à prisão-pena. Por fim, é realizada pesquisa de campo com servidores e pessoas privadas de liberdade no âmbito prisional, visando aferir a experiência desses indivíduos com a alimentação nas unidades prisionais no Complexo Prisional em Aparecida de Goiânia – Goiás e compreender o mundo da alimentação no cárcere na medida em que é subjetivamente vivido por essas pessoas.

Visualisering as tegniek vir die verbetering van leesbegrip in die intermediêre fase by leerders wat leergestrem en milieubenadeeld is (Afrikaans)

Jordaan, Vasti 26 September 2012 (has links)
Learning disability affects many learners in South Africa and its impact is exacerbated by environmental disadvantage. In a fast changing educational system within a framework of Outcomes-Based Education, where inclusion of learners from various cultures who face a wide variety of barriers to learning is a reality, the need for more accommodating teaching aids and techniques is pressing. Reading comprehension skills influence most aspects of school work, cognitively, emotionally and socially, and therefore learning support strategies to address reading difficulty are especially important. This research focused on visualization as a metacognitive reading comprehension technique for learning support to intermediate level learners with learning disabilities who suffer environmental deprivation. The aim was to help learners to develop and utilise their cognitive skills when reading by forming a mental picture of the text that is being read. Internalization and generalization of this technique was targeted. The communicative meaning of text, rather than fluent word recognition, was emphasized. Manifestations of learning disability, environmental deprivation, problems in reading comprehension and visualization as a "whole brain" approach to reading development were reviewed in the literature. In collaboration with a multicultural school for learners with epilepsy and learning disabilities, the visualization technique was formatively refined during ten sessions of practical implementation. Qualitative and quantitative techniques were used to assess behaviour and performance per learner. Clinical assessments verified the findings of the case studies. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted

Stuck in Limbo : A qualitative analysis regarding the effects of living in deprived neighborhoods on the citizenship of the second-generation immigrants in Bäckby.

Gergis, Faris Henry January 2020 (has links)
This thesis is a qualitative study based on semi-structured interviews that were conducted with six highly educated young second-generation immigrants from the deprived neighborhood of Bäckby in Västerås. By aiming to understand how the participants portray their substantive citizenship and its impact upon political participation as an essential pillar of Swedish democracy, the author focused upon how the participants described their perceived discrimination, sense of belonging, transnationalism, and political participation. The answers were transcribed using the intelligent verbatim method and coded deductively based on a wide range of relevant literature. Among many findings, the study showed that the participants were aware of the bright barrier framing their place of comfort as well as they were highly attached to Bäckby. However, the majority of the participants considered the homeland to be a country outside of Sweden. Peregrinus citizenship was the outcome of the author's interpretations of the participants' substantive citizenship, which also was a possible explanation of the low interest in politics that the participants illustrated through their answers. Among the study's conclusions was stated that the second-generation immigrants are not only a risk group because of social risk factors present within the deprived neighborhood, but also because of the similar factors present outside of it. / Det här examensarbete är en kvalitativ studie baserad på semistrukturerade intervjuer som genomfördes med sex högutbildade unga andra generationens invandrare från den eftersatta stadsdelen Bäckby i Västerås. Genom att försöka förstå hur deltagarna framställer sitt substantivmedborgarskap och dess inverkan på det politiska deltagandet som en viktig pelare i den svenska demokratin fokuserade författaren på hur deltagarna beskrev sin upplevda diskriminering, känsla av tillhörighet, transnationalism och politiskt deltagande. Svaren transkriberades med hjälp av den intelligenta Verbatim metoden och kodade deduktivt baserat på ett brett spektrum av relevant litteratur. Bland många fynd visade studien att deltagarna var medvetna om den ljusa barriären som inramade sin komfortplats och de var mycket fästa vid Bäckby. Majoriteten av deltagarna ansåg dock att hemlandet var ett land utanför Sverige. Peregrinus medborgarskap var resultatet av författarens tolkningar av deltagarnas substantivmedborgarskap, vilket också var en möjlig förklaring till det låga intresse för politik som deltagarna illustrerade genom sina svar. Bland studiens slutsatser uppgavs att andra generationens invandrare är inte bara en riskgrupp på grund av sociala riskfaktorer som finns inom det utsatta området, utan också på grund av liknande faktorer som finns utanför det.

Music, music therapy and identity : investigating how South African children from socio-economically deprived communities identify with music

Langeveldt, Mareli 21 November 2007 (has links)
This dissertation profiles the way in which primary school children from socio-economically deprived communities in South Africa, specifically Heideveld and Eersterust, identify with music. The purpose of the study is to investigate how these children do, think, feel and talk about music and to explore the implications thereof for music therapist working in these specific or similar South African communities. The sentence completion responses of the children conveyed two ways in which they view identifying with music. The first is identifying with music and the second is using music as a tool through which one can identify with others. The way in which the children identify with music or through music in music therapy sessions, influences the therapeutic relationship as well as clinical interventions of the music therapist. Therefore, music therapists need to be sensitive to the way in which clients identify with music. / Dissertation (MMus (Music Therapy))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Music / MMus (Music Therapy) / Unrestricted

"Det är två världar som inte möts." En studie om förtroendet för det sociala arbetet i det särskilt utsatta området Rosengård

Andersson, Carolin, Salenfjord, Moa January 2019 (has links)
BRÅ:s rapport: Relationen till rättsväsendet i socialt utsatta områden som publicerades under 2018 indikerar att det finns ett lågt förtroende för rättsväsendet i de särskilt utsatta områdena. Det låga förtroendet för rättsväsendet tycks även påverka förtroendet för socialarbetare negativt. Studier om hur förtroendet för det sociala arbetet i särskilt utsatta områden faktiskt ser ut är dock få, vilket ökar behovet och vår önskan att utforska detta vidare. Syftet med vår studie har varit att undersöka förtroendet för socialarbetare i det särskilt utsatta området Rosengård i Malmö. Vi har undersökt på vilket sätt förbipasserande i Rosengård ger uttryck för förtroende för socialarbetare samt hur socialarbetare i Rosengård resonerar om medborgarnas förtroende för det sociala arbetet. För att kunna besvara studiens frågeställningar har data samlats in genom två metoder. Insamlingen har skett genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta socialarbetare samt genom 25 Vox Pop-intervjuer med förbipasserande i Rosengård. Materialet som insamlats har sedan färgkodats och analyserats utifrån tidigare forskning och följande teorier: föreställda gemenskaper, social alienation och stigmatisering.Resultaten i studien visar på ett allmänt lågt förtroende gentemot det sociala arbetet och socialarbetare. Både socialarbetare och förbipasserande nämner bemötande, skam, ryktesspridning, utrymme för att mötas, tillgång till tolk och omsättningen av personal som faktorer som konkret påverkar klientens förtroende för det sociala arbetet i negativ riktning. Studiens slutsats är att ett nytt arbetssätt som utvecklats inom socialtjänsten i Rosengård ska bidra till att ge klienterna mer tid och deltagande i handläggningsprocessen, vilket flera av informanterna tror kommer öka förtroendet. / Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention report published 2018: Relation to the judiciary in particularly deprived areas. The rapport indicates that the people of the particularly deprived area of Rosengård has low trust in law and order. The low trust in the judiciary also reflects negative views on social workers. There are a few studies about the trust of social workers in the particularly deprived area of Rosengård, which increases the necessity and our desire to examine this subject further. The purpose of our study has been to examine the trust of social workers in the particularly deprived area of Rosengård in Malmö. We have examined how passing-by in Rosengård give expression of trust for social workers and how social workers in Rosengård reason about citizens trust for the social services.To answer the studies inquiry, data has been collected by two methods. Collection of data have been constructed with semi-structured interviews with eight social workers and 25 Vox Pop interviews with residents of Rosengård. The material that have been collected have then been color coded and analyzed by past science and the following theories: imagined communities, social alienation and stigmatization.In conclusion there are several factors that affect the trust in social services and social workers. Both social workers and bypassing residents mention treatment of shame, rumors, space to meet, access to interpreter and turnover of personnel are factors that affect clients trust for social services in negative direction. The conclusion of this study is through a new development of the working process in the social services in Rosengård shall the clients get more time and participation in the management process. The sources of this study believe those actions will increase the trust in social workers.

Leerpotensiaal as keuringskriterium vir die opleiding van tellers

Van Schalkwyk, Lourens 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, abstract in Afrikaans and English / Wanneer psigometriese toetsing op groepe uit verskillende sosio-ekonomiese agtergronde toegepas word, presteer individue uit agtergeblewe omgewings swakker as bulle ewekniee uit meer ontwikkelde omgewings. Hierdie individue se toegang tot hoofstroom loopbaangeleenthede word dikwels bemoeilik as gevolg van die beperking. Die leerpotensiaal benadering word aangebied as belowende alternatief om die probleem, wat 'n sosio-ekonomiese oorsprong het, te oorbrug. Die resultate van die studie bewys die stelling gedeeltelik waar, maar met buitengewone inspanning. In die finale ontleding van die resultate is dit duidelik dat die verbeterde voorspelling eerder toegeskryf kan word aan die optimale vlak van ontwikkeling wat die individu bereik net voor die toetsing, en nie soseer sy/haar leerpotensiaal nie. / Applying psychometric tests to groups from different socio-economical backgrounds, inevitably result in the individuals from deprived backgrounds performing noteably poorer than their counterparts from more developed backgrounds. These individuals also find enterance to the mainstream careers difficult because of this restriction. The learning potential approach to assessment is presented as a promising alternative to overcome the problem that is related to the socio-economic background of the individual. The results of this study partly confirm the value of the learning potential approach, but only with extra-ordinary effort. In the final analysis of the results it is clear that the improved predictive accuracy was rather due to the optimal level of development the individuals reached just before the testing, and not so much their learning potential. / Psychology / M. Sc. (Sielkunde)

Die rol van die vrou in die onderwys met spesiale verwysing na bruinonderwys

Wessels, Frances Joan 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Die Bruinvrou in die onderwys het 'n besondere rol om te vertolk veral in die !ewe van die volwassewordende kind asook in die hele skoolopset. Die doel van hierdie ondersoek was om hierdie rol te bepaal. Tersaaklike gegewens is verkry deur middel van Iiteratuurstudie, die outobiografiese teks, onderhoude asook vraelyste. Deur die inligting bekom, is vasgestel dat die omstandighede waaronder 'n groot gedcelte van die Bruinonderwyseresse werk, nie altyd gunstig is nie. Baie Bruinlccrclcrs woon in sosio-ekonomiese agtergeblewe gebiede waar misdaad en bendebcdrywighedc aan die orde van die dag is. Waardestelsels, leefstyl van die subkultuur, onvoldoende materiele versorging en gebrekkige opvoeding veroorsaak steuringe in die leerders se ingesteldheid teenoor die skool. Haar vrouwees laat die onderwyseres baie empatie toon in haar opvoedingskommunikasie met die leerder. Sy poog om toereikend na sy behoeftes om te sicn. As medcganger help sy die leerder om elke mylpaal wat hy bereik, te beskou as die begin van 'n ander. Deur haar meelewendheid word veral die milieugestremde Bruinkind se menswaardigheid erken. Baie bruinleerders het aangedui dat onderwyseresse rolmodelle vir hulle is. Sommige onderwyseresse word verplig om jarelank dieselfde graad te onderrig. Aangesien hulle so 'n betekenisvolle rol in die volwassewording van die kind speel, is dit nodig dat hulle ervaring opdoen van die verskillende grade in die skool. Die vrou is baie veelsydig en het moontlikhede wat tocreikcnd aangewend kan word in al die fasette van die skoolopset. Sy kan '11 baie belangrike bydrae lewer in die organisasie en administrasie van die skool as sy die geleentheid gebied word. Haar ingesteldheid op die menslike en die belangrikheid van gesonde verhoudinge asook haar hoe pligsbesef dui daarop dat die onderwyseres by magte is om 'n uitstekende onderwysleier te wees. Nieteenstaande die feit dat onderwyseresse volgens statistieke oorverteenwoordig is in die onderwys, is hulle onderverteenwoordig in bestuursposte. Alhoewel die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid Afrika 1996, gebaseer is op die beginsels van gelykheid en menswaardigheid, is seksisme en diskriminasie op grond van geslag nog steeds ernstige struikelblokke vir die onderwyseres op haar weg na beter vooruitsigte in die onderwys. Aanbevelings vir praktykverbetering asook verdere navorsing is gemaak. / The Coloured woman in education has a particular role to play, especially in the life of the child growing towards adulthood as well as in the school in general. The aim of this investigation is to determine that role. Relevant information had been obtained by means of literary sources, autobiographical texts, interviews and questionnaires. Having obtained this information, it was established that the circumstances in which a large proportion of Coloured female educators work, are not always favourable. Many coloured learners live in socio-economic disadvantaged areas where crime and gangsterism prevail. Value systems, lifestyles of the subculture, inadequate material care and a serious lack of education are causing disruptions of learners' inclination towards the school. Being a woman enables the female educator to show considerable empathy in her pedagogic communication with the learners. She endeavours to sufficiently provide in their needs. As pedagogic accompanist she assists the learner to see every milestone that he/she achieves as the basis for another. Her involvement brings about an acknowledgement of the human dignity of the milieu-deprived Coloured child. Many coloured learners have indicated that their female educators are their role models. Some female educators are compelled to teach the same grade for years. Their significant role merits experience of teaching the various grades at school. Women are very versatile and have potential which can be utilized adequately in all the facets of the school situation. They can make very important contributions towards the organisation and administration of the school as a whole, given the opportunity. Their focus on human nature and the importance of sound relationships as well as their high sense of duty are indicative of the ability female educators have to become excellent leaders in education. They are nevertheless under-represented in educational management positions. Although the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, is based on the principles of equality and human dignity, sexism is still a stumbling block in the path of female educators. Recommendations for an improvement m educational practice as well as further research were made. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Filosofie van die Opvoeding)

Les effets du contexte local sur l'emploi : différentes applications sur données géo-localisées / The effect of local context on employment : different works on spatialised data

Sari, Florent 06 December 2011 (has links)
La présente thèse contribue à la littérature en économie urbaine sur les effets de quartiers en cherchant à répondre à trois questions liées : quelle est l’importance du territoire dans la sortie du chômage ? Peut-on parler d’effets de quartier en France ? Comment expliquer la géographie du chômage local ? La réponse à ces questions nécessite une démarche en plusieurs temps. D’abord, l’importance du territoire est analysée par une revue de littérature qui liste les différents mécanismes par lequel le contexte local peut influer sur l’accès à l’emploi des individus. Nous proposons également une analyse descriptive des disparités de chômage entre communes, en France et plus particulièrement en Ile-de-France. Les forts contrastes, qui se maintiennent même lorsque l’on considère la composition locale des demandeurs d’emplois, témoignent d’une relative importance du territoire.La thèse propose, par la suite, des analyses empiriques sur données individuelles pour démontrer l’existence d’effets de quartier en France. Nous montrons que la "qualité" du quartier et les caractéristiques qui lui sont propres déterminent le statut d’emploi des individus. Les individus qui vivent dans les quartiers les plus "défavorisés" ont moins de chances que les autres de trouver un emploi et lorsqu’ils en trouvent un, celui-ci est généralement de moindre qualité. Parmi les effets de quartiers observés, nous cherchons à mettre en évidence l’existence d’une discrimination liée au lieude résidence. Nous proposons des méthodologies distinctes mais complémentaires pour analyser l’effet de la réputation d’un quartier. Nous observons que cette dernière diminue les chances de trouver un emploi. Enfin, pour rendre compte de la géographie du chômage, la thèse propose différentes analyses à l’échelle de la commune et centrées sur la région Ile-de-France. L’objectif est de tester différents mécanismes évoqués dans la littérature en économie urbaine(ségrégation résidentielle, Spatial Mismatch, Skill Mismatch etc.) afin de voir lesquels sont les plus pertinents et lesquels doivent être considérés en priorité. Identifier les mécanismes en jeu est une étape nécessaire et importante pour orienter les politiques publiques qui chercheraient notamment à améliorer la situation des quartiers les plus défavorisés. / This thesis contributes to the literature in urban economics on neighborhood effects by answering three questions : What is the importance of territory in unemployment-to-work transitions ? Are there neighborhood effects in France ? How to explainunemployment geography ? Answering to these questions requires an approach in several steps. Firstly, the importance of the territory is analyzed by a literature review that lists the different mechanisms by which the local context can affect individuals’ access to employment. We also propose a descriptive analysis of unemployment disparities between municipalities in France and especially in the Paris region. The strong contrasts, which are maintained even when one considers the composition of local job-seekers, show the relative importance of the territory. Then, the thesis proposes empirical analysis on individual data to demonstrate the existence of neighborhood effects in France. We show that the "quality" of the neighborhood and its characteristics determine individuals’ employment status. Individuals who live in deprived neighborhoods are less likely than others to find a job and when they find it, it is generally of lower quality. Among the observed neighborhoods effects, we seek to highlight the existence of territorial discrimination. We propose different but complementary methodologies to analyze the effect of the reputation of a neighborhood. We observe that it decreases the chances of finding employment. Finally, in order to explain unemployment geography, the thesis proposes some analysisformunicipalities in Paris region. The objective is to test different mechanisms discussed in the literature in urban economics (residential segregation, Spatial Mismatch, emphSkill Mismatch etc.) to see which are most relevant and which should be considered a priority. Identify the mechanisms involved is a necessary and an important step to guide public policies that want to improve the situation of deprived neighborhoods.

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