Spelling suggestions: "subject:"deregulation)"" "subject:"reregulation)""
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Análisis de los factores económicos y comerciales que han influido en la exportación de café certificado, partida arancelaria 0901.11.90.00, hacia Alemania entre los años 2008 – 2018 / Analysis of the economic and commercial factors that have influenced the export of certified coffee, tariff item 0901.11.90.00, to Germany between 2008 – 2018Alvarez Benites, Rosario Angelica 18 August 2019 (has links)
Uno de los productos que más se comercializa en el mundo es el café, ocupa el segundo lugar después del petróleo como materia prima comercializada. Además, su consumo no es solo como una bebida, sino también se usa en la industria farmacéutica y cosmética . El Perú ocupa el noveno lugar como productor de café y el séptimo como exportador, tiene una oferta variada de café convencional, certificado y especial. Entre sus principales mercados de destino se encuentran Europa y Estados Unidos.
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal describir, a partir de las evidencias, la influencia que tuvieron los factores económicos y comerciales en la exportación de café certificado (partida arancelaria 0901.11.90.00) de Perú hacia Alemania entre los años 2008 - 2018.
Para lograr los objetivos de la investigación, se recabó información relevante a través de entrevistas a especialistas relacionados al sector como: MINAGRI, SENASA, MINCETUR, PROMPERÚ, certificadoras, Cámara Peruana de Café y Cacao, empresas y asociaciones exportadoras.
Se utilizó el software de Atlas Ti con el objetivo de analizar cada entrevista y conocer que variables son las más preponderantes dentro los factores económicos y comerciales respectivamente. / Coffee is one of the most traded products in the world, second only to oil as a commercialized raw material. In addition, its consumption is not only a beverage, but it is also used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. Peru occupies the ninth place as a coffee producer and the seventh as an exporter, has a varied offer of conventional, certified and special coffee. Among its main markets of destination are the United States and Europe.
The main objective of this research is to analyze and describe, based on the evidence, the influence that economic and commercial factors had on the export of certified coffee (tariff item 0901119000) from Peru to Germany between 2008 - 2018. Relying on said factors to describe how it influences the sales to the outside of said good.
To achieve the objectives of the research, relevant information was gathered through interviews with specialists related to the sector such as: MINAGRI, MINCETUR, PROMPERÚ, Cámara de Café y Cacao, certifiers, companies and export associations.
The Atlas Ti software was used with the objective of analyzing each interview and knowing which variables are the most predominant within the economic and commercial factors respectively. / Tesis
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Riskfördelning i implementeringen av ERTMS i Sverige / Risk Allocation in the Implementation of ERTMS in SwedenMogefors, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
Implementeringen av trafikstyrningssystemet European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS), som för närvarande det största infrastrukturprojektet i Sverige, kommer successivt att ersätta det nuvarande systemet Automatic Train Control (ATC) fram till 2035. På grund av Sveriges nyligen slutförda avreglering av järnvägsmarknaden är de viktigaste aktörerna i implementationsprocessen de aktörer som ansvarar för tågen (tågoperatörerna) och den som ansvarar för infrastrukturen (Trafikverket). Arbetet är utfört på uppdrag av Trafikverket och syftar till att undersöka riskfördelningen mellan huvudintressenterna i samband med implementeringen av ERTM. En riskanalys med avseende på tekniska risker och finansiella risker är utförd samt en litteraturstudie och intervjuer med relevanta personer inom sektorn. Resultaten visar en motvilja från operatörerna att implementera tekniken och betydande skillnad i den risk som de två aktörerna är utsatta för. Operatörerna exponeras för en relativt hög risk i varje scenario som undersöks och som potentiellt kräver riskreducerande åtgärder. I ett scenario exponeras operatörerna för oacceptabelt hög finansiell risk som kräver riskreduceringsåtgärder. Transportverket är föremål för låg risk i alla scenarier som undersökts. Data från studien tyder på att motviljan från operatörerna mot implementeringen av ERTMS beror på att de risknivåer som denna grupp utsätts för inte lever upp till de fördelar de förväntar sig att systemet kommer leverera. / Currently the largest infrastructure project in Sweden, the implementation of the rail traffic management system European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) will gradually replace the incumbent system Automatic Train Control (ATC) until 2035. Due to Sweden’s recently completed deregulation of the railway market the main stakeholders in this implementation process are the actors responsible for operations (the train companies) and the actor responsible for the infrastructure (the Swedish Transportation Administration). The thesis is commissioned by the Swedish Transportation Administration and aims at examining the allocation of risk associated with the implementation of ERTMS among key stakeholders. A risk analysis with regards to technological risk and financial risk is conducted as well as a literature study and interviews with relevant persons in the sector. The results reveal a hesitation from operators to implement the technology and considerable difference in the risk the two main stakeholders are subject to. The operators maintain a relatively high level of risk in every scenario examined, potentially requiring risk reduction measures. In one scenario the operators are subject to inacceptable levels of financial risk that demands risk reduction measures. The Swedish Transportation Administration is subject to low levels of risk in all scenarios examined. Data from the study suggests that the hesitation from operators to implement the technology may be due to the levels of risk they are exposed to do not match the benefit they expect the system will provide.
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Kalifornská energetická krize 2001 / California Electricity Crisis 2001Safai, Mina January 2011 (has links)
This paper scrutinizes the Californian Electricity Crisis 2001 from the perspective of energy security. The work shows that deregulation of the electricity sector in California challenged the main energy security principle, namely an undisrupted energy supply at affordable prices. The principle is vital for economic development and national prosperity. Disruptions or blackouts along with unprecedented high electricity prices during the Californian crisis damaged not only the economy, but increased the budget deficit and led private generators of energy supply to bankruptcy. This damaged the policy of energy security management. The approach I take in addressing the causes of the Californian Electricity Crisis involves a case study; its examination from the perspective of energy security, clarification of the risks for energy security if the state authorities restructure electricity sector; and to extract lessons for future application, which should be learnt from the crisis. In order to be successful using the mentioned approach, I highlight the conditions in the western US electricity supply industry, which enabled the California crisis to happen. In addition, I describe the regulatory structure of the California electricity sector as well as the way the deregulation plan was implemented by...
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Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions: The Case of Merger Control v. Merger DeregulationBedier, Mohammad El-Saied 29 April 2015 (has links)
During the last century, not only the legal literature but also the literature in many fields along with government efforts on all levels, were all mainly devoted to the debate of trade liberalization in general, and specifically to the case of the expected gains from using international agreements as a tool to remove the trade barriers. Meanwhile, all the parties
have paid little attention to profound questions about identifying the impediments that they are facing and the other possible options that might maximize the general welfare, which are the cross-border merger and acquisition transactions.
This dissertation will address that under-researched question, and it will try to identify some of those impediments that are facing the cross-border merger and acquisition transactions. The dissertation will mainly focus on the different premerger control laws that are adopted around the globe, as an impediment that faces the cross-border mergers and acquisitions, and it will try to identify the drawbacks of those laws and most importantly develop and examine reforming proposals.
The underlying result of this dissertation will reveal that the multijurisdictional premerger control laws across the globe have numerous drawbacks that are actual impediments that face mergers and acquisitions in general, and especially the cross-border transactions. In addition to that, the best reformative option is the abolishing of the premerger control laws, or in other words the deregulation of the cross-border merger and acquisition transactions.
The conclusion of this dissertation is that using the law as a useful tool should be reinvented on two dimensions, at one end of the spectrum the law should enable the state possibilities that are required to give a hand and facilitate the entry to markets, by abolishing the premerger control laws i.e. deregulating mergers and acquisitions, and at the other end of the spectrum the law should grant the state the power to monitor and challenge those practices that might cause harm to employees or consumers, before the courts, along with the primary power to challenge anticompetitive behaviors.
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Marknadshyror : Vilka ekonomiska effekter kan fastighetsägare få av införande av marknadshyror? / Market rents : What economic effects can property owners get from the introduction of markets rents?Sanguin, Cornelia, Gille, Agnes January 2023 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks vilka ekonomiska effekter marknadshyror kan få ur ettfastighetsägarperspektiv samt hur dagens hyressättningsmodell fungerar och påverkarfastighetsbolag. Studien lyfter även den ekonomiska segregationen och om det blir någonförändring vid införande av marknadshyror för samhället. Syftet med studien är att få enförståelse hur dagens hyressättningsmodell och marknadshyror kan påverka fastighetsbolagenpå olika sätt.Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod där resultatet och analysen baseras påsemistrukturerade intervjuer med sakkunniga personer inom både kommunala-och privatafastighetsföretag samt branschorganisationer. Detta för att få så bred kunskap som möjligtöver ämnet. Frågorna som respondenterna blev tillfrågade var dels vilka ekonomiska effektermarknadshyror kan ge samt hur de tycker att dagens hyressättningssystem fungerar. Detteoretiska ramverket inkluderar tidigare forskning inom ämnet samt studier från andra ländersom har avreglerat sin marknad.Resultatet visar att den största ekonomiska effekten för fastighetsbolagen är den lönsamhet dekan få på nyproduktionen om det blir en fri hyressättning, då de inte hämmas av denreglerade hyran. Det visades även att med fri hyressättning blir hyrorna högre vilket ocksåleder till mer ekonomisk vinning för fastighetsägarna, men att det har en stor betydelse på varman har sina fastighetsbestånd. Fastighetsföretag med bestånd i utsatta områden kan inte höjahyrorna särskilt mycket just på grund av läget och därav kommer en fri hyressättning intepåverka dem i den utsträckningen. Det framkommer att den ekonomiska segregationen intekommer att påverkas särskilt mycket då det redan är idag är så pass mycket segregation ochdet krävs andra reformer än fri hyressättning för att det ska bli någon skillnad. / This study examines the economic effects market rents can have from a property owner'sperspective, as well as how today's rent setting model works and affects property companies.The study also highlights economic segregation and whether there will be any change in theintroduction of market rents for society. The purpose of the study is to gain an understandingof how today's rental model and market rents can affect property companies in different ways.The study has been carried out using a qualitative method where the results and analysis arebased on semi-structured interviews with experts within both municipal and private propertycompanies and organisations. This is due to gaining as broad knowledge as possible about thesubject. The questions that the respondents were asked were what financial effects marketrents can have and how they think today's rent regulation system works. The theoreticalframework includes previous research in the subject as well as studies from other countriesthat have deregulated their market.The result shows that the biggest economic effect for the property companies is theprofitability they can get from the new production if there is a free rental, as they are nothampered by the regulated rent. It was also shown that with free rent adjustment the rents arehigher, which also leads to more financial gain for the property owners, but that it has a bigimpact on where you have your property holdings. Where real estate companies withholdings in vulnerable areas cannot raise rents very much precisely because of the location,and therefore a free rent adjustment will not affect them to that extent. It appears thateconomic segregation will not be affected very much as there is already so much segregationtoday and reforms other than free rent are required for there to be any difference.
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The effects of deregulation on the efficiency of agricultural marketing in Ethiopia : case study from Bako areaNegassa, Asfaw January 1996 (has links)
No description available.
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Deregulation of the Airline Industry in India: An Analysis of the Government's Policy, Rationale and StrategyMazumdar, Arijit 24 July 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Not according to plan : The purpose and practical implications of the attefall rulesSundbom, Marie January 2022 (has links)
This thesis examines the purpose and implications of the so called attefall rules. A discourse analysis of the government bill which the attefall rules is based on shows that they are a neoliberal reform with the purpose of providing housing through the furnishing of additional apartments in single family homes and the building of accessory dwellings in private gardens. They deregulate said measures as well as the building of accessory buildings, extensions, and dormer windows. Ten interviews with officials mainly in the Stockholm region and the study of two judgements provided the implications of this reform in practice. While the reform has provided more opportunities for houseowners and more agency for officials, unexpected issues have also arisen that the current regulation is ill equipped to solve. Attefall projects are by default exempt from the planning that governs all other development in a municipality, meaning that municipalities have little control over them. As such, the established system cannot compensate that for which the attefall reform has not accounted. While interviewees are mostly positive to the attefall rules in principle, in practice they are underdeveloped. The attefall rules illustrate the risks of underdeveloped deregulation.
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Economic regulation, work relations, and accident rates in the United States motor carrier industryHunter, Natalie J. 30 March 2010 (has links)
This study investigated the relationship between firm economic well-being and preventable accident rates in the U.S. motor carrier industry between 1975 and 1986. In 1980 the U.S. motor carrier industry was deregulated which produced highly competitive market conditions. Firms facing such conditions were required to devise coping strategies if they were to survive in this new highly competitive business environment.
This research suggests that financially weakened firms trying to survive in a deregulated environment would be forced to rely on cost cutting strategies which are inherently threatening to workplace safety. However, the ability to implement such strategies would be limited at firms where union contracts restricted management from modifying work rules. As such, not all motor carriers were expected to exhibit the same relationship between firm economic well-being and preventable accident rates.
Multiple regression analysis was utilized to assess the relationship between carrier economic well-being and preventable accident rates at two points in time, pre-deregulatory 1975-76 and post-deregulatory 1985-86. Three major hypotheses were tested. First, the economic well-being of the firm was hypothesized to have a greater effect on the firm's preventable accident rate after deregulation than before deregulation. Second, the economic well-being of the firm was hypothesized to have less effect on preventable accident rates for union firms than for other types of firms. Third, changes in the effects of firm economic well·being on preventable accident rates were hypothesized to differ less across time for union firms than for other types of firms. As expected, union firms and owner operator firms exhibited a stronger relationship between fum economic well-being and preventable accident rates following deregulation than prior to its passage. However, the regression analysis for nonunion firms produced unexpected results. Nonunion fums exhibited a weaker relationship between fum economic well-being and preventable accident rates in the post-deregulatory model than was the case in the pre-deregulatory model. Possible explanations for this unexpected finding are discussed.
In addition, this study challenges a widely accepted approach to analyzing workplace safety problems. That approach advocates focusing on the inappropriate behavior of specific individuals when firms are confronted with deteriorating workplace safety conditions rather than investigating organizational level variables which are routinely associated with unsafe working environments. This distinction is important because merely removing isolated individuals who are thought to compromise workplace safety will not provide a meaningful remedy if, in fact, such unsafe behavior is a response to managerial pressures. This study suggests that such pressuring would trigger :unsafe behavior in almost any individual confronted with similar circumstances. / Master of Science
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'n Vervoerlogistieke benadering tot die hervestiging van verspreidingsentra in die lig van deregulasie van padvervoerWiggins, Henry Owen 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, abstract in Afrikaans and English / In the case of an economical activity such as a distribution system, the distribution depot
normally forms the nucleus of the network. The market place that is being served is not static
and with the passing of time, due to the change in demand together with the change in the
product range which is being offered, a tendency develops for the distribution point to move
away from the nucleus of the network, thereby not representing the optimal location anymore.
There is therefore a constant need for companies to determine whether their distribution
system is suitable for their present, as well as their future trading circumstances. This factor
together with the normal endeavour to minimise physical distribution costs, results in the need
for a sophisticated approach to the whole problem of relocating distribution networks.
The aim of this study is therefore to develop a basic model which will set out guidelines for the
relocation of distribution centres.
With the above mentioned in mind, the first step is a study of the theory to highlight and
analyse applicable techniques and methods that could possibly be used in this model. The
accent throughout this section is placed on well known and proven theories and techniques.
The second part of this research focuses on the empirical study that forms the basis for the
building of a relocation model. With the help of practical examples it is shown how to apply
the model and each step is being highlighted and illustrated.
The model that has been designed in this study clearly outlines the steps that enable the user to undertake and optimally apply a relocation study. Its application does not necessarily require
highly trained personnel or complicated programming. It is therefore recommended that this
model be applied in the case of the relocation of distribution centres. / In die geval van ekonomiese aktiwiteite soos 'n distribusiesisteem, vorm die verspreidingsdepot
gewoonlik die kernpunt van die netwerk. Die markplek wat bedien word is egter nie staties nie
en met die verloop van tyd, as gevolg van die verandering in die aanvraag tesame met die
verandering in die produkreeks wat aangebied word, ontstaan daar 'n neiging dat die
oorsponklike verspreidingspunt weg beweeg vanaf die kernpunt van die netwerk en dus nie
meer die optimale liggging verteenwoordig nie. Daar is dus 'n konstante behoefte by
maatskappye om te bepaal of hulle distribusiesisteme geskik is vir hulle huidige, sowel as
toekomstige handelsomstandighede. Hierdie faktor, tesame met die normale strewe na
minimalisering van fisiese distribusiekoste, het tot gevolg dat daar 'n behoefte bestaan aan 'n
gesofistikeerde benadering tot die hele problematiek van vestiging van verspreidingsnetwerke.
Die studie het dus ten doel die ontwikkeling van 'n basiese model wat riglyne daarstel vir die
hervestiging van verspreidingsentra.
Met bogenoemde in gedagte, is daar in die eerste plek 'n teoretiese studie onderneem wat
toepaslike tegnieke en metodes wat moonlik in hierdie model opgeneem kon word, uitgelig en
geanaliseer het. In hierdie gedeelte word die aksent deurentyd op bekende en bewese teoriee
Die tweede gedeelte van die navorsing fokus op die empiriese studie wat met die bou van 'n hervestigingsmodel gepaard gaan. Daar word aangetoon hoe om die model toe te pas en elke
stap word met behulp van praktiese voorbeelde toegelig en verduidelik.
Die model wat hier ontwikkel is le duidelike riglyne neer wat die verbruiker in staat stel om 'n
hervestigingstudie aan te pak en optimaal toe te pas. Die toepassing daarvan vereis nie
noodwendig hoogsopgeleide personeel of ingewikkelde programering nie en word daar
gevolglik aanbeveel dat hierdie model toegepas word in die geval van die hervestiging van
verspreidingsentra. / Business Management / D. Comm.
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