Spelling suggestions: "subject:"design science research."" "subject:"1design science research.""
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Designprinciper utvecklade för lyckad anpassning av ERP-system : En Action Design Research studie med fokus på ärendehantering och tidsplaneringArvidsson, Daniel, Lämmel, Markus January 2022 (has links)
Studien undersökte vilka centrala designprinciper inom ärendehantering och tidsplanering som kan appliceras vid utveckling av ett anpassat ERP-system (Enterprise Resource Planning system) inom SMF:er (Små och Medelstora Företag). Anpassning av ERP-system inom SMF:er är ett komplext område med många komplikationer vilket gör det till en problemklass. Två SMF:er som upplever problem med ärendehantering och tidsplanering var involverade i studien och användes som grund för att utveckla ett anpassat ERP-system. Ett antal wicked problems identifierades utifrån de problemområden som företagen upplevde. Undersökningen utfördes genom en ADR (Action Design Research) forskningsansats med kvalitativ insamlad data under en nio veckor lång period, där fem iterationer av utveckling och utvärdering utfördes med en veckas tidsspann var. Studien resulterade i ett anpassat ERP-system som inkluderar ärendehantering och tidsplanering med en god system-till-arbete passform inom företagen. Sex designprinciper utvecklades under ADR-arbetet och fastställdes när systemet var fullt fungerande och godkänt av involverade företag. Designprinciperna besvarade de identifierade wicked problems och kan användas av andra vid anpassning av ERP-system inom SMF:er / The study examined which central design principles in case management and time planning can be applied in the development of a customized ERP system (Enterprise Resource Planning system) within SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises). Customization of ERP systems within SMEs is a complex field with many complications which makes it a problem class. Two SMEs experiencing problems with case management and planning were involved in the study and were used as a basis for developing a custom ERP system. Several wicked problems were identified based on the problem areas that the companies experienced. The study was conducted through an ADR (Action Design Research) approach with qualitative collected data over a nine-week period, where five iterations of development and evaluation were performed with a time span of one week each. The study resulted in a custom ERP system that includes case management and time planning with a good system-to-work fit within the companies. Six design principles were developed during the ADR work and established when the system was fully functional and approved by the involved companies. The design principles answered the identified wicked problems and can be used by others when adapting ERP systems within SMEs.
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Vorgehensmodell zur kollaborativen Gestaltung hybrider Lehr-Lernarchitekturen in der ingenieurwissenschaftlichen LehreAust, Alexander 09 February 2024 (has links)
Die Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt zwingt zur Innovation ingenieurwissenschaftlicher Lehre. Während sich technologische, personelle und organisatorische Aspekte dieses Wandels in den Lerninhalten wiederfinden, wird das Potenzial für die kompetenzorientierte Digitalisierung von Lehr- und Lernprozessen noch unzureichend genutzt.
In der vorliegenden Dissertation wird ein Vorgehensmodell anhand des Design Science Research entwickelt und erprobt, das zwei Anforderungen kombiniert: die systematische Handlungsleitung im Gestaltungsprozess innovativer technologiebasierter Lehr-Lernformate sowie den Aufbau einer digitalen Gestaltungskompetenz der ausführenden Lehrenden. Hierfür werden die Potenziale des User-centered Design und Usability Engineering adaptiert.
Aus der iterativen Evaluation des Vorgehensmodells werden Empfehlungen für den Aufbau von kompetenzförderlichen Gestaltungsprozessen für hybride Lehr-Lernarchitekturen (hLA) abgeleitet, in denen die Vorteile digitaler und analoger Lernformate verschmelzen. Praktisches Ergebnis ist ein gebrauchstaugliches Vorgehensmodell mit erprobter hLA. Die hierbei gewonnenen Erkenntnisse werden als Konzept der hLA in der ingenieurwissenschaftlicher Hochschullehre sowie als Präzisierung einer digitalen Lehrgestaltungskompetenz in die Wissensbasis zurückgespielt.:1 Einleitung
2 Forschungsdesign
3 Innovative Lehrgestaltung - Stand der Wissenschaft
4 Entwicklung des Leifadens zur Gestaltung von hLA
5 Iterative Evaluation des Vorgehensmodells
6 Schlussbetrachtung
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[ES] El mayor desafío en la gestión del uso público del patrimonio es establecer una relación sostenible entre patrimonio y turismo, ya que el acceso público, si bien promueve el interés social por su conservación, también representa un riesgo para la preservación de los recursos.
La información que generan los equipos multidisciplinares que intervienen en la gestión del uso público generalmente se encuentra incompleta, descoordinada y desactualizada. La falta de una fuente de información fiable genera bajos niveles de eficiencia en la gestión del uso público poniendo en riesgo la preservación de los recursos del impacto de los visitantes y reduciendo el interés social por su conservación.
Heritage Building Information Modelling (HBIM) es un sistema de trabajo colaborativo donde los agentes involucrados comparten información geométrica, semántica y documental del bien patrimonial de forma coordinada. HBIM se presenta como oportunidad para mejorar la eficiencia de la gestión del uso público del patrimonio.
Considerando el previsible crecimiento del uso de HBIM en España en un futuro próximo, el objetivo de esta investigación es desarrollar, por primera vez, un protocolo HBIM que ayude a los profesionales a implementar HBIM para planificar y gestionar más eficientemente el uso público del patrimonio en sus cuatro ámbitos: la conservación preventiva, la gestión de visitantes, la interpretación del patrimonio y la divulgación del patrimonio.
El método de investigación empleado es el Design Science Research (DSR en adelante) o investigación de las Ciencias del Diseño. Así pues, el estudio se inició con la revisión exhaustiva de la literatura científica relativa al uso de HBIM para la gestión del uso público del patrimonio, lo que permitió identificar la laguna del conocimiento actual en esta materia. Para analizar la gestión actual del uso público del patrimonio se tomaron tres casos de estudio y se recogieron datos mediante la técnica de la entrevista semiestructurada y la observación directa de la visita pública. El análisis de la planificación de los cuatro ámbitos del uso público se realizó a partir de los datos obtenidos mediante la técnica de la entrevista semiestructurada y el análisis de documentación técnica específica. Los resultados de estos análisis evidenciaron problemas de ineficiencia en la planificación y gestión del uso público actual. Con el fin de darle una solución a este problema, se desarrolló un Protocolo HBIM para planificar y gestionar el uso público de manera más eficiente. Dos de los aspectos del Protocolo HBIM, la gestión de visitantes y la interpretación del patrimonio, se implementaron satisfactoriamente al caso de estudio del conjunto de San Juan del Hospital de València. Por último, se evaluó la aplicabilidad y utilidad del protocolo con un panel de expertos en la gestión cultural del caso de estudio, en cada ámbito del uso público y en BIM.
Los resultados de la implementación del Protocolo HBIM al caso de estudio del conjunto de San Juan del Hospital de València, demuestran por primera vez que HBIM y, en particular, el software Revit puede ser una herramienta útil para analizar, planificar y también para gestionar más eficientemente las visitas públicas de los bienes patrimoniales. Este estudio evidencia que la capacidad de HBIM de unificar la información generada por los distintos agentes involucrados en la conservación del patrimonio facilita la toma de decisiones para el diseño del itinerario turístico, la gestión del flujo de visitantes y la determinación de la capacidad de carga recreativa de una manera más integral. Estos resultados han permitido identificar futuras líneas de investigación orientadas a la gestión de visitantes en tiempo real gracias a la vinculación de sensores o dispositivos GPS a los modelos HBIM y encaminadas a refinar el Protocolo HBIM mediante su aplicación a mayores casos de estudio / [CA] El major repte en la gestió de l'ús públic del patrimoni és establir una relació sostenible entre patrimoni i turisme, ja que l'accés públic, si bé promou l'interès social per la seua conservació, també representa un risc per a la preservació dels recursos.
La informació que generen els equips multidisciplinaris que intervenen en la gestió de l'ús públic generalment es troba incompleta, desactualitzada i poc coordinada. L'absència d'una font d'informació fiable genera nivells baixos d'eficiència en la gestió de l'ús públic, posant en risc la preservació dels recursos front a l'impacte dels visitants i reduint l'interès social per la seua conservació.
Heritage Building Information Modelling (HBIM) és un sistema de treball col·laboratiu on els agents involucrats comparteixen informació geomètrica, semàntica i documental de cada bé patrimonial de forma coordinada. HBIM es presenta com una oportunitat per a millorar l'eficiència de la gestió de l'ús públic del patrimoni.
Considerant el previsible creixement de l'ús d'HBIM en Espanya en un futur pròxim, l'objectiu d'esta investigació és desenvolupar, per primera vegada, un protocol HBIM que ajude als professionals a implementar HBIM per a planificar i gestionar més eficientment l'ús públic del patrimoni en els seus quatre àmbits: la conservació preventiva, la gestió de visitants, la interpretació del patrimoni i la divulgació del patrimoni.
El mètode d'investigació empleat és el Design Science Research (DSR en endavant) o investigació de les ciències del disseny. D'aquesta manera, l'estudi es va iniciar amb la revisió exhaustiva de la literatura científica relativa a l'ús de HBIM per a la gestió de l'ús públic del patrimoni, el que va permetre identificar la llacuna del coneixement actual en esta matèria. Per a analitzar la gestió actual de l'ús públic del patrimoni es van prendre tres casos d'estudi i es van recollir dades mitjançant la tècnica de l'entrevista semiestructurada i l'observació directa de la visita pública. L'anàlisi de la planificació dels quatre àmbits de l'ús públic es va realitzar a partir de les dades obtingudes mitjançant la tècnica de l'entrevista semiestructurada i l'anàlisi de documentació tècnica específica. Els resultats d'estos anàlisis van evidenciar problemes d'ineficàcia en la planificació i gestió de l'ús públic actual.
Amb la finalitat de donar una solució a este problema, es va desenvolupar un Protocol HBIM per a planificar i gestionar l'ús públic d'una manera més eficient. Dos dels aspectes del Protocol HBIM, la gestió de visitants i la interpretació del patrimoni, es van implementar satisfactòriament en el cas d'estudi del conjunt de Sant Joan de l'Hospital de València. Per últim, es va avaluar l'aplicabilitat i utilitat del protocol amb un panell d'experts en la gestió cultural del cas d'estudi, en cada àmbit de l'ús públic i en BIM.
Els resultats de la implementació del Protocol HBIM al cas d'estudi del conjunt de Sant Joan de l'Hospital de València, demostren per primera vegada que HBIM i, en particular, el software Revit pot ser una eina útil per a analitzar, planificar i també per a gestionar més eficientment les visites públiques dels béns patrimonials. Este estudi evidencia que la capacitat d'HBIM d'unificar la informació generada pels distints agents involucrats en la conservació del patrimoni facilita la presa de decisions per al disseny de l'itinerari turístic, la gestió del flux de visitants i la determinació de la capacitat de càrrega recreativa d'una manera més integral. Estos resultats han permès identificar futures línies d'investigació orientades a la gestió de visitants en temps real gràcies a la vinculació de sensors o dispositius GPS als models HBIM i encaminades a refinar el Protocol HBIM mitjançant la seua aplicació a casos majors d'estudi. / [EN] The greatest challenge to be overcome in managing the public use of heritage is to establish a sustainable relationship between heritage and tourism, since public access, while promoting social interest in its conservation, also represents a risk for the preservation of the assets.
The information generated by the multidisciplinary teams involved in public use management is generally incomplete, uncoordinated and out of date. The lack of a reliable source of information generates low levels of efficiency in such management, which consequently jeopardises the ability to protect the resources against the impact of visitors and reduces social interest in their conservation.
Heritage Building Information Modelling (HBIM) is a collaborative work system in which the stakeholders involved share geometric, semantic and documentary information about the heritage asset in a coordinated way. It offers an opportunity to improve the efficiency of the management of the public use of heritage.
Bearing in mind the expected growth in the use of HBIM in Spain in the near future, the aim of this research is to develop, for the first time, an HBIM protocol that will help professionals to implement HBIM so as to achieve more efficient planning and management of the public use of heritage in the four areas involved in it, that is, preventative conservation, visitor flow management, heritage interpretation and heritage dissemination.
The research method used for this purpose is Design Science Research (hereinafter, DSR). Thus, the study began with a comprehensive review of the literature on the use of HBIM for the management of the public use of heritage, which revealed the knowledge gap that exists in this area. To analyse the current management of the public use of heritage, three case studies were taken and data were collected using the semi-structured interview technique and direct observation of public visitation. The planning of the four areas of public use was analysed based on the data obtained through the semi-structured interviews and the analysis of specific technical documentation. The results of these analyses revealed problems of inefficiency in the current public use planning and management. In order to provide a solution to this problem, an HBIM Protocol was developed that enables public use to be planned and managed more efficiently. Two aspects of the HBIM Protocol, visitor management and heritage interpretation, were successfully implemented in the case study of the San Juan del Hospital ensemble in Valencia. Lastly, the applicability and usefulness of the protocol were evaluated with the collaboration of a panel of experts in the cultural management of the case study, in each area of public use and in BIM.
The results from implementing the HBIM Protocol to the case study of the San Juan del Hospital complex in Valencia show for the first time that HBIM and, in particular, the Revit software package can be a useful tool for a more efficient analysis, planning and management of public visitation to heritage assets. This study shows that the capacity of HBIM to unify the information generated by the different stakeholders involved in the conservation of heritage facilitates the decision-making required to design the tourist itinerary, to manage the visitor flows and to determine the recreational carrying capacity in a more comprehensive manner. These results have made it possible to identify future lines of research focused on achieving visitor flow management in real time by linking sensors or GPS devices to HBIM models, while also seeking to refine the HBIM Protocol by applying it to larger case studies. / Salvador García, E. (2020). PROTOCOLO HBIM PARA UNA GESTIÓN EFICIENTE DEL USO PÚBLICO DEL PATRIMONIO ARQUITECTÓNICO [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/146811
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Cooperative design of a cross-age tutoring system based on a social networking platformChimbo, Bester 11 1900 (has links)
In South Africa, many young children from poor social and economic backgrounds are cared for at home by parents or guardians who are themselves illiterate. This leads to poor educational outcomes later in life. Yet there are many privileged teenagers with access to mobile technologies who spend a greater portion of their spare time interacting on ubiquitous social media platforms. This presents an opportunity whereby the poor educational outcomes referred to previously could be addressed by applying a technology solution providing social media-based homework support by privileged teenagers to underprivileged younger children. However, most applications designed for use by children are designed by adults, with little understanding of the user requirements of the target end users. This research explores the following question: How can a cross-age tutoring system be designed for implementation on a social networking platform to support numeracy and literacy skill acquisition? The main contribution of this research was the definition of the Cooperative design by Children for Children (CD2C) Design Framework, a blueprint of how a cross-age tutoring system could be co-designed by children of different age groups and life circumstances. The CD2C Design Framework was derived as an abstraction of the second contribution of this research, the TitanTutor, an artifact designed using co-operative inquiry method and the Design Science Research approach. The third novelty of this research was contribution to Design Science Research theory, with the addition of new theory that states that cooperative design by children from different age groups and life circumstances is tempered by socio-environmental context and power relations between the co-design partners. This work provided important contributions to researchers in the areas of Cooperative Inquiry (CI), Human Computer Interaction (HCI), and Design Science Research (DSR). Future researchers could extend the CD2C Design Framework to make it even more abstract, thereby making it universally applicable to any co-design scenario. / Computing / Ph. D. (Information Systems)
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A methodology for the evaluation of management information systems at public technical and vocational education and training colleges in South AfricaVisser, Margaretha Maria 09 1900 (has links)
The support and promotion of public Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges is fundamental in addressing South Africa’s intermediate-level and artisanal skills as shortages in these areas contribute to considerable unemployment in South Africa. These institutions have been earmarked by the South African government for extensive growth. Therefore, efficient and effective management and accurate decision-making within these institutions are essential. The evaluation of the management information systems (MISs) within these institutions, which provide data and information to inform institutional short-term and long-term management decision-making and day-to-day operations, should take place on a regular basis to so enhance the reliability and accuracy of the data and information.
The problem is that no evidence of a methodology (artefact) for the evaluation of MISs at public TVET Colleges in South Africa could be found in the literature. Therefore, the rationale for this study is to develop a methodology for the evaluation of MISs at public TVET Colleges in South Africa. Hence the main research question for the study was formulated as: What are the components that constitute a methodology for the evaluation of a MIS at a public TVET College in South Africa?
The study was conducted according to a design science paradigm. Design science is underpinned by a pragmatic philosophical paradigm which considers thought as a tool for prediction, problem solving and action. The Design Science Research Process (DSRP) model informed the research process utilised to develop the artefact for this problem centred initiated study. The iterated activities of the DSRP model which include: design, demonstrate, evaluate and and communicate, contributed to the refinement of the methodology (artefact). The artefact mainly underwent experimental evaluation to demonstrate its applicability. The methodology (artefact) was empirically evaluated at three cluster-random selected public TVET Colleges after all colleges, with similar MIS maturity levels, were clustered into groups.The study contributed to the extant knowledge base of: theory building, on different levels. The main theoretical contribution is the final evaluated methodology (DSR artefact) which enables IT practitioners and MIS managers at public TVET Colleges in South Africa to evaluate their MISs on a regular basis. The methodology (artefact) presents a theory for design and action which satisfies the conditions of importance, parsimony and novelty on a micro-level. The study furthermore contributed to the extant literature on the theory of MIS success evaluation by contributing to theory on the measurement of MIS success constructs and measuring of the relationships between the constructs. Another theoretical contribution is the innovative evidence-based method by which the public TVET Colleges were clustered. The clustering method was used to ensure a more rigorous sample selection technique than purposive or convenient sample selection of cases and is generalisable to other knowledge domain contexts.
The research study furthermore produced results of interest to both technology-focused and management-focused audiences. For technology-focused audiences the processes by which the artefact was constructed and evaluated are described, thus establishing repeatability of the study and building the knowledge base for further research extensions by future design science researchers. The rigour of the artefact design process was complemented by a thorough presentation of the experimental design of the artefact’s field test in three public TVET College environments which provides sufficient detail for management audiences to determine if sufficient organisational resources exist for utilisation of the artefact. / Information Science / Ph. D. (Information Systems)
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A methodology for the evaluation of management information systems at public technical and vocational education and training colleges in South AfricaVisser, Margaretha Maria 09 1900 (has links)
The support and promotion of public Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges is fundamental in addressing South Africa’s intermediate-level and artisanal skills as shortages in these areas contribute to considerable unemployment in South Africa. These institutions have been earmarked by the South African government for extensive growth. Therefore, efficient and effective management and accurate decision-making within these institutions are essential. The evaluation of the management information systems (MISs) within these institutions, which provide data and information to inform institutional short-term and long-term management decision-making and day-to-day operations, should take place on a regular basis to so enhance the reliability and accuracy of the data and information.
The problem is that no evidence of a methodology (artefact) for the evaluation of MISs at public TVET Colleges in South Africa could be found in the literature. Therefore, the rationale for this study is to develop a methodology for the evaluation of MISs at public TVET Colleges in South Africa. Hence the main research question for the study was formulated as: What are the components that constitute a methodology for the evaluation of a MIS at a public TVET College in South Africa?
The study was conducted according to a design science paradigm. Design science is underpinned by a pragmatic philosophical paradigm which considers thought as a tool for prediction, problem solving and action. The Design Science Research Process (DSRP) model informed the research process utilised to develop the artefact for this problem centred initiated study. The iterated activities of the DSRP model which include: design, demonstrate, evaluate and communicate, contributed to the refinement of the methodology (artefact). The artefact mainly underwent experimental evaluation to demonstrate its applicability. The methodology (artefact) was empirically evaluated at three cluster-random selected public TVET Colleges after all colleges, with similar MIS maturity levels, were clustered into groups.
The study contributed to the extant knowledge base of: theory building, on different levels. The main theoretical contribution is the final evaluated methodology (DSR artefact) which enables IT practitioners and MIS managers at public TVET Colleges in South Africa to evaluate their MISs on a regular basis. The methodology (artefact) presents a theory for design and action which satisfies the conditions of importance, parsimony and novelty on a micro-level. The study furthermore contributed to the extant literature on the theory of MIS success evaluation by contributing to theory on the measurement of MIS success constructs and measuring of the relationships between the constructs. Another theoretical contribution is the innovative evidence-based method by which the public TVET Colleges were clustered. The clustering method was used to ensure a more rigorous sample selection technique than purposive or convenient sample selection of cases and is generalisable to other knowledge domain contexts.
The research study furthermore produced results of interest to both technology-focused and management-focused audiences. For technology-focused audiences the processes by which the artefact was constructed and evaluated are described, thus establishing repeatability of the study and building the knowledge base for further research extensions by future design science researchers. The rigour of the artefact design process was complemented by a thorough presentation of the experimental design of the artefact’s field test in three public TVET College environments which provides sufficient detail for management audiences to determine if sufficient organisational resources exist for utilisation of the artefact. / Information Science / Ph. D. (Information Systems)
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Automating the monotonous workflow : Mobile application development and deployment / Automatisera det monotona arbetsflödet : Mobil applikationsutveckling och distributionVakilalroayayi, Ahmadreza January 2021 (has links)
To create, update, or deploy a mobile application, a collection of hand-operated works must be satisfied. In this project, regardless of the mobile application's code and its core functionalities, which can be an e-book, an application, or even a mobile game, we will study how to automate, visualize and simplify the following manual procedures: 1.Create a remote Git repository for the mobile application. 2.Constructing or altering the mobile application's configuration or graphical contents. 3.Push all changes to the remote Git repository. 4.Deploy or distribute the mobile application from its Git repository after each push. / För att skapa, uppdatera eller distribuera en mobilapplikation måste en samling handstyrda verk uppfyllas. I detta projekt, oavsett mobilapplikationens kod och dess kärnfunktioner, som kan vara en e-bok, en applikation eller till och med ett mobilspel, kommer vi att studera hur man automatiserar, visualiserar och förenklar följande manuella procedurer: 1. Skapa ett avlägset Git -arkiv för mobilapplikationen. 2.Konstruera eller ändra mobilapplikationens konfiguration eller grafiska innehåll. 3.Push alla ändringar i det externa Git -arkivet. 4. Distribuera mobilappen från sitt Git -arkiv efter varje ändring.
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A context-aware business intelligence framework for South African Higher InstitutionsMutanga, Alfred January 2016 (has links)
PhD (Business Management) / Department of Business Management / This thesis demonstrates the researcher’s efforts to put into practice the theoretical foundations
of information systems research, in order to come up with a context-aware business intelligence
framework (CABIF), for the South African higher education institutions. Using critical realism as
the philosophical underpinning and mixed methods research design, a business intelligence (BI)
survey was deployed within the South African public higher education institutions to measure
the respondents’ satisfaction and importance of business intelligence characteristics. The 258
respondents’ satisfaction and importance of the 34 observed business intelligence variables,
were subjected to principal components analysis and design science research to come up with
the CABIF. The observable BI variables were drawn from four latent variables namely
technology and business alignment; organizational and behavioural strategies; business
intelligence domain; and technology strategies. The study yielded good values for all the
observed satisfaction and importance business intelligence variables as indicated by the Kaiser-
Meyer-Olkin (KMO) Measure of Sampling Adequacy and the Bartlett Test of Sphericity. The data
set collected from the survey deployed at the South African public higher education institutions,
was reliable and valid based on the Cronbach α values which were all above 0.9.
The researcher then used the descriptive and prescriptive knowledge of design science
research, and the meta-inferences of the results from the principal components analysis to
produce five contexts of CABIF. The BI contexts developed were, the Basic Context; the
Business Processes Context which was divided into Macro and Micro business process
contexts; the Business Intelligence Context; and the Governance Context. These contexts were
extrapolated within the University of Venda’s business processes and this researcher concluded
that the CABIF developed, could be inferred within the South African higher education
institutions. At the University of Venda, this researcher managed to draw up CABIF based
business intelligence tools that spanned from leveraging the existing ICT infrastructure, student
cohort analysis, viability of academic entities, strategic enrolment planning and forecasting
government block grants. The correlations and regression measures of the technology
acceptance variables of the business intelligence tools modelled using CABIF at University of
Venda, revealed high acceptance ratio.
Overall, this research provides a myriad of conceptual and practical insights into how
contextualised aspects of BI directly or indirectly impact on the quality of managerial decision
making within various core business contexts of South African higher education institutions.
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Green Information Systems in der digitalen Gesellschaft - Eine multimethodische und multiperspektivische Analyse der TechnologieakzeptanzWarnecke, Danielle 02 March 2021 (has links)
Im Fokus der Dissertation steht die Erforschung nachhaltiger Effekte durch Informationssysteme, insbesondere Ansatzpunkte zur Nachhaltigkeitstransformation der Gesellschaft durch Methoden und Artefakte der Green Information Systems (Green IS).
Als Green IS werden sozio-technische Informationssysteme bezeichnet, die neben wirtschaftlichen Kriterien der ressourceneffizienten Bereitstellung von Informationen, der Koordination und Kommunikation auch die ökologische und soziale Dimension gemäß der „Triple Bottom Line“ (Drei-Säulen-Modell der nachhaltigen Entwicklung) adressieren. Der Anwendungsbereich von Green IS liegt auf der Reduktion von Umweltbelastungen und der Bewältigung komplexer Umweltherausforderungen durch sozio-technische Informationssysteme.
Neben Forschungsthemen der (Wirtschafts-)Informatik und der Wirtschaftswissenschaften werden Bereiche der Psychologie und Sozialwissenschaften zu Fragen der digitalen Nachhaltigkeitstransformation, der Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung sowie Akzeptanzforschung behandelt. Aufgrund der Komplexität und Vielschichtigkeit des Themas wird ein multimethodischer Forschungsansatz verfolgt, indem sowohl qualitative als auch quantitative Methoden zum Einsatz kommen. Die zentralen Forschungsfragen lauten dabei wie folgt: FF1. Welchen Beitrag können Green IS auf Makro- und Meso-Ebene zur Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung leisten und welchen Reifegrad weisen sie auf? FF2. Inwiefern können digitale Geschäftsmodelle zur unternehmerischen und gesellschaftlichen Nachhaltigkeitstransformation beitragen? FF3. Kann durch gezieltes Nachhaltigkeitsmarketing die Akzeptanz von Green IS in der Gesellschaft gefördert werden?
Gemäß der Design Science Research werden Verfahren zur Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung für Smart City Mobilitätsstrategien und betriebliche Umweltinformationssysteme (BUIS) des produzierenden Gewerbes konstruiert. Es wird ein Prototyp zum webbasierten Benchmark solcher Smart City Initiativen realisiert. Das entwickelte Geschäftsprozessmodell zeigt auf, inwiefern eine Transformation zur Plattformorganisation im Rahmen von Open Innovation für Industriebetriebe erfolgreich gelingen kann. Die quantitativen Erhebungen zeigen auf, das vor allem hochpreisige Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie (IKT) für Geschäftsmodelle der Sharing Economy geeignet ist sowie, dass die Akzeptanz nachhaltiger IKT in der Gesellschaft bereits insbesondere bei Zugehörigen des "Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability" (LOHAS) vorhanden ist und der weiteren Förderung durch geeignete Verbraucher-Symbole bedarf.
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Collaborative Network Management: Ein abhängigkeitsbasierter Ansatz zur Planung, Kontrolle und Steuerung von UnternehmensnetzwerkenZarvić, Novica 27 November 2013 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit werden Unternehmensnetzwerke aus einer abhängigkeitsbasierten Perspektive betrachtet und es wird ein Beitrag zum Management solcher Netzwerke geleistet. Unter dem Begriff Management wird im Kontext dieser Arbeit die ganzheitliche Planung, Kontrolle und Steuerung verstanden. Dabei wurden in sechs wissenschaftlichen Erst- und Koautorenschaften diverse gestaltungsorientierte Forschungsergebnisse in Form von Design-Science-Artefakten entwickelt. Mit deren Hilfe können Managementaktivitäten in den Bereichen Business-IT-Alignment, Partnerauswahl in Netzwerken, sowie IT-Governance auf der Basis von Abhängigkeiten mit interorganisationaler Ausprägung betrachtet und gemeistert werden. In dieser kumulativen Dissertationsschrift werden die Resultate entlang des Lebenszyklus von Unternehmensnetzwerken eingeordnet, wodurch die Relevanz der eingereichten Artikel auf die einzelnen Netzwerklebensphasen gespiegelt wird. Zudem werden sowohl theoretische als auch praktische Implikationen der Resultate diskutiert. Insgesamt tragen sowohl die ganzheitliche Sichtweise als auch der interdisziplinäre Charakter der Ausarbeitungen zu einem gesteigerten Verständnis von Abhängigkeitsbeziehungen in Unternehmensnetzwerken bei.
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