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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Funkce "comment clause" "you know" v literatuře a televiziním sitcomu Přátelé, a její překladové ekvivalenty / The functions of comment clause "you know" in literature and the TV sitcom "Friends", and its Czech translation counterparts

Kuthanová, Magdalena January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the present study is to describe and analyze the English comment clause you know in a corpus of written sources called Intercorp and a corpus created of eight episodes of the television series Friends, which represents the natural language. The study works with the presumption that the language of the TV show Friends is in its conversational nature similar to the natural language of conversations and therefore can be contrasted to the artificial language of written form. As the Czech translations of both corpora are available to us, the study greatly focuses on two main aspects: the Czech translation counterparts of the you know comment clause and their pragmatic functions. The theoretical part introduces the comment clauses, describing their features and functions, not only as described by Quirk et al. (1985), but also from the point of view of the discourse linguists that see the comment clauses like you know as markers and specialize in their research, mostly Povolná (2010), Stenström (1995), Schiffrin (1987) and others. The outline of potential Czech counterparts is given as well, suggested by Dušková (2009), Běličová (1993) and duo Grepl & Karlík (1998, 1999). Moreover, we mention the language of television and the difference between conventional and audiovisual translation, and the...

Análise e exploração de marcadores discursivos no ensino de português-língua estrangeira (PLE) no Brasil / Analysis and exploration of discourse markers in the teaching of portuguese as a foreign language (PFL) in Brazil

Silva, Sérgio Duarte Julião da 11 November 2010 (has links)
A conversação é fonte de grande parte de nossa noção de ordem social e, além disso, apresenta sua própria ordem e manifesta um senso próprio de estrutura. Ao interagirem através da conversação, as pessoas recorrem a procedimentos regulares através dos quais tornam explícitas as marcas de planejamento de seu discurso e as estratégias de gestão dos turnos de conversação, das relações estabelecidas e da interação verbal em si. A língua, portanto, não pode ser considerada simplesmente um código de comunicação, mas sim um meio através do qual atuam sujeitos que manifestam suas ideias sobre o mundo real e sobre seu próprio mundo interior, expressam seus papéis sociais e sua personalidade em um determinado contexto e, ainda, por mecanismos metalinguísticos, estabelecem relações de coesão e coerência nos seus próprios textos através dos vínculos que a linguagem verbal estabelece com ela mesma. Nesse processo, os marcadores discursivos (MD) exercem papel de extrema importância porque possibilitam e fazem funcionar mecanismos de atuação e manifestação dos sujeitos da enunciação. Entretanto, uma análise atenta dos materiais utilizados para o ensino de Português- Língua Estrangeira (PLE) no Brasil revelará que as situações de conversação a que são expostos os alunos pouco se utilizam desses elementos e processos típicos da interação verbal e acabam por prender-se à sintaxe do português culto escrito. Como resultado ao contrário de materiais didáticos de outros idiomas como o inglês, o espanhol e o francês, por exemplo os materiais de PLE incorrem na falha de não equiparem os estrangeiros com ferramentas tais que os possibilitem interagir com falantes de português em situações reais de conversação. Tendo como arcabouço teórico a Análise da Conversação, este trabalho apresenta a importância da presença dos processos da conversação no ensino de língua estrangeira e propõe quatro níveis de exploração dos MD com vistas a construir nos estrangeiros aprendizes de português uma real competência comunicativa e sociocultural. / A great deal of our sense of social order stems from conversation, which in turn has its own order and works according to its own rules of structure. As they interact through conversation, people resort to regular procedures to produce explicit marks of discourse planning along with strategies for managing turn-taking, established relationships and oral interaction itself. Therefore, language should not be considered merely as a communication code, but rather a means through which subjects can play an active role while manifesting their ideas about the real world and their own inner world, and expressing their social roles and personality within a given framework. These subjects also engage in metalinguistic mechanisms to create cohesion and coherence relationships as oral language refers to itself in discourse. Discourse markers play a fundamental role in this process because they enable subjects to act and manifest their own selves while producing utterances. However, a close look at the materials currently used for teaching Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PFL) will show that the conversation instances to which PFL students are exposed seldom use these elements and processes so typical of oral interaction. As opposed to other foreign language materials such as English, Spanish and French, PFL materials tend to insist on forms that reflect educated written Portuguese syntax. As a result, PFL material fail to provide foreigners with useful tools to interact with Portuguese speakers in real conversation. This paper highlights the importance of exploring conversation in foreign language teaching on the basis of Conversation Analysis theories. It also suggests four levels in which discourse markers can be explored in order to enable PFL students to build up effective communicative and sociocultural competence.

La evaluación interaccional en la clase de ELE

Jetté, Karine 12 1900 (has links)
Ce projet de recherche, portant sur l'évaluation interactionnelle, vise à répondre à trois questions de base quant à l'évaluation de l'interaction orale dans les cours d'espagnol (A1-B2) de niveau collégial et universitaire de la région métropolitaine de Montréal, à savoir, quels sont les buts de l'évaluation, que devrait-on évaluer et comment faudrait-il l'évaluer. Il s'agit d'un modèle d'évaluation différent qui repose sur une série d'outils servant à mesurer la conversation élève-élève dans la classe d'espagnol langue étrangère. L'étroite relation qui unit les processus d'enseignement, d'apprentissage et d'évaluation est au coeur de la définition du modèle d'évaluation interactionnelle et permet d'identifier les contenus interactionnels à enseigner et à évaluer. D'un côté, la recherche identifie les habiletés conversationnelles à partir desquelles l'interaction orale se manifeste et de l'autre, elle s'intéresse aux marqueurs du discours jouant un rôle essentiel dans la création d'un message dialogué et construit de façon collaborative. Cette notion de coopération représente une des lignes directrices de la thèse en impliquant que les élèves partagent la responsabilité au moment de produire une discussion équilibrée, fluide et le plus naturelle possible. Reproduire en situation d'examen les mêmes conditions que celles qui caractérisent les conversations les plus fréquentes en situation réelle, c'est-à-dire, celles que l'on retrouve dans la vie de tous les jours et dont le registre est neutre et informel, constitue un des défis que l'évaluation interactionnelle réussit à relever. La création d'un répertoire contenant les marqueurs discursifs les plus utiles au développement de la compétence interactionnelle dans les cours d'espagnol représente un autre élément central de la thèse, pour avoir rendu possible la réalisation de trois analyses: la représentativité des caractéristiques propres à l'interaction orale dans les manuels d'espagnol langue étrangère les plus employés dans la région métropolitaine de Montréal, la révision de vingt instruments d'évaluation existants et la présentation des résultats obtenus après avoir enregistré plus de cent conversations au moyen des épreuves orales créées à partir de l'évaluation interactionnelle. Pour ce qui est des instruments de mesure, le modèle s'appuie sur le portfolio oral qui réunit deux types d'examens oraux, les quiz oraux et les examens oraux séquentiels, en plus d'insister sur les critères de correction exclusivement liés à l'interaction orale et sur les techniques de correction les plus efficaces pour assurer le caractère systématique du processus d'évaluation. Les résultats les plus concluants du projet de recherche reposent sur le fait d'avoir confirmé un lien entre la présence des marqueurs du discours et l'obtention de conversations collaboratives. Pour les cours d'espagnol langue étrangère, la contribution la plus significative de la recherche se situe au niveau de la création d'outils flexibles, faciles à utiliser, qui montrent clairement quoi enseigner pour que les élèves apprennent à converser et comment évaluer cette compétence. Finalement, l'évaluation interactionnelle propose des techniques d'évaluation actuelles qui prévoient l'utilisation des nouvelles technologies et fournissent une rétroaction de qualité, de sorte que l'apprenant voie les progrès réalisés et sache comment s'améliorer. / This research, focused on the Interactional Assessment Model, answers three essential questions about the assessment of oral interactions observed in Spanish courses (A1-B2) at the college and university level in metropolitan Montreal. The questions are: Why evaluate? What should be evaluated? And how should we evaluate? The Interactional Assessment Model is based on a series of tools that evaluate the students’ conversational skills in Spanish as a foreign language. The close relationship between teaching, learning, and assessment processes occupies a central place in the definition of the Interactional Assessment Model and points to the interactional content that should be taught and evaluated in Spanish as a foreign language classes. The research specifies the conversational skills that allow for meaningful oral interaction to take place. It also focuses on the discourse markers that are essential for the creation of collaborative dialogue. The idea of cooperation is one of the thesis’ guidelines; it implies that students share in the responsibility of producing a fluid, balanced discussion. Reproducing during an exam the same conditions as those which characterize everyday face-to-face conversations, with their informality, is one of the challenges that the Interactional Assessment Model manages to overcome. A repertoire of the most useful discourse markers for fostering interactional competence in Spanish as a foreign language has been created and represents another central element of the thesis. It has enabled the realization of three goals: 1) identifying the characteristics of Spanish oral interaction present in most of the manuals used in Montreal; 2) reviewing 20 existing evaluation tools; and 3) presenting the results obtained on the basis of more than 100 recorded conversations oriented according to the Interactional Assessment Model. Regarding measuring instruments, the model relies on an oral portfolio that brings two types of oral examinations, quizzes and sequenced exams, together with oral interaction correction criteria and effective correction techniques in order to ensure a systematic evaluation process. The most conclusive findings of the research confirmed the essential relationship between the presence of interactional discourse markers and the successful construction of collaborative conversations. Moreover, the most significant contribution of this research for teaching Spanish as a foreign language is the creation of flexible and user-friendly tools that clearly demonstrate what needs to be taught so that students may successfully interact with one another in Spanish as well as provides means for evaluating their conversational competences. Finally, the Interactional Assessment Model proposes innovative, up-to-date assessment techniques that are based on the use of technologies and provide a quality feedback so the student is fully aware of his or her progress as well as of the steps necessary to improve. / La presente investigación, centrada en la evaluación interaccional, responde a tres preguntas esenciales en cuanto a la evaluación de la interacción oral en los cursos de español (A1-B2) de nivel colegial y universitario en la región metropolitana de Montreal, a saber, para qué evaluar, qué evaluar y cómo evaluarlo. Se trata de un modelo de evaluación diferente, basado en una serie de herramientas que miden la conversación alumno-alumno en la clase de ELE. La estrecha relación que une los procesos de enseñanza, aprendizaje y evaluación ocupa un espacio central en la definición del modelo de evaluación interaccional y permite identificar los contenidos interaccionales que se deben enseñar y evaluar. Por un lado, la investigación señala las habilidades conversacionales a partir de las cuales se manifiesta la interacción oral y, por otro, se interesa por los marcadores discursivos que cumplen funciones indispensables para la creación de un mensaje dialogado que se construya de manera colaborativa. Esta noción de cooperación representa una de las líneas directoras de la tesis, al implicar que los alumnos compartan la responsabilidad de producir una discusión equilibrada, fluida y lo más natural posible. Reproducir en una situación de examen las mismas condiciones que aquellas que caracterizan las conversaciones más frecuentes en una situación real, es decir, las que se hallan en la vida cotidiana y cuyo registro es neutro e informal, constituye uno de los desafíos que la evaluación interaccional logra superar. La creación de un repertorio con los marcadores discursivos más útiles para fomentar la competencia interaccional en la clase de ELE representa otro elemento central de la tesis, pues ha posibilitado la realización de tres análisis: 1) la representatividad de las características inherentes a la interacción oral en los manuales de ELE más empleados en la región metropolitana de Montreal, 2) la revisión de veinte instrumentos de evaluación existentes, y 3) la presentación de los resultados obtenidos tras haber grabado más de cien conversaciones mediante las pruebas orales diseñadas a partir de la evaluación interaccional. En cuanto a los instrumentos de medición, el modelo se apoya en el portafolio oral que reúne dos tipos de exámenes orales, los quizzes orales y los exámenes orales secuenciados, además de hacer hincapié en los criterios de corrección exclusivamente relacionados con la interacción oral y las técnicas de corrección más eficaces para asegurar la sistematicidad del proceso de evaluación. Los resultados más concluyentes de la investigación residen en el hecho de haber podido confirmar la relación entre la presencia de los marcadores discursivos y la obtención de conversaciones colaborativas. Para la clase de ELE, la aportación más significativa de la investigación es la creación de herramientas flexibles, fáciles de usar, que muestran claramente qué enseñar para que los alumnos aprendan a conversar y cómo evaluar esta competencia. Finalmente, la evaluación interaccional propone técnicas de evaluación actuales que prevén el uso de las nuevas tecnologías y proporcionan una retroalimentación de calidad, de modo que el aprendiz vea los progresos realizados y sepa cómo mejorar.

Análise e exploração de marcadores discursivos no ensino de português-língua estrangeira (PLE) no Brasil / Analysis and exploration of discourse markers in the teaching of portuguese as a foreign language (PFL) in Brazil

Sérgio Duarte Julião da Silva 11 November 2010 (has links)
A conversação é fonte de grande parte de nossa noção de ordem social e, além disso, apresenta sua própria ordem e manifesta um senso próprio de estrutura. Ao interagirem através da conversação, as pessoas recorrem a procedimentos regulares através dos quais tornam explícitas as marcas de planejamento de seu discurso e as estratégias de gestão dos turnos de conversação, das relações estabelecidas e da interação verbal em si. A língua, portanto, não pode ser considerada simplesmente um código de comunicação, mas sim um meio através do qual atuam sujeitos que manifestam suas ideias sobre o mundo real e sobre seu próprio mundo interior, expressam seus papéis sociais e sua personalidade em um determinado contexto e, ainda, por mecanismos metalinguísticos, estabelecem relações de coesão e coerência nos seus próprios textos através dos vínculos que a linguagem verbal estabelece com ela mesma. Nesse processo, os marcadores discursivos (MD) exercem papel de extrema importância porque possibilitam e fazem funcionar mecanismos de atuação e manifestação dos sujeitos da enunciação. Entretanto, uma análise atenta dos materiais utilizados para o ensino de Português- Língua Estrangeira (PLE) no Brasil revelará que as situações de conversação a que são expostos os alunos pouco se utilizam desses elementos e processos típicos da interação verbal e acabam por prender-se à sintaxe do português culto escrito. Como resultado ao contrário de materiais didáticos de outros idiomas como o inglês, o espanhol e o francês, por exemplo os materiais de PLE incorrem na falha de não equiparem os estrangeiros com ferramentas tais que os possibilitem interagir com falantes de português em situações reais de conversação. Tendo como arcabouço teórico a Análise da Conversação, este trabalho apresenta a importância da presença dos processos da conversação no ensino de língua estrangeira e propõe quatro níveis de exploração dos MD com vistas a construir nos estrangeiros aprendizes de português uma real competência comunicativa e sociocultural. / A great deal of our sense of social order stems from conversation, which in turn has its own order and works according to its own rules of structure. As they interact through conversation, people resort to regular procedures to produce explicit marks of discourse planning along with strategies for managing turn-taking, established relationships and oral interaction itself. Therefore, language should not be considered merely as a communication code, but rather a means through which subjects can play an active role while manifesting their ideas about the real world and their own inner world, and expressing their social roles and personality within a given framework. These subjects also engage in metalinguistic mechanisms to create cohesion and coherence relationships as oral language refers to itself in discourse. Discourse markers play a fundamental role in this process because they enable subjects to act and manifest their own selves while producing utterances. However, a close look at the materials currently used for teaching Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PFL) will show that the conversation instances to which PFL students are exposed seldom use these elements and processes so typical of oral interaction. As opposed to other foreign language materials such as English, Spanish and French, PFL materials tend to insist on forms that reflect educated written Portuguese syntax. As a result, PFL material fail to provide foreigners with useful tools to interact with Portuguese speakers in real conversation. This paper highlights the importance of exploring conversation in foreign language teaching on the basis of Conversation Analysis theories. It also suggests four levels in which discourse markers can be explored in order to enable PFL students to build up effective communicative and sociocultural competence.

Y, PERO, ASÍ QUE y ES QUE : Un estudio de su uso en las interacciones del español de jóvenes bilingües y unilingües

Bravo Cladera, Nadezhda January 2004 (has links)
The focus of this study is use of discourse markers (DM). Data consists of taped interactions of informants. From this data, four particular DM are analyzed with regard to distribution in turn taking. The concepts of cohesion and coherence in text or discourse, together with informants´ communicative and discourse strategies, in a group of bilingual speakers (BS) and a control group of monolingual speakers (MS), are also analyzed. The findings confirm that BS, compared to the MS, make more frequent use of y with a pragmatic meaning when introducing various types of questions that constitute requests for elucidation directed to an interlocutor and thereby continue the interaction. In general, however, the MS use the DM y more frequently than the BS, demonstrating a more elaborate sense of stylistics in the coordination of their turn as narrations and descriptions. With regard to pero, the BS prefer to use this DM with a pragmatic meaning, in the continuation of an intervention or at the end of a turn, in order to question that which has been stated. The MS use pero primarily with a semantic meaning, to express counter-arguments inside a turn. It is exclusively the BS who use the DM así que with pragmatic meaning of consequence, in interactional exchanges, when they wish to introduce questions and assertions, where así que begins their reaction to the utterance of the interlocutor. Such questions may be regarded as a discourse strategy that permits possibilities for avoiding taking responsibility for how an utterance is interpreted. In addition, both the BS and the MS use así que at the end of turns, providing the discourse with meta-pragmatic meaning whereby it allows possibilities for interpreting this as finalizing. Through their use of es que, the BS gradually explain and justify statements made in utterances during their turns while the MS, through use in their discourse of this DM, allows them to introduce explications, justifications or excuses in the event of possible disagreement. In addition, the MS use justification introduced through this DM as a strategy to take a turn or to attempt to take over the turn, where es que conveys discourse-pragmatic meaning and introduces a tone of verbal courtesy. / Den digitala versionen: ny rev. utg. 2005.

Participants’ multimodal practices for managing activity suspensions and resumptions in English and Finnish interaction

Helisten, M. (Marika) 23 October 2018 (has links)
Abstract This thesis examines how co-present participants manage intervening courses of action in social interaction. It is comprised of a summary and three original papers, which focus on 1) activity suspensions, in which participants temporarily suspend an ongoing activity in favour of an emergent, intervening course of action, and 2) activity resumptions, in which participants resume the suspended activity once the intervention has been dealt with. Using video-recorded, everyday interactions in English and Finnish as data and conversation analysis as the method, this study explores the complex relations between linguistic form, sequence organisation and body behaviour, and how these may work together to constitute activity suspensions and resumptions in interaction. The thesis identifies recurrent multimodal practices that participants use and orient to when they negotiate transitions into, and out of, intervening courses of action in two different environments, namely in conversational (story)tellings and in ‘multiactivity’ situations (in which participants become involved in more than one activity at the same time). Importantly, the study shows how the body provides a powerful resource for projecting and negotiating these transitions subtly and flexibly, thus enabling participants to maintain a smooth flow of interaction and activities and to avoid overt interactional conflicts in the face of discontinuities and abrupt changes in unfolding interaction. The study provides new information on the construction of activity suspensions and resumptions in interaction by describing them holistically, as linguistic, prosodic and embodied accomplishments. It also sheds new light on some of the practices involved in how participants coordinate their activities and involvements in situations in which multiple relevancies may be at stake. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksessani tarkastelen vuorovaikutuksen keinoja, joiden avulla osallistujat käsittelevät keskeytyksiä sosiaalisessa vuorovaikutuksessa. Tutkimus koostuu yhteenveto-osuudesta ja kolmesta artikkelista, jotka tarkastelevat kahta siirtymäkohtaa: 1) keskeyttävien toimintajaksojen aloitusta, eli meneillään olevan toimintalinjan keskeytymistä toisen vuoksi, ja 2) keskeytyneeseen toimintaan paluuta sen jälkeen kun kilpaileva toimintalinja on saatettu päätökseen. Aineisto koostuu videoiduista englannin- ja suomenkielisistä arkikeskusteluista, joita tutkin keskustelunanalyyttista menetelmää käyttäen. Kuvaan työssäni kielellisen muodon, toimintajaksojen ja kehonkäytänteiden välisiä kompleksisia suhteita ja yhteispeliä keskeytymisen ja paluun rakentumisessa. Aineistossa esiintyy systemaattisia, multimodaalisia käytänteitä, joiden avulla osallistujat neuvottelevat ja merkitsevät meneillään olevan ja keskeyttävän toimintalinjan välisiä siirtymiä kahdessa eri kontekstissa: kerrontavuoroissa ja monitoimintatilanteissa, eli tilanteissa, joissa on meneillään useampi yhtäaikainen toimintajakso. Yksi keskeisimmistä havainnoistani on, että kehon resurssit ovat tärkeässä roolissa näissä siirtymissä, sillä ne mahdollistavat osallistujien välisen neuvottelun hienovaraisin keinoin ja tulevaa siirtymää ennakoiden ja pitävät näin yllä sujuvaa vuorovaikutuksen kulkua myös disjunktiivisten ja ennakoimattomien toimintalinjojen lomassa. Tutkimukseni tuottaa uutta tietoa keskeyttävistä toimintajaksoista ja paluukäytänteistä holistisella lähestymistavallaan eli tarkastelemalla niitä kielellisesti, prosodisesti ja kehollisesti rakentuvina kokonaisuuksina. Lisäksi se tarjoaa uuden näkökulman osallistujien neuvottelukäytänteisiin tilanteissa, joissa nämä koordinoivat toimintaansa ja osallistujuuttaan useamman meneillään olevan toimintalinjan kesken.

Conectores pluriverbais em espanhol: proposta de tratamento lexicográfico em um dicionário pedagógico semibilíngue / Conectores pluriverbales en español: propuesta de tratamiento lexicográfico en un diccionario pedagógico semibilingüe

Silva, Sérgio Tiago da [UNESP] 30 May 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Sérgio Tiago da Silva null (stletras@gmail.com) on 2016-07-26T22:04:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Mestrado_Sergio Tiago da Silva_Conectores Pluriverbais_2016.pdf: 1752310 bytes, checksum: 72c19d7b6a8b3245c75d3e3b52c1eaf2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Paula Grisoto (grisotoana@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-07-29T13:47:23Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 silva_st_me_arafcl.pdf: 1752310 bytes, checksum: 72c19d7b6a8b3245c75d3e3b52c1eaf2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-29T13:47:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 silva_st_me_arafcl.pdf: 1752310 bytes, checksum: 72c19d7b6a8b3245c75d3e3b52c1eaf2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-05-30 / O Brasil tem como países vizinhos Argentina, Bolívia, Colômbia, Paraguai, Peru, Uruguai e Venezuela, além de Chile e Equador que também estão na América do Sul; em todos eles o Espanhol é a língua oficial. Dessa forma, faz-se necessário conhecer o idioma desses países, pois cada vez mais indivíduos de localidades diferentes se comunicam, tanto informalmente como em relações de trabalho e negócios, que são mais formais. Por esse motivo, o espanhol vem sendo ensinado desde a década de 40 no Brasil. Contudo, a partir de 2005, o ensino dessa língua tornou-se obrigatório no Brasil. Esse fator nos motivou a realizar uma pesquisa que pudesse contribuir com o ensino do Espanhol em nosso país. Isto posto, nos dedicamos a estudar os marcadores discursivos, mais especificamente os conectores pluriverbais, que são elementos utilizados na elaboração de um texto escrito, pois, essas partículas discursivas propiciam, também, a coesão e a coerência textual. Nosso objetivo ao estudar esses conectores é elaborar uma proposta de tratamento lexicográfico dessas estruturas em um Dicionário Pedagógico Semibilíngue para a produção de textos. Logo, sob a égide das teorias e práticas da lexicografia pedagógica semibilíngue, descrevemos e analisamos como dois dicionários bilíngues e um semibilíngue - Português-Espanhol - presentes em nosso mercado, registram os conectores. Verificamos, assim, que as informações que constam nessas obras lexicográficas não são suficientes para atender às necessidades dos aprendizes brasileiros para produzir textos em Espanhol. Por conseguinte, a partir de dois corpora textuais, um do Português Brasileiro (PB) e outro do Espanhol (Europeu (EE) e Americano (EA)), selecionamos os conectores e observamos os contextos nos quais ocorrem nos corpora bem como a frequência de tais ocorrências. Elaboramos, assim, uma proposta de tratamento lexicográfico de conectores pluriverbais em um dicionário pedagógico semibilíngue para a produção de textos no par de línguas Português-Espanhol. / Brazil has as neighbors Argentina, Bolívia, Colômbia, Paraguai, Peru, Uruguai and Venezuela, with Chile and Ecuador, also in South America; all of these countries have Spanish as the official language. It is therefore necessary to know the language of these countries, as more individuals from different places communicate with each other, both informally and in business settings wich are more formal. For this reason, Spanish has been taught since the 1940s in our country, and from 2005 the teaching of this language has been mandatory in Brazil. This factor motivated us to conduct research that could contribute to the teaching of Spanish in our country. That said, we are dedicated to study the discourse markers, specifically multi-verbal connectors, which are elements used in the preparation of a written text, because these discursive particles also provide cohesion and textual coherence. Our aim to study these connectors is to propose a semi-bilingual lexicographical treatment of these structures in a Pedagogical Dictionary for the production of texts. Here, on the basis of the theories and practices of semi-bilingual pedagogical lexicography, we describe and analyze how two bilingual and semi-bilingual (Portuguese-Spanish) dictionaries, present in our market, record the connectors. We found that the information contained in these lexicographical works are not sufficient to meet the needs of Brazilian learners to produce texts in Spanish. Therefore, from two textual corpora, one Brazilian Portuguese (BP) and the other Spanish (European (EE) and American (EA)), we select the connectors and observe the contexts in which they occur in the corpora and the frequency of such occurrences. We then developed a proposed lexicographical treatment of multi-verbal connectors in a semi-bilingual pedagogical dictionary for the production of texts in paired Portuguese-Spanish languages. / Brasil tiene como países vecinos Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Paraguay, Perú, Uruguay y Venezuela, y Chile y Ecuador, que también se encuentran en América del Sur; en todos ellos el español es el idioma oficial. Por lo tanto, es necesario conocer la lengua de estos países, pues más y más personas se comunican de diferentes lugares, tanto de manera informal como en las relaciones de trabajo y negócios que son más formales. Por esta razón, el español se ha enseñado desde los años 40 en nuestro país. Sin embargo, a partir de 2005, la enseñanza de esta lengua se hizo obligatoria la oferta en Brasil. Este factor nos ha motivado para llevar a cabo una investigación que podría contribuir a la enseñanza de español en nuestro país. Dicho esto, nos hemos dedicado a estudiar los marcadores del discurso, específicamente los conectores pluriverbales, que son elementos que se utilizan en la elaboración de un texto escrito, debido a que estas partículas discursivas proporcionan también la cohesión y coherencia textual. Nuestro objetivo de estudiar estos conectores es elaborar una propuesta de tratamiento lexicográfico semibilíngüe de estas estructuras. Así, bajo la égide de las teorías y prácticas de la lexicografía pedagógica semibilíngüe, hemos descrito y analizado como dos diccionarios bilingües y un semibilíngüe - Portugués-Español - presentes en nuestro mercado, registran los conectores. Comprobamos, por lo tanto, que las informaciones contenidas en estas obras lexicográficas no son suficientes para satisfacer las necesidades de los estudiantes brasileños que desean producir textos en español. Por conseguiente, a partir de dos corpora textuales, un del Portugués de Brasil (PB) y otro del Español (Europeo (EE) y Americano (EA)), seleccionamos los conectores y observamos los contextos en los que estos ocurren en los corpora y la frecuencia de estas ocurrencias para elabora, así, una propuesta de tratamiento lexicográfico de conectores pluriverbales en un diccionario semibilíngue pedagógico para la producción de textos en el par de lenguas Portugués-Español.

Překlad a výklad páté knihy (1.-15. kap.) Orosiových Historiarum adversum paganos libri VII / Translation and Analysis of the Fifth Book (chap. 1-15) of Orosius' Historiarum libri VII

Marek, Bořivoj January 2011 (has links)
This paper consists of the translation and analysis of Chapters 1-15 of Book V of Historiarum adversus paganos libri VIII by Paulus Orosius. The analysis is based on a comprehensive commentary on linguistic and stylistic aspects of the texts examined, and on a thorough factual commentary. The linguistic commentary concentrates on the composition of the Fifth Book, on the construction of discourse by the means of particles and other discourse markers, as well as on the linguistic features and peculiarities distinctive for the author, his age and the genre of historiography (such as specifically Late Latin syntax, non-Classical vocabulary, rhetorical figures, tropes and other stylistic features). The factual commentary contains a detailed description of the events mentioned in the text and their historical context. Close attention is paid to the character of the author's narrative, his approach to the historical data, choice of the events that interest him most as well as the way in which the author portraits them as mutually connected. Among the questions important for the commentary are whether he follows the wider tradition of Roman historiography or if and in which way the author's own opinions and persuasions are reflected in his work. This section also comments on the relation between Orosius'...

Marcas cohesivas y construcción del sentido: análisis y comparación de estrategias traductoras

Cunillera Domènech, Montserrat 14 June 2002 (has links)
Aquesta tesi és un estudi descriptiu que s'inscriu en un doble àmbit d'anàlisi, discursiu i traductològic. Es proposa un doble objectiu: per una banda, analitzar un conjunt de marques de cohesió franceses en dos tipos de textos diferents (un text polític i un text literari) per tal de mostrar la pertinència d'aquests elements lingüístics en la construcció del sentit; i per altra banda, descriure i comparar les principals estratègies traductores utilitzades en les traduccions castellanes del corpus per recuperar les esmentades marques de cohesió i veure quines en són les conseqüències en el nivell micro i macrotextual.Les marques de cohesió seleccionades per a l'anàlisi són les repeticions, les anàfores pronominals, l'ordre intrafràstic i interfràstic, les elipsis, algunes formes de creativitat lèxica, la puntuació, la unitat et i una sèrie de connectors argumentatius. / This doctoral thesis is a descriptive study which falls into the general framework of discourse and translational analysis. The study has two main aims: on the one hand, it firstly analyses the role of some French cohesive devices in two different types of texts (a political text and a literary one) in order to show how relevant they are to the construction of meaning. On the other hand, the study describes and compares the main translational strategies used in the Spanish target texts to translate these linguistic devices. Moreover, the analysis shows the consequences of these translational strategies both on the microstructure and the macrostructure of the target texts. The cohesive devices we have chosen to analyse include repetitions, pronominal anaphors, order into the sentences, ellipsis, lexical creativity, punctuation, the French conjunction "et" and some discourse markers.

"de suerte que parecían todos salvajes o cosa semejante" : Los apéndices generalizadores del tipo 'o cosa(s)' en textos del siglo XVI / "de suerte que parecían todos salvajes o cosa semejante" : General extenders of the type 'o cosa(s)' en Spanish texts from the 16th century

Cato, Pierre January 2011 (has links)
El objetivo de este estudio es investigar la secuencia y las funciones de un tipo de marcador discursivo denominado apéndice generalizador en textos del siglo XVI. Los apéndices generalizadores son marcadores discursivos que van introducidos por la conjunción ‘o’ o ‘y’ y su función primaria es la de generalizar el significado del miembro discursivo a que va añadido. Nuestro estudio enfoca los apéndices del tipo ‘o cosa(s)’ en textos del siglo XVI e investigamos cuales son las funciones discursivos que cumplen los apéndices en los textos y en qué nivel discursivo operan. Los diferentes niveles discutidos son la modalización del significado, la autorregulación, la intersubjetividad y la fuerza ilocutiva. Analizamos los apéndices generalizadores según su función pragmática y presentamos distintos casos de las diferentes funciones que asumen en el discurso. Llegamos a la conclusión que los apéndices generalizadores operan en tres de los cuatro niveles discursivos a saber en el nivel de la modalización del significado, de la autorregulación y de la fuerza ilocutiva con la excepción del nivel de la intersubjetividad donde no encontramos ningún apéndice.

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