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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proteção da relação de emprego contra despedimento discriminatório da pessoa portadora do HIV e/ou doente de AIDS / Protection of the employment bond against the discriminatory dismissal of the HIV-positive person and/or a person with AIDS

Gustavo Magalhães de Paula Gonçalves Domingues 07 June 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem o escopo de realizar uma análise dogmática da proteção jurídica da relação de emprego contra o despedimento discriminatório da pessoa portadora do HIV e/ou doente de AIDS no direito brasileiro. Inicialmente são expostos conceitos científicos a respeito do HIV/AIDS, seu histórico e suas implicações no contexto do trabalho. Na seqüência são abordadas as questões relativas à força normativa dos princípios constitucionais, dos direitos humanos fundamentais e dos tratados internacionais em matéria de direitos humanos, sempre sob o enfoque de sua incidência e eficácia horizontal no contexto das relações de trabalho no caso do despedimento discriminatório da pessoa portadora do HIV e/ou doente de AIDS (Drittwirkung). São estudados os princípios da dignidade da pessoa humana (art. 1.º, III, CF), da igualdade e de sua expressão enquanto direito de não ser discriminado (Preâmbulo, art. 3.º, IV, art. 5.º, caput e XLI, CF) , além da tutela da intimidade da pessoa portadora do HIV e/ou doente de AIDS (art. 5.º, X, CF). Demonstra-se a existência de amplo, consistente e efetivo sistema constitucional antidiscriminatório no ordenamento brasileiro (Preâmbulo, art. 1.º, III, art. 3.º, IV, art. 5.º, caput e XLI e art. 7.º, XXX, CF). Sob o aspecto processual, são verificados os mecanismos para a identificação do despedimento discriminatório, abordando-se as questões da inversão do ônus da prova e das presunções judiciais em matéria de discriminação. É abordada a aplicabilidade da Lei n.º 9.029/95 à hipótese de discriminação da pessoa portadora do HIV e/ou doente de AIDS e as conseqüências previstas por tal legislação. Finalmente, é ressaltado o caráter inconstitucional do despedimento discriminatório e são enfrentadas as questões relativas às indenizações por dano material/patrimonial (patamar mínimo fixado pelo art. 4.º, I, Lei n.º 9.029/95) e por dano moral/pessoal (art. 5.º, V e X, CF) decorrentes do despedimento discriminatório independentes e autônomas , a multa compensatória prevista pelo art. 10.º, I, do ADCT e o direito à reintegração no emprego (art. 7.º, I, CF, Convenção n.º 158 da OIT e art. 4.º, II, Lei n.º 9.029/95). / This paper has the purpose to provide a dogmatic analysis of the legal protection of the employment bond against the discriminatory dismissal of the HIV-positive person and/or a person with AIDS. First, it exposes the scientific concepts in relation to HIV/AIDS, its history and implications within the labor contexts. Next, this work deals with issues related to the normative force of the constitutional principles, the fundamental human rights and the international treaties related to human rights, with a constant focus on its occurrence and horizontal efficiency within the context of the employment bonds in case of discriminatory dismissal of the HIV-positive person and/or the person with AIDS (Drittwirkung). It also studies the principles of the dignity of the human person (art. 1.º, III, CF), equity and its expression by virtue of the right of not being discriminated (Preamble, art. 3.º, IV, art. 5.º, head and XLI, CF) , besides the tutorship of the HIVpositive person and/or person with AIDS (art. 5.º, X, CF). This work shows the existence of a broad, consistent and effective anti-discriminatory constitutional system in the Brazilian law (Preamble, art. 1.º, III, art. 3.º, IV, art. 5.º, head and XLI and art. 7.º, XXX, CF). From the procedural standpoint, this work deals with mechanisms to identify the discriminatory dismissal, focusing on the issues of the reversal of the burden of proof and the judicial presumptions related to discrimination. It also discuss the enforceability of the Law no. 9.029/95 in relation to the hypothesis of discrimination of the HIV-positive person and/or person with AIDS and the consequences provided in such law. At last, this work expresses the unconstitutional character of the discriminatory dismissal and deals with the issues related to the indemnities for pecuniary damages (minimum level established by the art. 4.º, I, Law n.º 9.029/95) and mental distress (art. 5.º, V and X, CF) arising from the discriminatory dismissal independent and autonomous , the compensatory fine provided in the art. 10.º, I, of the ADCT [Act of Transitory Constitutional Provisions] and the right of being reinstated to work (art. 7.º, I, CF, Convention n.º 158 of the ILO (International Labor Organization) and art. 4, II, Law n.º 9.029/95).

Licenciements collectifs et reconversion de la main-d'oeuvre: le cas des cellules de reconversion wallonnes

Bingen, Aline 01 February 2012 (has links)
Aline Bingen a fait le pari de tenter de comprendre ce que c’est que de perdre son emploi à la suite de restructurations ou de fermetures, en étudiant des cellules de reconversion, les mesures d’accompagnement des salariés licenciés, et en s’intéressant aux trajectoires sociales et professionnelles d’une vingtaine d’entre eux. <p>La question qui la préoccupe est notamment celle du devenir des collectifs. Question très pertinente quand on sait à quel point les collectifs de salariés jouent un rôle décisif non seulement pour l’élaboration de savoirs pratiques constitutifs du travail réel (par opposition au travail prescrit), mais aussi pour donner du sens au travail, lui redonner de la dignité et apprivoiser les pénibilités liées aux conditions dans lesquelles il se déroule. Les collectifs gèrent à leur façon le mal-être au travail et l’interprètent à travers le prisme d’une morale et de valeurs en lien avec les enjeux économiques et politiques de la société.<p>La perte d’emploi, la nécessité de se former pour retrouver du travail précipite les salariés dans une situation particulièrement périlleuse pour eux, précisément parce qu’ils sont confrontés de façon personnalisée, hors de tout collectif, à l’épreuve du reclassement.<p>Comment cela se joue-t-il concrètement ?C’est ce que Aline Bingen cherche à analyser dans sa thèse à partir d’observations et d’entretiens approfondis. Du moins dans la deuxième partie de sa thèse, car elle consacre la première à un retour sur les politiques publiques au niveau fédéral, pour identifier les empreintes de « l’Etat social actif » depuis les années 60 en matière d’accompagnement des licenciements collectifs, et plus particulièrement en région wallonne depuis les années 70.<p>Dans cette première partie, on peut féliciter l’auteure pour l’ampleur de ses recherches et sa volonté d’exhaustivité. Il y a là un travail dont on peut penser qu’il sera fort utile pour tous ceux qui sont intéressés par cette question du rôle de pouvoirs publics dans la gestion des reconversions des fermetures et des licenciements collectifs. On découvre la tendance inexorable vers plus d’individualisation et de mise sous condition de l’accès aux droits sociaux.<p>La deuxième partie quant à elle révèle les qualités d’Aline Bingen en tant que chercheure de terrain, son respect des personnes interviewées, la qualité de son écoute, la finesse de ses interprétations, la confiance qu’elle obtient des ces personnes pourtant en situation difficile. Les larges extraits qu’elle offre au lecteur, et qui témoignent de sa volonté de ne pas imposer d’analyses trop abruptes et rapides, sont absolument passionnants. Ils permettent d’avancer dans la compréhension des enjeux, des difficultés, des épreuves qui scandent le parcours de ces travailleurs licenciés et aux prises avec les dispositifs institutionnels de reclassement mais aussi des ressources de différentes natures dont ils disposent et parmi lesquelles figurent notamment les délégués syndicaux. Mais ils permettent aussi en contrepoint de comprendre ce qui faisait que ces travailleurs tenaient à leur travail et tenaient au travail. De comprendre l’importance des règles du jeu qui les liaient à leur entreprise, à leur employeur et qui volent en éclat au moment où il s’agit de préparer les licenciements. Une fois dehors de l’entreprise à la suite d’événements qui les renvoient à leur situation de salariés liés par le seul biais d’un contrat salarial de subordination juridique, l’idée d’un retour dans une entreprise de même nature leur paraît insoutenable. <p>Cette deuxième partie riche, originale et dense, fait un pendant particulièrement efficace à la première qui est de nature plus abstraite et plus informative. Ensemble, elles construisent un parcours de recherche qui témoignent des qualités de chercheure d’Aline Bingen. / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

L'ambivalente libéralisation du droit du travail en République de Djibouti / The ambivalent nature of the liberalization of the labour law in Republic of Djibouti

Said Wais, Ilyas 05 October 2015 (has links)
En accédant à l'indépendance, la République de Djibouti, comme la plupart des pays anciennement colonisés, a reconduit le droit du travail mis en place pendant la période de colonisation. Il s'est agi pour les nouvelles autorités djiboutiennes de faire perdurer une réglementation faisant de la loi l'outil exclusif d'encadrement des relations de travail. Cette situation, caractérisée par une absence de créativité normative unique en Afrique, a duré presque un demi-siècle, jusqu'aux années 90. A cette époque, le pays a été atteint par la crise économique et financière. Ceci a contraint l'Etat djiboutien à se tourner vers les Institutions financières internationales (FMI, Banque mondiale) qui l’ont appelé à se désengager de la vie économique et sociale. La réforme du droit du travail entamée en 1997 et confirmée par l'adoption d'un nouveau Code du travail en 2006 s'est inscrite dans cette optique.Malgré l'offensive libérale, le nouveau droit du travail porte la marque d’une hétéronomie persistante. Toutefois, une contractualisation relative mais significative de l'encadrement juridique des relations de travail est engagée. Ainsi, les normes étatiques issues de la législation antérieure sont largement reconduites pour garantir la santé et la sécurité au travail ainsi que pour limiter et répartir le temps de travail. En revanche, en matière de fixation de la rémunération, la réforme libérale a donné lieu à une large déréglementation.A ce jour, la réforme ne paraît pas être allée au bout de sa logique libérale. Elle ne s'est pas traduite par un retrait radical de la puissance publique. Il ne fait toutefois aucun doute qu'on est bien passé du recours exclusif à la loi pour la détermination des conditions d'emploi, de travail et de rémunération, à la possibilité d'intervention, de façon inégale en fonction des matières, du contrat individuel ainsi que des conventions et accords collectifs. / Upon gaining independence, The Republic of Djibouti, as is the case with most of former colonies, renew the labour law implemented during the colonial period. For Djiboutian authorities, it is a matter of preserving a regulation which is the exclusive tool for managing working relations. This situation which is marked by the lack of a normative creativity, only peculiar to Africa, has lasted for half of a century and went on up until the 90’s during which the country witnessed a financial and economic crisis. Beset with this crisis, the Djiboutian state turned to the international financial institutions (IMF, World Bank) which impel it to disentangle from social and economic life. The reform of labour law which began in 1997 and materialized by the adoption of the new Labour Code of 2006 is truly a part of this approach.Despite the liberal offensive, the new modification which is currently under way is characterized by the remarkable persistence of heteronomy and a relative yet significant contractualization of the legal framework of working relations. With regards to the working conditions, the state standards derived from former legislation are mostly renewed to not only ensure the hygiene and the security at the work place but to limit and organize the working time. However, regarding the setting of remunerations, the liberal reform leads to a large deregulation.Up to this day, the reform has not fulfilled its liberal purpose. It has failed to result in decrease of public power. However, there is no doubt that there has been a shift from the exclusive recourse to terms and conditions of employment, work, and remuneration to the possibility of intervention, to varying degrees and according to the matters, of individual contracts as well as the conventions and collective agreements.

Rozvázání pracovního poměru ze strany zaměstnavatele / Termination of employment by employer

Plašil, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
My dissertation´s topic is termination of employment from employer´s side. It includes determination of possibilities and recommendations how to properly terminate employment with employer without any legal consequences in practice. The basic terms in relation to given topic such as employment, importance of employment contract, its requirements and participants of labor-law relations are defined and described in first part of dissertation. Next part deals with termination of employment methods and compares mutual differences. It also takes reasons leading to termination of employment by employer into account. Practical part of dissertation is aimed at the issue of termination of employment by employer in chosen company. The process evaluation of this termination is performed both from general and company´s point of view in dissertation´s next part. Assessment and evaluation of legal reasons for termination of employment is present in the last part, in which the actual problems of dismissing employees are solved with help of real court decisions.

Informe para la sustentación de expedientes: Expediente N° 1969-2016-0-0401-JR-CI-09 / Expediente N° 03489-2014-0-1801-JR-LA-08

Iturrizaga Palomino, Malú Jussara 24 July 2021 (has links)
El presente informe aborda sobre dos controversias judiciales tanto en el ámbito privado como en el público, sobre la materia de otorgamiento de escritura pública y reposición por despido laboral, respectivamente. El Expediente N° 1969-2016-0-0401-JR-CI-09, expediente privado, abarca sobre una demanda de otorgamiento de escritura pública de un contrato de promesa de compraventa de un local comercial ubicado en la ciudad de Arequipa. La controversia principal corresponde a si el contrato celebrado entre la compradora primigenia y los demandados se trataría de un contrato de promesa de compraventa o un contrato definitivo, y como consecuencia, si la transferencia realizada por dicha compradora primigenia a la demandante se trataría de una cesión de posición contractual o de una cesión de derechos. El Noveno Juzgado Especializado en lo Civil y la Segunda Sala Civil, emitieron sentencias contradictorias, estando de acuerdo respecto a que el contrato de promesa de compraventa se trataría de un contrato definitivo; sin embargo, discrepan respecto al segundo punto, toda vez que la primera de las mencionadas señala que la transferencia del inmueble materia de litis se habría realizado a través de una cesión de posición contractual y no a través de una cesión de derechos como señala la Segunda Sala Civil. Por otro lado, el Expediente N° 03489-2014-0-1801-JR-LA-08 abarca sobre una demanda de reposición laboral, toda vez que la demandante alude que la despidieron fraudulentamente por “haber participado en una pelea de agresión mutua verbal y física”, considerado falta grave establecida en el inciso f) del artículo 25 del D.S. N° 093-97-TR, en contra de una trabajadora de otra empresa, mientras se encontraba de vacaciones y en un lugar distinto al de su lugar de trabajo. En ese sentido, la controversia principal del mencionado expediente es determinar si el despido se encontraba realmente justificado o no. Al respecto, el Octavo Juzgado Especializado Permanente de Trabajo y la Cuarta Sala Laboral Permanente de Lima emitieron sentencias contradictorias, donde la primera de las mencionadas señala que no se ha acreditado objetivamente la falta grave imputada a la demandante por lo que corresponde la reposición laboral; a diferencia de lo señalado por la Cuarta Sala Laboral Permanente de Lima quien establece que si se produjo la mencionada falta grave. Finalmente, la demandante interpone recurso de casación, la misma que es declarada improcedente toda vez que pretende una nueva valoración de hechos ya analizados en la Sentencia de Vista. / This report deals with two legal disputes, both in the private and public scope, about granting of a Public Deed and replenishing for labor dismissal, respectively. File No. 1969-2016-0-0401-JR-CI-09, private file, is about a demand for the granting of a Public Deed of a sale promise contract of a commercial property located in the city of Arequipa. The main controversy corresponds to whether the contract between the original purchaser and the defendants was a sale promise contract or a definitive contract, and therefore, whether the transfer made by the original purchaser to the plaintiff was an assignment of contractual position or an assignment of rights. The Ninth Specialized Civil Court and the Second Civil Chamber issued contradictory judgments, both agreeing that the sale promise contract is a definitive contract; however, they differ about the second point, in which the first one indicates that the transfer of the property subject to litis would have been carried out through a transfer of contractual position and not through the assignment of rights, as indicated by the Second Civil Chamber. On the other hand, File N° 03489-2014-0-1801-JR-LA-08 is about a demand for replenishing for labor dismissal, in which the plaintiff argues that she was fraudulently fired for “having participated in a fight of mutual verbal and physical aggression”, considered a serious misconduct according with paragraph f) of article 25 of the Supreme Decree N° 093-97-TR, against a worker from another company while she was on vacation in place different than her workplace. In that sense, the main controversy of the mentioned file is to clarify whether the dismissal was really justified or not. In this regard, the Eighth Permanent Specialized Labor Court and the Fourth Permanent Labor Chamber of Lima issued contradictory judgments as well, in which the first indicated that the serious misconduct charged to the plaintiff has not been objectively proved and therefore it corresponds the replenishing; unlike what was indicated by the Fourth Permanent Labor Chamber of Lima which established that the serious misconduct aforementioned occurred. Finally, the plaintiff filed a cassation appeal which was declared inadmissible since it pretended a new analysis of facts which was already done in the judgment issued by the second instance court. / Trabajo de suficiencia profesional

An evaluation of the rights of fixed term employees in South Arica

Geldenhuys, Judith 28 May 2014 (has links)
The current South African legislative framework does not properly address the unequal bargaining position between employers and fixed term employees. Ineffective regulation of fixed term employment in South Africa has had the effect of excluding certain groups of fixed term employees from claiming the remedies provided in terms of the Labour Relations Act and other labour legislation. Furthermore, where remedies are applicable to them they are often ineffectual. Interpretational variation evident from case law pertaining to the enforcement of the rights of fixed term employees, indicate clear lacunae in the unfair dismissal protection afforded to these vulnerable employees. This is mainly a consequence of uncertainties related to the interpretation of the legislative provisions. The infusion of the values entrenched in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa and the development of the common law to reflect these values might augment the scope and availability of rights enjoyed by fixed term employees. But, changing socio-economic and political circumstances necessitates review and amendment of the legislation applicable to fixed term employees to meet the country’s constitutional and international obligations. Proposed amendments to the Labour Relations Act have been tabled. These amendments may be capable of addressing some of the current problems. However, they may also lead to other undesirable consequences. An investigation into problems related to the application of similar provisions as those proposed by the Labour Relations Amendment Bill in other jurisdictions crystallises some possible causes for concern. Some of the proposed changes could create new vulnerabilities, or renew old ones. / Private Law / LLD

The constitutionality of vicarious liability in the context of the South African labour law : a comparative study

Van Eeden, Albert Jacob 03 July 2014 (has links)
If the expectancy that someone was to act according to what we deem to be his or her “duty” was that straightforward, there would be no need to address the issues of liability of the employee for the wrongful acts of the employer. The recent - and some say alarming - trend in South Africa to hold employers (particularly the government) liable for wrongful, culpable acts committed by their employees, gives rise to difficulties and any inquiry into the possible vicarious liability of the employer should necessarily always start by asking whether there was in fact a wrongful, culpable act committed by the employee. If not, there can neither be direct liability of the employee nor vicarious liability by the employer. Where the employee did indeed commit a delict, the relationship between the wrongdoer and his or her employer at the time of the wrongdoing becomes important. It is then often, in determining whether the employee was acting in the scope of his or her employment that normative issues come to the fore. Over the years South African courts have devised tests to determine whether an employee was in fact acting in the scope of his employment. / Jurisprudence / LLM

Enkele aspekte van die reg aangaande stakings in Suid-Afrika

Odendaal, De Villiers 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie studie is gepoog om die sogenaamde "reg om te staak" aan die hand van nasionale en internasionale invloede te ontleed. Dit is veral die International labour Organisation se voorstelle wat 'n invloed gehad het om die Suid-Afrikaanse reg in lyn met die internasionale posisie te bring. Daar word egter gewys op die beperkinge van die reg om te staak, byvoorbeeld in die geval van noodsaaklike dienste en staatsdiensamptenare. Vervolgens is die Suid-Afrikaanse stakingsreg onder die loep geneem en is daar gekyk na die gemene reg, statutere reg en die gevolge van 'n staking. Die Suid-Afrikaanse reg is toe vergelyk met 'n aantal ILO-beginsels. Die moontlike invloed van die Grondwet, 200 van 1993 op die arbeidsreg is bespreek. Die ·studie konkludeer dat, alhoewel daar nie 'n absolute reg om te staak is nie, sodanige reg onder sekere omstandighede erken moet word. / The aim of the study was to analyse the so-called "right to strike" by looking at national as well as international influences on the subject. The suggestions by the International labour Organisation in particular had an influence on changing the South African position. The limitations on the right to strike were also scrutinized. The South African strike law was discussed. The common law position, statutory law as well as the consequences of a strike were analysed. The South African position was also compared with a few llO principles. The possible influence of the Constitution, Act 200 of 1993 on labour law was discussed. The study concluded that, althot:.Jgh there is not an absolute right to strike, such a right must be recognized in certain circumstances. / Mercentile Law / LL. M.

The constitutionality of vicarious liability in the context of the South African labour law : a comparative study

Van Eeden, Albert Jacob 03 July 2014 (has links)
If the expectancy that someone was to act according to what we deem to be his or her “duty” was that straightforward, there would be no need to address the issues of liability of the employee for the wrongful acts of the employer. The recent - and some say alarming - trend in South Africa to hold employers (particularly the government) liable for wrongful, culpable acts committed by their employees, gives rise to difficulties and any inquiry into the possible vicarious liability of the employer should necessarily always start by asking whether there was in fact a wrongful, culpable act committed by the employee. If not, there can neither be direct liability of the employee nor vicarious liability by the employer. Where the employee did indeed commit a delict, the relationship between the wrongdoer and his or her employer at the time of the wrongdoing becomes important. It is then often, in determining whether the employee was acting in the scope of his or her employment that normative issues come to the fore. Over the years South African courts have devised tests to determine whether an employee was in fact acting in the scope of his employment. / Jurisprudence / LL. M.

Přechod práv a povinností a hromadné propouštění v evropské perspektivě / Transfer of undertaking and collective dismissals in a European perspective

Randlová, Nataša January 2016 (has links)
In her PhD thesis, the author deals with the legal regulation of transfer of undertaking (and the passage of the employees' rights and obligations it involves) and the frequent collective redundancy related to such transfers. Both sets of provisions dealing with these topics are embodied in the Czech Labour Code and are harmonised with the EU directives pertaining to these fields, specifically Council Directive 2001/23/EC of 12 March 2001 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the safeguarding of employees' rights in the event of transfers of undertakings, businesses or parts of undertakings or businesses (originally, Council Directive 77/187/EEC of 14 February 1977 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the safeguarding of employees' rights in the event of transfers of undertakings, businesses or parts of businesses) and Council Directive 98/59/EC of 20 July 1998 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to collective redundancies. The two directives mentioned above were already transposed to the Czech Labour Code in 2001 by means of an amendment adopted under No. 155/2001 Coll. As regards the rules governing collective redundancies, it can be stated, in substance, that the original regulation of 2001 remained unchanged and...

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