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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Three Essays on Immigration and Social Policy

Rigzin, Tsewang January 2023 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three papers at the intersection of social policy and immigration. The first paper analyzes the impact of immigrant welfare exclusion on government social spending at both an aggregate and specific social program level, using cross-national social expenditure panel data from 21 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries between 1990 and 2015 and taking advantage of the significant variation in welfare exclusivity across OECD countries by year. The second paper utilizes the variation in states’ response to the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion to investigate its effects on low-income immigrants’ inter-state mobility, specifically in-migration, and out-migration. Finally, the third paper utilizes data from the National Survey of Children’s Health to examine the effect of the announcement of the Trump administration’s revised Public Charge rule on insurance coverage and other health outcomes for children of immigrant parents.

Donald Trump, Joe Biden och det religiösa USA : Analys av tal från Donald Trump och Joe Biden ur en religiös kontext. / Donald Trump, Joe Biden, and the religious USA : Analysis of speeches from Donald Trump and Joe Biden out of a religious context.

Ladenstedt, Felicia January 2023 (has links)
We all know the great impact religion has had on the western civilization throughout an exceptional amount of time. It has been prevalent in a lot of fields and the political field is to no exception. Though The United States of America was founded on secular governmental terms, religion has come to have an immense impact on the field. In this dissertation, the two latest presidents of the country, Donald Trump and Joe Biden will be studied in the context of their speeches at the annual “National Prayer Breakfast”. The method used is that the transcripts of their speeches have been analyzed through three concepts: reality, utopia, and strategy they have then separately been linked to the domain religion.

Cracking Open Peanuts: Exploring Jewish Identity and the Theatre of the Holocaust in Donald Margulies's Found a Peanut

Horowitz, Joshua R. 10 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.

The History and Development of The Ohio State University Concert Wind Band Program from 1929-1995

Blair, Jennifer Marie 16 December 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Från finanskris till handelskrig: Kinas handelspolitiska förändring : En kvalitativ teorikonsumerande fallstudie av Kinas handelspolitiska strategier under perioden finanskrisen-handelskriget

Rane, Hampus January 2022 (has links)
Denna undersökning kommer analysera Kinas handelspolitiska strategier med finanskrisen och handelskriget som tidpunkt samt även påpeka hur dess strategier förändrades underrespektive tillfälle. Undersökningen redogör för vilka likheter och skillnader det finns i handelspolitiken mellan perioderna med syfte att förklara förändringen i handelspolitiska preferenser. Den handelspolitiska förändringen som Kina genomgick mellan perioderna är viktig att undersöka då Kina fortsatt växer sig starka på den globala marknaden. Metoden i studien utgörs av en teorikonsumerande fallstudie där rational actor model används för att undersöka och förklara den rationella aktörens beslutsfattande i respektive situation. Spelteori används som en komplimenterande teori för att förklara Kinas vägval under handelskriget. Slutsatsen i undersökningen är att Kinas främsta mål och rationella val i krissituationer är att främja sin egen ekonomiska tillväxt oavsett vilka långsiktiga konsekvenserna detta kan innebära. Mot den bakgrunden återfinns även den främsta skillnaden mellan kriserna som var hanteringen av protektionism. Kina förebyggde mycket protektionism under finanskrisen men utövade det själva under handelskriget. Förändringen av agerandet mellan kriserna berodde likaväl på USA som på Kina och kan förklaras som det mest rationella valet för Kina för att främja sitt främsta mål med handelspolitiken, ekonomisk tillväxt. Förändringen förklaras som en tillfällig avvikelse från deras handelspolitik givet att det var det mest rationella beslutet givet omständigheterna och rådande situation.

The Renaissance of the American Symphony for Wind Band as Exemplified by the Recent Symphonies of Donald Grantham, David Dzubay, James Stephenson, and Kevin Walczyk

Townsend, Jacqueline 05 1900 (has links)
Since the 18th century, composers have utilized the symphony to communicate thoughts and ideas through the vehicle of a large ensemble composed of a variety of instrumental colors. Though the structure of the symphony has understandably been subject to the varied interpretations of composers over the past 300 years, several characteristics of the traditional symphony do seem to have stood the test of time. In this document, the recent developments of the American symphony for wind band is discussed, focusing on the ways in which recent works both adhere to and divert from the traditional understanding of the classical symphonic form and highlighting the resurgence of the form by wind band composers. For the purposes of this study, David Dzubay's Symphony No. 2: Through a Glass Darkly, James Stephenson's Symphony No. 2: Voices, Donald Grantham's Symphony No. 2: After Hafiz, and Kevin Walczyk's Symphony No. 4: Unforsaken are used to demonstrate how each composer writes in their own unique style using contemporary techniques, while still appearing to maintain traditional aspects of the symphonic form, whether consciously or subconsciously. For each of the four works, a structural analysis is conducted using a rubric of standard symphonic norms. Additionally, interviews were conducted with each composer, providing insight on their compositional process, the commissioning process, and their thoughts on the symphonic form for wind band. The responses each composer gave during their interviews is incorporated into the analysis of each work, allowing the composer's own voice to supplement the findings.

Contribuições da psicanálise para a educação : o grupo como sujeito da criação / Contributions from psychoanalysis to education : the group as the subject of creativity

Levisky, Flavia Blay 25 April 2008 (has links)
Em pleno século XXI cabe a nós educadores, pensadores da Educação, refletirmos sobre novas formas de investimento para a melhoria da qualidade do Ensino. Inúmeras contribuições de naturezas distintas poderiam ser relatadas a fim de contribuir para tal, mas o que proponho nessa investigação é o investimento no que é a essência do humano: o vínculo. Há tempos se sabe sobre a importância das relações interpessoais na constituição do sujeito, mas será que no dia-a-dia das instituições educacionais existe, de fato, um investimento efetivo nesse olhar para dentro de si e para o outro? A escola enquanto espaço público, de primazia coletiva, lida cotidianamente com os vínculos no grupo; o mesmo ocorre em tantos outros ambientes educativos, que propõem projetos sociais, artísticos e esportivos para milhares de crianças e jovens de nosso país. Quantos educadores tiveram a oportunidade de estabelecer um diálogo mais próximo com a psicologia e com a psicanálise durante sua formação? Que conhecimentos puderam construir a respeito dos funcionamentos grupais e das possibilidades de manejar os conflitos e resistências que emergem no grupo? Com referência nas idéias de três autores de base psicanalítica - S. Freud, D. W. Winnicott e R. Kaës - relato e analiso duas experiências vivenciadas em pequenos grupos pertencentes a duas instituições escolares de grande porte. Em A Cortina de Miçangas Musical, compartilho a experiência que vivi como professora, na Escola Vera Cruz. Em A Reabertura da Biblioteca, socializo a experiência vivida junto a um grupo de adolescentes, pais e funcionários da Escola Estadual Salvador Moya, como coordenadora do Projeto Abrace Seu Bairro. Que elementos no manejo grupal podem facilitar ou obstaculizar o nascimento de criações coletivas resultantes do encontro das intersubjetividades de seus integrantes? A reflexão - teórica, prática e sensível - é instrumento essencial para que os sons e os ruídos do grupo, possam ser transformados em música; para que o timbre de cada instrumento (indivíduo) possa aparecer sem encobrir o timbre do outro; para que os músicos dessa orquestra (grupo) possam tocar juntos, ora com melodias mais harmônicas, ora com novos padrões tonais. Reflexão esta: sobre os movimentos do educador, dos alunos e do grupo; sobre a maneira com que os vínculos são estabelecidos no coletivo; sobre os papéis e sobre as tarefas de cada um imerso nessa grupalidade; sobre a presença de uma relação horizontal ou hierarquizada entre seus integrantes; sobre o amadurecimento das relações; sobre a função continente que o grupo pode assumir; sobre a existência ou não do sentimento de pertencimento, enfim, sobre a possibilidade do educador construir um olhar clínico e uma escuta sensível-reflexiva, sobre o grupo, de forma que ele, o grupo, possa ser reconhecido como sujeito da criação. / In the 21st century it is up to us, educators who carry out research, to think about new forms of investments to improve the educational system. In that sense, many contributions of different areas can be reported. However, my proposal in this research is to focus on what is, in my opinion, the essence of humanity: relationships. We have known for a long time of the importance of inter-personal relationships in the formation of the subject. Our question, however, is whether in the daily life of educational institutions there is an effective investment in looking inwards and outwards. The school as a public space, where the concept of group prevails, deals day by day with group links. The same thing occurs in many other educational establishments that have social, artistic and sports activities to thousands of children and teenagers in our country. How many educators have had the opportunity to establish a closer dialogue with psychology and psychoanalysis in their education? What kind of knowledge they were able to form about group functioning and about the possibilities of managing the conflicts and barriers that emerge in a group? Regarding the ideas of three authors of the psychoanalysis school - S. Freud, D. W. Winnicott and R. Kaës - I report and analyze two experiences lived by small groups of two big schools. In The Curtain of Musical Beads I share the experience I have had with my students as a teacher in the Vera Cruz School in kindergarten (first year of the EFI). In the Reopening of the Library I share the experience lived with a group of teenagers, parents and employees of the Salvador Moya State School in my post as coordinator of the project Embrace your Neighborhood. What managing elements can make easier or harder the emergence of collective creativity that results of the interaction of several subjectivities? Thought - whether theoretical, practical and based on sensibility - is a fundamental tool for the sounds and noises of a group to become music; for the tone of each musical instrument (individual) can emerge without concealing the others; for the musicians of this orchestra (group) to be enabled to play together with either more harmonic or with new tonal melodies? What are the movements the educator should follow regarding the students and the group? How the collective links are established? What are the roles and the tasks of each one in the group? Is there a horizontal or hierarchy based relationship among them? What is the connective function that the group may exert? Is there a feeling of belonging to the group? What is the possibility of the educator forming a clinical regard and a sensible-reflexive hearing about the group so that the group itself can be recognized as the subject of the creativity?

Contribuições da psicanálise para a educação : o grupo como sujeito da criação / Contributions from psychoanalysis to education : the group as the subject of creativity

Flavia Blay Levisky 25 April 2008 (has links)
Em pleno século XXI cabe a nós educadores, pensadores da Educação, refletirmos sobre novas formas de investimento para a melhoria da qualidade do Ensino. Inúmeras contribuições de naturezas distintas poderiam ser relatadas a fim de contribuir para tal, mas o que proponho nessa investigação é o investimento no que é a essência do humano: o vínculo. Há tempos se sabe sobre a importância das relações interpessoais na constituição do sujeito, mas será que no dia-a-dia das instituições educacionais existe, de fato, um investimento efetivo nesse olhar para dentro de si e para o outro? A escola enquanto espaço público, de primazia coletiva, lida cotidianamente com os vínculos no grupo; o mesmo ocorre em tantos outros ambientes educativos, que propõem projetos sociais, artísticos e esportivos para milhares de crianças e jovens de nosso país. Quantos educadores tiveram a oportunidade de estabelecer um diálogo mais próximo com a psicologia e com a psicanálise durante sua formação? Que conhecimentos puderam construir a respeito dos funcionamentos grupais e das possibilidades de manejar os conflitos e resistências que emergem no grupo? Com referência nas idéias de três autores de base psicanalítica - S. Freud, D. W. Winnicott e R. Kaës - relato e analiso duas experiências vivenciadas em pequenos grupos pertencentes a duas instituições escolares de grande porte. Em A Cortina de Miçangas Musical, compartilho a experiência que vivi como professora, na Escola Vera Cruz. Em A Reabertura da Biblioteca, socializo a experiência vivida junto a um grupo de adolescentes, pais e funcionários da Escola Estadual Salvador Moya, como coordenadora do Projeto Abrace Seu Bairro. Que elementos no manejo grupal podem facilitar ou obstaculizar o nascimento de criações coletivas resultantes do encontro das intersubjetividades de seus integrantes? A reflexão - teórica, prática e sensível - é instrumento essencial para que os sons e os ruídos do grupo, possam ser transformados em música; para que o timbre de cada instrumento (indivíduo) possa aparecer sem encobrir o timbre do outro; para que os músicos dessa orquestra (grupo) possam tocar juntos, ora com melodias mais harmônicas, ora com novos padrões tonais. Reflexão esta: sobre os movimentos do educador, dos alunos e do grupo; sobre a maneira com que os vínculos são estabelecidos no coletivo; sobre os papéis e sobre as tarefas de cada um imerso nessa grupalidade; sobre a presença de uma relação horizontal ou hierarquizada entre seus integrantes; sobre o amadurecimento das relações; sobre a função continente que o grupo pode assumir; sobre a existência ou não do sentimento de pertencimento, enfim, sobre a possibilidade do educador construir um olhar clínico e uma escuta sensível-reflexiva, sobre o grupo, de forma que ele, o grupo, possa ser reconhecido como sujeito da criação. / In the 21st century it is up to us, educators who carry out research, to think about new forms of investments to improve the educational system. In that sense, many contributions of different areas can be reported. However, my proposal in this research is to focus on what is, in my opinion, the essence of humanity: relationships. We have known for a long time of the importance of inter-personal relationships in the formation of the subject. Our question, however, is whether in the daily life of educational institutions there is an effective investment in looking inwards and outwards. The school as a public space, where the concept of group prevails, deals day by day with group links. The same thing occurs in many other educational establishments that have social, artistic and sports activities to thousands of children and teenagers in our country. How many educators have had the opportunity to establish a closer dialogue with psychology and psychoanalysis in their education? What kind of knowledge they were able to form about group functioning and about the possibilities of managing the conflicts and barriers that emerge in a group? Regarding the ideas of three authors of the psychoanalysis school - S. Freud, D. W. Winnicott and R. Kaës - I report and analyze two experiences lived by small groups of two big schools. In The Curtain of Musical Beads I share the experience I have had with my students as a teacher in the Vera Cruz School in kindergarten (first year of the EFI). In the Reopening of the Library I share the experience lived with a group of teenagers, parents and employees of the Salvador Moya State School in my post as coordinator of the project Embrace your Neighborhood. What managing elements can make easier or harder the emergence of collective creativity that results of the interaction of several subjectivities? Thought - whether theoretical, practical and based on sensibility - is a fundamental tool for the sounds and noises of a group to become music; for the tone of each musical instrument (individual) can emerge without concealing the others; for the musicians of this orchestra (group) to be enabled to play together with either more harmonic or with new tonal melodies? What are the movements the educator should follow regarding the students and the group? How the collective links are established? What are the roles and the tasks of each one in the group? Is there a horizontal or hierarchy based relationship among them? What is the connective function that the group may exert? Is there a feeling of belonging to the group? What is the possibility of the educator forming a clinical regard and a sensible-reflexive hearing about the group so that the group itself can be recognized as the subject of the creativity?


LUCAS NAPOLI DOS SANTOS 21 March 2018 (has links)
[pt] O modelo teórico da chamada Escola de Psicossomática de Paris foi o que adquiriu maior prestígio no campo psicanalítico para a abordagem das doenças psicossomáticas. Tal modelo está alicerçado na tese de que o adoecimento físico é resultante de uma insuficiência do funcionamento mental, condição que faz com que o corpo se torne o escoadouro do acúmulo de excitações desencadeadas por uma experiência traumática. Fundamentada em uma análise crítica do modelo francês, a presente tese teve o objetivo principal de traçar o esboço de outro modelo psicanalítico de abordagem do adoecimento somático a partir de uma articulação entre contribuições de três autores da tradição psicanalítica (Sándor Ferenczi, Georg Groddeck e Donald Woods Winnicott) e alguns aportes extraídos da filosofia de Benedictus de Spinoza. Ao longo do trabalho, desenvolvemos articulações entre os quatro autores, destacando os elementos básicos da matriz de compreensão que estamos propondo, a saber: (1) corpo e psique são tomados como dois aspectos de uma realidade integral concebida como um sistema aberto em regime de permanente afetação mútua com o entorno; (2) todas as formas de adoecimento são concebidas como sendo psicossomáticas; (3) todas as formas de adoecimento são simbólicas no sentido de que são a expressão de processos de afetação psicossomática com o entorno, os quais se dão não apenas no corpo (em suas dimensões fisiológica e afetiva), mas também na psique, que se constitui num movimento de elaboração imaginativa da experiência corpórea. / [en] The model of the so-called Paris School of Psychosomatics was the one that acquired more prestige in the psychoanalytic field to approach the psychosomatic diseases. This model is based on the thesis that physical illness is the result of a insufficiency of mental functioning, a condition that causes the body to become the outlet for the accumulation of excitations triggered by a traumatic experience. Based on a critical analysis of the French model, the present thesis had the main objective of outlining another psychoanalytic model of approach to somatic illness based on an articulation between contributions of three authors of the psychoanalytic tradition (Sándor Ferenczi, Georg Groddeck and Donald Woods Winnicott) and some contributions extracted from the philosophy of Benedictus of Spinoza. Throughout the work, we developed articulations between the four authors, highlighting the basic elements of the framework that we are proposing, namely: (1) body and psyche are taken as two aspects of an integral reality conceived as an open system in regime of lasting mutual affection with the environment; (2) all forms of illness are conceived as being psychosomatic; (3) all forms of illness are symbolic in the sense that they are the expression of processes of psychosomatic affectation with the environment, which occur not only in the body (in its physiological and affective dimensions) but also in the psyche, which constitutes a movement of imaginative elaboration of the bodily experience.

”Att ge Trump mindre ammunition i form av oförsvarliga fel är avgörande” : En komparativ analys av nyhetsrapportering om Barack Obama och Donald Trump i CNN / ”Giving Trump less ammunition in the form of unforced errors is crucial” : A comparative analysis of the news reporting of Barack Obama and Donald Trump in CNN

Rossi, Gustaf January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study how the international media CNN frame their news reporting with the change of presidency in America, after a year of being accused of spreading fake news by president Trump. By using a Critical Discourse Analysis, CDA and a rhetorical analysis I examined a selection of articles published in CNN. In total I examined ten articles from 2015 focusing on how CNN choose to portray the identity of the president at the time Barack Obama. I also selected ten articles from 2017 to analyze how the CNN choose to construct Trumps identity a year after his ascent to the president office. The result show that Barack Obama is portrayed as an inspiring president always there for his people. Donald Trump is instead portrayed as a bad leader for the country while CNN started to focus on regaining the trust of the public. In 2015 CNN also used more pathos and ethos arguments than in 2017 when they instead focus on arguments through logos. CNN show that they stand by their goal to control and oversee the power of governments in democracy. Media and governments in a democracy work together to balance their power. / Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att studera hur det internationella mediet CNN gestaltar sin nyhetsrapportering, med förändringen av olika presidenter, efter ett år att ha blivit anklagade att sprida falska nyheter av president Trump. Genom att använda en kritisk diskursanalys och en retorisk analys undersökte jag ett urval av artiklar publicerade i CNN. Totalt studerade jag tio artiklar från 2015 som handlade om Barack Obama som var president det året. Sedan valde jag tio artiklar från 2017 för att analysera hur CNN valde att gestalta Trumps identitet, ett år efter han blivit president. Resultatet visade att Barack Obama gestaltas som en inspirerande ledare som alltid finns där för sitt folk. Donald Trump gestaltades istället som en sämre ledare för landet och CNN fokuserade på att vinna tillbaka förtroendet från allmänheten. 2015 använde CNN också mer patos och etosargument än 2017 då de istället fokuserade på logosargument. CNN visar att de står fast vid sitt uppdrag att kontrollera och bevaka demokratiska länders regeringar. Medierna och regeringar arbetar tillsammans för att balansera sin makt.

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