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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude structurale d’aluminosilicates de calcium : application à la valorisation de déchets amiantés pour le stockage thermique d’énergie solaire / Structural characterization of calcium aluminosilicates : development of asbestos-containing wastes ceramics for thermal storage of solar energy

Lambert, Julien 12 April 2013 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est d’établir les relations entre les propriétés structurales et les conditions d’élaboration d’un vitrifiat de déchets amiantés (nom commercial Cofalit®), dans la perspective de fabriquer un prototype de module de stockage thermique d’énergie solaire. Malgré des provenances de déchets très diverses, les variations de compositions du vitrifiat restent limitées. Les conditions d’élaboration (de refroidissement en particulier) induisent par contre d’importantes disparités dans la microstructure. L’analyse d’une carotte de Cofalit nous a permis de déterminer les mécanismes de cristallisation lors de la fabrication du Cofalit (refroidissement non contrôlé), conduisant à un mélange de phases cristallisées et vitreuse. Nous avons étudié les propriétés structurales (par DRX et RMN) et de cristallisation d’échantillons modèles représentatifs du matériau industriel. Les variations de composition observées sur celui-ci ont été simulées par des ajouts de silice ou de chaux. L’influence de la teneur en fer sur les propriétés radiatives, structurales (verres et céramiques) et de cristallisation a également été quantifiée. Le suivi de la cristallisation séquentielle des céramiques a été effectué par DRX in situ à haute température, à partir de l’état vitreux et à partir de l’état liquide lors du refroidissement. Ces essais ont montré que le Cofalit cristallise complètement pour des vitesses de refroidissement inférieures à 10 K/min. La stabilité du Cofalit (au niveau structural) lors de recuits à hautes températures a également été démontrée. / The aim of this work is to establish relationships between structural properties and production conditions of a vitrified asbestos-containing wastes ceramics (commercially named Cofalit®), with the goal of elaborating a prototype for thermal energy storage of solar energy. Despite various waste sources, the variations of composition observed for this material are limited. On the contrary, the production conditions (cooling stage in particular) induce important differences in the material microstructure. The analysis of a Cofalit core sample allowed us to determine the crystallisation mechanisms during its fabrication process (uncontrolled cooling), leading to a mixture of vitreous and crystalline phases. We propose a structural study (by XRD and NMR) and crystallization properties analyses of synthetic samples, representative of the industrial material. Observed variations of composition on the latter are simulated by additions of silica and lime. The influence of iron oxide content on radiative, structural and crystallization properties (of both glass and ceramic samples) have also been investigated. The following of the sequential crystallisation of ceramic samples has finally been performed using in situ high temperature XRD, from glassy state and during cooling from liquid state. These tests show that the Cofalit crystallizes completely for rates lower than 10 K/min. The high temperature stability on a structural level has also been demonstrated during annealings.

Estudos estruturais de xerogéis de óxido de níquel. / Structural studies of niquel oxide xerogels.

Hannes Fischer 07 February 2000 (has links)
Foram estudadas as características estruturais de xerogéis obtidos pelo método sol-gel a partir de soluções líquidas precursoras compostas de cloreto de níquel (NiCl2), butanol, água e ácido acético, secos em estufa e tratados a diferentes temperaturas entre 150 e 900ºC. Nos tratamentos isotérmicos a essas temperaturas os elementos voláteis se desprendem do material inicial e transformações estruturais acontecem. Analisaram-se os materiais porosos resultantes (xerogéis) mediante técnicas estruturais: espalhamento de raios X a baixo ângulo (SAXS), espectroscopia de absorção de raios X (XANES e XAFS), difração de raios X (XRD) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Complementaram-se estes estudos mediante análise química (espectroscopia de infravermelho), térmica (análise térmica diferencial), gravimétrica (perda de massa) e de densidade. Os resultados experimentais demonstraram que a estrutura porosa do material inicial à base de NiCl2 se transforma numa estrutura bifásica, também porosa, composta por uma fase rica em NiCl2 e outra em óxido de níquel (NiO), sendo que a fração de volume ocupada pela fase de NiO no material final aumenta com a temperatura de tratamento térmico. No caso de temperaturas acima de 500ºC, praticamente todo o volume da amostra se transforma e é ocupado pela fase NiO. Mostrou-se que a estrutura porosa presente em todos os materiais, estudada por SAXS, é composta por nanoporos (10-150Å) e mesoporos (maiores que 150Å), sendo que a fração de volume ocupada pelos mesmos depende da temperatura do tratamento térmico. Em particular os nanoporos somente estão presentes nas amostras tratadas abaixo de 500ºC. A ordem local média ao redor dos átomos de Ni, determinada por EXAFS, corresponde ao esperado de sistemas bifásicos cujas frações de volume dependem da temperatura de tratamento, em concordância com os resultados de XRD. Investigaram-se as características dos materiais obtidos após os diferentes tratamentos térmicos em função de diferentes condições de preparação das soluções precursoras. Numa primeira série de experiências, variou-se o conteúdo de ácido acético na solução. Demonstrou-se que maiores concentrações de ácido acético promovem a formação de um material com estrutura mais compacta. Numa segunda série de experiências variou-se o conteúdo de água. Determinou-se que a quantidade de água afeta somente a estrutura dos materiais tratados a temperaturas inferiores à 500ºC. / Structural properties of several xerogels obtained by the sol-gel procedure and heat treated at different temperatures between 150 and 900ºC were studied. The initial systems were dry gels prepared from liquid solutions composed of nickel chloride, buthanol, water and acetic acid. During the different isothermal treatments, volatile species leave the inicial material and structural transformations occur. The resulting porous materials (xerogels) were studied by means of several structural techniques: small angle X ray scattering (SAXS), X ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES and EXAFS), X ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy. These studies were complemented with chemical analysis (infrared spectroscopy), differential thermal analisis, mass loss and density measurements. The experimental results demonstrated that the porous structure of the starting material, based on nickel chloride, transforms in a also porous biphasic structure composed of nickel chloride and nickel oxide, respectively, rich fase. The volume fraction occupied by the nickel oxide rich fase of the final material increases with temperature of heat treatment. For temperatures above 500ºC, practically all the sample volume transforms and is occupied by the NiO phase. It was demonstrated that the porous structure of all materials, studied by SAXS, is composed of nanopores (sizes ranging from 10 to 150Å ) and mesopores (larger than 150Å), their fraction depending on the heat treatment temperature. Particularly, nanopores are only present in samples treated below 500ºC. The average local order close to nickel atoms, determined by EXAFS, corresponds to the expected one for biphasic systems whose volume fractions depend on treatment temperature, in agreement with XRD results. The structural properties of the several materials obtained after different heat treatments were studied as functions of preparation conditions of precursor solutions. In a first series of experiments, acetic acid content in the solution was varied. It was demonstrated that higher acetic acid content promotes the formation of more compact structures. In a second series of experiments, water content was varied. It was concluded that water content only affects the structure of the materials heat treated at temperatures below 500ºC.

Síntese de catalisadores baseados em vanádio suportado em aluminas de transição modificadas por metais alcalinos e avaliação catalítica na reação de desidrogenação oxidativa do propano / Synthesis of vanadium-based catalysts supported on transition alumina modified with alkali metals and catalytic evaluation for oxidative dehydrogenation of propane reaction

Vinicius Martin Crivelaro 21 October 2016 (has links)
Em ultimas décadas, a conversão de alcanos leves em suas correspondentes olefinas tem sido objeto de intensas pesquisas, impulsionadas inclusive pelo aumento crescente da demanda do propileno como um importante produto petroquímico. A desidrogenação oxidativa (ODH) do propano representa uma via alternativa promissor para a produção de propeno, ao apresentar-se como uma reação exotérmica e não limitada termodinamicamente. Diferentes óxidos suportados ou mistos têm sido desenvolvidos com a finalidade de aumentar a atividade e seletividade em relação as olefinas. Metais alcalinos são importantes agentes promotores que proporcionam uma melhor seletividade as olefinas devido a redução da acidez e aumento da basicidade da superfície do catalisador. A proposta deste presente trabalho foi desenvolver metodologias de síntese de catalisadores de oxido de vanádio suportado em aluminas de diferentes fases cristalinas e dopados com sódio ou potássio a fim de avalia-los em testes catalíticos de desidrogenação oxidativa do propano. Para tanto, foram utilizadas as seguintes técnicas de caracterização: volumetria N2, difratometria de raios X (DRX) e redução a temperatura programada (RTP). As características acidas e/ou básicas dos suportes e catalisadores foram avaliadas pelas reações de decomposição de isopropanol. / In recent decades, the conversion of light alkanes to their corresponding olefins has been the subject of intense research, mainly driven by the increasing demand of propylene as an important petrochemical product. Oxidative dehydrogenation (ODH) propane is a promising alternative way to propylene production, which it is presented as an exothermic reaction and not limited thermodynamically. Different supported or mixed oxides have been developed in order to increase the activity and selectivity to olefins. Alkali metals are important promoters, which provide improved selectivity to olefins due to reduction of acidity and increasing basicity of the catalyst surface. The purpose of the present study was to develop synthesis methods of vanadium oxide catalysts supported on alumina of the different crystalline phases and doped with sodium or potassium in order to evaluate them in catalytic tests of propane oxidative dehydrogenation. For in such a way, the following characterization techniques were used: N2 volumetry, X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and temperature programmed reduction (TPR). The properties acid and/or basic of supports and catalysts were evaluated by the isopropanol decomposition reaction.

Détermination des fonctions de distribution des flux des espèces neutres et ionisées en procédé HiPIMS et corrélations avec les couches minces de type TiN déposées / Determination of flux distribution functions of neutral and ionized species in HiPIMS process and correlations with deposited TiN thin layers

El Farsy, Abderzak 11 September 2019 (has links)
La thèse s’inscrit dans la problématique du dépôt de couches minces en procédés de pulvérisation réactive cathodique magnétron continu basse puissance (R-DC) et pulsé haute puissance (R-HiPIMS). Le mode réactif consiste à ajouter, dans l’argon, un gaz réactif tels que l’oxygène ou l’azote. Les oxydes et les nitrures ont de très nombreuses applications industrielles. Néanmoins, les exigences des nouvelles applications nécessitent de mieux comprendre, contrôler et maîtriser les processus fondamentaux gouvernant le transport de la matière pour optimiser ces procédés plasmas. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est d’étudier le transport des atomes pulvérisés de titane (Ti) en mélange Ar/N2 et d’établir des corrélations avec les propriétés des dépôts de type TiN. La fluorescence induite par diode laser (résolue en temps dans le cas du procédé HiPIMS) a été développée pour mesurer les fonctions de distribution en vitesse des atomes neutres Ti à l’état fondamental en fonction de la pression, de la distance par rapport à la cible et du mélange gazeux. Le degré de liberté supplémentaire qu'offre la dimension temporelle du plasma HiPIMS a permis de caractériser leur cinétique de transport en ayant la possibilité de séparer les temps caractéristiques des différents processus, et de mettre en évidence trois populations d’atomes (énergétique, quasi-thermalisée et thermalisée). Les fonctions de distribution en énergie des ions Ti+ ont été mesurées par spectrométrie de masse et des hypothèses sont proposées pour pouvoir expliquer les quatre populations identifiées. Enfin, les couches minces déposées ont été analysées par MEB, DRX et microsonde de Castaing. / The growth of thin layers in reactive-direct current magnetron sputtering (R-DC) and reactive-high power impulse magnetron sputtering (R-HiPIMS) processes is the general framework of this PhD. Reactive processes consist in the addition, in argon gas, of a reactive gas such as oxygen or nitrogen, and allow the deposition of oxides and nitrides which have many industrial applications. Nevertheless, the high level of expectations regarding new applications requires a better understanding, controlling, mastering of basic processes governing atoms transport in the view of process optimization. The main goal of this PhD is to study the transport of sputtered titanium atoms (Ti) in Ar/N2 gas mixture and to establish correlations with TiN film properties. Tunable diode laser induced fluorescence technique (time resolved in the case of HiPIMS process) has been developed in order to measure velocity distribution functions of neutral Ti atoms at the ground state, function of the pressure, the distance from the target and the gas mixture. In HiPIMS, the additional degree of freedom, given by time dimension, allowed to characterize their kinetic of transport while at the same time providing the possibility to separate characteristic time scales of different processes. Three atoms populations have been highlighted (energetic, quasi-thermalized and thermalized ones). Energy distribution functions of Ti+ ions have been measured using mass spectrometry and four populations have been observed and explained. Finally, deposited thin films have been analyzed by means of SEM, XRD and electron microprobe methods.

Elaboration de matrices céramiques par un nouveau procédé hybride : imprégnation de poudres et CVI réactive / Study of a new hybrid process combining slurry infiltration and Reactive Chemical Vapour Infiltration for the realisation of Ceramic Matrix Composites

Ledain, Olivier 21 October 2014 (has links)
Les composites à matrice céramique ont initialement été développés pour des applications aérospatiales, aéronautiques militaires ou énergétiques en raison de leurs bonnes propriétés à haute température. Ils sont généralement fabriqués par le procédé CVI (Chemical Vapour Infiltration). Un nouveau procédé hybride combinant l’imprégnation de poudre au sein de préformes, suivie de la CVI Réactive(RCVI), est proposé afin de réduire les temps de production. Cette voie est basé sur l’adaptation du procédé RCVD à l’infiltration en milieu poreux. En RCVD, l’absence d’une partie des éléments du dépôt de carbure dans la phase gazeuse implique une consommation/conversion du substrat solide. Dans cette étude, la croissance et la consommation associée ont été étudiées en fonction de divers paramètres dans le système chimique Ti-H-Cl-C. Cette étude est accompagnée d’analyses (DRX, XPS, IRTF) des produits issus de la réaction chimique de formation du TiC. Ensuite, la conversion partielle d’une poudre de carbone submicronique enTiC et la consolidation des zones compactes de poudre par l’infiltration RCVI utilisant le mélange gazeux H2/TiCl4 a été étudiée. La porosité résiduelle et la teneur en TiC ont été mesurées par analyse d’image à différentes distance de la surface des matériaux. Selon la température, plusieurs centaines de micromètres infiltrés ont été obtenus. Finalement, les résultats ont été transposés à l’infiltration RCVI de préformes type CMC. Malgré une teneur minimale de 25% de TiC dans l’ensemble de la préforme, les résultats montrent une mauvaise homogénéité d’infiltration et une mauvaise cohésion des blocs de poudre consolidés avecles fibres de leurs environnements. / Ceramic matrix composites were originally developed for aerospace,military aeronautics or energyapplications thanks to their good properties at high temperature. They are generally made by ChemicalVapor Infiltration (CVI). A new short hybrid process combining fiber preforms lurry impregnation ofceramic powders with an innovative Reactive CVI (RCVI) route is proposed to reduce the productiontime. This route is based on the combination of Reactive Chemical Vapour Deposition (RCVD), whichis often used to deposit coatings on fibres, with the Chemical Vapor Infiltration (CVI).In RCVD, the absence of one element of the deposited carbide in the initial gas phase involves theconsumption/conversion of the solid substrate. In this work, the RCVD growth and the associatedconsumption were studied with different parameters in the Ti-H-Cl-C chemical system. The study hasbeen completed with the chemical products analysis, combining XRD, XPS and FTIR. Then, the partialconversion of sub-micrometer carbon powders into titaniumcarbide and the consolidation of greenbodies by RCVI from H2/TiCl4 gaseous infiltration were studied. The residual porosity and the final TiCcontent were measured in the bulk of the infiltrated powders by image analysis from scanning electronmicroscopy. Depending on temperature, few hundred micrometers-depth infiltrations are obtained.Finally, the results have been transposed to the RCVI into CMC-type preforms. Despite aminimalTiC content of 25% in the overall preform, the results shown a bad homogeneity of the infiltration anda poor cohesion of fibres with RCVI consolidated powder of their environment.

Lumière sur la zircone 3Y-TZP utilisée en implantologie orale : Etude de la relation entre la microstructure et la durabilité / Light on zirconia 3Y-TZP used oral implantology : Study of the relationship between microstructure and durability

Sanon, Clarisse 15 December 2014 (has links)
La zircone 3Y-TZP présente un grand intérêt pour les applications dentaires, en implantologie orale, elle semble être un matériau extrêmement prometteur: elle allie une biocompatibilité à un aspect esthétique satisfaisant et présente aussi des propriétés mécaniques très supérieures aux autres céramiques. Ces bonnes propriétés mécaniques sont intimement liées à la microstructure du matériau, elle-même directement liée aux procédés d’élaboration comme nous l’a rappelé l’alarmante série de ruptures de plus de 800 têtes de prothèses de hanche en zircone au début des années 2000, due au phénomène de vieillissement de ce matériau. Cependant, les études cliniques menées à ce jour ne font toujours pas état des interrelations existant entre la microstructure, les propriétés mécaniques et la sensibilité au vieillissement. Il était donc primordial de valider et d’appliquer les connaissances acquises dans le domaine des sciences des matériaux pour l’application de la zircone 3Y-TZP en implantologie oral. C’est l’objectif de notre première publication. Nous avons également développé, dans notre deuxième publication, un protocole d’évaluation permettant dans un premier temps, d’évaluer l’effet de l’état de surface et de la microstructure sur la résistance mécanique d’implants neufs, puis de suivre leurs cinétiques de vieillissement tout en analysant l’évolution de la microstructure et son influence sur la résistance mécanique au cours du vieillissement. Tout cela permettant in fine, de prédire la durabilité d’un type d’implant. Nous avons par la suite, développé un programme informatique permettant la détection et la quantification du vieillissement pour un volume donné. Cette détection de la zone vieillie ou transformée est basée sur des modifications microstructurales caractéristiques engendrées lors du vieillissement. Enfin, nous avons pu mettre en évidence l’occurrence du phénomène de vieillissement in vivo, par l’analyse d’explants issus d’une étude clinique et démontrer leur probable implication dans ces cas d’échec. Le logiciel informatique de traitement d’image développé a été également, appliqué aux explants dans le but de mettre en lumière et d’expliciter l’occurrence du phénomène de vieillissement in vivo, afin de sensibiliser les acteurs de ce marcher aux problématiques rencontrées et d’optimiser de ce dispositif médical, à la lumière des connaissances actuelles. / 3Y-TZP zirconia is gaining interest in oral implantology, it seems to be a promising material with good biocompatibility, esthetic appearance and also the highest mechanical properties for a ceramic. These mechanical properties are closely related to the microstructure of the material itself directly related to production processes as we recalled the alarming series of breaks of more than 800 heads of zirconia hip replacements in the early 2000, due to the aging phenomenon of the material. However, clinical studies to date are still not state of the interrelationships between microstructure, mechanical properties and sensitivity to aging. It was therefore important to validate and apply the knowledge gained in the field of materials science for the application of 3Y-TZP zirconia oral implantology. This is the goal of our first publication. We also have developed in our second publication, a protocol to assess the effect of the surface modification and microstructure on the mechanical strength of new implants and follow their kinetics of aging and also, the evolution of the microstructure and its influence on the mechanical strength during aging, to predict the durability of a type of implant. We have subsequently developed a computer program for the detection and quantification of the aging for a given volume. This detection of the aged or transformed area is based on microstructural modifications produced during aging. Finally, we have been able to demonstrate the occurrence of the phenomenon of aging in vivo, by analyzing explants from a clinical study and demonstrate their involvement in the case of dental implant failure. The image processing developed was also applied to the explants in order to highlight and explain the occurrence of in vivo aging phenomenon. The objective is to optimize this medical device, in the light of current knowledge.

Caractérisation structurale des transitions minéralogiques dans les formations argileuses : Contrôles et implications géochimiques des processus d'illitisation. Cas particulier d'une perturbation alcaline dans le Callovo-Oxfordien - Laboratoire souterrain Meuse-Haute Marne

Claret, Francis 22 November 2001 (has links) (PDF)
La série argileuse du Callovo-Oxfordien recouvre une transition minéralogique entre un interstratifié illite/smectite désordonné (R0 - partie supérieure) et un autre ordonné (R1 - partie inférieure. Or, la minéralogie de ces argiles conditionne les propriétés de rétention de la formation ainsi que leur réactivité en réponse à une perturbation physico-chimique potentiellement induite par le stockage. Dans une optique de caractérisation fine des minéraux argileux du Callovo-Oxfordien, les méthodes conventionnelles et simplificatrices d'identification comme l'utilisation d'abaques issus de la littérature ont été invalidées. La méthode retenue consiste à comparer directement des diffractogrammes de rayons X calculés avec ceux enregistrés sur un même échantillon après différents traitements et à en reproduire toutes les caractéristiques (positions des pics, rapports d'intensité, profils) à l'aide d'un modèle structural unique. Les minéraux argileux du forage EST104 peuvent ainsi être décrits comme un mélange de trois phases principales : une illite, une smectite et un interstratifié illite/expansible désordonné (R0) de composition fixe (35% exp.). Avec la profondeur les caractéristiques structurales de ces phases sont constantes. La transition minéralogique précédemment décrite traduit la modification des proportions relatives des différentes phases. Cette description diffère de celle classiquement proposée pour l'illitisation diagénétique des séries sédimentaires. Cependant, l'utilisation des mêmes outils sur une série diagénétique de référence conduit à une description similaire. Ces résultats novateurs impliquent de reconsidérer les mécanismes réactionnels proposés pour ces minéraux ainsi que leur modélisation cinétique. Enfin, la réactivité des minéraux argileux du Callovo-Oxfordien en réponse à une perturbation alcaline est très limitée par la présence de matière organique qui recouvre les particules argileuses et protège ainsi les sites réactifs des minéraux argileux.

Synthèses de nanocarbones fluorés pour le stockage électrochimique de l'énergie / Syntheses of fluorinated nanocarbons for electrochemical energy storage

Ahmad, Yasser 04 October 2013 (has links)
Dans les piles primaires au lithium, l'anode de lithium peut être couplée principalement à quatre matériaux de cathode (MnO2, SO2, SOCl2 et des composés fluorés CFx). Les piles Li/CFx présentent de nombreux avantages tels qu’une densité d'énergie élevée (jusqu'à 2200 Wh.kg-1), un potentiel de décharge relativement élevé (environ 2,4 V vs Li+/Li) et une longue durée de vie (plus de 10 ans à la température ambiante). Au cours de ce travail, nous avons intensément étudié les propriétés électrochimiques des carbones fluorés nanostructurés. Pour plus de performances, des précurseurs nanocarbonés de dimensionnalité différentes, et des procédés de synthèse gaz-solide variés ont été employés. Ainsi, des structures fermées comme les nanofibres de carbone (1D, tubulaire), ouvertes comme les nanodisques / nanocônes (2D en majorité, discotiques) et intermédiaires avec les noirs de carbone graphitisés. Chaque mode de synthèse a été optimisé en fonction du précurseur de départ (son facteur de forme, sa dimensionnalité, son degré de graphitisation ...). Pour remédier aux limitations des carbones fluorés commerciaux, leur mécanisme de décharge a été finement étudié afin d'améliorer notre compréhension sur la défluoration électrochimique d'une cathode CFx, et de les comparer aux CFx synthétisés au laboratoire, le but principal étant de dépasser les performances actuelles et de synthétiser des matériaux inédits pour la pile primaire au lithium. Des extracapacités par rapport aux valeurs théoriques dans les batteries Li/CFx ont été obtenues avec de nanocarbones fluorés spécifiques et le phénomène électrochimique à l’origine de cette extracapacité a été clairement expliqué. / For primary lithium batteries, the lithium anode can be coupled mainly four cathode materials (MnO2, SO2, SOCl2 and fluorinated carbons CFx). Li/CFx batteries have many inherent advantages such as high energy density (up to 2200 Wh.kg-1), a moderately high discharge potential (about 2.4 V vs. Li+/Li) and a long life (over 10 years at room temperature). During this work, the electrochemical performances in primary lithium battery of nanostructured fluorinated carbons were investigated. To improve their performances, carbonaceous precursors with different dimensionalities, and various gas-solid fluorination methods were selected. Thus, a closed structure such as carbon nanofibres (1D, tubular), opened such as carbon nanodiscs/nanocones (2D in majority, discotic) and intermediate with graphitized carbon blacks have been chosen. Each synthesis route was optimized based on the starting material and their specificities, i.e. the shape factor, dimensionality, graphitization degree, stacking mode. To address to the limitations of commercial CFx materials, their discharge mechanism has been studied in order to improve the understanding about the electrochemical defluorination of a CFx cathode, and to compare it to original CFx synthesized in our laboratory, the main purpose is to exceed the current performances and to synthesize unrealized materials for primary lithium battery. Extracapacities in Li/CFx batteries were obtained with some specific fluorinated nanocarbon materials and their explanation was discussed.

Análise das propriedades estruturais, morfológicas e mecânicas de duas marcas comerciais diferentes de dissilicato de lítio para o sistema CAD/CAM

Tavares, Lucas do Nascimento 14 February 2017 (has links)
O objetivo deste presente estudo foi comparar duas marcas comerciais diferentes de Dissilicato de Lítio para o sistema CAD / CAM (IPS e.max CAD e Rosetta SM CAD / CAM), avaliando suas propriedades estruturais, morfológicas e mecânicas. Para avaliar as propriedades estruturais foram necessárias duas amostras de cada grupo, para serem analisadas por meio do DRX (difração de raios X). As propriedades morfológicas foram analisadas utilizando o MEV (Microscopia eletrônica de Varredura) antes e depois do tratamento térmico, e o teste de porosidade, realizado através de uma tomografia computadorizada em 3D (micro-CT). Para avaliar as propriedades mecânicas foi realizado o teste flexural de três pontos e o teste de microcisalhamento, e para isto foram selecionados dez espécimes de cada grupo para cada teste. Os valores médios de porosidade e da resistência flexural de três pontos foram analisados pelo teste t e a resistência de união obtida através do microcisalhamento foi analisada pelo teste Anova Two-way. Todos os testes usaram um nível de significância de α = 0,05. Os resultados obtidos pela análise estrutural realizada pelo DRX apresentaram picos no difractograma correspondentes ao Metassilicato de Lítio e o Dissilicato de Lítio, com intensidades semelhantes para ambos os grupos testados. Após realizar a microscopia eletrônica de varredura, não foi encontrado diferenças na morfologia dos cristais, em ambas as cerâmicas testadas, antes e depois do tratamento térmico. O teste de porosidade não mostrou diferença estatisticamente significativa entre o valor total de poros encontrados. Ambos os resultados dos testes mecânicos não apresentaram diferenças estatísticas significativas entre os grupos avaliados. Baseado nos resultados encontrados, não houve diferença entre as duas marcas comerciais testadas, em relação as suas propriedades estruturais, morfológicas e mecânicas. / The aim of the present study was to compare two different brands of lithium disilicate CAD/CAM blocks (IPS e.max CAD and Rosetta SM CAD/CAM), evaluated by structural, morphological and mechanical properties. Two specimens of each group were analyzed using x-ray diffraction (XRD) to evaluate the structures of the ceramic material. Morphologic properties were analyzed using the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) before and after the heat treatment; and porosity test was performed using a 3D micro-computed tomography analyses (micro-CT). Ten specimens of each group were submitted to three-point flexure strength and microshear bond strength tests, to analyze the mechanical properties of both brands. Mean values of porosity test and three-axial flexural strength were analyzed by t Test, and the microshear bond strength was analyzed by Anova two-way. All tests used a significance level of α=0.05. The structure results performed by XDR, presented high peak positions corresponding to the standard lithium metasilicate and lithium disilicate, with similar intensities for both tested groups. The morphologic results demonstrated similar patterns of crystalline structure, before and after the heat treatment and the porosity test showed no difference between the number and size of the pores found. Both mechanical tests results did not present statistically significant differences between the samples. Based on the results, there was no difference in relation to their structural, morphological and mechanical properties, between the two commercial brands tested. / Dissertação (Mestrado)

Estudo teórico de hidróxidos lamelares com potencial aplicação tecnológica e ambiental

Costa, Deyse Gomes da 29 July 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-05-10T12:37:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 deysegomesdacosta.pdf: 10386782 bytes, checksum: a18ce8ca7fd4c235c246f70bc4f6f946 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-05-17T15:04:53Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 deysegomesdacosta.pdf: 10386782 bytes, checksum: a18ce8ca7fd4c235c246f70bc4f6f946 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-17T15:04:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 deysegomesdacosta.pdf: 10386782 bytes, checksum: a18ce8ca7fd4c235c246f70bc4f6f946 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-07-29 / Os hidróxidos duplos lamelares (HDL) ou compostos tipo-hidrotalcita vêm sendo muito estudados devido a suas inúmeras aplicações. No campo da catálise, estes compostos podem atuar como catalisadores, suportes para catalisadores ou precursores de catalisadores. É sabido que a morfologia do suporte tem grande influência sobre a dispersão, a atividade e a seletividade apresentada pelo catalisador. Nestes caso, o conhecimento detalhado dos efeitos do suporte e dos sítios catalíticos exigem a compreensão da estrutura do HDL. Entretanto, por causa da desordem estrutural, muitas vezes inerente ao material, torna-se a determinação completa da estrutura, via difração de raios X, raramente possível. As bandas largas presentes na análise do IV, fazem a atribuição das mesmas ambígua. Devido à complexidade dos HDL e à dificuldade de se adquirir ou interpretar os resultados experimentais, foi proposto um modelo para simular as características estruturais dos compostos tipo-hidrotalcita com o politipo 3R1, usando condições periódicas de contorno e cálculos ab initio dentro da teoria do funcional da densidade (DFT). As informações estruturais da hidrotalcita, obtidas experimentalmente, foram usadas para verificar a validade do modelo teórico. Os resultados mostraram boas concordâncias com os padrões de raios X do pó experimentais. O espectro na região do infravermelho, a entalpia e energia livre de Gibbs, também foram calculadas. Os cálculos de frequências vibracionais mostraram que as moléculas de água intercaladas são altamente organizadas devido às fortes interações intermoleculares com outras moléculas de água, com ânions interlamelares e com as hidroxilas das lamelas. A presença destas interações é refletida na presença do estiramento O-H das moléculas de água deslocadas para baixas frequências. A perda da degenerescência dos modos vibracionais v3 e do v4 foi observada, indicando a redução da simetria do íon carbonato. As modificações termodinâmicas e estruturais resultantes da substituição do íon presente no HDL Zn-Al-Cl também formam analisadas. O íon Cl- do HDL precursor foi trocado por uma série de ânions como o F-, Br-, OH-, NO3-, ClO4-, CO32- e SO42-. Os resultados mostraram que a intercalação do HDL com diferentes íons, afeta o gap de energia e a basicidade da lamela tipo-brucita. A entalpia e a energia livre de Gibbs, a densidade de estados (DOS) e a densidade de estados projetada (PDOS) foram avaliadas para todos os HDL. / The layered double hydroxide (LDH) or hydrotalcite-like compounds have been widely studied due to many applications they have. In catalysis field these compounds can act as catalyst, catalyst support or precursor for supports and catalysts. It is well known that the support morphology has larger influence on the dispersion, activity and selectivity of catalysts. In this case, detailed knowledge about support effects and catalytic sites requires understanding the LDH structure. However, because of the inherent structural disorder, complete structure determination using X-ray diffraction is rarely possible. The IR analysis present broad bands, which makes their assignment ambiguous. Due to the complexity of the LDH and the difficult of acquiring experimental data, we proposed a model to simulate structural features of the hydrotalcite-like compounds with 3R1 polytypes using periodic boundary conditions and ab initio density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The structural information of hydrotalcite from experiments were used to verify the validity of theoretical model. Our results showed good agreements to the powder X-ray patterns. The infrared spectroscopy, enthalpy and Gibbs free energy, also was calculated. The IR calculations showed that intercalated water molecules are highly ordered due the strong intermolecular interactions with other water molecules, interlayer anions and layer hydroxyls. These interaction is reflected by the presence of downshift vibrational frequencies of OH-stretching of interlayer water. The loss of degeneracy of the v3 and v4 vibrational modes are observed, indicating the reduction of the carbonate anion symmetry. The thermodynamic and structural modifications derived from anion exchange on a LDH containing Zn-Al-Cl was also analyzed. The Cl- ion to the LDH precursor was exchanged for a series of anions as F-, Br-, OH-, NO3-, ClO4-, CO32- and SO42-. The resulted show that intercalation of LDH with different anions affect their gap energy and basicity of brucite-like layer. The enthalpy and Gibbs free energy, density of charge, density of state (DOS) and projected density of state (PDOS) were evaluated for all substituted materials.

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