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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Orgstruktūrinis modelis Lietuvos smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo plėtrai / Orgstructure model of Lithuanian small and medium business development

Ražauskas, Darius 19 June 2010 (has links)
Baigiamojo darbo autorius: Darius Ražauskas Pilnas baigiamojo darbo pavadinimas: Orgstruktūrinis modelis Lietuvos smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo plėtrai Baigiamojo darbo vadovas: Prof. Habil. Dr. Jonas Kvedaravičius Baigiamojo darbo atlikimo vieta ir metai: Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, Ekonomikos ir vadybos fakultetas, Kaunas, 2010 Puslapių skaičius: 66 Lentelių skaičius: 4 Paveikslų skaičius: 15 Priedų skaičius: 3 Baigiamojo darbo tikslas - sudaryti orgstruktūrinį modelį Lietuvos SVV plėtrai. Teorinėje darbo dalyje analizuojama smulkaus verslo plėtros problematika, apibrėžiama pati SVV samprata ir išanalizuoti, bei aptarti vadybos mokslo autorių aprašomi verslo organizaciniai modeliai ir struktūros. Taip pat atliktas Lietuvos SVV organizacinių modelių plėtrai teorinio ištyrimo laipsnio įvertinimas, tyrimo metodų palyginimas ir įvertinimas, problemos tyrimo logikos pagrindimas. Analitinėje baigiamojo darbo dalyje pateikiami ir analizuojami rezultatai tyrimo, atlikto UAB „IMA“ naudojant apklausos ir interviu metodus, taip pat įvardintos problemines sritis. Projektinėje darbo dalyje suformuluoti tokie sprendimai: remiantis darbe atliktu tyrimu ir literatūros analize apibudintos orgstruktūrinio modelio Lietuvos SVV plėtrai sąlygos, bei sudarytas ir pateiktas rekomenduojamas orgstruktūrinis modelis. / Author of diploma paper: Darius Ražauskas Full title of diploma paper: Orgstructure model of Lithuanian small and medium business development Diploma paper advisor: Prof. Habil. Dr. Jonas Kvedaravičius Presented at: Vytautas Magnus University, Faculty of Economics and Management, Kaunas, 2010 Number of pages: 66 Number of tables: 4 Number of figures: 15 Number of appendixes: 3 The aim of final work is to present a model of orgstructure for Lithuanian SME development. At the theoretical part the problems of small business development and the concept of SMEs take place, also the business models and organizational structures which were analysed and discussed by the management of scientific authors are defined at this part. Moreover, it is set forth the degree of evaluation of theoretical models for testing of organizational Lithuanian SME development, comparison tests and assessment of problems of logical justification. At the final part of the analytical work provides an analysis of the results of the study, carried out by JSC "IMA" with the survey and interview techniques, as well as named areas of concern. At the designed work it is formulated the following decisions: with reference to the survey and analysis of the literary, it is definded the model of organization structure of Lithuanian SME development conditions and it is concluded and recommended the orgstructure model.

Knowledge potential assessment in organization / Organizacijos žinių potencialo vertinimas

Morkvėnas, Renatas 19 June 2010 (has links)
The dissertation analyzes the problems of evaluating an organization‘s knowledge potential, both on a theoretical and practical level. The object of researches – assessment of knowledge potential in organization – is important for the science of management, for organizations, and for states. The systematical analysis of the research object done by the author allowed to determine the factors influencing an organization‘s knowledge potential. The quantitative methods established for evaluating the organization‘s knowledge potential are joined into one evaluation system. In evaluating an organization‘s knowledge potential, an individual was chosen as the basic organizational element, and synergy was investigated as the most important catalyst of an organization’s knowledge potential. The main goal of this dissertation is to create a model to assess the knowledge potential of organization. Several main tasks were investigated in the dissertation: 1) to substantiate significance of knowledge and to carry out an analysis of knowledge potential content after evaluating the existing knowledge science literature; 2) determine the main components of an organization‘s knowledge potential and create qualitative methods for their evaluation; 3) prepare a methodics for the application of the model for evaluating an organiztion‘s knowledge potential. The Introduction presents the investigated problem, the importance of the thesis and its scientific innovativeness. It reveals the object of... [to full text] / Disertacijoje teoriniu ir praktiniu lygmenimis gvildenamos organizacijos žinių potencialo vertinimo problemos. Tyrimų objektas – organizacijos žinių potencialo vertinimas – yra svarbus vadybos mokslui, organizacijoms ir valstybėms. Autoriaus atlikta tyrimo objekto sisteminė analizė leido nustatyti organizacijos žinių potencialą lemiančius veiksnius, kurių vertinimui sukurti kiekybiniai metodai yra sujungti į vieną vertinimo sistemą. Vertinant organizacijos žinių potencialą, baziniu organizacijos elementu pasirinktas asmuo, o sinergija nagrinėta kaip svarbiausias organizacijos žinių potencialo katalizatorius. Pagrindinis disertacijos tikslas – sukurti organizacijos žinių potencialo vertinimo modelį, lanksčiai taikomą įvairiose srityse. Disertacijoje nagrinėti keli pagrindiniai uždaviniai: 1) pagrįsti žinių svarbą ir atlikti žinių potencialo turinio analizę; 2) sintezuoti organizacijos žinių potencialą lemiančius veiksnius į bendrą modelį; 3) parengti siūlomo organizacijos žinių potencialo vertinimo modelio taikymo metodiką. Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, keturi skyriai, rezultatų apibendrinimas, literatūros ir autoriaus publikacijų disertacijos tema sąrašai bei penki priedai. Įvadiniame skyriuje aptarta tiriamoji problema, atskleistas darbo aktualumas ir darbo mokslinis naujumas, aprašytas tyrimo objektas, suformuluotas darbo tikslas bei uždaviniai, aprašyta tyrimų metodika, nurodyta disertacijos rezultatų praktinė reikšmė, pateikti ginamieji teiginiai. Pirmasis skyrius... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Programų sistemų variantiškumo modelių, aprašytų požymių diagramomis, tyrimas / Research of Software System Variability Models Described Using Feature Diagrams

Kreivys, Deividas 25 August 2010 (has links)
Požymis – tai savitas, charakteringas sistemos atributas. FODA (angl. Feature Orented Domain Analysis) požymius apibūdina kaip žinomas, savitas bei vartotojui matomas sistemos charakteristikas, tuo tarpu funkcijos, objektai ir aspektai yra naudojami apibūdinti vidines sistemos detales. Požymių modeliavimas susitelkia ties labai matomų išorinių produkto charakteristikų apibūdinimu, kalbant apie produkto bendrumą bei variantiškumą, o ne apie detalų sistemos apibūdinimą. Požymių modeliavimo rezultatas yra požymių diagramos. Tai yra grafinė kalba naudojama atvaizduoti bei modeliuoti sistemos arba komponento variantiškumus aukštesniame abstrakcijos lygyje, daţniausiai pradiniuose projektavimo lygiuose, tokiuose kaip reikalavimų specifikavime kuriant programinę įrangą. Šiame darbe atliekamas programų sistemų variantiškumo modelių aprašytų požymių diagramomis tyrimas specifikavimo, sintaksės validavimo, sudėtingumo įvertinimo ir konfigūravimo aspektais. Darbe aprašomas autoriaus (bendraautorius: P. Žaliaduonis) sukurtas požymių modeliavimo įrankis leidžia vartotojui specifikuoti, modeliuoti, validuoti, įvertinti ir dokumentuoti programų sistemos produktų linijos požymių variantiškumo modelius. / Feature Modeling is a domain modeling technique used in software product line development and generative software engineering that addresses the development of reusable software. A feature model defines common and variable elements of a family of software systems or products of a product line – the domain. It can be used to derive members of the system family built from a common set of reusable assets. The concept of product line, if applied systematically, allows for the dramatic increase of software design quality, productivity, provides a capability for mass customization and leads to the „industrial‟ software design. In this work, the author describes the way of product line variability specification using feature diagrams. The presented approach deals with specification of feature model elements, syntax validation, complexity evaluation and feature diagram configuration aspects. The developed software, described in this thesis, allows the user to specify features, design, validate, evaluate and document system product line variability models.

Rekomendacinis elektroninės prekybos platformos modelis / E-Commerce Platform Reference Model

Jermakovas, Ruslanas 05 November 2013 (has links)
Šiame tyriamajame darbe suprojektuotas rekomendacinis elektroninės platformos modelis, kuris buvo dalinai realizuotas. Aprašyti svarbiausios tradicinės elektroninės parduotuvuės elementai. Išanalizuotos konkrečių elektroninių parduotuvių vartotojo sąsaja. Išskirti teigiami ir neigiami vartotojo sąsajos aspektai. Išanalizuotos atviro kodo (GPL (angl. General Public License – bendroji vieša licencija) elektroninės parduotuves. Išanalizuoti elektroninės parduotuvės veiklos sąveikos modeliai. Sukurtas el. Parduotuvės reikalavimų modelį, kuris apima geriausias nagrinėtų el. parduotuvių išskirtas sąvybes. / In this project e-eommerce elatform reference model was designed and partly implemented. Described the main elements of the traditional electronic shops. Were analyzed the user interface of the electronic stores. Distinguished positive and negative aspects of the user interface. Were analyzed the open-source e-shops. Analyzed business interaction models of electronic stores. Created e. Shop requirements model, which includes the best examined properties of e-stores.

Vestfalijos modelio valstybių suverenumas ir globalizacijos procesų iššūkiai / Westphalian States’ Sovereignty and Challenges of the Globalization

Nekrašas, Dovidas 05 June 2013 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjama suverenumo istorija, apibrėžiama globalizacija, aptariama globalizacijos istorija, globalizacijos įtaka tradicinei valstybių politikai, globalizacijos procesų kritika, apžvelgiami antiglobalistiniai judėjimai. Įvardijami globalizacijos iššūkiai Vestfalijos modelio valstybių sistemai, tautinio valstybių suverenumo taikymo ribos, atskiriama tautiškumo ir Tautos sąvokos, apžvelgiamos viršnacionalinių idėjų teorijos. Įvardinus globalizacijos procesų metamus iššūkius tautinėms valstybėms, pabrėžiama švietimo sistemos atnaujinimo būtinybė, įvertinama minėtojo modelio žlugimo galimybė. Darbą sudaro 8 dalys: Angliškas ir lietuviškas apibendrinimai, Įvadas, Suverenumo idėjos istorija, Globalizacija ir jos procesų apžvalga, Suverenumo instituto taikymo ribos, Išvados, Literatūros sąrašas. / 500 years ago both a doctrine and institution of sovereignty were created; both were changed frequently in order to meet contemporaneous political demands. After World War I a system of sovereign nation-states was formed, which has become extremely conservative and suspicious towards any change in the status quo. If history has taught us anything, it is to doubt any theory or ideology that claims to have knowledge of the end of sovereignty. Globalization processes have raised many challenges never before seen by nation states: the loss of control of both global and local economies; migration and technological advancement taking away the monopoly of information flows in and out the countries; global issues forcing states to introduce supranational organizations such as the EU and NATO. Anti-global movements arise within the frames of globalism, and therefore a paradox emerges: anti-global processes work in the global field. With this in mind we can say that they will not change the world’s tendencies towards globalism, but they can change the sources of global flows and disassociate Western capitalism and Westernism from globalization. While nation-states remain an important political structure, attention should be drawn to discussions about decreasing control and increasing the economic information and human flows that fall outside of the purview of states. The doctrine of state sovereignty has never been so ideologically – as well as legally – weak, and the limits of... [to full text]

Automatizuotas grafinio modelio performulavimas į natūralią kalbą / Automated Reformulation of Graphical Model in Natural Language

Srogis, Andrius 26 August 2013 (has links)
Grafinių modelių projektavimas yra plačiai naudojamas tiek mokslo, tiek verslo srytyse. Pasaulyje naudojama įvairių kalbų, skirtų tiek sistemų architektūrų, tiek verslo procesų projektavimui. Daugumai kalbų yra sukurta įvairių įrankių, leidžiančių jų naudotojams projektuoti įvairius procesus ar statines sistemas. Vienai labiausiai paplitusių kalbų (UML) trūksta metodikos ir įrankių, gebančių korektiškai perteikti natūralia kalba sistemų architektų aprašytus grafinius modelius asmenims, mažai kvalifikuotiems grafinių modelių sudaryme, skaityme. Perteikimas tuo natūralesnis ir labiau suprantamesnis, kuo jis artimesnis natūraliai kalbai. Yra metodikų ir įrankių atliekančių grafinio modelio verbalizavimą, tačiau nėra koncentruotų ties diagramomis UML kalba, kurios geba formuoti ne tik statiką, bet ir dinamiką. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas yra sukurti metodiką ir realizuoti įrankį, kuris gebėtų grafinį modelį išreikštą UML kalba performuluoti natūralia kalba. / The graphical model architecture design is widely used for scientific and enterprise purposes. There are many languages concentrated on enterprise processes and static systems designing. One of the most popular modeling language (UML) is missing methodology and tools suitable for correct reformulation of graphical models (formulated by the UML) in natural language. The main purpose of the graphical model reformulation in natural language is to make models easier to understand for people whose are not specialized in UML. Methodology and tool which is capable of reformulating graphical models in natural language already exists, but it isn’t concentrated on UML or capable of reformulating static and dynamic processes. The main goal of this work is to define a methodology and implement a tool, which would be capable of translating the graphical UML model to a natural language text.

Konsltantų kompetencijos modelis / Model of consultant competency

Makūnas, Julius 08 June 2005 (has links)
Summary Model of consultant competency Master studies final thesis, 52 pages, 18 pictures, 9 tables, 42 sources of literature, 15 suplements, written in lithuanian language. KEY WORDS: Competence, consultants, model of competency, development of competency Object of research: CSC. „Abišala ir partneriai“, Lithuanian agriculture consulting agency consultants of research group – 2004-2005 of Lithuanian university of agriculture, faculty of economics, business management department. Work object – to create model of consultant competency Goals: 1. To generalize the concept and understanding of competence 2. To submit a theoretical model of consultant competency, referring to analysis of scientific literature and singularity of consultant work 3. To perform the assesment of consultant competence in Kaunas region agriculture consulting agency, CSC „Abišala ir partneriai“ and research group – 2004-2005 of Lithuanian university of agriculture, faculty of economics, business management department. 4. To give advise for consultants‘ competence development. Methods of research – scientific literature analysis and synthesis, data comparison and assesment, questionnaires, methods of modelling. Referring to works and periodic literature of lithuanian and foreign scientist authors about structure and conception of competency, and analysing specifics of consultants‘ work, a model of consultant competence assesment is given, also components mostly missing in today‘s consultant... [to full text]

Išorės ir vidaus apdailos darbų automatizuotų sąmatinių skaičiavimų ir ekonominių resursų poreikio analizė / The analysis of automated estimate calculations and resources requerements for works of internal and external finishing

Sodeika, Mantas 13 June 2005 (has links)
This work deals with the computer aided design technology based on the concept of static graphical – information modeling, which has the following goal: to ensure the succession of the building design, its construction process and project maintenance management; to ensure the integrated management of graphical and information data flows under a unified software environment; to perform life cycle operations of a construction project better, cheaper, and faster. State-of-the-art automated design, to be more specific, computer aided design is based on Object Modeling Technique (OM): “from idea to a real object”. One of the fundamental innovations of this technology includes component modeling. While implementing this design the concept of the relation between a graphical – information model of a building and estimate calculations has been formulated; technique for classifying design elements and materials has been generated; necessary programming tools and data structures have been developed; integration of CAD OM and EP systems has been performed; technique for computer aided evaluation of economic indicators of a construction project has been composed, enabling to price a project interactively. For effective design, technological and organizational variants of construction finishing the proposed TOPSIS method has been selected.

Pneumatinių vykdymo sistemų dinaminių charakteristikų tyrimas / Investigation of dynamic characteristic of an electro-pneumatic servo system

Grigaitis, Arūnas 14 June 2005 (has links)
The non-linear model of pneumatic acting system, consisting of proportional directional control valve and symmetric rodless pneumatic cylinder is developed and investigated in this paper. This model enables to evaluate influence of essential nonlinearities concerned with working characteristics of airflow regulating valves and pneumatic cylinders on dynamics of the system. The modeling results of pneumatic acting system under several initial working conditions are presented and discussed in this article. The model reference based adaptive control method of force regulation in electro-pneumatic servo system is proposed and investigated in this paper to. This method allows eliminating of influence of nonlinearities of pneumatic cylinder and directional control valve on behavior of force regulation system. Therefore controllers of higher hierarchy level such as velocity and position controllers can be designed using conventional methods based on quantitative optimum. The modeling results of investigated system are presented in the paper.

Skaitmeninio reljefo modeliavimo daugiaparametrinis vertinimas, atsižvelgiant į paviršiaus geomorfologines savybes / Multiparameter Evaluation of Digital Terrain Modeling taking into Consideration Surface Geomorphic Characteristics

Kumetaitienė, Aušra 07 July 2005 (has links)
Topicality of the research. In compiling digital terrain models (DTM) as well as in evaluating them there are widely applied mathematical statistical measuring data processing and analysis methods. However in compiling digital models of relief and evaluating them there are certain peculiarities in mathematical statistical data application. These peculiarities are caused by the fact that relief modeling as well as analysis is considered to belong to the group of geostatic problems. The latter are peculiar for the initial results of measuring which are medium between purely random and purely determined sizes. In solving geo-statistical problems, one has to make use of regionalized data, the stochastic characteristics are the functions of geographic positions of the territory. In modeling the relief the surface geomorphologic peculiarities determine the characteristics of the functions of geographical position. Theoretical grounding of the methods used in modeling the relief surface (e.g., kriging, spline, invert distance weight (IDW), polynomal) is based on the statistical analysis of the random values. Due to the fact that the characteristics of geo-statistical measuring data are preconditioned by the geographic position, not in all territories there are equally suitable certain methods of modeling and parameters of modeling algorithms. The mentioned above reasons determine the fact that there do not exist unified digital terrain modeling methods and types, to be equally well... [to full text]

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