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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mechaninių gaminių integruotos gamybos sistemos modelio sukūrimas / Integrated model of manufacturing system for mechanical products

Borusas, Henrikas 29 September 2008 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe pateikiamos teorinės integruotos gamybos sistemos galimybės ir prielaidos, įdiegimo funkcijos ir etapai. Analizuojamos integruotos gamybos sistemos integravimo praktinės galimybės realiam mechaniniam gaminiui, nurodoma laukiama nauda ir kiti privalumai. / The practical realization of model theoretical bases to medium Lithuanian company X is carried out. Considered company in manufacturing business of small trucks components’ is involved. It applies the various metal profiles as materials and machining, welding and painting operations. The company business process was modeled, tested and validated. It works on the virtual prototypes at the early business conception stage. Main task of developed model in this stage is forecasting of manufacturing cost and decision making selecting suppliers and partners. The results and conclusions of work are presented.

Klasės auklėtojų komunikacinės veiklos modelio empirinis pagrindimas / Class mentor model of communication empiricallly reasoning

Pupšienė, Zita 26 February 2009 (has links)
Šiandieninis švietimas grindžiamas žmogaus nelygstamos vertės, jo pasirinkimo laisvės, dorinės atsakomybės pripažinimu, demokratiniais santykiais, komunikacija ir bendradarbiavimu. Kintanti mokymo ir mokymosi paradigma lemia klasės auklėtojo ir visų ugdymo proceso dalyvių veiklos pokyčius. Tradicinėje pedagogikoje ryškus pedagoginis konservatizmas nebegali tenkinti nei individo, nei visuomenės poreikių reikiamu lygiu. Neišvengiamai gausėja ugdytojų, savo veikloje taikančių laisvojo ugdymo principus, besiorientuojančių į ugdytinio asmenybę, jo poreikius, jo kaitą. Tyrimo objektas. Klasės auklėtojo komunikacinė veikla bendradarbiaujant su ugdymo proceso dalyviais. Tyrimo tikslas. Teoriškai ir empiriškai pagrįsti pagrindinės mokyklos klasės auklėtojo komunikacinės veiklos modelį, atskleidžiant jo turinį ir struktūrą ugdymo kaitos sąlygomis. Magistro darbe yra (apibrėžiami) aptariami klasės auklėtojo komunikacinės veiklos pagrindai bei išskirtas klasės auklėtojo komunikacinės veiklos turinys ir struktūra pagrindinėje mokykloje. Šiame darbe nustatyti komunikacinės veiklos ryšiai su kitais ugdymo proceso dalyviais bei sukurtas grafinis klasės auklėtojo komunikacinės veiklos modelis. Minėtą modelį sudaro mikroaplinka ir makroaplinka susidedanti iš trijų lygmenų: klasės bendruomenės, mokyklos bendruomenės ir socialinės aplinkos bei šeimos. Klasės bendruomenėje komunikuoja ugdytiniai (individualiai, grupėse, visa klasės bendruomenė) ir klasės auklėtojas. Mokyklos bendruomenėje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Today‘s education is based on the absoliute value of human being, his freedom of choice, democratic relationships, communication and collaboration. A gradual shift in paradigm of education influences the changes of class mentor’s activities. Strong pedagogical conservativism can not satisfy neither individual nor community’s needs in traditional pedagogy. Fortunately, there are more and more educators who practice personality – oriented principles of informal education. This is based on the test data. The object of this research is communication practice of class mentor collaborating with the course participants. The aim of this research is to ground class mentor’s model of communication revealing its content and structure in the basic school. Relations between communication practice and other participants of educational process have been described in this master thesis. Moreover the model of communication has been provided. This model consists of three levels. 1. class community level; 2. school community level; 3. family and social environment level. Class mentor and schoolchildren communicate (individually, in groups and the whole class) at class community level. Schoolchildren, teachers, professionals, directors, pupils from different classes, pupils’ organizations of self –management and the staff communicate at school community level. The third level is for pupil’s family and its environment, the church and social environment such as friends, institutions and... [to full text]

Šalies ekonomikos indikatorių dinamikos modelis / The model of the country‘s economic indicators dynamics

Bratčikovienė, Nomeda 03 March 2014 (has links)
Disertacijoje nagrinėjamos šalies pagrindinių ekonominių indikatorių modeliavimo galimybės, analizuojamos teorinės bei praktinės vertinimo prielaidos, šalies ūkio ypatumų sąlygojami apribojimai, tiriama Lietuvos bei užsienio šalių ekonominių modelių struktūra, šiuose modeliuose naudojamų ekonominių indikatorių rinkiniai bei pasirinkti metodai. Norint gauti patikimus rezultatus, darbe atlikta ekonominio modeliavimo metodų lyginamoji analizė. Disertacijos tyrimų objektas – makroekonominių, verslo bei socialinių indikatorių laiko eilutės. Pagrindinis disertacijoje keliamas darbo tikslas – sukurti pagrindinių šalies ekonomikos pokyčius matuojančių indikatorių dinamikos modelį, kurį naudojant galima kompleksiškai vertinti susiformavusių ekonominių indikatorių adekvatumą, jų suderinamumą bei tarpusavio sąveiką, tirti esamą šalies ekonominę būklę bei jos tvarumą, analizuoti atskirų ekonominių indikatorių pokyčių pasekmes ekonominei būsenai, kurti skirtingus ekonominius scenarijus bei įvertinti šalies ūkio ekonominę perspektyvą. Darbe sprendžiami pagrindinai uždaviniai: kuriamo šalies ekonomikos indikatorių dinamikos modelio struktūros bei teorinio pagrindimo nustatymas, tinkamų kompleksinio modeliavimo metodų parinkimas, modelio bei prognozių tikslumo ir stabilumo tyrimas, programinių priemonių sukūrimas. Atlikus esamų ekonominio modeliavimo metodų analizę, disertacijos užsibrėžtiems tikslams pasiekti ir uždaviniams įgyvendinti, buvo nuspręsta kurti naują šalies ekonominės būsenos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The doctoral thesis investigates the opportunities for the modelling of leading county‘s economic indicators, analyses the theoretical and practical assumptions, the limitations conditioned by the country’s economic features, studies the structure of economic models existing in Lithuania and foreign countries, the set of economic indicators used and selected methods of modelling. A comparative analysis of economic modelling methods was also carried out. The object of this research is the time series of macroeconomic, business and social indicators. The goal of the work – to create the model of indicators that measure the country‘s economic dynamics, which enables the comprehensive assessment of the adequacy, coherence and interoperability of available economic indicators, the investigation and analysis of the current economic situation and its sustainability, the evaluation of the consequences of changes in certain economic indicators for the economic situation, the development of different economic scenarios, and the assessment of the country’s economic prospects. The main tasks solved in the work: determination of the structure and theoretical validity of the model of county‘s economic indicators dynamics, selection of appropriate comprehensive modelling methods, investigation of the accuracy and stability of the model and forecasts, development of software. After an analysis of existing economic modelling methods, in order to achieve the objectives and goals of the thesis... [to full text]

Turinio valdymo sistemos modelis / The model of content management system

Ridlauskas, Renaldas 13 January 2006 (has links)
The content management system is a tool which is essential to load and administrate information that is in the net site. The main CMS purpose is money and time saving which is committed for the site care. To look after the site and freshen it could an employee not having specific news. Content management system is analyzing Lithuania��s and the world’s measure in this work. Their basal internal are reviewing and specifying requests for content management system’s model. So, there is analyzing two platforms: “PHP”and “Zope”. Considering to every platform’s advantages and disadvantages there is arbitrary “Zope” platform. Considering to the analysis part which specific create the content management system model. So, the content management system accomplished testing model and gives auditorial example. CMS functional is evaluating in the experimental part. Finally, there is no general purpose control system; there is only theoretical project which shows content management system’s place.

VIDURINIO LYGMENS VADOVŲ NEFINANSINIS ATLYGINIMAS LIETUVOS ĮMONĖSE / Non-financial Compensation of Middle Level Managers in Lithuanian Companies

Maciulevičius, Raimondas 10 May 2006 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to define motivational role of non-financial compensation means used in the foreign countries and the utilization of non-financial means for the middle level managers motivation in Lithuanian companies. The thesis gives answers to the following questions: what are the non-financial means used mostly in the foreign countries, what are the main purposes and motivational effect of it for the managers’ motivation. Thesis answers as well what are the most commonly used non-financial compensation means for middle level managers in large Lithuanian companies, what was the main reason to start this type of compensation and what are the main tasks of it. Information provided about non-financial compensation efficiency assessment and further perspectives within Lithuanian companies. The thesis consist of an introduction, formulation of the problem, review of literature, description of an empiric research and analysis of received data, summary, conclusion and practical interpretation for companies’ managers. The status of the non-financial means’ utilization in large Lithuanian companies was defined based on the survey of 94 companies. There was chosen method of primal data collection via internet for the survey. Collected answers were analyzed utilizing Statistical Package for the Social Sciences [SPSS]. There was defined based on the review of literature that non-financial compensation is utilized for the motivation of managers very frequently and by various... [to full text]

Duomenų loginių struktūrų išskyrimas funkcinių reikalavimų specifikacijos pagrindu / Data logical structure segregation on the ground of a functional requirements specification

Jučiūtė, Laura 25 May 2006 (has links)
The place of data modelling in information systems‘ life cycle and the importance of data model quality in effective IS exploitation are shown in this masters' work. Refering to results of the nonfiction literature analysis the reasons why the process of data modelling must be automated are introduced; current automatization solutions are described. And as it is the main purpose of this work an original data modelling method is described and programmable prototype which automates one step of that method – schema integration is introduced.

Gaminio modelio analizė ir koregavimas pritaikant CAM sistemoms / Model Analysis and Modification for Computer Aided Manufacturing

Jankauskas, Kęstutis 29 May 2006 (has links)
This research aims at the specifics of Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) market. Through discussion of the digital model’s path since geometric construction till completion of a product the major trends are derived. Evolution of hardware for CAM challenges software developers to come up with new solutions. Growing numbers of CAD/CAM software proved to be considerable factor for incompatibility of data formats among systems. Therefore universal data exchange standards were claimed to enable communication. Also a few gaps of functionality among CAD/CAM software products encourages the development of new application, based on research. The set of functions to be integrated into application is supported theoretically according to researched information and tested practically during the realization of software. The most successful standards and tools are selected as the basis of new software. IGES (The Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) standard along with NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational BSpline) curves and surfaces is used for description of geometric data and OpenGL is used as drawing tool. Model analysis and modification for CAM includes following function description and realization: calculation of volume, non-uniform region scaling, 2D packing, curve control point reduction, curve conversion to lines and arcs. Testing results proves that most of the theoretic assumptions are correct and a development of such or similar software is truly... [to full text]

Žingsninio variklio dinamikos tyrimas / Investigation of dinamic of step motor

Palevičius, Valdemaras 23 June 2006 (has links)
In work research of dynamics of the step motor is executed. Types step motor, ways of management, a design and parameters are described. Сonsistent to requirements and inquiries the software package „Mathlab R6.5“ is chosen. Using a software package „Mahtlab R6.5“ the model of the motor has been made and many experiments are executed. Schedules of transient and the frequency characteristic are considered, changing factor of attenuation and the moment of inertia of the step motor. The conclusion and theoretical results show opportunities of functioning of the step motor. Structure: introduction, analytical part, investigation part, conclusions and suggestions, references.

Vaiko teisių apsaugos tarnybos veiklos modelio tobulinimas / Improvement of Model of Children‘s Rights Protection Service Activities

Simonaitienė, Daiva 30 June 2006 (has links)
We live in a legal and democratic society, where every person has got his/her rights and licenses. A child is also a human being. In Lithuania children’s rights and due interests protection are taken care and implemented by Children’s Rights Protection Services in local regional municipalities. Only a strong and active institution with a model, supported by cooperation between different institutions as well as enforced legally, can efficiently implement this aim. This master thesis discusses the evolution of the children’s rights protection system, the model and the functions of the Service, the importance of social partners for the Service work, as well as possible influences to the Service work quality and effectiveness, problems encountered by the Service specialists under question. The research covers the problem of improvement of children’s rights protection system and Services work, the particularities of the Service work, legal base and existing drawbacks and advantages. It is also discussed the view of the very children’s protection Service managers, workers, their social partners and clients to the possibilities to improve the Services work. The analysis aims at exploring the respondents’ viewpoint to the Service work, the possibility to separate the Services contradicting functions of social services supply and their administration, as well as necessary means for the creation of services network dedicated to the families at social risk. A... [to full text]

Architektūros pažinimas – XI-XII klasių mokinių meninio intereso efektyvinimo priemonė / Knowledge of architecture as the means in the process off effectiveness of the artistic interest of the XI-XII grade pupils

Levickienė, Miglė 25 May 2005 (has links)
M. Levickienė, postgraduate of the Artistic Training Department of Vilnius Pedagogical University, has prepared a master paper on the following topic: “Knowledge of architecture as the means in the process of effectiveness of the artistic interest of the XI – XII grade pupils”. The below indicated problems have been raised in the present paper: what should be a precise description of the universal knowledge of architecture and what influence is made by such knowledge and cognition on the artistic interest of the XI-XII grade pupils? For the foregoing purpose, a pedagogical experiment was carried out in Vilnius Baltupiai secondary school in the course of which, in compliance with the teenagers’ cognitive, identity, psychological art-research literature analysis, a pattern of architecture knowledge and cognition in the lessons of art was drafted. Psychological and art-research literature facilitates to reveal the below-listed main cognition and recognition aspects of architecture: architecture is double recognized – as the world-semanticising, symbolizing and sense-giving side, or as a properly mastered craft. Recognition of tune, harmony, order, symmetry, moral norms and practically useful peculiarities of the object is of great significance with respect to esthetical understanding of architecture. Human physiology, i.e. eyesight, sensation, movement, memory, experience and imagination make great influence on the psychological understanding. In the course of pedagogical... [to full text]

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