Spelling suggestions: "subject:"grocery"" "subject:"shgrocery""
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Undocumented Migrants and Engaging Public Spaces of ListeningStewart, Abel C. 02 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Beyond the Screen: Embedded Interfaces as Retail Wayfinding ToolsBarnes Evans, Katie 06 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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An exploratory study of the methods and strategies implemented to integrate unaccompanied minors in five residential home in SwedenDao, Catherine. H January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the study was to explore what methods the personnel in five residential care homes in Götaland, Sweden, implement to integrate unaccompanied minors. The study investigated how and what methods are constructed as well as how the social interaction between the unaccompanied minors and the personnel at the homes bring about the learning of the methods. Five face-to-face semi-structured interviews were conducted and analysed through the perspective of social construction and social learning theory. The result revealed that the methods are not clearly identified by the personnel. The personals are still learning how to work with unaccompanied minors from their experiences. This indicates that the practice is at its infant stage. The study found a wide variety of methods, which were based on the child and where some methods intend to build good relationship, to integrate the children into society and to facilitate the development of strategies and methods. The study also addresses the issue of how the methods and strategies can be affected by the dynamic migratory flow and the question of evidence based practice within this field.
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Background: Food insecurity amongst South Asian Americans is a major public health issue. The South Asian American (SAA) community is the third largest Asian community in the United States. Despite this fact, very few specific studies have been conducted to investigate the food needs and barriers that exist within the SAA community so as to successfully help them improve dietary habits.
Methods: This study utilized a mixed methods convergent parallel design, where both qualitative and quantitative methods were conducted and analyzed separately and compared and contrasted at the end.
Results: The results of this study demonstrate that ethnic grocery stores were limited and scattered for the population to access them. Also, some ingredients used by the population were not available in general grocery stores and the pricing was considerably higher. Results of the focus group show that what was considered healthy in their home country would be expensive in the United States and thus switching to cheaper options in the new country was norm. Furthermore, cultural/religious appropriate food items were limited due to cost and often impacted participants’ dietary behavior. In addition to expense, the availability of ethnic-specific food ingredients was limited and/or would require significant travel to obtain them, and thus further contributed to change their dietary habits.
Conclusion: The results of the study highlight the need for more interventions focusing on the food habits of the SAA population, in terms of availability of ingredients and accessibility to the ethnic grocery stores in the Inland Empire of Southern California.
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Utvärdering av miljöarbetet vid nybyggnad av butik : miljöledning och avfallshanteringOthén, Anna, Persson, Sofie January 2010 (has links)
According to recent statistics the construction industry is responsible for the largest waste discharges of both dangerous and non-dangerous waste, when disregarding the "non-dangerous" amount of granite waste produced by the mining industry and the waste produced by the pulp and paper industry. Preventive work within waste management is an ongoing practice so to be able to reduce negative environmental effects. One of the most common actions for the companies to take is to separate the different kinds of waste from one another at the construction site. Although by working with the problem in earlier stages of the process a large amount of the waste could already have been reduced. Companies in the construction business that are actively working to decrease environmental impact in their operations often use an EMS (Environmental Management System). By using environmental management as method the company can manage their environmental work so that actions can be taken where they are needed the most. It may though be difficult to adapt the tool for a project-oriented organization such as a construction project. Which effect the environmental work will have does not depend on the fact that the company uses EMS, it depends on how they use it. ICA Real-estate Sweden AB is about to have a new "ICA Kvantum" store built in Avesta, the company has chosen to use an EMS in their environmental work in order to reduce their environmental impact. ICA Real-estate’s environmental review showed that a considerable environmental aspect was waste management in new constructions and rebuilding’s and as a result they have a new environmental goal for the year 2010. The goal was that they would conduct a pilot project within waste management which is currently realized through the construction of the ICA Kvantum store in Avesta. In order to specify how the environmental work should be done in the project and which environmental demands that have been demanded ICA Real-estates has established an environmental program that the entrepreneurs have received and will abide by. Based on the notion from ICA Real-estate concerning the fact that the contractor’s should have high-quality environmental work the company ByggPartner i Dalarna AB was granted the entire contract for the new ICA Kvantum store. ByggPartner also have their own agenda and goals for waste management in the project and are working towards fulfilling them through coordination and planning. The results presented from the investigation that have been done in this report shows that both companies has got many good factors in their environmental work but compared to contemporary research in the area there are still things that could be improved so that the environmental work will be even more successful. / Enligt statistik bidrar byggsektorn med mest farligt och icke-farligt avfall i Sverige, bortsett från ”ofarligt” gråberg från gruvindustrin och avfall från massa- och pappersindustrin. Det arbetas förebyggande med avfallshantering inom sektorn för att minska den negativa miljöpåverkan avfall utgör. Den vanligaste åtgärden företag utför är att källsortera på byggarbetsplatsen men en stor mängd av avfallet kan reduceras genom att arbeta med problemet i byggprocessens tidigare skeden. Majoriteten av företag inom byggbranschen som arbetar med att minska miljöbelastningen använder ett miljöledningssystem. Miljöledning är en metod där företagets miljöarbete styrs så åtgärder utförs där de är mest behövliga. En svårighet som finns inom branschen är att anpassa verktyget till projektorienterade organisationer som ett byggprojekt. Vilket resultat miljöarbetet får beror på hur företaget använder miljöledningssystemet inte att de använder verktyget. ICA Fastigheter Sverige AB skall låta uppföra en ICA Kvantumbutik i Avesta. Företaget använder ett miljöledningssystem i arbetet med minskning av verksamhetens miljöbelastning. ICA Fastigheters miljöutredning visade att en betydande miljöaspekt är avfallshantering vid nyproduktion och ombyggnader, därför sattes ett miljömål upp för 2010. Målet är att bedriva ett pilotprojekt inom avfallshantering vilket nu realiseras genom uppförandet av en ICA Kvantumbutik i Avesta. För att specificera hur miljöarbetet skall gå till i projektet och vilka miljökrav som ställs har ICA Fastigheter upprättat ett miljöprogram som entreprenören skall följa. Baserat på att entreprenören skall ha ett bra miljöarbete inom företaget erhöll ByggPartner i Dalarna AB totalentreprenaden för ICA Kvantumbutiken. ByggPartner har satt upp egna mål angående avfallshanteringen i projektet. Genom samordning och planering arbetar företaget för att uppnå dessa mål samt ICA Fastigheters krav. Resultatet av företagens miljöarbete som beskrivs i rapporten visar att båda företagen har flera bra faktorer i sitt miljöarbete. Jämfört mot forskning inom området finns det delar inom miljöarbetet hos ICA Fastigheter och ByggPartner som har förbättringspotential.
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Sameness in diversity: food culture and globalization in the San Francisco Bay Area and America, 1965-2005 / Food culture and globalization in the San Francisco Bay Area and America, 1965-2005Jayasanker, Laresh Krishna 29 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text
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Comparative analysis of the performance of Asian and Black-owned small supermarkets in rural areas of Thulamela Municipality, South AfricaNkondo, Livhuwani Gladys 18 September 2017 (has links)
Institute for Rural Development / PhDRDV / Studies conducted in some parts of the world have highlighted the fact that Asian-owned small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) always thrive better than those that other racial groups own. For example, a Global Entrepreneurship Monitor study revealed that in South Africa, Blacks owned few businesses and rarely took advantage of the entrepreneurial opportunities available to them even though there are policies that underpin the promotion of SMME. The aim of this study was to compare the determinants of performance of Asian and Black-owned small supermarkets in Thulamela Local Municipality. Specific objectives of the study were to: (1) assess the indicators of performance of small supermarkets; (2) compare the performance factors of Asian- and Black-owned small supermarkets; and (3) suggest intervention strategies to improve the performance of the small supermarkets.
A cross-sectional study underpinned by a mixed methods approach and techniques was applied in two sequentially integrated phases. The first phase was qualitative in nature and participants were officials from the Local Economic Development units in Thulamela Local and Vhembe District Municipalities, representatives of Associations of Business Owners, Blacks (Venda and Shangaan speaking) small supermarket owners and Asian (Indians/Pakistanis and Chinese) small supermarket owners. Snowball sampling was used to select interviewees. Data was analysed using the Atlas- ti.7.0.81 software. The second phase was quantitative in nature. Small supermarket owners who were involved during qualitative phase also participated in phase two. Data was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) ver 24.0 for windows. Mann-Whitney tests were conducted to establish if there were differences in the perceptions of participants due to race, gender and geographic location.
The indicators of success commonly mentioned were number of employees, profit, survival of the business over a long period, and stock or inventory and growths. Asian-owned small supermarkets were performing better because they used more effective and efficient purchasing plus supply systems. Their collectivist culture and networking abilities made them realise higher levels of efficiency when purchasing goods compared to the Black entrepreneurs. Black-owned small supermarkets were performing poorly because of their weak entrepreneurship culture, human capital and business ties. Unfair competition from spaza shops negatively affected their performance. Other factors hindering the performance of the latter were crime and rigid labour laws. In small supermarkets owned by Asians, shoplifting and burglaries were monitored using surveillance cameras during the day. Security companies were deployed during night hours.
Regarding perception of motivation to start a business, there were significant differences due to race of small supermarket owners and location or area of operation (P < 0.05). Significant differences in perception (P < 0.05) among the races and due to gender and location were attributed to the culture of business owners. Effects of social capital on performance of small supermarkets were reported (P < 0.01).
Based on the findings of this study, small supermarket owners should strengthen their human capital through participating in training programmes, especially on supply chain management, marketing and financing. The need for creating networks that help to access information needed to take advantage of the support from the state institutions and the non-governmental sector was evident. Thus, it was concluded that improved performance of small supermarkets could be realised through strengthening human capital, joint purchasing, establishing effective networks and diversifying business activities.
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Utveckling av multifunktionell cykelvagn : En studie om ökad lastförmåga i vardagen / Development of a multifunctional bicycle carriage : A studie for increased load capacity in everyday lifeJonasson, Rasmus January 2021 (has links)
Denna rapport behandlar ett projekt för examen inom programmet Högskoleingenjör inom innovationsteknik och design. Projektet genomfördes tillsammans med företaget Atran Velo med målet att utveckla en cykel-/dragvagn som ska integreras med företagets AVS-system. Projektet genomfördes under våren 2021 vid Karlstads universitet och omfattar 22,5 hp. Projektets syfte är att ta fram en vagn som ökar lastförmågan hos en standardcykel. Detta möjliggör att människor kan bruka sin cykel vid flera tillfällen, vilket bidrar till flera positiva aspekter. Genom att transportera sig med cykel i stället för bilen bidrar det till minskade utsläpp. Detta har en positiv påverkan på miljön och klimatet. Det ökar även den fysiska aktiviteten hos människan, vilket bidrar till att individens välmående ökar. Projektet har utgått från produktutvecklingsprocessen med faserna: projektplanering, förstudie, produktspecifikation, konceptgenerering, konceptval, konstruktion, slutprocess och rapportskrivning. I faserna har olika beprövade metoder används. Projektet resulterade i ett konceptförslag på en vagn och koppling som företaget ska arbeta vidare med efter detta projekt. Vagnen fungerar som både en cykel- och dragvagn som enkelt går att koppla på och av cykeln med en AVS-adapter. Till exempel för att cykla förbi affären och använda vagnen för mathandling. Vagnen har två lastytor som har integrerade AVS-bryggor vilket gör vagnen till en AVS-bärare, med detta menas att vagnen kan användas med företagets olika tillbehör. Vagnen går även att vika ihop för platsbesparing i hemmet för att öka kundvärdet. Vagnen är tillverkad av aluminium för att minimera vikten på produkten och motstå korrosion. / This report deals with a project for a Bachelor of Science in innovation technology and design engineering degree at Karlstad University. The project was conducted on behalf of the company Atran velo. The goal of this project is to develop a bicycle/tractor that is integrated with the company´s AVS-system. The project was carried out during the spring 2021 and comprises 22,5 hp. The purpose of this project is to develop a trolly that can increase the load capacity when using a standard bicycle. This allows people to use their bicycle on several occasions which contributes to many positive aspects. By taking the bicycle instead of the car it contributes to reduced emission, which has a positive effect on the environment. It can also increase the physical activity of people which contributes to the individual’s health. The project has been based on the product development process with the phases project planning, pilot study, product specification, concept selection, design, final process, and report writing. In these phases various proven methods have been used. The result of this project is a concept of a trolley with coupling. The trolley can be used both as a bicycle cart and carriage. It can easily be connected and disconnected from the bicycle, when for example doing grocery shopping. The trolley has two loading surfaces, and both are integrated with AVS - bridges which makes it work like an AVS-carrier. It can also be folded for space saving witch increase customer value. Most of the trolley is made of aluminum which minimize the weight and is corrosion resistance.
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Comparing distribution channels and their impact on supply chains: a case study on online groceries in France and GermanySeidel, Saskia 03 January 2022 (has links)
Auch wenn Multichannel-Vertriebsstrategien Gegenstand vieler Untersuchungen sind, befassen sich nur wenige Studien mit ihren Auswirkungen auf Logistik- und Transportorganisation. Die zentralen Fragen lauten daher: Wie verändern sich die Warenströme durch die Einführung des Lebensmittelonlinehandels? Und haben verschiedene Formen von Onlineangeboten unterschiedliche Auswirkungen auf die Warenströme?
Für die vorliegende kumulative Dissertation wurden Daten aus Frankreich und Deutschland analysiert. Im Mittelpunkt standen die Auswirkungen des Lebensmittelonlinehandels auf die Lieferkette, einschließlich der letzten Meile. Darüber hinaus war es das Ziel, die Strategien und den logistischen Transport der Distributoren im Hinblick auf den Kontext, in dem sie auftreten, zu verstehen.
Die Arbeit bietet eine umfassende Untersuchung der beiden Märkte Deutschland und Frankreich. Die Ergebnisse einer vergleichenden Analyse zeigen, wie unterschiedlich sich die Warenflüsse über die gesamte Supply Chain durch das Angebot von Onlinewaren verändern. Neben der letzten Meile erfahren auch die vorgelagerten Strukturen in der Lieferkette eine Veränderung: I) Neue Standorte in Kundennähe für die Organisation der Onlinelebensmitteldistribution werden erschlossen. II) Eine Dezentralisierung von Distributionsstrukturen findet statt. III) Es entstehen neue Beziehungen zwischen Akteuren der Lieferkette.
Die Ergebnisse der Analysen tragen zu einem besseren systematischen Verständnis von Onlinelebensmittelpraktiken bei Forschern und Praktikern bei. / Bien que les stratégies de distribution multicanale fassent l'objet de nombreuses recherches, peu d'études traitent de leur impact sur l’organisation de la logistique et des transports. Par conséquent, notre problématique est la suivante : comment les flux de marchandises évoluent-ils suite à l'introduction de l'épicerie en ligne ? Et quels sont les impacts des différentes formes d'offres en ligne sur les chaines d’approvisionnement ?
Pour ce mémoire de synthèse, des données provenant de France et d'Allemagne ont été analysées et comparées. L'accent est mis sur l'impact du commerce d'alimentaire en ligne sur la totalité de la chaîne d'approvisionnement. En outre, l'objectif de ce mémoire est de comprendre les stratégies logistiques et de transport des distributeurs en fonction du contexte géographique dans lequel ils interviennent.
La recherche est basée sur un ensemble de méthodes, en mettant l'accent sur les méthodes de la recherche qualitative et les analyses quantitatives complémentaires.
Grâce à la comparaison de la situation en France et en Allemagne, et à l'analyse approfondie des acteurs du marché (via des entretiens avec des experts), le mémoire offre une réflexion complète sur les deux marchés. Les résultats des analyses montrent que l'offre des biens alimentaire en ligne modifie le flux des marchandises toute au long de la chaine d’approvisionnement, depuis le traitement des commandes jusqu’à la livraison. En effet : 1) de nouveaux sites pour l'organisation de la distribution alimentaire en ligne sont développés, souvent situés à proximité des clients ; 2) on observe une décentralisation des structures de distribution ; 3) de nouvelles relations entre les acteurs de la chaîne d'approvisionnement apparaissent.
Les résultats de ces analyses contribuent à une meilleure compréhension systématique des pratiques de la distribution alimentaire en ligne. / Even though multichannel distribution strategies are the subject of many research studies, few have addressed their impact on logistics and transport organisations. The present research addresses this gap by investigating the central questions: ‘How do commodity flows change through the introduction of online grocery services? Can different configurations of online grocery services, and thus different commodity flows, be observed in France and Germany?’
For this cumulative dissertation, data from France and Germany were analysed. The impact of online grocery sales on supply chains was examined through a comparative analysis, and the relevance of different settings and contextual environments was established.
The analyses show that the decision to offer goods online impacts the entire supply chain of the grocer, and the impact differs in France and Germany. Order processing, last-mile delivery and upstream structures in the supply chain are experiencing three fundamental areas of change: I) new locations for the organisation of online food distribution – usually close to the customers – are being developed; II) a decentralisation of distribution structures is taking place; and III) new relationships between actors in the supply chain are emerging.
The thesis systematically records and describes adaptation mechanisms and reveals the differences in the supply chain structures compared to the stationary food trade. Based on the structured analysis of two neighbouring but distinct markets, further insights relevant to research and practice could be generated. The results of the analyses contribute to a better systematic understanding of online food practices among researchers and practitioners.
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Vers une organisation globale durable de l’approvisionnement des ménages : bilans économiques et environnementaux de différentes chaînes de distribution classiques et émergentes depuis l’entrepôt du fournisseur jusqu’au domicile du ménage / Towards a global sustainable organisation of housholdsAyadi, Abdessalem 26 September 2014 (has links)
La logistique urbaine, et celle du dernier kilomètre notamment, est un sujet de préoccupation majeure pour les villes d’aujourd’hui. Pour répondre à cette préoccupation, nous avons établi dans le chapitre introductif un historique de la problématique de la logistique urbaine pour mieux comprendre son développement au fil des années, permettant ainsi de déduire qu’il est fondamental d’étudier la globalité de la chaîne de distribution dans ce travail de thèse pour mieux résoudre la problématique de la logistique urbaine. En revanche, nous étions confrontés à un sujet redoutable par sa complexité et l’absence de données complètes et fiables. De plus, nous assistons dans les dernières années, à une multiplication des schémas logistiques que ce soit pour la livraison des magasins à partir des entrepôts des fournisseurs ou pour l’approvisionnement des clients à partir des surfaces de vente.De ce fait, nous avons fixé comme objectif d’identifier toutes les organisations logistiques existantes et émergentes en France et ailleurs (deux séjours d’un an en Angleterre et en Suisse). Pour ce faire, nous avons déterminé dans le deuxième chapitre les paramètres de différenciation des modes d’organisation en amont (de l’entrepôt du fournisseur à la surface de vente) et en aval de la chaîne (de la surface de vente au domicile du client). Or il n’existe pas aujourd’hui de bilan économique et environnemental complet permettant d’arbitrer entre différentes formes de distribution classiques et à distance en tenant compte des particularités des familles des produits (non alimentaires, secs, frais, surgelés) et de la diversité de leurs modes de livraison.Face à ces contraintes de taille, nous avons eu recours aux enquêtes de terrain dans ce travail de recherche, qui ont été l’occasion de nouer de très nombreux contacts avec les acteurs de la grande distribution, permettant ainsi de recueillir des données techniques et économiques de première main et inédites jusqu’ici. En plus de la résolution du verrou empirique dans le troisième chapitre, ce travail de thèse a permis également de lever des verrous méthodologiques relatifs à la reconstitution et à l’évaluation des coûts et des émissions logistiques (pour les entrepôts de stockage et les plateformes de transit en amont ; et pour les surfaces de vente et les plateforme de mutualisation en aval) et des coûts et des émissions des véhicules de transport (des articulés et des porteurs en amont ; et des VUL, voitures particulières, transports publics, deux roues, et marche à pied en aval). Enfin, ce travail de thèse a permis d’aboutir à la construction d’une base de données et la mise au point d’un outil d’aide à la décision permettant ainsi de déduire, dans le quatrième chapitre, les bilans économique et environnemental de la globalité de la chaîne depuis l’entrepôt du fournisseur jusqu’au domicile du ménage. Cet outil devrait se révéler très utile pour les politiques publiques, les stratégies futures des grands distributeurs et leurs prestataires logistiques afin de privilégier les modes d’organisation économes et durables, et même pour le client final afin d’estimer les coûts et les émissions de ses actes d’achat dans les différentes alternatives de vente classique et à distance. / Urban logistics and the last mile in particular, is a major concern for cities today. To address this concern, we have established in the introductory chapter a history of the problem of urban logistics. This allows a better understanding of its development over the years, and deducing that it’s essential to study the supply chain in its entirety to better solve the problem of urban logistics. However, we were faced with a daunting task: the lack of comprehensive and reliable data. In addition, there has been a multiplication of distribution channels in recent years. This includes the delivery from warehouses to stores and further to households from the retail space.Therefore, we intended to identify all existing and emerging logistics organizations in France and beyond (one year exchange stay in England and Switzerland for research purposes). To do this, we established in the second chapter certain parameters that differentiate the logistics modes of various organizations upstream (from manufacturers to retail stores) and downstream (from retail stores to households). Unfortunately, there does not exist any economic and environmental assessment to settle between different forms of traditional and modern electronic distribution, by taking into account the various characteristics of different products families (non-food, dry, fresh, frozen) and the diversity of their delivery modes.Faced with constraints of such size, we conducted surveys with different actors of distribution channels, which provided the opportunity to make contacts, thus collect firsthand and so far unpublished technical and economic data. In addition to the resolution of empirical inadequacy in the third chapter, this research also helped to develop a methodological approach related to the reconstruction and evaluation of logistics costs and emissions (in warehouses, transit platforms, retail stores and shared platforms) and also the costs and emissions of vehicles (trucks, delivery van, cars, public transport, bikes, motorbikes and walking).Finally, this research has lead to the construction of a database and the development of a decision support tool to infer, in the fourth chapter, the economic and environmental appraisal of the entire supply chain from the supplier's warehouse to the final customer. This tool can be useful for public policy, future strategies of retailers and Third-Party Logistics providers to focus on efficient and sustainable modes of organization, and even it will benefit the customer to estimate the costs and emissions of its acts of purchase in classic and e-grocery shopping.
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