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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Human capital resources, human resource management policies, and employee perceptions : an investigation of young professionals in the banking sector of Pakistan

Saqib, Syed Imran January 2018 (has links)
Situated within the human resource management and performance (HRM-P) link literature, this thesis explores the 'black box' of the mechanisms that link HRM practices and performance. By doing so, it sheds light on how and why HRM practices can lead to superior firm performance. Heeding calls for more nuanced and contextual work on understanding this link, this study uses qualitative responses from 79 industry experts, HR/senior managers, and young professionals, as well as artefacts and documents, to analyse the causal mechanisms that connect HRM policies, aimed at human capital resource (HCR) accumulation, to employee outcomes in five banking organizations in Pakistan. Using the strength of HR process conceptualization and the process model of HR, the thesis looks at the entire chain that connects intended, actual, and perceived HR policies to understand why HR managers' and young professionals' perceptions of both the content and the process of HR implementation varies, and how this is connected with the employee outcomes of turnover intentions and job satisfaction. The first set of findings reveals that there is considerable difference in how the quality of the content of HR systems is perceived from the point of view of young professionals in comparison with HR practitioners. Young professionals have strong negative perceptions of HR policies related to their long-term career development, which is explained in part by the incongruence and the lack of focus of HR on the goal of HCR accumulation. The second set of findings show that there are several processual factors that help to explain these varying perceptions, which dilute the implementation of HR practices. The analysis reveals that the competency of HR departments, the role of line managers, elements of the Pakistani culture, and the role of top management shape the quality of the HR system that is implemented. Connecting this to employee outcomes, the analysis reveals that the link between HR and performance is not straightforward; this helps to explain the moderate statistical effects noted in the extant HRM-P link research. Employee reactions are more related to their personal circumstances and other organizational factors rather than HR factors. The third set of findings expands the analysis to individual contexts of the five banks, further revealing that the mission of the organization, the presence of a strong HR leader, external economic factors, and the historical legacy of the organisation also shapes employee perceptions and, thus the effectiveness of HR policies and their implementation. The thesis makes a theoretical contribution to the HRM-P link literature by revealing that the competitive advantage that stems, in part, from the actions of HR departments derives from how well they navigate the various processual factors that can impede HR system implementation. It makes a methodological contribution by responding to calls for more in-depth qualitative research on the phenomenon, by using a specific segment of employees within the under-represented context of Pakistan. It makes a practical contribution by highlighting that many western prescriptions, such as talent management and bell curves, may be less effective if prevailing cultural constraints are not accounted for, especially in developing countries like Pakistan. Existing HRM-P link studies have not adequately considered these contextual and cultural factors in their analyses.

O impacto das práticas de Gestão de Recursos Humanos e da Orientação Empreendedora no desempenho das empresas Portuguesas.

Palminha, Marina Alexandra de Sousa 22 May 2009 (has links)
Economia e Gestão Internacional / Master in International Economics and Management / Este trabalho pretende analisar o impacto das práticas de Gestão de Recursos Humanos (GRH) e da Orientação Empreendedora (OE) no desempenho das empresas portuguesas. Adicionalmente, esta investigação pretende colmatar a lacuna existente relativamente ao caso português. Os dados foram recolhidos através de um inquérito às empresas portuguesas, seleccionadas a partir da base de dados SABI (Sistema de Análise de Balanços Ibérico). Os resultados sugerem que as práticas de GRH estão positivamente relacionadas com a rentabilidade das vendas e com a rentabilidade do investimento; as práticas de GRH e a OE estão positivamente relacionadas. Relativamente à OE, os dados não permitiram aferir com rigor a sua relação com o desempenho económico-financeiro das empresas. / This research aims to analyze the impact of Human Resource Management practices (HRM) and Corporate Entrepreneurship (CE) in the performance of Portuguese firms. This work aims to fill the gap for the Portuguese case. Data was collected through a survey to Portuguese companies that were selected from the SABI (Sistema de Análise de Balanços Ibérico) database. The results suggest: the HRM practices are positively related to return on sales and with return on investment; the HRM practices and CE are positively related. In what concerns to CE, data did not accurately assess its relationship with financial performance.

Kompetensförsörjning: tillverkningsindustrins stora utmaning : Hur företag arbetar för att behålla och tillvarata kompetens vid ett omställningsarbete / Supply of Competence: The challenge of the manufacturing industry : How manufacturing industries work to maintain and utilize competence in the event of downsizing

Palmgren Söderström, Johanna, Berge, Daniella January 2019 (has links)
Föreliggande uppsats undersöker hur industriföretag arbetar med att behålla och tillvarata kompetens vid omställningsarbeten. Studien utgår från en kvalitativ fallstudie som forskningsmetod, där dokument och 16 intervjuer utgör studiens empiri. Studien har en fallstudiedesign med flera analysenheter och studerar styrdokument, ledning, linjechef och medarbetare. Resultatet visar att företaget arbetat med en övergripande kompetensförsörjningsprocess som utgångspunkt vid omställningsarbetet. Studien visar även att bristande kompetensöverföringsstrategi och tid för kompetensöverföring har varit det största hindret för att tillvara kompetens. Studiens slutsatser är att industriföretaget använt en mixad kunskapsstrategi vid omställningsarbetet. Företaget har erbjudit strategier, verktyg och arbetssätt vid omställningsarbetet, däremot har förutsättningarna inte varit tillräckliga. Vid omställningen har därför informella tillvägagångssätt uppstått vilket representerat en god förutsättning i arbetet. Avslutningsvis synliggörs en bristande interaktion mellan analysnivåerna och utgör studiens praktiska implikationer. Företag kan bygga anpassade kompetensförsörjningsstrategier genom att förmedla informella tillvägagångssätt till ledningsnivå samt att inhämta kunskap om hur kunskapsöverföring sker i praktiken. / The study examines how manufacturing industries work to maintain and utilize competence during downsizing. This study is based on a qualitative case study using data of documents and 16 interviews and applies a single-case design with multiple units of analysis investigating documents, managers, line-managers and employees. The findings reveal that the company adopted a comprehensive competence process as the main procedure during downsizing. The findings expose a lack of knowledge transfer strategy and time identifies as the biggest obstacle to maintain knowledge. The conclusions represent that enterprises applies a mixed knowledge strategy during downsizing. Strategies, tools and procedures were available during the downsizing, but these conditions were not enough. Informal procedures unfold as a result of these insufficient conditions and facilitates knowledge retention. The study reveals a lack of interaction between the units of analysis, which represents the practical implications. Enterprises can build customized competence strategies by communicating informal procedures to management level as well as acquiring knowledge of how knowledge transfer take place in practice.

A Study of The Management Performance of Taiwan Power Company and also The Manipulation Situation of Human Resources of Nuclear and Fire Station in Taiwan Power Company

Lee, Ming-Dao 21 August 2003 (has links)
Power business is a somewhat special business¡CIt has no stocks. Because of this, power business is classified into inherent monopoly business for a very long time before. Nowadays, most governments of developed countries changed their point of view; they modified the relevant law and began to allow more than two power companies to run on the same power supply area since few years ago. Taiwan's government is affected by this thinking and doing in 1990 and adopted it later since 1994. Firstly, they permitted private power stations built by private enterprises in1995. Since then, domestic power business is treated as a ¡§step by step open¡¨ business. Different from what other Independent Power Station (So called I.P.P.)has done, Taiwan Power Company has adopted the policy of allocating their maintenance crew in each nuclear and fire power station instead of establishing a dependent sub-maintenance company or outsourcing maintenance job to other power station maintenance contractor as the other I.P.P.s. has done¡C This is indeed a quite controversy policy even inside the Taiwan Power Company. But most of the members and representatives of workers Union are against any relocating crew or changing policy and even stronger. The policy of privatizing Taiwan Power Company and open competition of electricity-providing is determined definitely by R.O.C. government, still the progress of it is not very clear to the relevant stakeholder. However, the competence of Taiwan Power Company will be needed much more than ever. And the operation cost and management performance is therefore a major and important factor to the position of Taiwan Power Company in the future electricity market. This research is intended to study only benefit of cost-down and efficiency-rising element of the electricity power company and its nuclear and power station, it concerns nothing to do with any social topics such as working right of the crew , opinion and attitude of the work union and the like.


徐崇善 Unknown Date (has links)
人力資源管理策略運用作為管理思想的一環,原本就和社會經濟情勢息息相關,特別是在當前全球化發展助益下,受影響的層面,幾乎涵括了政治、經濟、社會價值與社會秩序等廣泛議題,意即人力資源管理策略運用所面臨的是來自於世界各國社會經濟環境的考驗。誠如管理學大師彼得杜拉克所言:「人是我們最大的資產」,人力資源管理要塑造出優勢的企業文化、正面的企業形象、良好的工作環境,以具前瞻性的獎勵計劃與引導設計,減少控制與威權管理,吸引優秀人才與維繫人才。 拜資訊科技的發達,藉著網路無遠弗屆的特性,工作型態多樣化與豐富化的程度已超出想像的範圍,員工與組織之間的關係因工作型態的不同,產生勞動本質根本的改變,員工不再為單一組織服務的工作態勢逐漸成型。企業在競爭力新戰場所爭奪的是可移動的智慧資本,卻又不能不面對成本的壓力,在經常重組與不斷轉型的時期,台灣的勞工退休金制度因經濟社會的發展成為「可攜式」的個人帳戶,企業在不斷轉型的過程中如何以適當的人力資源管理及運用作為因應,在進行以「人」為中心的業務流程改造與組織架構的調整時,能符合法令規範且持續維持人力質量的精緻化。本文各章節要點說明如下: 第一章:緒論 研究動機與目的、研究方法、研究範圍限制及流程架構。 第二章:文獻探討 人力資源管理的各功能領域是相互關聯及相互影響,策略性人力資源管理就是在促使人力資源管理的各項功能,成為一種相互支持的綿密網路,將組織的資源有效發展成競爭優勢的運用,結合組織成員之發展與組織目標,有效的達成組織任務。在資訊科技不斷革新的趨勢下,企業與員工都需要持續不斷學習與成長,以適應未來的環境,高素質的人力是企業賴以生存的重點;然而,勞動法制的變遷,瓦解了員工對組織的承諾,員工忠誠度持續下降,若是以人力資源作為競爭優勢,必需有效彌補日益淡薄的勞資關係。 第三章:企業退休金制度及其影響 由企業退休金制度之重要性,理論與演進,說明實施企業退休金制度之必要,探討不同國家的企業退休金制度文獻,期能由此提供我國企業退休金制度設計的觀念。環境改變及對企業的影響、因應策略摘要圖示如下圖 第四章:個案研究 由個案公司人力資源管理功能的SWOT分析,歸納出個案公司內部環境之優勢與劣勢、外在環境之機會與威脅,提出企業退休金制度是有效對策的重要因子;接續以個案公司企業退休金制度設計實務與效益分析提供印證。 企業退休金制度,對員工而言,是在現有法令規定之下,提昇退休後生活達適當水準,使員工的利益最大化,不僅可確保核心人才的維護,當薪資成長趨緩時仍能視組織經營成果提供誘因,同時可使組織保有長期活力與競爭力,無論是對個案公司或是對員工而言,此舉符合雙方利益,也確保個案公司核心人力之維護。 第五章:結論與建議 綜合各章之探討及個案研究提出企業退休金制度結論,並對勞工退休金新制提出建議。

Stress causes and its management at the work place : A qualitative study on the causes of stress and management mechanisms at Volvo Trucks AB, Umeå

Tekeste, Selamawit Fisseha, Nekzada, Najmoddin Islamzy January 2014 (has links)
Problem: Stress at the workplace has become an increasing phenomenon due to external factors such as technological advancement, changes in the economy of a country which might lead to becoming redundant and so on. Stress can be considered as an inevitable condition at least at one point in time or another; however it can also be minimized to the extent that the productivity and health of the employee is maintained which could lead to a productive organization. Stress is also bound to occur in multinational companies where operation is global and employees have different cultural background.Purpose: Our purpose for this study is to have a clear understanding of the causes of stress at a multinational company such as Volvo Trucks AB Umeå, and how Stress by the employees as well as the company’s management are managed or handled.Methodology: This thesis has been made using qualitative approach, with a descriptive and exploratory case study approach. The data used are collected through conducting semi-structured interviews with 6 different employees from Volvo Trucks AB, Umeå one of whom works as a therapist at the company.Findings: The causes of stress at the work place range from personal problems to work overload, physical working environment, work situation and conflicts among colleagues and managers. Many employees struggle with stress, in worst cases leading to uncertainties and severe impairments on health and performance. The main situations that generate stress are likely uncontrollable, unpredictable, and some are not known. But alternatively there are several resources available like personal awareness in coping skills. For example: time management, assertiveness, ways to higher up self-confidence and so on. Management can also utilize some resources for reducing the stress level of the employees by providing services and facilities such as health facilities at the company, giving easy and on time access to therapist and also having free time activities and entertainment. Stress is related between the employee and the employer as the performance of the employee is affected by his/her stress level which intern affects the company’s productivity. Therefore stress management is Vital for both. The most successful stress management mechanisms found was time management, sharing of feelings and leisure activities.

Práticas de gestão de pessoas para a gestão da qualidade : estudo de caso em uma empresa de produtos para conservação de temperatura

Torma, Silvia Regina Weiss January 2013 (has links)
A gestão de pessoas é fator sine qua non no mundo corporativo, o qual se encontra em constante mutação. A justificativa deste estudo de caso considera ainda que é demandado às organizações perspicácia de maneira a se despirem de antigas fórmulas de sucesso e se reinventarem na busca da sobrevivência e, quiçá, do almejado crescimento. Cativar clientes, reduzir custos, manter elevados padrões de qualidade, produtividade e segurança se tornaram condições básicas para a continuidade dos negócios e não mais considerados suficientes como diferenciais competitivos. Neste contexto, a presente dissertação objetiva a identificação de práticas de Gestão de Pessoas que podem alavancar melhorias de qualidade. Inicialmente é realizada uma revisão sistemática através da qual são arroladas 10 práticas de Gestão de Pessoas que podem influenciar a Gestão da Qualidade. A seguir, essas práticas são classificadas em conformidade com o critério de excelência Valorização das Pessoas, da Fundação Nacional da Qualidade (FNQ). Por fim, as práticas são comparadas com as existentes em uma empresa fabricante de produtos para conservação de temperatura e é elaborado um diagnóstico de oportunidades, em função das lacunas (gaps) evidenciadas. Os resultados mostraram que das 10 práticas examinadas nenhuma é integralmente aplicada na empresa, 7 são aplicadas parcialmente e 3 não são adotadas. Espera-se que estes conhecimentos possam municiar a empresa em análise na operacionalização de ações que permitam transpor os seus desafios, os quais podem impactar em sua continuidade. / People Management is sine qua non factor in the corporate world, which finds itself in constant mutation. The justification for this case study considers that it is required of the organizations, a high level of perception in a sense of getting rid of old success recipes and reinventing themselves in a quest for survival, and hopefully, the sought for growth. Captivating clients, reducing costs, keeping high quality standards, productivity and security, become basic conditions for continuity of business and are no longer considered sufficient as competitive differentials. Given this context, the present essay aims at identifying practices of People Management that can leverage improvements in quality. Initially, a systematic review is performed, through which the practices of People Management are aligned, and which can influence quality management. Next, these practices are classified in conformity with the excellence concepts of Fundação Nacional da Qualidade (FNQ). Finally, the practices are compared to the existing ones in an enterprise of products to conserve the temperature and an opportunity diagnosis is elaborated. The results showed that of the 10 practices examined none are fully implemented in the company, 7 are partially applied and 3 are not adopted. It is hoped that this knowledge may equip the company in question, based on the noticed gaps, in a way of supporting the company being analyzed in the operating of actions, that allow transposing of its challenges, of which can impact in its continuity.

Práticas de gestão de pessoas para a gestão da qualidade : estudo de caso em uma empresa de produtos para conservação de temperatura

Torma, Silvia Regina Weiss January 2013 (has links)
A gestão de pessoas é fator sine qua non no mundo corporativo, o qual se encontra em constante mutação. A justificativa deste estudo de caso considera ainda que é demandado às organizações perspicácia de maneira a se despirem de antigas fórmulas de sucesso e se reinventarem na busca da sobrevivência e, quiçá, do almejado crescimento. Cativar clientes, reduzir custos, manter elevados padrões de qualidade, produtividade e segurança se tornaram condições básicas para a continuidade dos negócios e não mais considerados suficientes como diferenciais competitivos. Neste contexto, a presente dissertação objetiva a identificação de práticas de Gestão de Pessoas que podem alavancar melhorias de qualidade. Inicialmente é realizada uma revisão sistemática através da qual são arroladas 10 práticas de Gestão de Pessoas que podem influenciar a Gestão da Qualidade. A seguir, essas práticas são classificadas em conformidade com o critério de excelência Valorização das Pessoas, da Fundação Nacional da Qualidade (FNQ). Por fim, as práticas são comparadas com as existentes em uma empresa fabricante de produtos para conservação de temperatura e é elaborado um diagnóstico de oportunidades, em função das lacunas (gaps) evidenciadas. Os resultados mostraram que das 10 práticas examinadas nenhuma é integralmente aplicada na empresa, 7 são aplicadas parcialmente e 3 não são adotadas. Espera-se que estes conhecimentos possam municiar a empresa em análise na operacionalização de ações que permitam transpor os seus desafios, os quais podem impactar em sua continuidade. / People Management is sine qua non factor in the corporate world, which finds itself in constant mutation. The justification for this case study considers that it is required of the organizations, a high level of perception in a sense of getting rid of old success recipes and reinventing themselves in a quest for survival, and hopefully, the sought for growth. Captivating clients, reducing costs, keeping high quality standards, productivity and security, become basic conditions for continuity of business and are no longer considered sufficient as competitive differentials. Given this context, the present essay aims at identifying practices of People Management that can leverage improvements in quality. Initially, a systematic review is performed, through which the practices of People Management are aligned, and which can influence quality management. Next, these practices are classified in conformity with the excellence concepts of Fundação Nacional da Qualidade (FNQ). Finally, the practices are compared to the existing ones in an enterprise of products to conserve the temperature and an opportunity diagnosis is elaborated. The results showed that of the 10 practices examined none are fully implemented in the company, 7 are partially applied and 3 are not adopted. It is hoped that this knowledge may equip the company in question, based on the noticed gaps, in a way of supporting the company being analyzed in the operating of actions, that allow transposing of its challenges, of which can impact in its continuity.

Estudo dos fatores influenciadores dos comportamentos de mobilizaÃÃo dos recursos humanos em um hospital universitÃrio federal brasileiro. / Study of factors that influence the human resources mobilization behaviors in a Brazilian public university hospital

Carlos AmÃrico Barreira Pinto 31 August 2009 (has links)
nÃo hà / O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar a influÃncia das prÃticas de gestÃo de recursos humanos e o papel mediador das condiÃÃes psicolÃgicas de apoio, confianÃa, justiÃa e poder de agir (empowerment) na mobilizaÃÃo dos colaboradores do Hospital UniversitÃrio Walter CantÃdio, da Universidade Federal do Cearà (Fortaleza â CE). Foram consideradas prÃticas de gestÃo de recursos humanos aquelas ligadas ao desenvolvimento das competÃncias, à avaliaÃÃo e feedback sobre o desempenho e ao compartilhamento da informaÃÃo. Como variÃveis mediadoras foram consideradas as condiÃÃes psicolÃgicas percebidas de apoio organizacional, poder de agir (empowerment), confianÃa na chefia imediata e justiÃa procedimental. O estudo teve natureza quantitativo-descritiva, utilizando um questionÃrio estruturado impresso, nÃo identificado, com 93 (noventa e trÃs) perguntas e foi realizado a partir de uma amostra aleatÃria de 638 (seiscentos e trinta e oito) servidores pÃblicos e funcionÃrios em atividade neste hospital. Foi aplicada estatÃstica descritiva e anÃlise fatorial exploratÃria, utilizando como procedimentos de estimaÃÃo multivariados para a anÃlise das relaÃÃes causais a modelagem de equaÃÃes estruturais e o bootstrapping. Os resultados revelaram que a hipÃtese que se referiu à influÃncia direta das prÃticas de desenvolvimento das competÃncias nÃo se confirmou, porÃm, as percepÃÃes de apoio e de empowerment psicolÃgico mostraram um efeito positivo nos comportamentos de mobilizaÃÃo, o que revela uma influÃncia mediada destas prÃticas. Ao contrÃrio, nÃo foi confirmada a hipÃtese da influÃncia positiva das percepÃÃes sobre a confianÃa na chefia imediata. Foi confirmada a hipÃtese da influÃncia direta e positiva das prÃticas de compartilhamento da informaÃÃo, ao mesmo tempo em que nÃo se confirmou a hipÃtese da influÃncia direta e positiva das prÃticas de avaliaÃÃo e feedback sobre o desempenho. PorÃm, a percepÃÃo da justiÃa procedimental, enquanto mediadora das prÃticas de compartilhamento da informaÃÃo, nÃo apresentou influÃncia significativa nos comportamentos, mas quando mediadora das prÃticas de avaliaÃÃo e feedback sobre o desempenho, foi plenamente confirmada. Estes resultados indicam que as prÃticas mobilizadoras de GRH podem estimular a adoÃÃo de bons comportamentos por parte dos colaboradores do HUWC/UFC, mas que, porÃm, podem nÃo ser suficientes, caso nÃo sejam tambÃm implementadas prÃticas de justiÃa, de apoio, de confianÃa, de empowerment, que desenvolvam nos empregados sentimentos mais profundos de vÃnculo afetivo com a instituiÃÃo e, conseqÃentemente, melhore os relacionamentos, a motivaÃÃo e o desempenho coletivo. / The aim of this research was to examine the influence of HRM practices and the mediating role of the psychological conditions of support, trust, justice and empowerment in the mobilization employeeâs behaviors of Hospital UniversitÃrio Walter CantÃdio / Universidade Federal do Cearà (Fortaleza â CE). We considered HRM practices those linked to human resources competence development, evaluation and feedback on performance and information sharing. As mediating variables some psychological conditions, such perceived organizational support, psychological empowerment, trust in leadership and procedural justice. The study has descriptive-quantitative nature, using a structured questionnaire, not identified, with 93 (ninety-three) questions, carried through a random sample of 638 (six hundred and thirty-eight) hospital employees. It was applied descriptive statistics and exploratory factor analysis, using structural equation modeling and bootstrapping as multivariate estimation procedures for the analysis of causal relationships. The results revealed that the hypothesis concerning the direct influence of competence development practices was not confirmed, however, perceptions of organizational support and psychological empowerment had a positive effect on the behaviors, which shows a mediated influence of these practices. In contrast, the positive influence of perceptions on trust in leadership was not confirmed. The hypothesis of direct and positive influence of information sharing practices was confirmed at the same time the hypothesis of direct and positive influence of the assessment and feedback on performance practices had not been confirmed. However, the perception of procedural justice as a mediator in the information sharing practice, revealed no significant influence on behavior, but working as mediator in the assessment and feedback on performance practice it was fully confirmed. These results indicate that mobilizing HRM practices may stimulate the adoption of positive behaviors by the employees of HUWC / UFC, but, however, may not be sufficient to improve them, if not also implemented practices of justice, support, trust and empowerment, in which employees could develop feelings of deep emotional links to the institution and, consequently, improve relationships, motivation and collective performance.

Upplevelser av rollen HR Business Partner : En kvalitativ studie utifrån chefers och HRBP:s perspektiv / Experiences of the role HR business partner : A qualitative study based on the perspective of managers and HRBP’s.

Egerström, Sofia, Selmeryd, Elin January 2017 (has links)
HR-arbetet har gått ifrån att fokuseras på personaladministration till affärsverksamheten och företagets personalpolitiska strategi. Ulrich och Brockbank ansåg att HR-arbetet kunde göras mer effektivt. De utvecklade sina tankar till ett koncept, HR-transformation, som blivit vida spritt globalt. Budskapet var att HR måste kunna affärslivets språk och perspektiv för att kunna vara värdeskapande men inte tvärtom. Verkligheten visar att planerad HR-strategi inte alltid är lika med genomförd HR-strategi. Vi har valt att förlägga vår studie till Volvo och avdelningen Group IT. Valet är främst baserat på att företagets HR-funktion genomgått en HR- transformation i samband med att konceptet var nytt. Denna studies syfte är att med utgångspunkt i teorin om HR-transformation beskriva hur en HR Business Partners roll upplevs fungera i praktiken. Vi undersöker vad det innebär det att arbeta som HR Business Partner på Volvo och vilka värden chefer respektive HR Business Partner upplever att rollen bidrar med till Volvo. Den forskning som vi redogjort för handlar om olika aktörers syn på begreppet värde och om värdeskapande HR-arbete för chefer och HR Business Partners. För att kunna svara på våra forskningsfrågor och komma närmare chefers och HR Business Partners upplevelser och tankar har vi valt att använda oss av en kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Under våra intervjuer framkom olika perspektiv på målet med HR Business Partner-rollen. Ett viktigt mål med rollen är att leverera effektivt stöd till den del av organisationen HR Business Partner supporterar och i olika frågor. Upplevelsen är att närheten till verksamheten och det operativa stödet är värdefullt. Det finns både liknande och olika syn på andra faktorer som levererar värde. Med tydligare kommunikation om värdeskapande HR skulle cheferna bättre veta vad de kan förvänta sig av sin HR Business Partner. Och vice versa. Utökad dialog och samarbete skulle indirekt ge ringar på vattnet och ge mervärde för medarbetarna Volvo Group IT.

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