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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluating Business Models and Battery Usage in Battery Electric Trucks: : A Simulation Model for Future Scenarios / Utvärdering av affärsmodeller och batterianvändning för hållbara transporter: : En simuleringsmodell för framtida scenarier

Andersson, Johan, Wiberg, Adam January 2022 (has links)
Road freight transport is changing, with an uncertain future and climate change calling for adaptation. Batteries as the power source are one solution for sustainable transport, yet these are affected by degrading effects, eventually making the batteries unusable. However, previous studies have shown that stationary second-life applications are possible for the used batteries. Another possibility is to reuse batteries in trucks with lower load requirements, thus extending their useful life, which also could aid in coping with the large number of batteries that battery electric vehicles will require. Nevertheless, few scholars have focused on this, and the literature is scarce. How battery usage affects truck performance in different life cycles must then be answered. Additionally, a proper business model must be adopted since the ownership of batteries and responsibility for the degrading becomes less clear with several users. Hence, investigating how more circular business models for batteries perform compared to linear business models is enticing. However, the uncertain future makes several possible future scenarios equally likely to happen, leading to future planning struggles. This work dives into the problem by developing a simulation model that uses a future scenario framework to simulate the effect of battery usage and different business models in the future. This work has several valuable contributions. First, it shows that using batteries in several lifecycles has benefits. Second, more circular business models for batteries can be more beneficial than linear business models, depending on the future values and payment methods. Above all, this work also has implications on a greater level, showing the potential value of using simulation methods in product and business model development processes. Using such models can develop products and business models to be sustainable, robust against futu reuncertainties, and perform the best on a module, product, and company level. In short, this study has shown the value of combining future scenarios with technical and business model aspects to simulate the future and gain insights for development. / Vägtransport är under förändring, där en osäker framtid och miljöförändringar kräver anpassning. Batterier som energikälla är en lösning för hållbara transporter, dock är dessa påverkade av degraderingseffekter, som till slut gör batterierna oanvändbara. Tidigare studier har visar på att återanvändning i stationära applikationer är möjligt för använda batterier. En annan möjlighet är att återanvända batterier i lastbilar med lägre belastningskrav, och därmed förlänga dess användbara liv, vilket också kan hjälpa att hantera det stora behovet av batterier som batteri-elektriska fordon kommer kräva. Dock är litteraturen om detta otillräcklig. Därmed måste batterianvändingens påverkan på lastbilsprestanda i olika livscykler av batteriet undersökas. Utöver det måste också en lämplig affärsmodell användas eftersom ägandeskapet av batterier och ansvaret för degradingseffekter blir mindre tydlig med flera användare. Därför är det intressant hur cirkulära affärsmodeller för batterier presterar jämfört med linjära affärsmodeller. En osäker framtid med många möjliga framtida scenarier gör planering för framtiden svårt. Detta arbete hanterar problemet genom att skapa en simuleringsmodell som använda ett ramverk för framtida scenarier för att simulera effekten av batterianvändning och affärsmodeller i framtiden. Detta arbete bidrar med flera viktiga insikter. För det första, visas att användning av batterier i flera livscykler har fördelar jämfört med bara en livscykel. För det andra, visas att mer cirkulära affärsmodeller för batterier kan vara förmånligt jämfört med linjära affärsmodeller, beroende på framtida värderingar och betalningsstrukturer. Framförallt visar detta arbete implikationer på en högre nivå, genom att visa potentialen av att använda simuleringsmodeller i utvecklingsprocesser för produkt och affärsmodeller. Genom att använda denna typ av model kan produkter och affärsmodeller utvecklas till att vara hållbara, robusta mot framtida osäkerheter, och prestera bäst på en modul-, produkt-, och företagsnivå. Sammanfattat visar denna studie på värdet av kombinera framtida scenarier med tekniska- och affärsmodellsaspekter för att simulera framtiden och få insikter för utveckling.

The business models of Bitcoin mining : A case study on the Bitcoin mining industry in Sweden / Affärsmodellerna för Bitcoin mining

Kraft, Theodor January 2022 (has links)
The interest for blockchains and cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, from corporations, policymakers and individuals continues to increase. Due to its rapid growth in adoption, this technology can no longer be ignored. However, researchers have mainly been focused on the technical details of Bitcoin while the business and managerial opportunities have received little attention. This is especially true when looking at Bitcoin mining, the very fundamental operation that protects and maintains the network. Initiatives from the commercial sector are abundant as companies scramble to gain a competitive advantage in this industry but their business models and strategies are unexplored by modern literature. The thesis aims to contribute with knowledge to fill this gap in literature by studying the business models of Bitcoin mining and investigate their sustainability. This thesis is a case study with embedded units of three Swedish companies in the Bitcoin mining industry together with the commissioner company. The findings show that all companies have developed sustainable business models with very different approaches to value creation. In an industry marked by high dependence on volatile externalities, vertical integration of electricity production was shown to be a successful business model strategy for capturing value. Furthermore, the study highlights that such a strategy opens the possibility for a Bitcoin miner to create or take part in a private financial ecosystem of bitcoin that is largely disconnected from the traditional economy of local fiat currencies. The result of this study makes three contributions to literature. Firstly, the findings contribute to knowledge on the economics and the business models of the Bitcoin mining industry. Secondly, the thesis contributes by applying the business model strategy of vertical integration on the Bitcoin mining industry and showing that it can help companies create value. Lastly, the thesis contributes by developing the Business 2 Protocol (B2P) model for describing the dynamics of the Bitcoin mining industry. / Intresset för blockkedjor och kryptovalutor som Bitcoin från företag, lagstiftare och individer fortsätter att öka i snabb takt. Den snabba adoptionstakten som vi nu ser kan denna teknik inte längre förbises. Trots detta har nuvarande forskning främst fokuserat på de tekniska detaljerna kring Bitcoin medan de affärsmässiga möjligheterna i det stora hela har förbisetts. Detta gäller speciellt Bitcoin mining, den fundamentala verksamhet som skyddar nätverket och får det att fungera. Det finns gott om kommersiella initiativ i branschen där företag skyndar sig in i branschen för att etablera sig och försöker etablera marknadsmässiga övertag med affärsmodeller och strategier som är outforskade av den moderna forskningslitteraturen. Målet med denna uppsats är att utforska detta gap i litteraturen genom att studera affärsmodellerna hos Bitcoin mining och undersöka hur hållbara de är ur ett miljömässigt och finansiellt perspektiv. Det här examensarbetet är en studie av tre svenska företag inom Bitcoin mining branschen. Resultaten pekar mot att företagen i studien har arbetat med att utveckla hållbara affärsmodeller genom att närma sig värdeskapande från olika ingångsvinklar. I en bransch som är präglad av högt beroende av volatila externaliteter så har vertikal integration av energiproduktion visats vara en framgångsrik affärsstrategi för att skapa värde. Vidare så visar studien att en sådan strategi möjliggör för en Bitcoin miner att skapa eller ta del av ett privat finansiellt ekosystem av bitcoin som till stor del är frikopplat från den traditionella ekonomin av lokala fiatvalutor. Resultaten från det här examensarbetet gör tre bidrag till den befintliga litteraturen. För det första så bidrar det med kunskap om ekonomin och affärsmodellerna kopplade till Bitcoin mining branschen. Vidare så visas hur en strategi med en vertikalt integrerad affärsmodell kan användas för värdeskapande inom Bitcoin mining. Slutligen så utvecklas modellen Business 2 Protocol (B2P) för att beskriva dynamiken som finns i Bitcoin mining branschen.

Value Creation with Battery Energy Storage Systems and a Service-based Business Model Approach : A study of economic performance and business model opportunities for Battery Energy Storage Systems in high power machine applications / Värdeskapande med Stationära Batterisystem i Kombination med en Tjänstfokuserad Affärsmodellsstrategi

Garton, Louise January 2022 (has links)
Energy Storage Battery Systems (BESS) will have an important role in the transformation from conventional energy systems to the decentralized energy systems of the future with a larger share of renewable energy sources. At the same time, the high investment costs for batteries are a challenge to the development and transformation of the Swedish energy system. This study examines the technical and economic performance of a battery system in a case study, where it is connected to a waste vacuum machine with daily power peaks that are higher than the base demand. The purpose of the battery system is to combine it for peak shaving and for Svenska Kraftnät's market for grid services. This study also examines how a service-based business model, where the ownership of the battery is transferred to a third party, affects value proposition, value creation and value capture. The results from this study show that actual cost savings are realized through peak shaving as well as opportunities for revenue by offering the battery for grid services. Furthermore, scenario modeling shows on certain operational insights, that at a certain level of compensation for grid services, it is most profitable to perform as high peak shaving as possible. Offering the battery as a service is shown to provide additional benefits for customers and companies, while society and the environment benefit above all from the battery technology itself. / Stationära batterisystem (BESS) kommer ha en viktig roll i transformationen från konventionella energisystem till framtidens decentraliserade energisystem med större andel förnyelsebara energikällor. Samtidigt är de höga investeringskostnaderna för batterier ett hinder för utvecklingen och transformationen av det svenska energisystemet. Denna studie undersöker ett batterisystems tekniska och ekonomiska prestanda i en case studie, där det är kopplat till en sopsug med dagliga effekttoppar som är högre en basbehovet. Syftet med batterisystemet är att kombinera det för effektkapning och för Svenska Kraftnäts balansmarknad. Denna studie undersöker även hur en tjänstebaserad affärsmodell, där ägarskapet av batteriet flyttas till en tredje part påverkar värdeerbjudande, värdeskapande och värdefångst. Resultatet från denna studie visar att faktiska kostnadsbesparingar blir realiserade genom effektkapning samt möjligheter till intäkter genom att erbjuda batteriet för stödtjänster. Vidare visar scenariomodellering på vissa operationella insikter, att det till en viss nivå av ersättning för stödtjänster är det mest lönsamt att utföra så hög effektkapning som möjligt. Att erbjuda batteriet som tjänst visas ge ytterligare fördelar för kunder och företag, medan samhället och miljön gynnas framför allt av själva batteritekniken.

Desarrollo de una propuesta de valor a partir del mercado objetivo del Instituto de educación superior tecnológico privado, Chiclayo 2022

Ramírez Requejo, Karim Gianella January 2023 (has links)
El objetivo de la presente investigación fue desarrollar una propuesta de valor a partir del mercado objetivo del Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológico Privado, Chiclayo 2022. La metodología aplicada fue de tipo transversal,enfoque cualitativo, nivel aplicado y diseño fenomenológico. Además se utilizó la metodología del design thinking para conocer la experiencia del usuario y la entrevista a profundidad abierta, la cual fue aplicada a 6 estudiantes de los últimos períodos académicos y a expertos en el nivel superior tecnológico,hasta la saturación. Los resultados mostraron que el modelo de negocio de la organización necesitaba actualizarse especialmente en el módulo de segmento de clientes, propuesta de valor, actividades y asociaciones claves, así como en la estructura de costos e ingresos. Se concluye que la propuesta de valor se diseñó considerando las necesidades e intereses de los clientes, los cuales estuvieron enfocados en la mejora de los procesos académicos, administrativos y comerciales de la empresa en estudio. / The objective of this research was to develop a value proposition from the target market of the Instituto de Educacio n Superior Tecnolo gico Privado, Chiclayo 2022. The methodology that was applied was of a transversal type, qualitative approach, applied level and phenomenological design. In addition, the design thinking methodology was used to know the user experience and the open depth interview, which was applied to 6 students from the last academic periods and to experts in the higher technological level, until saturation. The results showed that the business model of the organization needed to be updated especially in the module of customer segment, value proposition, key activities and associations, as well as in the cost and revenue structure. It is concluded that the value proposition was designed considering the needs and interests of the clients, which were focused on improving the academic, administrative, and commercial processes of the company under study.

Business Models for Decentralized Drinking Water Services in Urban and Peri-Urban Areas

Duran Romero, Daniela Adalia January 2024 (has links)
Access to clean drinking water is a fundamental human right, yet many urban and peri-urban areas struggle to provide this service. While rural water access has improved, urban areas face stagnation or declining access to safe water services due to rapid urbanization, environmental changes, and social disparities. With urban populations in the global South expected to double and concerns about water quality from centralized systems in high-income countries, adaptable and resilient water service solutions are urgently needed. Decentralized systems are gaining attention for their adaptability, cost-effectiveness, and resilience, offering flexible alternatives to large treatment plants and aiming to provide safe, clean water at the household or community level. These systems improve local responsiveness, reduce inequalities, and enhance resilience by utilizing alternative water sources like rainwater harvesting. Innovative service delivery models are essential to bridge gaps, increase local responsiveness, and benefit vulnerable groups. Business model innovation is crucial for adopting and sustaining decentralized water technologies, especially in urban and developing contexts. Private companies are increasingly stepping in to provide decentralized drinking water services, often in partnership with government-led projects or community-managed initiatives, filling gaps where public institutions fall short. This thesis investigates private entities as viable alternatives for decentralized drinking water service provision, considering the complex landscape of urban water provision and the challenges centralized systems face. Using a mixed-methods approach, including a systematic literature review and interviews with eight organizations, the study explores how private companies operate and engage with communities to improve water services. Findings show that private companies use innovative business models, such as Social Enterprise and Product-Service System Models, to balance profitability with social and environmental responsibilities, though this raises concerns about the commodification of water. The thesis emphasizes the importance of subsidies, innovative financing, and government support to ensure affordable and accessible water services, especially in low-income and water-stressed regions. It stresses the need for supportive policy frameworks to promote decentralized services in different income-level countries. The adaptability of private companies to diverse customer bases and their ability to secure funding from various sources are crucial for the scalability and sustainability of their services. The thesis concludes that private companies play a vital role in bridging the service provision gap, but their success depends on innovation, stakeholder engagement, and supportive policies. It highlights the importance of balancing centralized and decentralized systems to ensure sustainable and resilient water services and uphold the human right to clean drinking water. The thesis contributes to the discourse on sustainable urban water management, underlining the potential of private companies to improve the accessibility and sustainability of drinking water services while emphasizing the need for ethical considerations in commodifying essential resources.

Banking without Money : Rethinking Sharing Economy Business Models: The Story of Fritidsbanken (Leisure bank), a Non-Profit Sharing Organisation

Hörnberg, Amanda, Zeng, Xin January 2024 (has links)
This thesis is motivated by a desire to explore the business model centred on sharing, aiming to address critical issues of social inequality and environmental degradation. Inspired by the potential of resource-sharing to reduce overconsumption and enhance equitable access to resources, we chose to study a community-based non-profit sharing organisation Fritidsbanken to assess its impact on social justice and environmental sustainability. Through this study, we show how generosity, trust, and community engagement are embedded within the organisation's operations, enhancing justice and well-being while reducing material consumption, which also introduce new perspectives within the sharing economy. Our research highlights that the success of such initiatives is not only dependent on building trust, generosity and community engagement, but also hinges on how sharing is designed around principles of justice and equality. Consequently, the strategic design rooted in justice fosters trust and generosity, potentially driving a shift towards greater equity within the sharing economy. However, despite the positive impacts, the study also uncovers the organisation's operational challenges tied to funding and resources, reflecting broader systemic issues that hinder the pursuit of sustainability. It calls for strategic changes that support the scalability and effectiveness of community-based sharing initiatives.

SaaS-baserade affärsmodeller : Utvecklingen av en SaaS-baserad affärsmodell och dess fundamentala komponenter / SaaS Business Models : The Development of a SaaS Business Model and its Fundamental Components

Kamil, Maryam, Nordenback, Isak January 2023 (has links)
Digital teknik används alltmer av företag för att utveckla sina erbjudanden, och framstegen inom området har haft en betydande inverkan på att företag omprövar och förändrar sina affärsmodeller. En viktig teknologi inom detta område är molntjänster (eng. Cloud Computing), som möjliggör lagring och tillhandahållande av information som en tjänst via internet. Inom molntjänster finns olika tjänstemodeller, och en av dem är Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). SaaS utgör en tredjedel av den totala mjukvarumarknaden och förväntas fortsätta växa inom industrin för internetbaserad mjukvara och tjänster. SaaS har potentialen att främja transformationen av affärsmodeller genom att introducera en ny logik för att skapa, leverera och fånga värde. För att lyckas med användningen av SaaS behöver tjänsteleverantören implementera och införa nya affärsmodeller. Trots att många företag strävar efter att utveckla digitala tjänster, upplever många företag svårigheter med att skapa verkligt kundvärde med sina digitala tjänster. Dessutom möter företagen utmaningar när det gäller att generera en lönsam intäktsström och bedöma vilken intäktsmodell som är lämpligast för tjänsten. Med grund i detta formulerades studiens syfte: att undersöka hur ett företag kan styra affärsmodellens utveckling mot ett SaaS-baserat erbjudande. En litteraturstudie genomfördes inom områdena affärsmodeller och affärsmodellsinnovation. I denna studie betraktas affärsmodellen som en modell bestående av tre komponenter: skapa, fånga och leverera värde, där varje komponent byggs upp av aktiviteter. Baserat på dessa teoretiska områden utvecklades en analysmodell. I litteraturstudien presenteras även tjänstefiering och digital tjänstefiering för att ge förståelse för drivkraften och relevansen av molntjänster. Studien utfördes som en flerfallsstudie av åtta företag som erbjuder en SaaS-lösning. Dessa företag är verksamma inom olika branscher och befinner sig på olika stadier i utvecklingen av sitt SaaS-erbjudande. Empirisk data samlades in genom 15 semistrukturerade intervjuer, där respondenterna var personer med relevant kompetens inom studieområdet. Studien visade att kunderna spelar en central roll i utvecklingen av affärsmodellen för en SaaS-baserad lösning. Kunden har särskild betydelse i de tidiga faserna av affärsmodellens utveckling, och deras påverkan på styrningen av affärsmodellens utveckling är av stor vikt. När det gäller affärsmodellens komponenter framkom det att komponenten för att fånga värde spelar en betydande roll i styrningen av affärsmodellens utveckling. Vidare har studien visat att mognadsgraden och vidareutvecklingen av affärsmodellens komponenter sker i en särskild ordning (skapa värde→leverera värde→fånga värde), där företagets mognadsgrad styr vilken affärsmodellskomponent deras utvecklingsaktiviteter fokuseras på. Studien visade också att utvecklingsprocessen mot en SaaS-baserad affärsmodell är en iterativ process, där det är svårt att undvika behovet av att aktivt iterera affärsmodellen mot kunder för att fortsätta utveckla den. / Digital technology is increasingly being used by companies to develop their offerings, and advances in the field have had a significant impact on businesses reconsidering and changing their business models. One important technology in this area is cloud computing, which enable the storage and provision of information as a service over the internet to customers. Within cloud services, there are different service models, and one of them is Software-as- a-Service (SaaS). SaaS accounts for one-third of the total software market and is expected to continue growing in the industry of internet-based software and services. SaaS has the potential to promote the transformation of business models by introducing a new logic for creating, delivering, and capturing value. To succeed in the use of SaaS, the service provi- der needs to implement and adopt new business models. Despite many companies striving to develop digital services, many of them struggle to create real customer value with their digital services. Additionally, companies face challenges in generating a profitable revenue stream and choosing the appropriate revenue model for their service. Based on this, the following purpose of the study was formulated: to investigate how a company can steer the development of its business model towards a SaaS-based offering. A literature review was conducted in the areas of business models and business model innovation. In this study, the business model is considered as a model consisting of three components: creating, capturing, and delivering value, where these components consist of activities. Based on these theoretical areas, an analytical model was developed. The litera- ture review also presents servitization and digital servitization to provide an understanding of the driving force and the relevance of cloud services. The study was conducted as a multiple case study of eight companies offering a SaaS so- lution. These companies operate in different industries and are at different stages in the development of their SaaS offering. Empirical data was collected through 15 semi-structured interviews, where the respondents were individuals with relevant expertise in the study area. The study showed that customers play a central role in the development of the business model for a SaaS-based solution. Customers have particular significance in the early stages of business model development, and their influence on the development of the business model is of great importance. Regarding the components of the business model, it emerged that the value capture component plays a significant role in guiding the development of the business model. However, the study has shown that the maturity and further develop- ment of the business model components occur in a specific order (value creation→value delivery→value capture), where the company’s maturity level determines which business model component their development activities focus on. The study also demonstrated that the development of a SaaS-based business model is an iterative process, where companies need to actively iterate their business model with customers to continue its development.

A scalable business model for mass customization of broadband services in the emerging Africa market / Dawid Pieter de Wet

De Wet, Dawid Pieter January 2012 (has links)
Africa’s rapid adoption of the mobile phone is quickly closing the digital divide in voice services. But, just as one divide is closing, another one is widening. Consumers almost everywhere are demanding more services and higher Internet access data rates. In the developing world the knowledge gained through access to information is creating unprecedented opportunities and is having a dramatic impact on the way people live and work. Africa, however, has been largely left behind in the shift to broadband. Increasing the availability and affordability of broadband services is thus high on the agenda for policy makers in Africa, though it will require major efforts from both government and the private sector. Fundamental to the all efforts to close the “digital divide” is the need to provide a ubiquitous and affordable access network that will enable distribution of broadband services to anywhere, and anytime throughout Africa. While many kinds of broadband services are being offered to the African population, the currently available services have failed to reach the majority of Africans living in rural areas. This poses a very pertinent question that justifies further investigations: why have the existing broadband services failed to satisfy Africa’s need for a ubiquitous digital communication service. The lack of penetration of the existing services makes it clear that a different technology and service offering is needed, a service offering that is affordable to the large consumer market segment and which can complement the mobile and ADSL broadband networks to provide services to all of Africa on a cost effective basis. This research work investigates the current business and technology domains and develops new knowledge and the insights that are required firstly to understand why existing broadband services are failing to reach rural Africa and secondly to understand what criteria must be satisfied to deliver broadband access services to the mass consumer Africa market. The research work focuses on the interrelationships between markets, technology and business of the consumer broadband market and defines new thinking as reference to provide guidance to the future development of more suitable broadband offerings for the rural African market. The study centres around three principal areas of knowledge contribution. Analysis of the primary factors impacting the delivery of broadband services Firstly the study addresses the current market dynamics and technology realities to determine two critical aspects: 1) Can the mass market afford broadband services or will it remain the privilege of the higher income groups? And, 2) Can existing mobile broadband , ADSL and satellite access services meet the demands to service the mass market or is an alternative technology option required? Through analytical review the study determined that there is a large, and growing, middle class market that can afford broadband access services. This market sector is quantified in terms of consumer income levels and demographic user data. The study formulates the commercial and service criteria applicable to a broadband access service on servicing this target market. The study further investigates the availability, affordability and market penetration of the current mobile and ADSL broadband services and found that the available service options cannot effectively meet the current and future demand. The limitation in meeting the current market demand leads to a large under serviced consumer market in Africa. The study proposes a unique approach to quantify the specific under-serviced gap, which will not be met by currently available broadband technologies. The technology comparative study provides new insight into the limitations of mobile 3G broadband services and why this technology will not be able to meet the future demand for consumer broadband services in Africa. The technology study furthermore quantifies the advantages of using satellite technology to implement a mass consumer broadband service in Africa. The study proves that the ubiquitous nature and rapid deployment capabilities of satellite access networks provides distinct benefits when deploying a mass consumer network which makes satellite the technology of choice for consumer broadband services. We then continue to assess the ability of existing satellite broadband offerings to satisfy the needs of African end-users, and find that those offerings have been optimized for the needs and affordability levels of customers from the develop world. The result is that satellite broadband services aimed at the African end-user is primarily used by corporate and institutional customers, with little penetration of the consumer market. This finding provides the motivation for developing a business model that can leverage available technology to effectively service the African consumer market. Innovation of new concepts to support a viable broadband business strategy The mobile prepay model as well as the DStv pay-TV subscription services have demonstrated the need for a specific business innovation to ensure successful market adoption of new technologies. Both these industries have demonstrated that innovative approaches in the commercialization of technology solutions are critical to ensure the mass adoption thereof. The second section of the study therefore focuses on the innovations that are required to overcome the obstacles as identified in section 1 in order to arrive at a business strategy and business model that will prove to be viable in the delivery of broadband services to the rural African consumer market. The first challenge is the selection of the most appropriate technology platforms and the architectural design of the delivery systems to effectively service the mass consumer market. In order to adapt the business models employed by existing satellite broadband service providers the study defines the following two specific business innovation concepts that contribute to a new business paradigm for mass market broadband access services: 1) Through applied billing model innovation the study defines a new billing structure for broadband services and set a completely new paradigm for users to influence the cost of the service. The new billing model provides end-user the capability to adapt their broadband usage patterns to meet their budget constraints. 2) To successfully deliver a technology service to an emerging market requires a very specific organisational structure that effectively integrates knowledge, capability and funding while minimizing risk and uncertainty. The study proposes a new symbiotic organisational structure that elegantly combines capability and knowledge while minimizing funding requirements to ensure the acceptable market development risk. Development of a business model simulator for satellite broadband service delivery The deployment of a new type of satellite broadband service to rural Africa on an experimental basis is too expensive to be conducted for research purposes. A more practical approach that is also widely used in other domains of engineering is to construct a simulated model of the system being studied. The third knowledge contribution area of the study therefore focuses on constructing a mathematical model of the expected behavior of a business operation that provides satellite based broadband services to the African market. This simulator can be applied to quantitatively analyze various existing or proposed new business strategies. The business model simulation integrates all the business, market, technology and commercial relationships that impacts on the expected behavior of such an operation and provides a quantified model of expected business behavior based on the underlying dynamics of the satellite broadband industry. The development and validation of the business model simulator represents a unique contribution to this industry as no results of a similar model that represents the operations of a satellite broadband access service provider has been published before. The model empowers Service Providers and industry stakeholders to analyze different business strategies and to quantify the impact of various business decisions. In general it can be stated that this research work adds knowledge and insight to the field of applied business strategy as applicable to providing advanced technology-based services for emerging markets. The final outcome of this research study is the business model simulator. It integrates various market and business elements as well as satellite network engineering practises into an integrated financial cost modelling, business scenario planning and engineering network design tool. Through this integration of known disciplines the study provides an additional extension to the field of satellite business engineering. / PhD (Electronic Engineering), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

A scalable business model for mass customization of broadband services in the emerging Africa market / Dawid Pieter de Wet

De Wet, Dawid Pieter January 2012 (has links)
Africa’s rapid adoption of the mobile phone is quickly closing the digital divide in voice services. But, just as one divide is closing, another one is widening. Consumers almost everywhere are demanding more services and higher Internet access data rates. In the developing world the knowledge gained through access to information is creating unprecedented opportunities and is having a dramatic impact on the way people live and work. Africa, however, has been largely left behind in the shift to broadband. Increasing the availability and affordability of broadband services is thus high on the agenda for policy makers in Africa, though it will require major efforts from both government and the private sector. Fundamental to the all efforts to close the “digital divide” is the need to provide a ubiquitous and affordable access network that will enable distribution of broadband services to anywhere, and anytime throughout Africa. While many kinds of broadband services are being offered to the African population, the currently available services have failed to reach the majority of Africans living in rural areas. This poses a very pertinent question that justifies further investigations: why have the existing broadband services failed to satisfy Africa’s need for a ubiquitous digital communication service. The lack of penetration of the existing services makes it clear that a different technology and service offering is needed, a service offering that is affordable to the large consumer market segment and which can complement the mobile and ADSL broadband networks to provide services to all of Africa on a cost effective basis. This research work investigates the current business and technology domains and develops new knowledge and the insights that are required firstly to understand why existing broadband services are failing to reach rural Africa and secondly to understand what criteria must be satisfied to deliver broadband access services to the mass consumer Africa market. The research work focuses on the interrelationships between markets, technology and business of the consumer broadband market and defines new thinking as reference to provide guidance to the future development of more suitable broadband offerings for the rural African market. The study centres around three principal areas of knowledge contribution. Analysis of the primary factors impacting the delivery of broadband services Firstly the study addresses the current market dynamics and technology realities to determine two critical aspects: 1) Can the mass market afford broadband services or will it remain the privilege of the higher income groups? And, 2) Can existing mobile broadband , ADSL and satellite access services meet the demands to service the mass market or is an alternative technology option required? Through analytical review the study determined that there is a large, and growing, middle class market that can afford broadband access services. This market sector is quantified in terms of consumer income levels and demographic user data. The study formulates the commercial and service criteria applicable to a broadband access service on servicing this target market. The study further investigates the availability, affordability and market penetration of the current mobile and ADSL broadband services and found that the available service options cannot effectively meet the current and future demand. The limitation in meeting the current market demand leads to a large under serviced consumer market in Africa. The study proposes a unique approach to quantify the specific under-serviced gap, which will not be met by currently available broadband technologies. The technology comparative study provides new insight into the limitations of mobile 3G broadband services and why this technology will not be able to meet the future demand for consumer broadband services in Africa. The technology study furthermore quantifies the advantages of using satellite technology to implement a mass consumer broadband service in Africa. The study proves that the ubiquitous nature and rapid deployment capabilities of satellite access networks provides distinct benefits when deploying a mass consumer network which makes satellite the technology of choice for consumer broadband services. We then continue to assess the ability of existing satellite broadband offerings to satisfy the needs of African end-users, and find that those offerings have been optimized for the needs and affordability levels of customers from the develop world. The result is that satellite broadband services aimed at the African end-user is primarily used by corporate and institutional customers, with little penetration of the consumer market. This finding provides the motivation for developing a business model that can leverage available technology to effectively service the African consumer market. Innovation of new concepts to support a viable broadband business strategy The mobile prepay model as well as the DStv pay-TV subscription services have demonstrated the need for a specific business innovation to ensure successful market adoption of new technologies. Both these industries have demonstrated that innovative approaches in the commercialization of technology solutions are critical to ensure the mass adoption thereof. The second section of the study therefore focuses on the innovations that are required to overcome the obstacles as identified in section 1 in order to arrive at a business strategy and business model that will prove to be viable in the delivery of broadband services to the rural African consumer market. The first challenge is the selection of the most appropriate technology platforms and the architectural design of the delivery systems to effectively service the mass consumer market. In order to adapt the business models employed by existing satellite broadband service providers the study defines the following two specific business innovation concepts that contribute to a new business paradigm for mass market broadband access services: 1) Through applied billing model innovation the study defines a new billing structure for broadband services and set a completely new paradigm for users to influence the cost of the service. The new billing model provides end-user the capability to adapt their broadband usage patterns to meet their budget constraints. 2) To successfully deliver a technology service to an emerging market requires a very specific organisational structure that effectively integrates knowledge, capability and funding while minimizing risk and uncertainty. The study proposes a new symbiotic organisational structure that elegantly combines capability and knowledge while minimizing funding requirements to ensure the acceptable market development risk. Development of a business model simulator for satellite broadband service delivery The deployment of a new type of satellite broadband service to rural Africa on an experimental basis is too expensive to be conducted for research purposes. A more practical approach that is also widely used in other domains of engineering is to construct a simulated model of the system being studied. The third knowledge contribution area of the study therefore focuses on constructing a mathematical model of the expected behavior of a business operation that provides satellite based broadband services to the African market. This simulator can be applied to quantitatively analyze various existing or proposed new business strategies. The business model simulation integrates all the business, market, technology and commercial relationships that impacts on the expected behavior of such an operation and provides a quantified model of expected business behavior based on the underlying dynamics of the satellite broadband industry. The development and validation of the business model simulator represents a unique contribution to this industry as no results of a similar model that represents the operations of a satellite broadband access service provider has been published before. The model empowers Service Providers and industry stakeholders to analyze different business strategies and to quantify the impact of various business decisions. In general it can be stated that this research work adds knowledge and insight to the field of applied business strategy as applicable to providing advanced technology-based services for emerging markets. The final outcome of this research study is the business model simulator. It integrates various market and business elements as well as satellite network engineering practises into an integrated financial cost modelling, business scenario planning and engineering network design tool. Through this integration of known disciplines the study provides an additional extension to the field of satellite business engineering. / PhD (Electronic Engineering), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

台灣 B 型企業之企業社會責任的實務研究 / A Study on the Practices of Corporate Social Responsibility of Taiwanese B Corps

孫書恩 Unknown Date (has links)
近十年來,企業社會責任(Corporate Social Responsibility,CSR)和社會企業(Social Enterprise)在全球蔚為風潮,前者促使公司思考其在員工、社會、環境等層面的角色定位和所能發揮的影響力;後者則改變了非營利組織的經營思維與營運效率,使其採取具市場競爭力和財務獲利性的商業模式;兩者可謂搭建了營利事業與非營利組織之間溝通互動的橋樑,並使兩類型的組織在目標設定和策略執行上更具永續性。一個營利組織在通過B 型實驗室(B Lab)線上綜合性的企業社會責任評量—「效益影響評估」(B Impact Assessment)—後,可被認證成為B 型企業,該評量從員工照顧、社區經營、顧客關懷、環境保護、公司治理等面向進行細部項目檢核,在總分200 分中滿足80 分以上的條件要求,方可取得B 型企業的資格。 本研究探討台灣B 型企業在落實企業社會責任時,對於內、外部之利害關係人所採取的實務作法和制度設計,從中萃取出營利事業在CSR 五大面向下可供借鏡之處,進而建構出具正面社會影響力的商業模式。本研究總共訪談三家B 型企業,每家企業訪談對象包含一位高階主管(董事長、總經理或所長特助)和兩位負責推動B 型企業和企業社會責任相關業務的員工,累積共九位受訪者。 根據訪談結果,B 型企業透過落實企業社會責任,提升了員工對於工作的滿意度和投入度,進而降低員工流動率;提高顧客對企業的信任度和評價;減少對外在環境的衝擊,卻仍保有穩健獲利;降低舞弊和人謀不臧,完善公司治理。本研究亦針對研究所受限制和未來研究方向提出建議,供未來研究者做為參考。 / In recent years, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and social enterprises have become a growing trend on an international scale, the former has prompted companies to rethink its role and potential impact on employees, society, and the environment; the latter has changed the managerial mentality and operational efficiency of non-profit organizations, causing them to adopt business models that possess market competitiveness and financial profitability; the two have bridged the for-profit businesses and non-profit organizations, channeling communication and interaction, motivating the two types of organizations to become more sustainable in goalsetting and strategy implementation. A for-profit organization that passes a comprehensive CSR evaluation— the “B Impact Assessment”—designed by the non-profit organization B Lab, is certified as a B-Corp. The assessment conducts detailed evaluations of CSR practices under five main categories(employee welfare, community engagement, customer outreach, environmental protection, corporate governance), if a company is to pass the requirements and score more than 80 points out of a total of 200, it attains B-Corp qualification. This study researched the CSR practices and measures of Taiwanese B-Corps dealing with the various internal and external stakeholders, extracting their practical experiences under the five main categories. In this study, interviews were conducted at three Taiwanese B-Corps, interviewees at each company included a high-level executive ( the chairman, CEO or executive assistant) and two employees responsible for promoting B-Corp. and CSR practices, with a cumulative total of nine interviewees. According to the results of this study, Taiwanese B-Corps have resulted in an increase in employee job-satisfaction and work-involvement, leading to lower employee turnover; improved customer trust and review of the company; mitigated external environment impact, and still retain a robust profit; reduced fraud and ineffective management, thus improving corporate governance. This study also points out research limitations and provides recommendations regarding future research directions, serving as a reference for future researchers.

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