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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stacionarinės psichikos sveikatos priežiūros organizavimo įvertinimas Lietuvoje / Assessment of the organisation of in-patient (residential) mental health care in Lithuania

Marcinkevičius, Martynas 19 July 2005 (has links)
Summary Introduction: Lithuania, as well as other post-communist countries, has inherited the soviet system of mental health care, which was oriented towards long-term in-patient (residential) treatment, exclusion from public and negation of mental illnesses as a problem. Though Lithuania has made huge progress in humanisation and restructuring of mental health services - mainly thanks to mental health professionals employed in this area - there still is a mountain of soviet-inherited problems without settlement of which no further progress is possible. Without changing the image of mental health care institutions first, it is impossible to expect any changes in the public attitude, stigmatisation of patients and social exclusion, either. Objective of the work: To assess the structure of Lithuanian in-patient (residential) mental health care and trends of restructuring thereof. Tasks: 4.To analyse the existing arrangement, structure, scope of activities and related changes of Lithuanian in-patient (residential) mental health care institutions. 5.To assess the attitude of psychiatrists towards structural changes in in-patient (residential) mental health care. 6.To submit recommendations as to the restructuring of in-patient (residential) mental health care in Lithuania. Methodology: 3.Analysis of documentation, information publications and data of in-patient (residential) mental health care institutions. 4.Questionnaire interview of psychiatrists in outpatient and in-patient... [to full text]

Moksleivių fizinės saviugdos ir psichinės sveikatos sąsaja / The connection between physical self-education and mental health of schoolchildren

Visockas, Egidijus 09 May 2006 (has links)
Aim of the research – determine the connection between physical self-education and mental health of schoolchildren. Subject of the research – schoolchildren who regularly practice physical self-education, schoolchildren who sporadically go in for sports and schoolchildren who do not go in for sports at all. The assumption of the research – schoolchildren who regularly practice physical self-education are of better mental health, are stress-resistant, and are able to concentrate for the raised aim. Goals of the research: 1. Pursue research of personal traits of schoolchildren practicing physical self-education; 2. Determine connection between physical self-education and mental health. Methodology of the research: 1. Analysis of scientific literature; 2. Survey. It is not easy to define physical self-education and mental health or evaluate their connection unambiguously, as there are lots of different opinions on this issue. The aim of the Master thesis was to view this problem from a certain perspective: scrutinize connections of physical self-education and mental health of schoolchildren. Having analyzed opinions of various authors on this topic, one can state that the majority of scientists confirm the assumption that physical self-education and physical load positively influence inner balance of a person and his/ her harmonious development. The performed research helped to determine that sports activities have a positive influence on physical health of a person only... [to full text]

Bedarbystės sąsaja su sveikata ir sveikatos priežiūros prieinamumu / Associations of unemployment with health and health care accessibility

Stankūnas, Mindaugas 25 January 2007 (has links)
HEALTH 21, a document of the World Health Organization, stresses the importance of tackling social inequalities in health (WHO Regional Office for Europe, 1999). This issue is especially important in countries that are undergoing rapid social, economic and political reforms. The present socio-economic situation in Lithuania calls for the start of research regarding unemployment and its impact on the health status of this society. The aim of this study is to evaluate the associations of unemployment with health and health care accessibility.This was a cross-sectional study. Questionnaires were distributed to randomly selected unemployed persons who attended the Kaunas Labour Market Office in 2005. The questionnaires were distributed to selected respondents during these meetings. The total number of returned questionnaires was 429 (a response rate of 53.6%). This study adds to the growing evidence of associations between unemployment and poor health. Results indicate that health problems are more prevalent among the long-term unemployed. The long-term compared to the short-term unemployed were more likely to perceive their health negatively, feel shame and loneliness, have poor relations with their family members, be more depressive and have a lower sense of coherence.

Bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų 8-10 klasių moksleivių sveikatos ir ją įtakojančios mokyklinės aplinkos veiksnių tyrimas / Health and school surranding research in health influene of 8-10 the classes pupils

Barniškytė, Rasa 17 June 2008 (has links)
Tikslas: Ištirti ir palyginti 8-10 klasių miesto ir rajono moksleivių nusiskundimus sveikata ir įvertinti mokyklinės aplinkos sąsajas su vaikų sveikata. Uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti moksleivių, besimokančių 8-10 klasėse, savo sveikatos vertinimą ir nusiskundimus sveikata; 2. Įvertinti moksleivių darbo ir poilsio režimą. 3. Ištirti ir įvertinti moksleivių gyvenseną ir mokyklinės aplinkos sąsajas su moksleivių sveikata. Metodika: Tyrimas buvo vykdomas 2007 m. spalio-lapkričio mėnesiais. Apklausai naudota anoniminė anketa. Galutinį anketos variantą sudarė 42 klausimai. Apklausoje dalyvavo 8-10 klasių moksleiviai. Iš viso buvo išdalinta 630 anketų. Atsakymus pateikė 396 moksleiviai. Gautieji apklausos duomenys buvo suvesti kompiuterinei statistinei analizei. Statistinė duomenų analizė buvo atlikta naudojant statistinį paketą “SPSS 11,5”. Rezultatai: Didžioji dalis tyrime dalyvavusių mokinių savo sveikatą vertino “gerai”. Mergaitės savo sveikatą yra linkusios vertinti blogiau nei berniukai (p=0,002). Sveikatą geriau linkę vertinti mokiniai, kurie mėgsta lankyti mokyklą (p=0,000) ir kurie nuovargį po pamokų ruošos jaučia kartais (p=0,291). Daugiau moksleivių sveikatos sutrikimų turi, kurie nuovargį po pamokų ruošos jaučia kartais- 47,8 proc. tyrime dalyvavusių moksleivių (p=0,569). Moksleiviams, kuriems patinka lankyti mokyklą, nuovargį po pamokų jaučia labai retai- 86,7 proc. mokinių (p=0,000). Visada po pamokų ruošos būna pavargę 25,6 proc. Kauno ir 31,4 proc. Marijampolės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Supervisor- doc. dr. Ričardas Radišauskas, Department of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, Faculty of Public Health, Kaunas University of Medicine,- Kaunas, 2008.-P.57 Aim of the study: analize and compare health complains of 8-10 clas schoolchildren is town and caunty, evaluate the cannection between school surr-andigs and students health. Objektyves: 1.To evaluate health of students complains the 8-10 classes; 2. To evaluate study and vest regime; 3. To analyze and evaluate the velasioslup between students mode of life, school surramding and their health. Methods: The research was conducted in October- November 2007 m. Anonymous questionnaire was used. The final version of question „SPSS 11.5“. Results: Most of schoolchindrenevaluated then health „well“. Girl evaluated then health worse then boys (p=0,002). Studebs who in fand of going to school (p=0,000) and don‘t feel tired after lessons think then health is better than studets who feel tired sometimes- 47,8% (p= 0,569). Sparsely Jhose, who like going to school fiel tiredness sparsely- 86,7% (p=0,000). Olways are tired 25,6% of Kaunas and 31,4% of Marijampole pupils (p=0,361). No smoking- 70,2% (p=0,016) and no drinking alkohol studenst 51,7 % evaluated thein health belter (p= 0,478). Conclusions: 70,9% Kaunas and 58,5% Marijampole pupils evaluated then health well- 73,6% of boys and 56,3% of girls (p=0,002). It was noticed that in was more inportant to be healthy of Marijampole pupils compared with Kaunas... [to full text]

Pravieniškių trečiuose pataisos namuose kalinčių asmenų fizinio aktyvumo ir sveikatos ypatumai / Physical activity and health features of persons held in detention at Pravieniškės 3rd house of correction

Pušinskas, Raimondas 20 June 2012 (has links)
Darbo objektas – nuteistųjų fizinio aktyvumo ir sveikatos sąsajos. Tyrimo problema. Sparčiai pilnėjant įkalinimo įstaigoms, nuteistiesiems pakinta gyvenimo sąlygos, o tuo pačiu ir jų požiūris į sveiką gyvenseną. Tarp nuteistųjų daugėja sveikatai rizikingos elgsenos atvejų. Dėl įtampos, depresijos dažnėja nusiskundimų sveikata. Svarbu tirti ir nustatyti įvairius veiksnius, leidžiančius išlaikyti gerą tiriamųjų sveikatos būklę. Fizinis aktyvumas gali būti vienu iš tokių veiksnių. Tyrimo tikslas - atskleisti Pravieniškių trečiuose pataisos namuose kalinčių asmenų fizinį aktyvumą kaip geros sveikatos palaikymo prielaidą. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1) Nustatyti pataisos namuose kalinčių asmenų fizinio aktyvumo ypatumus. 2) Nustatyti pataisos namuose kalinčių asmenų sveikatos ypatumus. 3) Atskleisti sąsajas tarp nuteistųjų sveikatos ir fizinio aktyvumo. Hipotezės: 1) Fiziškai aktyvių nuteistųjų sveikata yra geresnė negu fiziškai pasyvių. Išvados: 1. Nuteistieji supranta fizinio aktyvumo naudą jų sveikatai, tačiau mankštinasi tik daugiau nei trečdalis. Dažniausiai tiriamieji veiklą, kaip sėdimas/stovimas darbas, kai šiek tiek vaikštoma ir kaip judamas darbas, kai daug vaikštoma, kilnojama. Tirtų asmenų vyraujantis laisvalaikio mankštinimosi dažnis 4-6 kartai per savaitę (mankštinasi daugiau nei 30 minučių taip, kad pagreitėtų kvėpavimas ir suprakaituotų). Penktadalis tirtų nuteistųjų nurodė, jog negali mankštintis dėl ligos ar invalidumo. 2. Dauguma tiriamųjų savo dabartinę sveikatos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research problem. Load of penal institutions is rapidly increasing and inmates living conditions are changing. As a result their approach to a healthy lifestyle is also changing. The health risk behavior is increasing among the prisoners . Because of the tension and depression complaints about health appears more frequently. It is important to investigate and determine the various factors that enable patients to maintain good health. Physical activity may be one such factor. Research objective - to reveal Pravieniškės 3rd house of correction prisoners physical activity as good health maitenance assumption. Research tasks: 1) Identify prisoners physical activity characteristics. 2) Identify prisoners health characteristics. 3) Evaluate the relationship between prisoners good health and their physical activity. Hypotheses: 1) Physically active prisoners have better health conditions than passive ones. Conclusions: 1. Convicts understand the benefits of physical activity to their health, but only a little more than a third of them exercises. Most subjects described their activities as sitting/standing work with a little movement and work with lots of movement and lifting. Exercise frequency of research subjects is 4-6 times per week (exercise more than 30 minutes so as to speed up breathing and get sweat). One fifth of investigated prisoners mentioned that they cannot exercise due to illness or disability. 2. Most of the subjects defined... [to full text]

Jonavos miesto profesinės mokyklos 11 - 12 kl. moksleivių fizinis aktyvumas ir sąsajos su sveikata / Physical activity and its relationship with health of 11 -12 grade students at Jonava city vocational school

Jonaitytė, Agnė 10 September 2013 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – ištirti Jonavos miesto profesinės mokyklos moksleivių fizinį aktyvumą ir sąsajas su sveikata. Tyrimo metodika. Atlikta anoniminė anketinė Jonavos miesto profesinės mokyklos 11–12 klasių mokinių apklausa. Išdalinta 100 anketų, užpildytas anketas grąžino 100 respondentų (atsako dažnis 100 proc.). Duomenys buvo apdoroti ir analizuojami naudojant statistinių duomenų analizės paketą „SPSS for Windows 20.0“. Vertinant ryšį tarp dviejų kintamųjų buvo taikomas Chi kvadrato kriterijus (χ2). Pasikliautinumo lygmuo 95 proc. (p < 0,05). Rezultatai. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad respondentai laikosi mitybos rėžimo, daugelis (40,35 proc.) jų stengiasi pusryčiauti kiekvieną rytą. Didžioji dalis (84,2 proc.) respondentų nesilaiko jokių dietų. Profesinių mokyklų mokiniai yra pakankamai aktyvūs ir fizine, sveikatą stiprinančia veikla užsiima bent 2-3 kartus per savaitę (35,5 proc.) ir tuo užsiima laisvalaikiu po pamokų (53,2 proc.) ar per kūno kultūros pamokas (30,6 proc.). Respondentus būti fiziškai aktyviais skatina teigiamas poveikis jų sveikatai bei kaip priemonė turiningai praleisti laiką. Respondentų teiravomės, ar jie rūpinasi savo sveikata. Rezultatai parodė, kad beveik puse apklaustųjų (48,3 proc.) profesinės mokyklos moksleivių rūpinasi savo sveikata (yra fiziškai aktyvūs, derina maistą, vengia sveikatą žalojančių veiksnių). Moksleiviai, kurie savo sveikatos būklę įvardino kaip gerą (41,9 proc.) arba pakankamai gerą (26,5 proc.), užsiima aktyvia fizine veikla 2-3... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Purpose of Work: to analyze students' physical activity in relationship with their health at Jonava City Vocational School. Method of Analysis. The anonymous questionnaire was executed among 11 and 12th grade students. One hundred questionnaires were delivered to a hundred students. One hundred students responded (one hundred percent of response). The received data was analyzed using statistical data analysis packet “SPSS for Windows 20.0”. Evaluating relationship between two variables Chi square criteria (X2) was used. The level of trustfulness was 95 percent (p<0.05). Results. The analysis of the data revealed that the respondents are keeping up with healthy rules. Many of them ( 40.35%) have their breakfast every morning. The biggest number of respondents ( 84.2%) do not observe any diet though. The students at vocational schools are physically pretty active, do their health relating exercises at least two or three times a week (35.5%). 53.2 percent of them go for sports after school, 30.6 percent get their physical benefits at Physical Education lessons. The motive of the respondents' physical activity is their positive attitude towards personal health. It also helps them spend their free time meaningfully. We asked if they cared for their health, and the answers were mostly positive: 48.3% of them said they did care for their health condition by eating healthy food and avoiding bad habits. 41.9% of students consider themselves being in good heath or good enough (26.5%)... [to full text]

Kauno Medicinos Universiteto visuomenės sveikatos fakulteto absolventų karjeros galimybių vertinimas / Assessment of career development of the graduates from the faculty of public health, Kaunas University of Medicine

Antipova, Evelina 13 June 2005 (has links)
SUMMARY The aims of the study: To assess the opinion of the graduates from the Faculty of Public Health (FPH) at KMU about the studies and employment opportunities. The objectives of the study: 1. To assess the distribution of the graduates from the FPH by employment status. 2. To evaluate the opinion of the graduates about the level of the competence, acquired during the studies, and describe the main problems, faced during the studies at the FPH. 3. To investigate possible ways for improvement of studies, expressd by the graduates. Methods: Questionnaire survey of the graduates from the FPH was carried out using two types of questionnaires, separately for Bachelors and Masters. All the 270 graduates, who had graduated from FPH in 2001 – 2003 were asked to participate in the survey. The response rate was 66.6% 80 graduates responded, out of 120 who were contacted. Extemporized interview was performed with 10 graduates. It gave much additional information which the questionnaires didn’t contain. Programme SPSS (the 10th version) was used for the statistical analysis. The results: Majority of the graduates from the FPH succeed in being employed according to their speciality, practicing and using the skills and knowledge they acquired. The prior fields of employment are state services like - State Public Health Service, Municipality, Public Health Centres, Health Ministry of Lithuania, Kaunas University on Medicine (69.6 % graduates) and health care institutions like... [to full text]

Statybose dirbančio inžinieriaus darbo ergonomiškumo ir darbinio gyvenimo kokybės tyrimas / The analysis of the quality of working life and work place ergonomics of engineer's in construction industry

Šaulys, Svaigedas 13 June 2005 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was concentrated around the examination of the ergonomic aspect of working conditions provided to the engineers at the construction site, assessment of their quality of living, psychosocial factors influencing them and establishment of the impact of working conditions on the quality of life.The thesis is composed of the analytical and empiric parts. The analytical part examines the working conditions and the factors that influence the quality of life. The empiric part is based on the survey and contains the assessment of the ergonomic aspect of working conditions provided to the engineers at the construction site, their quality of life, health disorders and psychosocial factors.Conclusions and recommendations are made on the basis of the analysis of the research conducted in the spheres of ergonomics, safety and health.

Burnos ertmės sveikata ir higiena sveikatos išsaugojimo ir stiprinimo procese / Health of oscular cavity and hygiene in health keeping and strenghtening procese

Narauskienė, Jūratė 18 May 2006 (has links)
Making researches, specific “based on patients self rating” are created. Oscular cavity health researches subjective health rating measures may be used creating public healing strategy, more considering patients requirements. Using these measures, resources may be more effectively used, to get maximum effect. Will to improve general health condition and oscular cavity condition, are strongly motivating factors, reaching for odontological healing. Topicality characterizes on identifying health knowledge and skills, after using research creating prophylactic study programs, mouth illnesses prophylactic projects. Object: health of oscular cavity and hygiene in health keeping and strengthening process. Aim: identify oral cavity health and hygienic skills of oral cavity in health keeping and strengthening process of students, sustaining on research made. Tasks: 1. valuate health and oral cavity condition of respondents; 2. explore student‘s hygienic skills of oral cavity; 3. posit factors, determing respondent‘s knowledge about oral cavity health; 4. sort out respondents knowledge about importance of care of prosthesis. By data of research made, health and oral cavity condition of most respondents is well. Most respondents have enough knowledge about factors, determing oral cavity health. Third year students have more knowledge about oral cavity health than first year students.

Mokyklos bendruomenės žinios apie sveikatos veiksnius / School community knowledge concerning health issues

Musina, Diana 16 August 2007 (has links)
Mokyklos bendruomenės žinios apie sveikatos veiksnius Žinios – tikrovės pažinimo rezultatai, teikiantys žodinę ar simbolinę informaciją apie daiktus, reiškinius, jų tarpusavio ryšius (Jovaiša, 1993) Išugdyti sveiką, gerai fiziškai ir psichiškai išsivysčiusį žmogų yra didžiulis menas ir mokslas. Vaikų sveikata priklauso nuo mitybos, materialinių gyvenimo sąlygų, darbo ir poilsio režimo, tėvų ir pačių vaikų požiūrio į sveikatą. Šiuos veiksnius pedagogams nelengva valdydti. Vaikų sveikatai įtakos turi ir ugdymo procesas, fizinis aktyvumas, psichologiniai veiksniai, asmens higiena, ugdymo institucijos aplinka ir kiti dalykai, kurie labai priklauso nuo pedagogo, medicinos darbuotojų ir viso kolektyvo. Išsamios žinios, gebėjimas sėkmingai organizuoti ugdymo procesą, sukurti sveiką ir saugią aplinką, pozityvus požiūris į sveiką gyvenseną ir geras asmeninis pavyzdys, humaniški ir demokratiški ugdytojo ir ugdytinių santykiai yra pedagogų rankose (Adaškevičienė, 1999). K. Kardelio (1990) nuomone, ugdant ypač svarbios turėtų būti medicinos ir higienos žinios apie kūno kultūrą ir sportą, nes žinojimas to, kas tiesiogiai susiję su organizmo poreikiais, greičiausiai gali pakeisti mokinių požiūrį į sveikatą ir gyvenimo būdą. Rekomenduojama ugdant moksleivius taikyti įvairias mokymo priemones, padedančias ugdyti teigiamą požiūrį į fizinį aktyvumą: per įvairias pamokas teikti kūno kultūros ir sveikos gyvensenos žinias, į šį procesą įtraukti įvairių dalykų mokytojus, tėvus,, mokyklos med... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Knowledge is the result of reality cognition, which provides oral and symbolic information concerning items, phenomena and their relations. (Jovaisa, 1993) To educate a healthy, physically and mentally developed person is great art and science. Children‘s health depends on nutrition, material life conditions, labour and rest regimes, their parents‘ attitude towards health. It is not easy for the pedagogues to control these factors. Children‘s health is influenced by the educational process, physical activeness, psychological issues, personal hygiene, environment of the educational institution and other factors, which depend upon the pedagogue, medical staff and the whole of the collective. Necessary knowledge, ability to successfully organize the educational process, create a safe and healthy environment, positive attitude towards healthy lifestyle and good presonal example, humane and democratic relationships between educators belong in the hands of the pedagogues. (Adaškevičienė, 1999). According to K. Kardelis (1990), while educating a person, knowledge concerning physical education and sports medicine and hygiene, as unawareness of what is directly associated with the needs of the body can easily change pupils’ attitude towards health and healthy lifestyle. Different educational methods that help to educate positive attitude towards physical education is recommended: all the subjects taught should include knowledge concerning the advantages of sports; this process should... [to full text]

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