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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Slaugytojų darbo sąlygų ir sveikatos sąsajų vertinimas / Assessment of the interdependence between work environment and health condition among nurses

Januškevičius, Vidmantas 02 March 2006 (has links)
Occupational diseases are a significant issue worldwide. These diseases cause major economic and social problems and influence statistics representing sick-leave periods, disabilities, and even deaths. In the developed countries, work within the health care system is considered among the jobs that are associated with highest risk of developing occupational skin diseases, diseases caused by biological materials as well as illnesses of musculoskeletal systems. In the European Union, approximately 15% of the employees state that they spend over a half of their working day in the environment that is polluted with toxic materials. Within the health care system and the social care sector, 17% of the employees manage or are exposed to toxic materials and products, while 12% work in the environment where, in the air that they breathe, there are aerosols, dust, and biological materials. Between 4.0% and 13.0% of the European Union employees think that their immediate work environment is directly related with health problems. Up to 13% of the personnel working in the health care system and the social care sector are convinced that chemical materials present in the work environment serve as causes of skin problems that they experience. In the United States, up to 14% of the health care personnel develop bronchial asthma, an illness that is caused by working conditions. Moreover, 43% of nurses and 29% of doctors experience micro-traumas (pricking – in the majority of cases). As a... [to full text]

Žaidžiančių krepšinį trylikamečių moksleivių psichinės sveikatos ugdymo, taikant psichologinio poveikio priemones, ypatumai / Peculiarities of thirteen-year-old students’ who play basketball, mental health training, using instruments of psychological influence

Brusokas, Andrius 15 May 2006 (has links)
Summary Mental health – it is mental and social wealth of person, that ensures proper physical, intellectual and emotional communication which doesn’t prevent the development of other people (Dictionary of Sport Terms, 2002). Mental health is defined by three fundamental components: sense of harmony, self-control, and stress level. Problem in question: Whether instruments of psychological influence are efficient to the development of students’ mental health while exercising? Hypothesis: we presume that instruments of psychological influence positively affect the students’, who play basketball, mental health. Object: Peculiarities of thirteen-year-old students’ who play basketball, mental health training using instruments of psychological influence. Goal of research: Identify the peculiarities of thirteen-year-old students’ who play basketball, mental health training using instruments of psychological influence. Tasks: Disclose the mental health of thirteen-year-old students, who play basketball, before the experiment and after its completion; evaluate the students’ sense of harmony before the experiment and after its completion; evaluate the level of students’ self-control before the experiment and after its completion; define the level of students’ stress before the experiment and after its completion. Results and findings: Results of mental health in control and experimental students’ groups statistically didn’t differ significantly (p>0.05) before experiment. Level of... [to full text]

3-7 metų vaikų mitybos ypatumai ir jų įtaka sveikatai Vilniaus miesto darželiuose / 3-7 years old childrens’ nutrition peculiarity and it’s influence on health in childrengardens of Vilnius city

Alzbergienė, Laura 07 June 2006 (has links)
Health is the biggest our wealth. It doesn't come by itself. So it requires a lot of our knowledge about healthy nutrition and its benefits. Also it is important the care of both – parents and educationalists working with children. When nutrition is inadequate, child may feel bad and get sick of different diseases. Most part of the day children spend in the childrengarden. Therefore for the exploratory work were chosen preschool education institutions of Vilnius city. Aim of the study. Find out the nutrition peculiarity of children attending childrengardens of Vilnius city and suggest possible means for the correction. Methods. For the object of the analysis occasionally were chosen 10 childrengardens of Vilnius city. All childrengardens are working according to the traditional education system. In order to make a qualitative analysis the questionnaire was prepared. Childrengarden servants together with the nurse/nutritionist answered the questions. The questionnaires devoted to parents were left in childrengarden groups (3-7 years old children). They already were informed about the questioning. Also they were asked to help parents to fill the questionnaires. 226 parents agreed to answer (one of the parents: father or mother). For the questionnaire analysis the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) was used, 13.0 version program. Results. Menu of 10 childrengarden were appreciated and estimated that alimentary produkts were not ideal to quota, but this deviation is... [to full text]

Moksleivių reprodukcinės sveikatos priežiūros tobulinimas Šiaulių mieste / Improvement of pupils‘ reproductive health care in Siauliai town

Damkuvienė, Asta 26 May 2005 (has links)
Management of Public Health IMPROVEMENT OF PUPILS‘ REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH CARE IN SIAULIAI TOWN Asta Damkuvienė Supervisor prof. habil. dr. R.Kalėdienė Department of Social medicine, Faculty of Public Health, Kaunas University of Medicine. – Kaunas, 2005.- P.72. Aim of the study: to explore the state of pupils‘ reproductive health care and to provide for improvement possibilities in Siauliai town. Methods: pupils of 15 - 19 years old from randomly selected classes from Siauliai schools participated in the research. 425 questionnaires were distributed and 400 answers have been received (94,1%). Girls made 74,3% of the respondents, and boys made 25,7% of them. We evaluated how the answers depended on sexual activity and gender. The difference was considered meaningful if p<0,05. Results: 47,5% of the pupils were sexually active. The boys were more sexually active (71,8%) than the girls (39,1%). 50,5% of the pupils began sexual relations at the age of 16. Contraceptives were used by 45,8% of sexually active respondents. The main information source about sexual life to 65,8 of the respondents were their friends. To the sexually active pupils it was more frequent source than to not active ones (respectively 71,1 and 61,1). Most of the pupils indicated parents as desirable source of knowledge (61,5%). 52,3% of the respondents pointed out their knowledge in intimate relations as sufficient. 77,8% of the respondents had chosen a family doctor. Choosing a doctor statistically depended... [to full text]

Moksleivių darbo su kompiuteriu įtaka sveikatai, darbo vietos ergonomika / Pupil’s work with computer and ergonomical conditions at their workplaces

Bružaitė, Ramunė 10 June 2005 (has links)
Aim of the study: To evaluate influence of work with computer on pupils health and ergonomical conditions at their workplaces. Material and methods: Data has been collected by questionnaire testing of 402 pupils at Kaunas and Kretinga secondary schools. Research data were analyzed using program SPSS 11.0 for Windows. Results: Working with computer, 30.3% of pupils feel pain in eyes, 30.1% suffer from reduced vision. Pupils feel uncomfortable because of glare and flicker of display. Children who feel display flicker and discomfort for indirect glare more often complain for visual problems. Children often working with computer in the dark environment more often are feeling redness in eyes. Workplaces at home are equipped better than at school (p<0.05). At home workplaces surfaces of the computer table are large and convenient, height of table and chair is regulated, the chair has back and elbow-rests, the angle of the chair back is regulated. Using of additional ergonomic equipment isn’t typical. Working with computer pupils feels pain in the neck and shoulders (42.5%), in wrists (25.4%) and back (27.4%). Pain in wrists, back and neck-shoulders is rare for pupils with properly equipped workplaces (p>0.05). Children that have elbow-rests more often feel pain in back (p<0.05). Boys feel pains in wrists, girls – pains in back and neck-shoulders more often. Children playing violent games more often had conflicts with their friends (p>0.05). Conclusions: 1. Working with the... [to full text]

Paauglių psichinės sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų poreikis bei požiūris į jas teikiančius specialistus / Teenagers needs of mental health care help and their attitudes to the specialits

Abraitytė, Aistė 10 June 2005 (has links)
Aim of the study: to evaluate teenagers mental health care needs and correspondence to their expectations. Methods: Participants were 15-16 years old (9-10 form) schoolchildren from Kaunas town and region secondary schools. Respondents were interviewed by anonymous questionnaire. We examined 1000 participants. The response was 80,8 percents, but 759 cases were analysed. There were used Epi-Data and SPSS 11.5 statystical programs to count the data. Chi-criteria and correlated analysis methods were used to ensure statistical reliability. Statistical conclusion was confidential at p £0,05. Results: Teenagers mental health conception and official mental health definitions were different. In qualitying mental health schoolchildren mostly emphasized inner shape; 21,6 percent associated it with reason, 10 percent- with behaviour and reaction to surroundings, 8 percents- brains and nervous activity. Some of respondents mixed up mental health concept with mental non-health and then they emphasized particular physical complaints, malfunction of nervous system and etc. The fifth (23 percent) of schoolchildren had various mental health complaints, 16,3 percent- problems in family, 12,8 percent- in school and 10,8 percent had difficulties in relations with friends. Teenagers didn’t attributed subjective problems to the problems group, which would be the reason to go to specialists. Girls used specialists favours more often as boys. Teenagers, who lived in region, had bigger needs... [to full text]

Kaimo mokyklų mokinių vertybinių orientacijų kaita ir jų sąsajos su sveikata bei žalingais įpročiais / Changes in value orientations of the schoolchildren in rural schools and their links with health and bad habits

Pivorienė, Audronė 14 January 2009 (has links)
Šiuo tyrimu buvo siekiama išanalizuoti kaimo mokyklų 7-10 klasių mokinių vertybines orientacijas ir jų sąsajas su sveikata bei žalingais įpročiais. Vertybių įvertinimui buvo naudojamas klausimynas pagal adaptuotas Rokeach (1972), Wolff ir kt. (1968) vertybių skales ( pagal tarptautinius tyrimus, atliktus Medicininės psichologijos ir sociologijos tyrimų laboratorijoje, paruošė Antanas Goštautas, Algirdas Goštautas). Taip pat buvo pateikti klausimai apie sveikatos būklę bei žalingus įpročius. Buvo apklausti keturių rajono mokyklų 7 – 10 klasių mokiniai. Viso buvo apklausta 234 mokiniai – 123 vaikinai ir 111 merginų. Viso - 53 septintokai, 62 aštuntokai, 60 devintokai ir 59 dešimtokai. Tyrimas įrodė, jog yra tiesioginis ryšys tarp prosocialių vertybių mažėjimo ir žalingų įpročių didėjimo kaimo mokyklose. Gauti rezultatai parodė, jog merginų ir vaikinų, besimokančiųjų kaimo mokyklų 7-10 klasėse, vertybinės orientacijos skiriasi. Skiriasi vaikinų ir merginų žalingi įpročiai: vaikinai daugiau ir dažniau rūko. Nerūkantys vaikinai ir merginos linkę rečiau vartoti alkoholinius gėrimus. Nerūkantys ir negeriantys mokiniai nevartoja narkotinių medžiagų. Vaikinai, orientuoti į dvasines vertybes, socialinę aplinką, pažintinę veiklą, vertinantys sveikatą ir naudingumą kitiems mažiau vartoja narkotines medžiagas. Vaikinai, orientuoti į pažintinę veiklą, ir merginos, orientuotos į tradicines vertybes, mažiau vartoja alkoholinius gėrimus. Siekiant ugdyti sveikus – ir fiziškai, ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This research was meant to analyze the value orientations of the 7-10th formers in rural schools and their links with health and bad habits. The questionnaire used to evaluate the values was adapted by Rokeach (1972), Wolff et al. (1968) The value scales were prepared by Antanas Goštautas and Algirdas Goštautas, according to the international researches done in the Laboratory of medical psychological and sociological researches. Also the questions about the health condition and additions were asked. The schoolchildren of the 7-10th form from four regional schools were questioned. In total 234 schoolchildren – 123 boys and 111 girls – were questioned. Among them, 53 7th-formers, 62 8th formers, 60 9th formers and 59 10th formers. The research proved that there is a direct relation between the decrease of prosocial values and increase of the bad habits in rural schools. The results showed that the value orientations of boys and girls, who study in the forms 7-10 in rural schools, differ. The bad habits of boys and girls differ: the boys smoke more and more frequently. The boys and girls, who do not smoke, tend to consume alcohol drinks more rarely. The schoolchildren, who do not smoke or drink, do not use drugs either. The girls in the rural schools are more directed to the health and usefulness to others, to the social environment, cognitive activity, traditions and moral values. The boys, who are directed to the moral values, social environment, cognitive activity, who... [to full text]

16-18 metų vaikinų fizinės būklės kaita aktyviai mankštinantis / 16-18 years boys physical condition change on active training

Šmaižys, Dalius 30 June 2009 (has links)
Remiantis tarptautinio mokinių sveikos gyvensenos tyrimo duomenimis (1994 - 1998 m.), Lietuvos mokinių fizinis aktyvumas, yra pasiekęs kritinę ribą. Palyginus su kitų 29 šalių Europos šalių mokinių judėjimo aktyvumu, lietuviai užėmė priešpaskutinę vietą, po Slovakijos mokinių. Todėl būtina ieškoti efektyvių vaikų, mokinių fizinės sveikatos stiprinimo priemonių, efektyvinti sveikos gyvensenos mokymą. Tyrimo tikslas. Ištirti ir palyginti vieno iš Vilniaus sporto klubų 16-18 metų vaikinų organizmo būklės kitimą užsiimant aktyvia organizuota fizine veikla ir nesportuojant. Tyrimo uždaviniai : 1. Nustatyti tiriamųjų judėjimo aktyvumą ir jo apimtį. 2. Palyginti ir išanalizuoti fiziškai aktyvių ir mažai judančių jaunuolių fizinį išsivystymą, funkcinius parametrus, bei jų skirtumus. 3. Nustatyti fizinio pajėgumo pokyčius aktyviai organizuotai mankštinantis nustatytą laiką. Tyrimo metodai - Literatūros šaltinių studijavimas ir analizė, anketinė apklausa, interviu, testavimas, pedagoginis stebėjimas, matematinė statistinė analizė. Iškeltiems uždaviniams spresti buvo tiriamos dvi grupės jaunuolių. E1 grupėje (n=24) jaunuoliai, kurie reguliariai sportavo pagal jiems sudarytas individualias programas ir E2 grupėje (n=24) jaunuoliai, kurie nesportavo. Buvo matuojami antropometriniai, funkciniai, bei dinaminės jėgos rodikliai. Tyrimas atliktas tris kartius per 6 mėnesius. Gauti rezultatai parodė sportuojančių mokinių fizinio aktyvumo didėjimą, antropometrinių bei funkcinių rodiklių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / According to the international pupils healthy lifestyle survey (1994 - 1998 m.), Lithuania pupils physical activity has reached a critical threshold. Compared with other 29 European countries, the turnout of pupils movement of the Lithuanians took the penultimate place after the Slovak pupils. It is therefore necessary to find effective for children, students, physical health-building measures, more effective training of a healthy lifestyle. The aim of the study. research and compare one of the sports clubs of Vilnius 16-18 years boys of body-state flow active pursuit of organized physical activity, and compare with not training. Objectives of the study: 1. Identify the subjects movement and activity of its volume. 2. Compare and analyze the physically active young men and little moving pupils of physical development, functional parameters, and their differences. 3. Identify the physical changes in the capacity to actively organized training specified period of time. Research methods: Literature study and analysis of the questionnaire survey, interviews, testing, Pedagogical observation, mathematical statistical analysis. To manage objectives were tested two groups of young people. E1 group (n = 24) young people who regularly sports with individual programs and the E2 group (n = 24) young people who dont sports at all. Was measured Anthropometric, functional, and dynamic force performance. The study was carried out three times within 6 months. The results obtained showed the... [to full text]

Vidutinio amžiaus žmonių religingumo, psichologinio atsparumo ir subjektyviai vertinamos psichikos sveikatos sąsajos / Relationship among religiousness, psychological resilience and subjectively conceived psychical health in the middle-aged population

Klimantavičienė, Janina 23 June 2011 (has links)
Vis dažniau užsienio ir Lietuvos mokslininkai pastebi, kad dvasinis žmogaus pasaulis siejasi su jo subjektyviai suvokiama gerove, psichikos sveikata bei psichologiniu atsparumu (Aukst-Margetic, Margetic, 2005; Clark, Friedman, Martin, 2005; Maddi, Brow, Khoshaba, Vaitkus, 2006; Berg, Hassing, McClearn, Johansson, 2006). Tačiau Lietuvoje šie klausimai dar nedaug nagrinėti (Laurinavičiūtė, 2004). Ypač menkas šios temos ištirtumas vidutinio amžiaus žmonių grupėje (Ryan, Caltabiano, 2009; Shen, Zeng, 2010). Šio darbo tikslas – nustatyti vidutinio amžiaus žmonių religingumo, psichologinio atsparumo ir subjektyviai vertinamos psichikos ypatumus bei sąsajas skirtingose socialinėse-demografinėse grupėse. Tyrime dalyvavo 164 vidutinio amžiaus (40-65 metų, amžiaus vidurkis 51,12 ± 8,1 metų) žmonės; iš jų 36,6 proc. (n=60) vyrų ir 63,4 proc. (n=104) moterų. Norint nustatyti vidutinio amžiaus žmonių subjektyviai vertinamą psichikos sveikatą, naudotas psichikos sveikatos klausimynas (angl. The General Health Questionnaire, 12-GHQ, Goldberg, 1970). Vidutinio amžiaus žmonių psichologinis atsparumas nustatytas naudojant dispozicinį psichologinio atsparumo skalę (angl. Dispositional Resilience Scale, DRS15-R, Bartone, 2007), o religingumas - naudojant vidinio ir išorinio religingumo skalę (angl. Age-Universal” I-E Scale–12, Gorsuch & Venable, 1983). Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad vidutinio amžiaus žmonių religingumas, psichologinis atsparumas ir subjektyvus savo psichikos sveikatos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / More and more frequently, both Lithuanian and foreign scholars note that the spiritual world of an individual is related with his/her subjectively conceived welfare, psychical health and psychological resilience (Aukst-Margetic, Margetic, 2005; Clark, Friedman, Martin, 2005; Maddi, Brow, Khoshaba, Vaitkus, 2006; Berg, Hassing, McClearn, Johansson, 2006). However, this research in Lithuania has been scarce (Laurinavičiūtė, 2004), and this topic has been particularly under-researched in the middle-aged segment of the population (Ryan, Caltabiano, 2009; Shen, Zeng, 2010). The aim of the present work is to establish the relationship among the religiousness of the middle-aged population, their psychological resilience and subjectively conceived psychical health. 164 individuals of middle age (40 to 65 years old; age average 51.12 ± 8.1 years)took part in the research; among them, 36.6 per cent males (n=60) and 63.4 per cent females (n=104). In order to establish the subjectively assessed psychical health of the middle-aged population, The General Health Questionnaire, 12-GHQ, developed by Goldberg, (1970) was employed. The psychological resilience of the middle-aged population was established by applying the Dispositional Resilience Scale, DRS15-R, developed by Bartone, (2007) while religiousness was identified by employing the Age-Universal” I-E Scale–12 developed by Gorsuch & Venable (1983). The results of the research revealed that the religiousness, psychological resilience... [to full text]

Vyresnio amžiaus žmonių subjektyviai vertinamos sveikatos sąsajos su dvasingumu, laimingumu bei socialiniu aktyvumu / The interface between the elderly‘s subjective valued health and spirituality, happiness and social activity

Mockutė, Simona 01 February 2012 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas - įvertinti vyresnio amžiaus žmonių subjektyvią sveikatą, dvasingumą, laimingumą bei socialinį aktyvumą ir nustatyti subjektyviai vertinamos sveikatos sąsajas su dvasingumu, laimingumu, socialiniu aktyvumu. Ilgėjant gyvenimo trukmei ir senstant visuomenėms, ypač Vakarų Europoje, vis aktualesne tema tampa vyresnio amžiaus žmonių aktyvus ir sveikas gyvenimas. Tobulėjant medicinai ir augant medikamentinių priemonių pasirinkimui ieškoma alternatyvių vyresnio amžiaus žmonių sveikatą palaikančių ir stiprinančių būdų. Žinoma, tarp pastarųjų ne išimtis, o gal net vienas iš svarbiausių yra ir paties žmogaus elgesys skatinantis sveikatą. Tyrime dalyvavo 173 (102 moterys ir 71 vyras) Šilutės miesto ir rajono gyventojai nuo 59 iki 85 metų amžiaus. Subjektyviai vertinama sveikata matuota sudaryta keturių klausimų skale paimta iš A. Goštauto (1999 m.) mokomosios medžiagos sveikatos psichologijos kursui. Dvasingumas tirtas trumpa plataus profilio religingumo/dvasingumo matavimo skale sudaryta 1999 metais bendradarbiaujant Fetzer istitutui su Nacionaliniu senėjimo instituto darbo grupe. Respondentų laimingumas apskaičiuotas Subjektyvaus laimingumo skale, sukurta S. Lyubomirsky 1999 m. Socialinis aktyvumas matuotas naudojant modifikuotus klausimus sudarytus 2008 m. doc. dr. Loretos Gustainienės ir Vilijos Banevičienės. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad subjektyviai vertinamai sveikatai įtakos turi amžius, išsilavinimas, darbinė veikla ir gyvenamoji vieta. Dvasingumas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The purpose of this study is assess subjective health, spirituality, happiness, social activity and estimate subjective valued health relations with spirituality, happiness and social activity between older people. At the last time when the life expectancy is rising and the societies are aging constantly especially in western Europe, one of the more relevant topic becomes active and healthy life of elderly‘s. Here helps advance of medicine and growing choise of medical devices. Furthermore there are looking for alternative choices for older people in health – supporting and enhancing ways. And of course the own human behavior is not an exception as it can promote the health too. The study included 173 (102 women and 71 men) residents of Šilute town and district whose age was from 59 to 85 years old. Subjectively assessed health measured by a scale consisting of four questions taken from A. Goštautas (1999) teaching materials health psychology course. Spirituality was studied in a short broad profile of religious/ spirituality dimension scale formed in 1999 in collaboration with the Fetzer Institute and National Institute on Aging Worging Group. Happiness of the respondents estimated with subjective happiness scale developed by S. Lyubomirsky 1999. Social activity was measured using a modified version of the questions drawn up by doc. Dr. Loreta Gustainienė and Vilija Banevičienė in 2008. The results of the research showed that the subjectively valued health of the... [to full text]

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