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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Brown v. Board of Education (1954) An Analysis of Policy Implementation, Outcomes, and Unintended Consequences

McCullough, Carla M. 18 March 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Brown v. Board of Education (1954) was a significant court case fought to provide equal educational opportunities for African-American students. Though the case was fought with good intentions, there may have been unintended consequences that occurred due to the policy implementation. The purpose of this research was to explore the policy, its implementation, and assess the extent to which the goals of the original policy were met. This study used a mixed-methods approach and was set within one large urban school district. The qualitative portion of the study included interviews with a small group of educators who were directly impacted by Brown and its implementation. The data from both the interviews and the selected focus schools indicated that the initial goals of Brown, equal educational opportunities and integrated schooling, were not met. This research provided information from key areas that may serve as a guide to help make future policy implementation successful.

Διερευνώντας όψεις της αποτελεσματικότητας της εκπαιδευτικής πολιτικής στην εκκλησιαστική εκπαίδευση: Το προφίλ, οι στάσεις, οι αντιλήψεις και οι επαγγελματικές επιλογές των μαθητών της

Χριστοφορίδης, Θεόδωρος 11 October 2013 (has links)
Η μελέτη αυτή, εκπονήθηκε με βασικό σκοπό αφενός να πραγματευτεί κριτικά και να ερευνήσει στο χώρο της Εκκλησιαστικής Εκπαίδευσης το προφίλ, τις στάσεις, τις αντιλήψεις, και τις επαγγελματικές επιλογές των μαθητών της ως μελλοντικών αποφοίτων όπως αυτά διαμορφώνονται από την παρεχόμενη εκπαίδευση στη βάση της υπαγορευόμενης εκπαιδευτικής πολιτικής αφετέρου να διαπιστώσει το βαθμό επίτευξης των στόχων της ως προσφερόμενης παιδείας. Ακολουθώντας την έρευνα επισκόπησης αναζητήθηκαν και αποτυπώθηκαν το προφίλ, οι στάσεις, και οι αντιλήψεις σε ολόκληρο τον μαθητικό πληθυσμό της Εκκλησιαστικής Εκπαίδευσης πανελληνίως. Στην έρευνα συμμετείχαν όλοι οι μαθητές των Εκκλησιαστικών Γυμνασίων και Λυκείων της χώρας κατά τη σχολική χρονιά 2011-2012. Παράλληλα εξετάστηκαν οι επαγγελματικές επιλογές των μαθητών και το πώς αυτές επηρεάζονται από τα προηγούμενα και όλα αυτά εντός της ασκούμενης εκπαιδευτικής πολιτικής σε κάθε έκφανση της μαθητικής ζωής. / This study, conducted with a view to both basic hawker critically and to explore the field of ecclesiastical education profile, attitudes, perceptions and career choices of students as future graduates as they are formed from the training provided at the base of motivated educational policy on the other to determine the extent to which the objectives of education as offered. The survey involved all students of Church Ηigh schools during the school year 2011-2012. Following the investigation review was sought and reflected profile, attitudes, and beliefs across the student population of ecclesiastical education throughout Greece. At the same time examined the career choices of students and how they are influenced by the past and all those within the educational policy practiced in every aspect of student life.


邱雨星, Chiu,Yu-Hsing Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為了解教育政策之執行力此一主題,選取一所國民中學為研究場地,透過訪談了解研究對象在學校本位課程發展中的表現,輔以文件、網頁訊息等資料,一方面企圖觀察其學校本位課程發展是否已經啟動,以描繪出個案學校的課程發展輪廓:另一方面則在分析影響學校本位課程發展成效之原因,目的在於為教育政策執行成效提供理論上的解釋。 經由分析訪談資料並驗證研究架構之後,本研究發現個案學校的學校本位課程發展,表現在由上而下的行政規劃上,但尚缺乏由下而上的集思廣益機制,以致於個案學校之學校本位課程發展成效不彰。最後並對個案學校與後續研究提出若干建議。 / In order to understand the "policy implementation ability of educational policy", the researcher chose a junior high school as the studying case. On one hand, the researcher interviewed with several teachers active in the school-based curriculum development("SBCD"), telling how it worked; on the other hand, the researcher tried to analyze the causes of the performance of SBCD of the school, aiming at a theoretical explanation of the "policy implementation ability of educational policy" . Having followed the research procedure, this article concluded that the performance of SBCD of the school was far from satisfying, because of the lack of a "bottom-up group-think mechanism". Finally, this artical ended with some suggestions concerning with the studying-case school and the follow-up resarch.

臺灣地區中小學公辦民營之研究:理論、政策與實施 / The Study on Privatization of Elementary and Secondary Schools in Taiwan: Theory, Policy, and Implementation

賴志峰, Lai,Chih-feng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在於:(1)探究和釐清學校公辦民營的理論,包含定義、範疇、相關概念和模式等,以建構學校公辦民營清晰的理論內涵和架構;(2)探討和分析學校公辦民營政策制定目的、立法意旨、學校屬性定位和評鑑等要素,以提出教育政策的改進建議,提升教育決策的品質;(3)探析學校公辦民營學校使用模式、現況、辦學特色、面臨困難、未來發展,以及教師和家長對於公辦民營、學校滿意度、學生就讀學校動機之看法,並提出學校公辦民營實施條例的重點和政策發展方向之建議。 本研究採文件分析法、訪談和問卷調查法等三種方法,針對學校公辦民營的理論、政策與實施三種向度進行探究,本研究所運用之文件分析法,係基於批判性回顧的精神,將中小學公辦民營相關研究的政策主張,包含26篇公辦民營博碩士論文及學者研究論文之政策主張,進行文件分析;本研究之訪談人數共17位,對象包含:(1)臺北縣烏來鄉信賢種籽親子實驗國民小學、宜蘭縣人文國民小學、宜蘭縣慈心華德福教育實驗國民中小學等三所公辦民營學校之校長、教師、家長及籌備中的公辦民營學校相關人員;(2)學者專家;(3)宜蘭縣政府和臺北縣政府之教育行政人員。此外,問卷調查則以自編之「臺灣地區中小學公辦民營政策與實施之研究調查問卷」,針對3所公辦民營學校之教師和家長進行全面性問卷調查,家長484人,問卷回收200份,回收率為41.32%;三所學校教師人數合計41人,扣除有子女在服務學校就讀之教師10人,教師人數為31人,問卷回收9份,回收率為29.03%。問卷結果採用描述統計、變異數分析(ANOVA)、多變量變異數分析(MANOVA)和薛費法(Scheffĕ method)事後比較等統計方法進行分析。 本研究提出以下的結論: 一、國內目前學校公辦民營相關研究數量頗多,但對公辦民營學校的定義並不夠精確和嚴謹。 二、現有的四種學校公辦民營模式,均具有某種程度的公私合夥精神。 三、教育民營化、學校民營化、學校委託民間經營和學校公辦民營的意義與範疇有明顯差異,但容易混淆。 四、學校公辦民營與鼓勵私人興學屬於不同的概念,但目前兩者已緊密連結、不易區別。 五、各縣市學校公辦民營政策與中央法律立法意旨之間,存在相當程度的落差。 六、公辦民營學校屬性定位問題發生之原因,與研究未重視此議題、政策規劃未盡周延有密切關係。 七、學校委託民間經營實施條例的訂定,對於解決當前學校公辦民營的問題有迫切的需要。 八、未來公辦民營學校的發展仍不可能完全取代傳統學校,但可提供多元的教育選擇機會。 九、公辦民營學校評鑑有助於提供辦學的參考架構,評鑑的設計與實施有待檢討與變革。 十、公辦民營學校因其成立目的、運用模式之不同,產生不同之辦學特色和困難。 十一、公辦民營學校教師對公辦民營看法、學校滿意度、學生就讀學校動機,整體的看法十分正向。 十二、公辦民營學校家長對公辦民營看法、學校滿意度、學生就讀學校動機,整體看法十分正向,不因背景而有太大差異。 本研究分別提出對中央、地方主管教育行政機關、公辦民營學校,及對未來研究之建議如下: 一、對中央主管教育行政機關之建議 (一)儘速完成學校委託民間經營實施條例之立法,以徹底解決目前學校公辦民營所面臨之困境。 (二)特許學校的經費和人事應給予自主權,以發揮學校經營的效能與效率。 (三)公辦民營學校的屬性定位,應依採用模式不同而有不同的思考和設計。 (四)特許學校的功能不只在於提供多元教育選擇機會,宜進一步定位為教育改革的先鋒。 (五)訂定教育政策影響評估作業辦法,以健全和透明教育決策。 二、對地方主管教育行政機關之建議 (一)根據地方特性及需要設立公辦民營學校,提供教育多元選擇之機會。 (二)依學校公辦民營採取模式之不同,給予學校適當經費補助。 (三)以橫向傑出為特色之公辦民營學校,應儘早規劃升學銜接之管道。 (四)公辦民營學校面臨的困難與問題,地方政府應有協助解決之機制。 (五)公辦民營學校評鑑制度有需要重新思考,以建立合適的評鑑機制。 三、對公辦民營學校之建議 (一)持續發展公辦民營學校辦學的特色,是採取各種模式的學校存在之重要命脈。 (二)特許學校以橫向傑出、自主權和評鑑為基礎,追求內部和外部績效責任之目標。 (三)特許學校應勇於面對教育實驗的挑戰,建立公立學校良好的辦學典範。 (四)民間承包學校應追求教育理想,建立小型學校良好的辦學典範。 (五)BOT學校應定位為非營利性質,展現出新型態的私立學校特色。 (六)特許學校應維持與政府和社區公共關係及溝通管道,對於學校辦學成效有加分的效果。 (七)特許學校、民間承包學校應發展學校本位的評鑑制度,建立自我監督與改進機制。 四、對未來研究之建議 (一)未來學校公辦民營相關之研究,應力求理論與實務的清晰界定,例如:學校公辦民營與公辦民營學校的英文用字、定義嚴謹程度、公私合夥的角色、教育民營化與學校公辦民營之差異,以及各縣市學校公辦民營的實施實例之釐清等,以建立可以累積的知識,提供政策與實踐之參考。 (二)分別針對BOT、民間承包和特許學校等三種模式,進行定位、特性和未來發展方向之深入探究和政策評估,以累積更多學術的知識和決策的參考資訊。 (三)公辦民營學校校長領導風格不同於傳統公立學校校長,尤其是特許學校校長,公關功能的適度發揮,有時也必須扮演「情緒勞動」工作者的角色,有需要進行更深入的研究,以建立更多元豐富的學校領導理論與實務。 (四)特許學校內部的行政與教學雙重系統,在慈心華德福教育實驗國民中小學是模糊的、融合的,而在人文國民小學則是明顯的,兩種制度之優缺點比較,值得深入探究。 (五)公辦民營學校的評鑑制度設計,如何融入「量身訂做評鑑」和「學校本位評鑑」的精神,兼顧內外部績效責任,此課題有待後續研究,為教育評鑑開創新的風貌。 (六)公辦民營學校的特殊教育之實施,對於教育機會均等的精神而言,是十分重要的議題,有待深入進一步研究與分析。 (七)採用不同模式以及申請單位所經營的公辦民營學校,其組織、特色、規模和社區環境各有不同,目前籌備中的學校運作一段時間後,值得針對公辦民營學校的實施成效進行比較和分析,作為未來政策制訂之參考。 (八)以追求橫向傑出為特色的公辦民營學校,其教師需具備之教學設計、實施和環境適應能力,可能不同於其他公立學校教師,值得進一步研究,作為規劃現職公立學校教師在職進修,以及進行師資職前培育之參考。 / The purposes of the research are as follows: (1)clarifying the theory of school privatization, including the definition, scope, concepts and models, in order to establish concretely a theoretical framework; (2)analyzing the purpose of the policy and the law regarding school privatization, the school orientation towards being public or private, and the evaluation of schools, in order to make suggestions for policy modification and enhance the quality of policy-making; (3) exploring the models, current conditions, distinctive characteristics, problems, and development of school privatization, as well as understanding parents and teachers’ opinions about school privatization, the degree of their satisfaction with schools, and their viewpoint about students’ enrollment motivation, in order to show the key points of the Commissioning the Operation of the Public Elementary and Secondary Schools to Private Sector Act, and to provide suggestions for the formulation of the policy. The research, by adopting methods of documentary analysis, interview, and questionnaire survey, probes into the three dimensions of theory, policy, and implementation of school privatization. The research reviews and analyzes 26 theses and related literature. In addition, interviews were done with 17 pertinent persons, including (1)principles, teachers, and parents of the three privatized schools-- the Seedling Elementary School, the Jen-Wen Elementary School, and the Waldorf Junior High and Elementary School, and also staffs of schools preparing for privatization, (2)experts, and (3)administrative officials of Yilan and Taipei County government. Moreover, a questionnaire survey was conducted with a self-designed “Questionnaire on Policy and Implementation of School Privatization in Taiwan” among teachers and parents of the three schools mentioned above. 200 parents of the total 484 parents responded the questionnaire, for a response rate of 41.32%. Of the total 41 teachers, 10 teachers with their children studying in these three schools were excluded from the survey. Of the 31 teachers given the questionnaire, 9 responded, for a response rate of 29.03%. The result of the questionnaire survey is concluded through a series of statistical analysis, including descriptive statistics, ANOVA, MANOVA, and Scheffĕ method. Finally, this research draws conclusions and proposes suggestions according to the result of documentary analysis, interviews, and the questionnaire survey. Keywords: school privatization, privatized school, educational policy

Staten och läromedlen : En studie av den svenska statliga förhandsgranskningen av läromedel 1938-1991 / The State and the Textbook : The State Approval Scheme för Textbooks and Teaching Aids in Sweden 1938-1991

Johnsson Harrie, Anna January 2009 (has links)
Studien handlar om statlig påverkan på skolans läromedel. Här studeras såväl de politiska besluten om, som det konkreta genomförandet av, den svenska statliga förhandsgranskningen av läromedel, från starten 1938 till avskaffandet 1991. De politiska besluten och genomförandet sker på skilda arenor. Med hjälp av teoretiska begrepp från såväl läroplansteori som statsvetenskaplig implemen-teringsteori synliggörs och analyseras de olika arenorna samt relationerna mellan dem. Den politiska debatten studeras genom det offentliga trycket. Studien visar att granskningen infördes i politisk enighet och avskaffades helt utan politisk debatt. De politiska argumenten för granskning har varit att hålla priserna på läroböcker nere samt säkra läromedlens kvalitet. Vad som avsågs med kvalitet har dock varierat mellan olika aktörer och över tid. När det gäller genomförandet av granskningen studeras både Läroboks-/Läromedelsnämndens instruktioner till granskarna, och granskarnas utlåtanden om läromedel i samhällskunskap för gymnasieskolan. Den reella granskningen hade ofta fokus på att söka sakfel i läromedlen. Under 1970-talet fick objektivitetsfrågor genomslag i granskningen. Läroplanen, som betonades på den politiska arenan, användes dock i mindre utsträckning i det reella genomförandet av granskningen. Styrningsresultatet var beroende av aktörerna på realiseringsarenan och deras förståelse, vilja och kunnande. Styrningen kunde dock, i vissa fall, nå ända fram och påverka lärobokstexten. I dessa fall fanns en fungerande styrning från politisk debatt, via lagtext och granskning till en förändrad läromedelstext. / This thesis focuses on the state's influence on Swedish textbooks. From 1938 to 1991 the Swedish state had an official approval scheme for examining books before they could be used as textbooks in Swedish schools. The aim of this thesis is to examine both the political discussion about, and the actual implementation of, the approval scheme in Sweden between 1938-1991. The political decision making and the implementation of the reforms took place in different contexts. With the help of curriculum theory, in combination with concepts of implementation from political science, these two different contexts and the relation between them are analyzed. The study shows that, in the 1930s, there was a political consensus to have an official approval scheme. In the 1990s the approval scheme was repealed without any political debate. When it comes to the implementation of the approval scheme the approval committee's guidelines and the examiners' statements about civic textbooks for upper secondary school are studied. It is found that the reviews often focused on finding factual faults. During the 1970s a focus on objectivity became common in the reviewers' statements. The national curriculum, a product of a political compromise often referred to by the politicians, was, however, less used in the implementation of the approval. The study shows that the implementation of the approval scheme was dependent on the actors understanding, willingness and ability to implement. But the study also shows that in certain cases the approval scheme could result in major changes in the textbooks.

Living Within and Outside the Margins and Borders: The Impact of School Leadership on Successful Bridge Programs and Latino/a Transitions to Community College and Beyond

Desjardin, Suzanne J., Desjardin, Suzanne J. January 2016 (has links)
"Living Within and Outside the Margins and Borders…" depicts the lived experiences of eight Latinx high school seniors transitioning from an urban high school categorized by the State as a high poverty, high achieving, Latino majority-minority school in a large, southern Arizona city on the cusp of the U.S. Mexico border. This qualitative study spans the course of an academic school year, and includes an examination of narratives from three educational leaders within the target school. As longtime educators contained and often constrained inside a sizable metropolitan district, educational leaders were challenged to serve these Latinx youth within the limits set by state and national policies related to immigration, achievement testing, and education of emergent bilinguals. A major goal of the study was to understand how educational leaders negotiate educational policy margins to resist deficit-framed approaches and to incorporate socially just action within their schools. As demonstrated by the participants in the present study, many Latinx youth are searching for ways to navigate linguistic, cultural, racial, and class-based borders. Furthermore, many seek to breakthrough prescribed margins characterized by educational policies and practices that seek to track, label, and often marginalize them. These margins can be "more than a site of deprivation…[but] also a site of radical possibility, a space of resistance" (hooks, 1990, p.149). Thus, these Latinx students' narratives, which include descriptions of the capital employed to overcome these barriers, were analyzed via a Community Cultural Wealth lens (Yosso, 2005).

The Educational Opportunity Act of 1984: A Study of Legislative Politics

Jackson, Martha J. (Martha Jane), 1949- 08 1900 (has links)
The problem with which this investigation is concerned is that of identifying and assessing degrees of influence of environmental conditions and actors which influenced the passage of House Bill 72 by the Texas legislature. The two methods used to collect this data were personal interviews of key actors in the legislative process and a questionnaire administered to all members of the 68th Texas legislature.

Vývoj vzdělávacích soustav České a Slovenské republiky po rozdělení Československa v roce 1993 / Development of educational systems Czech and Slovak Republic after the division of Czechoslovakia in 1993

Francová, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
Thesis reviews the development of educational systems Czech and Slovak Republic after the division of Czechoslovakia in 1993. The common historical background in educational policy is the starting point for monitoring the development of these educational systems. The work aims to map and compare the development of educational systems of Czech and Slovak Republic. Describes historical events that have influenced their present form, and the issue is mapping of several aspects. Thesis is mapping these aspects in terms shaping the structure of educational systems, management and financing of education and educational policy. Also is mapping the important legislative steps and published educational documents. The comparative part thesis equates the education systems of both countries. It aims to find the answer how far apart to move away these two educational systems over the last quarter century and is describing the defining characteristics of the current differences. This comparison is carried for a period of ten years, and as a basis of this serves studies from 2004, 2009, 2014. KEYWORDS education system, education, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, educational policy, development, comparation

Příčiny nerovného přístupu romských dětí k plnohodnotnému vzdělání a analýza nástrojů směřujících ke zvýšení školní úspěšnosti romských žáků / Causes of unequal access to quality education for Romani children and the analysis of instruments supporting greater school achievement of Romani pupils

Marešová, Jindra January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis provides a historical overview of state's educational policy towards Roma. It describes different approaches from Maria Teresa's governance in 18th century until recent state (spring 2011). The thesis provides analysis of frequently discussed causes of Romani children lower school success and examines tools used to help with their disadvantages. The tools are shown on example of 4 schools in Ostrava. Finally, recommendations for enhancing success of Romani children in education are suggested in the thesis. Key words: Roma Romani children Education Socio-cultural disadvantaged children Educational policy Discrimination Special schools


LARISSA FROSSARD RANGEL CRUZ 24 October 2014 (has links)
[pt] O estudo discute como os dados de avaliação externa são apropriados e utilizados por membros das equipes de gestão e professores, através de três estudos de caso em escolas da rede pública municipal de ensino de Macaé/RJ. A pesquisa contemplou dois níveis de análise: o nível da rede municipal de ensino - enquanto responsável pela orientação e organização das condições do trabalho a ser desenvolvido pelas escolas; e o nível da escola, principal foco desta investigação. O recorte temporal considerou dois momentos da gestão municipal: 2005-2008 e 2009-2012. A literatura nacional e a internacional sobre políticas educacionais consideram que as avaliações externas possibilitam mapear os processos de distribuição do conhecimento nas redes de ensino e nas escolas, podendo orientar a gestão das mesmas. A pesquisa buscou discutir como os resultados destas avaliações vêm sendo usados na gestão educacional municipal e como têm sido traduzidos no cotidiano escolar por meio das práticas de membros das equipes de gestão e professores do Ensino Fundamental da rede pública municipal de ensino de Macaé/RJ. A investigação foi desenvolvida por meio de análise documental, de entrevistas exploratórias, de observações do cotidiano de três escolas, das respostas a questionários aplicados aos integrantes das equipes de gestão e aos professores, além de entrevistas semiestruturadas com estes agentes escolares. No nível da rede, o estudo mostrou que, embora tenha havido iniciativas de desenvolvimento de uma avaliação externa da rede com vistas ao uso das informações para auxiliar a gestão, estas foram descontinuadas. No período analisado constatou-se a ausência de políticas que dessem suporte e orientassem a apropriação e usos dos dados pelas escolas. No nível das escolas, os resultados apontaram que os integrantes das equipes de gestão e professores reconhecem nas avaliações externas a possibilidade de elencar elementos que subsidiem aspectos do trabalho pedagógico que realizam. No entanto, os usos que têm sido feitos ainda se restringem a ações pontuais e descontínuas, credoras do esforço particular de cada estabelecimento e da respectiva equipe de gestão, sem o desenvolvimento de um projeto pedagógico consistente e articulado lastreado pelos resultados da escola. Este trabalho pretende contribuir para o debate sobre as apropriações e usos dos dados das avaliações externas nos municípios brasileiros. / [en] The present study discusses how the management team members and teachers use external evaluation data through three case studies in municipal public schools of Macaé/RJ. The research concentrated on two levels of analysis: the municipal education level – as the one promoting guidance and organizing the means by which the schools will develop the work; and the school level, the main focus of this investigation. The time frame reflected during this study included two terms of municipal management: 2005-2008 and 2009-2012. The national and international literature regarding educational policies and procedures, suggests that external evaluatins allow the mapping of the educational delivery process in the schools and educational institutions, leading to a more efficient management of these organizations. This research study discusses how the results of these evaluations have been used in the municipal educational management, and how they transfer to the schools through the actions of the management team members and elementary school teachers of the municipal public schools of Macaé/RJ. The investigation was developed through the analysis of documents, exploratory interviews, observation of the educational routine of three schools, answers to questionnaires provided by members of the management team and teachers, and semi-structured interviews with school agents as well. At the municipal education level the study indicated that, although several external evaluations were developed with the purpose of using data to help with educational management, they were discontinued. During the period of analysis, there were no policies that supported or guided the schools towards data usage. At the school level, the results indicated that the management team members and the teachers recognize that external evaluations can provide valuable information to their pedagogic work. Nonetheless, the current use is restricted to discontinued isolated activities which resulted from the individual work of each educational institution and its management team. There was no consistent pedagogic project developed that was supported by the school’s results. This study expects to contribute to the debate regarding the external evaluation appropriation and data usage in the Brazilian cities.

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