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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Virtualizace I/O operací v oblasti počítačových sítí / I/O Virtualization in Networking

Perešíni, Martin January 2020 (has links)
Existuje veľa rôznych dôvodov pre spoločnosti a organizácie, prečo by mali investovať do virtualizácie. Asi najväčší dôvod je finančná motivácia, pretože nasadenie virtualizácie môže ušetriť nemálo peňazí. Táto práca sa zaoberá práve problémom virtualizácie I/O operácií v sieťovom prostredí. Cieľom práce je tvorba softvérových ovládačov pre I/O virtualizáciu, ktoré by mohli pracovať s hardvérovo akcelerovanými sieťovými kartami. Hlavným prínosom ovládačov by mala byť použiteľnosť a čo najmenšia strata prenosového výkonu vo virtualizovanom prostredí. Pred popisom finálnych detailov ovládačov je však potrebné uviesť potrebné teoretické základy. Teoretická časť sa zaoberá súčasnými trendami vo virtualizácii I/O, technológiami ako sú virtio, vhost, SR-IOV, VFIO a mdev. V praktickej časti sú navrhuté dva spôsoby riešenia problému. Prvým je použitie technológie virtio (emulácia softvéru). Druhé je založené na technológii VFIO-mdev (hybridná paravirtualizácia). Pokiaľ sa jedná o výkon a konfigurovateľnosť zariadení, oba prístupy majú rôzne benefity. Tieto riešenia majú aj svoje nevýhody, ako je zložitosť riešenia a náročnosť integrácie do systému. Požadované ciele boli úspešne dosiahnuté vo forme prototypu ovládača nfb_mdev.

Development of Advanced Closed-Loop Brain Electrophysiology Systems for Freely Behaving Rodents

Cuevas López, Aarón 17 January 2022 (has links)
[ES] La electrofisiología extracelular es una técnica ampliamente usada en investigación neurocientífica, la cual estudia el funcionamiento del cerebro mediante la medición de campos eléctricos generados por la actividad neuronal. Esto se realiza a través de electrodos implantados en el cerebro y conectados a dispositivos electrónicos para amplificación y digitalización de las señales. De los muchos modelos animales usados en experimentación, las ratas y los ratones se encuentran entre las especies más comúnmente utilizadas. Actualmente, la experimentación electrofisiológica busca condiciones cada vez más complejas, limitadas por la tecnología de los dispositivos de adquisición. Dos aspectos son de particular interés: Realimentación de lazo cerrado y comportamiento en condiciones naturales. En esta tesis se presentan desarrollos con el objetivo de mejorar diferentes facetas de estos dos problemas. La realimentación en lazo cerrado se refiere a todas las técnicas en las que los estímulos son producidos en respuesta a un evento generado por el animal. La latencia debe ajustarse a las escalas temporales bajo estudio. Los sistemas modernos de adquisición presentan latencias en el orden de los 10ms. Sin embargo, para responder a eventos rápidos, como pueden ser los potenciales de acción, se requieren latencias por debajo de 1ms. Además, los algoritmos para detectar los eventos o generar los estímulos pueden ser complejos, integrando varias entradas de datos en tiempo real. Integrar el desarrollo de dichos algoritmos en las herramientas de adquisición forma parte del diseño experimental. Para estudiar comportamientos naturales, los animales deben ser capaces de moverse libremente en entornos emulando condiciones naturales. Experimentos de este tipo se ven dificultados por la naturaleza cableada de los sistemas de adquisición. Otras restricciones físicas, como el peso de los implantes o limitaciones en el consumo de energía, pueden también afectar a la duración de los experimentos, limitándola. La experimentación puede verse enriquecida cuando los datos electrofisiológicos se ven complementados con múltiples fuentes distintas. Por ejemplo, seguimiento de los animales o miscroscopía. Herramientas capaces de integrar datos independientemente de su origen abren la puerta a nuevas posibilidades. Los avances tecnológicos presentados abordan estas limitaciones. Se han diseñado dispositivos con latencias de lazo cerrado inferiores a 200us que permiten combinar cientos de canales electrofisiológicos con otras fuentes de datos, como vídeo o seguimiento. El software de control para estos dispositivos se ha diseñado manteniendo la flexibilidad como objetivo. Se han desarrollado interfaces y estándares de naturaleza abierta para incentivar el desarrollo de herramientas compatibles entre ellas. Para resolver los problemas de cableado se siguieron dos métodos distintos. Uno fue el desarrollo de headstages ligeros combinados con cables coaxiales ultra finos y conmutadores activos, gracias al seguimiento de animales. Este desarrollo permite reducir el esfuerzo impuesto a los animales, permitiendo espacios amplios y experimentos de larga duración, al tiempo que permite el uso de headstages con características avanzadas. Paralelamente se desarrolló un tipo diferente de headstage, con tecnología inalámbrica. Se creó un algoritmo de compresión digital especializado capaz de reducir el ancho de banda a menos del 65% de su tamaño original, ahorrando energía. Esta reducción permite baterías más ligeras y mayores tiempos de operación. El algoritmo fue diseñado para ser capaz de ser implementado en una gran variedad de dispositivos. Los desarrollos presentados abren la puerta a nuevas posibilidades experimentales para la neurociencia, combinando adquisición elextrofisiológica con estudios conductuales en condiciones naturales y estímulos complejos en tiempo real. / [CA] L'electrofisiologia extracel·lular és una tècnica àmpliament utilitzada en la investigació neurocientífica, la qual permet estudiar el funcionament del cervell mitjançant el mesurament de camps elèctrics generats per l'activitat neuronal. Això es realitza a través d'elèctrodes implantats al cervell, connectats a dispositius electrònics per a l'amplificació i digitalització dels senyals. Dels molts models animals utilitzats en experimentació electrofisiològica, les rates i els ratolins es troben entre les espècies més utilitzades. Actualment, l'experimentació electrofisiològica busca condicions cada vegada més complexes, limitades per la tecnologia dels dispositius d'adquisició. Dos aspectes són d'especial interès: La realimentació de sistemes de llaç tancat i el comportament en condicions naturals. En aquesta tesi es presenten desenvolupaments amb l'objectiu de millorar diferents aspectes d'aquestos dos problemes. La realimentació de sistemes de llaç tancat es refereix a totes aquestes tècniques on els estímuls es produeixen en resposta a un esdeveniment generat per l'animal. La latència ha d'ajustar-se a les escales temporals sota estudi. Els sistemes moderns d'adquisició presenten latències en l'ordre dels 10ms. No obstant això, per a respondre a esdeveniments ràpids, com poden ser els potencials d'acció, es requereixen latències per davall de 1ms. A més a més, els algoritmes per a detectar els esdeveniments o generar els estímuls poden ser complexos, integrant varies entrades de dades a temps real. Integrar el desenvolupament d'aquests algoritmes en les eines d'adquisició forma part del disseny dels experiments. Per a estudiar comportaments naturals, els animals han de ser capaços de moure's lliurement en ambients emulant condicions naturals. Aquestos experiments es veuen limitats per la natura cablejada dels sistemes d'adquisició. Altres restriccions físiques, com el pes dels implants o el consum d'energia, poden també limitar la duració dels experiments. L'experimentació es pot enriquir quan les dades electrofisiològiques es complementen amb dades de múltiples fonts. Per exemple, el seguiment d'animals o microscòpia. Eines capaces d'integrar dades independentment del seu origen obrin la porta a noves possibilitats. Els avanços tecnològics presentats tracten aquestes limitacions. S'han dissenyat dispositius amb latències de llaç tancat inferiors a 200us que permeten combinar centenars de canals electrofisiològics amb altres fonts de dades, com vídeo o seguiment. El software de control per a aquests dispositius s'ha dissenyat mantenint la flexibilitat com a objectiu. S'han desenvolupat interfícies i estàndards de naturalesa oberta per a incentivar el desenvolupament d'eines compatibles entre elles. Per a resoldre els problemes de cablejat es van seguir dos mètodes diferents. Un va ser el desenvolupament de headstages lleugers combinats amb cables coaxials ultra fins i commutadors actius, gràcies al seguiment d'animals. Aquest desenvolupament permet reduir al mínim l'esforç imposat als animals, permetent espais amplis i experiments de llarga durada, al mateix temps que permet l'ús de headstages amb característiques avançades. Paral·lelament es va desenvolupar un tipus diferent de headstage, amb tecnologia sense fil. Es va crear un algorisme de compressió digital especialitzat capaç de reduir l'amplada de banda a menys del 65% de la seua grandària original, estalviant energia. Aquesta reducció permet bateries més lleugeres i majors temps d'operació. L'algorisme va ser dissenyat per a ser capaç de ser implementat a una gran varietat de dispositius. Els desenvolupaments presentats obrin la porta a noves possibilitats experimentals per a la neurociència, combinant l'adquisició electrofisiològica amb estudis conductuals en condicions naturals i estímuls complexos en temps real. / [EN] Extracellular electrophysiology is a technique widely used in neuroscience research. It can offer insights on how the brain works by measuring the electrical fields generated by neural activity. This is done through electrodes implanted in the brain and connected to amplification and digitization electronic circuitry. Of the many animal models used in electrophysiology experimentation, rodents such as rats and mice are among the most popular species. Modern electrophysiology experiments seek increasingly complex conditions that are limited by acquisition hardware technology. Two particular aspects are of special interest: Closed-loop feedback and naturalistic behavior. In this thesis, we present developments aiming to improve on different facets of these two problems. Closed-loop feedback encompasses all techniques in which stimuli is produced in response of an event generated by the animal. Latency, the time between trigger event and stimuli generation, must adjust to the biological timescale being studied. While modern acquisition systems feature latencies in the order of 10ms, response to fast events such as high-frequency electrical transients created by neuronal activity require latencies under $1ms$. In addition, algorithms for triggering or generating closed-loop stimuli can be complex, integrating multiple inputs in real-time. Integration of algorithm development into acquisition tools becomes an important part of experiment design. For electrophysiology experiments featuring naturalistic behavior, animals must be able to move freely in ecologically meaningful environments, mimicking natural conditions. Experiments featuring elements such as large arenaa, environmental objects or the presence of another animals are, however, hindered by the wired nature of acquisition systems. Other physical constraints, such as implant weight or power restrictions can also affect experiment time, limiting their duration. Beyond the technical limits, complex experiments are enriched when electrophysiology data is integrated with multiple sources, for example animal tracking or brain microscopy. Tools allowing mixing data independently of the source open new experimental possibilities. The technological advances presented on this thesis addresses these topics. We have designed devices with closed-loop latencies under 200us while featuring high-bandwidth interfaces. These allow the simultaneous acquisition of hundreds of electrophysiological channels combined with other heterogeneous data sources, such as video or tracking. The control software for these devices was designed with flexibility in mind, allowing easy implementation of closed-loop algorithms. Open interface standards were created to encourage the development of interoperable tools for experimental data integration. To solve wiring issues in behavioral experiments, we followed two different approaches. One was the design of light headstages, coupled with ultra-thin coaxial cables and active commutator technology, making use of animal tracking. This allowed to reduce animal strain to a minimum allowing large arenas and prolonged experiments with advanced headstages. A different, wireless headstage was also developed. We created a digital compression algorithm specialized for neural electrophysiological signals able to reduce data bandwidth to less than 65.5% its original size without introducing distortions. Bandwidth has a large effect on power requirements. Thus, this reduction allows for lighter batteries and extended operational time. The algorithm is designed to be able to be implemented in a wide variety of devices, requiring low hardware resources and adding negligible power requirements to a system. Combined, the developments we present open new possibilities for neuroscience experiments combining electrophysiology acquisition with natural behaviors and complex, real-time, stimuli. / The research described in this thesis was carried out at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Universitat Politècnica de València), Valencia, Spain in an extremely close collaboration with the Neuroscience Institute - Spanish National Research Council - Miguel Hernández University (Instituto de Neurociencias - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientí cas - Universidad Miguel Hernández), San Juan de Alicante, Spain. The projects described in chapters 3 and 4 were developed in collabo- ration with, and funded by, Open Ephys, Cambridge, MA, USA and OEPS - Eléctronica e produção, unipessoal lda, Algés, Portugal. / Cuevas López, A. (2021). Development of Advanced Closed-Loop Brain Electrophysiology Systems for Freely Behaving Rodents [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/179718 / TESIS

La transformation des centres commerciaux dans la région de Montréal : le rôle du transport collectif

Vanier, François 03 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur la dynamique de transformation des centres commerciaux dans la région de Montréal sous l’impulsion de la construction du Réseau express métropolitain (REM) et du prolongement de la ligne bleue de métro. Nous présentons d’abord les différentes phases de l’évolution des centres commerciaux, tant en Amérique du Nord que dans la région de Montréal. Nous élaborons ensuite la problématique de l’arrimage entre l’aménagement du territoire et la planification du transport sous la forme particulière du transit-oriented development (TOD). Les TOD permettent d’envisager le redéveloppement des centres commerciaux en pôles multifonctionnels accessibles en transport collectif. Notre travail de recherche tente de répondre à la question suivante : La construction prochaine des stations du REM et de la ligne bleue de métro incitera-t-elle les centres commerciaux à proximité à se transformer en TOD? Pour y répondre, nous développons un cadre méthodologique qui s’appuie sur deux stratégies de recherche principales. La première propose une analyse de contenu par le biais d’un inventaire des projets de transformation des centres commerciaux prévus, projetés ou discutés publiquement. Les projets sont décrits suivant des catégories de transformation associées aux TOD que sont le bâti, les usages, le design, l’expérience, le milieu de vie et l’accessibilité, et regroupés en six zones géographiques à Montréal, Laval et Longueuil. La deuxième stratégie vient compléter la première en procédant à une série d’entretiens semi-dirigés avec des acteurs privés et publics liés à des centres commerciaux. Cette stratégie permet de mieux comprendre la richesse de perspectives et les nuances de la dynamique de transformation à l’œuvre. Les résultats montrent que la moitié des projets de transformation sont reliés à des nouvelles infrastructures de transport collectif, dont une majorité avec le REM. De plus, ces projets affichent certaines caractéristiques associées aux TOD telles que la densité et la mixité des usages, tandis que peu de projets proposent des aménagements favorisant les déplacements actifs. Au total, l’étude met en évidence le lien entre la construction d’infrastructures de transport collectif structurantes et la densification des centres commerciaux, en particulier par l’ajout d’une fonction résidentielle. / This master’s thesis is concerned with the transformation’s dynamic of shopping malls in the Montreal region in relation with the construction of the Réseau express métropolitain (REM) and the extension of the Blue line of metro. We first review the different phases of evolution of shopping malls, both in North America and in the Montreal region. We then elaborate on the relationship between urban land management and transport planning, especially in the form of transit-oriented development (TOD). The TOD concept helps consider the redevelopment of shopping malls in multifunctional hub accessible in transit. This thesis tries two answer one main question, namely: Will the construction of the REM and the extension of the blue line of subway spur the redevelopment of shopping malls into TOD’s? To answer this question, we develop a methodological framework that relies on two complementary research strategy. The first one is a content analysis which takes the form of an inventory of shopping malls transformation projects anticipated, projected, or discussed publicly in Montreal, Laval and Longueuil. Projects are described using a few transformation categories (built form, functions, design, experience, living environment and accessibility), which are characteristics of TOD projects. The second strategy build on semi-structured interviews with private and public actors directly or indirectly linked to shopping malls. This strategy helps understand our subject’s complex dynamics by putting forward a rich array of perspectives. Our results shows that half of the projects identified are linked to the construction of a transit equipment, most of them being in proximity to a REM station. These projects have some characteristics commonly associated with TODs, like density and diversity of functions, while they seldom plan for active infrastructure. Our study shows a link between the construction of a structuring transit infrastructure and the densification of shopping malls, especially by adding a residential function.

Разработка методики интенсивного формирования коммуникативной компетенции на уроках РКИ : магистерская диссертация / Development of the method of intensive formation communicative competence at russian as foreigner classes

Аксенова, Л. О., Aksyonova, L. O. January 2022 (has links)
Данная выпускная квалификационная работа посвящена разработке методики интенсивного формирования коммуникативной компетенции на уроках РКИ. В работе рассматриваются современные интенсивные методики изучения иностранных языков, выделяются основные, которые стали базой для построения курсов для обучения РКИ. Также сделан акцент на сложностях, с которыми сталкиваются иностранные студенты при изучении русского языка. Проанализирована возможность применения интенсивного курса по отношению к русскому языку. Во второй главе дана теоретическая основа и организация опытно-поисковой работы по формированию коммуникативной компетенции на уроках РКИ. Представлены уроки из разработанной методики и подведены итоги, проанализированы результаты. / This final qualification work is devoted to the development of a methodology for the intensive formation of communicative competence in the lessons of Russian as a foreign language. The paper discusses modern intensive methods of learning foreign languages, highlights the main ones that have become the basis for building courses for teaching Russian as a foreign language. The emphasis is also placed on the difficulties that foreign students face when studying the Russian language. The possibility of applying an intensive course in relation to the Russian language is analyzed. The second chapter gives the theoretical basis and organization of experimental and search work on the formation of communicative competence in the lessons of Russian as a foreign language. The lessons from the developed methodology are presented and the results are summed up, the results are analyzed.

Application de la spectroscopie à l'étude de la planète Mars et à la recherche de planètes extrasolaires :<br />caractérisation des spectromètres de l'instrument SPICAM-Light embarqué à bord de la mission spatiale Mars-Express ; développement et optimisation du spectromètre astronomique EMILIE dédié aux mesures de vitesses radiales stellaires.

Guibert, Stéphane 17 October 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse présente trois techniques innovantes de spectrométrie, l'une en domaine infrarouge, l'autre en visible, et la troisième en ultraviolet. Deux d'entres elles sont utilisées par l'instrument Spicam-Light à bord de la sonde spatiale Mars-Express pour l'étude de l'atmosphère de Mars. La troisième concerne la spectrométrie à haute résolution depuis le sol, et est dédiée aux mesures de vitesses radiales stellaires pour la recherche de planètes extrasolaires à l'Observatoire de Haute Provence avec l'Accéléromètre Astronomique Absolu.<br />L'étude présente le concept révolutionnaire des spectromètres UV et IR de l'instrument Spicam-Light à travers une description technique détaillée. Elle s'accompagne des résultats, des étalonnages, des estimations photométriques avant l'envol et des performances en vol. L'étude sur l'AAA expose le développement instrumental important de cet appareil. Elle s'accompagne des résultats obtenus pour illustrer ses performances actuelles et potentielles.

Nezletilý v civilním procesu / The minor in civil procedure

Sladká Hyklová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The Minor in the Civil Procedure JUDr. Jana Sladká Hyklová Abstract The thesis deals with the topic of the minor in civil procedure. This topic has not been yet properly compiled in Czech legal literature although the issues of participation of minors within civil proceedings are still actual and their importance is increasing. The basic legal source covering the chosen topic is Act No. 99/1963 Coll., Civil Procedure Code, which had to be amended more than 120 times. Procedural law in family law matters, which form substantial part of the content of this thesis topic, is firmly connected with substantive law. Substantive legislation is nowadays represented by Civil Code and Family Law, which are supposed to be replaced on 1 January 2014 with new code of civil law, Civil Code (Act No. 89/2012 Coll.). This is the reason why the thesis pays attention to the existing legislation as well as to novelties brought by the new code. Where needed, an analysis of new legislation in terms of proper procedural protection of the rights of minors is provided. New legislation of civil law brings the question of preparation of appropriate procedural code. On spring 2012 the draft of law of non contentious procedure which includes main principles and outline of this brand new procedural regulation was published. Where...

Parental Report of Medication Acceptance Among Youth: Implications for Every Day Practice

Polaha, Jodi, Dalton, William T., III, Lancaster, Blake M. 01 November 2008 (has links)
No description available.

An Introductory Course in the Reading of Simple Graphic and Statistical Material for Use in Junior High Schools

McKenzie, Annie 01 January 1930 (has links) (PDF)
In the stories of olden times and in those of our own American Indians, we learned of the picture writing of primitive peoples. It became an early method of recording people's thoughts. This was a very useful method at a time when the race was young. This in turn was the beginning of our alphabet, later the beginning of shaping letters into words, and then word into sentences and paragraphs. As our world has grown older, new idea have come into use and we are no longer content to live as our grandparents lived. We travel by fast express trains, high powered auto- mobiles, airplanes, or zeppelins. The radio gives us the news before our papers containing it are on the street. are not able to talk with people on the other side of the world. Business men find this a very valuable means of doing business when time means money. The motion pictures bring us the story of the book we have not had time to read and the characters from its pages talk to us from the screen. In short, we must have quicker ways of doing things.

Highway Development Decision-Making Under Uncertainty: Analysis, Critique and Advancement

El-Khatib, Mayar January 2010 (has links)
While decision-making under uncertainty is a major universal problem, its implications in the field of transportation systems are especially enormous; where the benefits of right decisions are tremendous, the consequences of wrong ones are potentially disastrous. In the realm of highway systems, decisions related to the highway configuration (number of lanes, right of way, etc.) need to incorporate both the traffic demand and land price uncertainties. In the literature, these uncertainties have generally been modeled using the Geometric Brownian Motion (GBM) process, which has been used extensively in modeling many other real life phenomena. But few scholars, including those who used the GBM in highway configuration decisions, have offered any rigorous justification for the use of this model. This thesis attempts to offer a detailed analysis of various aspects of transportation systems in relation to decision-making. It reveals some general insights as well as a new concept that extends the notion of opportunity cost to situations where wrong decisions could be made. Claiming deficiency of the GBM model, it also introduces a new formulation that utilizes a large and flexible parametric family of jump models (i.e., Lévy processes). To validate this claim, data related to traffic demand and land prices were collected and analyzed to reveal that their distributions, heavy-tailed and asymmetric, do not match well with the GBM model. As a remedy, this research used the Merton, Kou, and negative inverse Gaussian Lévy processes as possible alternatives. Though the results show indifference in relation to final decisions among the models, mathematically, they improve the precision of uncertainty models and the decision-making process. This furthers the quest for optimality in highway projects and beyond.

Highway Development Decision-Making Under Uncertainty: Analysis, Critique and Advancement

El-Khatib, Mayar January 2010 (has links)
While decision-making under uncertainty is a major universal problem, its implications in the field of transportation systems are especially enormous; where the benefits of right decisions are tremendous, the consequences of wrong ones are potentially disastrous. In the realm of highway systems, decisions related to the highway configuration (number of lanes, right of way, etc.) need to incorporate both the traffic demand and land price uncertainties. In the literature, these uncertainties have generally been modeled using the Geometric Brownian Motion (GBM) process, which has been used extensively in modeling many other real life phenomena. But few scholars, including those who used the GBM in highway configuration decisions, have offered any rigorous justification for the use of this model. This thesis attempts to offer a detailed analysis of various aspects of transportation systems in relation to decision-making. It reveals some general insights as well as a new concept that extends the notion of opportunity cost to situations where wrong decisions could be made. Claiming deficiency of the GBM model, it also introduces a new formulation that utilizes a large and flexible parametric family of jump models (i.e., Lévy processes). To validate this claim, data related to traffic demand and land prices were collected and analyzed to reveal that their distributions, heavy-tailed and asymmetric, do not match well with the GBM model. As a remedy, this research used the Merton, Kou, and negative inverse Gaussian Lévy processes as possible alternatives. Though the results show indifference in relation to final decisions among the models, mathematically, they improve the precision of uncertainty models and the decision-making process. This furthers the quest for optimality in highway projects and beyond.

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