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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo de casos clínicos em radioterapia através do sistema de planejamento AMIGOBrachy / Clinical cases study on radiotherapy using treatment planning system AMIGOBrachy

ANGELOCCI, LUCAS V. 21 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Marco Antonio Oliveira da Silva (maosilva@ipen.br) on 2016-12-21T11:30:16Z No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-21T11:30:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / O sucesso de uma radioterapia depende do correto planejamento da dose a ser entregue ao volume alvo. Na braquiterapia, modalidade da radioterapia onde um radioisótopo selado é implantado intracavitariamente ou intersticialmente no paciente, há menos avanços em sistemas de planejamento de tratamento computacionais do que na teleterapia, amplamente mais utilizada nos serviços típicos. Porém, a braquiterapia, quando aplicável, é preferível por poupar tecidos sadios vizinhos de uma dose desnecessária. O AMIGOBrachy, um sistema de planejamento para braquiterapia de interface amigável, compatibilidade com outros sistemas comerciais em uso e integrado ao código MCNP6 (Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code v. 6) foi desenvolvido no Centro de Engenharia Nuclear do Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (CEN-IPEN) e atualmente está em processo de validação. Este trabalho contribuiu para este processo, avaliando três diferentes casos clínicos através do AMIGOBrachy com o formalismo do TG43 da AAPM (Associação Americana de Física Médica), protocolo que rege a dosimetria em braquiterapia, e comparando seus resultados com as distribuições de dose calculadas por outros sistemas comerciais consagrados: Varian BrachyVision TM (Varian Medical Systems; Palo Alto, CA, EUA) e Nucletron Oncentra® (Elekta; Estocolmo, Suécia). Os resultados obtidos estão dentro de uma faixa de concordância de ±10%, estando mais discrepantes em regiões muito próximas do aplicador, onde os sistemas de planejamento comerciais e o AMIGOBrachy divergem devido aos diferentes métodos de cálculo. Em pelo menos dois terços da região de interesse, porém, a dose concordou em uma faixa de ±3% para os três casos. Também foram realizadas simulações utilizando o formalismo do TG186 da AAPM, que considera heterogeneidades no tecido, para avaliar o impacto dos mesmos na dose. Em adição ao processo de validação, também foi realizado um estudo em braquiterapia oftálmica para posterior inserção de um módulo adicional ao AMIGOBrachy; para isso, um modelo de olho humano foi desenvolvido utilizando geometria UM (Unstructured Mesh), para validação com o código MCNP6, que apenas nesta versão demonstra um novo recurso capaz de simular uma geometria híbrida: parcialmente analítica, parcialmente UM. O modelo considera dez diferentes estruturas no olho humano: esclera, coroide, retina, corpo vítreo, córnea, câmara anterior, lente, nervo óptico, parede do nervo óptico, e um tumor definido de forma arbitrária crescendo da superfície externa do globo ocular em direção ao seu centro. Os resultados foram comparados com um modelo de olho puramente analítico modelado com o MCNP6 e tomado como referência. Os resultados foram satisfatórios em todas as simulações desenvolvidas, exceto para as estruturas do nervo óptico e sua parede, que devido ao seu pequeno tamanho e distância da fonte, mostraram erros relativos maiores, mas ainda menores que 10%, e não representam problema de preocupação clínica uma vez que recebem doses muito pequenas. Discutiu-se também a eficácia e problemas encontrados nessa nova capacidade do código MCNP de simular geometrias híbridas, uma vez que é recente e ainda apresenta deficiências, que tiveram que ser contornadas no presente trabalho. / Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Shared Spaces: The Human and the Animal in the Works of Zora Neale Hurston, Mark Twain, and Jack London

Harper, Pamela Evans 08 1900 (has links)
Living in tune with nature means respecting the natural environment and realizing its power and the ways it manifests in daily life. This essay focuses on the ways in which respect for nature is expressed through animal imagery in Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God, Mark Twain's "The Stolen White Elephant," Roughing It, and Pudd'nhead Wilson, and Jack London's The Call of the Wild. Each author encouraged readers to seek the benefits of nature in order to become better human beings, forge stronger communities, and develop a more unified nation and world. By learning from the positive example of the animals, we learn how to share our world with them and with each other.

Vliv cvičení na subjektivní vnímání vlastního těla u účastníků kurzu Feldenkraisovy metody / The influence of exercise on subjective perception of our own body in participants of the Feldenkrais method course

Havlíková, Karolína January 2019 (has links)
Title of the thesis: The influence of exercise on subjective perception of our own body in participants of the Feldenkrais method course Aims of the thesis: The aim of this thesis was to deepen the theoretical knowledge of the Feldenkrais method, the basic anatomy of the cervical spine and the construction of the eye. Furthermore, the aim was to clarify the connection of eye movements and cervical spine, and define cervicoocular reflex, vestibuloocular reflex and whiplash syndrome. Then apply this knowledge and explain how one lesson of the Feldenkrais method affects the subjective perception of our own body, and how it can affect the magnitude of the cervical spine ranges. Method: It is a quantitative, experimental research. In the first part of the research, the questionnaire of own design monitored the effect of one lesson of the Feldenkrais method on the subjective perception of our own body in a group of 56 people aged 24 to 79 years, the lesson took part during a three-day course. In the second part of the research, the effect of one Feldenkrais method focused on the movement of eyes and cervical spine was studied in a group of 20 people aged 19 to 27 years. Data to this section was obtained based on input and output measurements using a measuring tape and a goniometer. In addition, a...

Blood, Tears, and Wounded Eyes: Holy Effluvia and the Compassion of the Virgin in Early Modern Flemish Visual and Devotional Culture

Bekker, Katharine Grace Davidson 15 April 2022 (has links)
Images of the Mater dolorosa, the weeping Mother of God mourning over her dead son, are plentiful art of Northern Europe during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries and often foreground the shedding of effluvia—blood, sweat, and tears—in their depictions of the holy pair. This paper explores the visual themes of tears, blood, eyes, and wounds as vital actors in images that require close, meditative, and affective looking and engagement. Such image formats include small-scale pairings of the Man of Sorrows and Mater dolorosa as well as books of hours. In these contexts, the holy fluids and their bodily sources expand the images' narratives and allow for greater exegesis of their devotional prompts. This phenomenon of expansion via effluvia occurs throughout Flemish devotional culture of this period; this paper uses Albrecht Bouts's diptych panels of the Mater dolorosa and Man of Sorrows, produced between 1490 and 1525, as the chief case study to encapsulate and ground those ideas while still acknowledging that they also apply beyond this image. Considering the widespread commonalities between blood and tears in visual and textual representations of the early modern Flemish devotional culture and the visual similarities between weeping eyes and bleeding wounds, this paper argues that Mary's eyes act as the external manifestations of her internal wounds and become locus of her Compassion for Christ. Furthermore, pictorial blood and tears function as metonymic devices that, like the Man of Sorrows type, invoke the entirety of the Passion and Compassion. The multivalent functions of the blood and tears in Bouts's diptych expand it beyond just a representation of Mary and her son and allow it to become a window and mirror into which viewers could look to engage in penance and communion with Mary and Christ.

Ztraceno v překladu: Problematika překladu afroamerického dialektu do češtiny / Lost in Translation: Challenges of Translating the African American Vernacular into the Czech Space

Horká, Natálie January 2021 (has links)
dialect is introduced. Toni Morrison's ce Walker's analyse the way in which Michael Žantovsk Nejmodřejší oči ) and Jiří The thesis is concluded with a part that focuses on Zora Neale Hurston's The novel's language is analysed compared to the novels by Walker and Morrison, and the analysis presents specifics of Hurston's portrayal of African American ejich oči

Trygghetsfrämjande arbete i park-, gångstråk- och torgprojekt : En fallstudie av hur trygghetsaspekter integrerats i projekt inom Grönare Stockholm / Safety-enhancing work in park, walkway and square projects : A case study regarding the integration of safety aspects in projects within Grönare Stockholm

Arvidsson, Carl January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva och analysera hur trygghetsaspekter integrerats i implementeringen av det strategiska dokumentet Grönare Stockholm. Dokumentet innehåller riktlinjer för hur stadens parker och naturområden skall planeras och förvaltas, med fokus på gröna frågor. Metoderna som använts för datainsamling i denna kvalitativa studie är en kombination av litteraturstudie, dokumentstudie och intervjustudie där fyra projekt inom parker, gångstråk och torg undersökts i en fallstudie. Fem tjänstepersoner på Trafikkontoret i Stockholms stad har intervjuats i syfte att erhålla deras beskrivning av hur trygghetsaspekter integrerats i dessa fyra projekt inom Grönare Stockholm. Fyra av intervjupersonerna var projektledare och den femte var verksamhetsutvecklare för Grönare Stockholm som helhet. Materialet har analyserats genom ett deduktivt angreppssätt med hjälp av första och andra generationens trygghetsprinciper som presenteras i teorin Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (Atlas et.al, 2013; Cleveland & Saville, 2013). Resultatet visar att trygghetsprinciperna integrerats i hög grad i de projekt som studerats i fallstudien, även om det tagit sig olika uttryck beroende på respektive projekts förutsättningar. Det visade sig att sociala frågor och trygghetsfrågor haft stort fokus i samtliga projekt, vilket innebär att den praktiska tillämpningen av Grönare Stockholm inte speglar vad som framkommer i det strategiska dokumentet. / The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze how safety aspects has been integrated in the implementation of the strategic document Grönare Stockholm. The document contains guidelines regarding how the city’s parks and green areas should be planned and managed, with focus on green aspects. The methods used for data collection in this qualitative study is a combination of literature study, document study and interview study where four projects within parks, walkways and squares have been examined in a case study. Five officials at The Traffic Administration Office in the municipality of Stockholm have been interviewed in order to acquire their description of how safety aspects has been integrated in these four projects within Grönare Stockholm. Four of the interviewees were project managers and the fifth was a business developer for Grönare Stockholm overall. The material has been analyzed through a deductive approach with the first and second generation of safety principles which are presented in the theory Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (Atlas et.al, 2013; Cleveland & Saville, 2013). The results show that the safety principles have been integrated largely in the projects that were studied within the case study, even though it has taken different forms depending on each projects prerequisites. It turned out that social and safety aspects had a big focus in all projects, which means that the practical application of Grönare Stockholm doesn’t reflect what emerges in the strategic document.

Statistical Evaluation of Correlated Measurement Data in Longitudinal Setting Based on Bilateral Corneal Cross-Linking

Herber, Robert, Graehlert, Xina, Raiskup, Frederik, Veselá, Martina, Pillunat, Lutz E., Spoerl, Eberhard 13 April 2023 (has links)
Purpose In ophthalmology, data from both eyes of a person are frequently included in the statistical evaluation. This violates the requirement of data independence for classical statistical tests (e.g. t-Test or analysis of variance (ANOVA)) because it is correlated data. Linear mixed models (LMM) were used as a possibility to include the data of both eyes in the statistical evaluation. Methods The LMM is available for a variety of statistical software such as SPSS or R. The application was applied to a retrospective longitudinal analysis of an accelerated corneal cross-linking (ACXL (9*10)) treatment in progressive keratoconus (KC) with a follow-up period of 36 months. Forty eyes of 20 patients were included, whereas sequential bilateral CXL treatment was performed within 12 months. LMM and ANOVA for repeated measurements were used for statistical evaluation of topographical and tomographical data measured by Pentacam (Oculus, Wetzlar, Germany). Results Both eyes were classified into a worse and better eye concerning corneal topography. Visual acuity, keratometric values and minimal corneal thickness were statistically significant between them at baseline (p < 0.05). A significant correlation between worse and better eye was shown (p < 0.05). Therefore, analyzing the data at each follow-up visit using ANOVA partially led to an overestimation of the statistical effect that could be avoided by using LMM. After 36 months, ACXL has significantly improved BCVA and flattened the cornea. Conclusion The evaluation of data of both eyes without considering their correlation using classical statistical tests leads to an overestimation of the statistical effect, which can be avoided by using the LMM.

Patient Psychological Factors Related to Cosmetic Surgery Satisfaction

Koveleskie, Michaela R. 10 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

BID-modellen och brottsförebyggande åtgärder i den offentliga miljön. / The BID Model and Crime Prevention Measures in Public Spaces.

Hrovat, Filip, Polteg, Filiph January 2024 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker brottsförebyggande åtgärder i den byggda miljön med fokus på samverkansmodellen BID (business improvement district) och dess inverkan på förebyggande av brott i offentliga utrymmen. Genom en kombination av kvalitativa metoder, inklusive intervjuer, platsbesök och dokumentstudier, undersöker studien vilken roll samverkan mellan samhällsaktörer spelar för att skapa omhändertagande och trygga stadsmiljöer. Studien analyserar även hur brottsförebyggande åtgärder, såsom insatser och strategier som syftar till att främja tryggheten och säkerheten i samhället. Dessa åtgärder innefattar teorier och metoder som förbättrar den fysiska och sociala miljön i samhället. Studien undersöker även brottsförebyggande åtgärder såsom kameraövervakning och säkerhetszoner, samt hur dessa påverkar platser och deras invånare. Uppsatsen undersöker effektiviteten av dessa åtgärder för att bekämpa brottslighet men också deras sociala effekter. Vi vill med denna uppsats bidra till förståelsen av säkerhetszoner ur ett stadsplaneringsperspektiv och ge insikter om deras potentiella kortsiktiga samt långsiktiga lösningar för brottsförebyggande. / This thesis examines crime prevention measures in the built environment, focusing on the collaborative model BID (business improvement district) model and its impact on crime prevention in public spaces. Through a combination of qualitative methods, including interviews, site visits and document studies, the study investigates the role of cooperation between societal actors in creating caring and safe urban environments. The study also analyzes how crime prevention measures, such as interventions and strategies, aim to promote safety and security in the society. These measures include theories and methods that improve the physical and social environment of society. The study also examines crime prevention measures such as camera surveillance and “safety zones”, and how these affect places and their residents. The paper examines the effectiveness of these measures in fighting crime but also their social consequences. With this essay, we want to contribute to the understanding of safety zones from an urban planning perspective and provide insights into their potential short-term and long-term solutions for crime prevention.

Le visage romanesque : dans les œuvres de Chariton, de Xénophon d'Éphèse, de Longus, d'Héliodore d'Émèse et d'Achille Tatius / Face in greek novel : in Chariton, Xenophon, Longus, Heliodorus and Achilles Tatius's novels

Saussard-Colard, Dorothée-Laure 28 September 2012 (has links)
L’analyse du vocabulaire grec du visage dans l’ensemble des romans de Chariton, de Xénophon, de Longus, d’Héliodore et d’Achille Tatius a pour dessein de montrer l’intérêt certain, à la fois esthétique et sensoriel, porté à cette partie souveraine du corps. Quelle est donc l’importance accordée au visage du héros ou de l’héroïne ? Et de quelle manière le discours rend-il compte de son incarnation, de sa réalité organique ? Comment les visages des personnages interagissent-ils ? Parce que le visage se révèle une interface entre l’intime et le social, entre l’intériorité et l’expressivité, on peut se demander en quoi ce lieu privilégié du corps, à travers la description de l’aspect physique des personnages, caractérise leur éthos permanent ou communique au lecteur leurs émotions fugitives. Le visage s’offre aux regards et interpelle. Ses traits sont autant de signes à interpréter pour celui ou celle qui le regarde et dont il mobilise le système de reconnaissance et de représentation. Certes, la description physique des héroïnes comme celle des jeunes hommes ne se limite pas au visage. Mais, seul le visage, qui n’a rien d’incertain, d’irrégulier, de disharmonieux, est appelé à refléter les vertus des personnages mais aussi ses plus grandes souffrances. La mise en icônes de traits représentatifs des personnages s’inscrit dans la logique des procédures de description physique qui caractérise la culture romanesque. Le roman aime ainsi à représenter la beauté, en alliant aux manifestations physiques les émotions de l’âme. Les visages des héros romanesques grecs sont dévoilés dans une sorte de mosaïque à la fois anatomique et littéraire, évoquant les éléments fondamentaux qui les constituent. Ainsi, sans confondre visage et portrait, nous avons déconstruit le visage romanesque pour en montrer les diverses facettes, la palette des couleurs, les références littéraires intertextuelles et mythologiques mais aussi certains invariants, pour enfin mieux le reconstruire. Nous avons donc procédé à l’étude et à l’analyse du visage, non seulement comme entité mais en tant que visage morcelé, voire éclaté. L’étude approfondie des sens s’est attachée à souligner la passion, ses effets et les émotions du corps, entre plaisir et souffrance, entre affection et violence. Cette recherche a permis de souligner les éléments communs aux différents romanciers, mais aussi leur originalité d'écriture. L'importance accordée au visage et plus généralement au corps dans la narratologie laisse apparaître le reflet des valeurs de la société grecque de leur temps. / The analysis of Greek vocabulary about the face in Chariton, Xenophon, Longus, Heliodorus and Achilles Tatius’s novels as a whole plans to show the definite interest, both aesthetic and sensory focused on this sovereign part of the body. So what is the importance attached to the hero or heroine’s faces? And how does the discourse explain its incarnation and organical reality? The face proves to be an interface between the private and social world, between interiority and expressiveness. So we can wonder how this privileged part of the body characterizes their permanent ethos ; we can wonder how it transmits their fleeting emotions to the reader, through the description of the physical look of the characters. The face catches attention. Its features mobilize the system of recognition and representation. Indeed the physical description of heroines as well as heroes is not limited to the face. But only the face, with nothing uncertain, irregular, disharmonious, is assigned to reflect the characters’ virtues but also their greatest suffering. « La mise en icônes »of characters’ representative features is part of the procedures of physical description that characterize the culture of the novel. Thus the novel likes to represent beauty by combining physical expressions with soul feeling. The faces of Greek novelistic heroes are revealed in a kind of mosaic at once anatomical and literary, evoking the basic elements that constitute them. Thus, without mixing up face and portrait, we have deconstructed the novelistic face to show its various facets, colour palette, intertextual literary and mythological references ; but also to show some invariants to, at last, rebuild it in a better way. We have therefore conducted a thorough study and analysis of the face not only as an entity but as a fragmented even blown up face. The detailed study of senses has endeavoured to emphasize passion and its effects, and show the emotions of the body between pleasure and suffering, affection and violence. On the one hand this research has permitted to highlight the elements common to the different novelists, their original writing and the importance granted to face and more generally to body in narratology. On the other hand it has led us to analyze the reflection of the values of the Greek society of their days.

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