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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att vara i rytmiken är att vara i ögonblicket : en vetenskaplig essä om rytmikens betydelse för barns utveckling / To be in eurhythmics is to be in the moment : An essay about the meaning of eurhythmics for children´s development

Murua, Synnöve January 2012 (has links)
This essay tells about the meaning of eurhythmics for children’s development and why it is so difficult to draw attention to the value of eurhythmics compared to other activities in preschool. The essay builds upon a story that shows what consequences may follow when the meaning of the eurhythmics in the process of learning is not acknowledged. By looking at the relation between rhythm and human beings in a global perspective, I have examined the meaning of rhythm for the human well-being. The question I have researched is; why does eurhythmics appeal to almost every child in spite of being rejected by so many teachers? By researching the reasons behind these completely different points of views, I have tried to enhance the understanding for the different perspectives. I see a danger in the fact that the children lose a very important way to express themselves, as the eurhythmics in preschool and elementary school has to give way for other theoretical subjects. Despite the knowledge many of us possess regarding the development of children, we consent to the limitation of the different ways to express ourselves that we were born with. With my text, I want the reader to reflect over things that might otherwise have been unthought-of. The essay is a story that draws on my own experiences. I have during many years worked with eurhythmics groups in preschool and have been able to follow a positive development in the children whom have participated in my eurhythmics sessions. Yet, I have been experiencing a resistance from some pedagogues, which takes away the children’s opportunity to participate. Moreover, I have gained knowledge of the subject matter by having conversations with people who have long experience with working with children and eurhythmics/music. I have, during the process of writing, many of my thoughts confirmed; such as eurhythmics being one of the hundred languages Loris Malaguzzi talks about and how it is being jeopardized if not given attention and stimulation. By the help of literature, I have reflected over the subject and myself and my actions.

"We cool, tha's why" : a study of personhood and place in a class of Hawaiian second graders

D'Amato, John Joseph January 1986 (has links)
Typescript. / Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1986. / Bibliography: leaves 659-666. / Photocopy. / x, 666 leaves, bound 29 cm

Analýza cizojazyčných interakcí v kontextu rané imerze. Kvalitativní výzkum komunikačních strategií na základě videozáznamu. / Analysis of foreign language interactions in the context of early immersion. Qualitative research of communication strategies based on videorecording.

KŘIKAVOVÁ, Alena January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on teaching German language to preschool children in Czech nursery schools. The theoretical section defines the conditions of early foreign language learning and opinions on it, and presents arguments for early German as a second language learning. Suitable methods for education of preschool children are discussed as well. The aim of this thesis is to determine and compare how early foreign language learning is realized in particular preschool institutions, based on the information from videos made within the project "Intercultural education of children, students and teachers". E.g. whether the children understand instructions given in foreign language and the teacher's speech, the extent to which the communication takes place in German within the group, which activities are most often used, the ways or forms of implementation of these activities and whether they meet the conditions of early foreign language learning. The diploma thesis summarizes the education methods of individual preschool institutions and identifies potential mistakes made, and it suggests more effective ways of teaching.

Evropské školy / European schools

Cohen, Pavla January 2013 (has links)
European Schools are educational establishments in some European Union countries, providing the children of employees of the European institutions a multilingual and multicultural education in nursery, primary and secondary levels. Due to the multiculturalism, for the successful functioning and management of the system, it is necessary to find compromises. It is on a similar principle that the new curriculum of Early Education in European schools - Early Education Curriculum is based. The first part of my work is the presentation of the European Schools system (its history, principles, structure, functioning) and of the Early Education Curriculum. The aim of the next section is to compare this Curriculum and the Czech Framework Education Programme for Early Education, seeking for mutual inspiration and ideas in both systems. This is a theoretical and analytical comparison of the documents with a deeper focus on cooperation with parents, transition between nursery and primary school, and evaluation methods. Several videos, interviews and responses to the questionnaire answered by the teachers in the European Schools illustrate the application of the the Curriculum in the practice of the European Schools, particularly in the monitored areas. A collected set of opinions of the Czech nursery teachers on the...

Quanto mais cedo melhor (?): uma análise discursiva do ensino de inglês para crianças / The earlier, the better (?): a discoursive analysis of English teaching to children

Garcia, Bianca Rigamonti Valeiro 19 August 2011 (has links)
Atualmente, é notável a expansão do oferecimento de aulas de inglês para crianças pequenas no Brasil. As modalidades disponíveis no mercado são variadas e os pais que se interessam por elas podem optar por cursos específicos de língua estrangeira, escolas internacionais, bilíngues, ou até mesmo escolas regulares que ofereçam aulas de inglês incluídas em suas grades curriculares. De qualquer maneira, todas elas são acessíveis quase que exclusivamente por meio do ensino privado. Ancorados nos pressupostos da Análise do Discurso desenvolvidos na França (Pêcheux, 1975), e no Brasil (Orlandi, 2001; Coracini, 1998),analisamos as representações de criança, língua estrangeira e ensino de língua estrangeira presentes nos dizeres da legislação brasileira, da mídia (reportagens e sites institucionais) e de coordenadoras da área, buscando compreender de que forma as justificativas da inclusão desse componente curricular se materializam e com quais sentidos se relacionam. Esta análise nos permitiu depreender certas regularidades nos sentidos: em primeiro lugar, as representações de criança veiculam duas perspectivas dominantes: a de um ser passivo, que aprende rápido por não realizar processos mentais complexos e uma outra relacionada à ideia de um trabalhador em potencial. Em segundo lugar, quanto às representações de ensino de LE, há dizeres que referem o processo de aprendizagem como absorção, ou, então, modelagem de comportamentos. As representações de LE, por sua vez, remetem majoritariamente a um sentido de garantia de sucesso da vida profissional. Finalmente, pudemos concluir que a prática do ensino de inglês para crianças emerge de uma cadeia discursiva cujos sentidos estão maciçamente alinhados com os dizeres do mercado neoliberal. A análise das justificativas pedagógicas do ensino de inglês para crianças tornou-se, uma análise das projeções da criança no mercado de trabalho e da naturalização da lógica capitalista para a formação e preparação das crianças de elite. Assim, parece que o mais cedo do aprendizado linguístico coincide com o mais cedo da aceitação das práticas do mercado na educação e também da euforização da produtividade, excluindo, até da mais precoce infância, o acesso ao ócio ou a não-obrigatoriedade da produção. / Currently there is a remarkable expansion of English courses for young children in Brazil. There are several modalities available and among them parents may choose from foreign language courses, international and bilingual schools up to schools where English classes are provided in their curricula. Nevertheless, they are all available almost exclusively through private education. Relying on Discourse Analysis assumptions (Pêcheux, 1975; Orlandi, 2001; Coracine, 1998), we have analyzed the representations of children, foreign language and foreign language teaching in the utterances of Brazilian legislation, in the media (reports and institutional sites) as well as in pedagogical coordinators talk, aiming at understanding how the justifications for the inclusion of this curricular component materialize in the discourse, and what senses they relate to. The analysis enabled us to identify certain sense regularities. Firstly, representations of children point to two dominant meanings: one which refers to the belief that they learn fast because they do not perform complex mental processes, and another related to the fact that they are potential workers. Regarding the representations of English teaching, the sayings refer to the learning process as absorption or behavior modeling. The second one concerns representations of English that refer mostly to its sense as a guarantee of success in professional life. Finally, we concluded that the practice of teaching English to children emerges from a discursive chain whose senses are overwhelmingly aligned with the utterances of the neoliberal market. Our analysis of the justifications for teaching English to school children has revealed itself the analysis of projections of the child into the labor market and the naturalization of capitalist logic in the education and the upbringing of elite children. Thus, it seems that the \"early\" language learning coincides with the \"early\" acceptance of market practices in education, as well as the valorization of productivity, preventing, from the earliest childhood, access to idleness or the right to non-compulsory production engagements.

Quanto mais cedo melhor (?): uma análise discursiva do ensino de inglês para crianças / The earlier, the better (?): a discoursive analysis of English teaching to children

Bianca Rigamonti Valeiro Garcia 19 August 2011 (has links)
Atualmente, é notável a expansão do oferecimento de aulas de inglês para crianças pequenas no Brasil. As modalidades disponíveis no mercado são variadas e os pais que se interessam por elas podem optar por cursos específicos de língua estrangeira, escolas internacionais, bilíngues, ou até mesmo escolas regulares que ofereçam aulas de inglês incluídas em suas grades curriculares. De qualquer maneira, todas elas são acessíveis quase que exclusivamente por meio do ensino privado. Ancorados nos pressupostos da Análise do Discurso desenvolvidos na França (Pêcheux, 1975), e no Brasil (Orlandi, 2001; Coracini, 1998),analisamos as representações de criança, língua estrangeira e ensino de língua estrangeira presentes nos dizeres da legislação brasileira, da mídia (reportagens e sites institucionais) e de coordenadoras da área, buscando compreender de que forma as justificativas da inclusão desse componente curricular se materializam e com quais sentidos se relacionam. Esta análise nos permitiu depreender certas regularidades nos sentidos: em primeiro lugar, as representações de criança veiculam duas perspectivas dominantes: a de um ser passivo, que aprende rápido por não realizar processos mentais complexos e uma outra relacionada à ideia de um trabalhador em potencial. Em segundo lugar, quanto às representações de ensino de LE, há dizeres que referem o processo de aprendizagem como absorção, ou, então, modelagem de comportamentos. As representações de LE, por sua vez, remetem majoritariamente a um sentido de garantia de sucesso da vida profissional. Finalmente, pudemos concluir que a prática do ensino de inglês para crianças emerge de uma cadeia discursiva cujos sentidos estão maciçamente alinhados com os dizeres do mercado neoliberal. A análise das justificativas pedagógicas do ensino de inglês para crianças tornou-se, uma análise das projeções da criança no mercado de trabalho e da naturalização da lógica capitalista para a formação e preparação das crianças de elite. Assim, parece que o mais cedo do aprendizado linguístico coincide com o mais cedo da aceitação das práticas do mercado na educação e também da euforização da produtividade, excluindo, até da mais precoce infância, o acesso ao ócio ou a não-obrigatoriedade da produção. / Currently there is a remarkable expansion of English courses for young children in Brazil. There are several modalities available and among them parents may choose from foreign language courses, international and bilingual schools up to schools where English classes are provided in their curricula. Nevertheless, they are all available almost exclusively through private education. Relying on Discourse Analysis assumptions (Pêcheux, 1975; Orlandi, 2001; Coracine, 1998), we have analyzed the representations of children, foreign language and foreign language teaching in the utterances of Brazilian legislation, in the media (reports and institutional sites) as well as in pedagogical coordinators talk, aiming at understanding how the justifications for the inclusion of this curricular component materialize in the discourse, and what senses they relate to. The analysis enabled us to identify certain sense regularities. Firstly, representations of children point to two dominant meanings: one which refers to the belief that they learn fast because they do not perform complex mental processes, and another related to the fact that they are potential workers. Regarding the representations of English teaching, the sayings refer to the learning process as absorption or behavior modeling. The second one concerns representations of English that refer mostly to its sense as a guarantee of success in professional life. Finally, we concluded that the practice of teaching English to children emerges from a discursive chain whose senses are overwhelmingly aligned with the utterances of the neoliberal market. Our analysis of the justifications for teaching English to school children has revealed itself the analysis of projections of the child into the labor market and the naturalization of capitalist logic in the education and the upbringing of elite children. Thus, it seems that the \"early\" language learning coincides with the \"early\" acceptance of market practices in education, as well as the valorization of productivity, preventing, from the earliest childhood, access to idleness or the right to non-compulsory production engagements.

Förskollärares föreställningar och förhållningssätt till barns fria lek i förskolan / Preschool Teachers’ Perceptions and Approach to Children’s Free Play in Early Education

Emilsson, Elinore January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this survey is to examine preschool teachers’ perceptions and approach to children’s free play and with which intentions they are participating. This study also aims to examine preschool teachers’ perception of didactic consequences of participation around the free play. This study is analyzed from a phenomenological- and a self-psychological perspective. This survey is based on three qualitative, semi-structed interviews with three graduated preschool teachers. The intention is to get knowledge about their perceptions and approach around the free play in early education. From these preschool teachers’ reasoning in the interviews, my understanding is that the free play is regulated and limited. They described a perception that they participate in the free play to support the children but also to teach them the social interaction. They told me that they could steer away the play if it goes outside the society norms. They said that if that’s the case, they helped the youngsters and sometimes the older children to start a new and approved activity. / Studiens syfte är att undersöka förskollärarnas förhållningssätt och föreställningar kring den fria leken i förskolan, samt vilka föreställningar de har om intentioner för deltagande i leken. Studiens syfte är också att undersöka vilka föreställningar förskollärarna har om didaktiska konsekvenser vid delaktighet i barns fria lek. Studien analyseras utifrån fenomenologiska- och självpsykologiska teorier. I undersökningen användes kvalitativa semi-strukturerade intervjuer med tre utbildade förskollärare för att få tag på deras föreställningar och förhållningssätt till den fria leken. Av intervjumaterialet som består av förskollärarnas resonemang och tankar, kan jag förstå att den fria leken är reglerad och begränsad. Förskollärarna beskrev en föreställning om att de ville delta i den fria leken för att stötta barnen och för att lära dem hur en lek går till. De berättade också att de kunde styra undan en lek som befann sig utanför samhällets normer. Om leken gjorde det så hjälpte förskollärarna de yngre barnen, men bland också de äldre barnen att starta en ny och godkänd lek.

Autism Education and Early Intervention: What Experts Recommend and How Parents and Public Schools Provide

Reffert, Lori A. 10 June 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Program EATS jako alternativa ve výuce anglického jazyka na 1. stupni ZŠ / Program EATS as an alternative in teaching English language at primary school

Chytilová, Anna January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is about an inovative program in teaching English language called EATS. The goal was to find out the effectivness of this program on the basis of repeated observations, didactic testing and interview. In the theoretical part the position of English language in the curricular documents is discussed. Then there is the description of the communicative approach to the language learning which is very useful in nowadays globalised society.The important role of the native speaker is emphasized because he brings the authentic element into the education process and gives pupils good language model. Also the early education in foreign languages is part of this work. Integrated language learning is described on the ilustration of CLIL and its alternative which could be called "language preparation". The aim was to show an example of a good practice which could inspire someone.

Meningsskapande bildaktiviteter i förskolan : Att väcka förskolebarnens inneboende skaparglädje / Meaningful art activities in preschool : To awaken the intrinsic creativity of preschool children

Carlsson, Maria January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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