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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Från protektionism till frihandel : En historisk analys av den svenska livsmedelsproduktionen, jordbrukspolitiken och självförsörjningen från 1947 till år 2007: Ekonomiska motiv bakom förändringen av svenskt jordbruk och förvandlingen från självförsörjning till importberoende

Andersson, Viktor January 2017 (has links)
Jordbruksproduktionen och självförsörjningen har varit en viktig fråga ur beredskapssynpunkt i Sverige under större delen av 1900-talet. Beslut tagna under 1990-talet gick ut på att slopa subventioner och gå från protektionism till frihandel i jordbrukspolitiken. Uppsatsens frågeställningar är: Hur kan man förklara denna förändring utifrån teorin om producent-och konsumentintressena och hur påverkade denna förändring den svenska livsmedelsförsörjningen sett till självförsörjningsgraden? Uppsatsens slutsats utifrån detta är att 1990-talets skifte från en protektionistisk till en frihandelsorienterad jordbrukspolitik bör ses som en förändring i ekonomiska motiv från ett bevarande av producenternas till konsumenternas intressen vars konsekvenser blev att jordbrukspolitiken förändrades.

Security Transaction Taxes and Long-Term Volatility

Ventura I Gabarró, Guillem January 2021 (has links)
The impact of Security Transaction Taxes (STTs) on the financial market has been studied by authors for decades, showing mixed results between positive, negative, or insignificant relations between STTs and financial volatility. This thesis adds a new approach to previous studies by taking an innovative long-term approach to the topic, analysing the effect of both the New York State STT (1905 – 1981) and the United States STT (1914 – 1966) on volatility in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and NASDAQ as measured by the S&P500 Index. The period of investigation is from 1950 to 2019. This analysis reveals a negative relation between the NY STT and volatility when those are computed in long periods of time, implying that the presence (and increase) of STTs lead to a reduced volatility in the financial market. When breaking the analysis down into shorter periods of time the relationship between STTs and financial volatility proved to be insignificant. At the same time, the US STT is not statistically significant neither in the long-term nor in any of the separated shorter analysed periods. This thesis therefore highlights the relevancy of performing long-term studies rather than short-term ones which has been the focus of previous research.

Stockholm Concert Hall : Management of a project in the 1920s

Rodenstedt, Kjell January 2021 (has links)
The beginning of the 20th century was an epoch when new industries were established, migration to the cities were increasing, the service sector was growing, and with an increased middle class. Many of the new developments were endeavors, which we today would call projects. The purpose of this thesis is to extend our knowledge about projects during the 1920s, particularly how they were managed and how different persons took on roles and responsibilities to accomplish something they believed in. One such project was Stockholm Concert Hall (1923–1926). The project was managed by the architect Ivar Tengbom, who was the project manager. There have not been any previous studies of the concert hall as a project. Previous research of projects in the past are few and then mostly from the 1940s and 50s. The thesis covers the management of the project and the different roles and associated responsibilities. The main theories are Bourdieu’s Theory of Fields and current project management theories. One of the findings is that just four men with economic, social, and cultural capital dominated the total project process. The project is considered a success; the concert hall is still appreciated.

Regional Dispersions : Wages and Institutions in the Interwar Period

Skoglund, William January 2021 (has links)
In this thesis I analyze regional labor markets in the interwar period using a firm-level wagedatabase. Using wages for both men, women, and minors I show that previous studiesunderestimate regional inequalities. Wages for all workers converged slightly between 1922and 1930 but male wages diverged. The thesis also shows that wages were positively correlatedwith local union density levels and negatively correlated with unemployment. Wages weremore responsive towards unemployment in 1922 as compared to 1930. The findings in thisthesis point towards a new understanding of regional development during the interwar periodand sheds new light on the dawn of the Swedish model.

Jämförelse av utbildningar till medicinsk sekreterare : En jämförelse av yrkeshögskolor, universitet samt förslag från LSF och MYH

Olsson, Jenny January 2021 (has links)
Idag är den främsta utbildningsformen för medicinska sekreterare/vårdadministratörer yrkeshögskoleutbildningar (YH-utbildningar) som finns i hela Sverige. Denna uppsats undersöker hur fyra av dessa YH-utbildningar ser ut samt vilka likheter och skillnader som finns mellan dem. YH-utbildningarna jämförs också med dagens enda universitetsutbildningen i vårdadministration som ges vid Umeå Universitet samt de riktlinjer som Läkarsekreterares och Sjukvårdsadministratörers förbund (LSF) utformat och det förslag på nationell kursplan som Myndigheten för yrkeshögskolor (MYH) tagit fram. Denna jämförelse görs först på en översiktlignivå där utbildningarnas och förslagens innehåll sorteras i fyra kategorier: Medicin, IT, Ekonomi och organisation samt Forskning. Detta för att jämföra upplägg och hur stora andelar kategorierna utgör. Därefter jämförs kursmomenten som specificeras i kursplanerna genom poängtabeller indelat i 12 ämneskategorier.Resultatet visar att det finns skillnader mellan YH-utbildningarna på detaljnivå i kursmomenten. Dock är dessa utbildningar i hög grad likvärdiga. I jämförelse med universitetet finns det tydliga skillnader mellan utbildningsformerna, både vad gäller innehåll, upplägg och kursmoment. Det finns också likheter i de kurser och moment som är mer praktiskt lagda och specifika för yrkesgruppen medicinska sekreterare/vårdadministratörer. LSF:s riktlinjer och MYH:s förslag har flest likheter till YH-utbildningarna, vilket inte är förvånande då dessa är utformade för YH-utbildningar. Det finns även skillnader mellan LSF och MYH där den mest självklara och största är att det ena dokumentet ska ses som riktlinjer och det andra som krav, om det införs. Undersökningen har visat att vid ett eventuellt införande av MYH:s nationella kursplan kommer YH-utbildningarna i urvalet att behöva förändras, vissa mer än andra.

Konvergens och ökad effektivitet? : En undersökning av europeiska sjukvårdssystem efter 1950.

Sandström, Nicklas January 2020 (has links)
AbstractThis thesis examines convergence and increased efficiency in European healthcare systems after 1950 and beyond. The countries that is included in the study are Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. The purpose that has been answered is, from an economic-historical perspective, contribute to a higher knowledge to European health care systems historical growth, expansion, and structural reforms, and then to analyze in more depth the period 1950 and forward. The questions that have been answered are how European universal and conservative healthcare systems have developed and if it has been a convergence between different models in recent decades. Another question that has been answered if there are any differences in system efficiency measured as the ability of the different systems to affect healthcare-related mortality.At the beginning of the 20th century, the construction of the European countries healthcare systems began. However, it was not until after World War II that the expansion took place and a therefore even a strong increase of cost as a share of GDP.In Europe, two different healthcare models dominate the Nordic universal model and a social insurance system where Germany is the best example. In the Nordic countries, all citizens were included, and the financing was through the tax. In that model, the state was ultimately the guarantor of the individual’s welfare. In the conservative model, different groups could have different insurance solutions for their welfare.The thesis shows a strong convergence of these two models. The collective tax collective has an increasingly important role in both models. Nowadays, there are no major differences on that point. Today, public funding accounts for about 75–80 percent of the total health care costs in both tax- and insurance-financed systems. On the other hand, there are differences in the fact that the social insurance systems are operated by actors other than the region or state. Social insurance systems also tend to provide more equal care in terms of how care is consumed between different socioeconomic groups. In other respects, system efficiency is similar, even though Sweden probably has a lower system efficiency in terms of the resources used.Keywords: Keywords: Universalism, Social insurance systems, Health care, Health care expenditures and Economic history

A "new" Consumer Price Index (CPI) for monetary policy decisions in Sweden : How does a "new" technological CPI compare to the traditional CPI in measuring inflation and influencing monetary policy decisions? / Ett "nytt" Konsumentprisindex (KPI) för penningspolitiska beslut i Sverige : Hur jämför sig ett "nytt" tekniskt KPI med det traditionella KPI när det gäller att mäta inflation och påverka penningpolitiska beslut?

Landén, Josef January 2023 (has links)
This study proposes a “new" consumer price index (CPI) and investigates the influence of Sweden's monetary policy on the new index level and its variations over time. Unlike the traditional CPI that the SCB uses, the "new" CPI tries to consider technology improvements by using macro data. The research demonstrates that the "new" CPI resulted in less inflation than the traditional CPI computed from 1981 to 2020. The research predicts that the difference between the two CPIs would keep growing through 2020–2024, indicating that using the "new" CPI will lead to a more conservative approach to monetary policy. The findings suggest that policymakers should update the CPI regularly to reflect changes in consumer behavior and technological advancement, acknowledge the uncertainty associated with forecasting inflation, and be transparent with the public about the limitations of forecasting models. This study emphasizes the potential benefits of incorporating technology improvements into the CPI and its influence on monetary policy.

Agrara hemmafruar och manliga jordbruksföretagare : Ekonomisk performativitet i den lägre lantbruksundervisningen

Holmgren, Saga January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to explore the interplay between economics, gender, and materiality in an economic sector that has received little attention from performativity scholars: agriculture. During the early 20th century, Swedish agricultural education was organized along gendered lines. I study how male and female schools differed in their economics education. In so doing I will explore the question: How were economic and non-economic agents assembled in Swedish lower agricultural education during the first half of the 20th century? To answer this the thesis follows a rural domestic school and an agricultural school, intended for female and male students respectively. The method is a qualitative text analysis of firstly archival material from the schools, secondly textbooks in agricultural economics and bookkeeping, and thirdly Swedish Government Official Reports. The main finding is that performance of economic theory creates both the economic and the non-economic. The farm as a unit of production and reproduction was split into home and business, in an act of interessement. The two forms of smallholder education were reformulated as agricultural education and domestic education, thereby placing the young men in a productive sphere and the young women in a domestic, reproductive sphere. Economic agents were assembled in the agricultural school as resources for qualculation were provided, not least through economic and agronomic quantification. In the rural domestic school, conversely, resources for qualculation were removed as women’s farm labor was framed as an expression of immeasurable maternal love. The economic actor was thus assembled in relation to his female Other. In summary, performing the economic man means performing economic and performing man.

Cryptocurrencies, Remittances and Exchange Rates : A quantitative study on the rapid growth of crypto adoption in developing countries

Fahlander, Felix January 2022 (has links)
In this study, a total of nine regression models were performed with three different dependent variables, nine independent variables, in three different country groups, to find out the relationship between crypto adoption and remittances, monetary uncertainty and financial inclusion. The results show a statistically significant relationship between increased crypto adoption and historical exchange rate volatility in both high- and low-income countries. Peer-to-peer exchange trade volume in low-income countries also seems to be affected by the proportion of the population that sends remittances. Based on these findings, it seems like cryptocurrencies are not only seen as asset substitution, i.e., something to risk diversify the investment portfolio with, it also seems to be used as a currency substitution.

På spaning efter den svenska förlagsindustrins förvandling : Digitaliseringens påverkan på den svenska förlagsindustrin mellan 2004 och 2021

Waller Kaustinen, Anton January 2022 (has links)
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