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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Framing the water and sanitation challenge : A history of urban water supply and sanitation in Ghana 1909 - 2005

Bohman, Anna January 2010 (has links)
This thesis analyses the development of urban water supply and sanitation services in Ghana from 1909 to 2005.  Special focus is put on institutional arrangements with regard to networked, large scale and centrally managed water and sewerage services. The national and international historical context is highlighted as a way to understand policy redirections in the sector. Further on, the concept of frames is used as an analytical tool in order to put light on the assumptions, arguments and reasons behind institutional reforms. The thesis finds that it was not until the water and sanitation challenge was framed from a productivity perspective, as opposed to a pure humanitarian “health frame”, that funds were released for investments in WSS infrastructure. To begin with, development strategies were largely focussed on “filling the gaps” in terms of manpower, technical and financial resources. As the water challenge was increasingly framed as a matter of managing scarcity, a new thinking gradually emerged which emphasized entrepreneurship, business mindedness and management skills as a way to achieve more efficiency within the sector. This development was also paralleled by a shift in the favoured organisational structure from an extremely centralised state utility model to a gradual focus on decentralisation and unbundling of the sector. Here a strong focus was put on private sector participation in urban water supply whereas the non-commercially viable task of sewerage development was decentralised to local authorities. The study finds that formal institutional change in the sector has been largely donor driven. However, the privatisation element of the recent urban water sector reform did not go unquestioned and a strong opposition movement concerned with the possible negative effects of privatisation was formed. Eventually the initial lease arrangement was transformed into a management contract where its signing was brought to closure in 2005. Besides changing frames strong elements of continuity in the urban water supply and sanitation sector development in Ghana are identified. Historical evidence demonstrate that urban water delivery was a highly political issue in Ghana already during colonial times which, just as today, was closely connected to the framing of water as independence and national integrity. The issue of finance and pricing has remained a constant concern and so the debate cannot be categorized as a novel issue that solely emanates from neo-liberal political trends during the 1980’s and 1990’s. The thesis argues that a legacy of a colonial frame tends to continue normalising inequalities in access and consumption.  Continuity can also be found in a neglect of the issue of sanitation which persistently lags behind the development of water distribution. The dissertation concludes that the perceived space for policy alternatives in Ghanaian WSS sector development has been largely constrained by the historical context and contemporary development theories. Therefore, to constantly strive towards a frame reflective policy dialogue is strongly encouraged as a way for policy planners and decision makers to make well informed decisions for the future.

Från massarbetslöshet till full sysselsättning. Arbetslöshet, löner och produktivitet på vägen mot full sysselsättning 1935-1948. / From Widespread Unemployment to Full Employment - Unemployment, Wages and Productivity on the Path Towards Full Employment.

Molinder, Jakob January 2013 (has links)
I uppsatsen undersöks den period då den svenska ekonomin uppnår den fulla sysselsättning som sedan blev normen för hela efterkrigstiden. I arbetet genomförs en sammanställning av fackföreningarnas arbetslöshetsstatistik som publicerats i Sociala meddelanden varje månad under perioden 1935-1948. Materialet har därefter bearbetats och utifrån förbundsredovisningen har arbetslöshetsserier skapats för sju av industrins delbranscher. Utifrån bearbetningen sammankopplas arbetslöshetsstatistiken för respektive sektor med de uppgifter om förädlingsvärden, sysselsättning och löner som publicerats i den officiella industristatistiken och som ett resultat av arbetet med svenska historiska nationalräkenskaper. Med hjälp av materialet prövas två hypoteser som kan härledas från den  Nykeynesianska teorin för arbetsmarknaden. Den första hypotesen berör sambandet mellan löneutrymme, löner och arbetslöshet. Enligt teorin måste lönerna växa i takt med den Harrod-neutrala teknologiska utvecklingen; vilken operationaliseras som totalfaktorproduktiviteten dividerad med arbetskostnadens andel av produktionsresultatet, för att arbetslöshet ska förbli oförändrad. Den andra hypotesen avser förhållandet mellan resursutnyttjande(arbetslöshet) och nominell löneinflation. Enligt teorin ska det fall då en ökning av resursutnyttjandet inte medför någon ökad löneinflation tolkas som att arbetsmarknadens funktionssätt förbättrats. De två hypoteserna prövas för respektive delbransch och för industrin som helhet. Resultatet från undersökningen är att lönerna i förhållande till löneutrymmet och sambandet mellan resursutnyttjande och löneinflation för hela industrin båda pekar i den riktning som förväntas under en period då arbetslösheten sjunker mycket kraftigt. För de respektive delbranscherna är mönstret emellertid mer varierat. Slutligen framhålls att den tidigare historieskrivningen över den svenska arbetsmarknadens utveckling bör nedtonas till förmån för en ny kronologi där den process som sammanbinder mellan- och efterkrigstiden ges större utrymme. / In the thesis the period when Sweden became a full employment society is examined. Starting off the study the union’s unemployment figures are collected from the monthly publication “Sociala meddelanden” during the period 1935-1948. Thereafter, starting from the division into different trade unions the material is processed and unemployment figures for seven industry groups are created. From the division into industry subsectors the unemployment figures are subsequently linked to the records of value added, employment and wages that has been published in the official industry statistics and as a result of the efforts to construct Swedish historical national accounts. Two hypotheses that can be derived from the New Keynesian theory of the labor market are then tested against the material. The first hypothesis pertains to the relation between the warranted wage, wages and unemployment. According to the theory wages can only grow in tandem with Harrod-neutral technological growth for unemployment to remain unaffected. The second hypotheses relates to the relationship between the level of resource utilization(unemployment) and nominal wage inflation. According to the theory the case when an upturn in the resource utilization is accompanied by unchanged nominal wages should to be interpreted as an improvement in labor market performance. The two hypotheses are tested for the seven subsectors and for the industry as a whole.    The outcome of the study is that the growth of wages in relation to the warranted wage as well as the relationship between resource utilization and nominal wage inflation point in the direction of an improvement in labor market performance for the industry as a whole during the period when full employment was achieved. For the seven subsectors however, the results are more scattered. In closing I argue that the previous historiography should be deemphasized to the benefit of a chronology that instead stretches the interconnectedness between the inter- and postwar development in order for a richer understanding of the path towards full employment in Sweden to be reached.

"Flottningen dör aldrig" : bäckflottningens avveckling efter Ume- och Vindelälven 1945-70

Törnlund, Erik January 2002 (has links)
The aim of this thesis has been to study and analyse in detail the process by which timber floating in tributaries was phased out. The region covered is that of the Ume and Vindel rivers and the period studied is 1945-70. The years I945-60 have been the most central to the analysis. The approach taken was to study timber floating itself rather than the new transport alternative (lorries) which developed during the post-war period. This brought the increasing costs of timber floating in tributaries into the forefront of the investigation, along with the efforts made to restrain these by means of investment in and partial closure of the floatway network. The consequences in terms of changed labour demand are also discussed. An important part of the analysis has been to examine the inherent weaknesses of timber floating in tributaries and the internal driving forces underlying its phasing-out. The term "internal driving forces" connotes those forces which affected timber floating as a means of transport by causing its costs to rise. In other words it has not been a matter of looking at the direct competition from lorry transport and the advantages of the new transport technique but rather of identifying the drawbacks of floating, when, where and how they arose, and how they helped to make it relatively dearer, thus motivating the changeover to lorry transport. The internal driving forces were forest structure and labour costs. When labour costs incurred in timber floating in tributaries were rising rapidly and the dimensions of the logs became smaller in size, floating became a dearer transport solution than before. As regards changes in forest structure, the dimensions of logs were diminishing throughout the floating epoch. This meant that the risk of sinking during floating increased. The effect of this was that the need to bark the timber was increasing all the time, which in turn entailed an indirect transport cost for floating. In addition to this, smaller log dimensions affected the labour time and cost of floating. The changed labour conditions along with the changed forest structure showed the importance of studying structural change in the Norrland forest region. For during the later 1940s and early 1950s a shortage of labour presented itself, and the cause was to be found in the new job opportunities which were emerging, some in the rural areas, for example in the construction of hydro-electric powerplants, and some in the larger populated localities, and these factors taken together made recruitment for jobs in forestry and timber floating more difficult. One of the chief characteristics of the way events were moving was that recruitment shifted away from having mainly targeted the agrarian lower class of smallholders, crofters and leaseholders so that it now focused increasingly on freehold farmers while at the same time the recruitment base, having previously consisted of younger workers, was now composed mainly of older people. Also in this study, various factors have been examined which could conceivably explain the changes in productivity of timber floating in tributaries. The results show, for example, that during the 1950s a partial phasing-out had very small direct effects on productivity in the area studied. Thus the combination of investment and changes in the quantity of timber is the factor which best explains the differences between different tributaries in the trend of productivity. A tributary´s greater capacity to float timber did not necessarily signify a bigger labour requirement since to a certain extent the watercourse itself “did the job”. As regards investment, clearance operations using caterpillar tractors were probably very important. It is true that the genuine dependence of log driving in tributaries on nature influenced conditions varied strongly from year to year, but since the link between investment costs and the trend of productivity is significant, it still seems reasonable to draw the conclusion that investment lent impetus to the rise in productivity during the 1950s. / digitalisering@umu

Klädesfabriken : Textilförläggaren Anders Hansson på Mölneby i Östra Frölunda en protoindustrialist i 1800-talets Sjuhäradsbygden?

Risenfors, Kristina January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to survey the textile based proto-industrialism in Sweden in the middle of the 19th century. This case study is founded upon Anders Hansson’s pre-industrial textile production at the estate of Mölneby, Östra Frölunda in the rural district of Kind in the province of Västra Götaland. Account books from the year 1853 related to Anders Hansson’s wool fabric manufacturing have been looked into and categorized using a quantitative research method. The research has also been supplemented with a number of interviews. The result of the survey shows that Anders Hansson’s business activities fit into Mendel’s theory of proto-industrialists at a practice level. By collaborating with a merchant in Gothenburg the fabrics were traded in unknown markets, as well as in more familiar neighbouring districts. The amount of production varied due to agricultural season. Usually it contributed to the income of the peasant’s family, but for some people living in poor-houses it was their only income. The theory of proto-industrialism also assumes that there is a surplus of food production in adjacent districts, something that is not completely evident in this study.  However, an accumulation of capital can be seen as continuous investments in forest land and agricultural properties took place. Furthermore, the study shows that Anders Hansson’s business activities also led to his acquisition of trading skills as well as specialist knowledge of how to organize production. Consequently, the conclusion of the study has to be put forward in the following way: by looking into the case study and earlier research of the proto-industrial theory it is evident that this activity at practice level co-existed in a symbiotic relationship in the rural society as well as in the urban society. Mendel’s proto-industrial theory discusses and analyses different parts of this manufacturing as a contributing factor to the industrialization or as in the case of Anders Hansson’s manufacturing; the de-industrialization.

Laga skifte i Skruvby : Jord och befolkning 1825-1845

Gunnarsson, Ted January 2004 (has links)
<p>Den här uppsatsens syfte är att med hjälp av mantalslängder och skiftesprotokoll undersöka hur Skruvby, ett litet småländskt bysamhälle, förändrades i samband med laga skiftet som genomfördes 1827-1828. Undersökningsperioden är på 20 år, mellan 1825 och 1845, för att kunna se förändringarna på lite längre sikt. För att genomföra denna undersökning har jag tagit hjälp av följande huvudfrågeställning: <em>Vad betydde laga skiftet för de ekonomiska,demografiska och sociala förändringarna i Skruvby mellan 1825-1845?</em></p><p>Som sammanfattande svar på huvudfrågeställningen kan man säga att laga skiftesreformen i Skruvby medförde eller bidrog till tre tydliga effekter. Den första var en folkökning bland den obesuttna delen av befolkningen. Den andra effekten var en proletariseringsprocess, eftersom en ökning av den obesuttna delen av befolkningen måste ha inneburit att fler var tvungna att förlita sig på inkomster från andra håll än jordägande, exempelvis dagsverken. Slutligen skedde en uppsplittring av den mantalssatta jorden, förmodligen på grund av att reglerna för handel med och uppstyckning av jord mildrades i samband med skiftet. Det blev helt enkelt lättare att göra lite mer som man ville med sitt jordinnehav.</p>

I BERGSLAGETS TJÄNST : Tillkomsten av och personerna bakom Bergslagets museum i Falun

Grahn Wetter, Karin January 2009 (has links)
Bergslagets museum is one of the oldest industrial museums in Sweden. It opened in 1922 in Falun, by the big mining company Stora Kopparbergs Bergslags Aktiebolag. This is a study of why a company would be interested in running a museum, why Bergslagets museum opened and who the people were that created it. Several persons were involved in collecting and organizing the models of old machinery, letters, paintings, pictures that was to become the Bergslagets museum. This paper shows different motives behind the opening of an industrial museum in Falun and gives a presentation of its superintendants, Carl Sahlin, Alvar Silow, Erik Johan Ljungberg and Olof Söderberg. All of them were central in the creating of the Bergslagets museum, today known as Gruvmuseet i Falun.

Ungsocialisternas arbetarklass. En analys av synen på arbetarklassen i tidningarna Brand och Nya Folkviljan 1909-1910

Ramquist, Lisa January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka ungsocialisternas föreställningar om arbetarklassen. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten för undersökningen är tanken om att klass är något som skapas genom språket som utvecklats av bland andra E P Thompson, Gerath Stedman Jones och Joan Scott. 1910 bildades en ny nationell fackförening i Sverige, Sveriges Arbetares Centralorganisation (SAC), vilket markerar undersökningen början och slut. Ungsocialisterna var drivande i bildandet av SAC och därför är det intressant att studera deras syn på den klass de ville organisera. Materialet för studien består av ungsocialisternas två officiella tidningsorgan – Brand och Nya Folkviljan – under perioden 1909-1910. Ur dessa tidningar har en analys och kategorisering gjorts av de utsagor som beskriver den upplevda arbetarklassen. Kategoriseringen av utsagorna fungerar även som en del av analysen och har arbetats fram utifrån källmaterialet. Kategorierna som använts är utvecklade som en del av analysarbetet och benämns som den sovande klassen, den obildade klassen, den naturliga klassen, den moraliska klassen och den manliga klassen. Uppsatsens huvudslutsats är att ungsocialisterna hade en ambivalent hållning gentemot den upplevda arbetarklassen. Arbetarklassen var enligt ungsocialisterna både självtillräcklig och naturligt klassmedveten, samtidigt som den behövde bildas och styras av ungsocialisterna själva. Denna ambivalenta hållning gentemot den föreställda arbetarklassen återfinns även i den socialdemokratiska rörelsen, vilket tidigare forskning visat. Med denna studie hoppas författaren att ytterligare kunskapsluckor gällande den ungsocialistiska rörelsen har fyllts samt kunskapen om att ungsocialisterna, precis som alla andra klassorganisationer, skapar den klass man försöker organisera.

Säsongsrörelser i Bristols slavhandel, 1698-1776.

Kenttä, Tony January 2010 (has links)
This master's essay is about seasonality in Bristols slave trade until the American Revolution 1776. The essay uses the Voyages database as the primary material. The essay's method is to study monthly distribution at different points of the slave trade – the departure from Bristol and the arrival at the American destination. The seasonality of slave purchases in Africa is primarly studied through the monthly distribution of departures from Bristol for a specific region in Africa. This methodological choice is based on the lack of coverage of African arrival dates. The theoretical groundwork in the essay is foremost based on Henri Lefebvre's concept of rhytm analysis. The results of the essay show that there usually was some seasonality in the different parts of Bristol's slave trade. The essay tries to relate this seasonality with possible explanations, like the need of provisions, trade goods, harvest cycles in Africa and America, though the essay doesn't have any pretensions of proving actual causal relations, just that the seasonality of the slave trade coincided with other seasonal cycles.

Staten och skifferoljan : Om Svenska skifferoljeaktiebolaget 1941 till 1961 - ett beredskapsföretag i fredstid

Näsman, Mattias January 2014 (has links)
Sammanfattning Uppsatsen undersöker historien om Svenska skifferoljeaktiebolaget (SSAB): de centrala aktörerna och de argument som de framförde för företagets uppstart, fortlevnad och sedermera nedläggning. Svenska skifferoljeaktiebolaget startades som ett beredskapsföretag under andra världskriget och fick vid krigsslutet status som ett "normalt långtidsföretag". Företaget hade en livslängd på 25 år, från 1941 till 1966. SSABs huvudsakliga ändamål vid starten var att utvinna olja ur alunskiffer i Kvarntorp, Närke, för att sedan sälja detta till marinen. SSAB var alltid helt ägt av staten och var beroende av stora mängder statligt kapital för att kunna finansiera verksamheten. Trots detta gav företaget aldrig ekonomisk avkastning och hade också svårt att nå upp till den förväntade produktionsmängden. Uppsatsen syfte är att försöka ge förståelse för varför ett företag av SSABs karaktär drevs vidare under så lång tid trots de stora kostnaderna för staten. Från uppstarten 1941 fram till beslutet om nedläggning 1961 ändrades argumentation kring fortsatta satsningar på SSAB. Från början var försörjningen av marinens grundläggande behov av drivmedel och smörjolja behov det viktigaste. Detta vidgades till att efter några år se SSABs då mer diversifierade produktion som nödvändig för beredskapen på fler varuområden. Mot slutet anfördes att den inhemsk oljeproduktion skulle kunna minska importbehovet och därmed bättra på handelsbalansen. I slutsatsen för uppsatsen argumenteras för att investeringar för SSABs utbyggnad och fortlevnad i första hand motiverades med att säkra beredskapen för drivmedel, men att investeringarna villkorades av att det fanns potential för framtida avkastning. Genom att använda forskning kring modernitetsmyten och myten om neutralitet kommer uppsatsen dra slutsatsen att den svenska neutralitetspolitiken och tron på den tekniska utvecklingen, samt att de investerade intressena var faktorer som var viktiga i SSABs fortlevnad.

Trafikpolitik och regional omvandling : Beslutsprocesserna om isbrytningen längs Norrlandskusten 1940-1975 / Transport Policy and Regional Transformation : The Decision-making Processes Concerning Ice-breaking along the Coast of Norrland, Sweden, 1940-1975

Eriksson, Martin January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to understand the decision-making processes concerning ice-breaking along the coast of Norrland, with the specific aim to analyse the activities of regional interest groups in the Norrland region and government agents at different administrative levels at the key stages of the decision-making processes: initiation, drafting and decision-making. The thesis also explores how institutional factors at different administrative levels affected the agents that were involved at those stages of the decision-making processes. As navigation along the northern Swedish coast must negotiate winter conditions which causes ports to freeze over, the government ice-breaking service functions as an instrument to compensate the export firms in Norrland for these constrains. Year-round navigation in the north Swedish coastal waters was achieved through a series of decision-making processes that took place during the period from 1940 to 1975. These decision-making processes are important to study since ice-breaking was an integrated component of the expanding heavy basic industries in Norrland and thereby for the rapidly growing exports during the 1950s and 1960s. This period is the decisive point in the economic history of the Norrland region regarding how the natural resources should be exploited and how exports should be advanced. This study concludes that the decision-making processes were initiated by government agents at different administrative levels. Official investigatory commissions were set up at several occasions to deal with issues related to the government ice-breaker service by the ministries responsible for ice-breaker policy. It is also demonstrated that the decision-making processes concerning ice-breaker investments were initiated by the government boards that were responsible for the operation of the ice-breaker service. In this respect, the study concludes that the government activities during the initiation stages should not be confused as a sign of regional interest group passivity on these issues. The activities of the interest groups during the initiation stages were primarily intended to draw attention to the problems caused by winter to regional shipping, in order to put the issue on the political agenda. As the decision-making processes proceeded into the drafting stages, the participation from regional interest groups was much more significant as the government offered interest groups forums and procedures for structural consulting through various organisational arrangements. The regional interest groups that participated in those arrangements were industrial firms in the heavy basic industries sector. In those cases other regional interest groups participated, they would promote the interests of those firms. As a result, the final drafts from committees and government bodies included arguments that favoured an expansion of ice-breaking to promote the growth of the heavy basic industries in the Norrland region. The analysis of the decision-making stages suggests that a combination of institutional factors at different administrative levels contributed to the outcome of the decision-making processes. One result is that the general aims of macro policy such as trade policy, growth policy and regional development policy were favourable towards an expansion of the government ice-breaker service, which would benefit the export industries in the Norrland region. Another result is that the sectoral organization within the government maritime bodies contributed significantly to the outcome of the decision-making processes. Large-scale planning and operational experimentation was allowed to take place within the ice-breaker service, which convinced the government that ice-breaking and winter navigation was a feasible transport alternative.

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