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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Ska du vara här inne så får du gå ut" : En studie av nyexaminerade jurister och ekonomer med fokus på 90-talskrisen

Patricius, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur ekonomer och jurister får sitt första jobb efter examen. Uppsatsen fokuserar på finanskrisen i Sverige under 1990-talet (90-talskrisen) och utreder om det är skillnad att ta en examen, före, under och efter en ekonomisk kris. Den fokuserar också på det skifte i arbetsmarknaden som skedde med såväl lagstiftning som förändringen från många lågkvalificerade till fler högkvalificerade jobb. Materialet som används är från den tidigare fackföreningen Jusek:s arbetsmarknadsundersökningar som undersöker vad samtliga nyexaminerade från deras olika yrkesgrupper gjorde ett halvår efter examen. Uppsatsen jämför en rad olika saker såsom anställningar (heltids- och tidsbegränsade anställningar, egenföretagare och notarietjänstgöring), arbetslöshet, rekryteringskanaler och jämför även vilken sektor (privat och offentlig) ekonomer och jurister fick jobb inom. / The purpose of this paper is to investigate how Economists and Lawyers get their first job when they graduate. The paper focuses on the Swedish financial crisis that happened during the early 1990s. This paper highlights how it is to graduate during a financial crisis compared to the time before and after the crisis. It also focuses on the shift in the labor market with changes both in lawmaking but also the change from low-skilled to high-skilled work. The material that is being used is from a former union called Jusek and surveys that they conducted every year about what people did a half year after they graduated. The paper compares four among others different employments (full-time employment, unemployment, and temporary employment), recruitments method, and the public versus private sector.

Första april : Tillväxtverkets arbete för att minska svenska ekonomins koldioxidutsläpp 2009–2022

Marin, Elias January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Från sommar till vinter : Statens roll inom turism – studie av Åre under 1960-och 70-talet

Dahlin, Theo January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Kris, krig och möbelindustri i omvandling : En studie av möbelproduktionen i Skaraborgs län 1910-1920

Gustavsson, Peter January 2023 (has links)
This thesis deals with rural furniture production in Skaraborg County, Sweden, where the community Tibro is analyzed as part of the rural furniture production. The period of investigation is 1910-1920, when the First World War contributed to a number of changes in furniture manufacturing. The analysis describes how and in what way furniture manufacturing could be further developed and how the domestic market was linked to trade and restrictions. In the survey, wood production is put in relation to price changes, and changes in wages. It also analyzes how innovations and technological changes affected furniture production, where electrification in mechanization within the manufacturing process was an important factor for continued development. The analysis also discusses how investments were affected by various crises and that in turn the manufacturing process and conditions for continued growth.

The Ulleråker Hospitalum : A Case Study in the Wage Development of the Medical Sector 1890-1920

W Christensen, Daniel January 2023 (has links)
This essay presents a case study about the development of income levels in the medical sector during Sweden´s period of modernization, 1890-1920, focusing specifically on the five wage groups which comprised the medical staff at Uppsala´s Ulleråker hospitalum (=mental asylum). This institution, though different in it´s stated mission from hospitals and the like, was similarily organized, and staffed with employees belonging to the same categories as regular hospital staff - they shared similar social backgrounds, education levels, work tasks and conditions. This was thanks to the centralized nature of the Swedish medical sector, which was governed mainly by the Medicinal Board, which in turn was influenced by the government on one side, and influential individuals, schools for medical education and employee organisations/unions on the other. The objective of the essay is to establish a timeline of the wage development, and to identify factors which influenced this development. Furthermore, it seeks to identify differences between genders, wherefore the male orderlies and female nursing aides are given special focus throughout. Although the hospitalum has been the subject of previous books, the financial records have never been used in research before. The essay begins with presenting a history of Swedish societal development - and the simultaneous development of the medical sector - before moving on to establish a timeline of the nominal wage data. Using methodology developed by previous historical wage development research, it then calculates the real wages with the help of a converted consumer price index. It also makes use of a separate, in-depth study to try and showcase differences between genders; primarily, it calculates the share of bonuses of total income and what the maximum earning capacity of the male and female staff was. The essay concludes that the wage development was influenced by multiple factors. Primarily, education level was a crucial factor for the employee in securing higher wages. Not only did it serve as basis for securing higher wages, it also came with the bonus of educational organisations oftentimes aiding their graduates in discussion with prospective employers. Secondarily, collective bargaining (and, from 1904, unions), along with influential members of the national doctor´s corp (who were realizant about the need for better work conditions in order to retain talented employees) allowed the staff to directly influence decisions in the Medicinal Board, and use the conditions at other medical institutions as motivation for implementing improvements. Additionally, larger societal trends also played a part. In particular, the real wages show clearly that the wage development to a great extent followed the trends in cost of living, and obviously the extreme influence of World war I also necessitated extreme adjustments - though, interestingly, these adjustments consisted more of increased bonus payouts that wage increses, perhaps due to bonuses being easier to lower or discontinue after the expensive times were over. In all, education appears to have been the most important factor in securing high wages - other research reveals some wage groups used professionalization to improve their work conditions, to the detriment of lower level wage groups. Since market forces had little impact on the medical sector, due to it not producing marketable goods and services or competing for workers, collective bargaining and larger societal developments became the main influences for less educated staff.

Är Ericsson en bekräftelse på Porterhypotesen ? : En fallstudie på Ericsson AB om huruvida hållbarhetsregler utvecklat och drivit på eller begränsat Ericssons innovationstakt och konkurrenskraft för perioden 2008 – 2022.

Ljung, Gustav January 2023 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of the report is to analyze, if the sustainability EU directives in terms of RoHS Directive, REACH Directive and WEEE Directive and the requirement to reduce carbon dioxide emission have influenced or restricted Ericsson's innovation rate, technology development, profitability, and the competitiveness of the company. The study is made as a qualitative and quantitative case study on how Ericsson's innovation capacity, technology development and competitiveness was affected by the requirement to reduce carbon dioxide emission and how the company has acted upon the EU sustainability directives. Part of the investigation was to quantitative verify if it was a correlation between Ericsson total number of patents per year and the company's investment in research and development, and the  carbon footprint of the company. The result of the study should describe if Ericsson is a good example of the Porter hypothesis and by that respond to the research question. Have the sustainability rules in terms of RoHS Directive, REACH Directive and WEEE Directive and reduction of carbon dioxide emission developed and promoted or reduced Ericsson's pace of innovation, technology development, profitability, and the competitiveness?  The conclusion of the study is that Ericsson has increased its investments since 2017 in research and development and for the last three years Gartner have awarded them as the technical leader and ABI Research has awarded the company as the most sustainable company in the telecom industry. Based on Ericsson innovations and technical development, the company has reduced the carbon footprint with 26 % from 2016 to 2022 and has a goal to become emission free by 2040. Ericsson is an example of the narrow version of the Porter hypothesis.

Professionalisering för löneutveckling : En undersökning av tre yrkens strävan efter professionsstatus och högre lön

Malm, Frida January 2023 (has links)
Professionalization is a status to which a complex process is attached. There is no clear definition of a profession and no widely recognized single definition. This paper aims to see if there is a relationship between an occupation trying to reach the status of a profession and the salary development for the profession. The paper examines the processes of professionalization of nurses, teachers and electricians in Sweden between 1880-2015 to see if any of the occupations have reached the status of a profession in terms of Thomas Brantes theory. Analysis shows that nurses have come the furthest in the development towards becoming recognized as a profession as they have asserted themselves a particular field of research and science, gained respect from society and have a system for licenses. Teachers have had the respect from society since the beginning of the 20th century, a license was created during the 21st century and they have had a scientific base for their occupation since middle of 20th century. Electricians have not connected their occupation to a higher education or tried to create a license in the same form as teachers or nurses and can not be considered a profession. The occupations examined here have gone through multiple processes to try to reach the status of a profession but none of these processes have shown any impact on the salary development. Reaching a professional status must therefore give an occupation other benefits than a higher salary why motivation surrounding professional status should be examined further in the future.

Digitala drömmar : en studie av den svenska dator- och tv-spelsbranschen 1980-2005

Sandqvist, Ulf January 2007 (has links)
This licentiate thesis describes the development of the Swedish computer and video game industry. The main focus is on the Swedish game development industry. Little research on the industry has been done and the purpose is to define the companies involved and to create an initial overview of the development of the industry. This overview will later be used as a platform for the doctorial thesis. Games are a growing culture form and today a lot of people are playing different types of computer and video games. Internationally the industry has expanded and some of the successful games have generated spectacular revenues. In Sweden the industry has received attention from different actors like universities, government bodies and media. There are today educations that are focused on game development and there are programs which allocates grants towards game companies. The rapid development in the computers technology has had a great impact on the game industry, which is dependent on hardware development to create games. The first computer games were made for some of the very first computers in the 1940´s and 1950´s. In the 1970´s a market for games was created when arcade machines and somewhat later home consoles were introduced. The industry has grown and includes today some of the largest companies in the world. The Swedish industry follows the international pattern but developed a bit later and the first Swedish game companies were founded in the late 1980´s. The industry has expanded, especially between 1998 and 2002. In 2005 the number of people employed in the industry had increased to over 600. During the period under study the industry seems to have had a constant problem with making a profit. Especially in 2002 and 2003 the industry has had economic problems and some of the lager companies were bankrupt.

Swedish trade and trade policies towards Lebanon 1920-1965

Hussein, Ahmad January 2011 (has links)
This licentiate thesis examines the development of Swedish–Lebanese trade relations and the changes of significance for Swedish trade towards Lebanon during the period 1920-1965. The aim of the study is to explore how Sweden as representing a small, open Western economy could develop its economic interests in the emerging Middle East market characterised both by promising economic outlooks, and a high degree of political instability during the age of decolonisation, Cold War logic, and intricate commercial and geo-political factors. The study shows that the Swedish trade with Lebanon was very small during the Interwar period. It was neither possible to find any formal Swedish-Lebanese trade agreements before 1945. In the Post-War period, the promotion of Swedish trade and trade policies towards Lebanon witnessed more interests from the both parties. Two categories of explanations were found for the periods of 1946-53 and 1954-65 respectively. In the first period the Swedish-Lebanese trade developed in a traditional direction with manufactured goods being exported from Sweden and agricultural products being exported from Lebanon. Furthermore, there were no trade agreements between the two countries. In the second period, several Lebanese attempts were made to conclude bilateral trade agreement with Sweden in hope to change the traditional trade direction, and to improve the Lebanese balance of trade. Sweden was, however, convinced that Lebanon could never achieve a balanced foreign trade at least not on a bilateral basis. To maintain a fair access to the Lebanese market, the Swedish authorities avoided to conclude any trade agreement with Lebanon. Despite the Lebanese concern on the big trade deficit between the two countries, Sweden managed in increasing the trade volumes to the region of Middle East through the transit link of Lebanon.

Climate Adaptation on Swedish farms : Farm level crop diversity decisions in a variable climate

Eskilson, Evan January 2024 (has links)
In this thesis I aim to determine the importance of extreme weather experience in Swedish farmers crop mix decisions. In this way, I add to the evolving field of climate change impacts on farmer livelihoods with a specific focus on perception of risk and locational vulnerabilities. I develop a simplified measure for locationally specific vulnerabilities and position these against the actual crop mixes that Swedish farmers have chosen, to test the influence of extreme rainfall exposure on decision making. My data builds off the Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) Database of farm and crop extents for 99% of Swedish agricultural land between 2015 and 2023, and climate data from a large-scale meteorological assessment across Europe. I also account for environmental characteristics that may affect vulnerability and the perception of risk via soil characteristics. I use these data to map functional diversity changes at the farm level over the period, and also for estimating mixed models with two way interaction terms. Based on an adapted Protection Motivation Theory (Rogers, 1975), I expect that farms that are more exposed to an increased frequency of extreme weather events (rainfall over the 95th and 99th percentile) year on year, would diversify their crop mix as a risk mitigation practice. However, I find that on average, previous exposure to extreme weather has essentially no effect on the level of diversity a farmer chooses to pursue. When decomposing these findings into different farmer types and environmental conditions there is a moderate level of heterogeneity such that farmers that are more able to take adaptive measures, do. Also, farmers that have planted more diverse farms in the past tend to continue doing so. While those that trend toward less diverse crop mixes tend to respond to exposure by further specializing their crop mixes. These findings suggest that there is a weak underlying preference for higher levels of diversity among Swedish farmers, however the non-climatic factors beyond extreme weather dominate diversity and adaptation decision making. This may be understood as farmers aiming to make rational decisions, but finding their options significantly constrained by the larger political economy in which they find themselves.

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