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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Incorporación de nueva causal de indignidad de exclusión a herederos forzosos que dejen en desamparo a familiares adultos mayores

Gonzales Vasquez, Angie Tatiana January 2024 (has links)
La presente investigación tuvo por finalidad analizar y desarrollar los criterios de incorporación de una nueva causal de indignidad en el Código Civil Peruano, considerando como indignos a aquellas personas que dejan en estado de desamparo a sus familiares adultos mayores Para ello fue relevante en un inicio, interpretar y analizar los criterios de indignidad después de ello analizar la doctrina nacional e internacional que hace referencia la indignidad. Todo este estudio nos permitió brindar el problema de investigación, aplicando un abordaje metodológico enfocado en garantizar el respeto a la dignidad y la defensa de las personas en estado de vulnerabilidad, esto se logrará a través de una propuesta normativa que surge del análisis de la doctrina y jurisprudencia. / The aim of this research was to analyze and develop criteria for the incorporation of a new ground for disinheritance in the Peruvian Civil Code, specifically targeting individuals who abandon or neglect their elderly family members, leaving them in a state of abandonment. To achieve this goal, an initial step involved interpreting and analyzing the existing criteria for disinheritance, followed by an examination of national and international doctrine on the subject of disinheritance. This comprehensive study enabled us to identify the research problem and apply a methodological approach focused on ensuring respect, dignity, and the defense of vulnerable individuals. This will be achieved through a normative proposal that emerges from the analysis of doctrine and case law.

Förhandla för självbestämmande : En kvalitativ studie av handläggares syn på anhörigas roll i bedömningar av bistånd till personer med demensdiagnos.

Johansson, Elin, Persson, Anna January 2016 (has links)
The study aims to describe and analyse how case managers reflect and act in the regards to self-determination when caring for residents with dementia diagnosis. Our main questions dealt with how the case managers handle the right to self-determination in relation to the residents’ relatives’ opinions when a person has dementia. To find answers to our questions, we interviewed seven care takers within elderly care in four different municipalitys in the Southern Sweden. We used qualitative interviews based on a semi-structured interview guide and two vignettes. The vignettes were based on two fictive narratives which both included persons with dementia but with different relatives and opinions. The purpose of the vignettes were to investigate whether there was different perceptions among the case managers in terms of consideration the residents’ self-determination in relation to their relatives. The results of the study were analyzed using Hasenfeld’s theory on Human service organizations, Lipsky’s street-level bureaucracy and Strauss’ negotiation-perspective. We displayed similarities to previous research showing that the case managers work with the residents’ best interest in mind even though relatives can be very obstinate. Our main conclusions are that the interpretation of self-determination is fluidity according to the case managers is fluidity and the case managers at some occasions try to persuade the person with dementia to apply for care and welfare. Furthermore can the relatives of the person with dementia be both beneficial and disadvantageous depending of the relation between them.

應用脈絡分析於銀髮族數位影像之使用者研究 / Applying Contextual Design in Personal Digital Photograph User Research

麥圃鳴, Mai, Pu Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以銀髮族為主要的研究對象,採用脈絡分析法了解銀髮族於日常生活中的影像使用行為,經由在受訪者住所進行的深度訪談與行為觀察,探究數位影像與銀髮族的關連,日常生活的影像使用行為,與數位影像工具對銀髮族使用數位影像的影響。根據對銀髮族的影像使用行為與影像工具和情境故事的彙整,本研究歸納出三種銀髮族影像使用行為的核心價值,分別為分享、典藏和記錄。   此外研究中對使用影像行為的過程與不同使用工具的詮釋,也說明了不同影像工具因功能條件限制,為高齡使用者帶來的使用障礙與排斥使用的現象。根據本研究對銀髮族使用影像行為的活動脈絡,與針對情境故事進行的脈絡分析,所提出相關影像活動使用工具的設計建議與銀髮族影像服務未來的發展方向,將使未來的數位影像相關產品服務,更貼近年長使用者的生活需求。 / Through the contextual inquiries, understanding about the present usage and motivation of older people toward digital photography in their ordinary life are revealed. According to these scenarios from deep interviews and field observation, three different core values of photo usage behaviors to older people are identified, including sharing, archiving and recording.   Besides, the differences between photo usage behaviors and tools in these uses help us explain the obstacle of photo usage and the difficulties for adopting photography of mobile device by older people. Based on the knowledge above, proposing concrete directions of developing the applications of future digital photo technologies that actually fit in with older user’s needs are pointed out.

Samverkan mellan Biståndshandläggareoch hemtjänstpersonalen : - en kvalitativ studie / Collaboration and Contact between Care managers and Home care Staff : - a Qualitative study

Miettinen, Melinda, Falk, Ida January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Brytpunktssamtal för äldre personer : en registerstudie i palliativ vård / Breakpoint conversation for older people : a registry study in palliative care

Nilsson, Helene, Strauss, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Behovet av palliativ vård kommer att öka i takt med att befolkning blir äldre och lever allt längre. Det kommer bli fler äldre personer med kroniska sjukdomar som har andra sjukdomsförlopp jämfört med cancer. Det är viktigt för kvaliteten av den palliativa vården att brytpunktssamtal erbjuds. Med kvalitet menas bland annat delaktighet, symtomlindring och stöd för närstående. Detta innebär en utmaning för hälso- och sjukvården som måste uppmärksamma när vården ändrar riktning mot vård i livets slutskede. Äldre personer erbjuds i mindre utsträckning brytpunktssamtal än yngre personer. Distriktssköterskan har en betydelsefull roll i den palliativa vården inom den kommunala hemsjukvården och ska främja äldre personers möjlighet att få information samt delta i beslut som rör den egna vården, vilket ett brytpunktssamtal innebär. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka samband mellan brytpunktssamtal och andra faktorer, för äldre personer i palliativ vård, vid tillfällen då dödsfallet varit förväntat. Metod: Detta är en kvantitativ retrospektiv registerstudie med data hämtad från svenska palliativregistret. Resultat: Det fanns stora skillnader inom gruppen äldre huruvida brytpunktssamtal erbjöds eller inte. Ju äldre personen var desto mindre odds för att brytpunktssamtal erbjöds. Kön eller diagnos påverkade inte. När brytpunktssamtal erbjudits var närstående i högre utsträckning på plats när den äldre personen dog och när brytpunktssamtal inte erbjudits var personal i högre utsträckning de enda närvarande än då brytpunkssamtal erbjudits. Slutsats: Den palliativa vården är ojämlik och äldre personer riskerar att utsättas för onödigt lidande. Distriktssköterskan i kommunal hemsjukvård bör sätta extra fokus på denna grupp för att uppmärksamma övergång till vård i livets slutskede. / Background: The need of palliative care will increase as the population ages and lives longer. There will be more old people with chronic diseases that will have other disease progression than those with cancer. To achieve a high quality in the palliative care it´s important that the physician gives the dying person information about the imminent death a so-called breakpoint conversation. A high-quality means among other things patient participation, symptom relief and support to relatives. This means a challenge for the healthcare workers who must pay attention to when care changes direction towards care in the end of life. Older people are to a lesser extent offered breakpoint conversation than younger people. The district nurse has an important role in the palliative care for older people in municipal health and medical care and are supposed to promote elderly people's opportunity to have information about their disease course that gives them ability to be involved with decisions about their own care planning, which means paying attention to when it´s time to offer a breakpoint conversation. Aim: The purpose of this study was to examine relations and other factors associated with breakpoint conversation in palliative care for elderly people when death were imminent. Method: The study is a quantitative retrospective registry study based on data from the Swedish register of palliative care. Results: There are a significant difference within the group of old people when it comes to being offered a breakpoint conversation, with a negative trend where older people are less likely to get a breakpoint conversation. Gender and diagnosis had no impact. When a breakpoint conversation was offered, relatives were to a greater extent present when death occurred, and staff were more often the only ones present when a breakpoint conversation weren't offered. Conclusion: The palliative care is unequal and older people risk being exposed to unnecessary suffering. The district nurse in municipal home care should put an extra focus on this group of elderly people were death is imminent.

Análise da história de vida e a relação com o nível de stress em idosos institucionalizados / Analysis of the life history and its relation to the stress levels in the elderly people living in old age homes

Donato, Alice de Castro 09 December 2016 (has links)
No Brasil, a porcentagem de pessoas idosas e sua expectativa de vida aumentam gradualmente. O envelhecimento é considerado um fenômeno natural, social, cultural e econômico. Ademais, a redução da taxa de fecundidade, diminuição de integrantes das famílias, as mudanças nos padrões de nupcialidade e a crescente inserção da mulher no mercado de trabalho reduzem a disponibilidade de cuidadores familiares; tudo isso torna o idoso mais suscetível ao stress. Assim, pensar em questões referentes ao envelhecimento e ao dia a dia dos idosos passa a ser uma necessidade dentro da realidade brasileira. Entre os serviços especializados voltados para a população idosa em nosso país, estão as ILPIs (Instituição de Longa Permanência para Idosos), responsáveis por auxiliar os idosos em suas tarefas diárias e/ou dificuldades relacionadas ao envelhecimento físico, psicológico, cognitivo e social. O aumento paradoxal do nível de stress na vida cotidiana e da longevidade dos seres humanos convida a refletir sobre as estratégias desenvolvidas para minimizar o efeito deletério do agente stressor. Assim, este estudo pretende compreender e descrever o stress, a partir da perspectiva ainda pouco estudada, de idosos em situação de dependência física e/ou financeira, com autonomia cognitiva-funcional, residentes em ILPIs. Investigaremos a relação entre a história pessoal e o nível de stress nessa população, buscando compreender e descrever o impacto de eventos estressores em sua qualidade de vida. Foram entrevistados apenas idosos em condição de autonomia cognitivo-funcional, com idade igual ou superior a 70 anos, que residem em ILPI, na cidade de Santos SP. Para tanto, foram aplicados um Quesionário de Informações Gerais, O Mini Exame do Estado Mental, o Life Events Units (LEU/VAS) e algumas Questões Complementares. Entre os eventos de vida com nível de stress mais relevantes, estão Morte do Cônjuge, Acidente ou Doença, Casamentos, Aposentadoria, Gravidez, Nascimento de Crianças na Família, Morte de Alguém na Família, Mudança na Condição Financeira, Férias e Cirurgia. Foi possível observar que, os eventos citados atingiram nível de stress altíssimo no período em que foram vividos e nível alto ainda nos dias de hoje. Apesar dos altos níveis de stress encontrados, o grupo em que houve diminuição do nível de stress corresponde a 100% da amostra / The percentage of senior citizens and their life expectancy have been increasing gradually in Brazil. Aging is considered to be a natural, social, cultural and economic phenomenon. Therefore, questions concerning this phenomenon and the daily life of the elderly people have become a necessity in the Brazilian society. The ILPIs (long stay old age homes) are the institutions responsible for assisting the senior citizens in need of special care such as carrying out daily chores and/or difficulties related to physical, psychological, cognitive and social aging. Furthermore, factors like the decrease of the fertility rate, the decrease of members in families, changes in marriage patterns and the increase of the participation of women at the work market , have affected the availability of relatives to become care takers. Therefore, the elderly have become more susceptible to stress as before. The absurd rise of stress levels in our daily lives and the increase of our longevity, invite us to reflect upon the strategies which should be developed in order to minimize the harmful effect of the stress then.That being the case, this study intends to cast light on the comprehension and description of stress in the elderly people who find themselves in an economical and/or physical dependency but are still cognitively and functionally fit and living in the ILPIs, mentioned above. We will investigate the relationship between their life history and the stress level while living in the old age homes. Only cognitively and functionally fit elderly people have taken part in our research, at the age of 70 and older. The following tests and questionnaires have been applied: Firstly, a general questions questionnaire, then The mental health status examination, The Life Events Units(LEU/VAS) and other complementary questions. Relevant events which are linked to the rise of the stress levels are: the death of a spouse, accident or illness, marriage, retirement, pregnancy, the birth of children in the family, death in the family, financial difficulties, holidays, and surgery. It is important to mention that the stress levels have reached their highest during the occurrence of these life events mentioned before, and they still have an impact on the stress levels presently. Despite of the high levels of stress, we could observe that the people in the group which had a stress reduction corresponds to 100% of the samples taken

Diabete melito referida: incidência e preditores, em coorte de idosos domiciliados no município de São Paulo: Estudo SABE - Saúde, Bem-estar e Envelhecimento / Reported Diabetes: incidence and predict in cohort eldery people, resident in the city of São Paulo SABE Survey: Health, Wellbeing and Aging

Almeida, Manuela Ferreira de 15 September 2010 (has links)
A incidência de diabete melito (DM) tem aumentado, principalmente em idosos. Evidências epidemiológicas mostram que obesidade e gordura abdominal constituem fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de DM. Objetivo: Verificar a associação da incidência de DM referida com obesidade e gordura abdominal, em coorte de idosos domiciliados no município de São Paulo/Brasil - 2000 e 2006. Casuística e métodos: Foram utilizados dados do Estudo SABE Saúde, Bem-estar e Envelhecimento, longitudinal, epidemiológico, de base domiciliar, realizado no município de São Paulo, em 2000 (2.143 idosos), e em 2006 (1.115 idosos). A população de estudo foi constituída por idosos ( 60 anos), de ambos os sexos, selecionados por amostra probabilística, e que não referiram DM, em 2000, e que apresentaram todos os dados necessários a este estudo. As variáveis analisadas foram: DM referida, com alternativa de resposta dicotômica (sim ou não), obesidade, pelo índice de massa corporal - IMC 30 kg/m², gordura abdominal (circunferência da cintura CC 88 cm, para mulheres, e 102 cm, para homens; e razão cintura/quadril RCQ 1, para homens, e 0,85, para mulheres) e características sociodemográficas (sexo, grupo etário, escolaridade, companhia no domicílio). Para verificar a associação entre as variáveis, utilizou-se teste Rao Scott, para amostra complexa, e regressão logística múltipla (p<0,05) e o programa Stata/SE 10.0 for Windows. Resultados: Dos 1.115 idosos, foram reavaliados 914, sendo que 72 constituíram os novos casos de Manuela F. de Almeida DM (7,7 por cento /1.000 pessoa/ano). Verificou-se que a maior proporção (58 por cento ) de indivíduos que referiram DM, era composta por mulheres. Ainda que a obesidade tenha se associado, positivamente, com referência de DM, constatou-se que a RCQ (OR=2,32; IC=1,47-3,67) e CC (OR= 2,33; IC=1,44-3,77) foram preditoras para DM referida. Conclusão: De todas as variáveis analisadas, apenas a gordura abdominal constituiu fator de risco para incidência da doença, no período de 6 anos / The incidence of diabetes mellitus (DM) has increased, mainly in aged persons. Epidemiological evidences show that obesity and abdominal fat constitute risk factor for development of DM. Objective: To verify the association the incidence of DM with obesity and abdominal fat, in cohort of elderly domiciled in São Paulo / Brazil - 2000 and 2006. Casuistic and methods: It were analized data of the SABE Survey, a longitudinal, epidemiologic and household based study, carried in the city of São Paulo, in 2000 (2,143 elderlies) and 2006 (1,115 elderlies). The study population was constituted by aged ( 60 years), of both gender, selected by probabilist sample, who did not reported DM, in 2000, with all necessary data to this study. The analized variables were: reported DM, with dicotomic answer (yes or no), obesity, by body mass index - BMI 30 kg/m², abdominal fat (waist circunference - WC 88 cm, for women, and 102 cm, for men; and waist-to-hip ratio WHR 1, for men, and 0.85, for women) and socio-demographics characterstics (gender, age group, educational status and home company). To verify the association among the variables, it was applied the Rao Scott test, for complex samples, multiple logistic regression (p<0.05) and statistical software Stata/SE 10.0 for Windows. Results: Out of the 1,115 elderlies, it were re-assessed 914, being 72 as new cases of DM (7.7 per cent /1,000 people/year). It was verified that a greater proportion (58 per cent ) of the subjects who reported DM, was Manuela F. de Almeida composed by females. Even though obesity was positively associated to reported DM, WHR (OR=2.33; IC=1.47-3.77) and WC (OR= 2.32; IC=1.44-3.67) were predictors for DM. Conclusion: Of all variables analized, only abdominal fat was considered risk factor for the incidence of this disease, in a period of 6 years

Subnutrição e risco para subnutrição: incidência e associação com variáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas, em idosos domiciliados no município de São Paulo, Brasil : Estudo SABE - Saúde, Bem-estar e Envelhecimento, 2000 e 2006 / Undernutrition and risk for undernutrition: incidence and associated in elderly community-dwelling of older adults in São Paulo, Brazil: SABE Survey - Health, Wellbeing and Aging, 2000 and 2006

Alencar, Daniele Lima de 30 August 2011 (has links)
Introdução: O aumento da idade é considerado risco para subnutrição, em idosos. Objetivo: Identificar a incidência de subnutrição e risco para subnutrição e associação com variáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas, em idosos domiciliados no município de São Paulo/Brasil, em 2000 e 2006. Métodos: Foram utilizados dados do Estudo SABE Saúde, Bem-estar e Envelhecimento, de coorte, epidemiológico, de base domiciliar, realizado em 2000 (n=2.143) e em 2006 (n=1.115), entrevistando idosos ( 60 anos), de ambos os sexos, selecionados por amostra probabilística. Foram incluídos idosos que apresentaram todos os dados necessários, para identificação de subnutrição e risco para subnutrição, pela Mini Avaliação Nutricional, considerando subnutrição (MAN® < 17 pontos), risco para subnutrição (MAN® 17 a 23,5 pontos), e que, em 2000, não apresentaram esse distúrbio nutricional. As variáveis analisadas foram: dependente - subnutrição e risco para subnutrição, explanatórias - sexo, grupos etários (60 a 74; 75), renda, depressão (Escala de Depressão Geriátrica), declínio cognitivo (Mini Exame do Estado Mental), companhia no domicílio e número de doenças referidas (câncer, diabete melito, hipertensão arterial, doença coronariana, doença pulmonar crônica, doença vascular cerebral, doença articular e osteoporose). Para identificar a associação entre as variáveis, utilizou-se teste Rao & Scott, para amostra complexa, e regressão logística múltipla (p<0,05) e o programa Stata/SE 10.0 for Windows. Resultados: Foram reavaliados 636 idosos e a taxa de incidência de subnutrição e risco para subnutrição foi 17,1/1.000 pessoas/ano. A maior proporção (21,40 por cento ) de indivíduos subnutridos ou com risco para subnutrição, era composta pelo grupo 75 anos (p=0,002) e que apresentavam sintomas depressivos (23,5 por cento ) (p=0,000). A subnutrição e o risco para subnutrição associou-se, diretamente, ao grupo etário 75 (OR= 2,47; IC=1,42-4,29) e à depressão (OR= 2,90; IC=1,64-5,13). Conclusão: A subnutrição e o risco para subnutrição apresentaram incidência elevada e associação direta com depressão e grupo etário 75 / Introduction: Increasing age is considered risk for undernutrition in the elderly. Objective: Identify the incidence of undernutrition and risk for undernutrition in the elderly, living in São Paulo / Brazil, in 2000 and 2006, and association with sociodemographic and clinical variables.Methods: We used data from the SABE Survey: Health, Wellbeing and Aging, cohort, epidemiological, household-based, conducted in 2000 (n = 2,143) and 2006 (n = 1,115), interviewing the elderly ( 60 years) of both sexes, selected by random sample. The study included individuals who had all the necessary data for identification of undernutrition and risk for undernutrition by the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA®), considering undernutrition (MNA® <17 points), risk for undernutrition (MNA® 17 - 23.5 points), and that in 2000, did not show this nutritional disorder. The variables were: dependent - undernutrition and risk for undernutrition, explanatory - gender, age groups (60 - 74; 75), income, depression (Geriatric Depression Scale), dementia (Mini Mental State Examination) home company and number of reported illnesses (cancer, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, coronary disease, chronic pulmonary disease, cerebrovascular disease, joint disease and osteoporosis To identify the association among the variables, it was applied the Rao Scott test, for complex samples, multiple logistic regression (p<0.05) and statistical software Stata/SE 10.0 for Windows. Results: We reviewed 636 elderly and the incidence rate of undernutrition and risk for undernutrition was 17.1 / 1,000 person-years. The largest proportion (21,4 per cent ) of undernourished individuals or risk for undernutrition, was composed by the group 75 years (p = 0.002) and depressive symptoms (23,5 per cent ) (p=0,000). Undernutrition and risk for undernutrition were associated directly to the age group 75 (OR = 2.47, CI = 1.42 to 4.29) and depression (OR = 2.90, CI = 1.64 - 5.13).Conclusion: Undernutrition and risk for undernutrition had high incidence and direct association with depression and age 75

Technological Approach for Early and Unobtrusive Detection of Possible Health Changes toward Better Adaptation of Services for Elderly People / Approche Technologique de Détection Précoce et Non-Intrusive de Possibilité de Changement de Santé pour mieux Adapter les Services Proposés aux Personnes Âgées

Kaddachi, Firas 03 December 2018 (has links)
Les capacités physiques et cognitives diminuent considérablement à cause du vieillissement. Les problèmes de santé liées au vieillissement présentent une grande charge pour la santé publique. Aujourd’hui, les services gériatriques ne sont pas suffisants pour détecter les problèmes de santé dans les premiers stades de leur évolution, dans le but d’améliorer l’évaluation et l’intervention médicale des personnes âgées. Traduire ces besoins gériatriques à travers les services existants est essentiel pour améliorer leur impact. Dans le cadre de ma thèse, je propose une approche technologique qui utilise des technologies non-intrusives pour analyser le comportement des personnes âgés sur de longues périodes et détecter des possibilités d’évolution de maladies physiques ou cognitives. Des références gériatriques internationales me permettent d’identifier des indicateurs de changement de comportement qui peuvent être suivis à travers de technologies non-intrusives sans interférer avec le comportement naturel des personnes âgées. J’analyse ces indicateurs en considérant plusieurs dimensions spatio-temporelles, et utilisant des techniques de détection de changement qui différencient les changements transitoires et continus dans le comportement suivi. Je valide mon approche proposée à travers un déploiement réel de 3 ans dans une maison de retraite et des maisons individuelles.Je propose une méthodologie de détection précoce et non-intrusive des possibilités de changement dans l’état de santé. Des entretiens personnels avec les personnes âgées, les membres de la famille, les médecins gériatres et les infirmières de la maison de retraite me permettent d’identifier leurs besoins gériatriques. Les parties prenantes de mes services proposés ont besoin d’une information fiable à propos des changements possibles dans l’état de santé le plus tôt possible, sans suivre les personnes d’une manière intrusive. Afin de traduire ces besoins gériatriques, je propose une approche technologique qui utilise des technologies non-intrusives pour suivre les personnes âgées pendant des semaines et des mois, et identifier des changements possible dans leur comportement fortement liés à des problèmes physiques ou cognitifs.Mon service web ChangeTracker implémente ma méthodologie. ChangeTracker analyse le comportement des personnes âgées en ligne et détecte des changements possibles chaque jour. Je développe des algorithmes qui convertissent les données de capteurs brutes en données inférées en relation avec l’état de santé de la personne suivie. Des techniques de détection de changement (par ex., des techniques statistiques, probabilistes et d’apprentissage) distinguent les changements temporaires et continus dans le comportement de la personne.Une validation réelle de mon approche a lieu dans 3 villes françaises Montpellier, Lattes et Occagnes. Les résultats expérimentaux de 25 participants validement ma détection précoce et non-intrusive des changements de santé. Les 25 participants vivent seuls à domicile ou dans une maison de retraite. Dans mon cas d’étude, j’installe des capteurs de mouvement dans chaque chambre de la maison et des capteurs de contact sur chaque porte principale. Ces capteurs collectent mes données de suivi pendant 3 ans. Mes algorithmes analysent ces données, calculent des indicateurs gériatriques significatifs, et détectent des changements possibles en corrélation avec l’état de santé. / Aging process is associated with serious decline in physical and cognitive abilities. Aging-related health problems present growing burden on public health and economy. Nowadays, existing geriatric services have limitations in terms of early detecting possible health changes toward better adaptation of medical assessment and intervention for elderly people. Bridging the gap between these geriatric needs and existing services is a major enabler to improve their impact. In this thesis, proposed technological approach employs unobtrusiveInternet of Things (IoT) technologies for long-term behavior monitoring and early detection of possible changes. Proposed methodology identifies geriatric indicators that can be monitored via unobtrusive IoT technologies, and are associated with physical and cognitive problems. This thesis develops data processing algorithms that convert raw sensor data into geriatric indicators. These geriatric indicators are analyzed on a daily basis, in order to early detect possible changes. This thesis evaluates and adapts further statistical, probabilistic and machine-learning techniques for long-term change detection. Adapting these techniques discards transient deviations, and retains permanent changes in monitored behavior. Real 3-year deployments in nursing home and individual houses validate proposed approach. Medical clinic geriatrician and nursing home team validate medical relevance of detected changes.

A aposentadoria por idade como instrumento de proteção social após o advento da constituição de 1988: uma questão de direitos humanos

Assis, Ana Maria do Rosario 09 August 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:30:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Maria do Rosario Assis.pdf: 774599 bytes, checksum: b4d4003ca255dfb07065ddcf2605816b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-08-09 / The universal declaration of human rights is constituted as a starting point for the overall process of human rights and for the historical awareness that humanity has in relation to fundamental values built in the 20th century. The retirement age programme is a kind of benefit discussed in this dissertation because it is a tool for the protection of elderly people and in connection with the principle of dignity of human rights. Following this point of view, various aspects for the protection of elderly people will be analysed considering that due the legislation they are not capable to work. In order to demonstrate the importance of this kind of benefit, it is made a historical approach regarding elderly people's protection from old age onwards. In Brazil, the first instrument to protect elderly people was called act of sexagenarians and taking into account its importance for the older generations of slaves, it will be presented and discussed in this work, highlighting some socio political aspects which motivated the publication of the law 3270 in september 28, 1885. The church was a vehicle of expansion os social security around the world, reason why the historical aspects will be discussed briefly because they are important in order to understand the institution of the benefit and its evolution until social security was created, having unversality as vector for social protection. The higher point of this dissertation will the the retirement age programme and the law relation for social welfare protection making relevant the presentation of all those requirements needed for the worker's retirement, the way the benefit is calculated, improved, and going further into compulsory retirement. As a conclusion for this work, it will elaborate a panoramic analysis of international systems for human rights and the way those treats were absorbed in Brazil / A Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos constitui-se num ponto de partida para o processo global dos direitos humanos e à consciência histórica que a Humanidade tem dos próprios valores fundamentais construídos no Século XX. A aposentadoria por idade é a espécie de benefício discutida nesta dissertação, por ser um instrumento de proteção ao idoso e sintoniza-se com o princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana. É com este olhar que serão analisados diversos aspectos da proteção ao idoso que, por ficção legislativa, está incapacitado para o trabalho. Para melhor demonstração da importância desta espécie de benefício, fazse uma incursão histórica sobre a proteção à velhice desde a Antigüidade até os dias atuais. No Brasil, o primeiro instrumento de proteção ao idoso foi a Lei dos Sexagenários, e tendo em linha de conta a sua importância, a velhice dos escravos será apresentada neste trabalho acadêmico e discutida, panoramicamente, alguns aspectos sócio-políticos que ensejaram a publicação da Lei nº. 3.270, de 28 de setembro de 1885. A Igreja foi um veículo de expansão do seguro social no mundo, motivo pelo qual este momento histórico será debatido em breves linhas, por serem necessárias para a compreensão do instituto do seguro e sua evolução até o surgimento da seguridade social, tendo a universalidade como vetor da proteção social. A culminância desta dissertação será o tema da aposentadoria por idade e a relação jurídica de proteção previdenciária, oportunizando a apresentação de todos os requisitos necessários para a jubilação do trabalhador, a forma de cálculo do benefício, seu reajustamento, debruçando-se também sobre a aposentadoria presente estudo, será elaborada uma análise panorâmica do sistema internacional dos compulsória. Concluindo o direitos humanos e a internalização dos tratados dos direitos humanos no Brasil

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