Spelling suggestions: "subject:"employer"" "subject:"mployer""
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Diseño de un modelo basado en la combinación de estrategias de Recursos Humanos para reducir la rotación de personal en restaurantes de comida rápidaEspinoza Tacuri, Amy María, Rojas López, Estefanía Matilde 11 September 2019 (has links)
El presente proyecto de tesis tiene como finalidad proporcionar a las empresas del sector servicios un modelo basado en distintas estrategias de recursos humanos para disminuir el costo de rotación.
El modelo contiene: Employer Branding, Talent Management y Entrenamientos alineados a los procesos de recursos humanos. El desarrollo del modelo empieza con el análisis de la problemática de la empresa con la definición del problema y las causas, para luego establecer objetivos y plantear el plan de acción con las mejoras que serán implementadas.
El modelo se prueba en una empresa de comida rápida. Luego de asegurar cuál es el problema se procede a ejecutar el plan de acción y con ello las mejoras al modelo. / The purpose of this thesis project is to provide companies in the service sector with a model based on different human resources strategies to reduce the cost of rotation.
The model contains: Employer Branding, Talent Management and Training aligned to human resources processes. The development of the model begins with the analysis of the problems of the company with the definition of the problem and the causes, to then establish objectives and propose the action plan with the improvements that will be implemented.
The model is tested in a fast food company. After ensuring what the problem is, we proceed to execute the action plan and with it the improvements to the model. / Tesis
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Konsten att behålla och värna om nyckelkompetensen : En studie genomförd inom Landstinget Halland / The art of retaining and taking care of key employees : A study carried out within Halland County CouncilMalmberg, Elin, Sech, Anna January 2010 (has links)
<p><em>När vi kom i kontakt med Landstinget Halland uttryckte de behovet av att kunna attrahera och behålla personal. Då personer med nyckelkompetens har stor påverkan på organisationens framgång har vi valt att genomföra en studie med syfte att undersöka vilka förhållanden personer med nyckelkompetens inom Landstinget Halland upplever som centrala för sin specifika arbetssituation. Med hjälp av olika teorier och modeller analyserar vi och tar reda på hur sådana förhållanden kan påverka arbetsgivarens förmåga att behålla dessa personer. Vi har valt att undersöka på vilket sätt de förhållanden som framkommer är centrala för individens arbetstillfredsställelse och motivation samt för deras vilja att stanna kvar på eller lämna sitt arbete.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>Utifrån uppsatsens syfte och frågeställningar har vi genomfört sex stycken kvalitativa intervjuer med nyckelindivider och personalledning på en av verksamheterna inom Landstinget Halland.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>Vårt resultat visar att förhållanden som har att göra med arbetstillfredsställelse och motivation påverkar och påverkas av upplevt organisatoriskt stöd vilket i sin tur påverkar arbetsgivarens förmåga att behålla individer med nyckelkompetens. Hela analysen utmynnar slutligen i vår egen AFBN-modell (arbetsgivarens förmåga att behålla nyckelkompetens) som visar dessa samband.</em></p> / <p><em>When we first contacted Halland County Council they expressed the need to be able to attract and retain employees. Since individuals with key competence have a big influence on the overall success of the organization we chose to carry out a study with the purpose to examine which conditions individuals with key competence within Halland County Council experience as central to their specific work situation. By using different theories and models we analyze and find out how such conditions can affect the ability of the employer to retain these individuals. We have chosen to examine in what way the conditions that emerge are central to the individuals work satisfaction, motivation and their will to stay or leave their workplace. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>Based on the purpose of this study we have carried out six qualitative interviews with key employees and HR management on one of the units within Halland County Council.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>Our results show that conditions that has to do with work satisfaction and motivation affect and are affected by perceived organizational support which in turn affect the ability of the employer to retain individuals with key competence. The analysis finally concludes into our own model of AFBN (the ability of the employer to retain key competence) that shows these relationships.</em></p>
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Konsten att behålla och värna om nyckelkompetensen : En studie genomförd inom Landstinget Halland / The art of retaining and taking care of key employees : A study carried out within Halland County CouncilMalmberg, Elin, Sech, Anna January 2010 (has links)
När vi kom i kontakt med Landstinget Halland uttryckte de behovet av att kunna attrahera och behålla personal. Då personer med nyckelkompetens har stor påverkan på organisationens framgång har vi valt att genomföra en studie med syfte att undersöka vilka förhållanden personer med nyckelkompetens inom Landstinget Halland upplever som centrala för sin specifika arbetssituation. Med hjälp av olika teorier och modeller analyserar vi och tar reda på hur sådana förhållanden kan påverka arbetsgivarens förmåga att behålla dessa personer. Vi har valt att undersöka på vilket sätt de förhållanden som framkommer är centrala för individens arbetstillfredsställelse och motivation samt för deras vilja att stanna kvar på eller lämna sitt arbete. Utifrån uppsatsens syfte och frågeställningar har vi genomfört sex stycken kvalitativa intervjuer med nyckelindivider och personalledning på en av verksamheterna inom Landstinget Halland. Vårt resultat visar att förhållanden som har att göra med arbetstillfredsställelse och motivation påverkar och påverkas av upplevt organisatoriskt stöd vilket i sin tur påverkar arbetsgivarens förmåga att behålla individer med nyckelkompetens. Hela analysen utmynnar slutligen i vår egen AFBN-modell (arbetsgivarens förmåga att behålla nyckelkompetens) som visar dessa samband. / When we first contacted Halland County Council they expressed the need to be able to attract and retain employees. Since individuals with key competence have a big influence on the overall success of the organization we chose to carry out a study with the purpose to examine which conditions individuals with key competence within Halland County Council experience as central to their specific work situation. By using different theories and models we analyze and find out how such conditions can affect the ability of the employer to retain these individuals. We have chosen to examine in what way the conditions that emerge are central to the individuals work satisfaction, motivation and their will to stay or leave their workplace. Based on the purpose of this study we have carried out six qualitative interviews with key employees and HR management on one of the units within Halland County Council. Our results show that conditions that has to do with work satisfaction and motivation affect and are affected by perceived organizational support which in turn affect the ability of the employer to retain individuals with key competence. The analysis finally concludes into our own model of AFBN (the ability of the employer to retain key competence) that shows these relationships.
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I hopp om att bota : När chefsvakanser möter få ansökningar / In hope of curing : When executive vacancies meet few applicationsEriksson, Johanna, Hedlund, Sara January 2013 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet är att skapa en ökad förståelse för hur offentliga verksamheter i mindre kommuner uppfattar och hanterar utmaningarna vid chefsrekrytering samt vad som ligger till grund för hur de hanterar det. Metodik: En tvärsnittsstudie på offentlig sektor i Kalmar Län har använts som forskningsstrategi med en induktiv ansats. Genom en kvalitativ metod med åtta semi-strukturerade intervjuer har vi producerat fram data. Slutsats: Studien har visat att offentliga verksamheter i mindre kommuner upplever ett problem i att finna lämpliga kandidater till chefstjänster, men ser inte det som krisartat. För att hantera rekryteringssvårigheterna utnyttjar offentliga verksamheter i mindre kommuner både operativa och strategiska åtgärderna. Operativa åtgärder som används är exempelvis förlängning av annons och informell rekryteringsmetod. De strategiska åtgärderna är exempelvis det ledarförsörjningsprogram som både kommun och landsting har samt genom att arbeta med Employer Branding. Det framgår också att offentliga verksamheter i mindre kommuner hanterar svårigheterna både genom att ta hand om det synliga problemet och de faktorer som gett upphov till problematiken. De bakomliggande orsakerna till verksamheternas hanterande styrs av informella och formella krafter. Olika påtryckningar gör att de blir begränsat flexibla och offentliga verksamheter i mindre kommuner imiterar varandra för att upprätthålla sin legitimitet. / Purpose: The purpose of this study is to gain greater understanding of how the public sector in smaller communities perceive and handle difficulties in recruiting executives and what they base their chosen approach on. Methodoly: Using an inductive approach, a survey study was performed on the public sector of Kalmar Län. A qualitative method was used to collect data, by conducting eight semi-structured interviews with executives in public sector organizations. Conclusion: The study has shown that public sector in smaller communities perceives a problem finding relevant candidates for executive positions, but they do not see it as a crisis. To handle the difficulties in finding relevant applicants they use operative and strategic actions. Operative actions include for example extending the ad and using the informal recruitment method. The strategic actions involves for example the talent management programs and by working with employer branding. The public sector in smaller communities is taking actions to handle the problem they perceive and also to handle the underlying factors that led to the problem. The way they handle the problem is based on formal and informal forces. Different forces prevent flexibility and the public sector in smaller communities imitates each other to maintain their legitimacy.
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Alterung und ArbeitsmarktSchneider, Lutz 08 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Untersuchung hat die Folgen der Alterung von Beschäftigten auf den Arbeitsmarkt zum Gegenstand. Namentlich werden die Produktivitäts- und Lohn-, die Innovations- sowie die Mobilitätseffekte des Alters auf empirischem Weg analysiert. Der räumliche Fokus liegt dabei auch dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt; als Datenbasis fungieren Personen- und Betriebsdaten des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung Nürnberg (IAB). Mit Blick auf die Produktivitäts- und Lohnwirkung des Alters liefert die ökonometrische Analyse von Betrieben des Verarbeitenden Gewerbes Hinweise auf einen positiven Einfluss des Anteils der mittleren Jahrgänge auf die betriebliche Produktivität. Es bestätigt sich der umgekehrt u-förmige Verlauf des Alters-Produktivitätsprofils, der auch in anderen Ländern gefunden wurde. Die Analyse der Produktivitäts-Lohn-Relation im Altersverlauf erbringt ferner deutliche Belege für ein ungleiches Muster beider Profile. Insbesondere die Altersgruppe der 41-50-Jährigen scheint im Vergleich zur Referenzgruppe der über 50-Jährigen aber auch zur Gruppe der 15-30-Jährigen deutlich unter Produktivität entlohnt zu werden. Hinsichtlich des Einflusses der Altersstruktur auf das betriebliche Innovationsverhalten erbringt die mikroökonometrische Untersuchung ebenfalls Belege für einen umgekehrt u-förmigen Verlauf – die Gruppe der Beschäftigten im Alter von ca. 40 Jahren treibt demnach den betrieblichen Innovationsprozess am stärksten. Ein weiterer Befund der Analyse betrifft die Wirkung von Altersheterogenität. Der erwartet positive Innovationseinfluss einer altersgemischten Belegschaft konnte hier nicht belegt werden. Was die Mobilitätseffekte des Alters betrifft, so besagen die Ergebnisse der Arbeit, dass das ein höheres Alter von Erwerbstätigen die – betriebliche und berufliche – Job-Mobilität dämpft. Das geschätzte Mehrgleichungsmodell macht sichtbar, dass sich der Lohn Älterer durch einen Wechsel nur vergleichsweise wenig oder überhaupt nicht verbessern lässt, mithin für die meisten Älteren keine finanziellen Mobilitätsanreize gegeben sind. Die zweite Erkenntnis der Analyse besteht darin, dass das Alter auch nach Kontrolle dieses für Ältere fehlenden Lohnanreizes immer noch signifikant negativ auf die Wechselneigung wirkt. Neben dem Beitrag zur wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Forschung haben die Untersuchungsergebnisse auch Bedeutung für betriebliches und staatliches Handeln. Allgemein gesprochen sind beide Ebenen aufgefordert, die Herausforderungen des demographischen Wandels für die Produktivitätsentwicklung zu bewältigen. Dies ist einerseits erforderlich, um die nötigen Ressourcen für eine Gesellschaft zu generieren, in der sich ein steigender Anteil im nicht-erwerbsfähigen Alter befindet. Andererseits ist dies unerlässlich, um den wachsenden Anteil der Älteren, die noch im erwerbsfähigen Alter sind, mit echten Beschäftigungschancen auszustatten und so Erwerbstätigkeit im Kontext einer alternden Gesellschaft zu unterstützen. / The present study analyses the labour market effect of workers’ ageing. Explicitly, the impact of age on productivity and wages, on innovation as well as on mobility is explored empirically. The econometric analyses are based on firm and employment data from the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) and, thus, refer to the labour market of Germany. Regarding the productivity and wage effects of age the econometric results confirm a positive correlation between firm productivity and the share of middle-aged employees (41-50 years old) within the manufacturing sector. Hence, the results provide evidence of an inverted u-shaped age-productivity profile in this sector also found for other countries. Furthermore, age-wage and age-productivity profiles seem to follow unequal patterns. Compared to the group of the 15-30 and the 51 and above years old workers the group of middle-aged employees earn less than a productivity based wage scheme would require. In terms of age effects on innovativeness the micro-econometric analysis again reveals an inverted u-shaped profile. Workers aged around 40 years seem to act as key driver for innovation activities within firms. An additional finding concerns the impact of age diversity on innovation. The expected positive effect of a heterogeneous age structure is not confirmed by the data. With respect to labour market mobility results are in favour of a negative correlation between age and job mobility either in terms of changing professions or firms. The estimation of a multi equation model verifies that expected wages of older workers do not or only marginally increase due to job mobility, so, financial incentives to change jobs are very low. Yet, even after controlling the absent wage incentive older employees still remain more immobile than younger workers. Altogether, these results should not only be of academic interest but also informative for actors on the firm and the governmental level. Both sides are asked to cope with the challenges of demographic change. Only by maintaining productivity and innovativeness until old ages the necessary resources can be generated to preserve an economy’s prosperity even if the share of non-active population is increasing by demographic developments. Secondly, enhancing productivity is essential to ensure employability of older persons and to sustain the size of workforce even in the circumstances of an ageing economy.
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AB Nordea Bank Finland Plc Lietuvos skyriaus darbdavio vidinio įvaizdžio stiprinimas / Internal Employer Brand Ehancement at AB „Nordea Bank Finland Plc “Stundytė, Inga 25 June 2009 (has links)
Ši tema pasirinkta siekiant išanalizuoti Nordea banko esamą darbdavio įvaizdį, bei išaiškinti darbuotojų pasitenkinimo juo lygį.
Nagrinėti darbdavio įvaizdį svarbu dėl to, kad egzistuoja ryšis tarp pasitenkinimo darbdaviu bei įsipareigojimo organizacijai.
Darbo tikslas: Parengti rekomendacijas AB Nordea Bank Finland Plc Lietuvos skyriaus vidinio darbdavio įvaizdžio stiprinimui.
Darbo uždaviniai: Nustatyti veiksnius, neigiamai įtakojančius AB Nordea Bank Finland Plc Lietuvos skyriaus vidinį darbdavio įvaizdį, taip pat empirinio tyrimo pagalba nustatyti esmines darbdavio įvaizdžio savybes ir banko darbuotojų pasitenkinimo darbdaviu lygį, bei pateikti pasiūlymus vidinio darbdavio įvaizdžio stiprinimui.
Darbas susideda iš trijų dalių.
Pirmoje dalyje aptariamos vidinės bei išorinė AB Nordea Bank Finland Plc Lietuvos skyriaus aplinkos.
Antroje dalyje aprašomas empirinis tyrimas, bei jo rezultatai. Tyrimo metodika: kokybinis ir kiekybinis tyrimas. Kokybinis – interviu su vadovais. Kiekybinis - tiesioginė darbuotojų apklausa, panaudojant struktūrizuota klausimyną. Tyrimo metu buvo nustatyti pasitenkinimo darbdaviu, įsipareigojimo įmonei, ketinimo palikti įmonę lygiai, bei jų tarpusavio sąveikos ryšiai.
Trečioje dalyje pateikiami vadybiniai sprendimai, kaip AB Nordea Bank Finland Plc Lietuvos skyriaus galėtų sustiprinti darbdavio vidinį įvaizdį.
Darbo pabaigoje pateikiamos pagrindinės darbo išvados remiantis išorinės aplinkos bei vidinės įmonės situacijos analizę, tyrimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This issue of the work was chosen with purpose to analyze employer branding and the level of satisfaction of Nordea bank.Research employer branding is important due to some reason, one of them strong connection employees toward the organization and the satisfaction of employee with they work.
The object of the work: To make recommendation on consolidation of the internal employer brand of AB Nordea Bank Finland Plc Lithuanian branch.
The task of the work as follow: to establish conditions that negative influence AB Nordea Bank Finland Plc Lithuanian branch employer brand, also estimate fundamental attributes of employer branding and the level of satisfaction of the employees to use empirical research and establish offers how to consolidation the internal employer brand .
The paper has three parts.
The firs part contains the analysis of the internal and external environment of the AB Nordea Bank Finland Plc Lithuanian branch.
The second part contains the empirical research and the results of this research. The method of the research is the quantitative and qualitative. Qualitative - direct employer interview. Quantitative method – direct survey. The instrument of the research is structural questionnaires. The level of the satisfaction of the employees commitment toward organization and decision to leave an organization also the connection of their internal – relation were established in the research.
The third part contains the solution for management on how AB Nordea Bank... [to full text]
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Employer Branding : ett modernt begrepp i offentlig verksamhet / Employer branding : a modern management fad in the public sectorBorgqvist, Jens, Axelsson, Ida January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund Sedan efterkrigstiden har det skett en ökning av moderna organisationsidéer. En av dessa idéer är employer branding som utgör varumärket för företaget som arbetsgivare och som syftar till att locka till sig och behålla rätt personal. Offentlig verksamhet har börjat arbeta med detta begrepp som en följd av new public management men studier på detta område saknas. Syfte Syftet med studien är att skapa förståelse för de svårigheter som finns i att utforma ett employer brand i en offentlig verksamhet som karaktäriseras av new public management-idéer. Vi vill bidra till den företagsekonomiska diskussionen om employer branding genom att bidra med ett kritiskt förhållningssätt till begreppet inom offentlig verksamhet. Metod Studien är hermeneutisk med en abduktiv ansats. Fallstudier har använts för att samla in det empiriska materialet. 18 semistrukturerade intervjuer har utförts med personer på Växjö kommun. En observation har även genomförts. Slutsats I studien framkom det tre delar som skapar svårigheter för den offentlig verksamhet i employer branding-arbetet. Dessa är de vitt skilda yrkeskategorierna i verksamheten, den decentraliserade organisationen samt kompetensbristen kring employer branding i offentlig verksamhet. / Introduction Since post war era there has been an increase of modern organisational ideas. One of them is employer branding which is the characteristics of the company as an employer which purpose is to attract and retain the right employees. The public sector has now embarked the concept as a consequence of the new public management era. Field studies in this are absent. Purpose The purpose of this thesis is to increase the understanding about the difficulties of design an employer brand in the public sector which is characterized by new public management. The aim is to give a contribution to the discussion of employer branding, in the field of business administration, with a critical perspective towards the concept in the public sector. Method The study is hermeneutic with an abductive approach. We used a case study to collect the empirical material. 18 semi-structured interviews have been conducted within the municipality of Växjö. One observation did also take place. Conclusion In our study, we found, three parts in the public sector that makes it complicated to formulate an employer brand. They are: the large organisation with many different professions, the decentralization and the lack of knowledge about employer branding in the public sector.
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Employer branding som ett verktyg för att bryta könsstrukturer i organisationer : En kvalitativ studie av tre svenska kommuner / Employer Branding as a tool to break gender patterns in organizations : A qualitative study of three Swedish municipalitiesLundqvist, Elin, Ström, Lisa January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis we present a qualitative study of Employer Branding through a perspective of gender. We examine the awareness of Employer Branding as a tool to break gender patterns in female and male dominated administrations in three Swedish municipalities. Six recruiters people were interviewed, including three pre-school managers and three managers of technical administrations, to see if there are any differences or similarities between the organizations’ Employer Branding to break gender patterns. In addition to the interviews, the Web pages of these three municipalities were investigated through a contextual perspective. We found that our interviewees do use Employer Branding, but that they were not necessarily aware of its’ meaning. The study does also show that the awareness of gender patterns differentiated between the female and male dominated administrations. Our investigation of the Web pages shows that only one of the municipalities used their Web site in their Employer Branding process.
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Expectations on the use of Facebook for employee engagement / Annerie ReynekeReyneke, Annerie January 2013 (has links)
In order to engage employees effectively, organisations need to practice two-way
communication within a symmetrical worldview. This will encourage employees to feel valued,
to participate in decision-making and contribute to obtaining organisational goals. Practising
two-way communication will help to build stronger relationships between employees and
managers, leading to increased employee engagement. Thus, the better the communication
between managers and employees, the more engaged employees will be. Furthermore, the
selection of communication channels can impact on the success of the message that is sent.
Research has shown that if the inappropriate communication channel is selected when
communicating with employees, the message might not be effectively received and
understood. New technology, specifically Facebook can be introduced to provide an open and
transparent channel for communication. Facebook can also facilitate two-way communication,
which can lead to increased employee engagement.
The literature study conducted informed the interview schedules that were developed and used
to conduct semi-structured interviews with managers and focus group interviews with
employees within two organisations in the South African financial sector. This was done in
order to understand their expectations regarding the use of Facebook as an internal
communication channel to enhance employee engagement.
In terms of the conclusions derived from the empirical research, it seems evident that
Facebook could be used as an additional internal communication channel to enhance
employee engagement. Trust remains a very important factor in that managers should trust
employees to use the channel in an ethical manner and employees should trust the
organisation and its managers that they may voice their opinion freely, without the fear of
victimisation. Facebook can be used to promote engagement on a social level to build
relationships inside the organisation.
However, managers and employees can together create a contract of understanding that will
form the outline for a policy that will govern the use of Facebook. The parties involved can then
negotiate the terms of this contract of understanding to ensure that all expectations regarding
the use Facebook are met. / MA (Communication Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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Expectations on the use of Facebook for employee engagement / Annerie ReynekeReyneke, Annerie January 2013 (has links)
In order to engage employees effectively, organisations need to practice two-way
communication within a symmetrical worldview. This will encourage employees to feel valued,
to participate in decision-making and contribute to obtaining organisational goals. Practising
two-way communication will help to build stronger relationships between employees and
managers, leading to increased employee engagement. Thus, the better the communication
between managers and employees, the more engaged employees will be. Furthermore, the
selection of communication channels can impact on the success of the message that is sent.
Research has shown that if the inappropriate communication channel is selected when
communicating with employees, the message might not be effectively received and
understood. New technology, specifically Facebook can be introduced to provide an open and
transparent channel for communication. Facebook can also facilitate two-way communication,
which can lead to increased employee engagement.
The literature study conducted informed the interview schedules that were developed and used
to conduct semi-structured interviews with managers and focus group interviews with
employees within two organisations in the South African financial sector. This was done in
order to understand their expectations regarding the use of Facebook as an internal
communication channel to enhance employee engagement.
In terms of the conclusions derived from the empirical research, it seems evident that
Facebook could be used as an additional internal communication channel to enhance
employee engagement. Trust remains a very important factor in that managers should trust
employees to use the channel in an ethical manner and employees should trust the
organisation and its managers that they may voice their opinion freely, without the fear of
victimisation. Facebook can be used to promote engagement on a social level to build
relationships inside the organisation.
However, managers and employees can together create a contract of understanding that will
form the outline for a policy that will govern the use of Facebook. The parties involved can then
negotiate the terms of this contract of understanding to ensure that all expectations regarding
the use Facebook are met. / MA (Communication Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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