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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Långt förbi fruktkorgar och stegtävlingar : Employer Branding med fokus på personalens hälsa

Roos, Cornelia, Cedergren, Anita January 2016 (has links)
Arbetslivet ställer idag större krav på arbetsgivare och arbetstagare, och en dålig hälsa hos anställda inom organisationer är ett stort samt dyrt samhällsproblem. Samtidigt har företag svårt att attrahera ny arbetskraft och behålla sina anställda. Rapporten har därför som syfte att öka förståelsen för hur företag kan stärka sitt Employer Brand genom att fokusera på de anställdas hälsa. I denna rapport har två kvalitativa intervjuer med två olika företag genomförts, för att undersöka deras syn på Employer Brand och de anställdas hälsa. Utöver detta gjordes även två fokusgrupper med studenter på Linnéuniversitetet, för att representera nästa generations arbetstagare. Den empiri som samlades in tolkades och sammanställdes, och tre teman togs fram för att studeras teoretiskt och analyseras; Employer Branding, Organisation (struktur & kultur) samt Ledarskap. Vår slutsats landar i att ett starkt Employer Brand och en god hälsa hos de anställda grundar sig i företagets ledarskap och kultur, och att det finns ett starkt samband mellan en engagerad personal, varumärket och en attraktiv arbetsplats. En ledares uppgift är att agera inspiratör, förebild och varumärkesambassadör för att aktivt jobba med kulturen, och på så sätt skapa en engagerad personal. För att skapa detta krävs det uthållighet, och insikten i att det är en långsiktig förändring. Likt ett långsamt gående svänghjul, som knappt kan rubbas till en början, men som efter varje ansträngning får mer och mer fart, och efter varje varv och försök att genomföra en handling resulterar i en starkare arbetskraft och bättre resultat.

Ekonomstudenters val av arbete : Vilka faktorer påverkar?

Sjöström, Rebecca, Wilson, Miriam January 2007 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar när ekonomstudenter väljer sin första arbetsgivare.</p><p>Uppsatsens teoridel bygger på tre delar. I den första delen beskriver vi hur individen påverkas av sin omgivning när han/hon väljer sin första arbetsplats. Andra delen tar upp arbete och motivation och kopplingen mellan motivationsfaktorer och val av arbete. Sista delen handlar om hur individer kan påverkas av företag vid val av arbetsplats.</p><p>Den empiriska delen innefattar en enkätundersökning och två intervjuer som har utförts på ekonomikum vid Uppsala Universitet.</p><p>Vi har i vår studie kommit fram till att det finns flera olika faktorer som påverkar ekonomstudenternas val av arbete. Påverkan kan ske dels från omgivningen och dels från företagen, men även faktorer kring arbete och miljö spelar in.</p>

Employers, Unite! Organized Employer Reactions to the Labor Union Challenge in the Progressive Era

Hulden, Vilja January 2011 (has links)
"Employers, Unite!" argues that the anti-union campaign of Progressive-Era organized employers molded in crucial ways the shape of labor relations in the United States, and that to understand the development of ideas about work, business, and labor unions, we need to understand how these employers gained and wielded political and societal power.The study concentrates on the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), which spearheaded what it termed the "open-shop'' campaign. Focusing attention on the unions' demand for the closed or union shop, the NAM shifted the debate over labor relations from workplace conditions to the legitimacy of unions as representatives of workers, identifying not employers but union leaders as the source of injustices.At the heart of the study is an analysis of over 100 active members of the NAM, organized through a relational database constructed with the help of recently digitized materials like local histories and biographical compendia. Besides basic information like company size or demographics, the database maps information about NAM members' social and political contacts. Substantial archival materials further ground the study's analysis of the NAM's structure and influence.Research on the membership has allowed me to uncover information that focusing on the leadership would not have revealed. For example, I have found that a high percentage of active NAM members were party activists and officials, mostly in the Republican party; their positions in the party hierarchy gave them influence over political nominations and Congressional committee appointments. Active NAM members also regularly had personal contacts to politicians ranging from governors to Senators; these contacts further bolstered the Association's power, enabling it to torpedo much of labor's legislative project.The study also compares the NAM to other business organizations, especially the National Civic Federation (NCF). The NCF promoted cooperation with moderate unions, a position which the NAM frequently and vehemently criticized. Rhetorical differences, however, masked an underlying agreement among businessmen regarding the undesirability of unions. The rhetorical disjuncture between the organizations served to constrain debate on labor relations: the NAM's stridency made the NCF appear genuinely progressive and thereby undercut other, more far-reaching critiques of existing workplace relations.

ADHD och arbete : Arbetsgivares uppfattningar om personer med diagnosen ADHD på arbetsplatsen

Haraldsson, Elina, Riberth, Malin January 2013 (has links)
Studien analyserar vad arbetsgivare har för uppfattningar beträffande personer med ADHD på en arbetsplats. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har använts som datainsamlingsmetod. Urvalet består av sju arbetsgivare inom den privata sektorn. Studien har inspirerats av den fenomeno-grafiska ansatsen, där olika uppfattningar om ett fenomen står i centrum. Teoretiska analysbe-grepp för den här studien är social kategorisering och den medicinska och sociala modellen kopplat till funktionsnedsättningar. Resultatet presenteras i fem teman. Viktiga slutsatser är att informanterna ansåg att ADHD är ett svårfångat fenomen. Personer med ADHD anses kräva mycket tid, tolerans och tålamod av arbetsgivaren. Det ansågs finnas en lägsta gräns för hur mycket vinstdrivande verksamheter kan och bör anpassa sig efter de anställdas behov. Eko-nomiskt stöd ansågs vara nödvändigt för att kunna anpassa arbetsplatsen. Informanterna ansåg att det kan gagna arbetsgivaren och personen själv om personen berättar om sin diagnos. Sam-tidigt trodde informanterna att det kunde finnas svårigheter i att få ett jobb om en person be-rättar att denne har en diagnos innan denne är anställd. Genomgående för studien är att ar-betsgivarna anser att det är viktigt att se personen och inte diagnosen. Informanterna utgick mestadels från den medicinska modellen i studien och hade en tendens att kategorisera perso-ner med ADHD. / The purpose of this study is to analyze what kind of perceptions employers have regarding ADHD in the workplace. Semi-structured interviews were used as data-collection-method. The selection consist seven interviews with employers within the private sector. The study has been inspired by the phenomenographic approach. The medical and social model in relation to disability as well as social-categorizations is the analytical tools. The results are presented in five themes. Our study shows that employers thought that ADHD is a phenomenon which is difficult to define. According to the informants ADHD requires much time, tolerance and pa-tience. For the employers there seemed to be a limit regarding how much the workplace can adapt to the individual, and financial support was considered necessary to adapt the work-place. Employers felt that it is beneficial if the person with ADHD is open about his diagno-sis. However, they also thought it could be more difficult to get a job if the person talked about his diagnosis before he is employed. Throughout the study employers considered it to be important to see the person behind the diagnosis. The employers regarded mostly disabili-ties from the medical model and had a tendency to social-categorized people with ADHD.

The employment- and psychological contract in the Department of Education in the Sedibeng West District : a case study / Teboho E. More

More, Teboho Edward January 2007 (has links)
The changes in the political landscape in South Africa have exacerbated major transformation of the society and all other aspects of life, including education. It is in this view that transformation of the education sector resulted in the changes within the employment relationship, as well as the psychological contract between educators and the Department of Education. This is further explained by the changes experienced in both the employer and employee's obligations. Furthermore, these changes have a tremendous influence on the degree of job satisfaction, organisational commitment, as well as an intention to quit among educators. The primary objective of this research is to investigate the employment-and psychological contract of educators in the Sedibeng West District of the Gauteng Department of Education. The measuring instruments, i.e. employer's obligations, employee's obligations, job satisfaction, organisational commitment, as well as intention to quit questionnaires, were used in the empirical study. A cross -sectional survey design was conducted among 298 educators (including school managers) in the Sedibeng West District. A response rate of 75% (224 respondents) was obtained. The results indicate a practically significant correlation coefficient of a medium effect between the employer and the employee's obligations, a negative correlation of medium effect between the employer's obligations and an employee's intention to quit, and no significant relationship between the employee's obligations and an employee's intention to quit. Furthermore, a practically significant correlation coefficient of medium effect was obtained between job satisfaction and an employee's intention to quit, and no significant relationship could be found between job satisfaction and organisational commitment. Lastly, a practically significant negative correlation of a medium effect was obtained between organisational commitment and an intention to quit. A multiple regression analysis indicates that 21% of the variance in the employee's intention to quit was predicted by both the employer and employee's obligations. Organisational commitment and job satisfaction predicted 33% of the total variance. Recommendations for the Department of Education, as well as future research were also made. / Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Sociology))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2008.

Konsten att attrahera och behålla personal : En studie om Employer branding i apoteksbranschen / The ability to attract and retain empolyees : A study of Employer branding in the pharmacy industry

Bodin, Clara, Persson, Ida January 2016 (has links)
Efter avregleringen av det svenska apoteksmonopolet uppstod en konkurrensbaserad arbetsmarknad för farmaceuter. Från att det bara fanns en aktör på marknaden finns det nu flera kedjor samtidigt som det är brist på farmaceuter i landet. Detta leder till att apotekskedjorna måste jobba aktivt med att vara en attraktiv arbetsgivare för att behålla sin personal och rekrytera ny personal. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur en apotekskedja arbetar med intern Employer branding och att jämföra om ledningens vision av Employer branding-arbetet stämmer överens med hur arbetstagarna upplever sin arbetssituation. Vi vill även få en inblick i hur apotekskedjan arbetar med extern Employer branding. Utifrån teorier om bland annat Employer branding, talangprogram, motivation och arbetsglädje använder vi oss av en kvalitativ metod för att undersöka hur respondenterna upplever arbetssituationen. Vi har under studiens gång intervjuat åtta personer från en apotekskedja. Tre personer från HR-avdelningen och fem farmaceuter från olika orter i Sverige. Resultatet visar att HR-avdelningen arbetar mycket med både intern och extern Employer branding. Resultatet visar även att arbetstagarnas situation stämmer överens med ledningens vision om att vara en attraktiv arbetsgivare.

Cut your hair and get a job : A study of how Swedish employers see business graduates from an ambidexterity perspective

Albin, Rebecca, Eriksson, Gustav January 2016 (has links)
Employability is a field of research and a concept that has developed considerably over the past century. Today, employability contributes to discussions in higher education, psychology and even labour market politics. What influences employability is thus of great importance to a number of stakeholders. Since employability consists of assets that make an individual employable, the employer’s perception of employability is essential. An area within organisational strategy called ambidexterity discusses the competitive advantage that can be obtained by hiring staff with certain characteristics, indicating that there could be a relation between ambidexterity and employability.   The purpose of this study is to explain how organisational ambidexterity influences employers’ preference in regards of employability. To do so, a conceptual model was developed from theoretical research. The model included: education, experience and personal characteristics. A questionnaire was used to collect data in order to explain the relation between ambidexterity and employability.   The findings of the study did not show that organisational ambidexterity influences employer preferences regarding employability considerably even though indications that a relation exists were found. Moreover, the study findings indicated that other factors such as gender and age of recruiter might have an influence on employer preferences instead.

Learning Resource Center Characteristics of the 25 Most Profitable U.S. Industrial Corporations: Implications for Business and Higher Education

Nyberg, James Ronald 12 1900 (has links)
This study is a descriptive analysis of corporate learning resource centers. The study was designed to incorporate historical background and current status, organization and personnel, types and amount of alternate delivery instruction, and selected cost considerations in the establishment and maintenance of a learning resource center. A functional definition was furnished, with a deliberative attempt to encompass related synonyms. Discussion included training types or instructional delivery medium distinctions. A contribution of this study was the development, field testing, and enhancement of a survey instrument, which reflects the steps to be followed by those planning implementation of any learning resource center. Findings of this study indicated that learning resource centers were young and transitioning to increased on-line individualized and self-paced learning. Training and learning will become much less interdependent. Training types will increasingly become nontraditional and technology driven. Courseware will be received and managed remotely. Partnerships and cooperative efforts are mandates for business and higher education. Learner mobility will become normative, not the exception. Internet training will rapidly increase, most quickly among small business. Learning resource centers will continue to become more cost effective. This study proposed the redefinition of both learner and educator roles within a changing learning resource center environment. It was suggested that the learner role must become more active and that the corporate educator role, as a result of technology, will increase in passivity, tending toward that of facilitation. Implications and recommendations were specifically noted for both business and higher education. Specified nomenclature of "learner centers" or clearly "learner centered" has been advocated, reflecting the continuing evolution of the learning resource center. Technology, instructional media, mobility, availability and sharing of resources, less formalization, life-long learning, fiscal issues, Internet access, information and knowledge explosion, and downsizing, all combine to provide the view and demarcation of the new "learner centers."

Employeur, salarié et vie privée / Employer, employee and private life

Dirrenberger, Géraldine 21 December 2012 (has links)
La frontière entre vie privée et vie professionnelle tend vers la confusion. La notion de vie privée est variable par l'importance que chaque individu lui accorde, elle suit également l'évolution de la société. Au sein de la relation de travail, caractérisée par le lien de subordination, quelle place doit-on lui assigner ? S'il est admis qu'il existe bel et bien une sphère privée résiduelle dans l'entreprise, comment la conjuguer efficacement avec les impératifs de productivité du monde du travail ? Malgré une forte protection de la vie privée du travailleur, l'empiètement de la sphère professionnelle sur la sphère privée est un risque supplémentaire de voir la notion se vider de sa substance. Notre étude s'attache à mettre en exergue les mutations intervenues dans l'entreprise notamment par l'usage des nouvelles technologies et les difficultés qu'elles occasionnent au regard de l'impératif de respect des libertés individuelles du salarié. Dans ce contexte, nous envisagerons des solutions pour faire coexister les deux sphères au regard de l'exigence de proportionnalité qui doit présider à la relation de travail. / The border between private and professional life can be confusing. The notion of private life differs from the importance each individual allows it, it follows as well the evolution of the society. Inside the working relationship, distinguished among the subordination connection, which priority should we assign it ? If there is agreement that in the working place a remaining private sphere truly exists, how can we efficiently unite it with the productivity requirements of the working environment ? Despite a strong protection of the employee's private life, the professional sphere stepping into the private one is an additional risk to see this idea to lose its meaning. The goal of our study is to point out the changes that occurred at work especially with the use of new technologies and the difficulties experienced due to the requirements to respect the employee's personal freedom. In this context we are considering some solutions to have those two spheres working together despite the balance requirement that must oversee the working relationship.

Povinnosti zaměstnavatele při skončení pracovního poměru / Obligations of the Employer upon Termination of the Employment

Konfršt, Oldřich January 2014 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Právnická fakulta Diplomová práce Povinnosti zaměstnavatele při skončení pracovního poměru Katedra pracovního práva a práva sociálního zabezpečení Vedoucí diplomové práce: doc. JUDr. Věra Štangová, CSc. Vypracoval: Oldřich Konfršt Text této diplomové práce je ukončen k právnímu stavu odpovídajícímu ke dni 31. prosince 2013. Odevzdáno květen 2014 Abstract The title of this thesis is: "Obligations of the Employer upon Termination of the Employment." The aim of the thesis is to analyze the obligations of the employer upon termination of the employment legislation. I want to stress in this paper, that when the employer terminates the employment, he still may have several obligations towards his former employee. These obligations may be of financial as well as administrative origin. Employers obligations are based on statutes and contracts. The study deals mainly with severance payment, employment statement and employment reference. The First chapter describes the concept of the labour law. The relationship of the labour law to private law and public law is mentioned here. The next chapter is concerned with the labour law development. Several historical milestones related to the labour law are mentioned there. Sources of the law are presented in the Third chapter. There are several...

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