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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The impact of an oil spill on artisanal fishermen in Baía de Guanabara and possibilities for a sustainable future

Peipke, Erica January 2006 (has links)
Brazil is a country with enormous social differences and, alongside the advancements of the industrialdevelopment and the creation of a modern society, a large part of the Brazilian population lives under fairly poor conditions, providing their subsistence by the practice of traditional knowledge; employing primitive tools and methods. One example is the sector of artisanal fishery, which at present accounts for about half of the active fishermen in Brazil (Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego, 2005). Even though these so called artisanal populations are not part of the industrialisation, they commonly suffer the consequences of the intense exploitation and unsustainable use of natural resources caused by the industrial development. The purpose of this report is to describe how the sustainability of the local artisanal fishermen population in Baía de Guanabara was affected by the oil spill at the Duque deCaxias refinery (REDUC) in January 2000. A further objective of the report is to answer how asustainable development of this population can be promoted in the future. In order to fulfil these objectives a field study was conducted in Baía de Guanabara, which included local fishermen fromfour different colonies and associations in the bay and key informants representing other stakeholders involved in the oil spill. In the report the impact of the accident on the artisanal fishermen population of Baía de Guanabara is described and several measures are discussed, which might be valuable inorder to promote a sustainable development of artisanal fishermen communities in the future. / www.ima.kth.se

Livscykelanalys av avloppsreningsverk : En jämförande studie mellan MBR och aktivslammetoden / Life cycle assessment of wastewater treatment plants : A comparative study between MBR and the activated sludge method

Heinonen, Ella January 2023 (has links)
Avloppsreningsverk är en viktig del av vattnets kretslopp och skyddar mottagande miljö från föroreningar i avloppsvattnet. Det finns olika tekniker att rena avloppsvattnet på och denna studie jämför den potentiella miljöpåverkan från MBR och aktivslammetoden ur ett livscykelperspektiv. Utformningen av reningsverken baserar sig på ett inledande designförslag i ett tidigt skede för en framtida utbyggnad av ett avloppsreningsverk på Öland. Reningsverken är designade för biologisk kväve- och fosforrening i kombination med kemisk fosforfällning. Livscykelfaserna som inkluderas är driften samt material för konstruktion och utrustningar. Inventeringsdata har baserats på information från designförslaget, beräkningar, leverantörsinformation, miljövarudeklarationer, erfarenhetsuppskattningar samt litteraturvärden. Resultatet visade att emissioner av lustgas och metan från reningsverkens driftsfas potentiellt är avgörande för jämförelsen av miljöpåverkan. I studien har emissionsfaktorer från IPCC (2019) använts för emissionerna av metan och lustgas. Påverkan från emissioner av dessa växthusgaser utgjorde cirka 80% av påverkan på global uppvärmning samt cirka 99% av påverkan på ozonförlust. Ett viktat värde togs fram för den potentiella miljöpåverkan som visade att emissioner av metan och lustgas från driftsfasen utgör över 50% av påverkan på det viktade singelresultatet, där huvuddelen av påverkan kom från lustgasen. Även små skillnader av dessa utsläpp kan därför påverka jämförelsen. När emissionerna av metan och lustgas antas vara samma för bägge systemen visar resultatet att MBR har högre potentiell påverkan i 15 av 18 miljökategorier till följd av en högre elanvändning vid driften samt användning av kemikalier för membranrengöring. Skillnaden var dock låg för många miljökategorier och det viktade slutpunktsresultatet visade att singelpoängen var relativt lika för bägge systemen. Resultatet var därför känsligt för antaganden och modelleringsval och modellering med membranrengöringskemikalien citronsyra tillverkat i Europa i stället för ett globalt medelvärde för tillverkningsorter, resulterade i att MBR fick lägre potentiell miljöpåverkan i ytterligare 5 kategorier, bland annat global uppvärmning. En användning av kompaktare membran eller inköp av citronsyra från Europa ledde även till att MBR i stället fick ett lägre viktat singelpoäng än aktivslammetoden och därmed en lägre potentiell miljöpåverkan. Bidrager från konstruktionsfasen var relativt hög i de flesta miljökategorier och bidrog med mellan 10–15 % i det viktade singelresultatet. Påverkan från grundläggning och eventuella utomhusbyggnader var inte med i analysen vilket gör att inkludering av dessa kan öka bidraget från konstruktionen ytterligare. Vidare så var inte eventuella reningsskillnader av substanser så som kväve, organiska ämnen, metaller och mikroföroreningar med i analysen. Eventuella reningsskillnader kan leda till ändrade resultat i den jämförande miljöbedömningen. En mer tillförlitlig jämförelse för miljöpåverkan mellan avloppsreningsverk kräver därför närmare information gällande skillnader i reningsgrad av avloppsvattnet samt skillnader för emissioner av lustgas och metan från reningsverken för att i högre grad kunna fånga avvägningar mellan skapad kontra undviken miljöpåverkan och hur det påverkar jämförelsen mellan de studerade systemen. / Wastewater treatment plants are an essential part of the water cycle and protect the receiving environment from pollution in wastewater. There are different techniques to purify wastewater, and this study compares the potential environmental impact of the MBR and the activated sludge method from a life cycle perspective. The study bases the treatment plants' designs on an initial design proposal at an early stage for a future expansion of a sewage treatment plant on Öland. The treatment plants include biological nitrogen and phosphorus purification and chemical phosphorus precipitation. The study includes the operational phase and materials for construction and equipment. Inventory data comes from information from the design proposal, calculations, supplier information, environmental product declarations, experience estimates, and literature values. The result showed that emissions of nitrous oxide and methane from the operational phase of the treatment plants are potentially decisive for comparing environmental impact. This study uses emission factors from the IPCC (2019) for methane and nitrous oxide emissions. The impact from these greenhouse gas emissions accounted for approximately 80% of the impact of global warming and about 99% of the impact on stratospheric ozone depletion. A weighted value was produced for the potential environmental impact, which showed that methane and nitrous oxide emissions from the operational phase constitute over 50% of the impact on the weighted single score result, with the majority of the impact coming from the nitrous oxide. Even minor differences in these emissions can therefore affect the comparison. When methane and nitrous oxide emissions are assumed to be the same for both systems, the result shows that the MBR has a higher potential impact in 15 out of 18 environmental categories due to higher electricity consumption during operation and the use of chemicals for membrane cleaning. However, the difference was low for many environmental categories, and the weighted endpoint result showed that the single score values were relatively similar for both systems. The result was, therefore, sensitive to assumptions and modeling choices, and modeling with the membrane cleaning chemical citric acid manufactured in Europe instead of a global average for manufacturing locations resulted in MBR having a lower potential environmental impact in five additional categories, including global warming. Using more compact membranes or purchasing citric acid from Europe also led to MBR receiving a lower weighted single score than the activated sludge method and, thus, a lower potential environmental impact. Contributors from the construction phase were relatively high in most environmental categories, contributing 10–15% of the weighted single score result. The impact of foundation laying and any outdoor buildings was not included in the analysis, which means that including these can increase the contribution from the construction phase even further. Furthermore, the study did not include possible purification differences of substances such as nitrogen, organic substances, metals, and micropollutants. Differences in the degree of purification can lead to changed results in the comparative environmental assessment. A more reliable comparison of the environmental impact between wastewater treatment plants, therefore, requires more detailed information regarding differences in the degree of purification of the wastewater and differences in emissions of nitrous oxide and methane from the operation of the plants to be able to better capture trade-offs between created versus avoided environmental impact and how it affects the comparison between the studied systems.

The environmental impact assessment of manual and automatic truck types

Maithani, Abhinav January 2020 (has links)
Trucks are used to transport goods and services using road transportation. Emissions from the transportation industry are rising with every passing year. The Swedish government said in a report in 2009 that they are working to reduce 70% of the greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 to build a pathway for sustainable transportation (Allerup, 2019). New technologies in the field of transportation are coming to the market every year. It is important to evaluate the impacts from these technologies to support the 2030 agenda of Swedish government. Life cycle analysis of trucks can give valuable insight into the hotspots from different life cycle stages. To provide a comprehensive overview of the emissions from different types of heavy duty trucks namely Internal combustion engine trucks (Manual and driverless) and electric trucks (manual and driverless) a life cycle assessment is carried out.  From the comprehensive evaluation of results, following questions are answered. [1] Global warming potential from different types of heavy duty trucks; [2] Impacts from the new automation technology on climate change; [3] Environmental hotspots evaluation of the different truck types; and [4] Impacts of using different fuel types on the Global warming potential. Overall, the life cycle assessment can help the decision makers for taking decisions in order to fulfill the agenda 2030 of the Swedish government but still further research is needed to be done to exactly find out the emissions level of new automation technologies. / Lastbilar används för att transportera varor och tjänster med vägtransport. Utsläppen från transportbranschen ökar för varje år som går. Den svenska regeringen sa i en rapport 2009 att de arbetar för att minska 70% av växthusgasutsläppen till 2030 för att bygga en väg för hållbara transporter. Ny teknik inom transportområdet kommer till marknaden varje år. Det är viktigt att utvärdera effekterna av denna teknik för att stödja 2030-agendan för den svenska regeringen. Livscykelanalys av lastbilar kan ge värdefull inblick i hotspots från olika livscykelsteg. För att ge en omfattande översikt över utsläppen från olika typer av tunga lastbilar, nämligen IC-motor bilar (manuella och förarlösa) och elektriska lastbilar (manuella och förarlösa) genomförs en livscykelbedömning.  Från den omfattande utvärderingen av resultaten besvaras följande frågor. [1] Global uppvärmningspotential från olika typer av tunga lastbilar; [2] Effekter från den nya automatiseringstekniker på klimatförändringar. [3] Miljö Hotspots utvärdering av olika lastbilstyper; och [4] Effekter av användning av olika bränsletyper på den globala uppvärmning potentialen. Sammantaget kan livscykelbedömningen hjälpa beslutsfattarna att fatta beslut för att uppfylla den svenska regeringens dagordning 2030, men ytterligare forskning behövs för att exakt ta reda på utsläppsnivån för ny automatiseringsteknik.  Resultaten av studien visar att elbilen har lägre GWP-utsläpp än IC-motor bilarna. Den förarlösa automatiseringstekniker har 1,37% av de totala GWP-utsläppen när det gäller IC-motor bilar. Medan för elektriska lastbilar bidrar förarlös automatiseringsteknik upp till 12% av de totala utsläppen av elbil.

Entreprenadarbetens miljöpåverkan vid underhåll av dricksvattennätet : En jämförande fallstudie av traditionella- och schaktfria ledningsnätsentreprenader i norra Stockholm / The environmental impact of maintenance related construction work of water supply lines : A comparative case study between traditional and trenchless technologies

Mohlén, Andreas, Bal, Ecmel-Kemal January 2020 (has links)
Hållbarhets- och klimatfokus driver aktörer inom bygg- och anläggningsbranschen att utveckla nya arbetssätt och verktyg för att minimera klimatpåverkan från den egna verksamheten. Livscykelanalyser, LCA, som ett miljöledningsverktyg för att analysera och minska klimatpåverkan från processer kräver stora resurser för att applicera LCAmetodik på hela entreprenadprojekt. Ett flertal nischade beräkningsverktyg har därför utvecklats av intressenter inom ledningsrenovering. Som ledningsnätsägare har Norrvatten höga krav på kvalitet vid nyläggning och renovering av huvudvattenledningar. Men även ett miljöfokus och engagemang för nya tekniker som mynnat ut i användandet av nya schaktfria metoder för renoveringsprojekt, ibland i grunden av praktiska skäl men där en betydande minskning av klimatpåverkan kan anses uppstå till följd. Genom större insyn i klimatpåverkan från entreprenadprojekt skapas underlag för framtida beslutsfattande, arbetsprocesser och fortsatta studier. Syftet med studien var att se över tillgängliga beräkningsverktyg och deras användbarhet och användarvänlighet. Vidare att analysera aktuella vattenledningsentreprenadprojekt utförda i öppen schakt samt schaktfri metod för att se om dessa val kan påverka hur entreprenader kan utföras mer hållbart, ur ett klimatmässigt och ekonomiskt perspektiv. Under studien uppstod problem vid resursinventering för entreprenaderna, där faktiska mängder från entreprenörer ej kunde erhållas. Endast övergripande kartläggning och analys utfördes därför av entreprenaderna, i kombination med ett antal beräkningsverktyg tillgängliga på marknaden. Studien visar att många nischade beräkningsverktyg baserade på LCA-metodik saknar anpassning för analys av ledningsentreprenader med större rördimensioner, vanligt förekommande inom Norrvattens ledningsnät. Beräkningsverktyg saknar även den transparens och därmed jämförbarhet som renodlade LCA-verktyg. Resultatet visade dock att, även trots antagen och uppskattad analys av ingående parametrar för projekten, skapades en ganska likartad bild av den procentuella sänkningen av kg CO2-ekvivalenter mellan de olika teknikerna. Den beräknade klimatpåverkan var omkring 80% lägre per meter ledning för påverkanskategori GWP, liknande det resultat som kunde erhållas från nischade beräkningsverktyg. Med hänsyn tagen till att den schaktfria metoden infodring är relativt ny för dricksvattenledningar samt har en halverad teoretisk materiallivslängd kan en teoretisk brytpunkt beräknas till 231,8 år eller drygt fyra schaktfria renoveringar innan klimatpåverkan uppgår till motsvarande renovering i traditionell öppen schakt. Fortsatta studier kan med fördel mer ingående fokusera på resursinventering av entreprenader och fördjupning inom transparenta LCA-verktyg likt miljöberäkningsverktyget, BM 1.0. Alternativt bygga vidare på rapportens analys och beräkningsdel för framtagning av ett nischat beräkningsverktyg. / Sustainability and environmental focus drives actors in the construction industry into developing new working methods and tools to minimize the climate impact from their own activities. Life cycle assessment, LCA, as an environmental management tool for analyzing and reducing the climate impact of processes require considerable resources to apply the methodology to entire construction projects. A number of niche calculation tools have therefore been developed by actors working with trenchless technologies. As a grid owner, Norrvatten has high demands on quality when installing and renovating main water pipes. But also, an environmental focus and commitment to new technologies that have resulted in the use of new shaft-free methods for renovation projects, sometimes for practical reasons but where a significant reduction in climate impact can result. Greater transparency in the climate impact from contracting projects creates the basis for future decision-making, work processes and further studies. The purpose of the study was to review available calculation tools and their usefulness and ease of use. Furthermore, to analyze current projects carried out in open shafts and shaft-free method to see if these choices can affect how contracts can be carried out more sustainably, from a climate and economic perspective. During the study there were problems with gathering information about used resource from the contractors, therefore actual quantities from contractors could not be obtained. Only overall mapping and analysis was carried out, in combination with a number of calculation tools available on the market. The study shows that many niche calculation tools based on LCA methodology lack adaptation for analysis of management contracts with larger pipe dimensions, commonly found in Norrvatten's pipeline network. Calculation tools also lack the transparency and thus comparability as general LCA tools. The result also showed that despite rough assumptions and analysis using several different calculation tools, with different input parameters, a fairly similar picture was created of the percentage reduction in kg CO2 equivalents between the different technologies. The calculated result in climate impact category GPW was about 80% lower per meter pipeline. A similar result that could be obtained from niche calculation tools. Given that the NoDig-method with liner for potable water pipes is fairly new on the market and has a halved theoretical material-lifespan, a theoretical break-even can be estimated to 231,8 years or just over four life cycles of rehabilitation of pipes with the use of this NoDig-technology, before reaching the climate impact corresponding to traditional open shafts. Continued studies can advantageously focus more on resource inventory of contracts and in-depth in transparent LCA-tools like the environmental calculation tool, BM 1.0. Or deeper analysis and further development on a niche calculation tool.

An exploration of accountability : evidence from the Nigerian oil and gas industry

Egbon, Osamuyimen January 2015 (has links)
The economic activities of multinational corporations (MNCs) in the extractive industries of developing countries produce a myriad of immediate negative social, economic and environmental impacts on communities hosting their operations. Consequently, stakeholders have increasingly called for (greater) accountability of these corporations for the impacts of their operations on stakeholders and the wider society. The extent to which these MNCs are accountable for their operations' negative environmental impacts in the developing countries is underexplored as prior studies have primarily focused on corporate social responsibility rather than accountability of these corporations. However, accountability apparently means different things to different parties, and especially in a non-Western context. This thesis primarily seeks to explore the concept of accountability in a developing country context and how it is understood and practised within the Nigerian oil industry. More specifically, it seeks to understand the extent to which oil MNCs in Nigeria discharge accountability in the context of gas flaring and oil spills environmental pollution emanating from their operations. The study utilises a mixed methods approach to generate data to provide understanding on stakeholders' conceptions of accountability, the nature of accounts constructed by the MNCs on gas flaring and oil spills environmental incidents, and the plausible corporate sense-making embedded within those accounts. The empirical data produce both general and nuanced conceptions of accountability between the MNCs and stakeholders. An account-giving heuristic highlights four broad and further nuanced accounts the corporations provide on these negative environmental incidents which are largely in conflict with stakeholders' narratives. Moreover, the sense-making analysis of the MNCs' accounts suggests that those accounts apparently serve corporate self-interest rather than the discharge of accountability. However, organisational, institutional, relational, and national contextual factors apparently encourage the un-accountability of the MNCs. Accountability in the Nigerian oil industry will remain elusive without critical institutional and regulatory reforms.

Factors influencing the marine spatial ecology of seabirds : implications for theory, conservation and management

Grecian, William James January 2011 (has links)
Seabirds are wide-ranging apex-predators and useful bio-indicators of marine systems. Nevertheless, changes are occurring in the marine environment, and seabirds require protection from the deleterious effects of climate change, fisheries, pollution, offshore development, introduced predators and invasive species. The UK supports internationally important populations of seabirds but also has vast wind and wave resources, therefore understanding how seabirds use the marine environment is vital in order to quantify the potential consequences of further exploiting these resources. In this thesis I first describe the range of wave energy converting devices operational or in development in the UK, and review the potential threats and benefits these developments may have for marine birds. I then synthesise data from colony-based surveys with detailed information on population dynamics, foraging ecology and near-colony behaviour, to develop a projection model that identifies important at-sea areas for breeding seabirds. These models show a positive spatial correlation with one of the most intensive at-sea seabird survey datasets, and provide qualitatively similar findings to existing tracking data. This approach has the potential to identify overlap with offshore energy developments, and could be developed to suit a range of species or whole communities and provide a theoretical framework for the study of factors such as colony size regulation. The non-breeding period is a key element of the annual cycle of seabirds and conditions experienced during one season may carry-over to influence the next. Understanding behaviour throughout the annual cycle has implications for both ecological theory and conservation. Bio-logging can provide detailed information on movements away from breeding colonies, and the analysis of stable isotope ratios in body tissues can provide information on foraging during the non-breeding period. I combine these two approaches to describe the migration strategies of northern gannets Morus bassanus breeding at two colonies in the north-west Atlantic, revealing a high degree of both winter site fidelity and dietary consistency between years. These migratory strategies also have carry-over effects with consequences for both body condition and timing of arrival on the breeding grounds. Finally, I investigate the threats posed to seabirds and other marine predators during the non-breeding period by collating information on the distributions of five different species of apex predator wintering in the Northwest African upwelling region. I describe the threat of over-fishing and fisheries bycatch to marine vertebrates in this region, and highlight the need for pelagic marine protected areas to adequately protect migratory animals throughout the annual cycle. In summary, the combination of colony-based studies, bio-logging, stable isotope analysis and modelling techniques can provide a comprehensive understanding of the interactions between individuals and the marine environment over multiple spatial and temporal scales.

Environmental Impacts of ICT: Present and Future

Arushanyan, Yevgeniya January 2016 (has links)
ICT is developing rapidly and is playing an increasingly important role in society. High expectations are placed on ICT in relation to sustainable development. In order to provide basis for decision-making and ensure that ICT is used in the best possible way for enabling sustainable development, the sustainability impacts of ICT need to be studied. This thesis aims to provide new knowledge on the environmental impacts related to ICT, to explore the potential of ICT to contribute to sustainability, and discuss ways of assessing environmental impacts of ICT. In order to fulfill the aim a literature review of existing LCA studies of ICT was done, an LCA case study of printed and online media was performed, a methodological framework for sustainability assessment of scenarios was developed and then applied for environmental assessment of future ICT societies. The results show that manufacturing and use phase are the life cycle stages contributing the most to the ICT environmental impacts. For online newspapers online distribution and content production may give significant contribution to the overall impact. User behavior was observed to be crucial for the results of comparisons of ICT solutions with their traditional counterparts. The following key issues were concluded to influence the environmental risks and opportunities in future ICT societies: energy mix, economic conditions, life styles, technology, and environmental ambitions, incentives and regulation. The potential of ICT for sustainability is affected by these key issues. A new methodological framework (SAFS) was developed for the assessment of future scenarios (societal level). Life cycle assessment (LCA) was used for assessment on a product level. Application of both methods, their benefits, drawbacks, and challenges of assessment were discussed. Both types of assessments were concluded to be important to support decision-making. / Utveckligen inom informations- och kommunikationsteknologi (IKT) sker snabbt och IKT spelar en allt viktigare roll i samhället. Samtidigt finns stora samhällsutmaningar inom hållbarhetsområdet, och ganska höga förväntningar ställs på IKT att kunna bidra till en hållbar utveckling. Vissa studier hävdar att IKT kan spela en avgörande roll för att stödja olika hållbarhetsstrategier och att IKT kan möjliggöra övergången till en mindre resursintensiv ekonomi. För att ge underlag för beslutsfattande och stödja att IKT används på bästa sätt för att möjliggöra hållbar utveckling, behöver hållbarhetseffekter av IKT studeras. När det gäller miljöpåverkan måste både negativa och positiva, direkta och indirekta effekter beaktas. Det är viktigt att förstå miljöpåverkan genom hela livscykeln för specifika enskilda IKT-lösningar men också att studera IKTs sammanvägda effekter i en mer övergripande kontext, för att identifiera potentiella risker och möjligheter ur miljösynpunkt.  Dessutom behöver IKTs roll när det gäller att stödja möjligheter till miljöförbättringar och motverka risker identifieras. Denna avhandling syftar till att ge ny kunskap om IKTs miljöpåverkan, att undersöka IKTs potential för att bidra till en hållbar utveckling, och diskutera metoder för bedömning av miljökonsekvenser av IKT samt utmaningar relaterade till den typen av bedömningar. Avhandlingen omfattar en litteraturstudie av tidigare livscykelanalyser (LCA) av IKT, en LCA-studie av traditionella och online tidningar, utveckling av ett ramverk för hållbarhetsbedömning av scenarier samt användningen av det ramverket för en miljöbedömning av framtida IKT-samhällen. Resultaten visar att andra typer av miljöpåverkan än klimatpåverkan och energi inte är tillräckligt belysta i miljöbedömningar av IKT, vilket skapar en risk för suboptimering och att miljöproblem flyttas från en typ av påverkan till en annan. Tillverknings- och användningsfasen ger upphov till störst miljöpåverkan i IKT-produkters livscykel. För nättidningar visade det sig att distribution och innehållsproduktion kan ge betydande bidrag till den totala miljöpåverkan, beroende på tidningarnas egenskaper och läsarnas beteende. Generellt har användarnas beteenden visat sig vara avgörande för resultaten vid jämförelser mellan IKT-lösningar och deras mer traditionella motsvarigheter. Ett antal nyckelområden som påverkar uppkomsten av risker och möjligheter när det gäller miljöeffekter i framtida IKT-samhällen har identifierats. De är energimix, ekonomiska förhållanden, livsstilar, teknik, samt miljöambitioner, -incitament och -lagstiftning. Potentialen för IKT att bidra till hållbar utveckling påverkas av dessa nyckelområden, och potentialen skulle troligen inte realiseras helt utan incitament eller miljölagstiftning. Båda typerna av miljöbedömningar - på produkt och samhällsnivå - är viktiga för att stödja beslutsfattande. En ny metod utvecklades för bedömning av framtidsscenarier (på samhällsnivå) – Sustainability assessment framework for scenarios (SAFS). För miljöbedömning av produkter användes livscykelanalys (LCA). Tillämpningen av båda metoderna, deras fördelar och nackdelar, och utmaningar vid användning av metoderna diskuteras. Resultat från avhandlingen kan ge underlag rörande möjliga miljöeffekter av IKT idag och i framtiden för diskussion inom IKT-sektorn och bland politiker och beslutsfattare. På så sätt kan diskussioner om hur IKT kan bidra till hållbarhet underlättas. Metodutveckling och diskussion i denna avhandling kan vara av intresse för forskare och praktiker. / <p>QC 20160613</p>

Méthodologie de représentation des impacts environnementaux locaux et planétaires, directs et indirects - Application aux technologies de l'information. / Methodological proposal to represent the local and global, direct and indirect environmental impacts of a service - Application to information technology.

Moreau, Valentine 21 September 2012 (has links)
Les services basés sur les technologies de l’information dans les secteurs publics et privés sont en pleine croissance. Par conséquent, la demande énergétique est de plus en plus importante pour alimenter les équipements informatiques au sein des établissements utilisateurs et dans les data-centres. A cette phase de consommation, facilement identifiable par les utilisateurs, s’ajoute la phase de production des équipements dont les conséquences sur l’environnement sont difficilement perceptibles par les utilisateurs. Ainsi, les impacts environnementaux des TIC paraissent principalement « délocalisés » et « invisibles » par rapport à l’utilisateur final.Progressivement, l’enjeu environnemental prend sa place dans la logique du secteur des technologies de l’information, aboutissant au concept de « Green IT ». Concepteurs et utilisateurs cherchent désormais à évaluer les impacts environnementaux des technologies de l’information. Dans un contexte d’évaluation environnementale pour l’aide à la décision, l’objectif de cette thèse est d’évaluer les impacts environnementaux des équipements informatiques d’une organisation. Pour cela, nous envisageons une démarche qui vise à enrichir l’approche produit de type ACV par l’ajout de données spécifiques à l’organisation étudiée.Les recherches bibliographiques ont permis de dégager les spécificités et les besoins méthodologiques en termes d’évaluation des impacts. Ainsi, une méthodologie permettant l’expression des impacts environnementaux locaux et planétaires liés à la fabrication et à l’utilisation des technologies de l’information au sein d’une organisation est proposée. Appliquée lors d’un partenariat avec une entreprise multinationale de la grande distribution et validée par son application dans un centre de recherche, cette méthodologie centralise à la fois des données génériques disponibles dans des bases de données et des données spécifiques recueillies auprès des utilisateurs de l’organisation étudiée. Cette étape de terrain, point central de la méthodologie, permet dans un premier temps d’obtenir l’inventaire des équipements présents et dans un second temps de connaître et de comprendre le comportement réel des utilisateurs via une enquête et des mesures de puissances et de consommations électriques des équipements représentatifs du panel inventorié (utilisation de boitiers d’acquisition de valeurs dits « économètre »).L’approche d’évaluation environnementale des systèmes informatiques développée au cours de ce travail a pour objectif de mettre en exergue les répercussions sur l’environnement que peuvent avoir les technologies de l’information au sein d’une organisation. Un des résultats principaux montre que la majorité des impacts environnementaux sont plus liés à la phase de production qu’à la phase d’utilisation. De plus, cette méthode aide à l’identification des pistes d’améliorations : choix et gestion des équipements, comportement individuel, charte d’utilisation, choix d’une politique éco-responsable… Ainsi, par un calcul d’éco-efficience mettant en jeu les gains environnementaux et économiques, les solutions répondant à la stratégie de développement de l’organisation étudiée peuvent être sélectionnées. / Services based on information technology in public and private sectors are growing. Therefore, the energy demand is more and more important to supply computer equipments within organizations and data-centers. So, environmental impacts of ICT are mostly “delocalised" and "invisible" from the end user.Gradually, the environmental issue takes place in the sector of information technology resulting in the new concept of the "Green IT". Nowadays, designers and users are seeking to assess the environmental impacts of information technology. In a context of environmental assessment for decision-making, the objective of this thesis is to assess the environmental impacts of devices of an organization. For this, we consider an approach to combine a product LCA approach with an inventory of data specific to a site.Literature searches have highlighted the specific and methodological needs in terms of impact assessment. Thus, a methodology for the expression of local and global environmental impacts associated with the production and use stages of information technology present within an organization is proposed. Applied in a partnership with a multinational society and validated by its application in a research laboratory, this methodology centralizes both generic data available in databases and specific data collected from users of the organization studied. This phase, key point of the methodology, provides firstly an inventory of present equipments and secondly the knowledge and comprehension of the actual behavior of users by the way of both a survey plus power and electric consumption measurements of representative equipments of the panel inventoried (use of acquisition boxes of values known as "energy meter").The environmental assessment approach developed in this work aims to highlight the environmental impact of the information technology’s equipments within an organization. One of the main results shows that the most environmental impacts are due to the production phase than the use phase. Moreover, the method helps to identify areas for improvement: selection and equipment management, individual behavior, usage policy, choice of an eco-friendly policy... So, by a calculation of eco-efficiency involving environmental and economic gains, solutions responding to the development strategy of the organization studied can be selected.

Proposta de interligação das glebas do parque estadual de Vassununga (Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, SP). / Proposal for the interconnection of the Vassununga State Park fragments, State of São Paulo, Brazil.

Korman, Vânia 08 April 2003 (has links)
O fato dos ecossistemas nativos do estado de São Paulo estarem fragmentados faz com que as unidades de conservação públicas desempenhem papel vital na conservação da biodiversidade. O Parque Estadual de Vassununga (PEV), localizado em Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, SP, possui área total de 2069,24 ha, porém, dividido em seis glebas distintas. A gleba Pé-de-Gigante é a única composta por fisionomias de cerrado, desde campo cerrado até cerradão, e uma pequena área composta por floresta estacional semidecidual. As demais glebas (Praxedes, Maravilha, Capetinga Leste, Capetinga Oeste e Capão da Várzea) são compostas por floresta estacional semidecidual. Esta unidade de conservação, sob a administração do Instituto Florestal/SMA, abriga alta diversidade de espécies da fauna e flora silvestres, incluindo os mais belos exemplares de jequitibá-rosa (Cariniana legalis) e várias espécies da fauna silvestre ameaçadas de extinção, como o lobo guará (Chrysocyon brachyurus) e a onça parda (Puma concolor). Sua contribuição também se faz pela recarga de aquífero, em uma região dependente de água subterrânea. O presente estudo visou identificar as áreas potenciais de interligação das glebas do PEV, utilizando recursos de um sistema de informação geográfica, bem como indicar propostas e procedimentos para o uso e a ocupação das terras no entorno, considerando os elementos estruturais da paisagem (matriz, fragmentos de habitat e corredores). Diagnósticos em campo foram realizados com o objetivo de verificar alguns dos impactos ambientais que ocorrem no entorno do PEV, confrontando o uso atual das terras com a legislação ambiental brasileira. Análises de métricas da paisagem e um mapa de risco potencial de erosão, utilizando a Equação Universal do Solo (EUPS), também foram desenvolvidos. A análise da área de estudo revelou que o Parque Estadual de Vassununga localiza-se em uma paisagem bastante fragmentada, com uma baixa porcentagem de habitats naturais, e tem sido pressionado pelas atividades antrópicas que ocorrem no entorno. A aplicação da EUPS indicou que as áreas de maior risco potencial de erosão localizam-se próximas aos mananciais e ao longo dos cursos d’água. Estes resultados foram importantes no direcionamento das propostas para o aumento da conectividade da matriz e de interligação das glebas do Parque. As propostas foram divididas em duas etapas: 1. a adequação ambiental das áreas de preservação permanente previstas na legislação e, 2. a interligação das glebas entre si e a outros fragmentos remanescentes por meio de corredores e pontos de ligação, restaurando-se áreas degradadas, protegendo os recursos hídricos, acompanhadas com propostas de manejo para a proteção dos ecossistemas do PEV e de mudanças no uso das terras. A interligação das seis glebas do Parque Estadual de Vassununga, por meio de corredores e stepping stones, bem como o uso racional das terras em seu entorno, são medidas fundamentais para a manutenção e conservação de seus ecossistemas e da biodiversidade de toda a região. / The native ecosystems in the São Paulo State are very fragmented, therefore, the network of natural preserves becomes essential for the conservation of the remaining biodiversity. The total area of the Vassununga Park, in Santa Rita do Passa Quatro municipality, São Paulo, Brazil, is 2069,24 hectares, but divided in six independent fragments – one of them covered mostly by savannah and the others of seasonal forest. These 6 fragments of Vassununga Park, shelter a high diversity of species, including the most beautiful and old jequitibá trees (Cariniana legalis) and several threatened species of animals, such as maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) and cougar (Puma concolor). This Park also holds an important contribution towards recharging the aquifer, in a region very dependent on underground water. The aim of this study was to identify potential areas to link the fragments of the Park, using Geographic Information System, as well as to indicate proposals for a better use of the lands around the Park considering the structural elements of landscape (matrix, habitat fragments and corridors). Field diagnoses were carried out, in order to detect the main impacts in the surrounded matrix and to confront the actual land use with Brazilian environmental legislation. Some spatial indices of the landscape were calculated and a potential soil loss map, using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), were also developed. The analysis of the studied area revealed that Vassununga Park is located in a very fragmented landscape, with a low percentage of native ecosystems and it has been submitted to pressures caused by human activities in the surrounding areas. The application of the USLE showed that the highest risk of potential erosion is close to the watershed and rivers. These results were important to direct proposals for the interconnection of the Park fragments, first by the regularization of the preserved areas according to the Brazilian legislation and secondly by indicating the most adequate sites to install corridors and stepping stones, restoring damaged areas and protecting water resources and the ecosystems of Vassununga Park, followed by suggestion of land use changes. The connection of the six fragments of the Vassununga Park, through corridors or stepping stones, and also the sustainable use of land surrounding it, are very important procedures for the biodiversity maintenance of this Park and region.

Indicadores ambientais na discussão da sustentabilidade: uma proposta de análise estratégica no contexto do etanol de cana-de-açúcar no Estado de São Paulo / Environmental indicators in the discussion of sustainability: a proposal for strategic analysis in the context of ethanol from sugar cane in São Paulo

Gomes, Priscila Rodrigues 21 February 2011 (has links)
Atualmente verifica-se uma significativa demanda da sociedade e gestores por informações e ferramentas que permitam colocar em prática o conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável e efetivamente internalizar nas políticas, planos, programas e projetos o reconhecimento da interdependência entre as diversas dimensões, tais como: ambientais, econômicas, sociais e institucionais. De forma crescente a temática da sustentabilidade tem trazido novas variáveis às arenas de discussão e tomada de decisão ao considerar as diversas variáveis dentro de um mesmo plano. Uma das principais motivações para a consideração da interdependência destas dimensões é a fragilidade do modelo de desenvolvimento baseado na utilização de fontes não renováveis de energia, bem como seus impactos no meio sócio-ambiental e reflexos no meio econômico. Neste cenário, o etanol de cana-de-açúcar enquanto fonte renovável de energia surge como potencial substituto ao uso de combustíveis à base de petróleo (notadamente a gasolina), em especial no Brasil, onde o mesmo é uma realidade. Observa-se um otimismo e incentivo quanto às políticas públicas na área energética no que tange esta fonte, em especial com políticas de incentivo ao seu crescimento. No entanto, observam-se também questionamentos da sociedade quanto à real sustentabilidade desta fonte energética, dados os impactos provenientes de sua cultura, produção e uso em larga escala. Estes questionamentos ganham força quando realizados no estado de São Paulo, dada a representatividade da atividade frente ao Brasil e ao mundo. Neste contexto, é evidenciada a importância da construção de ferramentas que possibilitem avaliar de forma integrada a sustentabilidade do etanol de cana-de-açúcar, bem como informar os tomadores de decisão, embasando políticas públicas voltadas para o desenvolvimento sustentável. Estas ferramentas, bem como as políticas embasadas por elas, passam, no estado de São Paulo, obrigatoriamente pela Secretaria do Meio Ambiente SMA/SP. Os indicadores ao capturarem a complexidade do desenvolvimento, sem reduzir a significância de cada um dos componentes do sistema, figuram-se como tais ferramentas. Com o propósito de avaliar os indicadores ambientais produzidos pela SMA/SP à luz dos princípios e critérios de boas práticas na construção e uso de indicadores, o presente estudo busca contribuir para o avanço nas discussões, em especial em termos de métodos de avaliação de indicadores ambientais voltados para a sustentabilidade, tendo como contexto de estudo o etanol de cana-de-açúcar no estado. Este estudo apresentou um método conduzido por meio de entrevistas e uma oficina de especialistas que apontou, como resultado, um conjunto de critérios de referência para análise destes indicadores. Ainda como produto da pesquisa o método construído foi aplicado a um dos principais indicadores utilizados pela SMA, qual seja o IQA - Índice de Qualidade de Água, revelando, por meio de uma análise SWOT, as forças e fraquezas, oportunidades e ameaças deste indicador na discussão da sustentabilidade do etanol. Futuros estudos voltados para o aperfeiçoamento das aplicações são desejáveis para melhoria dos resultados e composição de um sistema adequado de formulação e avaliação dos indicadores para esta atividade. / Currently there is a significant demand of society and managers with information and tools to put into practicing the concept of sustainable development and effectively internalize the policies, plans, programs and interdependence recognition between the various dimensions such as environmental, economic, social and institutional. Increasingly the sustainability issue has brought new variables to discussion and decision making to consider the many variables within the same plane. One of the main motivations for considering the interdependence of these dimensions is the fragility of the development model based on the use of non-renewable energy sources, as well as its impacts on socio-environmental and consequences in the economic area. In this scenario, ethanol from sugar cane as a renewable source of energy emerges as a potential substitute to the use of petroleum-based fuels (in particular gasoline), especially in Brazil, where it is a reality. There is an optimism and encouragement concerning public policies in energy with respect to this source, particularly with policies to encourage its growth. However, there is also society questioning about the real sustainability of this energy source, given the impacts from its cultivation, production and use on a large scale. These questions gain strength when held in São Paulo State, given the representation of activity against Brazil and the world. In this context, it is evident the importance of building tools that will assess the sustainability into an integrated way about ethanol from sugar cane, and inform decision makers, basing public policies for sustainable development. These tools, as well as policies based on them, are in the state of Sao Paulo, necessarily by the Environment Secretary of São Paulo - SMA / SP. The indicators to capture the complexity of development without reducing the significance of each system component appear as such those tools. With the purpose of evaluating the environmental indicators produced by SMA / SP against the principles and good practice criteria in the construction and use of indicators, this study seeks to advance the discussions, particularly in terms of evaluation methods on indicators toward environmental sustainability, within the study context ethanol sugar cane in the state. This study presented a method conducted through interviews and a workshop of experts that pointed out as a result, a set of benchmarks for analysis of these indicators. Even as a research product the built method was applied to one of the main indicators used by the SMA, which is the WQI - Water Quality Index, revealing, through a SWOT analysis, strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats in this indicator to discuss the sustainability of ethanol. Future studies aimed at improving the applications are desirable for improved performance and composition of a proper system to design and evaluate indicators for this activity.

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