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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Probiotique et autophagie : exploration de l’impact possible sur la maladie de Crohn / Probiotics and autophagy : exploring the possible impact on Crohn's disease

Zaylaa, Mazen 23 November 2018 (has links)
Les maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l’intestin (MICI), qui comprennent les deux principales formes, la maladie de Crohn (MC) et la rectocolite hémorragique (RCH), sont caractérisées par une inflammation chronique et récurrente de la muqueuse intestinale, ayant un impact considérable sur la qualité de vie. À l'heure actuelle, la prise en charge thérapeutique de la MC n'est pas curative et un tiers des patients ne réagissent pas aux traitements biologiques et aux immunosuppresseurs. Par conséquent, de nouvelles stratégies pour traiter cette maladie sont fortement attendues. La dérégulation de l'interaction entre d'une part les facteurs génétiques et le système immunitaire de l'hôte, et d'autre part le microbiote intestinal et les facteurs environnementaux, est impliquée dans le développement des MICI. Cette perturbation entraîne effectivement une augmentation de la perméabilité intestinale et une inflammation persistante. Restaurer le microbiote «dysbiotique» et les fonctions intestinales altérées représentent donc une thérapeutique alternative intéressante. De ce fait, les probiotiques sont une option intéressante et ont été utilisés avec succès chez des patients souffrant de pouchite et de RCH. Cependant, leur effet protecteur est clairement souche-dépendant et plusieurs souches probiotiques bien connues n’ont pu conduire à un résultat clinique probant, en particulier chez les patients souffrant de MC. Le décryptage des mécanismes moléculaires sera donc la clé pour permettre une recommandation efficace des probiotiques dans le traitement ou la prévention des MICI. La sélection de souches basée sur des critères de sélection bien définis et en utilisant des modèles bien maitrisés est indispensable à ce processus. L'objectif principal de cette thèse était de sélectionner des lactobacilles et des bifidobactéries parmi une collection de souches françaises et libanaises, capables de présenter des propriétés protectrices contre les MICI, en se concentrant sur leurs capacités immuno-régulatrices et leurs capacités à renforcer la barrière épithéliale. Des approches in vitro ont été utilisées pour sélectionner des souches ayant une activité anti-inflammatoire et également capables d'améliorer la fonction de la barrière intestinale. Cinq souches ont été identifiées présentant des caractéristiques différentes, mais avec un potentiel thérapeutique élevé. Deux souches se sont révélées hautement protectrices dans deux modèles différents de colite aiguë et de colite de bas grade. Nos résultats ont confirmé en outre l'hypothèse selon laquelle la capacité des souches à atténuer l'inflammation est en partie due à l'amélioration de la barrière intestinale et à la restauration des protéines de jonction serrés.Un nombre croissant d’études génétiques ont prouvé que l’autophagie peut affecter plusieurs aspects de la réponse immunitaire des muqueuses, notamment via l’élimination de bactéries intracellulaires, la sécrétion de peptides antimicrobiens, la production de cytokines pro-inflammatoires et la présentation des antigènes. Par conséquent, l'autophagie peut être considérée comme un mécanisme de régulation clé impliqué dans la physiopathologie de la MC. Nous avons donc évalué la capacité des souches à activer cette voie et montré que les souches sélectionnées étaient en effet capables d’induire une activation de l’autophagie dans des cellules dendritiques murines. Nous avons démontré in vitro que le blocage de l'autophagie pouvait diminuer la capacité des souches à induire la sécrétion d'IL-10, cytokine anti-inflammatoire et, inversement, à exacerber la sécrétion d'IL-1β, cytokine pro-inflammatoire. Nous avons pu confirmer, à l'aide d'un modèle murin de colite, que la capacité protectrice d’une souche impliquait la machinerie autophagique, et nous avons pu mettre en évidence le rôle des cellules dendritiques dans ce processus [...] / Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), including the two main types, Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), is characterized by chronic, relapsing inflammation of the gut mucosa with considerable impact on the quality of life. At present, the therapeutic management of CD is not curative and one third of patients fails to respond to current biologicals and immunosuppressive drugs. Therefore new strategies for treating this disease are imperative.The deregulation of the normal interplay between the genetics and immune system of the host on the one hand, and the gut microbiota and environmental factors on the other hand, is known to be associated with the development of IBD, as this disturbance is leading to increased intestinal permeability and persistent inflammation. Restoring the “dysbiotic” microbiota and the impaired intestinal functions represent an attractive therapeutic alternative. Probiotics represent therefore an interesting option and have been used quite successfully in patients suffering from pouchitis and UC. However, their protective effect is clearly strain-dependent and several well-known probiotic strains failed to fulfill the expected clinical outcome, especially when applied in CD. Deciphering the molecular mechanisms will be the key to the recommendation of probiotics for the treatment or prevention of IBD. Selecting strains on well-defined selection criteria and using well-studied models is indispensable to this process.The main objective of this thesis was first to select lactobacilli and bifidobacteria from a collection of French and Lebanese strains that exhibited protective properties against IBD, focusing on their immunoregulatory capacities and their capacities to strengthen the epithelial barrier.In vitro approaches were used to select strains with anti-inflammatory activity and also able to enhance intestinal barrier function. Five strains were identified with different characteristics, but entailing a high potential for the management of IBD. Two strains, e.g. were found to be highly protective in two different models of acute and low grade colitis. Our results furthermore support the hypothesis that the capacity of the strains to alleviate inflammation is in part mediated by the improvement of the intestinal barrier and the restoration of tight junction proteins.A growing number of genetic studies provided strong evidence that autophagy machinery can affect several aspects of the mucosal immune response, including intracellular bacterial killing, antimicrobial peptide secretion, pro-inflammatory cytokine production and antigen presentation. Therefore, autophagy can be considered as a key regulator mechanism most likely involved in the physio-pathogenesis of CD.We therefore evaluated the capacity of the strains to activate this pathway and showed that the selected strains were indeed able to induce autophagy activation in dendritic cells. We demonstrated in vitro that blocking the autophagy machinery can abolish the capacity to induce the secretion of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 after immune cell stimulation, while exacerbating the secretion of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1β. We could confirm, using a murine model of colitis, that the protective capacity of the selected strains indeed involves autophagy mechanisms, and we could highlight the role of dendritic cells in this process. We therefore propose here that autophagy is a novel mechanism through which probiotics can exhibit their immunoregulatory capacities.

Devenir et impact de nanoparticules manufacturées et issues de l’usure des freins sur la barrière épithéliale respiratoire / Fate and impact of manufactured and brake wear nanaoparticles on respiratory epithelial barrier

Puisney-Dakhli, Chloé 27 September 2018 (has links)
La pollution particulaire de l'air provient de différentes sources dont le trafic routier et est reconnue pour avoir un impact significatif sur la santé. Grâce à un meilleur contrôle des émissions à l'échappement, la contribution des émissions non liées à l’échappement à la pollution de l’air s’accroit. Dans celles-ci- se trouvent les particules d'usure des freins dont la toxicité est mal caractérisée. Dans cette thèse nous avons travaillé sur des particules d’usure de freins recueillies sur différents véhicules avec pour objectif une caractérisation physico-chimique et toxicologique de ces particules et de leur fraction nanométrique. Ces particules présentent une hétérogénéité de forme et de taille avec une fraction nanoparticulaire dont le fer et le cuivre sont les composants principaux. L’étude toxicologique a été réalisée sur un modèle 3D de cellules épithéliales bronchiques humaines (Calu-3) cultivées en Transwell® permettant d’obtenir une barrière épithéliale respiratoire. Les nanoparticules (NPs) jusqu’à 100 µg/cm² n’affectent pas la viabilité cellulaire à 24h et n’induisent pas de réponse-proinflammatoire. La technique de « single Particle ICP-MS » nous a permis de démontrer qu’elles sont capables de traverser la barrière respiratoire en faible quantité, probablement par transcytose. De plus ces NPs induisent l’expression et la production de la mucine MUC5AC par un mécanisme dépendant de la voie du récepteur à l'EGF. Dans un test de blessure réalisé sur un épithélium pré-exposé aux NPs, la vitesse de réparation de la lésion n’est pas modifiée mais la prolifération est plus importante que dans un épithélium non pré-exposé. En conclusion, la fraction nanoparticulaire métallique présente dans les particules d'usure des freins traverse faiblement la barrière épithéliale bronchique, induit la production de mucus et active la prolifération lors de la réparation ce qui pourrait suggérer une implication dans le remodelage des voies respiratoires. / Particulate air pollution results from a variety of sources including road traffic and is known to have a significant impact on health. With improved exhaust emissions control, the contribution of non-exhaust emissions to air pollution is increasing. In these are brake wear particles whose toxicity is poorly characterized. In this thesis we worked on brake wear particles collected on different vehicles with the aim of achieving a physico-chemical and toxicological characterization of these particles and their nanometric fraction. These particles have a heterogeneity of shape and size with a nanoparticulate fraction of which iron and copper are the main components. The toxicological study was performed on a 3D model of human bronchial epithelial cells (Calu-3) grown in Transwell® to obtain a pertinent respiratory epithelial barrier. Nanoparticles (NPs) do not affect cell viability up to 100 μg/cm² at 24 hours and do not induce a proinflammatory response. The technique of "Single Particle ICP-MS" has allowed us to demonstrate that particles are able to cross the respiratory barrier in small quantities, probably by transcytosis. In addition, these NPs induce expression and production of MUC5AC mucin by a mechanism dependent on the EGFR pathway. In a wound healing test carried out on an epithelium pre-exposed to the NPs, kinetic repair of the lesion is not modified but the proliferation is greater than in a non-pre-exposed epithelium. In conclusion, the metal nanoparticulate fraction present in brake wear particles weakly crosses the bronchial epithelial barrier, induces production of mucus and activates the proliferation during the repair which could suggest an implication in the remodeling of the airways.

Bacterial translocation : cause of activated intestinal macrophages in decompensated liver disease

Du Plessis, Johannie 08 August 2012 (has links)
Background and Aim: Bacterial infections are a well described complication of cirrhosis and occur in 37% of hospitalized patients. Culture positive infections in addition to the presence of bacterial products and DNA lead to loss of liver function and decompensation in cirrhosis. The mechanisms and molecular pathways associated with Bacterial Translocation (BT) are unknown. The aims of this study were to determine: i. macrophage phenotype and molecular pathways associated with bacterial translocation ii. if intestinal macrophages in liver cirrhosis are capable of modulating intestinal permeability.iii. structural integrity of the epithelial barrier. Methods: Duodenal biopsies and serum samples were collected from 29 patients with decompensated cirrhosis, 15 patients with compensated and 19 controls. Duodenal macrophages were characterized by means of flow cytometry and IHC. Gene expression analysis was performed to determine molecular pathways involved in BT. Inflammatory cytokine determination was done in serum and culture supernatant by means of customized cytometric bead arrays. Results: Patients with decompensated cirrhosis demonstrated: increased frequency of CD33+/CD14+/TREM-1+ and iNOS+ macrophages in their duodenum, elevated mRNA levels of nitric oxide synthase 2 (NOS2), chemokine ligand 2 (CCL2), chemokine ligand 13 (CCL13) and interleukin 8 (IL8) and increased serum levels of interleukin 6 (IL6), IL8 and lipopolysaccharides (LPS). Additionally, patients with decompensated cirrhosis showed an increase in NO, IL6, IL8 and CCL2 levels in culture supernatant after short term duodenal biopsy culture. Although the epithelial barrier on EM seemed intact, significantly increased expression of the “pore” forming tight junction claudin 2 was observed. Conclusion: This study showed the presence of activated CD14+Trem- 1+iNOS+ intestinal macrophages and increased levels of NO, IL-6 and claudin-2 levels in the duodenum of patients with decompensated liver cirrhosis, suggesting that these factors enhance intestinal permeability to bacterial products. / Afrikaans: Inleiding: Bakteriele infeksie is ‘n beskryfde komplikasie van lewersirrose wat in 37% van gehospitaliseerde pasiente voorkom. Kultuur positiewe infeksies asook die teenwoordigheid van bakteriele produkte en DNA lei tot verlies van lewerfunksie en dekompensasie. Die molekulere meganismes wat verband hou met bakteriele translokasie is nog onbekend. Die doel van hierdie studie was om: i. Makrofaag fenotipe en molekulere meganismes geassosieerd met bakteriele translokasie te beskryf, ii. te bepaal of intestinale makrofage dermdeurlaatbaarheid beinvloed, asook iii. om die struktruele integriteit van die dermwand te bepaal. Methods: Serum en dunderm biopsies was verkry van 29 pasiente met gedekompenseerde lewer sirrose, 15 pasiente met gekompenseerde sirrose en 19 kontroles. Dunderm makrofage was gekarakteriseer met behulp van vloeisitometrie en immunohistochemie. Molekulere meganisms belangrik tydens bakteriele translokasie was bepaal met behulp van geneekspressie. Serum en selkultuur supernatant sitokien bepalings was met Bioplex assays gedoen. Resultate: Pasiente met gedekompenseerde sirrose demonstreer: ‘n verhoogde frekwensie van CD33+/CD14+/TREM-1+ en iNOS+ makrofage in hul dunderm, verhoogde mRNA vlakke van NOS2, CCL2, CCL13 en IL8 asook verhoogde serum vlakke van IL6, IL8, LPS. Addisioneel het pasiente met gedekompenseerde sirrose vehoogde supernatant vlakke van NO, IL6, IL8 and CCL2 na kort termyn dunderm biopsie kulture. Alhoewel elekronmikroskopie gewys het dat die dundermwand intak is, was daar statisties-beduidend verhoogde ekspressie van die “porie” vormende vasteaansluitings- proteien, claudin 2 sigbaar. Gevolgtrekking: Gesamentlik het die studie gewys dat geaktiveerde CD14+/Trem-1+/iNOS+ intestinale makrofage asook verhoogde vlakke van NO, IL-6 en claudin-2 teenwoordig is in die dunderm van pasiente met gedekompenseerde sirrose. Dit dui daarop dat diè faktore derm deurlaatbaarheid vir bakteriele produkte kan verhoog. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Immunology / MSc / Unrestricted

The Effect of Goblet Cell Metaplasia On Airway Barrier Integrity

Dalle, Ave J Christopher 04 1900 (has links)
<p><strong>Introduction</strong></p> <p>The airway epithelium, which acts as a protective barrier, is impaired in asthmatic patients and may contribute to abnormal airway function. Chronic inflammation, a feature of asthma, is associated with structural changes in the airway epithelium including the transformation of columnar epithelial cells into mucin secreting goblet cells. Human epithelial cells exposed to Interleukin-13 (IL-13) <em>in vitro</em> resulted in goblet cell metaplasia and a significant drop in transepithelial resistance, indicating that barrier function is impaired.</p> <p><strong>Aim</strong></p> <p>We sought to determine whether goblet cell metaplasia alone is sufficient to impair airway epithelial barrier function <em>in vivo</em>.</p> <p><strong>Methods</strong></p> <p>Female BALB/c mice were infected with an adenovirus to overexpress IL-13, a control adenovirus, or no virus. Barrier integrity was assessed via single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging by measuring the dispersion of technetium-labeled diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (<sup>99m</sup>Tc-DTPA) out of the lungs over time. Lung sections were stained by Periodic acid-Schiff to detect the presence of mucin-containing goblet cells.</p> <p><strong>Results</strong></p> <p>IL-13 exposure resulted in goblet cell metaplasia and associated airway hyperresponsiveness to methacholine. However, there was no significant increase in dispersion of <sup>99m</sup>Tc-DTPA over time from the airways in IL-13 overexpressed mice compared to control mice.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong></p> <p>IL-13 induced goblet cell metaplasia did not impair the airway epithelial barrier to <sup>99m</sup>Tc-DTPA in our <em>in vivo</em> mouse model. Therefore, we conclude that epithelial dysfunction to DTPA observed in human asthmatics and in animal models of asthma are not due to IL-13 induced goblet cell metaplasia.</p> / Master of Science (MSc)

Development of lipid nanocapsules for antiangiogenic treatment of glioblastoma and evaluation of their potential for nose-to-brain drug delivery / Développement de nanocapsules lipidiques pour le traitement anti-angiogénique du glioblastome et évaluation de leur potentiel pour la délivrance de médicaments au cerveau par voie intranasale

Pourbaghi Masouleh, Milad 25 September 2018 (has links)
Le glioblastome (GB), tumeur primitive du cerveau, la plus agressive, et la plus fréquente chez l’adulte, présente une prolifération vasculaire importante. Des agents thérapeutiques innovants ciblant à la fois l'angiogenèse et les cellules tumorales sont recherchés, ainsi que des systèmes pour augmenter leur délivrance dans la tumeur cérébrale. Un de ces agents est le sorafénib (SFN), un inhibiteur de tyrosine kinase. Sa mauvaise solubilité aqueuse et ses effets secondaires indésirables limitent son utilisation. Le premier objectif de cette thèse était d'encapsuler cet agent dans des nanocapsules lipidiques (NCL) pour contrer ces inconvénients. Nous avons développé des NCL avec une haute efficacité d'encapsulation du SFN qui inhibaient in vitro l'angiogenèse et la viabilité de la lignée de GB humain U87MG. La délivrance intratumorale de SFN-NCL chez des souris porteuses d’une tumeur intracérébrale U87MG induit une normalisation vasculaire tumorale précoce qui pourrait améliorer l'efficacité de la chimiothérapie et de la radiothérapie. Le second objectif était de définir si la délivrance intranasale de NCL pouvait constituer une voie non-invasive alternative. Nous avons étudié via le transfert d'énergie par résonance de type Förster, le devenir des NCL chargées d’un fluorochrome à travers des monocouches de cellules Calu-3, un modèle de l'épithélium nasal. L'utilisation de NCL augmente le passage du fluorochrome à travers les cellules Calu-3, mais les particules sont rapidement dégradées après leur capture. Ces données mettent en évidence que les NCL sont appropriées pour la délivrance locale du SFN mais doivent être modifiées pour une délivrance intranasale. / Glioblastoma (GB), the most aggressive, and the most frequent primary tumor of the brain in adults, present a prominent vascular proliferation. Innovative therapeutic agents targeting both angiogenesis and tumor cells are urgently required, along with competent systems for their delivery to the brain tumor. One such agent is sorafenib (SFN), a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. However, poor aqueoussolubility and undesirable side effects limit its clinical application. The first objective of this thesis was to encapsulate this drug inside lipid nanocapsules(LNCs) to overcome these drawbacks. We developed LNCs with a high SFN encapsulation efficiency (>90%) that inhibited in vitro angiogenesis and the viability of the human U87MG GB cell line. Intratumoral delivery of SFN-LNCs in mice bearing intracerebral U87MG tumors induced early tumor vascular normalization which could be used to improve the efficacy of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in the treatment of GB. The second objective was to define whether intranasal delivery of LNCs could be an alternative non-invasive route. In this regard, we investigated through Förster resonance energy transfer, the fate of dye-loaded LNCs across Calu-3 cell monolayers, a model of the nasal mucosa. We showed that employment of LNCs dramatically increased the delivery of the dye acrossCalu-3 cell monolayer but they were rapidly degraded after their uptake. These data highlight that LNCs are suitable nanocarriers for the local delivery of SFN but must be redesigned for enhancing their nose-to-brain delivery.

Evaluation of Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy to Detect Skin Barrier Dysfunction in Children Using Machine Learning / Utvärdering av elektrisk impedansspektroskopi för att detektera hudbarriärdefekter hos barn med hjälp av maskininlärning

Sundberg, Mathilda January 2024 (has links)
Atopic dermatitis (AD) and other atopic diseases are strongly related to skinbarrier dysfunction, a biomeasure which has limited and unsatisfactory assessmenttechniques. Machine learning (ML) powered electrical impedance spectroscopy(EIS) has been shown to differentiate defective barrier function in mice and adults. Techniques such as principal component analysis (PCA) andsupport vector classifiers (SVC) can be used as ML tools to evaluate EIS measurements. EIS measurements taken on unaffected skin of children aged between 4 monthsand 3 years were collected and analysed using the children’s AD status. Measurements were grouped into one of four groups based on this AD status; No AD (No AD was developed up until 2 years of age), Pre AD (measurements takenbefore the onset of AD), AD remission (measurements taken after the onset ofAD) and AD flare (measurements taken during active AD). A SVC model was trained on the raw EIS measurement data to distinguish measurements from twoof the binarized AD status groups; AD flare and No AD. An additional SVC model was trained on the No AD group, distinguishing measurements based onbinarized age groups: measurements taken at 4 months against measurements taken at 3 years of age. The AD model tested on AD flare against No AD within the test set yielded AUC of 0.92, with a sensitivity and specificity of 89.29% and 88.89% respectively. When testing on all groups of the test set, Pre AD and AD remission groups had group means between the AD flare and No AD groups. No data bias against age was detected in the model. The results of the age model showed that age could be chronologically identified by the age model. The AD model was able to differentiate active AD children from children never experiencing AD symptoms on visually unaffected skin and in turn detecting skin barrier dysfunction. Separate studies would need to be conducted to test the predictive power and external validity of the model. Age is a significant factor to consider when designing ML models using EIS data in children, with proper balance in the training set a data bias within the model can be avoided. EIS is a versatile technique due to its data rich nature. Machine learning powered electrical impedance spectroscopy measurements are able to detect skin barrier dysfunction. Age is a significant factor when measuring EIS on children, but can be managed. / Atopisk dermatit (AD) och andra atopiska sjudomar är starkt kopplade tillhudbarrärdefekter, en hudegenskap där diagnosverktygen är begränsade och otillräckliga. Maskininlärning (ML) i kombination med elektrisk impedansspektroskopi (EIS) har visats att kunna differentiera defekta hudbarrärer i möss och hos vuxna människor. Tekniker såsom principalkomponentanalys (PCA) och stödvektormaskiner (SVM) kan användas som ML verktyg för att utvärdera EIS-mätningar. Statistiska analysverktyg såsom reciever operator characteristics (ROC) tillsammans med arean under kurvan (AUC) och andra precisionsmått kan användas för att utvärdera ML modeller. EIS-mätningar utförda på opåverkad hud hos barn mellan 4 månader och 3 års ålder samlades och analyserades med hjälp av barnens atopiska status. Samtliga mätningarna grupperades i en av totalt fyra grupper baserade på deras atopiska status; Ingen AD (Ingen AD hade utvecklats upp till 2 års ålder), Pre AD (mätningarna togs innan sjukdomsförloppet), AD remission (mätningarna togs efter sjukdomsförloppet) och AD aktiv (mätningarn togs under sjukdomsförloppet). En SVM modell tränades på EIS-rådata för att särskilja mellan två av grupperna binärt; AD aktiv och ingen AD. En ytterliggare SVM modell tränades på endast ingen AD-gruppen för att särskilja mellan mätningarna tagna vid åldrarna 4 månader och 3 år, omgjorta till binära grupper.  AD modellen testades med en jämförelse mellan AD aktiv-gruppen och ingen AD-gruppen med test data och resulterade i en AUC på 0.92, med en respektive sensitivitet och specificitet på 89.29\% samt 88.89\%. Modellen testades även på de ytterliggare grupperna i test datan, Pre AD och AD remission som båda hade gruppmedelvärden som låg mellan AD aktiv-gruppens och ingen AD-gruppens. Inga systematiska fel med avseende på barnens ålder hittades i AD-modellen. Resultaten från ålders-modellen visade på att modellen kunde rangordna mätningarna baserat på ålder. AD-modellen kunde differentiera barn med aktiv AD mot barn som aldrig hade uppvisat atopiska symptom på opåverkad hud, vilket innebär en differentiering av hudbarrärdefekter. Separata studier är nödvändiga för att testa prediktiv prestanda hos modellen samt dess externa validitet. Ålder är en signifikant faktor när ML modeller med EIS-data ska designas, men med tillräcklig balans i träningsdatan kan systematiska fel förhindras. EIS är en versatil teknik med avseense på dess datakomplexitet. EIS tillsammans med maskininlärning kan särskilja defekta hudbarriärer hos barn. Ålder är en signifikant faktor när EIS mäts på barn, men kan hanteras.


Rishi Drolia (5929649) 14 January 2021 (has links)
<p>The crossing of host barriers (intestinal, blood-brain, and placental) is a critical step for systemic infections caused by entero-invasive pathogens. In the intestine, the epithelial cells are the first line of defense against enteric pathogens. <i>Listeria monocytogenes</i> is a facultative-intracellular foodborne pathogen that first crosses the intestinal barrier to cause a systemic infection. However, the underlying mechanism is not well understood.</p><p><br></p> <p>We demonstrate that <i>Listeria</i> adhesion protein (LAP) promotes the translocation of <i>L. monocytogenes </i>across the intestinal barrier in mouse models (A/J and C57BL/6). Relative to the wild-type (WT; serotype 4b) or the isogenic bacterial invasion protein Internalin A mutant (Δ<i>inlA</i>) strain, the <i>lap<sup>─</sup></i> strain showed significant defect in translocation across the intestinal barrier and colonization of the mesenteric-lymph nodes, liver and spleen in the early phase of infection (24 h and 48 h). LAP induces intestinal epithelial barrier dysfunction for increased translocation as evidenced by increased permeability to 4-kDa FITC-dextran (FD4), a marker of paracellular permeability, in the serum and urine of WT and Δ<i>inlA</i>- infected mice and across Caco-2 cell barrier, but not the <i>lap<sup>─</sup></i> mutant strain. Microscopic examination confirmed localization of the WT and Δ<i>inlA</i> strains in the tight junction, a crucial barrier of intestinal paracellular permeability, in the mouse ileal tissue but the <i>lap<sup>─</sup></i> strain remained confined in the lumen. LAP also upregulates TNF-α and IL-6 in intestinal epithelia of mice and in Caco-2 cells for increased permeability. </p><p><br></p> <p>Investigation of the underlying molecular mechanisms of LAP-mediated increase in intestinal permeability by using <i>lap<sup>─</sup></i> mutant strain, purified LAP and shRNA-mediated Hsp60 suppression, we demonstrate that LAP interacts with its host receptor, Hsp60, and activates the canonical NF-κB signaling, which in turn facilitates myosin light-chain kinase (MLCK)-mediated opening of the epithelial barrier via the cellular redistribution of major epithelial junctional proteins claudin-1, occludin, and E-cadherin. Pharmacological inhibition of NF-κB or MLCK in cells or genetic ablation of MLCK in mice (C57BL/6) prevents mislocalization of epithelial junctional proteins, intestinal permeability and <i>L. monocytogenes</i> translocation across the intestinal barrier.</p> <p><br></p><p>Furthermore, LAP also promotes <i>L. monocytogenes </i>translocation across the intestinal barrier and systemic dissemination in a Mongolian gerbil that are permissive to the bacterial invasion proteins; InlA-and InlB-mediated pathways; similar to that in humans. We show a direct LAP-dependent and InlA-independent pathway<i> </i>for <i>L. monocytogenes</i> paracellular translocation across the intestinal epithelial cells that do not express luminally accessible E-cadherin. Additionally, we show a functional InlA/E-cadherin interaction pathway that aids <i>L. monocytogenes</i> translocation by targeting cells with luminally accessible E-cadherin such as cells at the site of epithelial cell extrusion, epithelial folds and mucus-expelling goblet cells. Thus, <i>L. monocytogenes</i> uses LAP to exploit epithelial innate defense in the early phase of infection to cross the intestinal epithelial barrier, independent of other invasion proteins.</p><p><br></p> <p>This work fills a critical gap in our understanding of <i>L. monocytogenes </i>pathogenesis and sheds light to the complex interplay between host-pathogen interactions for bacterial crossing of the crucial intestinal barrier.</p> <br>

Development of Sensitive In Vitro Assays to Assess the Ocular Toxicity Potential of Chemicals and Ophthalmic Products

McCanna, David January 2009 (has links)
The utilization of in vitro tests with a tiered testing strategy for detection of mild ocular irritants can reduce the use of animals for testing, provide mechanistic data on toxic effects, and reduce the uncertainty associated with dose selection for clinical trials. The first section of this thesis describes how in vitro methods can be used to improve the prediction of the toxicity of chemicals and ophthalmic products. The proper utilization of in vitro methods can accurately predict toxic threshold levels and reduce animal use in product development. Sections two, three and four describe the development of new sensitive in vitro methods for predicting ocular toxicity. Maintaining the barrier function of the cornea is critical for the prevention of the penetration of infections microorganisms and irritating chemicals into the eye. Chapter 2 describes the development of a method for assessing the effects of chemicals on tight junctions using a human corneal epithelial and canine kidney epithelial cell line. In Chapter 3 a method that uses a primary organ culture for assessing single instillation and multiple instillation toxic effects is described. The ScanTox system was shown to be an ideal system to monitor the toxic effects over time as multiple readings can be taken of treated bovine lenses using the nondestructive method of assessing for the lens optical quality. Confirmations of toxic effects were made with the utilization of the viability dye alamarBlue. Chapter 4 describes the development of sensitive in vitro assays for detecting ocular toxicity by measuring the effects of chemicals on the mitochondrial integrity of bovine cornea, bovine lens epithelium and corneal epithelial cells, using fluorescent dyes. The goal of this research was to develop an in vitro test battery that can be used to accurately predict the ocular toxicity of new chemicals and ophthalmic formulations. By comparing the toxicity seen in vivo animals and humans with the toxicity response in these new in vitro methods, it was demonstrated that these in vitro methods can be utilized in a tiered testing strategy in the development of new chemicals and ophthalmic formulations.

Development of Sensitive In Vitro Assays to Assess the Ocular Toxicity Potential of Chemicals and Ophthalmic Products

McCanna, David January 2009 (has links)
The utilization of in vitro tests with a tiered testing strategy for detection of mild ocular irritants can reduce the use of animals for testing, provide mechanistic data on toxic effects, and reduce the uncertainty associated with dose selection for clinical trials. The first section of this thesis describes how in vitro methods can be used to improve the prediction of the toxicity of chemicals and ophthalmic products. The proper utilization of in vitro methods can accurately predict toxic threshold levels and reduce animal use in product development. Sections two, three and four describe the development of new sensitive in vitro methods for predicting ocular toxicity. Maintaining the barrier function of the cornea is critical for the prevention of the penetration of infections microorganisms and irritating chemicals into the eye. Chapter 2 describes the development of a method for assessing the effects of chemicals on tight junctions using a human corneal epithelial and canine kidney epithelial cell line. In Chapter 3 a method that uses a primary organ culture for assessing single instillation and multiple instillation toxic effects is described. The ScanTox system was shown to be an ideal system to monitor the toxic effects over time as multiple readings can be taken of treated bovine lenses using the nondestructive method of assessing for the lens optical quality. Confirmations of toxic effects were made with the utilization of the viability dye alamarBlue. Chapter 4 describes the development of sensitive in vitro assays for detecting ocular toxicity by measuring the effects of chemicals on the mitochondrial integrity of bovine cornea, bovine lens epithelium and corneal epithelial cells, using fluorescent dyes. The goal of this research was to develop an in vitro test battery that can be used to accurately predict the ocular toxicity of new chemicals and ophthalmic formulations. By comparing the toxicity seen in vivo animals and humans with the toxicity response in these new in vitro methods, it was demonstrated that these in vitro methods can be utilized in a tiered testing strategy in the development of new chemicals and ophthalmic formulations.

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